The CLPL Chicken Coop is Back! April 12 - May 12

Page created by Elaine Pierce
The CLPL Chicken Coop is Back! April 12 - May 12
March/April 2022

The CLPL Chicken Coop is Back!
April 12 - May 12
Crystal Lake Public Library’s embryology program, aka
the CLPL Chicken Coop, will return this spring! The public
is invited to visit the chick eggs in the incubator, and
eventually the baby chicks themselves when they hatch.
Visit page 7 for more information!
The CLPL Chicken Coop is Back! April 12 - May 12
Director’s Desktop
Dear Reader,
  True confession – I have been
engaged in a love affair for decades!
  My love affair began the first day
my mom took me to the public
library as a toddler and has contin-
ued throughout my life. I can’t begin
to enumerate all the things I have
explored and learned, nor recall all
the books and movies I have
enjoyed. Beyond the personal impact
the public library has had on my life, I
appreciate what it stands
for - equal access for all, intellectual
freedom, and lifelong learning.
  Libraries originally were a luxury                                                      Library Director Kathryn I. Martens
of the powerful and wealthy. Private
libraries, and then later subscription        The vision that established              Libraries are constantly developing
libraries wherein you could pay to         public libraries continues into our       the collection to be sure our offerings
enter and use the materials there,         21st century. Public libraries, includ-   are current, accurate, and provide
were all that existed. In the              ing yours in Crystal Lake, have           access to different points of view. In
mid-1800s, there was a push for            continued to evolve. Collections have     today’s world, the library’s
education, a desire to share knowl-        evolved from simply books to many         “collection” includes multiple
edge and improve the plight of the         different formats of materials.           formats – print, nonprint and
common man. This is when true                 Access has expanded to include         electronic.
public libraries, supported by public      technology, and librarians have             Finally, the public library stands
funds and freely accessible, began.        become skilled at using several           for lifelong learning - the pursuit of
                                           different devices to help people          knowledge for personal and
                                           access materials and information. In      professional reasons. It enhances
                                           the two years since the pandemic          social inclusion, active citizenship
                                           began, the Library has continued          and individual development, as well
                                           to evolve, always finding a way to        as increases competitiveness and
Board of Library Trustees                  provide access to materials, services,    employability. The Crystal Lake Public
Charles K. Ebann, President                and programs – both physically and        Library is “Your Community Place for
815.459.3375 •       virtually.                                Lifelong Learning.”
                                              Intellectual freedom is one of the       Having a public library as part of
William Weller, Vice-President             core values of the library profession;    our community is an asset. Join me
815.455.2193 •
                                           it promotes access to information         and others across the country as we
Rebecca Sisler, Secretary                  and guides the defense against            celebrate libraries during National
847.727.6670 •   censorship. Intellectual freedom          Library Week. Make it a point to
Mary Alice Fellers, Treasurer              encompasses the freedom to hold,          “Connect with Your Library.”
815.356.5933 •         receive and disseminate ideas.
James Becker
                                                                                     Kathryn I. Martens
815.459.3043 •
Bonita Drew                                Patrons, when you visit our eLibrary on, you’ll
815.347.9357 •
                                           notice some changes:
Chuck Stump
815.455.0698 •                         OverDrive is now               BiblioBoard
                                                          Libby/North                     Library of
Cary Waxler                                             Suburban Digital              Illinois is now
815.261.0856 •
Kathryn I. Martens, Library Director                                                        Library
815.526.5102 •

2    The Beacon ::      March-April 2022
The CLPL Chicken Coop is Back! April 12 - May 12
National Library Week 2022: Connect With Your Library!
April 3 - 9
N    ational Library Week 2022, scheduled for April 3 to 9, will highlight
     the essential role libraries, librarians and library staff play in
transforming lives and strengthening communities.
  The purpose of National Library Week is to encourage community
members to visit their local library in person, or explore its online
services, resources and programs.
  Crystal Lake Public Library offers a sizable collection of materials:
books, movies, music, games, magazines, STEM kits, eBooks and
eAudiobooks. It regularly provides an array of virtual programs (via Zoom
or pre-recorded), outreach programs, and outdoor programs (weather
  This year’s National Library Week theme is “Connect With Your Library,”
emphasizing the idea that libraries are places to get connected to
technology by using broadband, computers and other resources. Libraries
also offer opportunities to connect with media, programs, ideas and
classes, in addition to books.
  Most importantly, libraries connect communities to each other by
expanding resources and embracing inclusion in their programming,
resources and collections. Libraries across the country make a difference
in people’s lives by providing electronic learning resources like online homework help and Wi-Fi access for students and
workers who may lack internet access at home.
  First sponsored in 1958, National Library Week is a national observance sponsored by the American Library Association
and libraries of all types across the country every April.

Celebration Days During National Library Week
Monday, April 4:    State of America’s Libraries Report released, including Top Ten Frequently Challenged Books of 2021.
Tuesday, April 5:   National Library Workers Day, a day for library staff, users, administrators and Friends groups to
                    recognize the valuable contributions made by all library workers.
Wednesday, April 6: National Library Outreach Day, a day to celebrate library outreach and the dedicated library
                    professionals who are meeting their patrons where they are.
Thursday, April 7:  Take Action for Libraries Day, a day to rally advocates to support libraries.

                         “I am so honored to serve as honorary chair of National Library Week for 2022,” actress Molly
                         Shannon said. “My mom was a librarian. She encouraged kids to read. So, the work of librarians
                         and libraries has such a special place in my heart...Supporting National Library Week in this role
                         allows me to connect to my mother’s memory and all the librarians out there. Thank you for
                         everything you do.”
                         Molly Shannon, Emmy-nominated and Spirit Award-winning actress, comedian and legendary
                         Saturday Night Live cast member, will help celebrate the nation’s libraries as the honorary
                         chair of National Library Week, April 3–9, 2022.

   Take-and-Make Craft Kits
  March 1-31 and April 1-30
  Grab a take-and-make craft kit to bring home and assemble! We provide
  instructions and post how-to-assemble tutorial videos on the CLPL YouTube
  channel. Register for your kit at Kits can be picked up from the Youth
  or Adult Services desks. Please register each person separately. One kit per
  registration. CLPL cardholders only. Registration required.
  March                                                      April
  Youth: Butterflies                                         Youth: Hatching Chicks
  Teen: Friendship Bracelet                                  Teen: Decorative Bowl

  Adult: Moon Phase Wall Hanging                             Adult: Chick in a Basket
                                                                                          March-April 2022   :: The Beacon    3
The CLPL Chicken Coop is Back! April 12 - May 12
Virtual Adult Programs

Book Clubs
Bookies Book Discussion
                                              Mystery of the Month Club
                                              March and April
                                              Join our newest club! Each month, we’ll
                                                                                           Native American Voices Series:
                                                                                           Native American Residential
Zoom Meeting
Join us from the comfort of your own          pick a mystery book for you. Selections      Wednesday, March 9
home to discuss the selected book.            will be based on your profile/quiz           7-9 pm
Registration required.                        results. You could find a new favorite       Zoom Program
                                              author, or be surprised by a book            Join our in-depth panel discussion with
                  Wednesday, March 16         you’ve never read. Each month a book         exclusively native people speaking their
                  9:30-11:30 am               will be placed on hold, and we’ll notify     voices and sharing their stories. This
                  The Book Woman of           you when it is ready for pick up. Join       program will be about Native American
                  Troublesome Creek           anytime. Register via the CLPL calendar      residential schools and recognizing
                  by Kim Michele              at (select dates March 1 or         the historic trauma while honoring
                  Richardson                  April 1).                                    the victims and survivors. Registration
                  Get copies at the                                                        required.
                  Circulation desk. Digital   Read This Next
                  copies are available on     Tuesday, March 1 at 1 pm
Libby (OverDrive) and hoopla.                                                              Medical Cannabis 101
                                              Thursday, April 14 at 7 pm                   Thursday, March 10
Visit > eLibrary                     Anna from Adult Services will highlight      11 am
                                              themed selections from the Library’s         Zoom Program
                Wednesday, April 20           collection. Watch on the CLPL YouTube
                9:30-11:30 am                                                              Join us as Illinois Department of Public
                                              channel.                                     Health staff answer your questions
                Hidden Valley Road: Inside    March: She Makes History
                the Mind of an American                                                    and concerns about medical cannabis
                                              April: Every Day is Earth Day                and tell us how to apply for a medical
                Family by Robert Kolker
                Get copies at the                                                          cannabis registry ID card. Registration
                                              English Conversation Club                    required.
                Circulation desk. The
                eBook is available on         Tuesdays, March 8, 22; April 12, 26
                eReadIllinois and Libby       3:30-5 pm                                    Memory Café
(OverDrive). Visit > eLibrary        Zoom Program                                 Thursdays, March 17 and April 21
                                              Join our conversation club! Practice your    2-3 pm
                                              conversational English, and increase         Zoom Program
Forever Young Adult Book Club                 your confidence in your skills. All levels   Reminisce with new
Zoom Meeting                                  welcome. Registration required. ¡Venga       friends at our Memory
This is a YA book discussion group for        a nuestro grupo de conversación!             Café. Meet from the
those of us who are a little less Y and a     Practique su inglés conversacional y         comfort of your home. Join Marcia with
little more A. Registration required.         adquiera confianza en sus habilidades.       a host from Independence Health &
                                              ¡Principiantes bienvenidos! Se requiere      Therapy for an enjoyable afternoon.
                 Monday, March 21             registro.                                    Registration required.
                 7-8:30 pm
                 On a Sunbeam by              Adult HERStorytime:                          Pauly’s Film Discussion Group
                 Tillie Walden                Celebrating Women’s                          Thursdays, March 17 and April 21
                 Get copies at the            History Month
                 Circulation desk. The                                                     7-8:30 pm
                 eBook is available on                                                     Zoom Program
                 Libby (OverDrive).                                                        Watch the monthly movie and then join
                 Visit > eLibrary                                                 Paul from Adult Services for a discussion
                                                                                           of the classic film on Zoom. Get copies
                 Monday, April 18                                                          at the Circulation desk.
                 7-8:30 pm                                                                 March: City Lights (1931)
                 Firekeeper’s Daughter by                                                  April: Rope (1948)
                 Angeline Boulley             Tuesdays, March 8, 15, 22, 29                Registration required.
                 Get copies at the            7 pm
                 Circulation desk. Digital    Celebrate Women’s History Month with
                 copies are available on      Katie from Adult Services as she profiles
                 eReadIllinois and Libby      remarkable women. Watch on the CLPL
                 (OverDrive).                 YouTube channel.
                 Visit > eLibrary

4     The Beacon ::       March-April 2022
The CLPL Chicken Coop is Back! April 12 - May 12
For more information about Adult Services programs, visit and click on Calendar or Programs, or call 815.459.1687. All
    video programs can be watched after the release date on the CLPL YouTube channel. In-person programs are not resuming yet.

Genealogy for Beginners:                    Need-to-Know Changes to
Next Steps                                  the College Planning Process                  Illinois Libraries Present:
Thursday, March 24                          Wednesday, April 13                           Jenny Lawson
2-3 pm                                      7-8:30 pm                                     Wednesday, March 30
Zoom Program                                Zoom Program                                  7-8:30 pm
Join Shannan from Adult Services            This past year has                            Zoom Program
to learn to organize your genealogy         resulted in some of the most significant      Join us for an evening
information. Registration required.         changes to the college planning process       with award-winning
                                            in decades. Join us to learn how these        humorist Jenny Lawson
Megan’s Maker Book Talk                     changes may impact your family, and           as she discusses her
Thursday, March 31                          new strategies to consider to give your       most recent bestseller,
1 pm                                        student the best opportunity to be            Broken (in the best
Join Megan from Adult Services as she       admitted and maximize scholarships            possible way), and
highlights a selection of crafting books    and financial aid. Registration               her brilliantly funny
and cookbooks from our collection.          required.                                     body of work. Lawson is an American
Watch on the CLPL YouTube channel.                                                        journalist, author and blogger known
                                            Learn to Knit at Home!                        for her great candor in sharing her
How to Convert Your Lawn to                 Take-and-Make Craft                           struggle with mental illness. “The
a Native Wildflower Meadow                  Monday, April 18                              Bloggess” lives in Texas with her
from Seed                                   9 am                                                          husband and daughter,
Tuesday, April 5                            Learn the basics of knitting with this                        and was constantly
6:30-8 pm                                   limited take-and-make craft. The kit                          “buying too many
Zoom Program                                offers the perfect introduction to the                        books.” So, she decided
Tired of maintaining                        world of knitting. Kit includes enough                        to start her own
large sections of lawn grass? Do you        yarn for a small project and knitting                         bookshop, which also
want to attract birds and butterflies?      needles to get you started. Tutorials                         serves booze because
Learn to convert areas of your lawn         will be available. Kits for this program      books and booze are what magic is
into a native wildflower meadow in a        are limited. Registration required.           made of. She previously
webinar led by Sarah Michehl from The                                                     wrote Let’s Pretend This
Land Conservancy of McHenry County.         Broadening Your Knowledge                     Never Happened, and
Registration required.                      of Investing                                  Furiously Happy, both New
                                            Tuesday, April 19                             York Times #1 best sellers.
How Sweet! National Poetry                  7-8 pm                                        This event is made possible
Month                                       Zoom Program                                  by Illinois Libraries Present,
Thursday, April 7                           Join an educational seminar for an            a statewide collaboration
1 pm                                        overview of investing, including key          between public libraries offering
Shannan from Adult Services                 terms and types of investments. We            high-quality events. Registration
demonstrates the sweetest way to            will also discuss investing as a process      required.
celebrate National Poetry Month with        and a journey toward your goals.
sugar cookies and decorative icing.         Presented by financial advisor Joan Van       April Program
Watch on the CLPL YouTube channel.          Allen, of Edward Jones. Registration          Details about the April program will
                                            required.                                     be released soon. Check for
SCORE:                                                                                    information.
Why and How Do You Measure?                 CLPL Social:
Tuesday, April 12                           ’90s Trivia Night Live!
6:30-7:30 pm                                Thursday, April 28
                                                                                            Watch our virtual programs
Zoom Program                                7-8 pm                                          on the CLPL
SCORE Fox Valley mentor Doug Morris         Zoom Program                                    YouTube channel!
will discuss how a balanced scorecard       How well do you remember the ’90s?
process enables you to monitor and          Join Adult Services staff to test your
measure the success of your strategies      knowledge of the totally awesome final
and determine how well they perform.        decade of the 20th century. Teams and
It’s an easy-to-use process that keeps      single players welcome! Registration
you accountable, aligning your actions      required.
to measurable outcomes. Registration

                                                                                           March-April 2022   :: The Beacon       5
The CLPL Chicken Coop is Back! April 12 - May 12
Kids Page
For more information about Youth Services programs, visit and click on Calendar or Programs, or call 815.459.1687. Watch all
video programs on the CLPL YouTube channel. In-person programs at the Library are not resuming yet.

Battle of the Monarch Books                   Storytime with Ms. Susan                       Caudill Book Club
Help pick CLPL’s favorite Monarch             Mondays, March 14 and April 25                 Grades 4-8
Award nominee! Read the selected              10 am                                          Sunday, March 27
books and vote for your favorite. Books       Ms. Susan will share a special story.          1-2 pm
will change each week. Winning book           Watch on the CLPL YouTube channel.             Zoom Program
will be announced March 14. Visit                                                            Join Ms. Seanine and Ms. Dawn as         Introduction to ASL Stories and                we read books from the 2022 Caudill
                                              Songs with Ms. Susan                           Book Award Nominee list and then
Zoom Storytime with Ms. Susan                 Thursdays, March 17 and April 14               discuss them. This month’s book:
Ages 2-5                                      10-10:30 am                                    To Night Owl from Dogfish by Holly
Wednesdays, March 2 and 9;                    Zoom Program                                   Goldberg Sloan and Meg Wolitzer.
April 6, 13, 20, 27                           Join Ms. Susan for a live                      Registration with an email is
10-10:30 am                                   Zoom American Sign                             required.
Zoom Program                                  Language (ASL) storytime.
Ms. Susan will lead an energetic Zoom         Ms. Susan will teach basic                     Kids in the Kitchen
storytime featuring a story, fingerplays      ASL words via story and                        Tuesday, March 29
and movement to music. Registration           song that can benefit any toddler.             1-2 pm
with an email is required.                    Program is perfect for a toddler and           Zoom Program
                                              caregiver. Note: Ms. Susan is not an           Learn to cook using quick, fun recipes
Spin Art                                      ASL certified instructor. Registration         designed to make in a microwave.
Wednesday, March 2                            with an email is required.                     Registration with an email is required.
4:30 pm
Get ready to create spin art using            Storytime with Ms. Seanine                     Blow Off Some STEAM
paper, paints, a salad spinner, or a bowl     Mondays, March 21 and April 11                 Wednesday, March 30 at 1 pm
and lazy Susan. Watch on the CLPL             10 am                                          Wednesday, April 20 at 4:30 pm
YouTube channel.                              Ms. Seanine will share silly stories.          Have fun exploring science,
                                              Watch on the CLPL YouTube channel.             technology, engineering, art and
Storytime with Ms. Karamy                                                                    math (S.T.E.A.M.). Ms. Ashlee will
Mondays, March 7 and 28; April 18                                                            demonstrate a STEAM activity and
10 am                                         Spring Break Take-and-Make
                                              Craft Kit: Yarn Bird                           then you can try it at home! Watch on
Ms. Karamy will read a special story.                                                        the CLPL YouTube channel.
Watch on the CLPL YouTube channel.            Sunday-Saturday, March 27-April 2
                                              Grab a special take-and-make craft kit         March: Create copper reactions!
                                              over spring break and assemble the             April: Make a floating fish!
A Story with Ms. Ashlee
Wednesdays, March 9 and April 13              craft at home. Register for the program
4:30 pm                                       online and pick up your kit in Youth           Minecraft Mania
Join Ms. Ashlee as she reads Aaron            Services. One kit per registration.            Grades 1-5
Slater, Illustrator by Andrea Beaty           CLPL cardholders only. Registration            Thursday, March 31
in March, and I Talk Like a River by          required.                                      4-5:30 pm
Jordan Scott in April. Watch on the                                                          Zoom Program
CLPL YouTube channel.                                                                        Let’s play Minecraft over spring break!
                                                                                             Minecraft Mania provides educational
                                                                                             Minecraft programming to libraries in
                                                                                             Illinois and Wisconsin. Every program
                                       Waddle You Read?                                      comes with unique, in-game activities
                                                                                             that focus on digital citizenship,
                                       Winter Reading                                        teamwork and collaboration. CLPL
                                                                                             cardholders only. Registration with
                                       Program!                                              an email is required.
                                       Ends March 13!
                                    Don’t forget to stop by the Youth Services               Youth Bookmark Contest
                                    desk to have your reading minutes logged                 April 1-30
                                    and pick up your prize book and stuffed                  Calling all aspiring artists! Come to
                                    animal after you’ve completed reading for                Youth Services to get an entry form
 600 minutes. The Winter Reading Program ends March 13. The program is open                  to design a bookmark. Our youth
 to CLPL cardholders and children who attend school in Crystal Lake and their                staff will vote on the winners in five
 siblings. Registration required.                                                            categories: preschool, grades K-2,
                                     For Kids, Birth to 8th Grade                            grades 3-5, grades 6-8 and most
                                                                                             creative. Contest closes April 30.
6     The Beacon ::       March-April 2022
The CLPL Chicken Coop is Back! April 12 - May 12
CLPL Chicken Coop!
Money Magic Storytime                                               April 12 - May 12
Monday, April 4
10 am
Join Ms. Susan and Mr. Josh for a fun
storytime teaching young children how
to save money at home and in a bank
account. Save small coins and dollars in
a piggy bank and turn your piggy bank
into a big bank account. Watch on the
CLPL YouTube channel.

Yarn Bowl Art
Wednesday, April 6
4:30 pm
Design a bowl using yarn, glue and a                   Presented with help from the
balloon. Watch on the CLPL YouTube                     University of Illinois
channel.                                               Extension/McHenry County 4H

Around Town with Ms. Seanine                   Baby chicks will return to the Library in April! Chick eggs are scheduled
and Ms. Karamy                                 to arrive April 12 and will develop in the CLPL incubator for about 21
Saturday, April 9                              days before hatching. Visit Youth Services to see the eggs, and, later,
10 am                                          the chicks themselves! We’ll have fun educational activities for the kids,
Ms. Seanine and Ms. Karamy will take           too. The incubator and eggs will be set up in the youth program room.
you on a virtual tour of hidden parts
of the Crystal Lake Public Library and         Patrons must register for visits, and will have the room to themselves to
read a story about libraries. Watch on         allow for social distancing. Visit for more information. Register
the CLPL YouTube channel.                      at the Youth Services Desk or by calling 815-459-1687, ext. 6.

Open Books, Open Dialogue                                                               Storytime at the Park
Wednesday, April 20                                                                     Friday, April 29
7-8 pm                                       Storytime
                                             Tuesday, April 26                          10-10:30 am
Zoom Program                                                                            LIVE & IN PERSON!
Join a community conversation about          10-10:30 am
                                             LIVE & IN PERSON!                          Join Ms. Seanine and Ms. Susan
using books and stories to open up                                                      for stories, songs and games at
conversations in families around             Enjoy a Library storytime at Dream
                                             Riders TLC, 4701 N. Oak St., Crystal       Woodscreek Park, 1420 Willow Tree Dr.,
different topics. Panel features staff                                                  Crystal Lake. Please bring a blanket or
from CLPL, School District 47 and            Lake. We’ll share stories and meet
                                             special horses that work with kids.        chair, and be prepared for fun. We will
Samaritan Counseling Center of the                                                      continue to practice social distancing at
Northwest Suburbs. This program is           Program is held outdoors and is
                                             weather permitting. Kids will interact     our outdoor events. Storytime will be
intended for caregivers of elementary-                                                  held weather permitting. Registration
age children. Registration with an           with horses and hay. Attendees must
                                             sign waivers, practice social distancing   required.
email is required.
                                             and wear masks. CLPL cardholders
                                             only. Registration required.

Earth Day Storytime at the Park!                                     Let’s Celebrate Earth Day!
Friday, April 22                                                     Friday, April 22
10-10:30 am                                                          10 am
LIVE & IN PERSON!                                                    Celebrate Earth Day with the Library! Ms. Terri will read
Celebrate Earth Day with a special                                   the book Thank You, Earth: A Love Letter to Our Planet
outdoor storytime with Ms. Terri and Ms.                             by April Pulley Sayre and discuss other books about the
Jamie at Veteran Acres Park, 431 Walkup                              environment from the Library’s collection. Ms. Terri
Road, Crystal Lake. Please bring a blanket                           will share suggestions about ways to be good to the
or chair, and be prepared for fun. We will                           Earth, and discuss places in and near Crystal Lake where
practice social distancing at this outdoor                           families can enjoy the great outdoors. Watch on the
event. Storytime is weather permitting.                              CLPL YouTube channel.
Registration required.
                                                                                           March-April 2022   :: The Beacon 7
The CLPL Chicken Coop is Back! April 12 - May 12
MISSION STATEMENT                                                                                                     Organization
                                                                                                                      US Postage
Crystal Lake Public Library:                                                                                              PA I D
Helping people, of all ages and                                                                                    Crystal Lake, IL 60014
backgrounds, learn, enjoy and                                                                                           Permit #224
                                            126 Paddock Street
better their lives.
                                            Crystal Lake, IL 60014

The Library Board of Trustees will meet     Phone: 815.459.1687
at 7 pm on March 16 and April 20. 
Visit for more information.

Library Hours:
Monday - Thursday      9 am-9 pm                                             ***ECRWSS***
Friday & Saturday      9 am-5 pm
Sunday                 1 pm-5 pm                                            POSTAL PATRON
Due to staff training, the Library will                                     CRYSTAL LAKE, IL
open at noon Fridays, March 4 and
April 1.

Library closed Sunday, April 17.

Photos: Library staffers regularly take
photos to use in Library publications and
promotional fliers. Written consent will
be obtained from those named in a

Follow Us on                                Friends of the Crystal Lake Library
Social Media!                               Thank You, Friends!
                                            Dear FOCLL,
Keep up with the Library’s latest           Through your generous contributions, the Library can
offerings. Like our pages and share         replace the staff vending machine and replace two
our posts on social media. Watch            chairs in Adult Services. The Library also appreciates
our virtual programs on the CLPL            your contribution to the Summer Reading Program. Your
YouTube channel.                            donation helps fund finishing prizes for children and
Facebook para hispanohablantes              teens. Thank you for all your hard work! ~ Sincerely, the CLPL Staff

                                            Friends Honeybaked Ham Fundraiser
                                            Help the FOCLL by participating in the Friends’ annual
                                            Honeybaked Ham fundraiser! Place orders for your
                                            spring holidays and support the Friends. Head to the
Need a U.S. Passport?                       Friends website,, to place your order.
Come to the Library!                        Proceeds will be used toward Library programs, such as
                                            the Summer Reading Program.
                Crystal Lake Public
                Library is an official
                Passport Acceptance         Join the Friends today!
                Facility. The Library       We’re a fun-loving group that promotes the Library and,
                accepts DS-11               as noted above, raises money to provide items that
                applications for            the Library might otherwise not be able to afford. Our
                passports at the            donations also ensure that our community has access to
                Circulation Desk.           special programs, such as the Summer Reading Program.
Appointments are preferred, but we          The group currently meets monthly via Zoom. Please join
do accept walk-ins. Visit                   us at 7 pm March 21. Contact us at friendsocll@gmail. for             com for more information.
more information and to book your
The CLPL Chicken Coop is Back! April 12 - May 12 The CLPL Chicken Coop is Back! April 12 - May 12
You can also read