The Center for Women's Studies March 2020

Page created by Sean Logan
The Center for Women's Studies March 2020
"Each time a woman stands up for herself, without
     knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands
            up for all women." — Maya Angelou


   The Center for Women’s Studies
                     March 2020
The Center for Women's Studies March 2020

 The following piece has been written by one of our social work service learners
                          this semester, Maya Walker.
                                 J.K. Rowling
 Joanne Rowling born in Yate, England on 31 July 1965. Better known as J.K.
Rowling. J.K Rowling is a British Writer, director, TV producer, screenwriter,
  and philanthropist. The daughter of science engineer Anne Volant and Peter
 James Rowling, Rolls-Royce aircraft engineer. She is well known for writing
 the fantasy series Harry Potter, which has won multiple awards and sold over
 500 million copies, becoming the best-selling book series in history. Rowling
 has said she was unhappy in her teenage years. Her home life was complicat-
  ed by the diagnosis of her mother with multiple sclerosis and a strained rela-
     tionship with her father, whom she is not on speaking terms with. Later,
   Rowling said that when she was eleven, she modeled Hermione Granger's
character on herself. Rowling's mother, Anne, died of multiple sclerosis after a
decade. At the time, Rowling was writing Harry Potter and had never told her
   mother about it. Her mother's death greatly affected Rowling's writing, and
 she channeled her own feelings of loss by writing in greater detail about Har-
  ry's own sense of loss in the first book. She envisioned the Harry Potter idea
  in 1990, while sitting on a delayed train from Manchester to King's Cross in
   London. She began mapping out all seven books of the series over the next
   five years. She mostly wrote by longhand and gradually built up a mass of
   notes, many of which were scribbled on strange paper scraps. Rowling was
    persuaded to drop her first name and changed it because they thought she
  wouldn't appeal to young boys ' audience, so she dropped it and became J.K
Rowling. J.K has lived a life of "rags to riches," in which she has grown from
living on benefits to be the first billionaire author in the world. Despite giving
 away much of her earnings to charity, she lost her billionaire title but remains
                         one of the world's richest people.
The Center for Women's Studies March 2020

                   Table of Contents
Women Writers.…………….…………………………………………….. 3
Women’s History Month………………………..…..……………………..4
The HerStory Project….………………………..…………………………5
Resources at the Women’s Center...…………………………………… 6
Internally Speaking………………….……………………………………. 7
Social Media………..…..…………………………………………………..8
 Club Meetings………………………………………………………….…9

               March 2020 Calendar
March 1-31—(Collier Library Ground Floor) HerStory
March 5-7—George Lindsey UNA Film Festival
March 8– International Women’s Day
March 23-27– Spring Break!
The Center for Women's Studies March 2020

                        Women’s History Month
                              Kristin Cooper
     Each year, March is designated as Women’s History month: the
time to honor the many tribulations women have experienced on their
way to making contributions to society. While we still has a long way to
go, we have made great strides as far as women’s liberation and inde-
      International Woman’s Day was/is a global event that took place
for the first time on March 8th, 1911. It honored the achievements of
women and the beauty of them within many cultures despite always be-
ing written as man’s supporting role throughout history. Women’s histo-
ry month originally stemmed from a week-long event hosted in Califor-
nia during the 1970’s by the Sanoma school district. Later President Jim-
my Carter proclaimed the week of March 8th to be Woman’s history
week, and within six years the celebration of history, culture, and libera-
tion was granted to extend the entire month of March. Many countries
around the world celebrate the holiday with demonstrations, education-
al initiatives and customs such as presenting women with gifts and flow-
ers. The United Nations has sponsored International Women’s Day since
The Center for Women's Studies March 2020

                The HerStory Project
     The American HerStory Project was established by
women’s history author and advocate Jill Tietjen. An
electrical engineer by training and profession, Jill is the
author of eight books on women’s history, including the
award-winning bestseller: Through her work and her
writing, Jill came to understand the almost total lack of
women’s representation in history–and the picture she
saw was grim. Her life’s mission is to correct the record
to finally give women their rightful place in our nation’s
history, its present, and its future. The goal of HerStory is
to tell the stories of women’s achievements and contri-
butions that have until now been left out of the narra-
tives of United States history. The HerStory exhibit will
be up for the month of March in Collier Library, show-
casing students and staff member’s heroines in history,
promoting empowerment and documentation of why
women are such important storytellers and doers.
The Center for Women's Studies March 2020

       Resources Available at
        The Women's Center:
•   Pride’s Pantry of Personal Care Items
                                      •       Library
                      •       Bottled Water
                  •       Lactation Room
              •   Couches & Blankets
                                  •   Computers
                          •       Free Printing
                                          •   Events
                              •       Study Room
          •       Coffee & Conversation
The Center for Women's Studies March 2020

                Internally Speaking
                     Kristin Cooper
    Hi guys! It’s me again. I hope that everyone is
thriving this semester, or at least surviving because we
all know how stressful this time can be as we inch past
midterm and closer to spring break and finals. Things
start to pile up and we can be more susceptible to burn-
out, but I personally have really been trying to better
manage my time. It took me until the end of my college
career to do it, but I would say I am doing an okay job!
It’s important to prioritize tasks for the day, week,
and month, and to always put studies towards the top— I
mean, we are paying to go to school, it would be a shame
if we wasted it! However, it is especially vital to our
wellbeing that we schedule friend dates, take a self
care day every now and then, and still enjoy our own
hobbies outside of our busy work and school agendas. I
personally love to read, play video games, or bake! I’m
ready for the spring weather to officially hit so that I
can also start taking my dog Audie back to our local dog
park, because he deserves it!
    Speaking of spring break, I want to remind you all
to stay safe during your travels or whatever you decide
to partake in during the time off! Keep your identifica-
tion on you, watch out for yourself and your friends,
and always have a designated driver! Even if you are not
going out of town or just out for a night over the
break, I still wish you a safe a restful time away from
your studies. I hope everyone has a great month, does
well during midterms, and enjoys some time off!
                   -Kristin Cooper
The Center for Women's Studies March 2020
The Center for Women's Studies March 2020

                CLUB MEETINGS

 March 11 @ 3:30 @ the Center for Women’s Studies

 March 18 @ 3:30 @ the Center for Women’s Studies

         Questions? Conflicts? Concerns?
  Contact OR
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