A Return to Normal In Person Visits Resume - Little Sisters of the Poor Pittsburgh

Page created by Clinton Miles
A Return to Normal In Person Visits Resume - Little Sisters of the Poor Pittsburgh
Little Sisters of the Poor
                                                  Sts. Peter and Paul Home                                 Summer 2021

A Return to Normal
In Person Visits Resume
  Over the last fifteen plus months
our Home and Residents have
endured much hardship. Our doors
were shut, our faces were covered
and our employees were frequently
tested. This has been a challenging
time for one and all, including
family and friends on the outside
who have not been able to stop in
for a visit, attend Mass in our Gloria
Chapel or interact with the Sisters at
church collections.
  In early April the decision was
made with guidance of our medical
staff, to slowly open up to visitors.
While appointments still need to              Resident Flo Poprocky visiting in her room with her niece Rita Catalano.
be made and limitations still exist,
right before Easter visitors started     joy when she had the chance to             started in the fall and continued
making their way back to their loved     visit in person. Rita and Flo have         through winter. Now the pair has
ones’ rooms. The photograph that         journeyed through all the visiting         finally been reunited in person. Flo
accompanies this article captures        iterations along the way. In spring        and Rita are grateful for all that the
the happiness these reunions have        2020 weekly FaceTime calls were            Sisters and Staff have done to keep
brought to the Residents and their       the main communication. Those              them safe and connected all this time
family.                                  were replaced by auditorium                and look forward to more in person
  Rita Catalano, niece of Resident       window visits last summer. Socially        visits in the future as we return to
Flo Poprocky, was overcome with          distanced indoor auditorium visits         normal.

      Sts. Peter and Paul Home | 1028 Benton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15212| www.littlesistersofthepoorpittsburgh.org
A Return to Normal In Person Visits Resume - Little Sisters of the Poor Pittsburgh
Little Sisters of the Poor

    MILITARY HONORS                           Vocation Rosary
                                                On April 24th, Sister Constance,        Gloria Chapel near the Our Lady
                                              National Communications Director          of Fatima Statue and recited the
                                              for the Little Sisters of the Poor,       fourth decade unmuted on the
                                              planned and organized a virtual live      iPad. In this year of St. Joseph,
                                              streamed Rosary for Vocations.            we continue our prayers that
                                                Residents and Sisters from five
                                              Little Sisters homes participated
                                              with each location responsible for
                                              one decade of the rosary. Many
                                                                                         "  While the
                                                                                            pandemic has been
                                              other homes and a few hundred                 challenging for all,
 Brian, Sr. Jean, Eric with Resident Daniel   other people also joined to watch
  Schrecengost and his miltiary medals.       the livestream. The program began             opportunities like
  Daniel B Schrecengost is a new
                                              with beautiful original music                 this to connect
                                              by the Baltimore home. Sister                 spiritually through
Resident to the Little Sisters of the         Constance spoke about the dream
Poor. This spring Sister Jean, the            of a vocation, while Sister Mary              prayer with other
Sister supervisor of Sacred Heart             Alexandra shared a few words on               homes has been a
household where Daniel lives, was             service related to her vocation, and
contacted by a former military
friend of Daniel’s, Rick Shavinski.
  Daniel and Rick served alongside
                                              finally Sister Rosemary Thomas
                                              reflect on fidelity through a
                                                                                            silver lining.
                                                                                            —Sister Mary
                                                                                            Vincent, lsp,
Sargent Frank Burskey in Korea                  Prior to each decade a Little Sister
from May 1963 to June 1964                    read a reflection on St. Joseph and           Mother Superior &
and haven’t seen each other since.            connected his life to the joyful              Administrator
Rick and Frank decided to make                mysteries. The live audience at
a shadow box of the medals that               each of the homes and through             everyday more young women are
                                              the Sisters website enjoyed this          called to religious life, especially
were awarded to Daniel during his
                                              way of connecting and sharing.            life as a Little Sister of the Poor.
time of service. Rick mailed the              Here in our home Residents and            For more information visit www.
box to Sister Jean so that it could           Sisters gathered together in the          littlesistersofthepoor.org.
be presented to Daniel in person.
On a recent afternoon, the activities
department gathered Residents and
staff of the Sacred Heart household
to sing “God Bless America” while
Daniel’s two sons, Brian and Eric
watched the presentation of the
  Daniel, who never seems lost for
words, was nearly speechless. He
was very emotional receiving these
medals and grateful to his fellow
service members for remembering
him this way. Thank you all for your
service to the United States!
                                                   Residents and Sisters gathered in prayer in the Gloria Chapel during the
                                                                        livestreamed Vocation Rosary.

A Return to Normal In Person Visits Resume - Little Sisters of the Poor Pittsburgh
                                                                                                                 Spring 2021

              Highmark Walk—Virtual Fun!

 Employees Katie Bocka and Megan McMinn          Employee Deb Smith and Volunteer       Resident Anna DeSimone is escorted by
  escort Residents Marianne Heidish, Anne      Judy Benstden walk with Residents Joe      Activities Assistant Rhiannon Rieger.
      Dolansky and Virgina Harberth.                 Bethoski and Anna Pastin.

  May 13th was a busy day here              participating Resident outside for         nearly $5,000 was raised to help
at the home. It was Ascension               a walk around the campus.                  support the Little Sisters.
Thursday and we also had our                  While it was a sunny day, it               Thanks to Highmark, to the
annual May Crowning in the                  was also still slightly chilly, so         donors who contributed and to
chapel. In the afternoon our                sunglasses and crocheted shawls            the participants. The donation
virtual Highmark Walk was                   were offered to any interested             portal will remain active until
held on the property. Seventeen             Residents. Everyone enjoyed                early July, so if you missed the
Residents participated from the             walking the grounds, seeing spring         chance to donate visit our website
nursing home along with some                in full bloom (some even snagged           to contribute to this collective
of the apartment Residents. Staff           some lilacs as souvenirs to take           effort.
and Sisters helped to take each             back to their rooms). Altogether

    Celebrating 40!
     Laura Graeber will be turning the big 4-0 later this
   year. She decided that each month of this momentous
   year she would help a non-profit. She reached out to
   see what she could do for our home as part of this
   yearlong celebration. Laura’s history with the Little
   Sisters dates back more than 30 years—while in grade
   school at Reserve Elementary Laura would visit at
   Christmas with her classmates with small gifts for the
   Residents. The class would sing and enjoy cookies and
   punch during this annual visit. These happy memories
   stuck with Laura all these years later and she knew that
   she wanted to reconnect with the Little Sisters.
     Laura and her family sponsored a wonderful
   accordion player who performed on the front lawn          Laura Graeber on the front lawn during the accordion
   outside of the nursing households. Residents on the
   porches and some on the sidewalk were able to enjoy a      for Bingo prizes to be used at a future date.
   socially distance concert. Laura was able to attend along Thanks Laura for remembering our home all
   with her young son Ben. She also collected new stuffed     these years later in this special way and Happy
   animals and chocolate bars along with one dollar bills     Birthday!
A Return to Normal In Person Visits Resume - Little Sisters of the Poor Pittsburgh
Serving the elderly poor in Pittsburgh since 1872.


                                               Resident Cathy Vonderau proudly displays a painting she painted during the
Dear Friends,                                                                pandemic.

                                        {                                                                             }
  As promised in the previous
newsletter, we continue sharing                                            You Can Help
stories of the Little Sisters of the              There are many ways to help our mission: donations can be
Poor and St. Joseph in this year                  sent directly to our Home through the mail or online, you
devoted to him. Looking back into                can look for an item we need through our Amazon wish list,
our Pittsburgh archives we found                 or you can even donate a used vehicle through the “Vehicles
another connection in our history.                                    for Charity” program.
  Several decades after arriving and                  Remember the Little Sisters of the Poor are an eligible
settling into a small house close to                charity to accept your Qualified Charitable Distribution
                                                   from your IRA. Distributions made directly from an IRA
the Allegheny river on the current
                                                     to us will reduce your 2021 taxable income. Visit www.
North Side, the Sisters realized that           littlesistersofthepoorpittsburgh.org or call (412) 307-1268 for
they could welcome more elderly                             more details on any of these ways to help.
poor in a larger home. On St.
Joseph’s Day March 19th, 1921 the
Sisters began a monthly Novena for                                                       Please help keep the
this specific prayer intention. Two         SAVE THE DATES                               Little Sisters going by
months later Patrick Wall arrived at
the door, asking how he could help           July 31st Motorcycle                     remembering us in your
our mission. Soon after, Patrick and          Ride with the Teamster
his wife Catherine Wall purchased                                                         will or estate plans.
the farmland our current location
was built on and provided funds to
                                             August 3rd The Pittsburgh
                                                                                           OUR MISSION
build this main building in memory                                                       Continuing the work of Saint
of their only son James. The work             Foundation Critical Needs               Jeanne Jugan, our MISSION
was finished by 1923. Those novena            Match Day, visit:                       is to offer the neediest elderly of
prayers to St. Joseph were heard              litttlesistersofthepoorpittsburgh.org   every race and religion a home
and were an inspiration to the                                                        where they will be welcomed as
Wall Family to help our work in an                                                    Christ, cared for as family and
                                             August 6-7 Rummage Sale                 accompanied with dignity until
extraordinary way.
  May St. Joseph continue to hear                                                     God calls them to himself.
our prayers and those of all our             September 18th Take Out
benefactors! God bless you!                   Spaghetti Dinner

A Return to Normal In Person Visits Resume - Little Sisters of the Poor Pittsburgh A Return to Normal In Person Visits Resume - Little Sisters of the Poor Pittsburgh A Return to Normal In Person Visits Resume - Little Sisters of the Poor Pittsburgh A Return to Normal In Person Visits Resume - Little Sisters of the Poor Pittsburgh A Return to Normal In Person Visits Resume - Little Sisters of the Poor Pittsburgh A Return to Normal In Person Visits Resume - Little Sisters of the Poor Pittsburgh
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