The Chesterfield Connection - Spring/Summer 2022 The Official Publication of Chesterfield Township

Page created by Julia Holt
The Chesterfield Connection - Spring/Summer 2022 The Official Publication of Chesterfield Township
The Chesterfield Connection
      The Official Publication of Chesterfield Township

Spring/Summer 2022

   @ChesterfieldTownshipMI               47275 Sugarbush Rd.
The Chesterfield Connection - Spring/Summer 2022 The Official Publication of Chesterfield Township
Office Directory
                                                                         Township Municipal Offices
                                                                            47275 Sugarbush

                                                                         Department of Public Works
                                                                            52216 Sierra Drive

                                                                         Chesterfield Township Library
                       Bradley A. Kersten
                         Township Supervisor
                                                                            50560 Patricia Avenue
                         Desk:(586) 649-6401
                         Cell: (586) 549-3766                            Police Department
                                                                            46525 Continental Drive

                                                                         Fire Station 1
                                                                            26001 22 Mile Road

                                                                         Fire Station 3
                                                                            33991 23 Mile Road

           Cindy Berry                       Kathy Elliott
           Township Clerk                   Township Treasurer
        Desk:(586) 649-6440
        Cell: (586) 942-3900
                                           Desk:(586) 649-6430
                                           Cell: (586) 925-8130
                                                                                 Phone Directory
                                                                     Municipal Services
                                                                     (586) 949-0400 option
                                                                     Public Works...........................................3
                                                                     Leisure Services.....................................4
                                                                     Clerk’s Office.........................................5
                                                                     Treasurer’s Office..................................6
         Hank Anderson               Brian “Scott” DeMuynck
                                                                     Supervisor’s Office............................8 - 2
          Township Trustee                Township Trustee           Trustee Offices..................................8 - 3
         Desk:(586) 649-6406
         Cell: (586) 980-1083
                                         Desk:(586) 649-6405
                                         Cell: (586) 630-2315
                                                                     Accounting.......................................8 - 4    Assessing...........................................8 - 5
                                                                     Planning & Zoning............................8 - 6
                                                                     Code Enforcement..........................8 - 7
                                                                     Historical Society..............................8 - 8

                                                                     Library...................(586) 598-4900
                                                                       Non-Emergency Public Safety
                                                                     Police...............................(586) 949-2112
          David Joseph                   Kathy D. Vosburg            Fire....................................(586) 725-2233
           Township Trustee                Township Trustee
          Desk:(586) 649-6403
          Cell: (586) 980-1085
                                          Desk:(586) 649-6404
                                          Cell: (586) 305-6457
                                                                      *IN AN EMERGENCY DIAL 9-1-1*

2                      (586) 949-0400                                  
The Chesterfield Connection - Spring/Summer 2022 The Official Publication of Chesterfield Township
Questions or concerns about
                                                                         Table of Contents
      the roads here in Chesterfield?
                                                               Supervisor’s 4
      Contact the Macomb County                                        Letter to residents & Notification information
      Department of Roads directly at                          Clerk’s 5
                (586) 463-8671                                         Passports & At Your Service Nights

                             or                                Treasurer’s 6
                                          Paperless Billing & Payment Options
                                                               Department Tips................................ 7
      For expressways & state trunk lines (I-94, 23
      Mile Road (M-29), Gratiot, and Hall Road)                        Mandatory Odd/Even Sprinkler Ban
           contact MDOT at (888) 296-4546
                                                               Open House 8
                                                                       Voting and Election information
Macomb County Services                                         Leisure 10
                                                                       Recreation for All
Animal Control (Dog Licenses)
(586) 469-5115                                                 Bus 19
                                                                       Baseball Games & Michigan’s Adventure
Clerk/Register of Deeds (Vital Records)                        Senior Only 21
(586) 469-5120                                             Special Events, Fitness, Activities, & more!

Veteran’s Services
(586) 469-5315                                                 Upcoming Office Closures
   Utility/Service Providers                                   Friday, April 15, 2022
                                                               In observance of Good Friday
DTE Energy (Electric Service) ...........(800) 477-4747
SEMCO Energy Gas (Natural Gas).....(800) 624-2019
Comcast Cable (Internet, Phone, TV)...(800) 427-7662           Monday, May 30, 2022
                                                               In observance of Memorial Day
AT&T (Internet, Phone, TV)....................(800) 288-2020

                                                               Monday, July 4, 2022
Board of Trustee Meetings                                      In observance of Independence Day

The Chesterfield Township Board of Trustees meets              Monday, September 5, 2022
regularly at 7:00 PM on the second and fourth Tues-            In observance of Labor Day
day of each month, unless otherwise noted.

                 April 12 &       April 26                     Monday, October 10, 2022
                 May 10 &         May 24                       In observance of Columbus Day
                 June 14 &        June 28
                  July 12 &       July 26                      Thursday, November 11, 2022
               August 9 &         August 23
                                                               In observance of Veterans Day
           September 13 &         September 27
              October 11 &        October 25

         @ChesterfieldTownshipMI                                                   47275 Sugarbush Rd.                        3
The Chesterfield Connection - Spring/Summer 2022 The Official Publication of Chesterfield Township
Bradley A. Kersten, Township Supervisor
            | (586) 949-0400, opt. 8, then 2

A Message From Your Supervisor....
“Where flowers bloom, so does hope.” - Lady Bird Johnson
Spring has arrived and provides a reaffirmation that continued focus on Recreation/Leisure Services, and
working toward the expansion of non-motorized and waterway paths within our approved Master Plan, is
vital to this community. Numerous studies have shown that the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual
benefits of purely being outside are tremendous. I am proud of the progress we have made in our Parks and
Pathways projects thus far, and I am very optimistic looking toward the future.
Another focus we have is the expansion and improvement of internal technology. We are moving along with
a massive upgrade to the Township-wide BS&A Cloud Platform upgrade. This software upgrade will improve
several on-line services for our residents, along with improving governmental transparency. The training and
implementation for this project is scheduled to take place in July, 2022.
Bluebeam is a software program, implemented in late 2021, that allows our Township teams to create, share,
and review large scale building and engineering plans. This program has had a marked improvement in the
sharing of information between departments and allows better service to our residents.
In the Supervisor’s Office we continue to stress the importance of both internal and external communication.
Our Facebook page and website continue to post relevant and timely updates. Please follow us on our social
media platforms, including YouTube.
I am proud and excited to announce a soon to be released feature on our website. Residents and visitors will
be able to submit non-emergent requests to the township electronically. The IT Department has worked to
launch this initiative over the last several months, and it will be available the beginning of May, 2022.
As we move steadily throughout 2022, and continue to make progress on our mission, be assured we will con-
tinue to act in the best interests of our residents. By working together we can achieve more and further the
development of our beautiful Township. Be safe and enjoy the great outdoors this Spring and Summer season!

                                                                          Chesterfield Township Supervisor

                Sign up for Notifications Today!

     Sign up at our website,, to receive Township news and
     updates delivered right to your email or phone. Click on the Notify Me icon and
               choose which categories you’d like to receive updates on.

4                 (586) 949-0400                             
The Chesterfield Connection - Spring/Summer 2022 The Official Publication of Chesterfield Township
Cindy Berry, Township Clerk
               | (586) 949-0400, opt. 5

                                   Passport Processing
Did you know your local Clerk’s Office offers Passport Processing services? No more waiting in line at the Post
Office or sending applications through the mail hoping everything is correct!

What you must bring:
1. Your completed DS-11 - Application for a U.S. Passport (DO NOT SIGN)
        Blank applications can be found at our office or go online to
2. Original/Certified Copy Birth Certificate
3. Driver’s license
4. Two (2) checks for payment (Personal, Cashier or Money Order accepted)
        Made payable to: 1. U.S. Department of State 2. Chesterfield Township
5. If applying for a minor under 16yrs of age, both parents and the child must
   be present.
6. Additional documents may be required if any of the following has
   occurred: Lost/Stolen Passport, Name Change, Parental Custody, consent
   for a minor or death of parent (minor only).
-U.S. Department of State-
Passport Book: Adult - $110.00 Minor - $80.00
Passport Card: Adult - $30.00 Minor - $15.00
Expediting Fee: $60.00 per person
-Chesterfield Township-
Processing Fee: $35.00 per person*
Pictures: $10.00*

                      Chesterfield At Your Service Nights
The team at Chesterfield Township will stay open late on select nights to better serve our residents.
Employees from the Clerk’s Office, Treasurer’s Office, Assessing, Building, Planning, and Leisure
Services Departments will be available to chat with. The Clerk’s Office will only be open for
*new* passport processing. Passport renewals can not be processed. Registration is required for passport
processing only.

                Thursday                               Thursday                               Thursday
           August 18, 2022                     November 17, 2022                      December 8, 2022
            4:30 - 7:30 PM                       4:30 - 7:30 PM                         4:30 - 7:30 PM
                To register for passport processing, visit > Community >
                            Events or call the Clerk’s Office at (586) 949-0400, option 5.

         @ChesterfieldTownshipMI                                                47275 Sugarbush Rd.                   5
The Chesterfield Connection - Spring/Summer 2022 The Official Publication of Chesterfield Township
Kathy Elliott, Township Treasurer
           | (586) 949-0400, opt. 6

    How Can I Pay my Tax and
          Water Bills?                                     Summer Taxes
Online*: Payments can be made online at www.          Summer and/or School Taxes via electronic check or credit    are due July 1, and payable
card. *Convenience fees apply
                                                      July 1 - September 14 without
Regular Mail: Mail payments to 47275 Sugarbush,       interest. These tax bills include
Chesterfield, MI 48047                                50% of the Anchor Bay and New
Municipal Offices: Use the large blue drop box in     Haven school taxes, 100% of
the circle driveway or visit the Treasurer’s Office   the L’Anse Creuse school taxes,
inside at 47275 Sugarbush, Chesterfield, MI 48047     County Operating taxes, Ma-
Pay by Phone*: Dial toll free (844) 973-1674, where   comb Intermediate school tax-
payments can be made via electronic check or          es, and Macomb Community
credit card. *Convenience fees apply                  College taxes.
At ANY First State Bank Location: Make a contact-
less payment through the drive-through

6                (586) 949-0400                   
The Chesterfield Connection - Spring/Summer 2022 The Official Publication of Chesterfield Township
Mandatory Odd/Even Sprinkling Ban
    The mandatory odd/even sprinkling ban runs from Memorial Day to Labor Day every
    year. Designated hours for all sprinkler systems is from 12:00 A.M. to 5:00 A.M.

        Addresses that end in an EVEN number: Water lawns on EVEN calendar days
        Addresses that end in an ODD number: Water lawns on ODD calendar days

                      $ave Money While Watering Your Lawn
  The Department of Public Works (DPW) offers a second meter that homeowners can have installed to
 lower the cost of water used to water your lawn or wash your car! Sprinkler systems, outside spigots, and
   water driven sump pumps are allowed on a second meter. All water used from the second meter is
charged commodity water rates and not sewer commodity rates. An $8.50 per quarter readiness-to-serve
                                            charge is applied.

                      A second meter costs as little as $400.00. Call the DPW for more details.

                                             Did you know???
“Flushable” wipes should never be flushed!

Aside from causing large problems with municipal sewer systems, wipes and other items also cause
problems in the pipes inside your home. Clogged pipes can lead to overflowing toilets, basement sewer
backups and the need to clean out the main drain. When this happens, a plumber is needed to clear
the blockage. To help avoid these problems and expenses, only flush human waste and toilet paper.

    Here is a list of other items that should never be flushed:

•    Personal and baby wipes            •   Dental floss
•    Tampons                            •   Cotton balls and swabs
•    Sanitary products                  •   Cat litter
•    Condoms                            •   Prescription drugs
•    Facial tissues                     •   Over-the-counter medicines
•    Paper towels                       •   Cigarette butts
•    Cleaning wipes and rags            •   Cooking fats, oils, or grease

         @ChesterfieldTownshipMI                                             47275 Sugarbush Rd.             7
The Chesterfield Connection - Spring/Summer 2022 The Official Publication of Chesterfield Township
May 14, 2022
    MARK YOU                                   Chesterfield Police Open House

       L E N D A R S !                      Join Chesterfield’s Finest as they open their doors to
    CA                                       the public the for their annual Police Open House!
                                            Emergency vehicles, KidPrint IDs, Joe Ballors Towing, and more
                                             will be available and on display at this event! Pssst.....We’ve
                                              heard rumblings of a helicopter and some K9 action too!

                                                        May 21, 2022
                                                Chesterfield DPW Open House
                                                 Join us at our first ever Department of Public
                                                           Works Open House Event!
                                              Department vehicles, crew members, heavy machines, and
                                             some fun kids activities will be available. Bring your hard hats,
                                                    just kidding if you’re a kid you’re getting one!

        Are You Registered to Vote?                             Looking to Vote Absentee?
      There are several ways to register to                   Per Michigan law, all voters can now
             vote. Here are a few:                            vote early. Follow these steps below:

•    Regular Mail: Visit us online and download           •   Step 1: Obtain an absentee ballot
     a Voter Registration Application. Fill out your          application Visit or call the Clerk’s Office
     form completely and mail it ATTN: Clerk’s                at 47275 Sugarbush, Chesterfield, MI 48047
     Office to 47275 Sugarbush, Chesterfield, MI              or (586) 949-0400, opt. 5. You may also be
     48047                                                    able to download one at
•    Email: Email your completed Voter Registra-              vote.
     tion Application to election@chesterfieldtwp.        •   Step 2: Complete it, sign it, and submit it
     org.                                                     to the Clerk’s Office. Completed applica-
•    Municipal Offices: Head over to the Clerk’s              tions can be dropped off at the Clerk’s Of-
     Office at 47275 Sugarbush, Chesterfield,                 fice or in the drop-box at 47275 Sugarbush,
     MI 48047 where you’ll fill paperwork out in              Chesterfield, MI 48047, mailed to the same
     person.                                                  address, or emailed to election@chester-
•    Online @
     tervoter: Use the MI Voter Information Cen-          •   Step 3: Upon receipt, a ballot will be
     ter’s web page to register to vote online.               mailed to the address indicated on your

    For any and all Election related questions, please contact the Chesterfield
                Township Clerk’s Office at (586) 949-0400, opt. 5.

8                 (586) 949-0400                              
The Chesterfield Connection - Spring/Summer 2022 The Official Publication of Chesterfield Township
Check it Out
 Marina & Boating                                                                                                                        Online!
                                                                                                                                   Township Reports

                                                                                                                                   •   Progress At A Glance
Boats can be a great source of summer fun and leisure. But, boaters,                                                                   This monthly report
swimmers, and marina staff must be aware of dangers in and around the                                                                  brings you a snapshot
water. Electrical hazards and carbon monoxide (CO) bring unique risks to                                                               view of Township gov-
the boating world. Learn to protect people and pets from these dangers.
                                                                                                                                       ernment, projects, and
KKK Never allow swimming near the boat, marina, or
    launching ramp. Residual current could flow into the
    water from the boat or the marina’s wiring. This can put
                                                                                              KNOW                                     special services. Find
                                                                                                                                       this report on our web-
    anyone at risk of electrical shock drownings (ESD).
KKK Be sure your boat is well maintained. Have it inspected
                                                                                              THE RISKS!                               site under Government
    each year. Ask a qualified marine electrician to do this job.
                                                                                              Electrical shock drownings can           > Township Reports >
KKK Ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) and equipment                                   occur when marina electrical
    leakage circuit interrupters (ELCIs) should be installed                                  systems leak electrical current          Progress At A Glance
    and tested monthly. Run tests to find out if electrical                                   into the water. Boats can also
    current is leaking from the boat.                                                         serve as the source of an
KKK Only use cords intended for marine use. Never use                                         electrical leakage. Leakage can      Township Bids
    household cords near water.                                                               cause a shock that can injure,
KKK Know where your main breakers are on both the boat                                        disable, or kill a person.
    and the shore power source. This will help you respond                      Carbon Monoxide is a gas you cannot                •   In addition to posting
    quickly in an emergency.                                                    see, taste, or smell. It is often called the
                                                                                “invisible killer.” CO is created when fuels
                                                                                                                                       Township bids on Bid-
KKK Poorly tuned engines produce more CO. Keep your                             such as gasoline, diesel, or propane do not            Net, we post all RFP
                                                                                burn fully. CO is also produced when wood
    engine properly maintained. Follow manufacturer’s
                                                                                or charcoal is burned.
                                                                                                                                       and RFQs on our web-
    instructions for service.
KKK Proper ventilation for engine and generator exhaust vents                   Sources of CO on your boat may include
                                                                                                                                       site under Government
    must be clear and pipes should be inspected for leaks.
KKK Get into fresh air right away and get help if you feel
                                                                                engines, gas generators, and cooking ranges.           > Bids and Proposals
                                                                                Space and water heaters can also be sources
    symptoms of CO poisoning. These include headache,
    fatigue, confusion, dizziness, nausea, or seizures. The                     of CO. CO can collect anywhere in or around
                                                                                a boat. The gas is harmful to both people and
    symptoms can be similar to seasickness. Assume it is CO
    exposure until you are sure the boat is safe.                               to pets.                                           Township Job Postings
KKK Do not swim near the boat’s exhaust vents. CO
    accumulates there.                                                                          FACT                               •   We are hiring! Stay
KKK Install CO alarms inside your boat. Test CO alarms
    before each trip.                                                             CO can remain in or around your                      up-to-date on all job
KKK Choose a CO alarm that is listed by a qualified testing                       boat at unsafe levels even if the
    laboratory.                                                                     engine has been turned off.                        postings by visiting
KKK If the CO alarm sounds, move to a fresh air location                                                                               www.chesterfieldtwp.
    right away.
       Your Source for SAFETY Information
       NFPA Public Education Division • 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169

                                    ©NFPA 2016

           Chesterfield Historical Society 2022 Events
                                     An American Military Timeline: June 4 - June 5
                                      World War II Reenactment: July 23 - July 24
                                         Vietnam Reenactment: August 13 - 14
                                              Heritage Day: September 17
                                                               **All Historical Society events are subject to change

            Visit the Historical Society online at

         @ChesterfieldTownshipMI                                                                                                47275 Sugarbush Rd.              9
The Chesterfield Connection - Spring/Summer 2022 The Official Publication of Chesterfield Township
Leisure Services
          Recreation & parks programming
            for youth, adults, and seniors
                                 Registration begins on April 21.
                              Registration required on ALL activities.

10   (586) 949-0400, ext. 4          
Story Time at the Park
                                                                      Brandenburg Park

                                               Spend your Wednesday mornings in the park. Head to Pavilion
                                               B where the Chesterfield Library will host story time & a craft for
                                               preschool age children. All children must be accompanied by
                                               an adult. This drop-in program is open to all park patrons. Plan
                                               to get wet in the splash pad, weather permitting, play on the
                                                         playground, and visit the restored shoreline.
               $5 per vehicle park entry fee
                                                                   June 22 - July 27
                                                             $5 per vehicle park entry fee

@ChesterfieldTwpPR                                                     47275 Sugarbush Rd.                           11
Teach a Kid to Fish
                                                  Webber Paddle Park

                              Participants ages 4-10 will learn about fish habitats, how
                              to find the best locations to catch fish, and fishing basics.
                              Taught by local volunteer fisherman Alan Christ who has
                              plenty of knowledge through personal experience. This is a
                              learning program for first-time or new anglers, with adult sup-
                              port. Bait and a fishing pole to take home will be provided.
                              This is not a drop off program. An adult must accompany
                                                  and assist participant.

                                                  Saturday, May 28
                                                    $23R / $28NR

12   (586) 949-0400, ext. 4           
Movies in the Park                                       All-Star Community Day Game
                      Brandenburg Park                                              Jimmy Johns Field - Utica, MI

Chesterfield Township Leisure Services & Library have teamed      Celebrate Chesterfield with a day of fun, entertainment, and
together to provide family movie nights this summer. Event will   baseball at Jimmy Johns Field for the ALL-STAR Game! This
be hosted at Brandenburg Park under Pavilion B. Movies will be    Chesterfield Township Day at the ballpark will be fun for all
shown on a large inflatable screen starting at 7PM. Bring your    ages. Kids can run the bases after the game and families can
lawn chairs, blankets, snacks, and plenty of bug spray.           enjoy a spectacular fireworks show! See one of your local rep-
                                                                  resentative deliver the first pitch! Parking at the stadium is free.
                                                                  Transportation is not provided.
July 5 		      Luca
July 12 		     Ponyo
July 19 		     Dolphin Tale                                       Saturday, July 9
July 26 		     Raya and the Last Dragon                           Gates open at 5:00PM
$5 per vehicle park entry fee                                     First pitch at 5:30PM
                                                                  $12 per infield ticket                     Use this QR code
                                                                                                             to purchase your

          @ChesterfieldTwpPR                                                           47275 Sugarbush Rd.                           13
Adult Outdoor Tai Chi                                             Outdoor Cardio Drumming
                         Brandenburg Park                                                          Pollard Park

 Join Tai Chi Detroit with experienced instructor Sophia Treppa for a   Improve your coordination & focus, burn calories, and strength-
 peaceful and relaxing evening. Participants ages 18 and up learn       en muscle groups all while having a ball. This is a workout that
 the art of Tai Chi/Qi Gong, one of the most effective ways to im-      involves lots of music and a good-time. Instructors from Rise Up
 prove health, muscle tone, flexibility, focus/memory, balance and      Nutrition have been bringing a drumming energy to the com-
 relaxation. Reduce stiffness and arthritis pain. Class is held along   munity and cannot wait to bring it to you! Equipment needed:
 the scenic shoreline of Anchor Bay inside Brandenburg Park. Classes    large blow up ball, bucket, and pair of drum sticks. If it is your
 will be canceled for inclement weather. Make-up classes can take       FIRST TIME ever attending class, equipment is available for you
 place any day of the week. Wear comfortable clothing, dress for        to borrow. Please, bring your own equipment or purchase a full
 the weather, and bring a water bottle.                                 set for $20 payable directly to instructor at class. After your sec-
                                                                        ond time of borrowing, a $5 rental will be charged onsite pay-
                                                                        able to instructor. . Class is designed for ages 13 and up; minors
 Thursdays, 6-7 PM                                                      must be accompanied by a paid adult participant.
 Session 1: June 2 - June 23
 Session 2: July 21 - August 11                                         Tuesdays, 6-7PM
 Session 3: September 15 - October 6                                    Session 1: May 17 - June 21
                                                                        Session 1: July 12 - August 16
 $35R / $40NR per session                                               Session 1: September 6 - October 11

                                                                        $48R / $53NR per session

                                                                                       Adult Pickleball Clinics
                                                                                                Brandenburg Park

                                                                        Come & find out what the excitement is all about during this
                                                                        beginner learning experience. Pickleball is a fun-filled game
                                                                        that combines the simplicity of ping pong, tennis, and badmin-
                                                                        ton, while playing on a smaller scale tennis-style court. Learn
                                                                        the fundamentals of playing pickleball, how to score, positions
                  Outdoor Gentle Yoga                                   on the court, and player movement, while having a lot of fun!
                         Brandenburg Park                               Join 1, 2 or all 3 classes! Bring your own paddle to class.

 First timers and experienced yogis welcome! Certified instructor
 Stephanie Green looks forward to bringing her communicative and
                                                                        Wednesdays, 6:15-7:45PM
 community-driven approach to this new Chesterfield program. In         Session 1: June 1
 the 50-minute gentle yoga class participants ages 16 and up will       Session 2: June 8
 learn foundational breathing exercises, poses and sequencing.          Session 3: June 15
 Over the 4-week session, you can look forward to building upon
 your foundation and expanding your knowledge with our group.
 Our goal is to create a beneficial practice for you. Please be pre-    $10R / $15NR per date
 pared to bring your own mat - yoga blocks and blankets optional.

 Wednesdays, 7-7:50PM
 Session 1: May 25 - June 15
 Session 2: July 6 - July 27
 Session 3: August 11 - September 7

 Saturdays, 8-8:50AM
 Session 1: May 28 - June 18
 Session 2: July 9 - July 30
 Session 3: August 20 - September 10

 $40R / $45NR per session

14                (586) 949-0400, ext. 4                                        
Fall Soccer League
                                                            The Sports Academy

Through this league, games will run with fewer players on the field to allow for more touches on the ball and more physical and mental
involvement in the game. Practices will be held on Wednesday evenings, with games held Saturdays. Teams will play seven games.
Indoor facility is available for inclement weather days. Register early; space fills fast! With registration, each player will receive a T-shirt
jersey for the season.

September 7 - October 22
Co-Ed U6      Practice: Wednesdays, 6:15-7:15PM                                Game: Saturdays, 2PM
Girls U8      Practice: Wednesdays, 6:00-7:15PM                                Game: Saturdays, 3PM
Boys U8       Practice: Wednesdays, 6:00-7:15PM                                Game: Saturdays, 3PM
Co-Ed U11     Practice: Wednesdays, 7:15-8:30PM 		                             Game: Saturdays, 4PM

$60R / $65NR
                                                                                                 Soccer Clinics
                                                                                                      Pollard Park

                                                                            This clinic led by experienced instructor Angela Fontair, con-
                                                                            centrates on soccer skills including dribbling, coordination,
                                                                            direction, and basic ball-handling skills. Bring your own soc-
                                                                            cer ball size 3 or 4 & water bottle.

                                                                            Sundays, *See times below
                                                                            Session 1: May 15 - June 12
                                                                            Session 2: July 10 - August 7
                                                                            Session 3: September 18 - October 16
                                                                            Parent & Tot (ages 2-3)                  10:15-11AM
                                                                            Learn to Play (ages 3-4)                 11-11:55AM
                                                                            Train to Play (ages 5-8)                 12-12:55PM

                                                                            $50R / $55NR per session
                   Ice Skating Lessons
                      Suburban Ice Macomb

Class structure is 25 minutes of instruction and 25 minutes of moni-
tored practice. Snow pants, gloves, and helmets are recommend-
ed. Skate rental is available for $18 for all 6 weeks. Registrations
through Chesterfield Leisure Services are for first time skaters in                                Pre-Tee-Ball
beginning levels. No class 7/4, 7/7.                                                                  Pollard Park

                                                                         Learn the basics to America’s favorite pastime in a sports clinic for-
Parent Tot (ages 3-5)                                                    mat, getting your little one ready for the ‘big leagues’. Experienced
Snow Plow Sam 1 (ages 3-5)                                               coach Ron Masters brings his love of children to the field for this
Basic 1 (ages 6-11)                                                      young baseball prep program. This class is hosted at Pollard Park
                                                                         for children ages 4-5. Parent participation is required. Bring baseball
Session 1:
Mondays        June 6 - July 18        5PM or 5:50PM
Thursdays      June 9 - July 21        5:15PM or 6:05PM                  Mondays & Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30PM & 6:45-7:45PM
                                                                         Session 1: May 2 - May 11
Session 2:                                                               Session 2: June 6 - June 15
Mondays         July 25 - August 29   5PM or 5:50PM
                                                                         $40R / $45NR
Thursdays       July 28 - September 1 5:15PM or 6:05PM

$110R / $115NR per session

            @ChesterfieldTwpPR                                                                  47275 Sugarbush Rd.                          15
Mad Science Camp                                                 Challenger Soccer Camp
                         Brandenburg Park                                                       Pollard Park

 Digging for Dinos. Do you have a dinosaur enthusiast at home?         Challenger International Soccer Camps (staffed by coaches
 Maybe a curious learning lover who is in Pre-K through 5th            from Europe, Brazil and the U.S.) teach a fun, technical, and
 grade? Take a trip to the past, dig for dinosaur bones and make       tactical based curriculum, revolving around five of the world’s
 your very own dinosaur tooth, dinosaur fossil, stegosaurus skele-     leading soccer nations: Brazil, France, Spain, UK and the US.
 ton and more! You’ll also explore the world of days past, inves-      Players ages 5-16 work on foot skills, passing & moving, and
 tigate the secrets of the Earth, go on a rock hunt and search         speed challenges.
 for hidden treasures. Camp is hosted in the indoor facility with      Register online at
 outdoor activities (weather permitting).

                                                                       July 18 - July 22
 August 29 - September 2
 $195R / $200NR

                                                                                    Tiny Tykes Soccer Camp
                                                                                                 Pollard Park

                                                                       Tiny Tykes is an innovative program run by the Challenger Inter-
                                                                       national Soccer Camp staff that introduces children ages 2 to
                                                                       5-years to the basic skills of soccer. Camps use the fundamen-
                                                                       tals of soccer teaching skills, self-confidence, and communica-
                                                                       tion through activities, games, & stories.
                                                                       Register online at

                                                                       July 18 - July 22

                      Junior TGA Golf
                  Chesterfield Municipal Offices                                       Youth Tennis Lessons
                                                                                      Anchor Bay Middle School South
 TGA Premier Junior Golf brings the golf course to Chesterfield
 Township! Players ages 5-12 learn swing fundamentals, putting,        These four-day classes are held outdoors at Anchor Bay Middle
 chipping, rules, etiquette and life values in a safe, nurturing en-   School South and are taught by avid player and experienced
 vironment. All equipment is provided and TGA promises a stu-          coach Peggy Jones. Students will learn the proper swing and
 dent-coach ratio of 8-1 or better. Class is held outdoors; dress      serve, while developing skills and knowledge through game
 accordingly. If class is canceled due to inclement weather,           play. Participants need to bring their own tennis racquet.
 make-up dates will be scheduled and could occur any day of
 the week.
                                                                       Session 1: Monday-Thursday, June 20 - June 23
 Saturdays                                                             Session 2: Monday-Thursday, August 1 - August 4
 September 10 - October 15
                                                                       Ages 5-8              9-9:55AM
                                                                       Ages 9-16             10-10:55AM
 $119R / $124NR
                                                                       $40R / $45NR per session

     Summer is upon us and with it comes the time to call upon local businesses to help sponsor commu-
     nity-wide programs & events. Sponsorships are available in youth sports, banners, special events, &
     more. Show support and begin promoting your business through us by contacting the Chesterfield
     Leisure Services at 586-949-0400 ext. 4.

16                 (586) 949-0400, ext. 4                                     
Outdoor Basketball Camp
                        Brandenburg Park

Experienced coach and referee, Ron Masters, will show partic-
ipants the proper techniques for shooting and ball handling,
along with the basics of team defense. Participants work in
small groups and participate in instructional games.

Session 1: Tuesday-Friday, July 5 - 8
Session 2: Tuesday-Friday, August 9 - 12

Ages 6-8                6:30-7:30PM
Ages 9-12               7:30-8:30PM

$40R / $45NR per session

                         Music Lessons
                              Evola Music

  Additional information on each class including ages for class                            Itsy Bitsy Dance Class
  participation is available at Individu-                       Drop Everything & Dance Studio
  al materials fees are due directly to the instructor at the first class
  for each program.                                                         Designed for children ages 2-4 years to develop small & large
                                                                             motor skills while learning the basic dance steps to age ap-
                                                                                      propriate songs in a positive atmosphere.
  Youth Beginner Piano                                                               Class attire will be specified at registration.
  Tuesdays, 7:15-8PM
  June 14 – July 19                                                                          Wednesdays, 4-4:30PM
  $108R / $113NR                                                                               July 13 - August 3

  Adult Beginner Piano                                                                             $35R / $40NR
  Mondays, 7:15-8PM
  June 20 - July 25
  $108R / $113NR
                                                                                                Dance Sampler
  Adult Beginner Guitar                                                                    Drop Everything & Dance Studio

  Thursdays, 7:15-8PM                                                        This class for ages 6-9 will cover four styles of dance; ballet,
  June 16 - July 21                                                           tap, jazz, and hip hop. Each week the dancer will sample
                                                                            each dance style. Class attire will be specified at registration.
  $144R / $149NR per session

  Group Voice; Learn to Sing!                                                                Wednesdays, 4:30-5PM
                                                                                               July 13 - August 3
  Wednesdays, 6-6:30PM
  June 15 – July 20                                                                                $35R / $40NR
  $108R / $113NR

Our Commitment
Chesterfield Leisure Services continues to be committed to providing connections for people of all ages
through programming, parks and preservation with purpose. Within our resources, we will continue to be the
beginner base for people to try new things at an affordable cost. The Chesterfield community deserves qual-
ity programming in top-notch facilities. The community's population and interests support the need. Options
for sustainable funding for enhanced facilities and parks of vibrancy are being researched.
Chesterfield Township leaders are in a progressive, forward-thinking, growth-oriented mindset and are work-
ing hard behind the scenes to set this community up for future success providing funding can be supported.

             @ChesterfieldTwpPR                                                               47275 Sugarbush Rd.                          17
Kids to Parks Day
                   Chesterfield Township Parks

 Kids to Parks Day is a national day of outdoor play celebrated
 annually on the third Saturday of May. On this day, we chal-
 lenge you to spend time in our parks as a family. The day con-
 nects kids and families with their local, state, national parks and
 public lands through thousands of park events that promote
 discovery and exploration in the great outdoors. Chesterfield
 Township has multiple parks for your enjoyment including Bran-
 denburg Park, Pollard Park, Webber Paddle Park, Salt River
 Nature Preserve, and the Township Offices Municipal Complex.
     Worksheets are available at 47275 Sugarbush or online at

 Want a chance to win a prize? Play with us!
 Here’s how in three simple steps:
 1. COMPLETE two tasks from the list on the worksheet
 2. POST a photo of the task on Facebook, tagging
    Chesterfield Township Parks & Recreation and
    using the hashtag #MyParkMyFuture
 3. RETURN your worksheet to the Chesterfield Leisure
    Services Offices to be entered to win a prize

                     Saturday, May 21
            Self-led, on your own active day!

                                                                                         Family Field Day
                                                                                                Pollard Park

                                                                       A family fun day in the park is always in season! Help us bring
                                                                       summer to a close with a day in the park. Kids, bring your
                                                                       adults to participate in a group kickball game, relay races,
                                                                       family photo opportunities, and a picnic. A boxed lunch is
                                                                       included in the per person price.
               Family Kayak Adventure
                       Webber Paddle Park
                                                                                           Friday, August 19
  Kayak from Webber Paddle Park to the Salt River Nature Pre-
  serve and back. Price includes lunch in the park and a kayak                                $13R / $18NR
  rental for each participant. This event is weather permitting.
  The day’s temperature needs to be at least 55 degrees to
  host. Both single kayaks and tandem kayaks are available.
  Limited rentals of each. Participants must be ages 10 and
  older. Dress for the weather as we will be outdoors all after-
  noon.                                                                                   Follow us on Facebook!
                                                                                          Chesterfield Township
                  Saturday, September 10
                          1-3PM                                                           Parks & Recreation
                       $40R / $45NR

18                 (586) 949-0400, ext. 4                                      
Bus Trips                                                                          Transportation free of expense thanks to SMART

                                                                   One-Day Bus Trips depart & return to the
             Birch Run Shopping Trip
                                                                   Chesterfield Municipal Office Grounds. 47275
This destination location of discounted outlet stores offers       Sugarbush. Return times are approximate.
over 100 stores featuring designer and brand name outlets.         Ticket price is included in the listed trip price.
Lunch is on your own.

                   Saturday, May 21
                   Bus Leaves: 9AM
                  Bus Returns: 3:30PM
                      $5R / $10NR
                                                                                   Detroit Tigers Game
                                                                    Seats located in the shaded lower bowl bleachers. Conces-
                                                                    sions available for purchase. Game begins at 7:10PM. Fire-
                                                                    works show to follow the game. Seats located in section 104
                                                                    & 105.

                 Huron Lady Cruise                                                      Friday, June 17
Come aboard to travel where the freighters go! See the Ft.
                                                                                      Bus Leaves: 5:30PM
Gratiot Lighthouse and the Bluewater Bridge from the wa-                               Bus Returns: 11PM
ter from the comfort of the iconic Huron Lady II. Plenty of                              $36R / $41NR
sights to see along the American & Canadian shorelines. The
90-minute guided cruise begins at 1PM. Snacks & drinks are
available for purchase on the boat.

                     Friday, July 8
                 Bus Leaves: 11:30AM                                   Jimmy Johns Field ALL-STAR Game
                  Bus Returns: 3:15PM                               Join us for a family day at the local ballpark while watch-
                     $26R / $31NR                                   ing premier USPBL play in the ALL-STAR game. Concessions
                                                                    available to purchase. Game begins at 5:30PM. Children
                                                                    are invited to run the bases following the game. Transporta-
                                                                    tion & ticket included in price.

                                                                                       Saturday, July 9
              Michigan’s Adventure                                                   Bus Departs: 4:15PM
Only at Michigan’s Adventure will you find over 60 rides, slides
                                                                                      Bus Returns: 10PM
and attractions, including seven roller coasters. Visit Camp                            $17R / $22NR
Snoopy, and find fun for every age from toddlers and older.
Admission includes entry into the WildWater Adventure Park.
Park opens at 11AM. We will leave park as a group at 6PM.

                    Saturday, July 16
                    Bus Leaves: 8AM                                                Detroit Tigers Game
                   Bus Returns: 9:15PM
                                                                    Seats located in the shaded lower bowl bleachers. Conces-
                      $42R / $47NR                                  sions available for purchase. Game begins at 7:10PM. Fire-
                                                                    works show to follow the game. Seats located in section 104
                                                                    & 105.

                                                                                       Friday, August 19
                                                                                      Bus Leaves: 5:30PM
                                                                                       Bus Returns: 11PM
                                                                                          $37R / $42NR

           @ChesterfieldTwpPR                                                         47275 Sugarbush Rd.                          19
Chesterfield Township Parks                                           Pollard Park
                                                                       55550 New Haven Road

 Brandenburg Park                                                      This stadium style park, on the border of Macomb and St. Clair
 50050 Jefferson                                                       Counties is an excellent location for many sports. With 5 base-
                                                                       ball and 4 soccer fields, this sports complex is ideal for little
 Basketball, volleyball, tennis, pier fishing, boating, playgrounds,   league, travel, and tournament play of all levels and ages!
 pickleball courts and more ready for you to enjoy along a             The active park has a walking path, two small play structures,
 restored natural shoreline. Cooling off in our Splash Pad is a        and a picnic gazebo. Pets are not allowed at Pollard Park.
 popular option! Daily park entry fee is $5 per vehicle (May-Sep-
 tember). Season passes are available at entry or at the Treasur-      SPORT FIELD RENTALS: April - October (pending availability)
 er’s Office. Pets are not allowed in this park.                       Baseball fields starting at $40 for 2.5 hours.
                                                                       Soccer fields starting at $40 for 2 hours.
 PARK RENTALS: Memorial Day - Labor Day                                Call 586-949-0400 ext. 4 for procedures.
 Pavilion Rentals
 Open-air covered structures include picnic tables & electricity.
                                                                       Salt River Nature Preserve
                                                                       Located at the end of Hooker Road on the Salt River Waterway
 $150 Rental Fee
 + $100 Refundable Security Deposit
                                                                       This newly acquired parcel is a central part of the Salt River Intra-
 Indoor Facility Rentals                                               coastal Marina District and located at the end of Hooker Road. Cur-
 The indoor facility is a temperature controlled building that         rently, the property remains in a natural state and contains a rich
 includes chairs and tables for a maximum of 70 guests.                variety of wildlife with wetlands, upland wooded areas, and a walk-
 $200 Rental Fee                                                       ing path. It provides access to the Salt River and the Lake St. Clair
 + $200 Refundable Security Deposit                                    Coastal Water Trail via canoe or kayak. Nature paths, boardwalks, a
                                                                       paddle trail, wildlife viewing areas and wildlife educational resourc-
                                                                       es are still to come!

                                                                       Webber Paddle Park
                 BRANDENBURG PARK                                      49239 Jefferson

                                                                       Accessible by foot, bike, vehicle, and kayak, Webber Paddle Park
                                                                       offers visitors the ability to travel the Salt River in a non-motorized
                                      Daily Fees
                                                                       vessel. The 3-acre parcel offers picnic areas, green space, water ac-
     Cars & Motorcycles                  $5.24 Credit Card     $5.00   cessibility, and kayak launch.
     Car w/ Trailer                      $5.24 Credit Card     $5.00
                                                                       Municipal Offices & Historical Village
     Busses                              $10.37 Credit Card   $10.00
                                                                       47275 Sugarbush
                                Season Pass – Car
                                                                       Attractions include the Weller School House, Kolping Chapel, Veter-
     Resident                            $14.48 Credit Card   $14.00   an’s Memorial Wall and dedicated Howitzer Cannon. A play struc-
     Resident – Senior (62 & Older)      $8.32 Credit Card     $8.00   ture, four tee-ball fields, plenty of wildlife, and a pet-friendly walking
                                                                       path make this spot an attractive place to frequent for the entire
     Non-Resident                        $19.61 Credit Card   $19.00
                                                                       family. This is the only dog-friendly public property in Chesterfield.
     Non-Resident – Senior (62 & Older) $14.48 Credit Card    $14.00

                                                                                    Simple Adventures Rentals
                          Season Pass – Car w/ Trailer
     Resident                            $22.69 Credit Card   $22.00   Call at 1-844-WE-KAYAK or
     Resident – Senior (62 & Older)      $11.40 Credit Card   $11.00
     Non-Resident                        $30.90 Credit Card   $30.00   Three convenient water accessible locations to choose from!
     Non-Resident – Senior (62 & Older) $22.69 Credit Card    $22.00
                                                                       Brandenburg Park, 50050 Jefferson Avenue
                                                                       Webber Paddle Park, 49239 Jefferson Avenue
                                                                       Salt River Nature Preserve, Hooker Road & Jefferson Avenue

20                     (586) 949-0400, ext. 4                                       
Senior Programs - For individuals ages 55 and better
   Welcome to the Chesterfield Township Senior Center, located at 47275 Sugarbush, attached to the
  Chesterfield Township Municipal Offices. SENIOR CENTER CLOSED: May 30, July 4, August 2, September 5

                                                    Registration begins on April 21
                                                 Registration required on ALL activities

    Kick-Off to Summer                                               Patriotic Party
  Outdoor Concert & Lunch                                                 Senior Center

           Chesterfield Historical Village              Red, white, & blue looks good on you in this
                                                        all-American celebration! You are invited to a sum-
Let’s celebrate summer! Join your friends old &         mer party with dancing, food & fun. Raffle tick-
new as we bring in the season of sunshine. Lunch &      ets will be available to purchase the grand prize!
entertainment by Elvis impersonator, Darrin Hagel.      Event produced in partnership with the Chester-
Bring a lawn chair as picnic table seating will be      field Senior Group.
limited. While this is a free program, meals are pur-
chased based on enrollment numbers. Only regis-                          Thursday, July 7
ter if you are able to attend. This event is weather                          1-4PM
permitting. Cancellations or scheduling changes                             Price TBD
will be posted on our Facebook page by 10AM on
event day.

                 Monday, May 23
                                                                Waffle Wednesday
                     1-3PM                                                Senior Center
                                                        Calling all grandparents & their grandchildren! En-
                                                        joy a delicious waffle bar as you socialize at the
                                                        Chesterfield Senior Center. Keepsake craft includ-
         Ice Cream Social                               ed and opportunity for togetherness. Register un-
                                                        der grandparent’s name. In-person registration
                   Senior Center                        only. Come for breakfast courtesy of Story Point
                                                        Senior Living.
 Come & enjoy while socializing with friends at
the Chesterfield Senior Center. Step into the ice                      Wednesday, July 20
cream parlor now serving sundaes with toppings                             2:30-4PM
   to choose courtesy of Prestige Commons.                               $5 per person

               Wednesday, June 29
                     Free                                                Spa Day
                                                                          Senior Center

                                                        It’s a spa day at the Chesterfield Senior Center!
                                                        Self-care is important. Pamper yourself with a ma-
                                                        ni-pedi courtesy of Oak Street Health.

                                                                        Monday, August 8

        @ChesterfieldTwpSeniorCenter                                  47275 Sugarbush Rd.                21
Luau Party
                                                                         Brandenburg Park

                                                         Hele mei hoohiwahiwa! Break out the leis and
                                                         grass skirts because it’s hula time. Wear your best
                                                         island-inspired gear. Weather permitting, this is an
                                                         indoor/outdoor event. Chicken kabobs, salad,
                                                         fruit, & water generously provided by Story Point.

                                                                          Monday, June 6

       Karaoke Dance Party
                    Senior Center                                    Mexican Fiesta
 Come out and dance and sing to DJ Joe from                                 Senior Center
 the Magic Man’s Ultimate Entertainment. Refresh-
 ments and light snacks will be provided. Sponsored      Ole Ole, it’s time to play! Enjoy a taco bar & Mex-
 by Village of East Harbor.                              ican themed party. Event will feature a mariachi
                                                         band, pinatas, and maracas! Weather permitting,
                   Monday, May 9                         this is an indoor/outdoor event.
                       Free                                              Monday, August 1

        Senior Sidewalk Sale
            Municipal Township Building

 Seniors ages 55+ bring your homemade treasures,
 trinkets and baked goods to sell at this senior side-
 walk sale. Business vendors not accepted.
 Interested in being a seller? Card tables are avail-
 able for $5. You set your own price, we provide
 the space. Set-up of goods is on your own. Table
 space will be assigned by Leisure Services staff.

                  Monday, July 18
                     $5 per table
                  Free for Shoppers

                Follow us on Facebook!
                Chesterfield Township Senior Center

22             (586) 949-0400, ext. 4                       
BINGO Fun                              Joann’s No Bake Desserts
                   Senior Center                                            Senior Center

Time to win prizes playing BINGO with friends! So-     Head to the Senior Center Kitchen for a lesson on
cialize and try your luck in this hour-long game       making delicious no bake desserts. Each month,
of chance! Paper BINGO cards will be provided          Joann will teach you some of her favorite delicious
along with pizza & a bottled water provided by         no bake dessert recipes. Make to take home for
Story Point or the Village of East Harbor.             you and your family to enjoy. Bring your favorite
                                                       mixing utensils.
Wednesdays, 2:30-3:30PM
Session 1: May 25                                      Mondays, 2-4PM
Session 2: June 22                                     Session 1: May 16
Session 3: July 27                                     Session 2: June 13
Session 4: August 24                                   Session 3: July 11
                                                       Session 4: August 22
$10 per session
                                                       $10 per session

    Mary’s Crafty Creations                                 On the Gogh Painting
                   Senior Center                                            Senior Center

Join us for a creative hour of simple crafty fun and   On the Gogh Studio will be instructing step-by-step
friendships. Craft supplies will be provided by the    as you create an artistic masterpiece! Relax, un-
instructor. Use your imagination to build your mas-    wind, and paint your worries away. Cost includes
terpiece. A surprise craft will be selected by Mary    all supplies needed for an entertaining afternoon.
prior to the start date of each class.                 All participants walk away with their finished item
                                                       the day of class.
Wednesdays, 2:30-3:30PM
Session 1: May 11                                      Wednesdays, 2:30-4PM
Session 2: June 8                                      May 18		     Canvas Tote Bag
Session 3: July 13                                     June 15      Succulent Canvas
Session 4: August 10                                   July 20		    Lady Bug & Watermelon
                                                       		           Wine Glass Votives
$10 per session                                        August 17    Back Road Flower Basket Canvas

                                                       $20 per class

                                                                       Senior Prom
                                                                       Village of East Harbor

                                                       Put on your dancing shoes & dress clothes to head
                                                       off to the prom in style. SAVE THE DATE for the re-
                                                       turn of this popular program! Provided in partner-
                                                       ship with the Village of East Harbor.

                                                                         Thursday, August 25
                                                                              Price TBD

       @ChesterfieldTwpSeniorCenter                                    47275 Sugarbush Rd.              23
Cardio Video Fitness
                    Senior Center

 Get your sweat suits, T-shirts, and dancing feet
 ready! We invite our 55 and better friends into the             Cardio Drumming AM
 Senior Center for an in-person aerobic workout                               Senior Center
 via video. Whether it is a popular health and fit-
 ness motivator or a heart pumping 80’s throwback,         We welcome you to join these classes taught by
 these cardio workouts will keep you moving and            experienced instructor, Amanda Hodge, who is
 grooving on Wednesdays and Fridays. Modify the            ready to lead you through Chair Cardio Drum-
 program to fit your fitness abilities. This group de-     ming. Bring your own ball, bucket, & drumsticks;
 cides by a show of hands which video to exercise          equipment not provided. Contact instructor for
 to daily. Bring hand weights to intensify your work-      details on what to purchase. Try something new
 out. No class 6/15, 7/20.                                 this season!

 Wednesdays & Fridays                                      Fridays, 8:45-9:45AM
 May 4 - August 31                                         Session 1: May 6 - May 27          $20
 11:15-12:15PM                                             Session 2: June 3 - June 24        $20
 Free                                                      Session 3: July 15 - July 29       $15
                                                           Session 4: August 5 - August 26    $20

           Sophia Treppa’s
         Tapping Meditation
                 Main Meeting Room
                                                                 Cardio Drumming PM
 Come and enjoy a relaxing time with Sophia Trep-                             Senior Center
 pa as she introduces you to a new meditation
 technique. It’s a self-help technique that involved       Bring your own ball, bucket, & drumsticks; equip-
 tapping near the end points of ‘energy meridians’         ment not provided. Contact instructor for details
 located around the body to reduce tension and             on what to purchase. Try something new this sea-
 promote a deeper mind to body connection. Her             son!
 brilliant sparkle, positivity, and motivational speak-
 ing leaves everyone feeling revived and ready to          Wednesdays, 6-7PM
 thrive! Pre-registration is necessary.                    Session 1: May 4 - May 25          $20
                                                           Session 2: June 1 - June 29        $25
 Monday, May 9                                             Session 3: July 6 - July 27        $15
 2:30-3:30PM                                               Session 4: August 3 - August 31    $25

     Summer is upon us and with it comes the time to call upon local businesses to sponsor some of our
     upcoming senior activities and events. Your donations help us to provide our seniors with activities,
     food, gifts and a safe space for older people to come out and safely socialize among one anoth-
     er. Friendships and camaraderie are the key to quality mental health and mood stability within this
     population. Your generous gifts also keep programs affordable for senior participants. Contact us at
     586-949-0400 ext. 4 and become a sponsor today!

24              (586) 949-0400, ext. 4                         
Chair Yoga AM                                           Senior Dance Fitness
                   Senior Center                                                Senior Center

Classes taught by experienced instructor, Aman-            Zumba inspired techniques to get you moving to
da Hodge, who is ready to lead you through step-           the music! Easy to follow step-by-step routines in
by-step calming instruction. Chair Yoga is a great         this energetic and faster-paced 45-minute work-
way for older adults to receive exhilarating health        out. Hosted by dedicated Senior Center member
benefits using proven gentle fitness techniques.           volunteers, Marlene Olsen & Diane Merimee. No
Find your own level of mobility in this gentle and         class 6/15, 7/20.
supportive 45-minute environment. Bring your own
yoga mat and blocks to each class. Class can ac-           Wednesdays & Fridays
commodate all abilities.                                   May 4 - August 31
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 8:45-9:45AM                          Free
Session 1: May 3 - May 26       $40
Session 2: June 2 - June 30     $45
Session 3: July 12 - July 28    $30
Session 4: August 4 - August 30 $40
                                                                   Senior Led Aerobics
                                                                                Senior Center

                                                           Move to your favorite aerobic moves and music
                                                           during this low-impact workout. Introduce hand
                                                           weights and floor exercises, as tolerated. Hosted
                                                           by dedicated Senior Center member volunteers,
                                                           Judy Wegner, Joann Lesniewski, & Ted Rabaja.
                                                           No equipment is needed. Bring your own hand
                                                           weights to intensify your workout. No class 5/30,
                                                           6/27, 7/4, 8/2.

                                                           Mondays, Tuesdays, & Thursdays
                                                           May 2 - August 26

Just-A-Dancing with Darlene                                                Health Fair
                   Senior Center                                      Municipal Township Building

We welcome back to the Chesterfield Senior Cen-          Let the health fair come to you! During a one-day
ter line dancing lessons! Join in these lessons taught   event, the health fair will host several senior-related
by experienced instructor Darlene Sedrowski who is       businesses and informational booths. The event will
ready to lead you step-by-step in a fun class with       be held outdoors. In case of inclement weather the
plenty of movement.                                      plan is to host indoors. Please join us for this strolling
                                                         event, brought to you by Assured Health.
Wednesdays, 12:30-2PM
Session 1: May 4 - May 25          $20                                      Monday, June 27
Session 2: June 1 - June 29        $25                                       12:30-3:30PM
Session 3: July 6 - July 27        $20                                           Free
Session 4: August 3 - August 31    $25

       @ChesterfieldTwpSeniorCenter                                        47275 Sugarbush Rd.                    25
Bus Trips                          (ages 55+)                         Transportation free of expense thanks to SMART

                                                          One-Day Bus Trips depart & return to the
         Firekeepers Casino                               Chesterfield Municipal Office Grounds. 47275
                                                          Sugarbush. Return times are approximate.
 Whatever your game, you will find it here! Let us
                                                          Ticket price is included in the listed trip price.
 drive you to Battle Creek where we will drop you
 at the door where luck wins! Our trip falls on a Tues-
 day Senior Special. At this time, play vouchers to
 use on the trip are included. Subject to change

                                                               Meadowbrook Theatre:
 based on casino adjustments.

                  Tuesday, June 14
                 Bus Departs: 8:30AM
                                                                   A Closer Walk
                 Bus Returns: 5:30PM
                                                                  with Patsy Cline
                                                             The show walks through Patsy’s career, trans-
                                                             porting you back in time. Features hit songs
                                                             including “Walkin’ After Midnight” & “Crazy”.
     Outdoor Adventure Center                                Show begins at 2PM. Healthy snack provided for
                                                             bus ride home!
       Birding Class & Lunch
                                                                          Wednesday, June 15
 The Detroit River is an amazing place for birders.                        Bus Departs: 1PM
 From our regular friends who live and nest here to                        Bus Returns: 5PM
 the thousands who visit us through fly-ways – we                                $43
 are in a great place to begin a birding hobby. You
 will learn the basics of birding and practice some
 bird ID along the riverfront. A limited number of bin-
 oculars and field guides will be available for loan.
 Dress for the weather. A boxed lunch to eat in the
 park is included.                                              Frankenmuth Riverboat
                  Thursday, June 23                                    & Lunch
                 Bus Leaves: 9:45AM
                   Bus Returns: 3PM                          Enjoy a day in Frankenmuth complete with a
                         $19                                 riverboat tour, lunch at Zehnder’s, and time to
                                                             shop the local stores on Main Street. Boat tour
                                                             at 11AM, lunch served at 12:30PM, shopping to
         Detroit Tigers Game                                                  Friday, July 15
                                                                           Bus Departs: 8:30AM
 Seats located in the shaded lower bowl bleachers.                           Bus Returns: 5PM
 Concessions available for purchase. Game begins                                   $46
 at 1:10PM. Seats located in section 104 & 105.

                Wednesday, July 27
                Bus Leaves: 11:30AM
                  Bus Returns: 5PM

26             (586) 949-0400, ext. 4                          
Octagon House Tea Service                                BIANCO TOURS Overnight Trips
 & Shelby Nature Center
Tea service at the historic Octagon House includes                         Lilac Festival
small sandwiches, scones, quiche bites, dessert,                               Mackinac Island
and hot tea. After the docent-led seating on the
main floor, guests can leisurely explore the second      Join in this adventurous trip in Northern Michigan
level and basement level of the house. Following         for a three day, two night stay. Trip features include
our time at the Octagon House, the bus will make         the Mackinac Island Lilac festival, a Carriage Tour,
a stop at the Shelby Township Nature Center for a        a grand Luncheon Buffet at the Grand Hotel, and
self-led tour of the center and outdoor gardens.         time to shop in the downtown shopping center.

               Wednesday, August 3                                         Wednesday - Friday
                Bus Departs: 11AM                                              June 8 - 10
                 Bus Returns: 3PM                                        $745 Double Occupancy

          Lighthouse Park                                          Sault Ste. Marie, MI
                                                                              Northern Michigan
        Beach Day & Lunch
                                                         This three day, two night trip immerses you into
Take a trip to Port Huron for the afternoon to have      the history of Northern Michigan. Trip features the
lunch along the St. Clair River where it meets Lake      Tower of History, a guided tour of the Museum Ship
Huron. Lunch is included at 12:30PM hosted at            Valley Camp, the Soo Locks Boat Cruise, and shop-
Freighters with a choice of freighters house sal-        ping in the seasonal shopping centers. Some meals
ad, mesa chicken wrap, the freight burger with           are included.
cheese, or house mac & cheese. After lunch, bring
a chair to relax on the beach or walk along the                            Wednesday - Friday
shoreline. Be sure to check out the gift shop, and                             July 20 - 22
see the historic lighthouse that make this park so                       $445 Double Occupancy

                Thursday, August 18                                 Quilt Gardens Tour
                Bus Leaves: 11:30AM
                                                                               Northern Indiana
                 Bus Returns: 4:15PM
                                                         Joining quilting, gardening, & art into a one-of-a-
                                                         kind experience for a two day, overnight trip. Trip
 Rockin Oldies at Zehnder’s                              features include the Quilt Gardens Tour, the Blue
                                                         Gate Theater, Heritage Ridge Creamery, Teaberry
                                                         Wood Products, and shopping in downtown Ship-
Lunch is served including a full chicken dinner from
                                                         shewana, IN.
the famous Zehnder’s of Frankenmuth. Following
lunch, enjoy the greatest hits of the rock ‘n roll era
                                                                          Tuesday - Wednesday
highlighting every major hit by every major artist
                                                                               August 9 - 10
from 1955 to 1965. Lunch is served at 12PM, fol-
                                                                         $315 Double Occupancy
lowed by a 90-minute show.
                                                         Additional information is available at the Chesterfield Leisure
              Tuesday, September 13                      Services Office or online at Trip pick-
                Bus Leaves: 9:45AM                       up location will be determined closer to the trip date. Pick-up
                Bus Returns: 4:15PM                      locations are located in southeast Michigan in safe, public
                        $57                              parking lots.

      @ChesterfieldTwpSeniorCenter                                            47275 Sugarbush Rd.                             27
Senior Card Groups
                All card playing groups organize and bring their own equipment
                       Basic understanding of the game is required to play

                 Poker Club                                        Pinochle Lessons
                     Senior Center                                          Senior Center
 Poker is a game in which a player guesses that the       Learn to play Pinochle in a non-intimidating be-
 value of his hand is greater than that of the hands      ginner environment. These free lessons will be
 held by other players. Each subsequent player            taught by current card member Regina Nelson.
 must either equal or raise the bet, or drop out, in an   Learn to play this trick-taking card game. When
 estimate of which hand is largest. The player with       you are ready to play, join the Pinochle group
 the highest value hand is the winner. Card players       playing at 1PM Thursdays. Register in advance
 organize and bring their own equipment. Poker ta-        as space is limited to learn. Lessons are provided
 bles are provided by the Senior Center. No class         free of charge. No class 7/7.
 Tuesdays                                                 May 5 - August 25
 May 3 - August 30                                        12-1PM

                                                                     Pinochle Club
         Variety Cards Club                                                Senior Center

                     Senior Center                        A trick-taking card game typically for two to four
                                                          players, played with a 48-card deck. Card play-
 Card players organize and bring their own equip-         ers organize and bring their own equipment . Re-
 ment. You name the game; the group will try it!          turning and new enrollees can contact Marga-
 Space is limited. No class 5/30, 7/7, 8/2.               ret Johnston for additional information. No class
 May 5 - August 25                                        Thursdays
 11:30AM-2:30PM                                           May 5 - August 25

              Mahjong Club
                     Senior Center
                                                                 Wood Carvers Club
                                                                            Senior Center
 A game of Chinese origin usually played by four
 persons with 144 tiles that are drawn and discard-       Novice and experienced carvers convene to
 ed until one player secures a winning hand. Mah-         whittle, chip, and carve projects. Carvers orga-
 jong players bring their own equipment. Returning        nize, clean-up and bring their own equipment.
 & new enrollees can contact Sandy Baranski for           Returning and new enrollees can contact group
 additional information. No class 8/2.                    leader Bob Augugliaro for additional details.

 Tuesdays                                                 Tuesdays
 May 3 - August 30                                        May 3 - August 30

28              (586) 949-0400, ext. 4                       
Book Club
                                            South Meeting Room

Book lovers are you ready to join lively discussions about some great reads? Everyone ages 55+ are wel-
come and encouraged to join in this well-read group. Books are chosen by club members and are avail-
able through your local library or on Amazon. Have your book read by the meeting date to fully engage
in the discussion. Group is facilitated by our friends from the Chesterfield Library. The September meeting
will include a recommended book list. The book club will decide in October the next two-year schedule of
books to read.

Mondays, 1-2PM
May 9 		                 Everything, I Never Told You by Celest Ng
June 13                  Everyone Brave is Forgiven by Chris Cleave
July 11 		               The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead
September 12             Ask Again, Yes by Mary Beth Keane

           Mexican Train                                              Knitters Club
           Dominoes Club                                               South Meeting Room

                    Senior Center                       Calling all knitters! Bring in all your own supplies,
                                                        take a seat and share some ideas. This group is
Played with a standard set of Double Twelve             strictly a social group; no formal instruction will be
dominoes. Domino players assemble, set-up and           given. Come and check it out. This group is sure to
bring their own equipment.                              keep you in stitches! No class 8/2.

Fridays                                                 Tuesdays
May 6 - August 26                                       May 3 - August 30
1-4PM                                                   10AM-1PM

              Grief Support                                           Senior Group
               South Meeting Room                                           Senior Center

The journey of grief can be challenging. Often          The Chesterfield Senior Center Group encourages
the right words or reflection can help us to make       senior citizen awareness efforts, friendship, mutual
it through the day. If you are grieving the loss of a   support, and recreation. It also provides basic guid-
loved one, you’re not alone. We host a grief sup-       ance on larger scale full-member happenings. The
port group the first & third Wednesday of every         CSG Group has an elected President, Vice-Presi-
month thanks to the resources provided through          dent, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secre-
our community partners. Meeting is held in the pri-     tary and Treasurer. Members bring dessert to the
vacy of the South Meeting Room and facilitated          second meeting during their birthday month.
by professionals from Assured Health.
                                                        Mondays, 11:30AM-1PM
Thursdays, 11AM-12PM                                    May 2 & 16
May 5 & 19                                              June 6 & 20
June 2 & 16                                             July 11 & 25
July 7 & 21                                             August 1 & 15
August 4 & 18

      @ChesterfieldTwpSeniorCenter                                      47275 Sugarbush Rd.                  29
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