Strabane Academy Prospectus 2021

Page created by Katherine Cannon
Strabane Academy Prospectus 2021
Strabane Academy
Prospectus 2021    Strabane Academy
Strabane Academy Prospectus 2021
    Strabane Academy                                                       Harvey
    61 Derry Road                                                          Strabane
    Strabane                                                               Primary School
    Co Tyrone                      Strabane Academy
    BT82 8LD
                                                      When I first started Strabane Academy, I was
    028 7188 2578                                     nervous and scared of everyone around me. I           worried that I wouldn’t do well, but that quickly
                                                      changed. At first, I didn’t know where all the                             rooms were, so I was always late. I love PE on
                                                      Fridays with all the other students and would
                                                      really like to be in the rugby team. I love the
                                                      food here as well because you have a wide
    Mr D Hampton                                      choice of delicious foods. I wouldn’t worry
    B.Ed, M.Sc, AdvCertEd, PQH (NI)                   about being nervous coming here because
                                                      you will love it and I can’t wait to see you at
                                                      Strabane Academy in September!
    Chairperson of the
    Board of Governors
    Mary Smyth

    Roll: 569                                         Chaise
                                                      Bready Jubilee
    Admissions: 110                                   Primary School
    Our Admissions Policy can be accessed
    from our school website or a printed              On my first day at Strabane Academy I was
    copy can be obtained from the school              really nervous, but once I got to my class I felt
    office.                                           excited. There were some subjects I felt uneasy
                                                      about but having a nice teacher makes them
                                                      fun. The teachers are great and they encourage
    Classification of School                          you to do your best. I was particularly nervous
                                                      about making new friends, but once I found
    Enrolment No: 700                                 some friends from primary school, I was
    Boys and Girls                                    fine and now I have loads of friends. Overall,
    Age Range: 11-18                                  Strabane Academy is a great school. I love
    School Type: Controlled Grammar                   it here. I am so pleased I came here and
    DENI No: 2410311                                  encourage you to come here to!

    Virtual Open Night
    Throughout January 2021

    Holiday Arrangements                                                   Reece
    Information about holidays at                                          Strabane
    Christmas, Easter and mid-term will                                    Primary School
    be available on the school website
    and via the Parent App.
                                                      Starting Strabane Academy, I was quite
                                                      nervous about not making a good impression
                                                      on the teachers and staff, but then I actually
                                                      met the staff and teachers and they were really
                                                      supportive and encouraging. Plus, I had loads
                                                      of friends going to the Academy as well, so I
                                                      had the assurance that I would have familiar
                                                      faces with me. Going to a new school for the
                                                      first time may be a scary experience, but once
                                                      you’re settled in, it’s all absolutely great. My
                                                      advice for new pupils is this: Never think you’re
                                                      alone. A school and its pupils stand united.

Strabane Academy Prospectus 2021
Maddox                            Abbey
                      Strabane                          Donemana
                      Primary School                    Primary School

On my first day at Strabane Academy I was               On my first day of school I was really nervous,
really anxious as I didn’t know what the work           but soon settled in. I was seated next to a
would be like, or my way around the school,             girl called Roma and until this day I’m friends
but I soon learned that the layout is really quite      with her and we get along so good. I also
simple. There is a wide range of subjects to            met a boy called Logan and he is super-nice
learn, so there will something of interest for you.     and really funny. I also started talking to a girl
All the teachers are really nice and as long as         called Phoebe who is really kind and now we
you stay on top of your work there’s nothing            also are good friends. The staff and the dinner
to worry about. My advice is to pack your bag           ladies are really nice. I recommend Strabane
the day before, so that even if you sleep in it’s       Academy because it’s the best!
ready! I really recommend Strabane Academy;
it’s a brilliant school and I love it here.

First                                                     Penelope
Impressions                                               Artigarvan
                                                          Primary School

                                                             Going from a small primary school to a
                                                             huge secondary school might seem like a
                                                             big deal, but it’s really not. I met my best
                                                             friend on the first day and then her friend
                                                             group, which is now also mine. The only
                                                             differences for me would be homework,
                                                             moving classes and friends.

                                                                                    Sion Mills

                                                             On my first day at school I was anxious
                                                             out of my mind because I hadn’t been to
                                                             school for four months. That, along with
                                                             my worries about Covid-19, made me a
                                                             nervous wreck. However, the moment
                                                             I saw the gleaming smiles behind the
                                                             visors all of my fears were soothed. The
                                                             friendly faces then showed us to our form
                                                             rooms where we got to meet our class
                                                             for the first time. At registration I met my
                                                             wonderful form teacher Mr Troughton.
                                                             One of the best clubs is the Writer’s Web
                                                             where there are plenty of competitions to
                                                             compete in. This school has friendly staff,
                                                             helpful students and a wonderful learning
                                                             environment, which is why I wouldn’t
                                                             choose any other school.

                   Strabane Academy            @Academy Strabane       INSTAGRAM strabane_academy          3
Strabane Academy Prospectus 2021
Reuben                              Rhiannon
                         Head Boy                            Head Girl

In reflection of my time at Strabane Academy I can           Over the years that I have attended Strabane
honestly say I have been supported in every way              Academy, I know that the school has had a
possible to achieve my full potential. I am fortunate to     huge impact on my life. I am so grateful for
have been able to spend the last 7 years in a school         the opportunity to attend a school where
that provides such a positive, caring community              our happiness and well-being is made just as
enhanced by dedicated teachers who take pride                important as our schoolwork. From the beginning
in their students. I am so thankful for motivated,           I have been surrounded by the most dedicated
enthusiastic teaching and non-teaching staff who go          and hardworking teachers that have inspired
beyond the curriculum, willingly giving of their time        and encouraged me to reach my full potential.
and efforts enabling me to reach the highest standard I      Each member of staff makes it their priority
can. The opportunities provided in Strabane Academy          to help every pupil through their constant
extend beyond academic achievement pushing                   encouragement to do our best. The school has
individuals to achieve in all aspects of life. The most      provided me with many opportunities but most
fulfilling opportunity for me has been rugby. Coaches        importantly they have taught me to aspire to aim
who so willingly gave of their time to teach us essential    high and work hard to be successful. I have also
life skills including hard work, dedication and resilience   been lucky enough to make great friendships
have been invaluable to me. It has been a privilege          and amazing memories that will definitely stay
to be a student of Strabane Academy and I am so              with me when I leave Strabane Academy. It is
honoured to have the opportunity to represent the            a privilege to serve as Head Girl this year and
school showing my gratitude to all the staff through         an honour to be able to give back to the school
giving back to my school community as Head Boy.              which has given me so much.

                                                  Year 14s give their reflections
Reflections                                       on life at Strabane Academy

    Emma                                                                                Alice
    Deputy Head Girl                                                                    Deputy Head Girl

Reflecting on my time at Strabane Academy,                   Throughout my time at Strabane Academy I have
I have come to realise how fortunate I am                    been so grateful to have learned valuable lessons for
to be surrounded by such a supportive and                    my future including realising the importance of my
enthusiastic school community. My teachers have              intellectual studies. I have grown to always aspire to
always encouraged me to reach my full potential              do my best within my studies but also cherish the
and this has helped shape me into the person                 social interactions at school. I have made lifelong
I am today. Throughout my time at Strabane                   friends as well as developing skills which are vital for
Academy I have been able to get involved in                  my future. I am so grateful to have amazing teachers
many exciting opportunities. Having attended                 guiding me all the way through my time here. They
Scripture Union since I was in Year 8 has allowed            have taught me to always strive to do my best,
me to forge valuable friendships as well as boost            show ambition and to consistently be resilient within
my confidence and develop my communication                   my studies. I will always treasure my experiences
skills. Being appointed Deputy Head Girl was an              at Strabane Academy from taking part in extra-
honour, and it has given me the opportunity to               curricular activities and participating in the Scripture
serve the school that has supported me all the               Union and the student council. My experiences have
way through my secondary education. I have                   truly shaped me as an individual. This year I have
made so many happy memories and friendships                  been privileged to act as Deputy Head Girl enabling
during my time at Strabane Academy and I                     me to give back to my school, teachers and peers.
am so grateful for the academic and pastoral                 I hope that all the new Year 8s enjoy their time here
support given by every single member of staff.               as much as I have!

Strabane Academy Prospectus 2021
                                                         make mistakes; this is when true learning takes
                                                         place. This positive outlook helps to create a love of
                                                         learning and a resilience that is essential for pupils

Welcome                                                  to realise their true potential later in life.
                                                         We have a superb team of highly motivated,
                                                         compassionate and professional staff, both teaching
Thank you for taking the time to read our Prospectus.    and non-teaching, who are committed to providing
This year has been a turbulent one for all of us not     an outstanding education. Whilst we ensure that the
least our children. At Strabane Academy we have          pupils are challenged, we do so in an atmosphere
endeavored to maintain as much normality for our         of mutual respect where pupils are valued within a
students as possible to enable them to get the best      safe and caring learning environment.
possible education that we can provide in these          The pupils have access to a wide range of
challenging times. This Prospectus will be like no       academic and vocational courses. On entry to Year
other we have produced as the majority of our            8, they are streamed into classes according to their
activities have been impacted by COVID restrictions.     ability using the Transfer Test scores and also the
I am confident however that if you read it in            Standardised Scores which we receive from our
conjunction with our website, Facebook and Twitter       feeder Primary Schools and which most parents
pages then you will get a great idea of the excellent    are used to. The strength of this approach is to
education we provide.                                    ensure that all our pupils make progress in-line
It was Aristotle who said that,                          with their ability. It also ensures that we can cater
“We are what we repeatedly do.                           for the needs of those children who, for whatever
                                                         reason, did not sit the entrance exam but who
Excellence is not an act, but a habit.”                  we believe, will flourish later in their development
Within these pages we have tried to capture              having been given the time to thrive.
something of the spirit of our school life and           There is a strong, clearly-structured Pastoral
convey the sense of pride we feel in being part of       System that guarantees dignity and respect,
this community. As you read our Prospectus, look         which can identify problems early and respond
out for the many opportunities that we provide           quickly to them. This underpins the strong ethos of
which help our students develop positive habits for      achievement for all pupils and equips them with the
life; to ASPIRE.                                         skills to prepare them for their future role in society.
It may be how we extend learning beyond the              We have been given a fantastic opportunity, a
classroom; through Sports, Languages, Duke of            once-in-a-lifetime chance, to provide the best
Edinburgh, opportunities to travel abroad, practical     educational experience for the children who
life-skills such as wood-working and the culinary        attend our school and we intend to grasp it with
arts, work-based learning, leadership opportunities      both hands. Our new, state-of-the-art building will
within the school council or the senior prefects; all    ensure that our pupils have access to the most
these are enriching on many levels.                      modern and up-to-date facilities, enabling us to
Discover how we have integrated the Arts and             continue to grow and to improve.
STEM within the curriculum. How we educate the           I very warmly invite you to come and visit and
whole child, encouraging all our pupils to enrich        experience for yourself the warmth, energy and
their lives and learning through the study of Art,       caring ethos that exists here. This is most definitely
Poetry, Drama, Music as well as in Mathematics and       a school ‘on the up’ and I would urge you to come
through the Sciences.                                    along and experience it for it for yourself.
We are very much a part of this community, a
small, caring and supportive school, with a great        “Champions do extra”
family spirit committed to equality of opportunity.      If you have any questions or
The values of the school reflect and are informed        queries about the education
by the Christian faith and we welcome all children       we provide at Strabane
regardless of religion, race, or social background.      Academy, I hope you will
We are proud of the diversity of our pupils whether      contact me and I shall be
from the town itself, our local villages, our rural      happy to speak with you.
areas or indeed further afield and we seek to be
                                                         Yours sincerely
inclusive in all our activities.
                                                         David Hampton
At Strabane Academy we emphasise individual
fulfilment and the pursuit of excellence. The school
demands high standards of work and conduct
and whilst the focus is on academic excellence,
we believe in a growth mind-set which believes
that pupils' abilities can be developed through
perseverance and hard work. Natural ability and
talent are just the starting point and we believe that
the pupils need to be working consistently and with
determination in order to develop. They need to
struggle, to sometimes forget, and most importantly

                     Strabane Academy           @Academy Strabane          INSTAGRAM strabane_academy       5
Strabane Academy Prospectus 2021
Our School
                              "A caring, supportive, close‑knit
           Strabane Academy   community committed to
                              providing an outstanding
                              education that motivates and
                              inspires all to reach their true
                              potential in an atmosphere of
                              mutual respect."

                          At Strabane Academy
                          we endeavour to ensure
                          that everyone aspires
                          to be their best.

                       S hine
                       P ride
                       I nitiative
                       R esilience
                       E njoyment
Strabane Academy Prospectus 2021
Transition into
Strabane Academy
                                                                      with key staff that will
                                                                      support Year 8 pupils.
                                                                      Following this, there is a
                                                                      transition morning for all new
                                                                      intake Year 8 pupils. Pupils
                                                                      will have the opportunity to
                                                                      complete some fun activities,
                                                                      with some surprises along
                                                                      the way; the aim of which
                                                                      is getting to know each
                                                                      other, the staff and the
                                                                      school better and to ease
                                                                      the anxiety of the first day in
                                                                      In August, Year 8 pupils
                                                                      will attend their first day
                                                                      in Strabane Academy. This
                                                                      will be the first day of their
Supporting our young people,                        educational journey with us. They will be
parents and guardians, is a                         introduced to their classmates, Form Teacher
                                                    and given key information.
priority for us here at Strabane
                                                    During the month of September, we focus
Academy as children move from                       on developing a team ethos within the year
primary to secondary school.                        group which is funded by the school. A
                                                    teambuilding day is planned with outdoor
This process begins before pupils transfer to       activities which may include archery, laser-
us in Year 8. Once the decision has been made       tag, virtual clay pigeon shooting and team
to move to Strabane Academy the transition          game activities. Young Enterprise is also
team of Mr Hetherington, Mr Bratton and Ms          involved in this transition process.
Doherty work very closely with each primary
school to ensure we are prepared for each           A positive, supportive experience makes
individual pupil who is transferring into Year 8.   for happy, content pupils and a high level of
This will involve a discussion                      success for each individual.
with relevant staff, school
visits to us, where necessary,
to support individual
needs and discussions with
parents. All of this facilitates
a smooth transition
experience for all pupils and
makes for happy and stress-
free pupils and parents.
In June, a 'Pupil and Parent'
evening will take place.
On this evening, we share
key information which
will be of benefit to show
how Strabane Academy
functions on a daily basis
and provide an opportunity
for you to meet and talk

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Strabane Academy Prospectus 2021

Our pupils are at the heart of                   •   Cinema Trip (KS3)
                                                 •   Ice-skating (KS4)
everything we do and we take                     •   Belfast shopping trip (KS5)
every opportunity to celebrate                   In June we conclude our celebrations and
their achievements and                           rewards with our summer rewards trip. In the
individual success.                              past this has been:
                                                 •   Portrush (KS3)
                                                 •   Creggan Country Park Activity Centre
Reward System                                        (KS4)
In Key stage 3 pupils are encouraged
to collect merit/achievement points              Other Opportunities
throughout the academic year. Merit
marks can be recorded in planner and are         There are other opportunities for pupils to
celebrated at key points.                        feel a sense of achievement and gain rewards
                                                 for their efforts.
•   25 Merit Marks = Bronze Award
•   50 Merit Marks = Silver Award                In Year 8 we have ‘Pupil of the Week’. Once
•   100 Merit Marks = Gold Award                 a week a pupil is selected from each form
                                                 class. They are rewarded with a Hot Chocolate
Key Stage 4 pupils are also rewarded for their   treat with key members of staff at break time.
achievement. This includes:                      Delicious!
•   10 points= congratulatory text to parent/    We also have pupil of the month; outstanding
    guardian                                     pupils are selected by form tutors and are
•   15 points = postcard home to parent/         rewarded with a lunch trip to our local
    guardian                                     McDonald’s with Head of Year, Mr Bratton and
                                                 guest members of staff.
Rewards Trips                                    Success is celebrated through a variety of
Rewards Trips take place for all pupils across   ways, and highlighted at an individual, class,
the school at Christmas time. Trips have         team or whole-school level. Follow our social
included:                                        media to see how we celebrate and how
                                                 proud we are of all our pupil successes.

Strabane Academy Prospectus 2021
Creative Writing
Competition                                                         The New Normal
                                                         Covid has struck and we’ve fallen prey
Strabane Academy's                                       Stuck in our houses from day to day.
Creative Writing                                     Washing our hands and wearing our masks
Competition on the                                      Just makes it so hard to do all our tasks
                                                        The plan was simple if we would abide
theme of 'The New                                 Just stay in our houses and calm down our pride
Normal' produced many                               Will we be stuck like this for the rest of time?
                                                 If a vaccine comes there’ll be a mountain to climb
excellent responses.                         We’ve been through this before and we can see all the signs
Here are the three winners.                            Lockdown is coming and it’s time to hide
                                                    Away from the monster that has its ways tried

                                                        Covid has struck and we’ve fallen prey
                                                     It looks like it’s won, so it’s our time to pay.
                                                         Gather your family, cuddle, and smile
                                                   Cause the monster is here, and the end is near.
                                                      And with all its might struggled and tried
                                                   To get past the borders of the country that lied
                                                     It has rattled the world, when will it resign?
                                                         Back to the place where it is not fine
                                                      Begone foul Beast our time has not come
                                                  Your plan will not work cause our spirts are high
                                                  No stopping us now cause we need your demise.

                                                               1st - Conor McClintock

              2020 (the first 6 months)                        The New Normal
                2020 had high expectations                     Covid-19! It’s a famous name
         But it decided to make its own creations              Some people think it’s just a game
     The death of Kobe Bryant saddened the nations.            But let me tell you it’s no joke
     The raging fires in Australia caused determination        People can’t breathe and begin to choke
     Then to top it all off, Covid-19 meant no vacations       When I tell my friends to stay away
       No weddings, no Halloween, no fun occasions             It’s not to offend. I will see them one day.
    The death of George Floyd caused transformations           Wearing masks and washing hands
 Meghan and Harry caused the royal family a bad reputation     Some people don’t seem to understand
             Brexit calls for new deliberations                But to keep our family safe and sound
        Summer Olympics struck from the records                Until we put Covid-19 down.
   And that’s just the first six months-severe devastation
                                                               3rd - Ella Rose Wray
                        The new normal
           What is the new normal you may ask?
     Well not many know there’s new mandatory tasks
       Who knew it would be law to wear a mask!
         Every lesson you must sanitise your desk
             The government must now restrict
                 For some it’s finally clicked
              That all their fun has been nicked
                      It’s hard to predict
               What the future is yet to inflict.
            I’m sure it will involve some conflict.

                    2nd - Rebecca Sheridan

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Strabane Academy Prospectus 2021
                                                                       3+ AStar–C
                                                                      in English

                                                                                   & Maths

                                                                       90%                      GCSE
                                                                                                  A –MC
                                                                                              5+ ish

Results 2020
                                                                                                      & aths
                                                                                             in Engl

We have high expectations of all our pupils and we are
proud of their achievements in Public Examinations.

In 2020 our pupils have yet again excelled       Top A Level Performers
and produced an excellent set of examination
results. This level of success is due to the     Our Sixth Form has an excellent track
strong partnership between pupils, staff,        record of success, with pupils progressing
parents and the community.                       on to a range of university courses and also
                                                 enjoying successful careers across a range
Within our Grammar stream; 98% of all pupils     of competitive industries. This year our A
achieved 5 or more A*-C grades at GCSE           level pupils have once again excelled with the
and 98% achieved 5 or more A*-C grades           majority of our leavers gaining access to their
including English and Maths.                     chosen university courses.
When we look at the results for the whole year   As a school community, we celebrate
group, which includes a wide range of ability,   outstanding individual successes at A
98% of the year achieved 5 or more GCSE          Level. The top performing girl was Hannah
grades at A*-C and 82% 5 or more grades          Darragh A A Dis* B and the top achieving
at A*-C including English and Maths which        boy was shared between Jack Kee and
compares very favourably with similar all-       Scott Canning A A B. Also included were
ability Grammar schools in Northern Ireland.     a number of high achievers; Ellie Black,
                                                 Sarah Hetherington, Kelsey Maxwell,
Top GCSE performers                              Aileen McGerrigle and Kirsten Wade.
in each of our Pathways:                         Overall, there was a 100% pass rate across all
                                                 subject areas with 90% of pupils achieving
In the Dennett Pathway, which contains
                                                 the benchmark 3 or more A*-C grades. Of all
the traditional Grammar subjects, the top
                                                 A level examinations completed at Strabane
performing girl was Atlantis Bryson with 4 A*
                                                 Academy, 80% of results achieved were A*-B
grades, 5 A grades and a B grade and the top
                                                 grades, this is a remarkable statistic!
performing boy was Ronan Snodgrass with 9
A* grades and 1 A grade. Other top achievers
included; Max Neeson, Tai Duncan, Lucy Blair,     “We are very proud of the effort
Alex Aiken, Kara Bates, Scott Canning, Erin
Djuric, Mark Millar and Courtney McCrea.         and achievement of all pupils
In the Finn Pathway, which contains a mix        and staff especially in the face
of academic and vocational subjects, our         of this difficult year. Our pupils
top performing students included, Anna Mc
Donald, Ellie Harwood, Marcel Wawryszuk,
                                                 truly did ‘ASPIRE’ and they have
Katie Curran and Chloe Nixon and in our          reaped the rewards. I would
Mourne Pathway which is mainly vocational        like to thank all our parents for
our top performers were Kris Wade, Reece
Duffy and Carrie-Brooke Hepburn.                 their continued support and
These results reflect the hard work of our       wish our pupils all the very best
pupils and highlight the dedication and          of luck for the future after their
support provided by our staff and support
from parents. Within our intake we have a
                                                 well-deserved success."
wide range of individual needs and ability       Mr David Hampton, Principal.
levels and we are extremely proud of
each of our young people who have been
encouraged and supported to achieve their
potential and beyond.

Prizewinners 2020                                                 Digital Technology
                                                                  Stephen Browne
                                                                  James Preston
Year 11 subject prizes           English Language (Keith Cup)     Physical Education
                                 Atlantis Bryson                  Jack Kee
Emma Craig & Aaron Russell       Business Studies (Stewart Cup)   Art & Design
                                 Amy Rutherford                   Emma Gamble
Emma Craig                       Health & Social Care Cup         Business Studies
                                 Atlantis Bryson                  Jessica Browne & Ella Hendly
Emma Craig & Patrick Walker      English Literature Cup           Cambridge Technicals
                                 Amy Bailey                       Information Technology
Emma Craig                       History Cup                      Holly Milligan
                                 Atlantis Bryson                  Childcare & Learning
Patrick Walker & Aaron Russell   Engineering & Manufacturing      Development
                                 Max Neeson                       Nikita Allen
Emma Craig                       Music (Gordon Cup)               Religious Studies
                                 Lauren Murphy                    Alice Sayers
Patrick Walker                   German Cup                       Technology & Design
                                 Max Neeson                       Alvena Sharma
Double Award Science
Lauren Mealiff & Cody Wallace    Double Award Science
                                 (Bryson Cup)                     A Level subject prizes
Health & Social Care             Ronan Snodgrass                  Physics Cup
Katie Gamble                                                      Hannah Darragh
                                 Physical Education Cup
Business Studies                 Mark Miller                      Lesley Gourley Shield
Patrick Walker                                                    for English Literature
                                 Art & Design (Faulkner Cup)
Engineering                      Lucy Blair                       Sarah Hetherington
Emma Wallace                                                      History Cup
                                 Geography (Tilson Cup)
Technology & Design              Courtney McCrea                  Rachel Crawford
Lucy Aiken                                                        Millar Cup for Mathematics
                                 Hospitality Cup
Prince’s Trust                   Megan Hayward                    Hannah Darragh
Natalie Devine                   Single Award Science Cup         Art & Design
Art & Design                     Anna McDonald                    Adlanta Wallace
Emma Wallace                     FrenchCup                        Geography Cup
Single Award Science             Ronan Snodgrass                  Sarah Hetherington
Shannon McIntyre                 Contemporary Craft Cup           Physical Education Cup
Hospitality                      Megan Jack & Kris Wade           Jack Kee
Shannen McIntyre                 Prince’s Trust Cup               Business Studies Cup
Learning for Life & Work         Raymond Curry & Kris Wade        Aileen McGerrigle
Saoirse Kelly                    Mathematics (TSB Cup)            French Cup
Physical Education               Scott Canning                    Rachel Crawford
Katie Gamble                                                      German Cup
                                 AS Level subject prizes          Rohin Smyth
Year 12 subject prizes           Chemistry                        Digital Technology
Biology Cup                      Stephen Browne                   Matthew McKittrick
Max Neeson                       English Literature               Birkett Cup for Biology
Chemistry Cup                    Stephen Browne                   Sarah Hetherington
Max Neeson                       Geography                        Stewart Shield
Religious Studies Cup            Eve Kelly                        for Religious Studies
Ronan Snodgrass                  Biology                          Alexandra Keville
Learning for Life & Work         Eve Kelly                        Cambridge Technicals
(McKenna Cup)                    History                          Information Technology
Kara Bates                       Amy Walker                       Ryan Caldwell & Jake Hendly
Digital Technology Cup           Physics                          Health & Social Care Cup
Max Neeson                       Emma Gamble                      Aileen McGerrigle
Physics Cup                      Mathematics                      Technology & Design Cup
Max Neeson                       Jordan McAuley                   Aisling Conaghan
Further Maths Cup                NWRC Applied Science             Strabane Academy
Max Neeson                       Rebecca Robinson                 - Service to the School
Engineering Cup                  Health & Social Care             Head Girl - Eve Kelly
Max Neeson                       Eve Kelly                        Head Boy - Jack Kee

                  Strabane Academy       @Academy Strabane      INSTAGRAM strabane_academy    11
                                                  Key Stage 3
                                                  Years 8, 9 and 10 pupils follow a broad

                                                  curriculum designed so that it can offer the
                                                  breadth and flexibility to provide them with
                                                  access to a range of learning pathways.
                                                  A wide range of thinking skills and capabilities,
The curriculum at Strabane                        including literacy and numeracy, are developed
Academy provides stimulation                      across the curriculum. Lessons are interactive,
                                                  enjoyable and varied in delivery to ensure
and challenge to pupils of all                    pupils experience teaching in their preferred
ability, successfully combining                   learning style and are fully prepared for the
                                                  rigours of Key Stage 4.
both the traditional academic
and vocational subjects to                        The following subjects are delivered in line
ensure all our pupils thrive.                     with the Northern Ireland curriculum:
                                                  •   Art & Design
Our aim is to empower our pupils to achieve       •   Business Studies**
their best by enabling them to develop as         •   Careers Advice
individuals and as contributors to society, the   •   English
economy and the environment. Our curricular       •   French*
provision offers progression across all key       •   Geography
stages and leads to academic success.             •   German*
From the earliest possible opportunity in         •   History
Year 8 support is given to pupils to help them    •   Home Economics
learn and discover how they learn best as         •   Information Technology
individuals! Embedded in every year group         •   Learning for Life & Work
and in every subject are assessments which        •   Mathematics
have been designed by subject specialists to      •   Music
track pupils’ progress at key dates throughout    •   Personal, Social & Health Education
the school year. This information is collated     •   Physical Education
and parents are informed of the results.          •   Religious Studies
This enables the school to work effectively       •   Science
alongside parents to intervene quickly where      •   Technology
additional support is required and individual     * All pupils will study at least one modern language
strategies are put in place for improvement.      ** Year 10 only

Key Stage 5
                                                   In Years 13 and 14 pupils will be able to choose
                                                   subjects from a range of GCE AS levels, A2
                                                   levels, Applied A levels and National Awards.
                                                   The following is a list of subjects being offered:
                                                   • Applied Science
                                                   • Art & Design
                                                   • Biology
                                                   • Business Studies
                                                   • Chemistry
                                                   • Cambridge Technicals (IT)
                                                   • Digital Technology
                                                   • Drama
                                                   • English Literature
                                                   • French
                                                   • Geography
                                                   • German
                                                   • Government & Politics
                                                   • Health & Social Care
                                                   • History
                                                   • Mathematics
                                                   • Media
Key Stage 4                                        • Moving Image Arts
                                                   • Music
Pupils in Years 11 and 12 will be offered          • Physical Education
GCSEs in the following subjects:                   • Physics
                                                   • Religious Studies
•   Art & Design
                                                   • Technology & Design
•   Benchwork & Joinery
•   Business and Services                          If there are insufficient numbers for these
•   Business Studies                               courses they may be offered through
                                                   collaboration with other schools within our
•   Digital Technology
                                                   local learning community (Derg Mourne
•   Double Award Science                           Learning Community).
•   Contemporary Craft
                                                   The following course, which is equivalent to
•   Engineering
                                                   3 A-levels, will be delivered in partnership
•   English Language                               with LLS for the first time in 2021:
•   English Literature
                                                   • Edexcel Pearson BTEC Level 3 Extended
•   French
                                                      Diploma in Sport (Development, Coaching
•   Further Mathematics
                                                      and Fitness)
•   Geography
                                                   The following Vocational courses will be
•   German
                                                   offered through collaboration with the
•   Health & Social Care
                                                   South West Regional College.
•   Hospitality                                    National Awards in:
•   History                                        • Agriculture
•   Information Technology                         • Applied Science
•   Learning for Life & Work                       • Children’s Care, Learning & Development
•   Mathematics                                    • Computer Games
•   Music                                          • Construction
•   Physical Education                             • Engineering – Mechanical/Electrical
•   Prince’s Trust                                 • Health & Social Care
•   Religious Studies                              • Hospitality
•   Single Award Science                           • Media Production
•   Technology & Design                            • Travel & Tourism
                                                   • Sports Studies
•   Triple Award Science
                                                   Curriculum opportunities at Key Stage 5 are
The following vocational courses may               enhanced through the Enrichment Programme
be offered through collaboration with              which includes Volunteer Work in care homes,
the North West Regional College:                   primary schools, charity chops; Computer
                                                   Programming; European Studies Programme;
Early Years, Construction, Electrical              First Aid; Photography; Sentinus Engineering;
Engineering, Motor Vehicle Studies, Joinery,       Survival Cookery and all the major sports that
Plumbing, Beauty Therapy and Hairdressing.         includes Rugby, Hockey, Football and Cricket.

                   Strabane Academy         @Academy Strabane      INSTAGRAM strabane_academy   13
At Strabane Academy we endeavour to offer the opportunity to participate in a
wide range of activities outside of the classroom. We believe that in addition to
an academic development we must also inspire our pupils physically, culturally
and spiritually.
These clubs and societies take place after school at lunch times and after school
as well as weekend excursions, fixtures and visits.

Sports                                             Stem
•    Hockey                                        •   Sentinus
•    Rugby                                         •   Young Engineers
•    Football                                      •   Lego Club
•    Cricket                                       •   Maths Challenge
•    Netball                                       •   Technology Club
•    Badminton                                     •   Build-a-go-cart
•    Strength and conditioning
•    Functional movement                           Clubs and societies
•    Gymnastics
•    Athletics                                     •   Young Entrepreneur
•    Golf                                          •   Scripture Union
                                                   •   Homework Club
                                                   •   Half Hour Club
Arts & Music                                       •   Library & Book Club
•    Fine Art                                      •   Chess Club
•    Art and Design Club                           •   Duke of Edinburgh Award
•    Craft Club
•    Orchestra
•    Choir
•    Musical productions

In addition to these clubs we have also embarked on regular school trips and
excursions, below are some of the trips and destinations we have ventured on:

Ski — Every year                                   Language — Every three years
Previous destinations: Italy and France            Previous destinations: France and Germany

Geography — Every two years                        Business and ICT — Every two years
Previous destinations: Iceland and Italy           Previous destinations: New York City

History — Every two years                          Rugby — Every three years
Previous destinations: Poland and Germany          Previous destinations: Spain and Portugal

 Strabane Academy    @Academy Strabane   INSTAGRAM strabane_academy   15
Wellbeing, Pastoral Care
and Support
Dedicated pastoral care
underpins everything that takes
place within Strabane Academy.
Very simply, pupils can only
achieve their academic potential
if they experience a positive
climate for learning.
We are justly proud to have a reputation as
a small, caring school. We know and care for
each individual pupil. This is achieved through
fostering excellent relationships with staff,
pupils and parents from the outset.
When pupils commence their educational
journey with Strabane Academy in Year 8 they
have already experienced our pupil-centred        self-refer. Strong links are maintained with
ethos. This continues throughout their seven-     outside agencies to ensure that all our pupils
year journey with us, leaving as well-rounded,    have access to these should the need arise.
hardworking and caring young adults ready         Strabane Academy is completely opposed to
for life outside school.                          bullying and as a school we actively promote
We foster these relationships through our         positive relationships. Pupils are encouraged
team of highly motivated and experienced          to report any concerns they may have to any
Form Teachers and Year Heads who nurture          member of staff. These will be dealt with
and support pupil wellbeing throughout            promptly and sensitively in line with the anti-
their educational journey. They offer support     bullying policy.
through the creation of a mutually respectful     Positive behaviour is an integral part of daily
learning environment and maintain strong          life at Strabane Academy. Good behaviour
home school links to ensure all behaviours        is expected at all times. Pupils are rewarded
are positive.                                     through the merit system by achieving
There is a strong emphasis on the delivery of     bronze, silver and gold awards. There is also
personal development and the preventative         the Christmas and Summer rewards trip
curriculum covering relevant topics in today’s    to acknowledge and recognise pupils with
society such as anti-bullying, friendships,       excellent behaviour and to celebrate success.
online safety, drug and alcohol awareness,        It has been proven that there is a strong
sexuality and relationships alongside mental      link between excellent attendance and
health and wellbeing.
                                                  achievement. At Strabane Academy we
Child protection is of paramount importance.      expect pupils to aim for high standards
All staff have received up-to-date training.      of punctuality and attendance to ensure
The designated teacher for child protection       academic and individual success.
is Mrs C Sayers (Vice Principal), the deputy
                                                  Pupils have many leadership opportunities.
designate teachers are Ms Doherty, Mrs
                                                  Each form class has a nominated form captain
Dunn and Mrs McKenna. Pupils and parents/
                                                  and deputy. As pupils progress throughout the
carers are encouraged to speak to any of
                                                  school they will have the opportunity to apply
these members of staff should they have any
                                                  to become prefect as well as other senior
worries or concerns.
                                                  leadership positions within the student body.
The school offers a private and confidential      The school council offers pupils a voice to
counselling service which allows pupils to        represent their peers in key area of school life.

We endeavour to ensure
all pupils with special
educational needs achieve
individual fulfilment.
We are committed to ensure pupils with
special educational needs are fully included in
the life of the school and have full access to
the National Curriculum.
Pupils are monitored and if required
necessary support is put in place to support
the individual needs of the pupil by liaising
with external agencies and the Education
Authority. This ensures the appropriate
provision is put in place to ensure each pupil
achieves their full potential.
In keeping with the SEN legislation for
Northern Ireland, a SEN policy and SEN
register is in place and updated regularly.
The Learning Support Coordinator and
the Learning Support team to include the
Assistant Learning Support Coordinator,
School Learning Mentor, Learning Support
Teacher and Learning Support Assistants
create and maintain a nurturing environment.
This builds on positive relationships with
pupils and parents to raise the self-esteem
and confidence to promote the development
of the whole child.

                  Strabane Academy        @Academy Strabane   INSTAGRAM strabane_academy   17
Pupils have access to the
Careers department throughout
all key stages and an exclusive
Careers Consultation room.

Key Stage 3
•    Dedicated Timetabled Careers Classes
•    Individual Careers Interviews
•    Personal Career Plan
•    Year10 Careers Fair
•    Career Subject Talks
•    Careers Talks from Guest Speakers
•    Visit to Careers Consultation Room
•    Bring It On Events
•    LLW Employability Module                   Key Stage 5
•    Parental Career Talks
                                                •   Dedicated Timetabled Careers Classes
                                                •   Work Experience Opportunities
Key Stage 4
                                                •   University Open Days
•    Dedicated Timetabled Careers Classes       •   Year 14 Interview Skills Day
•    Careers Talks from Guest Speakers          •   Guest Speakers from Universities/
•    Interview with Careers Adviser                 Colleges/Business Establishments
     (Northern Ireland Careers Service)         •   Sentinus Employability/
•    Individual Careers Interviews                  World of Work Programmes
•    Year 12 Careers Fair                       •   Various Career Workshops
•    Personal Career Plan                       •   Personal Interviews/Mock Interviews
•    Career Subject Talks                       •   Interview with Careers Adviser (Northern
•    Bring It On Events                             Ireland Careers Service)
•    Taster Days                                •   UCAS Mentoring inc. Guidance/Support
•    Sentinus Employability Programmes          •   UCAS NI Higher Education Exhibition
•    Parental Career Talks                      •   Parental Career Talks
•    Visit to Careers Consultation Room         •   Individual Career Tutor
•    Work Experience through Prince’s Trust     •   Access to practical experience through
•    Careers Module in LLW and Prince’s Trust       Enrichment Programme

Life after
                                                    Any advice for newcomers to the school?
                                                    Don't put pressure on yourself to be like
                                                    others and take everything at your own pace,

Strabane                                            in the words of Mr Haughey "Rome wasn't
                                                    built in a day."

Academy                                             Matthew McKittrick
                                                    I am currently studying
                  Jack Kee                          Architecture at Ulster
                  I am currently studying           University.
                  Biomedical Engineering            What was life like in Strabane Academy?
                  at the University of              Life at Strabane Academy was full of up and
                  Strathclyde.                      downs much like everything, but I feel grateful
                                                    for it as it is where I made lifelong friendships
What was life like in Strabane Academy?
                                                    and amazing memories.
I had a really positive experience, I made
great friends and great memories and was            Your best moments in Strabane Academy?
supported every step of the way. The school         My best moments in Strabane Academy were
introduced me to rugby and I've continued           on school trips such as the ski trip, Alton
to play at university because of the love I         Towers trip and Italy trip.
developed for it in Strabane Academy.
                                                    Any advice for newcomers to the school?
Your best moments in Strabane Academy?              Enjoy it and don’t put too much pressure on
I really enjoyed the school trips each year,        yourself to succeed in everything or fit in with
mainly the ski trip and rugby tour, and of          everyone. Do your best.
course the rugby matches on Saturdays!
I enjoyed being Head Boy of Strabane
Academy and the responsibilities it gave me
within the school.
                                                    Kelsey Maxwell
                                                    I am currently studying
Any advice for newcomers to the school?             Psychology at Ulster
Take part in the opportunities Strabane             University in Coleraine.
Academy has to offer, don’t compare yourself
to others and do the best that you can.             What was life like in Strabane Academy?:
Respect your school and each other.                 Life in Strabane Academy was always busy, it
                                                    was never boring!

                                                    Your best moments in Strabane Academy?:
                  Rachel Crawford
                                                    A few of my best moments would be
                  I study French                    performing on Stars in Your Eyes and being
                  at University                     elected prefect and I really enjoyed both
                  of Glasgow.                       formals.
What was life like in Strabane Academy?             Any advice for newcomers to the school?
I received a lot of support from teachers at        Enjoy it while it lasts!! I feel like the end of
Strabane Academy, when you were struggling          my time in Strabane Academy was extremely
with work they were always helpful and              sad because we didn’t get a proper goodbye
understanding. I found that each teacher always     and a proper farewell and we all didn’t get
helped you to achieve your best. I'm grateful for   a chance to thank the staff for all their help
my experience at Strabane Academy as I have         over the past few years; so to sum it up, enjoy
made some amazing memories and friends.             every second of it, because school really is
                                                    the best days of your life and it’ll be all over
Your best moments in Strabane Academy?              before you know it!
Spending time with my friends in the Sixth
form common room, the formal and the
Poland trip.

                   Strabane Academy        @Academy Strabane       INSTAGRAM strabane_academy   19
STEM is the acronym for Science,                   •   Big Bang event in school:
                                                       This is a one-day event were our Key
Technology, Engineering, and                           Stage 3 pupils hold internal science fairs
Mathematics, and encompasses                           designed for our pupils to show their
                                                       Science and Technology projects by
a vast array of subjects that fall                     demonstrating their work on displays and
into each of those terms. Today’s                      practically. This initiative is supported by
pupils are tomorrow’s leaders.                         Sentinus with a presenter from Imperial
                                                       College, London, hosting the event.
Occupations in STEM-related careers are            •   Seagate Real World Science
some of the fastest growing and best paid              Conference:
of the 21st century, and they often have the           This conference offers our pupils a
greatest potential for job growth. Our pupils          series of interactive workshops focused
are extremely curious and impressionable,              on a range of Science and Technology
so instilling an interest at an early age could        topics from CSI fingerprinting, building
spark a lasting desire to pursue a career in any       a rocket, programming using Ipads and
of these fields. At Strabane Academy we offer          many more.
a range of STEM activities from years 8-14.
                                                   •   Sentinus STEM Design
Key Stage 3 Activities                                 This programme aims to target our pupils
•   Outreach workshops                                 studying Technology, IT, Science, Art or
    with the Loughs agency:                            Geography who will work in teams to
    Pupils gain an insight into life cycles of         create an innovative design on a chosen
    marine animals and experience the work             topic of their own or one provided
    carried out by the loughs agency.                  for them from a list. Pupils normally
                                                       work in teams of 3 or 4. When pupils
•   Sentinus robotics programming:                     complete their design, they will produce a
    Pupils learn to write their own                    prototype of their ideas and designs. The
    programmes and download these to their             programme finishes with a Celebration
    robot to enable it to carry out tasks.             Day which normally takes place in March.

Developing links                                                                                       PTM      Progress Test in Maths

with our parents/guardians
                                                                                                       PTE      Progress Test in English
                                                                                                       CATS     Cognitive Ability Tests

                          Year 8        Year 9       Year 10         Year 11           Year 12             Year 13        Year 14
                        Aug                         CATs          Target Grading Target Grading      Aug               Aug
                        Year 8                                                                       Year 13           Year 14

                        Induction                                                                    Registration      Registration
                        Morning                                                                      afternoon         afternoon
                        Sept                                                                         Sept              Sept
                        CATs                                                                         Target Grading Target Grading
                        Target         Target       Target        PPE 1             PPE 1            PPE 1             PPE 1
                        Grading        Grading      Grading
Autumn Term


                        Year 8
                        Tracking 1     Tracking 1   Tracking 1    Science           Science          Report 1          Report 1
                                                                  Module            Module
                                       Year 9                                                                          Academic

                                                                  Examinations      Examinations
                                       Parent/                                                                         Performance
                                       Guardian                   Report 1          Report 1                           Review (parental
                                       Meeting                                                                         involvement)

                        Report 1       Report 1                   PPE 2             PPE 2            PPE 2             PPE 2

                                                    Year 10       Report 2          Report 2         Report 2          Report 2
                                                    Guardian      Publication       Publication      AS Module         A2 Module
                                                    Meeting       of Module         of Module        Examinations      Examinations
                                                                  Results           Results
                                                    Career                                          Year 13 Parent/    Year 14

                                                    Information                     Year 12 Parent/ Guardian           Parent/
                                                    Session                         Guardian        Meeting            Guardian
                                                                                    Meeting                            Meeting
                                                                                    Career                             Career
                                                                                    Information                        Information
                                                                                    Session                            Session
Winter Term

                        Tracking 2     Tracking 2 Tracking 2      Target Grading Target Grading
                                                                  Review         Review
                                                                  Science           Science
                                                                  Module            Module

                                                                  Examinations      Examinations
                                                                  Year 11 Parent/
                        Report 2       Report 2     Report 2      PPE 3             PPE3             PPE3              PPE3
                                                                  Publication       Publication      Report 3          Report 3

                                                                  of Module         of Module
                                                                  Results           Results
                                                                  Report 3          Report 3

                                                                                    Report 4                           Report 4

                                                                  GCSE Modules Study Leave           Study Leave       Study Leave
Spring Term


                                                                               GCSE                  AS                A2
                                                                               Examinations          Examinations      Examinations
                        Tracking 3     Tracking 3 Tracking 3      GCSE Modules Study Leave           Study Leave       Study Leave
                        PTE            PTE          PTE                             GCSE             AS                A2

                        PTM            PTM          PTM                             Examinations     Examinations      Examinations
                        Report 3       Report 3     Report 3

                                      Strabane Academy            @Academy Strabane              INSTAGRAM strabane_academy         21
Destination of
Year 14 leavers
We are extremely proud of all of our pupils and bid them a fond
farewell as they move on to the next stage in their lives.

University of Aberdeen                        Queen’s University Belfast
Alexandra Keville – Philosophy & Psychology   Jon Fulton – Computer Science
                                              Jordan Quinn – Computer Science
                                              Amber Rodgers – Agricultural Technology
University of Dundee
                                              Rohin Smyth – Aerospace Engineering
Kerri McCrea – Law

University of Glasgow                         Queen Margaret University
                                              Aileen McGerrigle – Diagnostic Radiography
Rachel Crawford – French

Liverpool John Moore’s                        South West College
                                              Ryan Caldwell – Car Mechanics
Alex Burke – Criminology & Psychology
Saskia Burke – Animal Behaviour
                                              Strathclyde University
                                              Jack Kee – Biomedical Engineering
North West Regional College
Ellie Black – Foundation Degree
in Health & Social Care Science               Ulster University
Adam Canning – Music Production               Hannah Darragh – Finance
Ellie Colhoun – Foundation Degree             Matthew Donaghey – Mechatronic Engineering
in Health & Social Care Science               Jake Hendly – Computing Technology
Aisling Conaghan – Music Production           Aine Hunter – Leisure & Events Management
Chelsie Hamilton – Healthcare Practice        Kelsey Maxwell – Psychology
Steven Shields – Engineering                  Matthew O’Donnell – Computer Science
Kirsten Wade – Childcare                      Adlanta Wallace – Art & Design

University of Northampton                     Employment
Richard Smyth – Multi-media Sports            Sarah Black
Garry Magee – Engineering

Manchester Metropolitan
Jade Bustard – Foundation Degree
in Psychology
Sarah Hetherington – Healthcare Science

                                              All correct at time of going to print.

T: +44(0)28 8673 7348

                                                                   Unit 1, Dublin Road Industrial Estate
                                                                     Strabane, Co.Tyrone BT82 9EA
                                                           Tel: +44 (0)287 188 2320 Email:

      45 Strahulter Road, Newtownstewart                           Brickfield, 38 Park Road, Strabane,
       Omagh, County Tyrone BT78 4ED                                    County Tyrone BT82 8LH
            T: +44 (0) 7734 230 296                             T: (028) 7138 2385 F: (028) 7138 2182
       E:                                E:

                                                            121 Drumlish Road, Dromore, Greenan, BT78 3BY
                McColgan's Foodhall                          T: 02882 898 636 E:
61 Main Street, Strabane, County Tyrone BT82 8AU                
   T: (028) 7138 3031 E:

                            9 Ferguson Crescent, Castlederg, Co Tyrone BT81 7AF
                               T: 028 8167 0460 E:
Strabane Academy
                   61 Derry Road, Strabane, Co Tyrone, BT82 8LD
                   028 7188 2578 /
Strabane Academy

                                        Produced by 20/20 Design and Marketing - / 07774 753 356
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