The Commemoration Festival of Master Jan Hus 2015

Page created by Ben Wade
The Commemoration
  Festival of Master
      Jan Hus 2015
         5th and 6th July 2015
       Hus, Concerning the Sufficiency
            of Christ‘s Law, 1414
                                       AND GUESTS!
                                       This program booklet is the proof that all preparations of the Commemoration
                                       Festival of Master Jan Hus have been comleted, and now it’s time for you to create
                                       your own program to commemorate the martyrdom of this famous person of
                                       our history. The offer is very diverse. However, each decision to attend an event
                                       inevitably means that you miss something else. As the duration is limited to
                                       a single day, we have no choice but to offer parallel events. And, just like in real
                                       life, this is what will happen in the next thirty hours with the Hus-related topics
    It is my joy to welcome you at     in Prague. I wish you to choose wisely, so you can enjoy the opportunities on offer.
     the Commemoration Festival
     of Master Jan Hus 2015, and       It’s pretty much the same with you thinking about Jan Hus and his legacy.
  wish you to enjoy the program.       The programs prepared for these two days will offer both authentic texts and
 And I also wish you to enjoy the      interpretations of his stances. You will be standing in the middle of all that. It’s
   fact that we can commemorate        up to you not only how you accept the events related to this anniversary but also

                                                                                                                               Foreword | 3
   this anniversary in the times of    how you let Hus speak to you. For the historical context, it’s vital to remember
freedom. And, most of all, I wish      the similar event a hundred years ago:
you gratitude for the fact that we
 can together walk to the roots of     The Commemoration Festival of Master Jan Hus took place under the greatest
the truth that celebrates life, even   oppression in 1915. All plans failed, no matter their size and scope. The Jan Hus
   when life ends. May God bless       Memorial at the Old Town Square in Prague was guarded by the police, watching over
            you all in Jesus Christ.   the dead stone, preventing it from being decorated, and avoiding any public speeches
                                       nearby. The crowds came in silence to look at the upright figure of Hus, stood for
                       Joel Ruml       a moment with sad hearts, and left again.
               Synodal Senior of
          the Evangelical Church       Czech evangelical churches organized a joint ceremony in Prague, to show the unity of
               of Czech Brethren       Czech Protestants.

                                       The Hus Festival started with a spiritual music event in the Church of St. Salvador
                                       in Prague; the Club for Protestant Music played and sung a lot of Hussite songs.
                                       On the eve of Hus’s anniversary, the Evangelic Educational Organization offered
                                       a presentation in the Municipal Meeting Hall in Prague; Pastor. Žilka lectured
                                       on „Why do we celebrate Hus?“ and Professor Drtina spoke about Hus’s importance.
On July 6, 1915, there was no festive mood to be seen in Prague. The city of Hus was
                                                   working as usual. However, there was a large audience at the meeting in the Church
                                                   of St. Salvador, to mark the start of the biggest event organized by Czech evangelical
                                                   churches on this day.

                                                   The congregation left the Church of St. Salvador with sad hearts. Many went to
                                                   the Old Town Square, where the police guarded the Jan Hus Memorial to avoid any
                                                   demonstrations. All was silent: somebody used the lack of attention to throw a flower
                                                   to the cold pedestal of the memorial. There were tears in the eyes of some people
                                                   passing by.

                                                   Immediately after the procession of parsons at the memorial, Dr. Hrejsa was
4 | The Commemoration Festival of Master Jan Hus

                                                   summoned to the police, to explain this demonstration.

                                                   The festival ended on July 7, by the lecture by Dr. Jindřich Hrozný on Hus’s life,
                                                   attended by light images in the Municipal House in Prague.

                                                   The desires of Czech people were expressed by Dr. Herben, writing on Jan Hus
                                                   Memorial to the Čas magazine: “You can hear the symbol talking with great
                                                   eloquence, and no doubts whatsoever: Lo, I’m Master Jan Hus, the one you’ve heard
                                                   about so much. My Czech nation was once the ruler of the whole of Europe, my Czech
                                                   nation was once vanquished and tortured, yet I remained with my people, lived in
                                                   the hearts of the oppressed, to give birth to the race that would see the new dawn. I’ll
                                                   be forever walking in the Czech lands, as there will always be a race born that will
                                                   understand the truth. And I will remain in this country, marching through centuries
                                                   with my face unveiled, as I walked to Constance. I was a moderate and good man, but
                                                   my face brought terror to my enemies, and I will never stop challenging the future ages
                                                   to fight, I, Master Jan Hus, the preacher of Bethlehem.”

                                                           František Bednář, Památník Českobratrské církve evangelické, 1924, s. 99 nn

                                                   Joel Ruml
                                                   Synodal Senior of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren
                                       CAN WE FIND
                                       IN JAN HUS
                                       Who was Master Jan Hus? The Czech reformer is pictured by multiple ways
                                       in history. Different periods revealed and emphasized different features of his
                                       work, or used him to project their own ideals and dreams. Thus, in the 15th to
                                       17th century, there‘s a “confessional Hus”, in the 19th and early 20th century we’ve
 Using the name “festival” refers to   got a “national Hus”, and then a “social Hus” after World War 2. All these patterns
the public commemoration of this       have survived, more or less.
   important person of Czech and
    European history. It’s the offer   So what is contemporary Hus like? We want to emphasize the spiritual and
    to meet Hus’s inspiring legacy     ethical dimension of this person. This dimension is his integral feature, as Hus
  in the rich spiritual and cultural   was a priest and preacher by trade, and his profession was to preach the Bible

                                                                                                                              Foreword | 5
 program for multiple generations      in the Bethlehem Chapel in Prague. Most of all, he was a man of faith, asking
            of various participants.   questions related to the moral decision-making and acting.

                     Tomáš Butta       He struggled to seek truth in dialogue, as truth is more than power. In his
    Patriarch of the Czechoslovak      decisions, he wanted to stand the test of his conscience, as timeless spiritual
                  Hussite Church       values are more than momentary profit and temporary benefits. In his writing
                                       and legacy, he struggled for the improvement of his own nation’s culture, without
                                       losing sight of the universal dimension, as the value of humanity prevails over

                                       With his spiritual and ethical legacy, Master Jan Hus overcomes the limits of his
                                       times, and he can inspire us to this day.

                                       Time, place and nature of the Commemoration Festival
                                       of Master Jan Hus 2015

                                       The Commemoration Festival of Master Jan Hus is a spiritually and culturally
                                       focused event celebrating the 600th anniversary of the death of the Czech reformer
                                       Master Jan Hus. The death occurred during the Constance Council on July 6,
                                       1415. The festival starts on July 5, on the eve of Hus’s death, and the program goes
                                       on through the following day – exactly 600 years after the execution.
Even though Hus’s anniversary is linked to numerous events both in our country
                                                   and abroad, the Commemoration Festival of Master Jan Hus 2015 wants to
                                                   commemorate a “living Hus” in Prague. The venue isn’t random – the event
                                                   takes place in the very historic center of Prague, Old Town, closely linked to
                                                   the life and work of the Czech reformer, and Czech reformation tradition.
                                                   Hus used to walk these streets and squares, from the Karolinum building –
                                                   the ancient Charles University – to Bethlehem Chapel and back again. There’s
                                                   the Church of Our Lady before Tyn, once an important church of the Utraquist
                                                   church. The churches nearby have rich and complex histories, involving both
                                                   the Bohemian medieval reform movement before Hus, and the following Hussite
                                                   and protestant era in the Czech lands before the Battle of White Hill. A hundred
                                                   years ago, the Jan Hus Memorial was unveiled on the Old Town Square, built
6 | The Commemoration Festival of Master Jan Hus

                                                   by the sculptor Ladislav Šaloun; one of the most famous paintings on this topic,
                                                   “Hus tried by the Council” by Josef Brožík, is on display at the Old Town Hall.
                                                   These places let us breathe the air of the ancient history during the event in July,
                                                   but also feel the bustling cultural and tourist life of current Prague.

                                                   Thinking about the name of the event “Commemoration Festival of
                                                   Master Jan Hus 2015”, we can assume that Hus himself wouldn’t want any
                                                   commemoration festival at all. He was modest and humble in approach to
                                                   honors. On the other hand, “liturgical festivities” with music and lights started
                                                   soon after his death in Utraquist circles, and featured popular festivals too.

                                                   Tomáš Butta
                                                   Patriarch of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church
                9:30    International service | Jacob’s Ladder Church, U školské zahrady Street 1,
                        Prague 8 – Kobylisy
                14:00 „To Master Jan Hus with Love“ – spiritual/cultural meeting and
                        ceremonial handover of the bell “Master Jan Hus”. Štěpán Rak, Alfred
                        Srejček, Schola Gregoriana Pragensis, Pražští pěvci, Ensemble Inégal.
                        | Bethlehem Chapel of Czech Technical University, Betlémské Square, Prague 1
                         Tour to historical Prague in English | starting at the St. Wenceslas monument
                      at the Wenceslas Square, Prague 1
                16:00 Opening of the exhibitions “Faces of the Reformation in Oberlausitz,

                      Bohemia and Silesia” and “Exile” | Salvator Church, Salvátorská Street 1,
                      Prague 1
                17:45 Czech Philharmonic Brass Ensemble | Old Town Square, Prague 1 (stage 1)
                18:00 Opening ceremony of the Commemoration Festival of Master
                      Jan Hus 2015 – Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Olomouc
                      | Old Town Square, Prague 1 (stage 1)

                                                                                                           Time schedule | 7
                20:00 The Invisible Roma | Salvator Church, Salvátorská Street 1, Prague 1
                20:30 „Hus to the very end“ – theaterical play, words and music by M. Orson
                       Štědroň, directed by A. Laštovková Stodolová, SKUTR | Old Town Square,
                      Prague 1 (stage 2)
                22:00 Czech Heaven, Divadlo Járy Cimrmana | Kalich Theater, Jungmannova
                      Street 9, Prague 1

                JULY 6
                9:00    Procession to the Jan Hus Memorial at the Old Town Square | 8:30 start
                        of the procession at the Rudolfinum, Alšovo nábřeží 12, Prague 1
                9:30    Lecture by P. Morée on “Introduction to the Czech Reformation and
                        Master Jan Hus” | English | German | accompanied by the music of the students
                      of the Evangelic Academy Olomouc | Salvator Church, Salvátorská Street 1, Prague 1
                9:45 Oldřichovice Brass Band | Old Town Square, Prague 1 (stage 1)
                10:00 Opening of the Commemoration Festival of Master Jan Hus 2015
                      | Old Town Square, Prague 1 (stage 1)
                       Fencing Exhibition, the Lords from Hradec | Karolinum, Ovocný trh 3,
                       Prague 1
                      Lecture by J. B. Lášek “Fresh information on Master Jan Hus”
                      | Czech | English | St. Nicholas Church, Old Town Square, Prague 1
                10:15 Domažlice bagpipe music | Old Town Square, Prague 1 (stage 2)
10:15 Walk: In the footsteps of Master Jan Hus and the Hussite revolution (1st circuit) | Church of Our Lady before Tyn,
                                                         Old Town Square, Prague 1
                                                   10:30 Live concert by Tomáš Najbrt | Martin in the Wall Church, Martinská Street 8, Prague 1
                                                           Walk: Trailing the Hussite revolution in Prague (3rd ciruit) | Bethlehem Chapel, Betlémské Square, Prague 1
                                                   10:45 Discussion on the book “Jan Hus” with the author, Prof. F. Šmahel | Czech | English | St. Nicholas Church, Old Town
                                                         Square, Prague 1
                                                   11:00 Panel discussion attended by Cardinal M. Vlk, Prof. M. Kässmann and Ing. D. Fajfr | Czech | English | German |
                                                         Salvator Church, Salvátorská Street 1, Prague 1
                                                         Lecture by Prof. J. Nechutová, Master Jan Hus and his importance for current society | Martin in the Wall Church,
                                                         Martinská Street 8, Prague 1
                                                         On Luciášek, Muppet Theater Kozlík | Karolinum, Ovocný trh 3, Prague 1
                                                           Walk: Places linked to Jan Hus (2nd circuit) | Karolinum, Ovocný trh 3, Prague 1
8 | The Commemoration Festival of Master Jan Hus

                                                   11:20 Hradišťan | Old Town Square, Prague 1 (stage 2)
                                                   11:30 Lecture by T. Schwanda (USA) “The Protestant Reception of Jan Hus in Great Britain and North America”
                                                         | English | St. Nicholas Church, Old Town Square, Prague 1
                                                   11:45 Opening of the exhibition “Peace”, K. Kolářová Takácsová | Martin in the Wall Church, Martinská Street 8, Prague 1
                                                   12:00 Circus Audition, Hubert the Clown | Karolinum, Ovocný trh 3, Prague 1
                                                           The theatre parade | Betlémské square, Prague 1
                                                   12:15 Lecture by Dr. E. Stehlík, Master Jan Hus and Hussite movement in the legions and during the 1st Republic
                                                          | Czech | English | St. Nicholas Church, Old Town Square, Prague 1
                                                           Czech Army Central Band | Old Town Square, Prague 1 (stage 1)
                                                   12:30 Live concert by Caine-Mi | Martin in the Wall Church, Martinská Street 8, Prague 1
                                                   13:00 Panel discussion on “Master Jan Hus today”, attended by Prof. P. Čornej, Prof. Zd. Kučera,
                                                           Prof. T. Schwanda (USA) | Czech | English | St. Nicholas Church, Old Town Square, Prague 1
                                                           Fencing performance, The Lords from Hradec | Karolinum, Ovocný trh 3, Prague 1
                                                   13:15 Concert of choirs, songs of Hus and Hussite chorals | Old Town Square, Prague 1 (stage 1)
                                                   13:30 Czech Heaven, Jára Cimrman Theater | Theater Kalich, Jungmannova Street 9, Prague 1
                                                           Live concert by the The Conservatory of the Evangelical Academy in Olomouc | Martin in the Wall Church, Martinská
                                                           Street 8, Prague 1
                                                   13:45 Scenic reading with texts written by Master Jan Hus, accompanied by saxophone quartet | Martin in the Wall Church,
                                                           Martinská Street 8, Prague 1
                                                   13:50 Arrival of the theatre parade | Old Town Square, Prague 1
                                                   14:00 Ceremonial unveiling of the artwork on the Bethlehem Chapel wall | Betlémské Square, Prague 1
                                                           The Pilgrimage of a Little Goat, Muppet Theater Kozlík | Karolinum, Ovocný trh 3, Prague 1
                                                           Walk: In the footsteps of Master Jan Hus and the Hussite revolution (1st circuit) | Church of Our Lady before Tyn,
                                                           Old Town Square, Prague 1
                                                   14:30 Smetanovi filharmonici Praha | Old Town Square, Prague 1 (stage 1)
                                                           Walk: Trailing the Hussite revolution in Prague (3rd circuit) | Betlémské Square, Prague 1
15:00 Traditional service to honor the memory of Master Jan Hus, led by the Patriarch of the Czechoslovak Hussite
        Church Tomáš Butta, Prague Bishop David Tonzar, Brno Bishop Juraj Dovala, and priest Hana Tonzarová.
        Musical cooperation: Musica Bohemica led by Jaroslav Krček, Schola Gregoriana Pragensis led by David Eben.
        The opening choral will be played by brass quintet “Žestě Pražského hradu”. The sacrament of the Lord‘s Supper will
        be accompanied by choirs of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church. Broadcast live by Czech TV. | Bethlehem Chapel of
        the Czech Technical University, Betlémské Square, Prague 1
        Oratorio Johan Hus (Carl Loewe), Philharmonia Chor Reutlingen e. V., the Betzingen Chorus and Chamber
        Orchestra Ebingen conducted by M. Künstner, Germany | Salvator Church, Salvátorská Street 1, Prague 1
        Live concert by The Conservatory of the Evangelical Academy in Olomouc | Martin in the Wall Church,
        Martinská Street 8, Prague 1
      Fencing performance, the Lords from Hradec | Karolinum, Ovocný trh 3, Prague 1
      Walk: Places linked to Jan Hus (2nd circuit) | Karolinum, Ovocný trh 3, Prague 1
15:15 Structured program featuring reading of Hus’s texts, music: Oboroh | Martin in the Wall Church, Martinská Street 8,
        Prague 1
15:30   Let’s go | Old Town Square, Prague 1 (stage 2)
16:00   Circus Auditions, Hubert the Clown | Karolinum, Ovocný trh 3, Prague 1
16:15   Spirituál kvintet | Old Town Square, Prague 1 (stage 2)

                                                                                                                                     Time schedule | 9
17:00   Ecumenical services | Old Town Square, Prague 1 (stage 1)
18:00   Concert for Master Jan Hus – Poletíme?, Tata Bojs, Lanugo | Old Town Square, Prague 1 (both stages)
        Documentary movie „#chicagoGirl“ | Martin in the Wall Church, Martinská Street 8, Prague 1
19:15   Discussion with photojournalist Jarmila Štuková, journalist Jan Fingerland and journalist Lukáš Goga
        on the situation on the Middle East | Martin in the Wall Church, Martinská Street 8, Prague 1
19:30   Ceremonial evening – 600th anniversary of Master Jan Hus | Municipal House, Smetana Hall, nám. Republiky, Prague 1
20:00   Food for the homeless | park in front of the Central Railway Station, Na Příkopě Street in front of the Holy Cross Church
20:30   Oratorio “Mistr Jan Hus”, words and music by R. Pachman | Old Town Square, Prague 1 (stage 1)
22:30   Silent procession to the Vltava River with candles | Leaving the Old Town Square, Prague 1

Pilgrimage program „In the circle of churches with Master Jan Hus” | Bethlehem Chapel of the Czech Technical
University (Bethlehem Square 4), St. Nicholas Church (Old Town Square 1101), Salvator Church (Salvátorská Street 1),
Church of Our Lady Before Tyn (Old Town Square), Martin in the Wall Church (Martinská Street 8), St. Michal Church
(V Jirchářích Street 14), Rotunda of the Holy Cross (Karoliny Světlé Street, on the corner with Konviktská Street)

Creative workshops for children and adults, show of crafts and historic weapons, competitions, games | Karolinum,
Ovocný trh 3, Prague 1

Exhibition “Jan Hus a and Prague University” | Karolinum, Ovocný trh 3, Prague 1
                                                                                  Old Town Square, Prague 1

                                                    PROGRAM ACCORDING TO VENUES
                                                                                  on two stages alternately

                                                                                  17:45 The Czech Philharmonic Brass Ensemble
                                                                                  18:00 Opening ceremony of the Commemoration Festival of Master
                                                                                         Jan Hus 2015 – Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, Olomouc
                                                                                  20:30 „Hus to the very end“ – theater, words and music by M. Orson Štědroň,
                                                                                         directed by A. Laštovková Stodolová, SKUTR

                                                                                  Theater Kalich, Jungmannova Street 9, Prague 1
10 | The Commemoration Festival of Master Jan Hus

                                                                                  22:00 Czech Heaven, Jára Cimrman Theater

                                                                                  Bethlehem Chapel of the Czech Technical University,
                                                                                  Betlémské Square, Prague 1
                                                                                  14:00 „To Master Jan Hus with Love“ – spiritual/cultural meeting and
                                                                                        ceremonial handover of the bell “Master Jan Hus”. Štěpán Rak, Alfred
                                                                                        Srejček, Schola Gregoriana Pragensis, Pražští pěvci, Ensemble Inégal.

                                                                                  Salvator Church, Salvátorská Street 1, Prague 1
                                                                                  16:00 Opening of the exhibitions “Faces of the Reformation in Oberlausitz,
                                                                                        Bohemia and Silesia” and “Exile”
                                                                                  20:00 The Invisible Roma

                                                                                  Jacob’s Ladder Church, U školské zahrady Street 1,
                                                                                  Prague 8 – Kobylisy
                                                                                  9:30 International service

                                                                                  St. Wenceslas Memorial, Wenceslas Square, Prague 1
                                                                                  14:00 Tour of historical Prague in English
Old Town Square, Prague 1
on two stages alternately

9:45    Brass Band from Oldřichovice
10:00   Opening of the Commemoration Festival of Master Jan Hus 2015
10:15   Domažlice bagpipe music
11.20   Hradišťan
12:15   Czech Army Central Band
13:15   Concert of choirs. Songs of Hus and Hussite chorals
14:30   Smetanovi filharmonici Praha
15:30   Let’s go
16:15   Spirituál kvintet
17:00   Ecumenical services

                                                                                                                                  Program according to venues | 11
18:00   Concert for Master Jan Hus – Poletíme?, Tata Bojs, Lanugo
20:30   Oratorio “Mistr Jan Hus”, words and music by R. Pachman

Every hour there will be shows of experts and actors.

WALK | Old Town Square, Prague 1
10:15 and 14:00 In the footstepts of Master Jan Hus and the Hussite revolution (1st circuit) | start at the Church of Our Lady
        Before Tyn, Old Town Square, Prague 1

PARADES AND PROCESSIONS | Old Town Square, Prague 1
9:00 Procession to the Jan Hus Memorial at the Old Town Square | 8:30 start of the procession at Rudolfinum,
      Alšovo nábřeží 12, Prague 1
13:50 Arrival of the theatre parade | Starting from Bethlehem Chapel, Betlémské Square, Prague 1 at 12:00
22:30 Silent procession to the Vltava River with candles

MEDIEVAL MARKETPLACE | Karolinum, Ovocný trh 3, Prague 1
all-day program for children and parents

10:00   Fencing Exhibition, The Lords from Hradec
11:00   On Luciášek, Muppet Theater Kozlík
12:00   Circus Auditions, Hubert the Clown
13:00   Fencing performance, Páni z Hradce
14:00   The Pilgrimage of a Little Goat, Muppet Theater Kozlík
15:00 Fencing performance, the Lords from Hradec
                                                    16:00 Circus Auditions, Hubert the Clown

                                                    Other activities throughout the program: creative workshops, show of crafts and historic weapons, competitions, games.
                                                    Between 11:00 and 16:00 prizes for the participants in the game Pilgrimage program „In the circle of churches with
                                                    Master Jan Hus”.
                                                    Exhibition “Jan Hus and Prague University”

                                                    WALK | Karolinum, Ovocný trh 3, Prague 1
                                                    11:00 and 15:00 Places linked to Jan Hus (2nd circuit) | start at Karolinum

                                                    Theatre Kalich, Jungmannova Street 9, Prague 1
12 | The Commemoration Festival of Master Jan Hus

                                                    13:30 Czech Heaven, Jára Cimrman Theater

                                                    Bethlehem Chapel of the Czech Technical University, Betlémské Square, Prague 1
                                                    12:00 Theater parade
                                                    14:00 Ceremonial unveiling of the artwork on the Bethlehem Chapel wall
                                                    15:00 Traditional service to honor the memory of Master Jan Hus, led by the Patriarch of the Czechoslovak Hussite
                                                          Church Tomáš Butta, Prague Bishop David Tonzar, Brno Bishop Juraj Dovala, and priest Hana Tonzarová. Musical
                                                          cooperation: Musica Bohemica led by Jaroslav Krček, Schola Gregoriana Pragensis led by David Eben. The opening
                                                          choral will be played by brass quintet “Žestě Pražského hradu”. The sacrament of the Lord‘s Supper will be
                                                          accompanied by choirs of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church. Broadcast live by Czech TV.

                                                    WALK | Bethlehem Chapel of the Czech Technical University, Betlémské Square, Prague 1
                                                    10:30 and 14:30 Trailing the Hussite revolution in Prague (3rd circuit) | start at the Bethlehem Chapel

                                                    HISTORICAL HUS | St. Nicholas Church, Old Town Square, Prague 1
                                                    10:00 Lecture by J. B. Lášek “Fresh information on Master Jan Hus” | Czech | English
                                                    10:45 Discussion on the book “Jan Hus” with the author, Prof. F. Šmahel | Czech | English
                                                    11:30 Lecture by T. Schwanda (USA) “The Protestant Reception of Jan Hus in Great Britain and North America” | English
                                                    12:15 Lecture by Dr. E. Stehlík “Master Jan Hus and the Hussite movement in the legions and during the 1st Republic 
                                                          | Czech | English
                                                    13:00 Panel discussion on “Master Jan Hus today”, attended by Prof. P. Čornej, Prof. Zd. Kučera,
                                                          Prof. T. Schwanda (USA) | Czech | English
ECUMENICAL HUS | Salvator Church, Salvátorská Street 1, Prague 1
9:30 Lecture by P. Morée on “Introduction to the Czech Reformation and Master Jan Hus” | English | German |
      accompanied by the music of the students of Conservatory of the Evangelical Academy in Olomouc
11:00 Panel discussion attended by Cardinal M. Vlk, Prof. M. Kässmann and Ing. D. Fajfr, in Czech | English | German
15:00 Oratorio Johan Hus (Carl Loewe), Philharmonia Chor Reutlingen e. V., the Betzingen Chorus and Chamber
       Orchestra Ebingen conducted by M. Künstner, Germany

CONTEMPORARY HUS | Martin in the Wall Church, Martinská Street 8, Prague 1
10:30 Live concert by Tomáš Najbrt
11:00 Lecture by Prof. J. Nechutová, Master Jan Hus and his importance for current society
11:45 Opening of the exhibition “Peace”, K. Kolářová Takácsová
12:30 Live concert by Caine-Mi
13:30 Live concert by the Conservatory of the Evangelical Academy in Olomouc
13:45 Scenic reading with texts written by Master Jan Hus, accompanied by saxophone quartet
15:00 Live concert by the Conservatory of the Evangelical Academy in Olomouc

                                                                                                                        Program according to venues | 13
15:15 Structured program featuring reading of Hus’s texts, music: Oboroh
18:00 Documentary movie „#chicagoGirl“
19:15 Discussion with photojournalist Jarmila Štuková, journalist Jan Fingerland and journalist Lukáš Goga on
      the situation in the Middle East

Municipal House, Smetana síň, Republic Square, Prague 1
19:30 Ceremonial evening – 600th anniversary of Master Jan Hus

Park in front of the Central Railway Station, Prague,
Na Příkopě Street in front of the Holy Cross Church
20:00 Food for the homeless
                                                                         Pilgrimage program „In the circle of churches
                                                                         with Master Jan Hus”
                                                                         • Bethlehem Chapel of the Czech Technical University,
                                                                           Bethlehem Square 4, Prague 1
                                                                         • St. Nicholas Church, Old Town Square 1101, Prague 1
                                                    ADDITIONAL PROGRAM   • Salvator Church, Salvátorská Street 1, Prague 1
                                                                         • Church of Our Lady Before Tyn, Old Town Square, Prague 1
                                                                         • Martin in the Wall Church, Martinská Street 8, Prague 1
                                                                         • St. Michal Church, V Jirchářích Street 14, Prague 1
                                                                         • Rotunda of the Holy Cross, Karoliny Světlé Street, on the corner with
14 | The Commemoration Festival of Master Jan Hus

                                                                           Konviktská Street, Prague 1

                                                                         On the Old Town Square and in Karolinum, Charles University,
                                                                         Ovocný trh 3, Prague, stalls will be open with small souvenirs
                                                                         and books related to Master Jan Hus. Among others, the
                                                                         following books will be available:
                                                                         H.U.S. (World Class Hus), by Klára Smolíková
                                                                         Current knowledge of Jan Hus, in the form of a thrilling story for children of
                                                                         about 13 years, in the new book H.U.S. (World Class Hus) by Klára Smolíková
                                                                         The main character is Petr, a high school student who has recently moved from
                                                                         Prague to Hroby u Tábora, and has to write a school paper on Hus. Thanks to
                                                                         his classmate Magda and other people who know something about Hus, the
                                                                         unpopular task becomes eventually an exciting journey. “The book is published
                                                                         at the anniversary of Hus’s death. Its objective is to remind young people of his
                                                                         legacy, in the adequate form.”
                                                                         The story is illustrated by Lukáš Fibrich, and also includes modifications of real
                                                                         statements of historic persons. The historic links are explained by the notes of
                                                                         the expert consultant of the book, Richard Vlasák. The book with 208 pages was
                                                                         published by Nakladatelství Kalich.
                                                                         Klára Smolíková (1974) is an experienced author of educational books for
                                                                         children. Born in Prague, she graduated in aesthetics and cultural theory from the
                                                                         Faculty of Arts, Charles University. For fifteen years, she lived in Tábor, working,
                                                                         among other places, in the Hussite Museum.
Artworks with Master Jan Hus, Olga Pikousová
Five artwork tasks, prepared so they can be conducted even by teachers without any artistic background. Can be used with
children from 4 years.
Teaching instructions. Five artwork tasks, prepared so they can be conducted even by teachers without any artistic
background. They can be used with children from 4 years.

Jan Hus – Truth Wins, Uwe Hauser
The German author Uwe Hauser managed to outline the story of preacher Hus in the historic context, in less than 60 pages.
The Czech translation of his book Jan Hus – Truth Wins was published by the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren.
Uwe Hauser not only describes Hus’s life and work but also the context of his time, and social changes of the period.
For example, he describes the consequences of the plague in the middle of the 14th century for the church, or explains the
thoughts of the English reformer John Wycliffe, whom Hus followed up on to some extent. He also explains the context of
schism, and describes the commotion at Prague University. There is detailed information on the Constance council, context
of Hus’s execution, forming of Hussite groups, and efforts to suppress the reformist movement in Bohemia.
The book was primarily written for a German audience; the German original was first published in 2013. The Czech
edition creates a bridge between the Czech and German reformation, and offers original view of a famous Czech person

                                                                                                                                  Additional program | 15
from abroad. The book was translated into Czech by Tomáš Koptík. Uwe Hauser, Director of the religious and educational
institute in Baden, took a very active part in publishing the Czech edition. The text is complete with period illustrations and
facsimiles of numerous letters and documents.

Book Orte der Reformation – Prag und Tschechien
In 2015, “Places of the Reformation” also includes, thanks to the publishing house Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Leipzig,
Prague and the Czech lands. The book contains 82 pages, the editor and author of most materials is Kilian Kirchgeßner,
“global correspondent” for the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The photographs were taken by Björn Steinz. The book is sort
of a guide to Prague and the Czech lands in space and time; it explains the culture and current landmarks, especially those
commemorating the Czech Reformation period. It’s a popular educational publication, introducing a most singular period
of Czech history to the readers, in both texts and pictures – with a break in the 15th century, but it often overlaps in both
directions. In Prague, readers can learn about the history and current situation of the Bethlehem Chapel, Martin in the Wall
Church, Church of Our Lady Before Tyn, St. Nicholas Church in the Old Town, or the Benedictine monastery at White
Mountain. The book also focuses on a review of the period and the places usually linked with it – the period of Master Jan
Hus and the Hussite wars. This part contains numerous articles, written primarily by external authors. Last but not least,
the book focuses on the biggest Protestant church in the Czech Republic – the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren, and
its recent history, reflected in interviews of the author with several representatives of the church. The book is published
courtesy of the financial support of the Czech-German Fund for the Future, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bavaria and
the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Saxony.
Every day of 2015 (with Master Jan Hus), Joel Ruml (ed.)
                                                    The team of authors offers to the evangelical and Czech public an attempt at updating Hus’s legacy, whether the selection
                                                    of his authentic quotations or small reflections. “On behalf of the whole workgroup, I wish the readers that the year-long
                                                    meeting with Master Jan Hus brings them refreshment, education, firmer rooting in faith, and gratitude for the firm stance
                                                    of all who were able to witness their love to truth and Christ,” said Joel Ruml, Synodal Senior of the Evangelical Church of
                                                    Czech Brethren.
                                                    The authors of the chapters: Daniel Ženatý, Daniela Brodská, Gerhard F. Reininghaus, Pavel Kašpar, Ondřej Ruml, Martin
                                                    Kocanda, Eva Benešová, Jaroslav Vítek, Ondřej Zikmund, Jan Keřkovský, Martin Litomiský, Hana Ducho, Joel Ruml, Olga

                                                    Meeting Master Jan: Images of the Czech reformist Jan Hus and excerpts from his texts, Tomáš Butta
                                                    The book offers a complex view of the person, work and legacy of Master Jan Hus. Ten chapters in this small brochure
16 | The Commemoration Festival of Master Jan Hus

                                                    present basic information on the life of Master Jan, his studies and university role, his spiritual journey and work, and
                                                    also on the last act of his life – the Constance council. All chapters are completed with excerpts from Hus’s texts, and rich
                                                    graphic material.

                                                    A quiet stop with Master Jan Hus, authors: The Bishops Assembly of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church
                                                    The booklet consists of thoughts and statements selected by the bishops of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church, and can be
                                                    used as a source of inspiration for prayer and quiet contemplation. The words of Hus, whether well-known or unknown, are
                                                    completed with meditation-like photographs by Bishop Filip Štojdl.

                                                    Letters from Constance, Jana Krajčiříková
                                                    The book by J. Krajčíříková, illustrated by J. Wienerová, is designed for children and young readers. Both words and pictures
                                                    tell Hus’s story in vivid colors, mixing historical facts with creative imagination and fantasy.

                                                    Master Jan Hus in the changes of time and his message for today; authors: clergy of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church,
                                                    and teachers of the Hussite Theological Faculty at Charles University.
                                                    The book is designed not only for the clergy of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church but also for ecumenical friends, experts
                                                    and the public in general. The idea is to use theological and historical approaches to explain Hus’s persona, deeply rooted
                                                    in Scripture and tradition; to present the faith and thinking of the Czech reformist, his decisions and influence, his
                                                    contribution and legacy, his “second life”. Readers interested in specific theological and historic issues can use the chapters
                                                    to find links to resources and references for further study. The book also includes a selective yet vast bibliography of works
                                                    published within the Czechoslovak Hussite Church, its publications and magazines.
                                                                  9:30 | Jacob’s Ladder Church, U školské zahrady 1, Prague 8 – Kobylisy
                                                                  INTERNATIONAL SERVICE
                                                                  As part of the Commemoration Festival of Master Jan Hus, the congregation
                                                                  of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren in Prague-Kobylisy will welcome
                                                                  a large group of international guests in the Jacob’s Ladder Church, including
                                                                  a big group of Korean Christians. Through the anniversary of Hus, they discover
                                                                  the Czech Reformation and get to the roots of reformed Christianity which is
                                                                  still very young in Korea so far. Their visit to the congregation in Kobylisy isn’t
                                                                  random – on the first Sunday of every month, this place is used for international
                                                                  ecumenical services, attended by Czech, Korean, Japanese and other Christians.
18 | The Commemoration Festival of Master Jan Hus


                                                                  The international service will also be administered on July 5. The sermon in
                                                                  English, translated to Czech and Korean, will be given by the Bishop of the
                                                                  Polish Reformed Church, Marek Izdebski. After the service, a discussion with the
                                                                  guests will follow, on current problems of their churches and on the importance
                                                                  of Master Jan Hus for the current church and society. The meeting will end at
                                                                  noon with a common lunch in the congregation’s premises, where both Czech and
                                                                  Korean cuisine will be served.

                                                                  14:00 | Bethlehem Chapel of the Czech Technical University,
                                                                  Betlémské Square, Prague 1
                                                                  „TO MASTER JAN HUS WITH LOVE“ – SPIRITUAL/CULTURAL
                                                                  MEETING AND CEREMONIAL HANDOVER OF THE BELL
                                                                  “MASTER JAN HUS”
                                                                  Štěpán Rak is one of the most important concert guitar players and composers
                                                                  in the world. He’s been cooperating with Alfred Strejček since 1988, and this
                                                                  cooperation has resulted in 20 joint projects and 1500 concerts in 32 countries.
                                                                  Alfred Strejček graduated in dramatic art from JAMU University in Brno and
                                                                  worked in numerous theaters in and out of Prague. His voice is well known to the
                                                                  radio listeners and TV spectators.

                                                                  SPIRITUAL/CULTURAL MEETING OF ALFRED STREJČEK AND
                                                                  ŠTĚPÁN RAK TO COMMEMORATE MASTER JAN HUS.
                                                                  Štěpán Rak builds his act on a Medieval chorus, yet he uses different dramatic
                                                                  expression to fully develop his technical and artistic uniqueness.
                                                                  Schola Gregoriana Pragensis, led by David Eben, is one of the world’s best
                                                                  interpreters of Medieval spiritual music. Today’s concert reflects musical, and thus
                                                                  also ideological, links between the Hussite and Lutheran Reformation.
The mixed chamber choir Pražští pěvci was established in 1992 by the founder and conductor Stanislav Mistr.
The show will start with the premiere of the brand new work, „Apellatio ad supremum iudicem“ (Appeal to the Supreme
Judge) by Mikoláš Troup, composed in June 2015 and inspired by the 600th anniversary of Master Jan Hus’s death at stake.
Two parts of Rachmaninov’s Vespers will follow, and then the first movement of Alfred Schnittke’s Concert for Choir,
mixing traditional Orthodox music with contemporary approaches.

Music of the European representatives of early Baroque, Samuel Capricorn and Andreas Hammerschmidt, originally from
Bohemia, will be played alongside the works of Adam Václav Michna and his Italian counterparts, in the interpretation of
the baroque group b Ensemble Inégal conducted by Adam Viktora.
Program: Samuel Capricornus – Salve mi Jesu misericordiae (1628–1664) Concertata a tre, Samuel Capricornus –
Domine Jesu Christe, Johannes Hieronymus Kapsberger – Toccata Arpeggiata (1580–1651), Andreas Hammerschmidt –
Es danken dir, Gott, die Völker (1611/1612–1675), Tarquinio Merula – Ciaccona (1595–1665) Opus 12 No. 20, Samuel
Capricornus – Adesto multitudo coelestis exercitus, Adam Václav Michna – Loutna česká (1600–1676) – Den Svádební.
Začněté Panný spívati
Playing: Ensemble Inégal – Gabriela Eibenová (oprano), Lenka Torgersen (violin), Richard Šeda (horn), Jan Krejča (theorbo),
Adam Viktora (organ, leader)

                                                                                                                              Annotations | 19
14:00 | St. Wenceslas Sculpture, Wenceslas Square, Prague 1
Starting from the St. Wenceslas Statue on Wenceslas Square, Prague 1), duration: 2 hours.
Route: Wenceslas Square, Karolinum, St. Havel’s Church, St. Michal Church, St. Giles’s Church, Bethlehem Chapel Martin
in the Wall Church, Old Town Square ( Jan Hus Memorial), Church of Our Lady Before Tyn

16:00 | Salvator Church, Salvátorská Street 1, Prague 1
The exhibition of the Silesian-Oberlausitz Museum Association, funded by funds from the German government for culture
and media, and Association Kulturraum Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien.
16 panels display the course of the Reformation in the area at the border of the current Bohemia, Poland and Germany.
The Reformation in this area was unique in many ways, and its outcomes have spread around the world. The exhibition is in
four languages: German, Polish, Czech and Sorbian.

Opening of the exhibition “Exile”
This year will mark the 70th anniversary of the return of the descendants of exiles who fled the country after the Battle
of White Mountain. After World War II, several thousands came back to “the land of their fathers”. After a fashion, they
became proof of the continuity of the Czech Reformation.
The exhibition reflects on the reformation tendencies of Hus, the Czech Reformation, and its links to the Reformation in
                                                    the world, as well as the Counter-Reformation in the Czech lands; for the first time, the life of the exiles is shown in the
                                                    target countries, where they contributed to the cultural and material development.
                                                    Author of most of the panels is the historian Edita Štěříková. The exhibition is conducted by the organization EXULANT,
                                                    the main objective of which is to keep and develop historical memory based on the legacy of these exiles.

                                                    17:45 | Old Town Square, Prague 1
                                                    THE CZECH PHILHARMONIC BRASS ENSEMBLE
                                                    Trombones, tuba, bass horn or baritone horn will perform Renaissance music, Romantic and jazz songs.
                                                    Starring: Robert Kozánek, Kurt Neubauer, Jarosla Tachovský, Luke Moťka, Karel Kucera, Karel Malimánek

                                                    18:00 | Old Town Square, Prague 1
20 | The Commemoration Festival of Master Jan Hus

                                                    OPENING CEREMONY OF THE COMMEMORATION FESTIVAL OF MASTER JAN HUS 2015 –
                                                    MORAVIAN PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA, OLOMOUC
                                                    The Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra is one of the best and oldest symphonic orchestras in the Czech Republic. It’s based
                                                    in Olomouc, the historic capital of Moravia. During its over 50 years of existence, the Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra
                                                    has developed a vast and diverse repertoire. The orchestra focuses on the big composers of the 19th and 20th century from
                                                    around the world. Of course, the Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra is also an authentic interpreter of Czech national
                                                    musical classics – A. Dvořák, B. Smetana, L. Janáček and B. Martinů.
                                                    Ladislav Moravetz is a cantor for the entire Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren. Having graduated from the Church
                                                    Musical School in Kroměříž, he continued studying religious music at the Church Musical School in Berlin and at the
                                                    University of Performing Arts. He’s the chairman of the advisory board of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren for
                                                    religious music, and delegate to the European Conference for Evangelical Religious Music. He teaches organ improvisation
                                                    at the Conservatoire of P. J. Vejvanovský in Kroměříž, and hymnology at the Conservatoire of the Evangelical Academy
                                                    in Olomouc. Apart from being the composer of Missa subhostinensis, he published organ preludes and improvisations
                                                    Chvalčovské miniatury (2010) and the collection of songs and choir arrangements, Zlínské sboropění (2014). For his
                                                    „Reformation concertino“, composed for the Commemoration Festival of Master Jan Hus, he took inspiration from the
                                                    famous Reformation chorals. Today, this work is presented for the first time ever in the world.
                                                    Program of the concert at the Commemoration Festival of Master Jan Hus 2015:
                                                    A. Dvořák – St. Ludmila, Hospodine pomiluj ny
                                                    B. Smetana – Tábor, symphonic poem from the collection My Country
                                                    L. Moravetz – Reformation concertino – symphonic collage of reformation chorals Jezu Kriste štědrý kněže, Navšitiv nás
                                                    Kriste žádoucí, Hrad přepevný jest Pán Bůh náš, Mocný Bože při Kristovu. The world premiere of the work composed for
                                                    the Commemoration Festival of Master Jan Hus.
                                                    A. Dvořák – Te deum laudamus
                                                    Performing: Maria Kobielska (soprano), Roman Janál (baritone), Akademical choir Žerotín (conductor Pavel Koňárek),
                                                    Singing choir of the Religious Music Seminar, Evangelical Academy
20:00 | Salvator Church, Salvátorská Street 1, Prague 1
Discussion event with the Roma who aren’t discussed on TV. The views of those who have their daily jobs, raise children,
have hobbies – in short, live completely normal and ordinary lives, just like most of us. Let’s give them the word, and let’s
have a look at their lives together. Mikuláš Vymětal, evangelical pastor for minorities, will talk about his work. The program
will be concluded by the concert of famous Romany musician Mário Bihári with his band.
Mário Bihári plays his own music in unusual arrangement, thus returning to the roots of his artistic career.

20:30 | Old Town Square, Prague 1
A musical and theatrical show for two singing actors, a dancer, and four musicians brings the Medieval mood and rebel ideas
into the 21st century. Radúz Mácha, playing Jan Hus, is never a boring preacher but a rocker with a guitar. Hus drives his
fans crazy, but also gets involved in internal conversations with the English reformist John Wycliffe, played by countertenor
Jan Mikušek. How come such a celebrity as Jan Hus ends up burned at the stake? The wild ride of rocking Hus covers the
investigation of our national history and ourselves.

                                                                                                                                 Annotations | 21
22:00 | Theater Kalich, Jungmannova Street 9, Prague 1
The discovery of Cimrman’s play „Czech Heaven“ confirmed that the genius’s track doesn’t vanish after 1914. The drama
depicts the period of World War 1. We watch it from heaven, where the late giants of Czech history worry about the fate of
their nation. The celestial committee, consisting of St. Wenceslas, Forefather Čech and J. A. Komenský recruit new members
to initiate the idea of an independent state for the nation.
Cast: Zdeněk Svěrák, Bořivoj Penc, Petr Reidinger /Petr Brukner, Jan Hraběta / Andrej Krob, Robert Bárta, Marek Šimon,
Václav Kotek, Michal Weigel / Zdeněk Škrdlant
                                                    9:30 | Salvator Church, Salvátorská Street 1, Prague 1
                                                    LECTURE BY P. MORÉE ON “INTRODUCTION TO THE CZECH REFORMATION
                                                    AND MASTER JAN HUS”
                                                    English | German | accompanied by the music of the students of the Conservatory of the Evangelical Academy of Olomouc
                                                    Dr. Peter Morée teaches religious history at the Protestant Theological Faculty. He wrote a monograph and numerous papers
                                                    on the pre-Hussite period. The central point of his research, however, switched to the Czech protestants in the 19th and
                                                    20th century. He was in charge of the project focused on Josef L. Hromádka, and now he studies the history of the Czech
                                                    Protestant movement around 1989. In his lecture, he will try to answer the question who was Jan Hus, how he contributed
                                                    to the Czech Reformation, how was it with his Catholicism, and with the violence that broke out after his death. He will also
                                                    discuss the meaning of Hus for today.
22 | The Commemoration Festival of Master Jan Hus

                                                    The Conservatory of the Evangelical Academy in Olomouc: J. S. Bach – Preludium and fugue Es major, Markéta
                                                    Prokopovičová (organ); Nicola Matteis – Ciaccona; Anonymous, 17th century – Greensleeves; G. P. Telemann – Partita
                                                    G Dur (Affetuoso, Allegro, Tempo di Minuet), Jitka Konečná (baroque recorder), Petra Galasová (guitar)

                                                    9:45 | Old Town Square, Prague 1
                                                    OLDŘICHOVICE BRASS BAND
                                                    Oldřichovice Brass Band was established in 1924, as a result of the spiritual awakening in the Těšín Region, Silesia,
                                                    in the beginning of the 20th century. The orchestra was born and bred in the Christian Community – Społeczność
                                                    Chrześcijańska, part of the Evangelical Church of he Augsburg Confession. The aim of the Oldřichovice Brass Band is
                                                    to bring the audience encouragement, joy and hope through spiritual, classical and modern music.
                                                    Conductor: Jan Kaleta

                                                    10:00 | Old Town Square, Prague 1
                                                    OPENING OF THE COMMEMORATION FESTIVAL OF MASTER JAN HUS 2015
                                                    The second day of the Commemoration Festival of Master Jan Hus 2015 will start with an opening note from Joel Ruml,
                                                    Synodal Senior of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren, and Tomáš Butta, Patriarch of the Czechoslovak Hussite
                                                    Church. There will be salutes from the chairmen of both chambers of the Parliament, and short speeches from chairmen
                                                    of the preparatory committees of both churches.

                                                    10:00 | Karolinum, Ovocný trh 3, Prague 1
                                                    FENCING EXHIBITION, THE LORDS FROM HRADEC
                                                    The historic fencing group Páni z Hradce was established in spring 1999 by several former members of the discontinued
                                                    group Nova Domus. The group focuses on the reconstruction of the period life of noblemen in the second half of
                                                    the 14th century. You can enjoy the performance from the High Middle Ages (pre-Hussite period) and Medieval crafts
                                                    on display (blacksmith, writer, illuminator etc.).
10:00 | St. Nicholas Church, Old Town Square, Prague 1
In his lecture on the newest Hus-related research, the Dean of the Hussite Theological Faculty at the Charles University in
Prague will present the fresh findings and answers to questions we ask in relation to the persona, life, work, and legacy of
Master Jan Hus.

10:15 | Old Town Square, Prague 1
The group ”Domažlická dudácká muzika” (Domažlice bagpipe music) belongs to the best bands playing bagpipe music from
the Chodsko region, in various kinds of interpretation. Last year, the band celebrated its 20th anniversary.
Most members are professional musicians; some of them work also as teachers. The repertoire of the band includes songs
related to all lifestyles in the Chodsko region during the past – love songs, rogue songs, drinking and working tunes, even
entertaining stories describing funny situations and experiences. On top of that, there are instrumental tunes with solo parts
played on various, almost forgotten folk instruments.
Josef Kuneš – bandleader, bagpipe, double bass, vocals, Kamil Jindřich – authorized representative, vocals, bagpipe, double
bass, special percussions and other folk instruments, Martina Pincová – violin, vocals, Josef Stočes – Es clarinet, Tomáš
Kůgel – Bb clarinet, Josef Petržík – violin, double bass, vocals

                                                                                                                                 Annotations | 23
10:15 | Church of Our Lady Before Tyn, Old Town Square, Prague 1
1st circuit | In the footsteps of Master Jan Hus and the Hussite Revolution
Route: Church of Our Lady Before Tyn, Church and Monastery of Our Lady of the Snows, Martin in the Wall Church,
Bethlehem Chapel, St. Giles’s Church, St. Havel’s Church, Karolinum, Old Town Square, Jan Hus Memorial
Duration: three hours
As part of the Commemoration Festival of Master Jan Hus 2015, we have prepared three walks through historic Prague,
assisted by an experienced guide with professional commentary about the places visited. You will recognize the guide by
the sign with the logo of the Commemoration Festival of Master Jan Hus 2015 and the circuit number.

10:30 | Martin in the Wall Church, Martinská Street 8, Prague 1
Tomáš Najbrt graduated from the Prague Conservatoire in guitar and composition. After graduation, he got involved in
numerous projects related to old and folk music, and continued studying lute in Poland and Germany, apart from playing
in jazz and rock bands. For ten years, he was a member of the band Musica Antiqua Prague. After 1989, he was the Cantor
for the entire Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren, taught hymnology, and conducted singing choirs. In recent years, he
gravitated to historic and folk instruments, such as bagpipe, theorbo, baroque guitar, hurdy-gurdy, zither or hackbrett.
10:30 | Bethlehem Chapel, Betlémské Square. Prague 1
                                                    GUIDED TOUR OF PRAGUE
                                                    3rd circuit | Trailing the Hussite revolution in Prague
                                                    Route: Bethlehem Chapel, Martin in the Wall Church, Church and Monastery of Our Lady of the Snows, New Town Hall,
                                                    Church of Our Lady Before Tyn
                                                    Duration: two hours
                                                    As part of the Commemoration Festival of Master Jan Hus 2015, we have prepared three walks through historic Prague,
                                                    assisted by an experienced guide with professional commentary on the places visited. You will recognize the guide by the sign
                                                    with the logo of the Commemoration Festival of Master Jan Hus 2015 and the circuit number.

                                                    10:45 | St. Nicholas Church, Old Town Square, Prague 1
                                                    DISCUSSION ON THE BOOK “JAN HUS” WITH THE AUTHOR, PROF. F. ŠMAHEL | Czech | English
24 | The Commemoration Festival of Master Jan Hus

                                                    František Šmahel is one of the most important Medievalists in Europe. His work primarily focuses on the history of
                                                    the late Czech and European Middle Ages, with emphasis on the origin of the Czech Reformation, history of education and
                                                    universities and early humanism. The book “Jan Hus” is not only a biography but also a story of the social ideas and concepts
                                                    during the crisis of faith, and accumulated social tension. Jan Hus is described as a man living in the Middle Ages, but ahead
                                                    of his time in many ways; as a man of doubts, seeking the right direction; as a reformist seeing life through a critical spirit of
                                                    a scholar; as a man who is able to take risks, and even sacrifice his life for the truth. He’s judged not only by God but also by
                                                    his own conscience, and the feeling of responsibility for those to whom he speaks, and to those who listen to him.

                                                    11:00 | Salvator Church, Salvátorská Street 1, Prague 1
                                                    PANEL DISCUSSION | Czech | English | German
                                                    The basic topic: Hus and us today
                                                    Sub-topics: How do current Christian churches respond to the Hus-like struggles for truth? How to interpret Hus’s legacy
                                                    so it’s attractive for the current young generation?
                                                    Moderator: Daniel Ženatý, pastor of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren congregation in Pardubice and
                                                    the 1st deputy of the Synodal Senior of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren, beginning in November 2015
                                                    Synodal Senior.
                                                    Participants: Margot Käßmann (since 2012 authorized representative of the Evangelical Church in Germany for
                                                    the anniversary of the Reformation, reaching its peak in 2017), Miloslav Cardinal Vlk (between 1991 and 2010 Archbishop
                                                    of Prague and Czech Primate, the Pope’s Ambassador to the events related to the martyrdom of Master Jan Hus),
                                                    Daniel Fajfr (preacher of the Church of Brethren, currently chairman of the Church of Brethren Board, and chairman of
                                                    the Ecumenical Council of Churches in the Czech Republic).
                                                    In the intervals of the panel discussion, the trombone quartet of the Conservatory of the Evangelical Academy in Olomouc
                                                    will play Hussite chorals, arranged for this extraordinary opportunity by R. Beran. The reminiscence to the chorals will
                                                    appear once more – in the work of L. Ostranský. The churches of St. Salvador or Martin in the Wall Church will echo
                                                    not only with the organ Prelude and Fugue Es major by J. S. Bacha, but also by the works of J. Dowland, N. Matteis and
                                                    G. P. Telemann, played by students and teachers of EA Conservatoire.
11:00 | Martin in the Wall Church, Martinská Street 8, Prague 1
Jana Nechutová is a professor of Latin Medieval Studies at Masaryk University in Brno. The lecture looks into
the development of the historical understanding of Master Jan Hus, and into the perception of this persona by current
society, both the general public and experts.

11:00 | Karolinum, Ovocný trh 3, Prague 1
The Muppet Theater Kozlík plays both original and traditional fairy tales with attractive backdrops, using big wooden
marionettes. Every story is full of beautiful songs and props.
Hellish fairy tale of a mischievous little devil that’s sent for a sinner – a king. A fun fairy tale features eleven puppets.

11:00 | Karolinum, Ovocný trh 3, Prague 1
2nd circuit | Places linked to Jan Hus
Route: Karolinum, St. Havel’s Church, St. Michal Church, St. Giles’s Church, Bethlehem Chapel

                                                                                                                                Annotations | 25
Duration: 1 ½ hours
As part of the Commemoration Festival of Master Jan Hus 2015, we have prepared three walks through historic Prague,
assisted by an experienced guide with professional commentary on the places visited. You will recognize the guide by the sign
with the logo of the Commemoration Festival of Master Jan Hus 2015 and the circuit number.

11.20 | Old Town Square, Prague 1
Hradišťan is a unique band – top class in art and interpretation alike, with an unusually broad scope of genre, and
extraordinary repertoire, largely inspired by folklore tradition (especially in the first years of the band’s existence).
Since 1978, the band has been led by the violinist and composer Jiří Pavlica, an extraordinary creative persona. Today,
Hradišťan is a professional musical body overcoming the genre limits, cooperating with musicians and other personae
from different cultures of the world. The band is frequently featured in domestic and international festivals of traditional,
alternative and even classical music.
For the Commemoration Festival of Master Jan Hus 2015, Hradišťan has chosen songs linked to the history as well as
the contemporary ones, to please the audience that comes to celebrate the persona and legacy of Master Jan Hus, and that
perceives the awareness of the context as the need to understand the human existence.
11:30 | St. Nicholas Church, Old Town Square, Prague 1
                                                    LECTURE BY T. SCHWANDA (USA) “THE PROTESTANT RECEPTION OF JAN HUS
                                                    IN GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTH AMERICA” | English
                                                    Tom Schwanda: a teacher of the Wheaton College For Christ and His Kingdom, pastor in the Reformed Church in
                                                    the USA, with 18 years of service in congregations. Focuses on the issues of spirituality and its manifestations during
                                                    services, apprenticeship, spiritual theology, and also Czechoslovak history and society. The lecture on how the English
                                                    speaking Protestant religious leaders in the 16th–19th century ( John Owen, John Newton, John Wesley, George Whitefield,
                                                    Jonathan Edwards, Charles Spurgeon) received Jan Hus and his texts.

                                                    11:45 | Martin in the Wall Church, Martinská Street 8, Prague 1
                                                    OPENING OF THE EXHIBITION “PEACE”, K. KOLÁŘOVÁ TAKÁCSOVÁ
                                                    A theologian, art historian, translator and editor, Kornélia Kolářová Takácsová, collected children’s works focused on peace,
26 | The Commemoration Festival of Master Jan Hus

                                                    and created a themed exhibition for the Martin in the Wall Church. The author will personally open the exhibition, and
                                                    explain the circumstances of its origin.

                                                    12:00 | Cirkus Auditions, Hubert the Clown
                                                    Hubert the Clown is really Jan Špryňar, he is a champion at falling, a juggler and a stilt walker. He also tames wild animals
                                                    (mostly two-legged), but he mainly looks for circus talent.

                                                    12:15 | St. Nicholas Church, Old Town Square, Prague 1
                                                    LECTURE BY DR. E. STEHLÍK, MASTER JAN HUS AND THE HUSSITE MOVEMENT
                                                    IN THE LEGIONS AND DURING THE 1ST REPUBLIC | Czech | English
                                                    Col. Dr. Eduard Stehlík, MBA, is a Czech historian and writer, focusing on modern Czechoslovak military history
                                                    (especially between 1914 and 1956. He’s the director of the Department for War Veterans at the Ministry of National
                                                    Defense. His lecture aims at the topic of Master Jan Hus in the Legions.

                                                    12:15 | Old Town Square, Prague 1
                                                    CZECH ARMY CENTRAL BAND
                                                    Czech Army Central Band was founded on December 1, 1950, as an official army band playing military brass music.
                                                    Currently the band is the top representative military musical body, responsible not only for the good reputation of the
                                                    Army of the Czech Republic but also for Czech culture in the area of live brass music, Czech national music and the best
                                                    traditions of Czech military brass music, both at home and abroad. The lineup uses various combinations of instrumental
                                                    groups, so it creates a broad and rich sound range. The repertoire allows a lot of room for solo performances accompanied by
                                                    the orchestra, and for vocal soloists too.
                                                    The commander – chief conductor is Lieutenant Colonel Jaroslav Šíp
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