THE BEST TRAIN WITH 2017 Summer Hockey Camps & Clinics

Page created by Susan Potter
THE BEST TRAIN WITH 2017 Summer Hockey Camps & Clinics
                 THE BEST
                 TO BECOME
                 THE BEST
                  2017 Summer
              Hockey Camps & Clinics
                  MATT MOULSON from the Buffalo Sabres
                 CAM ATKINSON from Columbus Blue Jackets,
                      JON QUICK from the L.A. Kings,
                            and many more.

 1063 Hope St. Stamford, CT
                All Day Skills Training Camp: $655                                                    Shooting to Score Camp: $350 / $80 walkup

                The All Day Super Skills Camp is our most popular day camp featuring                  Proper hand position and modern puck handling techniques at top speed are
                our new state of the art off ice training center with synthetic ice for shooting      essential for young player’s development. The camp will stress quick release
                and stickhandling, Russian boxes, slide boards for extension and recovery.            on shot while developing the ability to shoot in any situation, wrist shot, snap
                The extensive camp offers 4 hours of on ice skill development and 2 hours             shot, slap shot and backhand shot with your head up.
                off ice work each day. Campers should bring change of clothes and sneakers.
                LUNCH IS PROVIDED!                                                                    Small Games: $275 / $60 walkup
                                                                                                      Fun on skates! Players work hard and learn how to compete playing soccer,
                                                                                                      bandy, ball hockey, 1 vs 1, 3 vs 3, and more games on ice!
                Elite Skills Camp with Matt Moulson and Victor
                Baryshevtsev: $695 / August 14-18                                                     Total Skills Camp: $275 / $60 walkup (2 hours)
                Learn from the Pros! This full day camp focuses on developing individual talent       Great camp for young players to develop skating, shooting, passing and team
                and learning the skills that separate players at the highest level. Work with         play. This camp will cover every skill set and focus on developing each player’s
                Matt Moulson on the puck skills needed to be an elite player and also get to          overall skills.
                learn skating skills from our power skating guru and Olympic level skater Victor
                Baryshevtsev. A full day week long camp that is led by the most experienced
                coaching staff in the tri-state area! LUNCH IS PROVIDED!

                Pro Skills Camp with Cam Atkinson:
                                                                                                      GOALTENDING CAMPS:
                $375 / $80 walkup / Dates TBD
                                                                                                                              Jonathan Quick Goalie Camp:

                                                                                                                                                                                               FEATURED CAMP
                Learn from one of the top young players in the NHL! Cam has proved to be
                an impact player at every level he has played, he will teach players the skills                              $350 – 3 hours (One day) – Dates TBD
                necessary to get to the next level. Cam brings a lot                                            This all age’s camp provides the unique opportunity to not only meet
                of passion and energy to his camp.                                                         but also get tips from one of the best goaltenders in the world!
                                                                                                               Jonathan Quick along with experienced goalie coaches from Connecticut
                Full Day Skills Camp for Girls with Kaleigh Fratkin                                                                  Crease will lead this 3 hour clinic for goaltenders.
                and Alexa Gruschow: $675 Dates TBD
                Week long camp for girls only with two pro’s from the NWHL’s NY Riveters:
                Kaleigh Fratkin and Alexa Gruschow. This high intensity fun camp will focus
                on developing players skating and stick skills as well as teaching the individual
                                                                                                      Goaltending Camp with CT Crease:
                skills needed to win battles and protect the puck. The best all day girls camp in
                                                                                                      $350 / $80 walkup (Week long)
                                                                                                      Learn the fundamentals of stopping pucks with the goaltending gurus of
                the area!
                                                                                                      Connecticut Crease. Skating, lateral movement, rebound control, angles,
                Future Stars Camp: $125                                                               butterfly, puck handling. This 3 hour camp features a 1 hour session each day
                7 and under camp for players that can fall and get up on their own. Future            with Performance 20/20 who specialize in developing vision training and
                Stars is a camp focused on developing skating and basic hockey skills in a fun        reaction time followed by 2 hours of on ice instruction with Connecticut Crease.
                environment that will enhance confidence.                                             PLUS: any goalie attending this camp, can attend any other camp as a goalie for
                Pro Private: $495 / $100 walkup
                This 1:1 student: teacher ratio allows players to design their camp
                and target specific skills. Coaches can isolate player’s deficiencies
                                                                                                      WEEKLY SUMMER CLINICS:
                and assets.
                                                                                                      Monday Night Elite Prep/Junior Camp - with Chris
                Defense and Checking: $350 / $80 walkup                                               Myhro: $450 / $60 walkup (10 Sessions of 90 minutes)
                                                                                                      This camp is for elite players only - ages 14-21 - that are looking to enhance
                This camp focuses on developing skills that help any player defend better
                                                                                                      their effectiveness and develop individual skills in the off season. Chris Myhro
                including making a good first pass, gap control, escapes, stick checks, body
                                                                                                      played for University of Connecticut before playing professionally in Europe
                checks and angling. This camp will also focus on breakouts and transitioning
                                                                                                      and North America. Chris teaches the skills necessary to make it to the highest level.
                quickly from defense to offense by joining the rush. Body checking and angling
                will also be addressed with proper technique.
                                                                                                      Wednesday Night High School Prep with Tucker
                Mike Backman Camp: $390 / $80 walkup                                                  Grose: $450 / $60 walkup (10 Sessions of 90 minutes)
                                                                                                      This weekly camp is for motivated high school and prep school players looking
                This high intensity skill camp focuses on developing individual skills. Mike has
                                                                                                      to stay in shape and enhance their skills during the off season. Tucker Grose
                coached countless players that have gone on to successful college and pro
                                                                                                      has coached 3 years with Newtown High School and 2 years with the King
                careers. Mike’s knowledge of the game is unmatched in the tristate area.
                                                                                                      School in Stamford.
                Battle Camp: $350 / $80 walkup
                If you can win 1 vs 1 battles, you’ll end up with the puck. Players
                work on puck protection, body positioning, take aways, board
                battles and stick control.

                Power Hockey: $275 / $60 walkup                                              TWIN RINKS 2017 SUMMER HOCKEY
                Win the race to the loose pucks. This camp emphasizes leg
                extension and recovery, quick starts and change of direction,
                                                                                            ALL ACCESS PASS
                gliding, striding and speed through your transition. This                 Access to ALL Twin Rinks Hockey camps
                camp also addresses how to maintain speed with the
                puck and use body positioning to maintain control
                                                                                        for the entire summer for $1,375!
                and be more effective and powerful with the puck.                – Attend as many walk ups or full week camps as you want with no additional cost!
                                                                              - All Access Pass does not get campers into All Day Skills Training Camps, Pro Camps or THD Camp
               For over 20 years, Twin Rinks Summer Hockey Programs have provided the highest level
               coaching along with elite training for players of all ages and abilities. It’s Twin Rink’s
               mission to provide superior hockey instruction for motivated players who want to reach
               their potential. Twin Rinks continues to set the standard of excellence in Summer Camps.
               Hockey Director Mike Backman has assembled an elite coaching staff of veteran local
               coaches in addition to several elite NHL stars who are passionate about passing on their
               knowledge and skills to the next generation.

               Twin Rinks is proud to announce that our OFF-ICE TRAINING FACILITY
               will be up and running for usage with our summer camps. Campers will have
               the opportunity to develop their shooting and stickhandling on our synthetic
               ice sheet as well as work on their strength and speed in our training center.

MIKE BACKMAN is a former New York Ranger and has been the hockey director                    KEVIN ERVING played his prep hockey at St. Marks before going on to play club
at Twin Rinks for 20 years coaching countless youth teams to state and regional              hockey at St. Lawrence University. Kevin currently works in the hockey department at
championships. Many players who have played for Mike have gone on to play in the             Twin Rinks and coaches individual players from beginner to elite. Kevin has coached
NCAA and the NHL including Max Pacioretty of the Montreal Canadiens, William                 teams in youth hockey and high school for 3 years. Kevin led the Darien Mite A1 team
Nylander of the Toronto Maple Leafs, Ben Smith of the Toronto Maple Leafs and many           to a state championship in 2017 and also coaches with the CT Condors Development
more. Mike founded the CT Condors Development program in 2016.                               Program.

JONATHAN QUICK is currently in his 10th season with the LA Kings. Jon played                 BRETT BACKMAN grew up playing youth hockey locally in Fairfield County before
his youth hockey right here at Twin Rinks before a standout career at the University of      playing his prep hockey at Avon Old Farms. Brett completed 2 years of juniors most
Massachusetts. Jonathan was the starting goalie for the US Olympic team in 2012 and          recently with the CT Oilers in 2016-17 season in which he tallied 18 goals and 20 assists
is a two time Stanley cup champion with the Kings. Jonathan was awarded the Conn             in 45 games played. Brett will start his college career in the fall of 2017 at Plymouth
Smyth Trophy as the MVP of the 2012 NHL playoffs.                                            State University.
                                                                                             BRETT FARSON played prep hockey at Philips Andover and then moved on to
CAM ATKINSON A Connecticut native, Cam is currently is in his 7th season with                Amherst College. He has been coaching youth hockey for 12 years and is currently the
the Columbus Blue Jackets and he was named to the 2017 NHL All Star Game. This               hockey director with the Greenwich Blues. Brett is currently the head coach of the Rye
season he has become an elite player and is in the top 10 in the league in goals scored      Country Day School which he led to a conference championship in 2017.
and points and has set career highs in Goals, Assists and Points. Cam broke the 30 goal
mark for the first time this season finishing with 35 goals! Cam grew up playing his youth   VICTOR BARYSHEVTSEV is the pioneer of Russian hockey skating techniques.
hockey in Connecticut before going on to a stellar career at Boston College.                 Victor was an alternate on the 1988 Russian Olympic Team. He has trained NHL players
                                                                                             Max Pacioretty, Artem Anisimov, Matt Moulson and more.
MATT MOULSON In his 10 year NHL career, Matt has topped the 30 goal mark 3                   CHRIS ARDITO One of the original members of CT Crease, Chris has been coaching
times. Matt has played with the LA Kings, Minnesota Wild, NY Islanders and is currently
                                                                                             goalies of all ages and abilities for 14 years. Chris has also coached at the collegiate level.
playing for the Buffalo Sabres. Matt has tallied 369 points in his NHL career.
                                                                                             From 2008 – 2012 Chris served as assistant and goalie coach for Southern Connecticut
                                                                                             State University and has served as goalie coach for the Yale University Women’s Ice
SEAN BACKMAN spent 4 years with the Yale Bulldogs where his 77 goals stand                   Hockey Team since September 2012.
as 2nd all time. Sean currently plays for the Ontario Reign in the AHL and was selected
for the 2016 All Star Game. Sean won the Calder Cup as AHL champion in 2015 with the         KALEIGH FRATKIN played college hockey at Boston University where she was a
Manchester Monarchs.                                                                         three-time Hockey East Champion and made four NCAA Tournament appearances. She
                                                                                             served as an Assistant Captain for the Terriers as a senior. Kaleigh won a silver medal
TUCKER GROSE is currently the Assistant Hockey Director at Twin Rinks. Tucker                with Team Canada at the 2009 IIHF Women’s U18 World Championships. Since turning
captained Newtown High School before going on to Endicott College. Tucker has                professional, Kaleigh captained the CT Whale (NWHL) last season and now plays for the
coached youth hockey and high school hockey for the past 5 years and he was named            NY Riveters (NWHL) where she appeared in her second consecutive All-Star game this
the WCYHA Coach of the year in 2013-14, coached the Newtown High School hockey               past season.
team to a state championship in 2014 and was an assistant coach with King Low
Heywood Thomas the past 2 years. Tucker currently coaches the Bantam A team for              ALEXA GRUSCHOW is a native of Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, Alexa played in
Darien Youth Hockey and coaches with the CT Condors Development Program.                     133 games at RPI and racked up an impressive 93 points (46g-47a) during her career.
                                                                                             Alexa ranks #3 on the school’s Division I points list and #2 in career goals. She was
                                                                                             named Captain and the team’s Most Valuable Player for the 2015-16 season. Alexa now
                                                                                             plays for the NY Riveters (NWHL).

Members of the CT Breakers receive a                                                               Sign up for Super Skills All day Camp before
15% discount on all camps!                                                                         May 30th and receive 10% off your total bill.

We offer a 25% sibling discount                                                                   Registration is on a first come, first serve basis and camp space is limited. All camps are
for siblings entering the same camp or clinic!                                                    subject to change. Check out www.STRHOCKEY.COM for more information.
JUNE 12 – 15 (MON – THURS, 4 DAYS)                                                   JULY 31 – AUGUST 4 (MON – FRI, 5 DAYS)
WEST                                                                                 WEST
3–4pm         Future Stars Camp                                 $100                 11am–1pm      Power Hockey                                       $350
3–4pm         Pro Privates                                      $395                 3–4pm         Future Stars Camp                                  $125
JUNE 19 – 23 (MON – FRI, 5 DAYS)                                                     2:30–6pm      CT Crease Goalie Camp                              $450
WEST                                                                                 7-8:30pm      Mon. Night Elite Prep/Junior Camp w/Chris Myhro    $450 ($60 Walk up)
11am–12pm     Future Stars Camp                                 $125                 7-8:30pm      Wed. Night High School Camp with Tucker Grose      $450 ($60 Walk up)
12–2pm        Power Hockey 10 and Under                         $350                 EAST
2–4pm         Defense and Checking 11 and Older                 $350
                                                                                     3:30-5:30pm   Shooting to Score – 10 & Older with Tucker Grose   $350
4–5pm         Pro Privates                                      $495
7-8:30pm      Mon. Night Elite Prep/Junior Camp w/Chris Myhro   $450 ($60 Walk up)   AUGUST 7 – 11 (MON – FRI, 5 DAYS)
7-8:30pm      Wed. Night High School Camp with Tucker Grose     $450 ($60 Walk up)   WEST
JUNE 26 – 30 (MON – FRI, 5 DAYS)                                                     9am–3pm       All Day Skills Training Camp – Mites and Squirts   $655
WEST                                                                                 11am–12pm     Future Stars Camp                                  $125
11am–12pm     Future Stars Camp                                 $125                 12–1pm        Pro Privates                                       $495
12–1pm        Pro Privates                                      $395                 3–5pm         Battle Camp 11 and Under                           $350
1–3pm         Small Games Camp – All Ages                       $275                 7-8:30pm      Mon. Night Elite Prep/Junior Camp w/Chris Myhro    $450 ($60 Walk up)
7-8:30pm      Mon. Night Elite Prep/Junior Camp w/Chris Myhro   $450 ($60 Walk up)   7-8:30pm      Wed. Night High School Camp with Tucker Grose      $450 ($60 Walk up)
7-8:30pm      Wed. Night High School Camp with Tucker Grose     $450 ($60 Walk up)   EAST
JULY 3 – 7 (TUES – FRI, 4 DAYS)                                                      2–4pm         Small Games Camp – All Ages                        $275
WEST                                                                                 4–6pm         Defense and Checking – 10 and Older                $350
9–11am        Small Games Camp – All Ages                       $220                 AUGUST 14 – 18 (MON – FRI, 5 DAYS)
11am–12pm     Future Stars Camp                                 $125
12–1pm        Pro Privates                                      $395
1–3pm         Shooting to Score 10 and Under                    $280                 9am–3pm       Elite Skills Camp with Matt Moulson                $695
                                                                                                   & Victor Baryshevtsev
3–5pm         Battle Camp 11 and Older                          $280
7-8:30pm      Mon. Night Elite Prep/Junior Camp w/Chris Myhro   $450 ($60 Walk up)   11am–1pm      Power Hockey – 11 and Under                        $350
7-8:30pm      Wed. Night High School Camp with Tucker Grose     $450 ($60 Walk up)   3–4pm         Future Stars Camp                                  $125
JULY 10 – 14 (MON – FRI, 5 DAYS)                                                     4–6pm         Shooting to Score – 10 & Older                     $350
WEST                                                                                 7-8:30pm      Mon. Night Elite Prep/Junior Camp w/Chris Myhro    $450 ($60 Walk up)
9am–3pm       All Day Super Skills Camp – Mites/Squirts         $655                 7-8:30pm      Wed. Night High School Camp with Tucker Grose      $450 ($60 Walk up)
11am–1pm      Power Hockey 10 and older                         $275                 EAST
1:30-5pm      CT Crease Goalie Camp – All Ages                  $450                 2–4pm         Small Games Camp – All Ages                        $275
7-8:30pm      Mon. Night Elite Prep/Junior Camp w/Chris Myhro   $450 ($60 Walk up)   4–5pm         Pro Privates                                       $495
7-8:30pm      Wed. Night High School Camp with Tucker Grose     $450 ($60 Walk up)
                                                                                     AUGUST 21 – 25 (MON – FRI, 5 DAYS)
3:30-4:30pm   Future Stars Camp                                 $125                 WEST
4:30-5:30pm   Pro Privates                                      $495                 9am–3pm       All Day Skills Training Camp – Peewees & Bantams   $655
JULY 17 – 21 (MON – FRI, 5 DAYS)                                                                   with Brett Farson
WEST                                                                                 11am–1pm      Mike Backman Squirt and Peewee Camp                $375
9–10am        Pro Privates                                      $495                 3–4pm         Future Stars Camp                                  $125
9am–4pm       All Day Skills Training Camp – Peewee/Bantam      $655                 4–6pm         Power Hockey                                       $350
              with Tucker Grose                                                      7-8:30pm      Mon. Night Elite Prep/Junior Camp w/Chris Myhro    $450 ($60 Walk up)
12–2pm        Shooting to Score – 11 and Under                  $350                 7-8:30pm      Wed. Night High School Camp with Tucker Grose      $450 ($60 Walk up)
4–6pm         Total Skills                                      $350                 EAST
7-8:30pm      Mon. Night Elite Prep/Junior Camp w/Chris Myhro   $450 ($60 Walk up)
                                                                                     2–3pm         Pro Privates                                       $495
7-8:30pm      Wed. Night High School Camp with Tucker Grose     $450 ($60 Walk up)
                                                                                     4–6pm         Small games Camp – All Ages                        $275
3:30–5:30pm Small Games Camp                                    $275                 AUGUST 28 – SEPTEMBER 1 (MON – FRI, 5 DAYS)
5:50–6:30pm Pro Privates                                        $495                 9–11am        Mite Tune up                                       $250
JULY 24 – 28 (MON – FRI, 5 DAYS)                                                     11am–1pm      Squirt Tune Up                                     $250
WEST                                                                                 1-3pm         Peewee Tune Up                                     $250
9am–3pm       All Day Skills Training Camp – Mites/Squirts      $655                 3-5pm         Bantam Tune up                                     $250
              with Kevin Erving
11am–1pm      Mike Backman Squirt/Peewee Camp                   $390
3–4pm         Pro Privates                                      $495
4–6pm         Battle Camp 11 and older with Tucker Grose        $350
7-8:30pm      Mon. Night Elite Prep/Junior Camp w/Chris Myhro   $450 ($60 Walk up)
7-8:30pm      Wed. Night High School Camp with Tucker Grose     $450 ($60 Walk up)
3:30-4:30pm Future Stars Camp                                   $125
4:30-6:30pm Small Games Camp                                    $275
Please complete the form, detach from brochure and mail to:
Stamford Twin Rinks, 1063 Hope Street, Stamford, CT 06907
or fax (203) 321-1522 / email:
Please make checks payable to: Stamford Twin Rinks

             You may also register online at WWW.STRHOCKEY.COM

Camp Name

Camp Name

Camp Name

Camp Name

First Name                                Last Name                           Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)          Age

Address                                            City                                  State           Zip

Credit Card Number                                 Visa / Matercard                      Expiration Date (mm/yy)

Phone Number (with area code)                                 Email Address

Agreement/Waiver: I agree I shall provide health insurance or other applicable insurance to cover any personal injury
or property damage sustained by the student/player/parent while participating in any event/camp/clinic/game at
the Stamford Twin Rinks. I understand ice hockey is a dangerous sport and injury, paralysis even death may result. I
therefore release and forever discharge the Stamford Twin Rinks and its staff from any demands, cause of action, suits
or liabilities from any damages, whether emotional, physical or property, which I was a student, player or spectator; or
my child, was/is a student, player or spectator, while participating in any STR programs. STR also holds the right to a
NO-REFUND POLICY, regardless of the student or parent’s reason for cancellation. By giving us your email address you
hereby give permission to be contacted by twin rinks. Twin Rinks will not sell your email address.

Signature                                                                            Date

Visit for more information or call 203-968-9000 x 14
• Mike Backman, Twin Rinks Hockey Director is a former New York Ranger.
• Only facility in lower Fairfield County to feature two Regulation
  sized ice surfaces.
• Hope St. Café located on the first floor serves food, snacks, beverages.
• Center Ice Bar and Grill located on the second floor is a sports bar
  that overlooks both rinks
• Conveniently located to both I-95 and the Merritt Parkway.
• NEW FOR 2017! Twin Rinks Skills Center – a brand new state-of-the-art
  training facility featuring a Kwik Rink Synthetic training rink.
• NEW FOR 2017! Wesco Sports Center – full service pro shop with all
  the brands you know and love.
• NEW FOR 2017! Health and Fitness Services located on second floor
  featuring: Prentiss Human Performance, Greenwich Sports Medicine,
  Performance 20/20 & Performance Physical Therapy.


       Visit for more information
                  or call 203-968-9000 x 14
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