Great Brookland Yard Sale 2022 - Closte

Page created by Samantha Wallace
Great Brookland Yard Sale 2022 - Closte
Great Brookland Yard Sale 2022
The Great Brookland Yard Sale is a day for Brookland residents to host concurrent
 yard sales. It’s a great way to sell, shop and meet your neighbors! The Brookland
          Neighborhood Civic Association organizes this event annually.

  MULTI-SALE LOCATIONS:                          Annie’s Ace Hardware, 3405 8th St NE. Find several
  Atlantic Electric, 3726 10th St NE. Pick       yard sales located in front.
  up the official map, and shop many yard        Brookland Union Baptist Church, 3101 14th St NE.
  sales conveniently in one location. Find the   Multiple Yard Sale Vendors in Rear. Voter Registration
  Brookland Neighborhood Civic Association,      Pop-up event in front.
  Mayapple Soaps, Greater Brookland              Petals, Ribbons & Beyond, 3906 12th St. NE Great
  Intergenerational Village, Seabury Age-in-     deals and wide selection of unique gifts and cards
  Place, and several yard sales.
                                                 Cheryl Y. Lee Dental Practice 1010 Quincy St NE
                                                 Several yard sales out front.
Great Brookland Yard Sale 2022 - Closte
Shop by Category of Items for Sale:
   Appliances: 3, 5, 12, 21, 52
   Arts and Crafts: 14, 25, 45, 54
   Baby and Children: 1, 5, 8, 9, 12, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 24, 28, 30, 32, 38, 40, 43
   Books: 3, 4, 5, 14, 16, 18, 21, 22, 26, 28, 38, 40, 42, 43, 47, 50, 52
   Clothing: 3, 12, 26, 33, 50, 52, 54, 56
   Furniture: 3, 5, 9, 11, 12, 14, 20, 21, 26, 27, 29, 33, 45, 50, 52
   Home Decor: 18, 19, 26, 27, 33, 47, 54
   Plants and Gardening: 2, 7, 13, 14, 17, 22, 26, 37, 47, 54
   Tools: 8, 21, 39, 42, 48, 50, 52
   Variety of Everything: 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35,
   36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55

1. Jeanette Sigsbee Place                                   9. Girard Street Emporium
   12 x 12 outdoor rug, paparazzi jewelry, women               Baby and Kid stuff, furniture, household items—all
   shoes size 8, young kids clothes 1000 Sigsbee Pl            priced to sell quickly! 1244 Girard St NE
                                                            10. Omri and Amir’s College Fund
2. Sigsbee Seedlings                                            Lots of baby toys and stuff :) 1304 Perry St NE
   Heirloom and Open-pollinated Tomato, Vegetable,
                                                            11. Fiona’s Fare
   & Herb Seedlings. View the full listing at
                                                                Kids toys, furniture and household items 1008 Sigsbee Pl NE
                                                                1307 Kearny St NE
3. Empty nest here I come!
                                                            12. East Coast Exit Extravaganza
   Downsizing and moving into a tiny home -
                                                                Appliances, clothing (adults and children), bicycles,
   furniture, household goods, clothing, books and
                                                                kitchen items, and furniture! 1324 Taylor St NE
   1008 Taylor St NE                                        13. Hamlin Lounge Housewares
                                                                Propane/charcoal smoker, Radial arm saw, outdoor
4. Fun Finds! By Deaf-REACH Inc.
                                                                propane stove, Kids toys, garden 1326 Hamlin St
   Crafts made by clients, vintage furnishings, books,
   Deaf-REACH Tee Shirts 1203 1/2 Otis St NE
                                                            14. Eclectic 1334 Yard Sale
5. Lisa & Brian Everything Must Go!
                                                                Clothes, household items, plants, books, arts and
   Lawn furniture, cat tower, digital movie camera, air
                                                                crafts, furniture, etc! 1334 Varnum St NE
   purifier, slow cooker, popcorn machine, women’s
   10-speed bike, pizelle maker, books, glassware,          15. Striker’s fun stuff
   vases, IKEA cabinets, kids items 1216 Taylor St NE           1337 Kearny St NE
6. Free Stuff                                               16. Kids’ Clothes, Toys, Books, Housewares and More!
   office supplies, Nat Geos, misc household - ALL              So much great stuff, and NO PRICES! Take what
   FREE                                                         you’d like and make a donation of ANY SIZE to the
   1218 Kearny St NE                                            Capitol Area Food Bank! 1340 Lawrence St NE
7. Greater Brookland Garden Club Plant Swap!                17. Jeannetta’s Essential Corner
   Free plants! 1242 Newton St NE                               Homemade body butter and hand creams, plants,
                                                                hundreds of 45’s and lp’s of every genre, household
8. YoZo’s Yard Sale
                                                                items, collectibles, ladies shoes, handbags, scarves
   Kitchen items, kids toys, tools, puzzles, and more!
                                                                and purses. 1343 Franklin St NE
   Cookies for sale, free stuff too! 1244 Evarts St NE
18. Lou’s birthday blowout                                 31. 1815 Jackson Yard Sale
    Young couples buy cool things we don’t need all            1815 Jackson St NE
    the time. We have home decor , shoes, clothes,
                                                           32. Schwartz Family Clean-up
    books, games & more!! 1357 Lawrence St NE
                                                               Lots of household and kid things free and for sale
19. Andi’s Home Decor Habit Sale                               1817 Kearny St NE
    Real estate agent who thinks she’s a home decor
                                                           33. Kyle & Diane’s 1st Ever Yard Sale
    designer = you win! Also, dozens of dog collars and
                                                               Furniture, home decor, women’s clothing (size
    canine items. 1403 Kearny St NE
                                                               small/4) and shoes (size 9) 1900 Newton St NE
20. Bill’s Vintage Furniture
                                                           34. Newton St. Sale
    Several Vintage furniture pieces priced to sell
                                                               1918 Newton St NE
    including a cool Queen Anne buffet table
    1411 Girard St NE                                      35. 12th and Franklin home item sale
                                                               We have gems that need new homes.
21. Jones+Oxhorn Families: Spring Cleanout!
                                                               2821 12th St NE
    Adult and Kids’ Clothes, Outdoor Tools+Furniture,
    Chairs, Appliances, Books, Games, DVDs+CDs -           36. Raven’s Pay-What-You-Can Giveaway
    including lots for free! 1424 Kearny St NE                 Free cookies & lemonade! 2849 Brentwood Rd NE
22. “The House with Two Lending Libraries and A            37. A Little of Everything on 10th
    Garden”                                                    We’ll also have bike parts/gear, fabric (if you’re
    Art supplies, home goods and housewares,                   crafty) and even some plants! 2916 10th St NE
    architectural vintage, unique lamp, children’s and
    gardening books, and juggling supplies too!            38. Pick and Pay!
    1435 Irving St NE                                          2 sales in one: kids toys, books and household
                                                               goods for cheap and some even for free!! The kids
23. Time for Golfing and Boating!                              will be selling lemonade too!! 3006 14th St NE
    You won’t want to miss these much needed
    Spring/Summer treasures!! 1501 Hamlin St NE            39. If loving Junk is wrong, I don’t want to be right.
                                                               Clothes, kitchen items, tools, house stuff, and
24. Smash & Bash Clean Their Room!                             anything else we can find. 3218 8th St NE
    Kids toys, scooters, and bikes; household goods
    1510 Newton St NE                                      40. The Browns Big Sale!
                                                               Fashionable clothes, brand new items ready to go.
25. Aged-out Hipster Nerd Sale!                                (Men, Women, girl (baby-5T) We will also have
    All relics from dad’s nerdy interests must go! Toys,       some toys and books as well! 3301 13th St NE
    games, and ancient archived artworks gotta find
    new nerd homes. All proceeds will be used to buy       41. 3303 & Friends Driveway Sale
    diapers. 1517 Kearny St NE                                 Multiple vendors in one location 3303 9th St NE

26. Cool Stuff that Ali & Toya Don’t Have Room For         42. Rebecca’s Random Is Right for you
    Mix of artwork, clothing, furniture, books, as well        A dollar or negotiable or free! Mostly small adult
    as some great houseplants. 1519 Otis St NE                 or household items includes small men’s bike,
                                                               shelving, and cook books and car related items.
27. Newton Street Home Decor                                   3304 18th St NE
    Home decor and furniture! 1618 Newton St NE
                                                           43. Another Kid’s Treasure
28. Bridge Family Bonanza                                      Books, toys, stroller, high chair, records, band shirts
    Media, kids stuff, maybe a kid! 1621 Monroe St NE          (size small)
                                                               3701 18th St NE
29. The Randolph Street Yard Sale
    Furniture, clothes, household items, etc. - our kids   44. Must Stop and Look on 12th!
    lemonade stand 1721 Randolph St NE                         3805 12th St NE
30. Good Quality Stuff Only                                45. “Therapy Office site is closing” Sale! All Must Go!
    Only good quality stuff! We have cothes,                   Toys, office furniture, art supplies, lap tops,
    accessories, and baby/toddler items.                       phones! BASICS is closing our therapy location due
    1812 Varnum St NE                                          to COVID. Come help support us transition into a
                                                               new model. 3814 12th St NE
46. Winterborough Spring Sale                             53. Barrett Family Yard Sale
    3912 17th Pl NE                                           apparel, accessories, home décor
                                                              686 Kenneth St NE
47. Leslie’s Odds and Ends
    Excellent prices for great finds for the home--       54. ArtsWalk Studios 716 Monroe St NE
    never-used area rugs, cookbooks, kitchen gadgets,         Studio 1: Right Place Studio
    ceramic vases, planters, etc.                             Misprints, imperfect puzzles and prints
    4025 13th St NE                                           Studio 5: Analog’s 2nd Annual Warehouse Sale
                                                              Rock bottom prices on older merch, samples, one-
                                                              offs, and craft supplies. Discounts on regular priced
    Porch rockers, wicker patio set, oak sideboard, oak
                                                              items for the day. Vintage clothing, handmade
    table, daybed, tools, lawn mower, chairs, clocks,
                                                              stationery, gifts, and more!
    antique Hoosier, kitchen and baking stuff
                                                              Studio 13: Jungle & Loom Plant + Planter Sale!
    4209 12st St NE
                                                              Sale on plants and planters this weekend!
49. Everything but the kitchen sink                           Studio 15: Awesome vintage items, sale prints
    We’ve traveled the world and accumulated lots of          Studio 18: Kuzeh’s Second and almost perfect
    goodies, but now need to downsize to fit into our         pottery sale! All of our samples, pots that didn’t
    home. 4400 19th Pl NE                                     turn out quite right, or we only have one of but are
                                                              all perfectly fine.
50. Mama Would be Proud of Us                                 Studio 22: Handmade Habitat seconds sale
    Clothing, knick-knacks, furniture, piano, pillows,        past season candles, shop goods, and seconds
    lamps, books, tools/garage items. Cash, debit, or         inventory all on super sale!
    credit. 4421 13th Pl NE
                                                          55. Mike and Alana’s Terrible Treasures
51. Kapson’s Knick Knacks & Kaboodle                          905 Kearny St NE
    4512 Sargent Rd NE
                                                          56. Katie’s Closet Clothing Sale
52. Byen Abiye’s Spring Sale                                  Personal style in our curve-flattering plus size
    Car parts, books, magazines, furniture, rugs, air         clothing stylish, feminine head-to-toe Fashion in
    conditioners, camping equipment, and women’s              sizes 16-20 women St Anthony Catholic School,
    clothing 602 Girard St NE                                 3400 12th St NE

   The Brookland Neighborhood Civic Association is here for you.
            We serve the Brookland community of Northeast DC.
                                          We also have fun!

   Become a member online for just $11/year at                       
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