AUCTION Sale by - SVA Property Auctions Ltd.

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AUCTION Sale by - SVA Property Auctions Ltd.
On the instructions of Individual Clients
                                                    and Property Companies

                                Sale by
                               15 Lots
     On WEDNESDAY 30TH SEPTEMBER 2020                     Lot 3

       The sale will commence at 2.00pm

                      BIDDING ONLY

                                                          Lot 10

SVA Property Auctions Ltd,
13 Great King Street,
Edinburgh EH3 6QW

Tel: 0131 624 6640                                        Lot 11
Fax: 0131 624 6630       Follow us on Twitter
AUCTION Sale by - SVA Property Auctions Ltd.
The Lots hereinafter described, unless previously sold or withdrawn, will be exposed for sale by Public Roup on Wednesday
Thirtieth of September Two Thousand and Twenty at 2pm, by the Sellers. Any sale shall be subject to the General and
Special Conditions of Sale. Further information regarding the Title Deeds, Articles of Roup and any Special Conditions of Sale
not included in the brochure will be available, strictly by request, from the Sellers’ Solicitors whose details are listed hereunder.
Prospective purchasers are strongly reminded that enquiries of this nature should only be undertaken by their solicitors. N.B. All
enquiries regarding viewing arrangements and guide prices should specifically be directed to SVA Property Auctions
Ltd – please email requests to or, where appropriate, to our Joint Agents, whose details are
listed in the auction brochure.

Lots: 1, 2, 14 & 15                            Lot: 6                                         Lot: 10
Anderson Strathern LLP                         Raeburn Christie Clark & Wallace               Perth And Kinross Council, Legal
1 Rutland Court                                12 Albyn Place                                 Services
EDINBURGH                                      ABERDEEN                                       2 – 26 High Street
EH3 8EY                                        AB11 1PS                                       PERTH
Tel: 0131 270 5371                             Tel: 01224 332 400                             PH1 5PH            
(Laura Flounders)                              (Craig Veitch)                                 (Andrew Thomson)
All Enquires should be made by Email.                                                         All Enquires should be made by Email.
                                               Lot: 7
Lot: 3                                         HASTIES                                        Lot: 12
DLA Piper Scotland LLP                         10 Newton Place                                Grant Smith Law Practice Ltd
Collins House                                  Glasgow                                        25 High Street
Rutland Square                                 LANARKSHIRE                                    BANFF
EDINBURGH                                      G3 7PR                                         AB45 1AN
EH1 2AA                                        Tel: 0141 332 1454                             Tel: 01261 815678
Tel: 0131 345 5122                                                          (David Gordon)                                 (Calum Slessor)
(Thomas Carr)
                                               Lot: 8                                         Lot: 13
Lots: 4 & 11                                   DLA Piper Scotland LLP                         Morton Pacitti LLP
Pinsent Masons LLP                             Collins House                                  5 Newmarket Street
13 Queen’s Road                                Rutland Square                                 FALKIRK
ABERDEEN                                       EDINBURGH                                      FK1 1JY
AB15 4YL                                       EH1 2AA                                        Tel: 01324 679030
Tel: 01224 377 934                             Tel: 0131 345 5113                                                (Mrs Pacitti)
(Rodney Whyte)                                 (Seb Galastro)
Lot: 5                                         Tel: 0131 242 5066
Eversheds Sutherland (International) LLP
3 Melville Street                              (Nadia Gehlen)
EH3 7PE                                        Lot: 9
Tel: 0131 476 7917                             Blackadders LLP
RobertBinning@eversheds-sutherland.            30 & 34 Reform Street DUNDEE
com                                            DD1 1RJ
(Robert Binning)                               Tel: 01382 229222
                                               (Petra Grunenberg)
AUCTION Sale by - SVA Property Auctions Ltd.
Very many thanks to all our clients and contractors for bearing with us over the last 5 months. We appreciate your support and
hope that you are all keeping well and safe. How the world has changed since we were last together on 26th February when we
offered 19 lots, sold 17 (90%) and raised over £2.2million!
Against a background of continuingly changing rules and regulations, we have prepared this brochure for our auction on 30th
September which will be held online. This means bidding remotely which will include both our traditional proxy bidding option
as well as online bidding. This method of offering property and bidding for Lots has proved highly successful during the lockdown
period for many auctioneers. We believe this will provide anyone wishing to bid at the auction with an easy option to bid on the
day. Further details on how to register for remote bidding are set out within the brochure. Please note that we are continuing our
long established policy of not making any administration charges or applying any buyer’s premiums to the hammer prices.
Our staff are continuing to work safely either from home or where essential, on site. The same applies to our printing company
and therefore a second change is that we have decided not to produce a paper copy of the brochure for this auction. If you know
of anyone who would like copy of this brochure, please ask them to contact us by email at
Please also note that as your safety and that of the SVA team is of paramount importance, we will not be able to hold block
viewings of properties and individual appointments will need to be arranged via us or our joint agents. Your assistance in adhering
to all agreed arrangements is essential and will be much appreciated.
We look forward to seeing you, albeit virtually, later this month. If you have any queries, please do get in touch with us.
Shaun Vigers, Director, SVA Property Auctions Ltd


   SW      1     Auchmead Road, GREENOCK, PA16 0JX                  P&KC   10     Blackwater Outdoor Centre, Dalrunzion, Bridge of
                                                                                  Cally, Glenshee, Blairgowrie, PERTHSHIRE,
   SW      2     Strontian WTW & CWT and Strontian DSR,
                                                                                  PH10 7LJ
                 Scotstown, Strontian, ACHARACLE, PH36 4JB
                                                                    TT     11     Unit 5 Caponacre Industrial Estate, CUMNOCK,
           3     101 High Street, MONTROSE, DD10 8QR
                                                                                  KA18 1SH
   TT      4     1-3 South Circular Road, COATBRIDGE, ML5 3AR
                                                                           12     45 Low Street, Banff, ABERDEENSHIRE,
           5     196 Mid Street, KEITH, AB55 5BQ                                  AB45 1AU

           6     32 High Street, Banff, ABERDEENSHIRE,                     13     Elm Drive, Westquarter, FALKIRK, FK2 9RS
                 AB45 1AE
                                                                    SW     14     Skaw Whalsay DSR, Wirlie Croft, Skaw, Brough,
           7     20A & 20B Townhead, AUCHTERARDER,                                Whalsay, SHETLAND, ZE2 9AW
                 PH3 1AH
                                                                    SW     15     Buchley Garage, Balmuildy Road, BISHOPBRIGGS,
           8     22 St Enoch Square, GLASGOW, G1 4DB                              G64 3QN

           9     Former WWTW, Almond View, Seafield,
                 BATHGATE, EH47 7BB


           7      AUCHTERARDER 20A & 20B Townhead                          13     FALKIRK Elm Drive, Westquarter

           6      BANFF 32 High Street                                     8      GLASGOW 22 St Enoch Square

           12     BANFF 45 Low Street                                SW    1      GREENOCK Auchmead Road

           9      BATHGATE Former WWTW, Almond View, Seafield              5      KEITH 196 Mid Street

    SW     15     BISHOPBRIGGS Buchley Garage, Balmuildy Road              3      MONTROSE 101 High Street
   P&KC    10     Near BLAIRGOWRIE Blackwater Outdoor Centre, SW           14     SHETLAND Skaw Whalsay DSR, Wirlie Croft, Skaw,
                  Dalrunzion, Bridge of Cally, Glenshee                           Brough, Whalsay
   TT      4      COATBRIDGE 1-3 South Circular Road                 SW    2      STRONTIAN Strontian WTW & CWT and
                                                                                  Strontian DSR, Scotstown
   TT      11     CUMNOCK Unit 5 Caponacre Industrial Estate

AUCTION Sale by - SVA Property Auctions Ltd.
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AUCTION Sale by - SVA Property Auctions Ltd.
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AUCTION Sale by - SVA Property Auctions Ltd.
Lot               Vacant site in Residential Area – 130 sq.m (1,400 sq.ft)

    1             AUCHMEAD ROAD, GREENOCK, PA16 0JX
                                                                            DESCRIPTION: The site of a former pumping station long since
                                                                            demolished, the property is rectangular, level, down to grass and has an
                                                                            open aspect to the east. The remains of a metal rail fence define the
                                                                            southern boundary, adjacent to No 164 Auchmead Rd, whilst the other
                                                                            three sides are unfenced. A small site extending to 130 sq.m. (1,400 sq.
                                                                            ft.) approx., it may hold potential for redevelopment compatible with
                                                                            the surrounding land uses, subject to obtaining relevant consents.

                                                                            SITE AREA: 130 sq.m (1,400 sq.ft)

                                                                            PLANNING: Interested parties should make their own enquiries
                                                                            to Inverclyde Council Development Management Team. Email: devcont.
LOCATION: The property is located in a well-established residential
area on the western outskirts of Greenock and due south of Gourock.
                                                                            TENURE: Owner vacant possession
Heading generally west on the A78, pass Branchton Station and just
after a BP petrol station, turn right into the southern end of Auchmead
                                                                            VIEWING: At any time.
Rd. Follow the road up and around for some 0.4 miles and the site is
on the right, adjacent to No 164 Auchmead Rd and prior to a footpath,
with St Andrew’s Church standing to the north.

                                                              Two Redundant Tank Sites – In Total 789 sq.m (0.195 Acre)               Lot
                              STRONTIAN ACHARACLE, PH36 4JB
LOCATION: Strontian provides a local centre in a beautiful remote
area of the west coast of Scotland. Situated on the east shore of the
sea loch, Loch Sunnart the village is home to primary and secondary
schools, shops and a petrol filling station. It is an area of outstanding
natural beauty, popular with holiday makers, as there is a wide range of
outdoor pursuits available. The properties are located on the hillside
to the north west of the village centre and are surrounded by the
Anaheilt Common Grazings.

DIRECTIONS: From the A82 approx 8 miles south of Fort William
take the ferry from Corran to Ardgour. Turn left (A861) and stay on
the road till you reach Strontian (14 miles). Drive through the village
and take first right (Scotstown) after crossing the Strontian River. Stay
on the road for approx. 1.5 miles keeping left at the Y junction. Then
turn left at the brown sign for Heatherbank B & B. Follow the track
for about half a mile and through 2 gates. About 200m past the second
gate, which is at a bridge, take the track to the right which leads to
the WTW & CWT site which are adjacent to the track, after approx.
100m. If you look down-hill from this right turn, there is a distinctive
rowan tree at the bottom of the Grazings, which is on the DSR site.
Grid Ref: CWT/WTW – 181211,763556. DSR – 181552, 763271.

DESCRIPTION: The larger site comprises a rectangular area of
ground and houses redundant equipment for the treatment of fresh
water including a disused sand filter and a water tank set into the
ground. This area is fenced with a timber post and wire fence but is
smaller than the stated title area. The DSR site is a regular rectangular
area of ground housing a concrete tank set into the ground with earth
mounded around it. It has a galvanised steel access hatch on top and
a fence surrounds the tank. Both sites have been de-crofted and the
surrounding areas form part of the Anaheilt Common Grazings.

Larger site          643 sq.m    (0.159 Acre)
Smaller site         146 sq.m    (0.036 Acre)
Total area           789 sq.m    (0.195 Acre)

TENURE: Owner vacant possession.
VIEWING: At any time. Please respect any on-going farming activity
in this area.

AUCTION Sale by - SVA Property Auctions Ltd.
Town Centre Former Bank Premises with Potential for Alternative Uses – 403 sq.m (4,343 sq.ft), within self-
Lot              contained Building with Extensive Grounds to the Rear

   3             101 HIGH STREET, MONTROSE, DD10 8QR
                                                                            FLOOR AREAS:
                                                                            Ground floor –                   142.12 sq.m (1,530 sq.ft)
                                                                            Mezzanine staff area –            11.76 sq. m. (127 sq.ft)
                                                                            First floor -                    119.67 sq. m. (1,288 sq.ft)
                                                                            Second Floor -                    69.63 sq.m. (750 sq.ft)
                                                                            Attic -                           60.34 sq. m. (648 sq.ft)
                                                                            Total -                          403.52 sq.m (4,343 sq.ft) approx.

                                                                            SITE AREA: 0.15 Ha (0.38 Acres) approx., including the footprint of
                                                                            the existing building.

                                                                            PLANNING: The property last operated as a bank, with office
                                                                            accommodation on the upper floors, and therefore has Class 2 Use
                                                                            and permitted change to Class 1 (Shops). The building offers interesting
                                                                            opportunities, including the possible conversion of the upper floors
                                                                            to residential use, subject to obtaining all relevant consents. Interested
                                                                            parties should make their own enquiries to Angus Council Planning
LOCATION: Situated at the mouth of the River Esk, Montrose has              Services. Email:
a population of circa 12,000 and is an important commercial centre.
Its well-developed port acts as a support centre for the North Sea          RATEABLE VALUE: Ground and Mezzanine floors - £20,000. First,
oil industry and is a bulk container shipping base. Montrose is well        second and Attic floors - £11,900.
located with Aberdeen 35 miles to the north, Dundee 30 miles to
the south and Forfar 17 miles to the east. The A90 is located close-        EPC: Band F
by and the town is served by a mainline railway station. Adjacent to
Montrose Basin, an internationally important wildlife reserve, the town     TENURE: Owner vacant possession
is also close to several well regarded golf courses and provides a good
selection of services and amenities to the surrounding area.                VIEWING: By arrangement with the Auctioneers, SVA Property
                                                                            Auctions Ltd. Please email in the first instance:
The property is located in a prime position, within the town centre, on
a section of the High Street, which benefits from being set back slightly   JOINT AUCTIONEERS: Peter Fraser, Avison Young (Edinburgh)
from the main road and which has a number of public on-street car           Tel: 0131 255 8000.
parking spaces in front of the building. Adjacent buildings include “The
Guildhall” and “The Old Church”. A mix of national and local traders
occupy premises in the vicinity.

DESCRIPTION: The property comprises an elegant and
architecturally interesting (it is Category B Listed), mid terrace three
storey and attic building predominately of traditional sandstone
construction under a pitched slate roof. There are single storey
extensions to the rear, with attractive former garden ground, bounded
by high stone walls (Review Court), extending to the east.

ACCOMMODATION: Internally the ground floor comprises
the former banking hall, meeting rooms, a strong room, and further
storage/office space to the rear, with an internal stair leading to a
mezzanine floor providing a staff room and toilets. A separate entrance
at street level provides direct access to the upper floors, where there
are private offices on the first and second floors, as well as additional
toilet facilities, and basic storage accommodation at attic level. Some
original features including cornice work, ceiling roses and fireplaces
have been retained whilst some offices have underfloor and/or
perimeter trunking. Heating is via a gas fired system and wall mounted

AUCTION Sale by - SVA Property Auctions Ltd.
Vacant Former Government Offices with Asset Management or Development Potential Subject to Planning
Lot               Approx 2,500 sq.m (27,000 sq.ft) City Centre location

   4              1-3 SOUTH CIRCULAR ROAD, COATBRIDGE, ML5 3AR
                                                                            Approximate Net Internal Areas:-
                                                                            Ground Floor -         847 sq.m         (9,117 sq.ft)
                                                                            First Floor -          851 sq.m         (9,160 sq.ft)
                                                                            Second Floor -         845 sq.m         (9,095 sq.ft)
                                                                            Total Floor Area - 2,543 sq.m          (27, 372 sq.ft)

                                                                            SITE AREA: Approx site area: 0.283 Ha (0.7 Acre)

                                                                            PLANNING: Interested parties should put their own enquires to
                                                                            North Lanarkshire Council Planning & Regeneration Development
                                                                            Management, Fleming House, 2 Tryst Road, Cumbernauld G67 1JW or
                                                                            Tel: 01236 632500.

                                                                            RATEABLE VALUE: £275,000.

                                                                            EPC: Band D

                                                                            TENURE: Owner Vacant Possession.

LOCATION: Coatbridge is in North Lanarkshire Region, in the                 VIEWING: By arrangement with the Auctioneers, SVA Property
central Lowlands of Scotland, with a resident population of 41,000.         Auctions Ltd. Please email in the first instance:
It is approximately 8.5 miles east of Glasgow City Centre although
Coatbridge is generally regarded to be part of the Greater Glasgow
Urban Area.

South Circular Road is the main thoroughfare running west to east
and the premises are situated in a prominent location, on the north
side of the road, just on the roundabout accessing Main Street and
Coatbridge Street (A725). Neighbouring traders include a Tesco Extra,
incorporating an Argos, McDonalds, Asda Superstore, the Faraday Retail
Park and the Quadrant Shopping Centre.

The location is well served by bus services to neighbouring towns,
Airdrie, Bellshill and Glasgow. Coatbridge Central railway station is a
short walk away.

DESCRIPTION: This is an attractive, three storey office building,
with brick, glass and zinc façade, in landscaped grounds and with a 52
space car park. Previously, the building was a Government Work and
Pensions office and although now vacant, the building appears to have
been well maintained and is in reasonable condition both inside and

The building can be accessed through entrances on either the west or
east gable and the entrance lobbies provide stairs or lift access to the
ground and the two upper floors.

There is currently a mix of open plan and partitioned cellular office
accommodation on all three floors and each of the floors provide
male and female toilets and a kitchen / canteen. There are suspended
ceilings incorporating strip lighting panels and air handling units. The
concrete floors are covered in carpet tiles and walls are painted plaster

There are asset management opportunities to relet the premises as an
office or alternatively there may be an opportunity to convert to an
hotel or other commercial uses, subject to planning.

AUCTION Sale by - SVA Property Auctions Ltd.
Lot                 Vacant Retail Premises on Ground Floor 127.4 sq.m (1,371 sq.ft)

    5               196 MID STREET, KEITH, AB55 5BQ
                                                                                     floors trade as the Royal Hotel. The unit has aluminium frontages to both
                                                                                     Mid Street and Church Street and doors on the corner and in Mid Street.
                                                                                     It previously traded as the Bank of Scotland with customer areas, back offices
                                                                                     and staff areas including 2 WC’s. Primarily, it has suspended timber floor with
                                                                                     a mix of carpet and vinyl coverings and a suspended ceiling incorporating
                                                                                     lighting units and heating provided by a gas fired boiler. It would be suitable
                                                                                     for a range of uses subject to obtaining any necessary consents.

                                                                                     Front / public area                 84.4 sq.m      (908 sq.ft)
                                                                                     Back area                           43 sq.m        (463 sq.ft )
                                                                                     Total internal area                127.4 sq.m    (1,371 sq.ft)

                                                                                     PLANNING: Interested parties should make their own enquiries
                                                                                     to Moray Council’s Department of Development Management and
                                                                                     Environmental Services, Tel 0300 1234561 Email: development.control@

LOCATION: Keith, known as “The Friendly Town”, is a busy town on                     RATEABLE VALUE: £9,400               EPC: Band F
the A96 Trunk road from Aberdeen to Inverness. It is approx. 55 miles east
of Inverness and 48 miles north west of Aberdeen. It has a good range of             TENURE: Owner vacant possession.
facilities and good transport links. The property is located on the main
shopping street in the town in a prominent position on the corner with               VIEWING: By arrangement with the Auctioneers, SVA Property Auctions
Church Road (A96). Other occupiers in the vicinity include Clydesdale                Ltd. Please email in the first instance:
Bank and Lloyds TSB. There is on-street car parking and a council car park
accessed by Coopers Lane West.                                                       JOINT AUCTIONEERS: CBRE,
                                                                                     Sutherland House, 149 St Vincent Street,
DESCRIPTION: The property comprises the ground floor of a three-                     Glasgow G2 5NW Tel 0141 204 7683
storey traditional stone building under a pitched slated roof. The upper             Email

                   L-shaped Retail Premises on 3 Levels in Mixed Use Town Centre Location – 830 sq.m (8,933 sq.ft)
                                                                                           Redevelopment Potential
                               32 HIGH STREET, BANFF, ABERDEENSHIRE, AB45 1AE
LOCATION: Banff is an attractive coastal town with a population of 4,000,
located on the west side of Banff Bay, at the mouth of the River Deveron, and
lies opposite MacDuff, a fishing town of a similar size. Established in the 12th
century and awarded Royal Burgh status, Banff has an historic central part
which includes a wide variety of buildings dating from the 16th to the 20th
centuries. The town is the administrative centre of North Aberdeenshire,
has an extensive retail centre and is a popular summer tourist destination,
forming part of the stunning Coastal Trail along the North-East coast. It has
outstanding recreational facilities, including a high quality 18 hole golf course,
a sailing marina, Duff House a magnificent Georgian property which is an
outstation of the National Galleries of Scotland and salmon fishing on the
Deveron. Aberdeen is 45 miles to the south.
DESCRIPTION: The property comprises an L shaped terraced building
on 3 levels. It was formerly run as a furniture and household retail unit. The
majority of the building is constructed with concrete block walls, a mix of flat     PLANNING: High Street lies within Banff’s conservation area. The local
felt covered roofs and pitched roofs clad with composite sheeting, concrete          planning authority is Aberdeenshire Council - Banff and Buchan Area, The
floors and metal framed single glazed windows.                                       Town House, Low Street, Banff, AB45 1AU. Tel - 01261 813200; email –
The majority of the accommodation comprises open plan areas suitable       
for retail display and storage. The front of the building onto High Street is 2      RATEABLE VALUE: £18,250.
storey high, with the ground floor having a 7 metre wide glazed shop frontage
and the first floor divided into 3 rooms that were used as an office and 2           EPC RATING: Band F
stores. The building is L shaped, with a ground floor building depth of around       VIEWING: By arrangement with the Auctioneers, SVA Property Auctions
36 metres and a building width at the rear of around 19 metres.                      Ltd. Please email in the first instance:
ACCOMODATION:                                                                        JOINT AUCTIONEERS: D M Hall, 4-5 Union Terrace, Aberdeen,
Ground floor:    340 sq.m (3,659 sq.ft)                                              AB10 1NJ
Mezzanine floor:  95 sq.m (1,022 sq.ft)                                              Tel: 01224 594172,
Lower floor:     330 sq.m (3,552 sq.ft)                                              (Lisa Cowie).
First floor       65 sq.m   (700 sq.ft)
Total:           830 sq.m (8,933 sq.ft) approx.

AUCTION Sale by - SVA Property Auctions Ltd.
Category B Listed, Town Centre Former Cinema with Development Potential, Subject to Planning. 534 sq. m.
Lot               (5,752 sq ft) on a site of 0.091 Ha (0.22 Acre)

   7              20A & 20B TOWNHEAD, AUCHTERARDER, PH3 1AH
                                                                             Shop unit at 20A                   33 sq m      (362 sq ft)
                                                                             Shop unit at 20B                   23 sq m      (244 sq ft)
                                                                             Foyer                              67 sq m      (718 sq ft)

                                                                             Auditorium                       232 sq m     (2,495 sq ft)
                                                                             Former tea rooms
                                                                             and kitchen (mezzanine floor)      94 sq m    (1,012 sq ft)
                                                                             Former projector rooms
                                                                             1st floor)                         26 sq m      (283 sq ft)
                                                                             Former viewing gallery
                                                                             (1st floor)                       59 sq m      (638 sq ft)
                                                                             Total Accommodation -            534 sq.m     (5752 sq.ft) approx.

                                                                             SITE AREA: 0.091 Ha (0.22 Acre) approx.

                                                                             PLANNING: The building is Category B listed. Currently the
                                                                             whole building has Class1 Retail consent. The premises were built in
                                                                             1926, initially, as two separate retail shops and a cinema. Since 1962,
LOCATION: The building is prominently located on Auchterarder                the entire building has been used for retail purposes (currently it
High Street (Townhead), in a central and easily accessible location with     appears on the valuation roll as two premises). However, the recently
first class road links to all major Scottish cities. Less than an hour’s     passed planning applications expressly describe three separate
commuting time from Glasgow, Edinburgh, Perth, Dundee & Stirling,            retail units. Applications for listed building consent to undertake
the town has a mainline commuter railway station on the doorstep.            alterations were granted in December 2019 (Ref: 19/01763/LBC and
Auchterarder retains its character, its historic buildings and retains a     May 2020 (Ref: 20/00413/LBC). Interested parties should contact
thriving high street with many small independent businesses, restaurants     the Perth and Kinross Council Development Manager at Puller
and cafes. The town itself has a thriving, actively expanding community      House, 35 Kinnoull Street Perth PH1 5GD. 01738 475300 or email
with many new homes under construction. It is situated within walking
distance of the world famous Gleneagles Hotel and Golf Course
Complex, which attracts a large wealthy international clientele. There are   RATEABLE VALUE: 20A Townhead - Shop RV: £2,750 and 20B
currently plans approved in principle for large scale expansion of these     Townhead - Shop and Store £10,100.
leisure facilities. Auchterarder and surrounding areas have one of the
most affluent resident populations in Scotland.                              EPC: Band E.

Auchterarder is an unusually lateral town and has a 1.5 mile long High       TENURE: Owner Vacant Possession
Street, which has earned the town the popular name of the ‘Lang Toon’.
Townhead is the eastward continuation of the High Street and the             VIEWING: By arrangement with the Auctioneers, SVA Property
property is on the south side of the street between the road junctions       Auctions Ltd. Please email in the first instance:
of Castleton Road and Sydney Crescent.
                                                                             JOINT AUCTIONEERS: Galbraith, Suite C1, Stirling Agricultural
DESCRIPTION: The premises opened as The Regal in 1928, 4 years               Centre, Stirling, FK9 4RN. Tel: 01786 434 600 (Harry Stott)
after the Gleneagles Hotel and operated for over 50 years as a 580 seat
cinema. The original cinema included shops either side of a grand Art
Deco foyer with a tea room at first floor, accessed by an ornate stone
stair with sweeping metal and oak banister and balustrade. Above the
auditorium is a magnificent vaulted tin roof, adding to the grandeur that
once was.

Although not in good decorative order now, the layout is the same
and the fabric and integrity of the building have been maintained by
the long-term owners, as they operated an antiques shop and store
from the premises. The large building offers great potential. There are
asset management opportunities in letting the two shop units and main
auditorium, taking advantage of the Class 1 retail consent. There are also
development opportunities with retail reconfiguration, as the building
comprises extensive internal floorspaces, together with the former
car park to the rear. These areas can be operated independently or
potentially, for one unified purpose, subject to any planning permissions

Lot              City Centre Former Bank Premises with Potential for Alternative Use 357 sq.m (3,847 sq.ft)

   8             22 ST ENOCH SQUARE, GLASGOW G1 4DB
                                                                           property benefits from gas central heating, some fluorescent recessed
                                                                           lighting and some carpeting. The ground floor retains a number of
                                                                           period features and benefits from an impressive ceiling height. Vehicular
                                                                           access to the unit is provided at the rear of the buildings. The property
                                                                           would allow some flexibility with internal layout and the possibility of
                                                                           an outdoor seating area. This is a well placed unit within a busy area
                                                                           and provides an excellent opportunity for office, retail or restaurant/
                                                                           café use, subject to obtaining necessary consents.

                                                                           Ground Floor                     216.5 sq.m    (2,331 sq.ft)
                                                                           Mezzanine                         24.5 sq.m     ( 264 sq.ft)
                                                                           Basement                         116.4 sq. m   (1,252 sq.ft)
                                                                           Total                            357.4 sq.m    (3,847 sq.ft) approx.

                                                                           PLANNING: Interested parties should make their own enquiries
                                                                           to Planning & Building, Glasgow City Council. Email: planningenquiry@
                                                                  Tel: 0141 287 6060 (9am – 1pm).

                                                                           RATEABLE VALUE: £83,000.

                                                                           EPC: Band C.

                                                                           VIEWING: By arrangement with the Auctioneers, SVA Property
                                                                           Auctions Ltd. Please email in the first instance:

                                                                           JOINT AUCTIONEERS: Pete Harding, Avison Young (Glasgow) Tel:
                                                                           0141 300 8000.

LOCATION: The property is situated in the heart of Glasgow’s
shopping district, occupying a prominent position on St Enoch Square,
a pedestrianised public square located at the southernmost end of
Buchanan St and adjacent to Argyle St. The unit is situated opposite St
Enoch Shopping Centre which houses a number of national retailers
including Boots, Tesco, Topshop, H&M and Hamleys. The building
occupies part of a terraced row of buildings facing east onto St Enoch
Square. It has a service lane running to the north of the block that
connects St Enoch Square with Adams Court Lane providing access
to the rear of the buildings. There are public car parks nearby and the
area is well served by public transport with Queen Street and Central
Railway Stations, bus routes and the subway all within walking distance.
St Enoch subway station has recently undergone a complete renovation
and now provides frequent inter city services. There is a cycle hire
station nearby and numerous cycle stands within the immediate area.
As well as the shopping centre, the surrounding area provides for
independent shopping, cafes, bars and leisure facilities. The shopping
centre and immediate locale is benefiting from significant ongoing
investment and development activity, the aim of which is to continue
providing a vibrant and pleasant place to work and visit.

DESCRIPTION: The property comprises a ground and basement
Category B Listed terraced building within an attractive six storey plus
basement block of traditional construction under a pitched slate roof.
The unit lies over ground and basement level with a rear mezzanine
level. The upper floors are occupied by office accommodation.
Internally, the ground floor accommodation comprises a large open
plan area, with three separate meeting/managers rooms to the rear
and stairs leading to the mezzanine floor which comprises kitchenette/
office area and toilets. The basement level comprises three large strong
rooms, staff kitchen facilities, storage, toilets and plant room. The

Lot              Redundant WWTW, Village Location near M8, Redevelopment Potential – 0.3 Ha (0.75 Acre)

                 EH47 7BB

LOCATION: The property is located in a semi-rural position on               interesting opportunity for redevelopment, being located in a peaceful
the southern side of Seafield, a small village in West Lothian lying        spot but benefitting from easy access to the village and further afield.
approx. 2 miles southeast of Bathgate, 3 miles west of Livingston and       The site would benefit from environmental and visual rejuvenation and
20 miles west of Edinburgh. The village lies between the River Almond       may be suitable for residential development or alternative uses, subject
to the south and the M8 motorway to the north. It has a small range         to gaining any necessary planning consent.
of amenities including a shop, hotel, community centre and a primary
school. Secondary schooling is available nearby at Deans Community          SITE AREA: 0.3 Ha (0.75 Acre) approx.
High School and St Kentigerns Academy. Further high street shopping
and amenities are available in Livingston including restaurants, cinema     PLANNING: Pre-planning advice has previously been sought from
and extensive leisure facilitires. The area is surrounded by some           the local authority. Further information regarding this can be obtained
attractive countryside suitable for a range of leisure pursuits. Five       from the auctioneers. Further enquiries should be made directly to
Sisters Zoo is nearby at West Calder. There is a regular bus service        West Lothian Council, Email: Tel: 01506
linking with Bathgate and Livingston and a railway service from             280000.
Bathgate linking to Edinburgh and Glasgow. The site is also ideally
located for the M8 providing good links to all major parts of central       RATEABLE VALUE: £1,200.
                                                                            TENURE: Owner vacant possession.
DIRECTIONS: Approaching Seafield from the A705 turn onto
Cousland Terrace passing the primary school on the left. Turn left and      VIEWING: At any time. Please note that the site is uneven in places
then right onto Cousland Crescent. Go straight ahead at the mini            and entering the site is entirely at the viewer’s own risk.
roundabout onto Almond View. The site can then be reached on foot
along the track leading straight ahead towards the River Almond. Grid
Ref: NT0106365854

DESCRIPTION: This is an irregular shaped, south east sloping
site extending to approximately 0.3 Ha (0.75 Acre) and enclosing the
foundations of a now redundant site which at one time was used as a
wastewater treatment works when in local authority ownership. There
is a small brick built building on the site, now derelict and measuring
approx. 33 sq.m. The remainder of the site comprises redundant
infilled filters and tanks. Most of the area is now overgrown. The
site is bounded by a concrete post and net security fence which is
insecure in places and there is easy access into the site. The property
is mainly surrounded by farmland with a track leading to the site from
the housing located to the north west. Prospective purchasers are
advised to check site access provision, the details of which are included
within the title pack. The River Almond lies just to the south of the
site, and the River Almond footpath runs along here connecting to
west Livingston, Easter Breich and Seafield Law. This site provides an

Lot                Outdoor Centre in Attractive Rural Location, Redevelopment Potential – 0.31 Ha (0.76 Acre) approx.

                                                                                   visitor accommodation. The property offers good sized, flexible living
                                                                                   accommodation. There may be potential for conversion to allow residential
                                                                                   use for those wishing to relocate to the countryside and/or those involved
                                                                                   with running a business from home or for rental investment to those
                                                                                   wishing to take advantage of the outdoors.
                                                                                   ACCOMMODATION: The accommodation, which appears to be in
                                                                                   good order throughout, extends to ENTRANCE HALL leading to large
                                                                                   communal TOILET/SHOWER BLOCK and to the rear, No 1 BEDROOM
                                                                                   (17.3 sq.m) wheelchair accessible with en suite wet room off. Access from
                                                                                   this hall is taken into the large COMMON ROOM/LOUNGE (52.9 sq.m),
                                                                                   and through to No 2 BEDROOM (14.4 sq.m), DINING ROOM (13.7 sq.m),
                                                                                   KITCHEN (16.1 sq.m) with a range of wall and floor units, cooker, washing
                                                                                   machine and fridge freezer. There is a further set of toilets located in this
                                                                                   part of the building. Stairs to first floor: No 3 BEDROOM (11.7 sq.m), No
                                                                                   4 BEDROOM (9.1 sq.m), No 5 BEDROOM (7.5 sq.m), No 6 BEDROOM
                                                                                   (4.2 sq.m). Externally there is a small detached tradional building housing
                                                                                   the water treatment equipment and drying room facilities. There is also
                                                                                   a wooden storage shed. The garden ground to the front and side of the
LOCATION: The property is located near to the Blackwater River
                                                                                   property has been well maintained and there is a large parking area at the
approximately 27 miles north of Perth and 11 miles north of Blairgowrie
                                                                                   entrance continuing round to the rear. There is an extensive area of ground
which is one of the larger towns in Perthshire. Kirkmichael (4 miles north
                                                                                   located further to the rear of the property which is currently overgrown
west) has an active local community with village shop, hotel and primary
                                                                                   and includes some mature trees.
school while Bridge of Cally (5 miles south) has a shop/post office and
hotel. Further amenities are available in Blairgowrie including supermarkets,      SITE AREA: 0.31 Ha (0.76 Acre approx.)
independent shops, restaurants, medical centre and the High School. Perth
is the administrative headquarters of the Perth and Kinross Council area           PLANNING: Prospective purchasers are advised to contact Perth and
and is easily accessible via the A93 and has a more comprehensive selection        Kinross Council, Pullar House, 35 Kinnoull Street, Perth PH1 5GD Tel: 01738
of shops and facilities as well as travel links. There is also a railway station   475300 email: for further information.
at Pitlochry (approx. 35 mins drive) linking north to Inverness and south          RATEABLE VALUE: £4,200
to Edinburgh. The area is perfect for outdoor enthusiasts who enjoy
water sports, golf, cycling, fishing and shooting. The area is renowned for        EPC: Band G.
its natural beauty with the Perthshire hills and Angus glens being popular         TENURE: Owner Vacant Possession.
for hillwalking. The picturesque Cateran Trail passes nearby through the
Strathardle Glen and nearby Glenshee, offers the most extensive skiing             VIEWING: By arrangement with the Auctioneers, SVA Property Auctions
and snowboarding facilities in Scotland. Further north on the A93 lie the          Ltd. Please email in the first instance:
popular tourist areas of Braemar and Royal Deeside.

DIRECTIONS: Travelling north to Blairgowrie from Perth on the A93
drive through Blairgowrie heading east and shortly after crossing the River
Etricht at Bridge of Cally, follow the road round to the right on the A93
signposted to Glenshee and Braemar. After around 5 miles the subjects of
sale are located on the right hand side and are visible from the road. Grid
Ref: NO1402559343

DESCRIPTION: This is an essentially rectangular shaped site extending
to approx. 0.31 Ha (0.76 Acre). Historically, the older part of this building
was used as the village primary school but in more recent years the whole
building has been run as an outdoor activity centre by Live Active Leisure
on behalf of Perth and Kinross Council. It can sleep up to 18 people and
has a large room suitable for group or community meetings. It comprises
an attractive two storey traditional building with multi pitched roof and it
incorporates a large single storey, mainly pitched roof extension to the side
and rear. Internally, the property comprises main lounge area, dining room,
large kitchen and two bedrooms (one en suite) on the ground floor along
with toilets and shower rooms. There are four bedrooms on the first floor.
The ground floor has ramp access. The centre benefits from electric heating
and is served by a private water supply taken via a borehole located on
the site, drainage is to a septic tank. The site is demarcated by a post and
wire fence to the south and west and stone walls to the north and east.
Access is directly from the main road and the property benefits from a
good sized garden and parking. Also included with the subjects of sale is an
area of land on the south eastern side of the property which is currently
overgrown. The property benefits from lovely views in all directions. With
an abundance of outdoor pursuits available within the peace and quiet
of the countryside surroundings, there is significant potential to continue
use of the building as an outdoor activity/training centre and/or provide

Lot              Purpose Built, High Quality Office Premises with Parking – 827 sq.m. on 1.37 Acres

                 KA18 1SH

LOCATION: The property is located within the Caponacre                      RATEABLE VALUE: £43,000              EPC: Band E
Industrial Estate, which lies to the south of Cumnock and is the
town’s principal commercial centre, offering a wide range of industrial,    PLANNING: Interested parties may wish to consider alternative
manufacturing, office and storage premises. The second largest town         uses for the building and they should make their own enquiries to East
in East Ayrshire, Cumnock is located some 13 miles east of Ayr, 13          Ayrshire Council, Planning and Economic Development Team. Email:
miles south of Kilmarnock and 3 miles from New Cumnock. The town  
offers a range of services and facilities both to its own population and
the surrounding area. Both the A70 and A76 are nearby and Prestwick         TENURE: Owner vacant possession
Airport lies 17 miles to the west. The town has seen new development
arising from both the Town Centre Regeneration Masterplan and new           VIEWING: By arrangement with the Auctioneers, SVA Property
housing, some of which lies on the northern side of the Caponacre           Auctions Ltd. Please email in the first instance:
Industrial Estate.
                                                                            JOINT AUCTIONEERS: Shepherd Commercial, 22 Miller Rd, Ayr,
DIRECTIONS: Head generally south from the town centre on the                KA7 2AY. Tel: 01292 267987. Email:
B7083 (Glaisnock Rd), pass Cumnock New Cemetery and the Estate is
on the right. Take the first left prior to the Iain Watt & Son Aggregates
compound and follow the road to the right. Keep the Coalfield
Community Transport building on your left, turn left and follow the
estate road south to where the building is on the left. Other occupiers
on the Estate include Emergency One, Wee House Ltd and RCR Safety
&Training Ltd.

DESCRIPTION: The property comprises a single storey detached
office building with metal clad walls and a pitched profile metal clad
roof. A tarmac surfaced car park provides some 32 spaces including
three designated for parking for the disabled. The remainder of the site
is down to grass and the property has low metal fencing on two sides.

ACCOMMODATION: SVA Property Auctions have not had an
opportunity to undertake an internal inspection at the time of going
to print, but we understand the accommodation extends to entrance
hallway, large general office, 2 meeting rooms, staff canteen and rest
room, comms room, first aid station, filing and security rooms, plant
room and staff toilet facilities. The property has the benefit of raised
access flooring, an air handling system and provides high standard good
quality accommodation.

FLOOR AREA: 827.67 sq.m. (8,909 sq.ft) approx.

SITE AREA: 0.55Ha (1.37 Acres) approx.

10 Bedroom Care Home on 3 Upper Floors within Impressive Listed Building - Town Centre Location –
Lot               Redevelopment Opportunity

12                45 LOW STREET, BANFF, ABERDEENSHIRE, AB45 1AU
                                                                                The property has been fitted to a good standard, including the kitchen
                                                                                being completely refitted in 2019, the 2 bathrooms refitted in 2018
                                                                                & 2019, a modern gas boiler, and new stairwell and landing floor
                                                                                coverings. All bedrooms have wash hand basins.

                                                                                FLOOR AREA SUMMARY: Areas quoted are gross internal floor
                                                                                areas, are approximate and given for indicative purposes only:
                                                                                First floor:                       103 sq. m. (1,108 sq.ft)
                                                                                Second floor:                      129 sq. m. (1,388 sq.ft)
                                                                                Third floor:                        69 sq.m.    (742 sq.ft)
                                                                                Total:                             301 sq. m (3,238 sq.ft) approx.

                                                                                TO REAR OF BUILDING: From a separate doorway off Low
                                                                                Street, a recently rendered external corridor through the building,
                                                                                leads to a courtyard that forms part of the property (used by adjoining
                                                                                properties to store waste bins). At the rear of the courtyard is: (i)
LOCATION: The property fronts onto Low Street, the main                         an L shaped outbuilding, with harled walls and a slated roof in poor
thoroughfare through the town centre of Banff, which has many                   condition and (ii) a stairway leading up to a terraced garden.
impressive buildings and includes a mix of retail units, commercial &
residential properties. Below the premises are two ground floor shops.          SERVICES: Mains gas central heating, mains water, mains drainage,
Other adjoining properties are in retail, commercial and residential use.       mains electricity. It is understood that the electrical installation has a
On the opposite side of the Street is the Town House, which are the             current EICR. A fire alarm system is fitted throughout the premises.
main Council administrative offices for North Aberdeenshire.
                                                                                PLANNING: The building is category B listed. Low Street lies within
Banff is an attractive coastal town with a population of 4,000, located         Banff’s conservation area. The local planning authority is Aberdeenshire
on the west side of Banff Bay, at the mouth of the River Deveron, and           Council - Banff and Buchan Area, The Town House, Low Street, Banff,
lies opposite MacDuff, a fishing town of a similar size. Established in         AB45 1AU. Tel - 01261 813200 Email:
the 12th century and awarded Royal Burgh status, Banff has an historic
central part which includes a wide variety of buildings dating from the         RATEABLE VALUE: £6,400                EPC RATING: Band G
16th to the 20th centuries. The town has an extensive retail centre and
is a popular summer tourist destination, forming part of the stunning           VIEWING: By arrangement with the Auctioneers, SVA Property
Coastal Trail along the North-East coast. It has outstanding recreational       Auctions Ltd. Please email in the first instance:
facilities, including a high quality 18 hole golf course, a sailing marina,
Duff House a magnificent Georgian property which is an outstation of            JOINT AUCTIONEERS: Christie & Co, 18 George St, Edinburgh
the National Galleries of Scotland and salmon fishing on the Deveron.           EH2 2QU. Tel: 0131 557 6666 Email: (Martin
Aberdeen is 45 miles to the south.                                              Daw)

DESCRIPTION: The property comprises the three upper floors of
a 3 storey plus attic terraced building. It was, until earlier this year, run
as a care home for 10 residents with learning difficulties and special
needs. Accommodation includes on the first floor, 2 good sized reception
rooms, a kitchen and a staff room, on the second floor 6 bedrooms & 2
bathrooms, and on the third floor 4 bedrooms.

The frontage of the building is built with impressive stone blocks,
incorporating both granite and sandstone, with stringcourses, arched
hood-moulds above the windows and blocked cills. The upper parts of
the gable walls and rear walls are harled. The roof is pitched and slated,
incorporating front and rear slated mansard style faces with front bay
windows and a central stone wall-head gable, a lead lined ridge and stone
chimneys. Windows are of mostly traditional sash and casement design.

From an exclusive ground floor entrance off Low Street, there is a
wide central stairwell up to the first floor. Accommodation includes:
First floor: dining room - 4.74m x 4.40m, lounge - 5.42m x 4.24m, staff
bedroom/office - 3.36m x 2.22m, kitchen - 4.31m x 4.07m, stairwells
at either end of the floor up to; Second floor: (N part) bedroom 2 -
3.43m x 4.47m, bedroom 3 – 3.42m x 3.80m, bedroom 4 – 4.30m x
4.07m, bathroom, w.c, (S part) bedroom 7 – 3.85m x 5.03m, bedroom 8
– 3.05m x 3.83m, bedroom 9 – 3.32m x 4.34m, bathroom. Third floor:
(N part) bedroom 5 – 3.22m x 3.69m, bedroom 6 – 3.60m x 4.32m, (S
part) bedroom 10 – 3.10m x 3.52m, bedroom 11 – 3.32m x 3.06m.

You can also read