THE BUYER'S EYE LONDON 2018 - Sourcing Investment Properties in London & Manchester - Allen Wargent

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THE BUYER'S EYE LONDON 2018 - Sourcing Investment Properties in London & Manchester - Allen Wargent

Sourcing Investment Properties in London & Manchester

        -      THE BUYER’S EYE               -
                LONDON 2018


                                          - LONDON 2018 MARKET OUTLOOK -
In 2017, the London property market     Stamp duty increases for individuals      Nonetheless, opportunity still exists.   And yet some relatively strong price
remained gripped in a cautious          owning more than one property as          Much of the market noise and             growth was seen in some of the
mood as uncertainty around Brexit,      well as tax deductibility changes         headlines have been centred upon         lowest price deciles of the London
inflation, and interest rates reduced   also contributed to many investors        the prime London boroughs such           market, particularly earlier in the
transactional activity.                 watching from the sidelines.              as Kensington & Chelsea, where           year, partly driven by the distorting
                                                                                  some significant reductions in asking    impact of the stamp duty bands.
                                                                                  prices have been witnessed.

                 -           CURRENT ANNUAL GROWTH RATE BY PRICE BAND                                                                         -

                                                                  SOURCE: HOMETRACK

Rather than a slump for the             Market investment fundamentals            What we are likely to see is strong      Therefore, we will continue to see a
prime central markets, it can very      remain stable and consistent,             ongoing demand for well-located          diverse buyer market and continued
strongly be argued that this is a       with stock levels low, new supply         and well-maintained properties that      activity from those looking to invest
readjustment, following several years   remaining constrained, and rental         meet the rental criteria of young        for the long term.
of growth out pacing the rest of        market demand for the right product       professionals and families.
London.                                 robust.                                                                            Post Brexit, many commentators
                                                                                  However, for secondary properties        believe the UK will return to its
The weaker currency has acted as a      London boroughs that continue             or those that require a little more      strengths as the uncertainty lifts.
buffer against more significant price   to offer value and connectivity, will     maintenance or attention, demand
declines.                               continue to thrive amongst the            will likely be patchier.                 Should the UK government also
                                        first-time buyer and family buyer                                                  negotiate a favourable Brexit, it is
Indeed, for many non-sterling           cohorts, with east and south-east         For investors that can move quickly,     likely demand will increase rapidly as
domiciled investors, investing in       London continuing to flourish and         this could present opportunities         investors seek to invest unallocated
London property remains attractive      new infrastructure such as Crossrail      when negotiating prices.                 capital.
going into 2018, especially as the      and the London Bridge station
Pound stays weak around Brexit          redevelopment coming online.              While 2018 will remain another
uncertainty.                                                                      underpinned by caution, many
                                                                                  London homebuyers and investors
                                                                                  remain cash rich, and the
                                                                                  fundamentals of London property
                                                                                  remain strong.


                           - SPECIAL BOROUGH REPORT – GREENWICH 2018 -

The London property market is             In terms of ‘where next?’, south           Aside from the new Greenwich             Over the last few years the
constructed from many micro-              east London is seeing a significant        is also one of London’s most             gentrification has become clear, with
markets.                                  revival - we see increasing                historic boroughs, with the Royal        shops along the Trafalgar Road
                                          infrastructure investment, not only        Observatory providing spectacular,       converting from various takeaways to
Over the past decade many                 in public transport, but also road         panoramic views across London, the       artisan cafes, vintage clothing stores,
boroughs considered to be prime           networks, and community space.             Maritime Museum and Royal Naval          mobile phone shops, and even a
central London (over £1,000 per                                                      College showcasing London’s naval        boutique wine shop which holds
square foot) have seen prices grow,       Areas such as Peckham, Deptford,           heritage. The recently refurbished       regular tastings!
with a number of areas across zone        and Lewisham have seen huge                Greenwich market and Cutty Sark
2 (TLF Travel Zones) well above this      inward investment in the last 5 to 10      ship attracts visitors from around the   Schooling in the area is also well
threshold.                                years, which have result in increased      world.                                   provided for, with a number of
                                          housing starts and inward population                                                popular primary schools and high
Indeed, some individual pockets           movement as buyers seek value and          This is in addition for some of          achieving secondary schools in the
including Battersea and Camden            convenience across the capital.            the finest green space in Central        locality. A new doctor’s surgery and
have seen prices move above                                                          London, right on your doorstep.          leisure centre and complex opened
£2,000 per square foot in recent          With close proximity to the green          In terms of property, Greenwich          in 2015, providing a new library and
years.                                    areas of Greenwich and Blackheath          Centre is considered to be prime         sports complex, including swimming
                                          as well as the River Thames, south         real estate, with its historic           pools.
With London also benefiting               east London is see as a robust             townhouses and cottages.
from significant infrastructure           location to invest in, where capital                                                This area is popular not only with
investment, including Crossrail           values have not yet reached the            However, walking west out of             young families but also professional
and the London Overground                 level seen in similar areas of south       Greenwich along the Trafalgar Road       couples looking to enjoy a more
Network, London is becoming more          west London, such as Clapham,              and parallel to the River Thames,        relaxed pace of life while remaining
accessible.                               Wandsworth, and Wimbledon.                 you reach the areas Maze Hill and        in the city. Young professionals also
                                                                                     Westcombe Park, which lie on the         enjoy the benefit of a good work-life
And as the population seeks value,        Focusing on Greenwich and its              northern elevation of Greenwich, and     balance, with excellent transport
previously less desirable areas are       surrounds, the area is seeing one          are packed with tree lined streets       links to the City.
now seeing a resurgence.                  of the largest pieces of urban             and low rise houses, many of which
                                          regeneration in Europe on the              remain family homes and others           Additionally, the proximity of the
Across London, it is not uncommon         Greenwich peninsula, with over             of which have been converted into        Queen Elizabeth II hospital makes
to see a mix of new train stations        15,000 new homes planned on a              apartments.                              Greenwich a popular location for
and increasing housing construction       300-acre site.                                                                      medical and other public services
activity, leading to more professional                                               Both areas are well served by the        workers.
and families moving into these            Building has already commenced             SouthEastern railway, reaching
locations, with a markets change in       with developments such as                  London Bridge in under 15 minutes,       These areas are unquestionably
local services and amenities.             Greenwich Millennium Village               and also stopping at London              growing in popularity, and still
                                          now complete, and residents being          Charing Cross since the end of           provide value when compared to
Areas such as Stoke Newington,            connected to the West End of               summer 2016.                             similar areas in south west and
Hackney, and Streatham have seen          London in only 20 minutes, Canary                                                   north London. With prices still below
this gentrification take place over       Wharf in less than 5 minutes, and          Train services will also be improving    £1000 per square foot, Greenwich
the past few years, with demand           Westfield Stratford in 10 minutes, all     post summer 2018 when the                and surrounds provide attractive
for family houses in particular           via the Jubilee Tube line.                 London Bridge station refurbishment      options for investors looking to
outstripping supply.                                                                 is completed, with regular services      attain a slice of the capital’s ongoing
                                          Since 2017 the Jubilee line has also       to the City and West End.                growth.
This demand is also driven by             been running 24 hours per day, 7
‘Generation Y’, who are shunning          days per week, a first for London.         Both Maze Hill and Westcombe
the traditional flight to the suburbs                                                Park are within walking distance of
and opting to stay in the city even as    The peninsula itself is also home          the River Thames and Blackheath,
they start families, finding themselves   to the O2 Arena, one of the UK’s           providing residents with an escape
both asset and cash rich from the         largest entertainment complexes,           from the hustle of city life. The area
price increases in London over the        hosting regular arena events               is well served with historic pubs,
past 10 years.                            and housing a huge complex of              restaurants, and independent shops,
                                          restaurants, bars, and cinemas.            whilst also being a short distance
                                                                                     from larger supermarkets.



The Greenwich peninsula could see          Buyers with the requisite budget
a dramatic redevelopment over the          often look towards housing stock
years ahead.                               that can’t easily be replaced, such as
                                           the classic Victorian terrace.
While the specific final plans for
the huge chunk of land across the          In the quieter and more desirable
water from Canary Wharf are as yet         streets, quality 3-bedroom terraces
unconfirmed, it seems likely that          tend to be priced from around
large, new apartment buildings will        £600,000 to £1 million, and
feature alongside new office space.        upwards of that for the premium
                                           grade homes with 4 or more

Vacancy rates for quality examples of      Thus, a £700,000 home might
this property type continue to track       be expected to rent for around
at very low levels, and the tight rental   £2,000pcm if it is well presented for
market is expected to endure due to        the rental market.
the inherent scarcity.
                                           AllenWargent expects homes in
A typical gross rental yield for this      the most sought after primary school
type of property might be in the           zones to outperform in terms of
region of 3.5pc.                           capital growth.


                                 - PROPERTY INVESTMENT SELF-EVALUATION -

 1 - Strongly disagree                2 - Disagree                     3 - Neutral         4 - Agree   5 - Strongly agree

 I am happy with my current investment portfolio.

               1                              2                              3                 4               5

 I have a robust, long term plan for my investment portfolio.

               1                              2                              3                 4               5

 I believe that I am maximising the returns on my income.

               1                              2                              3                 4               5

 My investment plan is tax effective.

               1                              2                              3                 4               5

 I am leveraging my time and income effectively.

               1                              2                              3                 4               5

If you scored 20 or under, please get in touch with us, and we may be able to help.


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