The Bulletin HOLLAND CENTRAL SCHOOL - Holland Central School District

Page created by Kenneth Hammond
The Bulletin HOLLAND CENTRAL SCHOOL - Holland Central School District

               The Bulletin
 July/August 2010                                                  Volume 6 Issue 12
Dear Community Member, Parents, and Students,

I would like to thank everyone for the support they provided the school district this past school year. Your support in passing the
capital project, school budget, and attending school activities, further demonstrates your commitment to the school district.

In July, the Board held its re-organizational meeting and Mr. Steve Marom was elected as Board President and Mr. Michael Liddle
was elected as Vice-President for the 2010-2011 school year. We have a signed contract with the District Architects, Gordon Jones,
and they are completing the design phase of the capital project, which is anticipated to start in the spring of 2011. We also have a
signed contract with “Color Your World” to provide one section of Universal Pre-Kindergarten in the morning this coming year. Dr.
Gerry Glose, a consultant with Western New York Educational Service Council, presented to the Board his findings regarding the
District’s use of its facilities and options for the future. We experienced many successes last year and are looking forward to the be-
ginning of the new school year.

Over the summer the custodial and maintenance departments are working very hard in preparing the schools for the start of classes in
September. Many classrooms have been painted and through the support of the athletic club, two new soccer dugouts were built at
the varsity soccer field. Plans are also underway to make improvements to the other athletic fields over the summer and fall.

Academically, we will start the CDEP (Comprehensive District Educational Plan) this summer. Ms. Missy Wagner was appointed as
Curriculum Coordinator and will lead this initiative. The major components of the CDEP plan include Curriculum, Technology, and
Enrichment. We also look forward to expanding our curriculum at the Middle and High School with additional advanced course of-

As Superintendent, I would like to express my appreciation for your support since I started as Superintendent in February. I have
found the Holland School Community to be friendly, dedicated, and willing to continue to make Holland a “District of Choice” for
parents and students. There are many challenges that lie ahead, but ,working together I am confident that we will be able to solve
these challenges in the best interest of the students and the community. I will continue to hold the “Superintendents Community
Meetings” during the school year and will have those dates posted on the district website and placed in the Bulletin. The next sched-
uled meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 21, 2010 in the Elementary School Conference Room from 9-11 a.m.
Have an enjoyable summer and see you in September.
Dennis Johnson
Superintendent of Schools
The Bulletin HOLLAND CENTRAL SCHOOL - Holland Central School District
The Board of Education, at the July 12, 2010 Re-organizational meeting, approved the following dates
for the 2010 – 2011 Board of Education meetings. Board of Education meetings will be scheduled on the
fourth Monday of each month, if possible, and will begin at 7:00 p.m. All meetings will be held in the High
School Library.

              Monday, August 23, 2010              Monday, March 28, 2011

              Monday, September 27, 2010           Monday, April 25, 2011

              Monday, October 25, 2010             Monday, May 9, 2011 Budget Hearing

              Monday, November 22, 2010            Tuesday, May 17, 2011 Budget Vote

              Monday, December 20, 2010            Monday, May 23, 2011

              Monday, January 24, 2011             Monday, June 20, 2011

              Monday, February 28, 2011            Monday, July 11, 2011 Re-org. Meeting
The Bulletin HOLLAND CENTRAL SCHOOL - Holland Central School District
Page 3
                                                             Andy Parker & The Weather

     Message                                                        Machine Visit HCS

Dear Parents, Families &
Community Members of
H.O. Brumsted Elementary,
  As another school year draws to a close, I would
like to thank everyone; staff, students, parents, fac-
ulty and community members for another wonderful
year here at Holland Elementary.
  This past year provided us with many opportunities
to celebrate and take pride in our school including
our Emergency Relief Efforts for Haiti, the Holland
Kiwanis Clubs Terrific Kids Program, our own H.O.
Brumsted Olympics complete with opening ceremo-
nies, National Board Certification of Elementary
Teacher Susan Kellner, Family Fun Night and the
PTO/Elementary Winter Wonderland, the Weather              On Friday, May 21, 2010, Holland Central School
Machine Win and our 1st Annual Golf Tournament           students and staff were visited by Channel 2’s Mete-
just to name a few. The success of our schools pro-      orologist Andy Parker and the Storm 2 Weather
grams is a testimony to the tremendous support we        Machine.
receive from each of you.
                                                         Mr. Parker’s visit was the culmination of months of
  As always, parental involvement in and out of the      dedicated voting by students, staff, families, friends,
classroom is encouraged! If you have any questions       community members and local businesses in an at-
or concerns, please feel free to contact me or stop in   tempt to secure a “WIN” in Andy’s “Weather Word
to say hello. My door is always open.                    of the Day” Contest. Each weekday morning, Andy
                                                         would announce a “Weather Word of the Day” on
            Have a super, safe summer!                   the 5:20 am Channel 2 Weather Report. Equipped
            See you all in September...                  with the “Weather Word”, participants could log on
                                                         to the WGRZ website and vote for the school of their
Mr. Jeffrey S. Mochrie                                   choice. With hundreds of schools competing
                                                         amongst ten counties, Holland’s win showcases what
Elementary Principal                                     a wonderful & supportive school community we are
                                                         all a part of. A special thank you to everyone who
                                                         assisted us in securing this WIN; a terrific interactive
                                                         and fun learning opportunity for our students!
The Bulletin HOLLAND CENTRAL SCHOOL - Holland Central School District
                                                                                                     Page 4

 Holland Kiwanis Clubs 2009-2010
                                                                  Elementary School
                                                                   Arts & Hobby Day

  This past year, the Kiwanis Club of Holland spon-
sored the “Terrific Kids” program at Holland Ele-
mentary. Students are selected by teachers and other
school staff when they are “caught” exhibiting good
character traits. H.O. Brumsted Elementary would
like to thank the Kiwanis Club of Holland for their      On Friday, June 4, 2010, the Elementary students
program sponsorship and also congratulate the 2009-    were treated to our bi-annual Arts & Hobby Day.
2010 “Terrific Kids” award recipients pictured above   Throughout the day, students participated in a variety
with Elementary Principal, Mr. Jeff Mochrie and        of fun-filled educational activities and workshops.
Program Coordinator, Mrs. Mary Balling.                Thank you to all participating presenters who made
                                                       this a special day for students and staff alike.

The Bulletin HOLLAND CENTRAL SCHOOL - Holland Central School District
                             Page 5                                                                      Page 4

       H.O. Brumsted Elementary’s                              H.O. Brumsted’s New Flag
             1st ANNUAL GOLF

                                                            Miss Benjamin and Miss DeLude’s 2nd grade
                                                          class held a flag designing contest for all students
                                                          in the Elementary School. Students were encour-
                                                          aged to design a flag that they felt represented the
                                                          Elementary School. The competition was stiff and
                                                          judging was extremely difficult because there were
                                                          so many terrific entries. Thank you to all the stu-
                                                          dents who participated in this school wide contest
                                                          and congratulations to 3rd grader, Mya Braun
                                                          whose winning design you see above. Look for
                                                          this great flag on our Elementary School flag pole
                                                          upon returning to school in September.

  H.O. Brumsted Elementary held its 1st Annual Golf Tournament on Saturday, June 12, 2010 at the Holland
Hills Country Club. The morning’s threatening clouds cleared just in time for the 1:00 p.m. T-off. This year’s
tournament hosted 76 golfers and was made possible through sponsorships of over 27 vendors and more than
60 donors. The day’s winning foursome was led by Elementary Physical Education Instructor, Matt Adams
and Third Grade Teacher, Michelle Krieger was the winner of the “Women’s Closest to the Pin” contest.

 Many thanks to all our sponsors, donors, participants, and volunteers who contributed and made our 1st An-
nual Golf Tournament a tremendous success!
The Bulletin HOLLAND CENTRAL SCHOOL - Holland Central School District
Volume 6 Issue 12                                                                                          Page 6

                                                           2010 Kindergarten Celebration
    Mrs. Walsh’s 3rd Graders are
       Introduced to ASL

    On Thursday, June 3, 2010, Miss Eckert, a Speech
  and Hearing Audiology student at the University of
  Buffalo, visited Mrs. Walsh’s 3rd Grade Classroom
  and introduced students to the deaf community. She        On Tuesday, June 15, 2010, the future Class of 2022
  taught the students how to sign the letters of the al-
                                                             celebrated a very productive, fun & exciting year at
  phabet, numbers 1– 10 and many words and phrases.
                                                            their Annual Kindergarten Celebration Program.
  Some of the classes favorite words to sign included
  soda pop, stop, sit, mom, dad, teacher, colors and
                                                                  Congratulations & Best Wishes to all
  students. Everyone had a great time and learned a
  valuable skill in the process.                                      2010 Kindergarten Students!

                    Universal Pre-Kindergarten Graduation Program

                                                         The 2010 UPK Graduation ceremonies took place
                                                       on Tuesday, June 22, 2010. The Class of 2023 cele-
                                                       brated with their families following the ceremonies
                                                       with a reception and refreshments. Congratulations
                                                       to all our 2010 UPK Graduating Students
The Bulletin HOLLAND CENTRAL SCHOOL - Holland Central School District
Page 7

                                           News from the Middle

The 2009-10 school year ended on a high note with an outstanding Moving-Up Night ceremony. By
maintaining an academic average of 90 or above, an 85 percentile or higher on the NYS tests in math
and ELA and two teacher recommendations, 35 students received the Presidential Award for academic
excellence. Five students received the Presidential Award of Outstanding Academic Achievement and
Samantha Maloy received the Highest Academic Achievement Award for the highest GPA over the past
4 years. The American Legion Award was presented to Kayla Clark and Noah Pincoski. The Triple C
award was given to Molly Hale and Rebecca Poppenberg. The New York Stat Comptroller Award recipi-
ent was Rebecca Anderson. Our Art Award went to Mackenzie Maier and The Michele Drum Memorial
Choral Award was presented to Madison Hanel.

We took a few moments to thank three retiring teachers; Mr. Glen Maue who instilled a love of science
in seventh grade for his entire 35 year career at Holland; Mr. James MacIsaac who was an effective sci-
ence teacher both at the Middle and High schools for the past 23 years, and finally Mr. Pat Hager, who
was the Middle School Technology teacher for the last 13 years. All will be missed for their service to
the students of Holland. We wish them all the best in the future.

We have some changes in the schedule for next year. We are offering advanced science in seventh
grade and Living Environment in eighth grade next year. This marks the first time in ten years that ad-
vanced science has been offered in the Middle School. We will have an exploratory unit in languages in
grades 5 & 6. Additionally, our parent portal on e-school will allow parents to log on and see their child’s
grades and attendance.

We are hoping for a safe, relaxing summer so that all of our students come back in September rejuve-
nated for another successful school year.

                                        FIFTH GRADE HONOR ROLL
                                       FOURTH QUARTER 2009-2010
HIGH HONOR ROLL: Julia Grupp, Elizabeth Price, Julia Rak, Jordan Schwab, Derek Toorongian.

HONOR ROLL: Eric Anderson II, Alexis Andres, Sarah Armbrust, Rebecca Clemons, Nicholas Couzins, Pierce
Gardon, Robert Green, Julia Gress, Mikaela Huber, Chance Kelly, Skyla Maier, Madison Marciniak, Sierra Mckay,
Shannon Mest, Erin Murray, Kristen Oleksy, Benjamin Pincoski, Judson Ptak, Jedrek Rahn, Gian Rock, Laura
Schiltz, Joshua Staniszewski, William Story, Eliot Struzynski, Rebecca Struzynski, Dylan Taylor, Hailey Wolf.

MERIT ROLL: Michael Bender, Alyssa Cochran, Justin Englert, Cole Gould, Elizabeth Izydorczak, Joshua Kole-
sar, Cierra Krajewski, Kate Logel, Margaretmary Neumann, Dylan Perlino, Jessica Perry, Ryan Potzler, Coan Re-
lyea, Danielle Wagner, Emilee Walker, David Warner.
The Bulletin HOLLAND CENTRAL SCHOOL - Holland Central School District
Page 8
                                        SIXTH GRADE HONOR ROLL
                                       FOURTH QUARTER 2009-2010

HIGH HONOR ROLL: Megan Caltagirone, Samantha Cammarata, Patrick Ehrenreich, Allesandra Fuller, Laura
Makin, Annastasia Marburger, Anthony Perlino, Jacob Ratajczak, Abigail Scheffler, Olivia Schmidt.

HONOR ROLL: Christina Anderson, Neil Finley, Sydney Hensel, Shannon Hibit, Haley Hymers, William Kish,
Alicia Massara, Trevor Perry, Kayla Reumann, Elizabeth Ruszczyk, Brittnee Schneck, Allison Sherry, Eugene
Staniszewski, Abraham Stroka, Alana Szewczyk, Tara Vanderbush, Gillian Wangelin, Molly Zientek.

MERIT ROLL: Cole Adamczak, Rizki Aldiansyah, Sara Andrzejewski, Austin Antonelli-Spahn, Diana Bateman,
Mercedes Castillo, Jonathan Chamberlin, Ashley Jankowski, Alec Jones, Dakota Keem, Jacob Lovullo, Casey
McMaster, Gianni Oddo-Lovullo, Sierra Parsons, Riley Perry, Katherine Rosenberg, Cody Slocum, Joel Staebell,
Elizabeth Van Saun, Dorothy VanRemmen.

                                     SEVENTH GRADE HONOR ROLL
                                      FOURTH QUARTER 2009-2010

HIGH HONOR ROLL: Harriosn Fay, Connor Gould, Alexandra Izydorczak, Emily Kerlin, Christina Kolbmann,
Dylan Lodowski, Jake McKay, Madison Scheffler, Tyler Schneider, Conor Shanahan, Jason Wolf.

HONOR ROLL: Zachary Anderson, Justin Bulega, Emily Couzins, Timothy Cummings, Tyler Czarnecki, Meg
Dobinski, Adam Fridman, Elizabeth George, John Green III, Mikaela Jones, Allison Mancuso, Olivia Moore, Marc
O’Neill, Angela Pagano, Jana Pagano, Katlyn Pedziwiatr, Kolby Reumann, Jeweliah Rock, Siera Rogers, Kelsey
Stirk, Cassidy Territo, Melissa Trawinski, Vincent Tripi, Cameron Wangelin, Corey Winter.

MERIT ROLL: Matthew Farrant, Samuel Helm, Christopher Kline, Victoria Krolczyk, Katie Limburg, Heather
Mather, Ryann Merritt, Melissa Neudeck, Cooper Rahn, Paige Schrems, Morgan Stenzel, Kimberly Voigt,
Mitchell Wrazen.

                                      EIGHTH GRADE HONOR ROLL
                                      FOURTH QUARTER 2009-2010

HIGH HONOR ROLL: Rebecca Anderson, Kelly Brown, Madison Hanel, Samantha Maloy, Kayla Ortega.

HONOR ROLL: Austin Adamczak, Nicole Buresch, Chelsea Grupp, Daniel Huber, Allyson Lenz, Sarah Lips,
Mackenzie Maier, Anna Mather, Lucas Parsons, Noah Pincoski, Jacob Rickettson, Lindsey Wawrzynski, Kathe-
rine Webster.

MERIT ROLL : Alyssa Andrzejewski, Nathan Bockhahn, Sydny Cappano, Kayla Clark, Jordyn Fisher, Alicia
Gates, Shania Hacker, Kristen Heitzhaus, Julia Kreutzer, Vincent Mancuso, Collin Newell, Ashley O’Connor,
John Prendergast, Jackson Price, Bayle Reichert, Michaela Rowe, Ryan Sullivan, Mark Wagner, Kimberly
Walsh, Richard Whalen, Tanner Zientek.
The Bulletin HOLLAND CENTRAL SCHOOL - Holland Central School District
Page 9
                                        6th Graders Get the “BIG” Picture
                                                           by Mrs. Golabek

          How do we solve the obesity problem in America? There is no easy answer. The 6th grade students at Holland Middle School
are exploring some ideas for solutions to this difficult problem. They created Public Service Announcements to teach kids the impor-
tance of nutrition and physical activity in your daily life. Mrs. Golabek, Home and Careers teacher, teamed up with Mrs. Orrange, Li-
brarian, to launch the project using Corel Studio Software.
          The project gives students the opportunity to develop technology skills, creative thinking skills, and communication skills
while learning about nutrition. In Grade 6, students learn that nutrition is a key component to prevent disease and keep your energy
level steady through the whole day.
        The students are excited that their family and friends across the country can see their creations and get such an important
message out to America. You can check out the PSA’s at our school website,, and click on the organizations
tab. Under the Health and Wellness pull-down, click on Public Service Announcements.

                                             All hands were on deck for a successful voyage!

                                                      ~ Sail into Summer Reading ~
                                                 was a huge success as sailors of all levels, with precision,
                                                                              docked at the
                                                               Middle School Scholastic Book Fair
                                                                        to purchase new books
                                                  to add more adventure to their summer.
                                   Thank you one and all who helped make the Book Fair a success!

                             “Reading is a discount ticket to everywhere” ~ Mary Schmich~
The Bulletin HOLLAND CENTRAL SCHOOL - Holland Central School District
MIDDLE SCHOOL HIGHLIGHTS                                                                          Page

Seventh Grade Field Trip a Success
 On May 26, 2010, thanks to a field-trip grant from the retail giant Target, the 7th-grade students were
able to take an educational tour of the Niagara Power Project Power Vista in Lewiston, New York
and, later, while touring New York State’s Goat Island State Park, to experience the natural wonder
of Niagara Falls from the Cave of the Wind’s “Hurricane Deck” platform. As students toured the
Power Vista, they learned about the geological and human history of the Niagara region and the de-
velopment of the hydroelectric power plant. Through tour guide lectures, videos, visuals, and hands-
on aids, students were educated as to the need for and the operations of the power facility. While at
the State Park, besides taking in the vast power of Niagara Falls from several viewing locations at
the crest of the American Falls, students ventured 175 feet down into the Niagara Gorge to a loca-
tion less than 20 feet from the base of Bridal Veil Falls. This part of the field trip was an extremely
exciting experience for the 7th graders; especially for those students who had never visited Niagara
Falls. The admission and parking fees, as well as student snacks, were fully covered by the gener-
ous field trip grant from Target. On behalf of the 7th graders, it would be appropriate to thank all the
teachers and other district personnel involved for their efforts in making this great experience possi-
ble. Additional thanks are necessary to the Board of Education and our Superintendent, Mr. Dennis
Johnson, for approving the field trip, as well as, the residents of the School District for funding the
necessary transportation. The included picture is of just a few of the 7th-grade students that
Page 11
                             2010 COMMENCEMENT CERMONY
         Congratulations to the graduates of the Class of 2010. The Commencement Ceremony took place
to a full house in our auditorium on a beautiful summer evening.
        Ninety-four seniors received their diplomas from Board President, Mr. Welk and Superintendent,
Mr. Johnson. This exceptional class enjoyed many accolades, but the one that stood out was the potential
scholarship offers of $2,846,180; the most ever offered. This class was also instrumental in guiding our
High School to an impressive “Business First” ranking of 14th amongst public schools and our celebration
of obtaining silver medal status in “U.S. News and World Report” putting Holland High School in the top
3% nationally.
         The ceremony was very entertaining with speeches from our Valedictorian, Thomas Makin and Sa-
lutatorian, Meg DeMario. Also, Mr. Biryla delivered the welcome speech, while Ms. Zurbrick shared reflec-
tions and finally a closing moment with Mr. Weaver. Our Bella Voce choir sang the national anthem, while
Cara Czechowski and Paul Pedziwiatr graced us with their artistic talents and later the duo of Mr. Lawton
and Mr. Tuttle entertained us with the song “Teach Your Children.”
        A Kodak moment was orchestrated as all the graduates and guests gathered for the traditional cap
throw followed by a reception under the big tent
         A quote by John Wooden was fitting for the Class of 2010: “Be more concerned with your charac-
ter than your reputation because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what
others think you are.” This class will carry this message well into their futures for they have demonstrated
their integrity and character throughout their high school careers.
                              We wish the very best to all our graduates!


Valedictorian – Thomas Makin
Salutatorian – Meg DeMario
East Aurora Moose Scholarship – Alyssa Sullivan
Eastern Erie Retired Teachers Scholarship – Kristie Schiefer
Delta Kappa Gamma International Award – Stacie Buchheit
Fern Leaf Reading Club Award – Thomas Makin
Dr. Lynne White-Schieder Memorial Award – Kelsey Kerlin
HCS Principal’s Award – Catrina Mary
PFC Alexander J. Wahl Memorial Award – Jacob Dutton
Chamber of Commerce Scholarships – Cara Czechowski, Meg DeMario
Frank Brink Holland American Legion Scholarship – Brittany Veley
East Aurora American Legion Scholarship – Amber Calmes
Richard Eschborn Memorial Scholarship – Patrick Dittmer
PTO Scholarships – Andrew Gibson, Sara VanRemmen
Volume 6 Issue 12                                                                                Page 12

  Support Staff Scholarships – Kelsey Kerlin, Elizabeth Macie
  Alumni Association Scholarships – Laura Bennett, Brittany Veley
  Alumni Association Kenneth Tanner Memorial Scholarship – Alyssa Sullivan
  Holland Fire Dept Memorial Scholarships – Alyssa Sullivan
  Bennett Palmer Sr. Memorial Scholarship – Cara Czechowski
  Business First Community All Star Award – Sarah VanRemmen
  Business First All WNY Academic Team – Thomas Makin
  AAA Scholarship for Community Excellence – Cara Czechowski
  Bertrand Chaffee Medical Scholarships – Thomas Makin, Sarah VanRemmen
  Holland Rod & Gun Club Scholarship – Brandon Nickerson
  Java/Strykersville Kiwanis Club Scholarship – Andrew Gibson
  Holland Kiwanis Scholarships – Stacie Buchheit, Brandon Nickerson
  Holland Kiwanis Paul Lingenfelter Memorial Award – Heather Marshall
  Sheridan Geer Memorial Scholarship – Meg DeMario
  HTA James D. Tanner Scholarship – Cara Czechowski
  HTA Nora Kanner Scholarship – Meg DeMario
  HTA Ruth Haffa Scholarship – Sara VanRemmen
  Reinhardt Scholarships – Sarah VanRemmen, Brittany Veley
  Ormsby Vocational Center Outstanding Seniors – Robert Chamberlin, Craig Dietz, Darren Downey
  Tri-County BOCES Education Citizenship Award – Taylor Rock

Page 13
                                                                                         Wellness Corner
                                                                                           By Keara Vacanti
                                                                            Welcome back to Holland Central Schools Wellness
                                                                    Corner! Another year has come to a close here at Holland and
                                                                    summer break is upon us.
                                                             We are very fortunate to live in an area that has many healthy sum-
                                                     mer activities to offer. There are many local walking, hiking and biking trails
                                                     available such as Beaver Meadows, Akron Falls, Emery Park, Burchfield
                                                     Park, Devil’s Hole ( just make sure you stay on the trail!), Letchworth State
                                                     Park, and the Buffalo Botanical Gardens.
                                                              If you have time to go a little further, Old Fort Niagara, built in the
                                                     18th and 19th century, located in Youngstown NY has spectacular scenery
                                                     and is a great place to go stretch your legs and learn a little bit about our
                                                     local history. Check the website located below for summer special event
                                                     information! Another great place to take a day trip is the Genesee Country
  2010 Scalp & Blade                                 Village and Museum (GCV&M). The GCV&M is a historic village located in
                                                     Mumford NY that takes you back in time offering many family friendly activi-
       Scholars                                      ties and providing a fun place to exercise your body and mind.
The Scalp & Blade fraternity was                              A growing sport in our area, Disc Golf has many new courses lo-
founded in 1893 at Cornell Univer-
                                                     cated in our public parks (Frisbee golf). These courses are free of charge;
sity by a group of young men who
                                                     just bring your own Frisbees and a friend or family member to play with. Be
attended Cornell University from
                                                     careful if you go alone as many of the tees are located in wooded or se-
Buffalo, New York and surrounding
                                                     cluded park spaces. Here is a list of local parks that offer Frisbee Golf:
Erie County. They support eight
college students from western New
                                                     Chestnut Ridge, Beaver Island, Como Park, Emery Park, Evangola State
York annually through their schol-                   Park, Wilson State Park, and Joseph Davis State Park.
arship trust. Joe Pagano was one                     Visit these web sites for more information::
of the recipients of this year’s
scholarship totaling $8,000.00.
Congratulations Joe!                       
                                                     Have a wonderful summer and don’t forget the sun screen!

Driver Education –
Holland High School will once again offer Driver Education for those students over the age of 16 who hold a valid NYS Driver’s permit. Regis-
tration will be held in the HS Guidance Computer Lab on Monday, September 13, 2010 from 2:30 pm until 3:30 pm. O’Days Driving School,
our contracted provider, will be handling the registration process (no forms distributed prior to registration). The charge for the fall session will
be $350.00 and is due at time of registration. ( Checks written out to Holland Central School)
Note: Student must be 16 and have a NYS driver’s permit by the start of the first class.
                    Basic Facts:        In-Car Classes – 1 ½ hour long class scheduled after school
                                         Classroom – 1 ½ hour long class held after school from 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
                                        Length of Course: 16 weeks
                                        Cost: $350.00
*Registration is on a first come – first served basis. A minimum of 10 students is required to run the program.
Page 14
                                  AUGUST REGENTS EXAMS
   On Tuesday, August 17, Wednesday, August 18 and Thursday, August 19, Holland High School will offer
Regents exams to our students who choose to re-take an exam. Students should have already contacted the
Guidance Office at 537-8215 if they intend to participate. The following is the August Regents Schedule.
Students should report to the High School office fifteen minutes before the exam begins.

Tuesday, August 17                  Wednesday, August 18                     Thursday, August 19
                                    8:00 a.m.—11:00 a.m.                     8:00 a.m.—11:00 a.m.
                                    English-Session One                       English-Session 2
                                    Integrated Algebra                        RCT in Global Studies
                                    Geometry                                  RCT in Mathematics
                                    RCT in Writing

11:30 a.m.—2:30 p.m.               11:30 a.m.—2:30 p.m.

Global History                     Living Environment
U.S. History & Government          Earth Science
                                   RCT in Reading
                                   RCT in U.S. History & Government

                                          Freshmen Orientation
                                               Thursday, September 2, 2010
                                        Freshmen Orientation, 8:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
                                                   Parent Night, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.

                                 Welcome to High School

                              Invitations will be mailed in mid August

       If you have questions please call the High School Guidance Office: Mrs. Thompson: 537-8215
Page 15
                                       HIGH SCHOOL HONOR ROLL
                                           4th MARKING PERIOD
High Honor 90 and above                                                                           Honor 85-89

High Honor: Richelle Anthony, Devon Brodka, Jordan Cook, Nathan DeMario, Julia Hunt, Erin Izydorczak, Jamie
Jones, Kaylyn Jones, Cole Kerlin, David Pedziwiatr, Kelsey Perlino, William Pratt, Rachel Radecki, Melissa
Ruszczyk, Abigail Schmidt, Nicole Schwab, Rebecca Simich, Emily Snyder, Barbara Sokolowski, Joshua VanRem-
Honor: Sara Bennett, Amanda Burke, Brandon Clemons, Mackenzie Cook, Morgan DiGangi, Jillian Faltyn, Syd-
ney Grupp, Autumn Hoch, Laura Jankowski, John Martina, Kristin McDermott, Savannah Rock, Nolan Wangelin,
Jesse Zientek.

High Honor: Shannon Chowaniec, Sean Connelly, Jolene DeGroat, Joseph Dembik, Emily Dutton, Richard Ev-
ans, Jordan Farrant, Liza Fischer, Katelynn Groh, Matthew Helm, Candis Kapuscinski, Nicholas Kibler, Jonathan
Langford, Jacob Lips, Nathan Lovullo, Mitchell Maloy, Samuel Pagano, Ashley Pajak, Alexis Reile, Natalie Roberts,
Mallory Sacher, Tyler Schwab, Katherine Shanahan, Caterina Smith, Emily Thurnherr.
Honor: Deanna Bochiccio, Chelsi Campell, Emery Connors, Kyle Crocker, Amanda Eckam, Justin Hathaway,
Chelsea Kline, Tyler Lewandowski, Danielle Marshall, Michael McMaster, Evan Moore, Zachary Neudeck, Megan
Nowak, Jeremiah Pfeiffer, Henriette Radsack, Joshua Reichert, Morgan Schmid, Jordan Thies, Joseph Zach.

High Honor: Katrina Cosgrove, Siobhan Hacker, Heather Heineman, Brianna Knopf, Victoria Logel, Paige Nich-
ols, Megan Pajak, Brandi Pettit, Rebecca Reile, Lucas Reisdorf, Christian Schasel, S. Tyler Stirk, Brittany Uschold,
Emma Vallone, Taylor Vanderbush, Michael Webber.
Honor: Brandon Belz, Grace Elvers, Katlyn Heitzhaus, Jessica Hughes-Schott, Nicholas Hyman, Kasey Jones,
Robert Lee, Samantha Lemke, Shane McArthur, Michael Moore, Jamie Neil, Rachel Petrell, Jessica Rosenberg,
Alex Schwab, Ian Seward, David Snyder, Racheal Somerville, Harley Teluk, Grace Zilker.

High Honor: Brittany Bauer, Laura Bennett, Stacie Buchheit, Amber Calmes, Dana Cryan, Cara Czechowski, Kyle
Damude, Meg DeMario, Mathilde Ditewig, Patrick Dittmer, Jake Dutton, Andrew Gibson, Andrew Hazen, James
Hunt, Victoria Kensy, Meredith Lenz, Elizabeth Macie, Timothy Major, Thomas Makin, Heather Marshall, Catrina
Mary, Erik Murray, Melissa O’Keefe, Joseph Pagano, Paul Pedziwiatr, Corine Pettit, Caitlin Pfeiffer, Robert Pratt,
Joshua Radecki, Chelsea Rauch, Kristie Schiefer, Thomas Scullion, Alyssa Sullivan, Sarah VanRemmen, Brittany

Honor: Jason Buchheit, Erica DiChiaro, Craig Dietz, Darren Downey, Bryan Dragan, Patrick Faltyn, Joseph
Hughes, Heather Kelso, Kelsey Kerlin, Joshua Lewandowski, Melissa Moshier, Brandon Nickerson, Heather
Schneider, Jenna Shaver, Jessica Wilson.
Page 16
Fall Sports

        The 2010-2011 school year for athletics is right around
the corner. The coaching staff asks that all students trying out
for a fall sport work on their conditioning program over the
summer. The transition to full practices once the season begins
is difficult without some form of preseason. To have a safe and
effective preseason, start your training now. JV and Varsity
practice for soccer may begin August 19, 2010. All other JV and Varsity practices will begin
on August 23, 2010. Modified Soccer teams may start September 1, 2010. Specific informa-
tion will be sent by coaches to all candidates who have completed all the necessary paperwork.
      Just a reminder—to all those trying out for a team; you must have all the necessary pa-
perwork completed (a school physician-cleared physical) and returned to the School Nurse be-
fore August 6, 2010. No athlete will be allowed to practice without this clearance. Enjoy the
remainder of your summer and we look forward to seeing you at the end of the month.

                      Informational Website for Parents

                       Parents: The Holland Central School District has a website for you;
              You receive up-to-the minute information
                       on all sports practices, games, school events, and community events that
are scheduled. In addition, you are able to see scores from previous games and also all cancel-
lations and reschedules as they happen. You have the choice of viewing a 2-day event sched-
ule, weekly schedule and monthly schedule. In addition, you will be able to get directions to
any site when you click on the away location that is underlined. You can also set up an e-mail
account, whereby you can select which sport you would like to be notified in case of cancella-
tions/reschedules. Once an account is set up, it will e-mail/text message you when a game is
cancelled/rescheduled. This website is not just for sports activities, but all events district-wide
to allow for communications to all parents. This website will allow for all parents to have in-
formation at their fingertips without having to call for information. If you have any questions
on how to set up or use this website or any suggestions, please call the AD office at 537-8224.
Page 17
     Under the federal guidelines for the School Lunch Program, those people whose income is at a certain level may
 qualify for free or reduced price lunches for their children. Application forms are located in the back of this issue and will
 also be included in the Back to School bulletin. Application may be made at any time. If you require further information,
 contact the Food Service Director (Georgette Bosela) at the High School. (716– 537-8228)
      Applications will be processed as quickly as possible, usually within ten days of submission. Families will be notified
 of eligibility by mail. If your child was eligible last year, lunches will continue until September 20, 2010. You must submit
 a new application for the 2010-2011 school year in order to continue receiving lunches after September 20th If none is
 received by this date, lunches will be discontinued on the assumption that you are no longer eligible. Reporting
 Changes: The benefits that you are approved for at the time of application are effective for the entire school year. You
 no longer need to report changes for an increase in income or decrease in household size, or if you no longer receive
 food stamps.
  FYI—Families receiving free or reduced lunch benefits may be eligible for fee waivers on college applications, SAT ,
     ACT, and AP exam fees.

 Holland is now using, a new service to prepay for your child’s school breakfast, lunch and a la
 carte food items using your credit or debit card.. Enroll online at It is FREE to enroll and to
 check your child’s account. A small fee is charged (1.95) only when you add money to the account. You can still con-
 tinue prepayment or cash at the register.

               Is your child eating right?
               Check out his/her food selections for free at .

Transportation News
        In an effort to keep all students safe on our bus routes, we will only make changes to the bus routes for
child care purposes. At no time are students permitted to get off a school bus at any place other than the
school or their home unless permissions has been granted for child care. In the event an emergency situation
arises, you need to call the appropriate school and the Transportation Office.
       All parents will be notified as to the bus routes and times for pick up and drop off for the 2010-2011
school year in mid-August. Feel free to contact the office with any questions or concerns.
       Additional information may be found on the Holland CSD web site. Just click on Transportation under
the Departments tab.
Thank You,
Kim Sobczak, Transportation Supervisor
Transportation Office: 716-537-8261
Page 18

                                                            AMERICAN LEGION JUNIOR
                                                                 SHOOTING SPORTS

                                                  Frank H. Brink Post and the WNY Sportsmen Asso-
                                                  ciation are sponsoring a gun safety, education and
                                                  marksmanship program for 12—17 year old girls &
                                                  boys. After a safety course is completed, certified
                                                  safety and range instructors will provide hands on in-
The Holland Central School District is seeking    structions with air guns. Parental consent is required.
substitutes in the areas of:                      For more information please call Adrian Herr at 537-
           Teacher Aides/Monitors                 3354 or Jason Simmons at 537-2511
                                                  Registration of New Students
             Food Service Helpers
                 Bus Drivers                          If you are new to the district and need to reg-
                                                  ister your child/children for the coming school
                                                  year, please contact Sharon Tucker at 537-8223
       If interested, please contact Linda
                                                  to make an appointment or stop in the High
Poplewski at 537-8202 for an application or you   School Office between the hours of 7:00 a.m.—
can download an application at                           11:00 a.m. only.
       Please submit a Holland Central School         Thank you and welcome to our district.
application and a resume to:
              Holland Central School
              c/o Linda Poplewski
              103 Canada Street
              Holland, New York 14080
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