Page created by Harry Ortega

    6th MAY 2021
 Welcome to our manifesto for the Lincolnshire County Council Elections 2021.
Lincolnshire is a great place to live and raise a family and we must continue to
have pride in our communities. This manifesto shows how we will work with our
              residents and play our part in making it even better

Over the past four years             Our services are either                 There is so much about
there have been some                 good or excellent, as                   Lincolnshire to be cherished
tough decisions to make.             judged by independent                   and protected but there
But by working as a united           inspectors and we are                   is also a lot to be done to
and committed team,                  regarded as first class in              ensure our future prosperity.
your Conservative County             children’s safeguarding and             So we believe only
Councillors have delivered           highways management.                    Conservatives have the
all of the pledges we made                                                   vision and the track record
during the County Council            The council has                         of delivery to take our area
Elections in 2017.                   successfully managed the                forward.
                                     coronavirus outbreak in
We have kept our council             Lincolnshire, supporting                We have a very ambitious
tax as one of the lowest             businesses and providing                programme for Lincolnshire
in the whole country,                direct help to residents in             County Council based on
but we are still able to             need.                                   our 5 key themes outlined
provide improvements                                                         in this document.
such as bypasses, better
broadband, new schools
and classrooms with a large
annual building programme.

                                              We will deliver a better, brighter future
                                                          for Lincolnshire
                                                Vote Conservative on 6th May 2021

                                                       Cllr Martin Hill OBE
                                              Leader of Lincolnshire County Council

    Promoted by Liam Sperrin on behalf of Lincolnshire Conservatives, both of 1A Farrier Road , Lincoln, LN6 3RU
Proud to be Lincolnshire
 We are proud of our heritage and culture in Lincolnshire which we are determined
                  to protect as we confidently look to the future

  We have promoted the historic county of Lincolnshire and encouraged greater
                            devolution to the area

We will:

„ Shout loud and proud for the great                         „ Provide a strategic vision for Greater
  county which we are privileged to serve                      Lincolnshire in conjunction with partners

                                                             „ Where appropriate, provide a single
„ Act as champions for the county and its                      managed service across Greater
  residents                                                    Lincolnshire, for example, Public Health,
                                                               Coroners, Cultural Services
„ Support and promote traditional
  Lincolnshire values whilst protecting                      „ Uphold the standards which the public
  and helping those in need fairly and                         we represent would expect
  without favour
                                                             „ Work with partners such as Visit Lincoln
„ Promote Greater Lincolnshire on the
  national stage, working with the public                      to promote Lincolnshire as a tourist
  and private sector in our area                               destination

„ Work with local government in Greater                      „ Continue to lobby and argue for more
  Lincolnshire in partnership to provide                       devolution of services and spending so
  joined up services, providing easier                         that more decisions about Lincolnshire
  access and saving money                                      can be made at a local level

         We will deliver a better, brighter future for Lincolnshire
                          Vote Conservative on 6th May 2021
   Promoted by Liam Sperrin on behalf of Lincolnshire Conservatives, both of 1A Farrier Road , Lincoln, LN6 3RU
Supporting your well-being
      We are building new children’s homes, schools and classrooms including
     special schools across the county. In addition we are developing supported
                housing to enable more people to live independently
   We provide a well-being service which also gives support to vulnerable people
    and engage with communities to help them become more self-sufficient and

We will:

„ Working with families to get children                  „ Provide 3 new additional children’s
  back into school, reduce antisocial                      homes
  behaviour and put adults on a path
  back to work. This investment to save                  „ Build new supported housing,
  the project has been very successful                     enabling more vulnerable adults to
  in helping to turnaround families                        live independent lives whilst having
                                                           nearby support
„ Support and encourage local
  voluntary groups and individuals as                    „ Promote exercise and healthy
  well as keeping people well informed                     choices
  about council services
                                                         „ Modernise day care services,
„ Use technology to become more                            reablement and occupational
  efficient and accessible to the public                   therapy services
  and increase community participation
                                                         „ Continue to support the ‘Falls
„ Further improve our popular                              Service’ helping those affected to
  registration services, making them                       recover better without the need for
  more efficient and user-friendly                         hospital intervention

„ Provide new schools and classrooms                     „ Continue to maintain a good working
  and deliver a bespoke network of                         relationship with our Care Providers
  13 modern schools for children with                      across the county
  special needs at an estimated cost of
  £86 million

       We will deliver a better, brighter future for Lincolnshire
                        Vote Conservative on 6th May 2021
  Promoted by Liam Sperrin on behalf of Lincolnshire Conservatives, both of 1A Farrier Road , Lincoln, LN6 3RU
Keeping Lincolnshire
The ability to move around our large and rural county both safely and easily is
                          vitally important to us all
 Conservatives have always made road improvements a top priority. As well
 as investing in new by-passes and road maintenance, we have maintained a
                  comprehensive network of public transport

We will:
„ Continue to prioritise road and pothole                 „ Promote sustainable transport and
  repairs, often targeting minor rural                      give opportunities for people to use
  roads. We have recently added an                          green and healthy means of travel,
  additional £12.3m to this budget                          particularly for short journeys

„ Enhance the environment by                              „ Continue to subsidise strategic non-
  landscaping the recently completed                        economically viable bus journeys and
  Lincoln Eastern Bypass with hedgerow                      provide a countywide network of call
  and trees. There are also dedicated foot                  connect bus services
  and cycle ways
                                                          „ Lobby for and support improvements to
„ Complete the Grantham Southern                            the rail network in the county
  Bypass and 2 phases of Spalding
  Western Relief Road                                     „ Make improvements to the cycle and
                                                            foot-way network
„ Commence major groundworks on the
  North Hykeham Relief Road                               „ Minimise disruption to the network by
                                                            roadworks and inconsiderate parking
„ Continue with upgrading the Coastal
  Highway between Lincoln & Skegness                      „ Keep the roads safe to use, including
                                                            the purchase of a new fleet of gritting
„ Improve traffic flow in the Boston                        vehicles, on standby, 24/7
  & Skegness area and promote and
  investigate relief roads                                „ Lobby for Highways England to upgrade
                                                            the A1 to six lanes in Lincolnshire
„ Finish the major improvements to
  Holdingham roundabout, which will see                   „ Support strategic road and rail
  new lanes added and traffic lights at                     improvements near the county which
  this busy junction                                        will improve regional travel and
                                                            economic activity for Lincolnshire’s

      We will deliver a better, brighter future for Lincolnshire
                        Vote Conservative on 6th May 2021
   Promoted by Liam Sperrin on behalf of Lincolnshire Conservatives, both of 1A Farrier Road , Lincoln, LN6 3RU
Keeping people safe continues to be a core responsibility whether it is personal
               support or protection from danger and high risk

We have the best equipped fire service in the country, have partnered with the
 police and ambulance with shared emergency provision and the road safety

   Our children’s safety is independently rated outstanding and adult care is
      successfully supporting vulnerable adults in their homes or in care

We will:

„ Keep all our current fire stations and                  „ Maintain good relations with care
  replace Leverton with a new one                           providers & provide extra support

„ Provide the best-equipped fire service in               „ Enable more disabled adults to
  the UK                                                    participate in meaningful employment

„ Continue with the Co- Responding                        „ Support the Lincoln Medical School
  Service delivered by Lincolnshire Fire
  and Rescue                                              „ Support our local hospitals

„ Work collaboratively with the police and                „ Provide more investment for tackling
  ambulance services, sharing buildings                     domestic violence
  and response arrangements
                                                          „ Protect the vulnerable in Lincolnshire
„ Invest in flood protection countywide
                                                          „ Continue with home-safety visits
„ Maintain an effective Emergency
  Planning operation to prepare for                       „ Provide an effective Trading Standards
  future emergencies, in conjunction with                   operation and work with partners to
  partners                                                  deter cybercrime and scams

„ Work with local NHS organisations for                   „ Ensure safe school transport
  local joined-up solutions with more
  pooled budgets                                          „ Support the Road Safety Partnership
                                                            and other community safety initiatives
„ Expand our use of technology for social
       We will deliver a better, brighter future for Lincolnshire
                        Vote Conservative on 6th May 2021
   Promoted by Liam Sperrin on behalf of Lincolnshire Conservatives, both of 1A Farrier Road , Lincoln, LN6 3RU
We have provided a pot of £12m in the form of cash grants to support small local
businesses to survive economic difficulties caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
   This is in addition to our investment in better broadband across the county,
                        business parks and visitor attractions.
We maintain a large council building programme creating jobs and infrastructure
             and encouraging inward investment to Lincolnshire.
We have kept council tax low, while maintaining front-line services and keeping
  more money in the local economy. At the same time we have successfully
 lobbied government for fairer funding for Lincolnshire and matched private
                              sector investment
We will:
„ Continue the successful rollout of                      „ Provide green infrastructure and
  broadband to deliver 100% superfast                       facilitate a low carbon economy
  coverage (24 megabytes per second )
  countywide by 2025. Also 85% ultrafast                  „ Maintain a large council capital building
  gigabit broadband                                         programme
„ Support economic delivery and                           „ Keep our council tax one of the lowest
  encourage local firms to win contracts                    in the country with prudent financial
  with Lincolnshire County Council                          control which will support household
                                                            budgets and keep money in the local
„ Invest up to £12m to support small                        economy
  businesses survive the impact of the
  pandemic and to help them grow in the                   „ Continue to campaign vigorously for
  future                                                    local government fairer funding and
                                                            increased national financial support
„ Deliver the recommendations of the
  Greater Lincolnshire Tourism Plan                       „ Encourage and support private sector
                                                            investment in Lincolnshire
„ Continue investing on the coast to
  improve the tourist offer                               „ Provide more apprenticeships both
                                                            directly and indirectly and create a
„ Work with national government and                         young entrepreneurs academy
  partners to bring greater investment to
  Lincolnshire and maximise our access to                 „ Support the Humberside free port
  the national prosperity fund                              proposal and consider the new flood
                                                            defence plans
„ Provide the necessary infrastructure
  to support the economy, for example,                    „ Promote a Lincolnshire based
  business parks and enterprise zones                       agriculture commission and help
                                                            support our rural economy including a
                                                            Greater Lincolnshire Food valley
     We will deliver a better, brighter future for Lincolnshire
                       Vote Conservative on 6th May 2021
   Promoted by Liam Sperrin on behalf of Lincolnshire Conservatives, both of 1A Farrier Road , Lincoln, LN6 3RU
Protecting our
  Protecting Lincolnshire’s unique and historic landscape is a key aim for us.
 We have been successfully reducing carbon emissions since 2011, invested in
 flood defences, supported better waste disposal and opposed inappropriate
                         developments in rural areas

We will:
„ Reduce our carbon emissions by 68%                      „ Reduce the number of council buildings
  by 2025 from the 1990 baseline                            by 30 % to make better use of carbon
„ Continue encouraging and informing
  our residents, particularly the young,                  „ Reduce unnecessary travel by our staff
  helping them to reduce, reuse and                         and councillors
                                                          „ Facilitate the planting of 750k trees in
„ Make best use of recyclable materials                     Lincolnshire by 2025
  by increasing separated collections for
  paper and cardboard and food waste                      „ Support appropriate and sensitive
                                                            development in the county
„ Increase the amount of recyclables
  processed locally, thereby supporting                   „ Lobby for additional national funding for
  local businesses and protecting the                       coastal flooding and work in partnership
  environment                                               with the Environment Agency and
                                                            Drainage Boards to tackle inland
„ Further expand the food waste                             flooding
  collection to prevent contamination
                                                          „ Ensure all street lights we manage to be
„ Deliver the council carbon reduction                      energy efficient
  plan and The Green Master Plan
                                                          „ Promote greater access to the
                                                            countryside and encourage farm
                                                            diversification and sustainability

       We will deliver a better, brighter future for Lincolnshire
                        Vote Conservative on 6th May 2021
   Promoted by Liam Sperrin on behalf of Lincolnshire Conservatives, both of 1A Farrier Road , Lincoln, LN6 3RU
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