THE BENEFICE MAGAZINE - 50P - Ormesby Village Infant School

Page created by Javier Brady
THE BENEFICE MAGAZINE - 50P - Ormesby Village Infant School
                  MAY 2019


Serving Ormesby, Rollesby, California & Scratby
THE BENEFICE MAGAZINE - 50P - Ormesby Village Infant School
The team would like to thank everyone for the positive
comments about the magazine. We can only make it as
interesting and enjoyable because of you the readers and the
support you have given us with your submissions. Please keep
submitting your updates/events/poems/pictures/articles to….. by 15th May for entry in the
June Magazine.

                             LETTER FROM REV. MANDY (p2)
                                   CHURCH NEWS & EVENTS (p3)
                               COASTAL PARTNERSHIP ADVICE (p6)
                                             GARDENING TIPS (p8)

       IN THIS
                                   ART & LEARNING TO PAINT (p12)
       MONTHS                               YOUR LOCAL SCHOOL (p13)
       MAGAZINE                               HAVE A LAUGH (p14)
       Welcome Isla
                                                   POETRY (p15)
       Cook to our                             PHOTOGRAPHY (p16)
       community                       PET/ANIMAL OF THE MONTH (p17)
                                            WOMENS INSTITUTE (p18)
                                       PARISH COUNCIL REPORT (p20)
                                           ST JAMES THE LEAST (P21)
                                               PUZZLES (p22)
                                           RECIPE (p24)
                         TALES FROM THE OLD IRON POT (p30)
                             EVENTS & FEATURES (p31 & 32)


COVER:- A Painting by George Smith (see pages 31&33)
THE BENEFICE MAGAZINE - 50P - Ormesby Village Infant School
From the Rectory, Revd Mandy writes :-
Thursday 30th of May will be Ascension Thursday. The
church of England will launch “Thy Kingdom Come” a daily
time of prayer until the Day of Pentecost. You can find
details of “Thy Kingdom Come” prayers and events simply
by putting it into a search engine.
In the Christian Church all celebrate the ascension of Jesus into heaven. But
why is there an Ascension Day? For the answer, we need to go back to the
origin, life and ministry of Jesus - Jesus was with his father in heaven before
his incarnation. He became man and was born in Bethlehem, and when he was
about 30 he left his home village for an itinerant ministry in Israel, teaching,
healings and meeting with people. Many found a sense of belonging, His
message of justice, hope and love, and became His followers. Their lives took
on new meaning with unimagined hope and substance. Their encounter with
Jesus transformed their lives. Jesus completed the work entrusted to him by
his Father. He was crucified by his enemies and died.
On Easter morning Jesus was raised from the dead, He told his disciples that
He must soon return to His Father in heaven. Jesus came from the Father to do
His will. That work complete, Jesus now returned to the Father. And so, at
ascension, we celebrate Jesus – ascended to God's right hand in glory.
We also remember other things this month Christian Aid—The Church of
England with our friends from the Baptist church will AGAIN this year be
serving together to raise funds for Christian Aid. Please do offer your services
to anyone in any of the churches. Details of how you might help are on this
magazine. Please encourage all your friends and neighbours to advertise and
subscribe to this magazine to support LOCAL National and international
people in need.
Back to ascension……today, Jesus is not physically walking the earth, but
such is his love for us that He prays to the Father for us in heaven. Jesus' love
for humankind is revealed in His ascension when he told his disciples that,
yes, he was going away but that He was going to prepare a place in heaven for
them, and Jesus would come back and take them to be with him. Ascension…
all this happened for one simple reason – God’s profound love for
you and me.               God bless you       Revd Mandy
THE BENEFICE MAGAZINE - 50P - Ormesby Village Infant School
“Thankyou Lynn for the Photos”                 CHURCH NEWS
                UPDATE -                        are underway.
                ST GEORGES                      None of these things would have been
                ROLLESBY                        possible without the determined drive
Many comments have been                                        of Rev Mandy and all
received about the                                             the help she has been
wonderful colourful                                            given by Keith,
display of daffodils around                                    Richard and a team of
the grounds. All the hard                                      dedicated people—all
work is starting to pay off.                                   working together for
                                                               the good of the
The Porch roof has been                                        community.
repaired and covered with
the same material as the back of the            We have much to give thanks for in
main church roof and new flooring is            our benefice of churches.
The church family at St. Georges is
growing steadily and all the care and
effort being put in by a team of
helpers is really shining through.
Newly position pews allow more
space for church socialising and all
that remains is for a quick lick of
emulsion on the walls. Plans for this

                                   Viewing from 10.00am
                                   auction starts promptly
                                   at 1.00pm

                    50% of sale
                    price to you                    MAY
                    & 50% to the                    4TH

    ALL SAINTS PARISH HALL - Bring goods 9-4pm on 3rd May—For more
    information contact Linda on 730218

THE BENEFICE MAGAZINE - 50P - Ormesby Village Infant School

                                 APRIL 2019
Ormesby St Margaret
Every Sunday services at 8am and 10.45am         Bishop Alan will be coming
Every Tuesday 9am                                to the benefice June 23rd at
                                                 11am for a service of Holy
Ormesby St Michael                               Communion and to bless the
Every Sunday at 9.15am
                                                 new Porch Roof at St.
                                                 George, which was stolen in
Rollesby St George                               November 2018. Everybody
Every Sunday at 9.15am
                                                 is welcome to attend as this
                                                 will be the only service on
Every Wednesday at 11am (Said Service)           this day.

Flegg Churches of St Margaret St Michael and St George
Service times may change due to circumstances.
Full details are online—go to

                                              PRAYER FOR
                                            CHRISTIAN AID
                                         God our Mother and Father, we praise
                                         you for the blessings you shower upon
                                         us. Bless the lives of our sisters and
                                         brothers across the world and their pre-
                                         cious children.
                                         In life’s saddest moments, may we feel
                                         your love most, O Jesus. Continue to
                                         dwell in our hearts, Lord. May your
                                         love keep us strong.
THE BENEFICE MAGAZINE - 50P - Ormesby Village Infant School

For Baptisms, Weddings, Wedding Blessings & Funeral enquiries or if
you need the Rector, or Pastoral Team to visit you at home,
please contact: -
             The Rector
             Revd Mandy Bishop: 731917
             (Rest Day Friday)

             Benefice Reader :-
             Margaret Parish Tel: 731557

             Authorised Worship Assistant:-
             david Melling (St. Michaels)

                Ormesby St Margaret (Wardens)
             Mrs Catherine Jordan:
                 Ormesby St Michael (Wardens)
                        Mrs Betty Gidney: 731953
                        Mr Alan Lanham: 731294
               Deputy Warden Mr Martin Harper 730762
                    St George Rollesby (Wardens)
                        Please Contact The Rector

THE BENEFICE MAGAZINE - 50P - Ormesby Village Infant School

Welcome to your May update:-                This helps us to keep you as well as
                                            possible and allows you to get your
                                            repeat prescriptions easily. We call
                                            everyone during their birth month for
                                            their annual review. Please try to
                                            attend these appointments as they are
                                            very important.
                                        BREXIT – don’t panic about your
                                        medicines! The NHS has also
                                        arranged for special transports of
Preventing Type 2 Diabetes -            some medicines by air if needed to
increased numbers of adults and         overcome any problems caused by
children are developing diabetes. As land based import delays. Please
a nation we tend to do less exercise,   continue to order only what you need.
eat less healthy food and weigh more Don’t over order. Check what you
than ever before this can lead to       need before you order and if you have
diabetes. This can increase our risk of someone else ordering for you, make
heart attacks, strokes and limb         sure that they know what you need
amputations. It’s not just about sugar, before they order too much - please
it’s about carbohydrate too (which is   hand excess drugs back at the
converted to sugar in the body). You pharmacy.
can change this onset by changing
your lifestyle and diet and the NHS is MEDICINES SHORTAGES There
here to help you. To find out if you    are some common medicine shortages
are one of those at risk, sign up for a which are making things difficult for
free NHS Health Check or if you are     people to get their medicines. These
diabetic and you want to reduce the     are usually caused by circumstances
impact of the disease on your future    outside our control. If your medicine
health, contact the surgery to see one can’t be obtained for any reason first
of our nurses to find out more about    speak to your Pharmacist or Dispenser
how you can do this or visit https://   and ask if it is a national shortage or a              local shortage with their supplier. If
                                        the latter, it is possible that other local
YOUR BIRTH MONTH IS YOUR Pharmacies may have the item in
REVIEW MONTH! If you have a             stock. If national, let us know and we
long term condition (like asthma or     will help find a solution.
diabetes) we like to see you at least
once a year for an annual check up.
THE BENEFICE MAGAZINE - 50P - Ormesby Village Infant School

 SOCIAL PRESCRIBING Did you               would like to make an appointment
know that you can have an                 just contact the surgery for further
appointment with a Social Prescriber      information. Have a happy and
at your local surgery? Social             healthy May!
prescribing provides non-medical                  Keeping your appointment!
support to manage some of the                     Please let us know if you
problems we may face such as                      can’t keep your appointment
loneliness, welfare or benefits issues,           with us, even if it is short
housing or debt problems. Social                  notice.
Prescribers attend most local
surgeries on specified dates. If you      Mary Weatherstone
North Caister Surgery: 01493 720618 Martham Surgery: 01493 748833
Ormesby Surgery: 01493 730205       Hemsby Surgery: 01493 730449

THE BENEFICE MAGAZINE - 50P - Ormesby Village Infant School

Tips for May

Spring in our part of the county is a
somewhat moveable feast. In March
we had record temperatures and now
as I write in early April it’s 8 degrees   feeding each week to keep them
C with a cold Northerly wind. Looks        flowering.
like another cold dry spring is on the
                                          Many people have a spot where they
                                          like to grow cut flowers, most
However we know that things will          annuals (flower the year they are
even out and us gardeners have seen sown) are very easy, the seed will
it all before.                            germinate quite fast as the weather
                                          warms up. Choose a sunny spot, sow
Planting out should be under way and little and often keep weeded and well
by the time you read this I am certain watered. Ideal subjects are Larkspur,
that the risk of a frost will be over but Stock, Aster, Cornflower.
be prepared to protect tender items.
                                          The grass will be growing fast now so
Our attention can turn to the             regular cutting will be required, if
greenhouse- tomatoes, cucumbers,          you have not yet applied a feed
peppers and melons can be planted         and weed to the lawn now is the time
either into the border or large pots.     - keep an eye on the weather.
Temperatures can rise very high in        If you apply feed and there is no rain
small greenhouses so make certain         for a week it will need to be watered
that all vents and louvers are open       in.
during the daytime.
                                          All in all a busy time of the year.
Pots, tubs and hanging baskets can be Happy Gardening
planted up, use a good quality potting
compost if you are not changing the
compost in containers ensure you add Geoff Freeman
some slow release fertiliser, summer
bedding plants make a lot of growth
in a short time so they need regular

THE BENEFICE MAGAZINE - 50P - Ormesby Village Infant School
A big thankyou to everybody who
gave a donation towards the Easter
Flowers across the benefice.
All three churches looked wonderful
thanks to the hard work and efforts of
our dedicated flower arrangers.
The displays were much appreciated
by the congregation.

Catherine Jordan

                 JEFF GALLANT
                            JUNE, 2019 AT 7.30PM
                                TICKETS £7.50
                     (including light refreshments)

                                     Tickets available
                                     from Beryl on
                                     733754 or Carol
                                     on 730762

                                                    ‘WHATS ON’
Meet on Mondays at Bracecamp Hall 1730-1900. The age
group for Brownies is 7 to 11 years old. Anyone
interested in joining should contact: Brown Owl on 01493
732288 - Kathleen, Brown Owl, is looking for help with
running Brownies. If you could help please contact her.

                        SCRATBY & CALIFORNIA CLUB
                        Meets on Thursday 1400-1600 on a weekly
                        basis. New members are always welcome, so if
                        you aged 50 or over do come along and enjoy
                        films, quizzes, speakers and some outings.
                        sometimes simply enjoy a good chat over
                        refreshments. Contact Sylvia on 01493 732403
                        or Colin 01493732407

 We meet in Rollesby Village Hall every 4th
 Tuesday at 1400. A warm welcome for all
 Rollesby Residents over 55!!!
 £7 per year subs which includes tea, coffee and
 Sherry on Birthdays. Speaker / Entertainer each
 meeting, lunches, coffee mornings, outings and
 concerts during the year.
 Please contact Glenda on 740755

                    THE MERRY MICHAEL’S
                                                           Are proud
                    Meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday        to support
                    each month at 1400 in the Ormesby      this
                    St Michael Village Hall. Speakers,     benefice
                    Bingo, Outings and Refreshments        magazine
                    New members welcome.
                    Contact Evelyn on 01493 730266


                    ROYAL BRITISH LEGION
                    Meet the 3rd Saturday of the month at Bracecamp
                    Hall, Ormesby, 1330 –1600. Prize Bingo Eyes
                    Down 2.00pm. Raffle, Tombola Table, Free
                    Refreshments. Non-Members most welcome.
                    All proceeds in aid of 2019 Poppy Appeal
                    Jack Dolan (Chairman) Tel: 01493 731015

Meets every Thursday at All Saints Parish
Hall from 1030 - 1230 Please come and join
us and take part in fund-raising events for
good causes.
Contact Marie Haynes 01493 717794

                       ST. MICHAEL—FRIENDSHIP GROUP
                       Meet 3rd Tuesday of month at St. Michael Church
                       1400-1600. We’re a support group for the lonely,
                       bereaved & dementia sufferers. All kinds of
                       activities are enjoyed with occasional outings.
                       Contact Beryl on 01493 733754 OR Rev. Mandy
                       on 01493 731917

Tigger Time is an opportunity for children to have
fun with other children and for their parents and
carers to have some 'grown up' company. We meet
at The Village Centre 9 - 11 a.m. (During term
time only) For more information please contact
Margaret on 731557 or alternatively Rev Mandy
Bishop on 01493 731917

                                          could try some of their delicious
SCRATBY ART CLUB                          cakes and pastries during your visit.

The Club has had a busy few months.       We are starting to get ready for our
In March we had a wonderful full          Summer Art Exhibition which will
demonstration by Ludham artist, Kate      take place on Friday 26th July 2019 at
Gabriel, oil painting for beginners.      All Saints Parish Hall, Scratby. Entry
Kate led us through the basics with       is free and opens at 10am on the day.
just a small amount of paints, brushes,   There will be over 60 original
canvases and other items we would         paintings, art demonstrations,
need to get stated. She then worked       tombola and art for sale. Also the
through a landscape from one of her       Community Café will be open, so
own photos and gave tips and advice       why not come along to see us and
along the way together with a number      have a cuppa in the café
of humorous stories. The morning          We have a varied yearly programme
went quickly and those of us who          which includes monthly topics chosen
hadn’t tried oil painting before were     by our members, Artist of the Month,
determined to give it a go.               in-house demonstrations, talks and
We also have another visit from John      demonstrations by guest artists.
Lawson a retired art teacher who gave     We are a relaxed, friendly group who
us a short talk on abstract art, which    enjoy painting in each other’s
included tips on how to start creating    company and our members include
our own abstracts.                        artists of all abilities. We get together
The Club’s first exhibition at the        on a weekly basis every Wednesday
Studio Art Gallery & Tea Room, The        morning at All Saints Parish Hall,
Street, Acle continues from 22nd          Beach Road, Scratby.
April until 21 May 2019. Entry to         There currently is a waiting list, but if
the exhibition is free, so why not pop    you would like more information
along to support us, you might find a     phone 07941 859774 or send a
painting you’d like to buy and start      message via our Facebook Page -
your own collection. The Gallery          Facebook @ScratbyArtClub if you
also has a lovely tea room so you         would like to follow us.

DID YOU KNOW:- May is a month became the first British woman in
full of events involving women……     Space. 1431 Joan of Arc was burnt at
In 1930 Amy Johnson was the first    the stake and 1869 Susan
                                     B. Anthony and Elizabeth
woman to fly solo England to
Australia. 1820 Florence Nightingale Cady Stanton founded the
                                     National Woman Suffrage
was born. 1991 Helen Sharman
News from Ormesby                                YOUR LOCAL SCHOOLS
Following a visit from Rev Mandy
and Margaret Parish the children
write:- Dear Reverend Mandy,
Thank you for visiting us yesterday.
You filled our minds with
information and taught us so much
about what happened to Jesus on the
different days during Holy week. We
were surprised when Jesus took the       remind them of his body and they
bread and said “This is my body” and     drank wine to remind them of his
when he drank the wine and said          blood. The next day of the holy week
“This is my blood.” We didn’t like       is Good Friday, which is when Jesus
finding out about Judas’ betrayal and    was crucified, he was put on the cross
we couldn’t believe he took 30 silver    for three hours, in that time he died.
pieces as a trade. Easter Sunday is a    We were shocked that Judas betrayed
special time for us to remember Jesus    Jesus for 30 silver coins. We were
rising from the dead and for             also surprised that after Jesus was put
all the people who cared for             in a tomb he was resurrected and
him. We appreciated                      about 400 people saw him.
receiving our Easter palm
crosses and we look forward                         Rev Mandy and Miss
to visiting the church soon.                       Margaret also told us about
                                                   the altar in a church and
Happy Easter, From 3/4 KG                how Christians remember Jesus by
On Wednesday 3rd April 2019 Rev          drinking special wine from a chalice
Mandy and Miss Margaret came to          and how they share and eat bread.
Ormesby Village Junior School to         At the end we had lots of questions
teach years 3 and 4 about Jesus and      which Rev Mandy and Miss Margaret
the Easter story. They told us about     answered for us then they gave us all
the Holy week and about the special      some grapes, bread and a palm cross.
days in that week. First, they told us
about Palm Sunday, on Palm Sunday        We really enjoyed our afternoon and
Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey    learnt a lot about Jesus and the Easter
and the people waved palm leaves.        story and we are looking forward to
Then they told us about Thursday in      visiting the church to find out more
that week which is called Maundy         about what is inside.
Thursday, that’s when Jesus had the       By Varsini, Lacey, Ruby H, Lexi
last supper and Jesus gave the           and Fernley - 3/4RH
disciples bread and told them it would

It’s just five lines, give it a go and submit your limerick to the magazine!
                                  There once was a lady named May,
                                Who couldn’t whistle in any such way;
                                       She’d suck in with a trill,
                                         Blow out with a shrill,
                                 ‘Til her frustration was given away!

Some Hymns for the working force -
Dentist’s Hymn…………Crown Him with Many Crowns
Weatherman’s Hymn……… There Shall Be Showers of Blessings
Contractor’s Hymn………..The Church’s One Foundation
Tailor’s Hymn…………..Holy, Holy, Holy
Golfer’s Hymn…………There’s a Green Hill Far Away
And for those who use the roads –
30 mph………… Pass me not, O gentle Saviour
50 mph…………. God Will Take Care of You
70 mph…………. Nearer My God to Thee
85 mph…………. This World Is Not My Home
95 mph…………. Lord, I’m Coming Home
100 mph……….. Precious Memories
* New mother: What is the most difficult thing I’ll need to learn?
Nurse: That other women have perfect children too.
* What is the difference between perseverance and obstinacy?
One is a strong will, and the other is a strong won’t.
* A Sunday school teacher asked her class, “What was Jesus’ mother’s
name?” One child answered that it was Mary. The teacher then asked, “Who
knows what Jesus’ father’s name was?” A little boy said, “Verge.”
Confused, the teacher asked what he meant. The boy said, “Well, you know,
they are always talking about Verge n’ Mary.”

I’d like to dedicate this poem to Jill Bracey who has               POETRY
dedicated 22 years to editing the Hemsby Magazine.
Well done and a big THANKYOU

Duty Done (For this month)               Each a battle she must win!
Sitting there, on Sunday morning,        Though she earns no princely wages
Congregations in their pews              Though she gladly gives her time
Read their magazines, informing          Efficiently she fills those pages
Them of all the latest news.             Choosing pictures, prose, and rhyme.
All save one who sits there smiling –    So she sits, her rest deserving
She knows that journal very well         For this month her duty’s done
Having spent a month compiling –         Maybe she’s just strength conserving
She knows what those pages tell!         – Soon she starts another one!
She it was who, deadlines facing
Got those varied items in                By Nigel Beeton
Phoning, asking, pleading, chasing

                                        SPRING              Not like my brother,
 If you have a poem you
 would like to share please      One of four siblings,       cold in his breath.
 email the magazine             the youngest of course.      Winter his name,
                                  Or am I the oldest?     in darkness brings death.
                                   Not really sure.
                                                             Summer's the one
                                   I bring new life        that gets all the glory,
                                and herald the warmth,       but brush fires and
                                  but hay fever, too,
                                                              are in her story.
                                   is in my source.

                                                           So, season of choice,
                                  Autumn has colour
                                                               who will win?
                                but tinged with decay.
                                                          The one with potential,
                                  Some call her Fall.
                                                           of course; it's Spring.
                                   I think she's OK.
                                                            By Martin Taylor

                 Caister Photography Club
            All Saints Parish Hall, Beach Road, Scratby, NR29 3AJ.
   We meet at 7.30pm every Wednesday and are a friendly club and welcoming
     everyone interested in photography, beginners and professionals alike.

                                 Camera School
Last month Tony described the use of the Aperture. This time it is the second control
- the shutter speed.

Shutter Speed
                              The dial on your camera will have either Tv (Time
                              value) or S (speed) depending on make. This lets you
                              control the shutter speed but lets the camera control the
                              other variables (aperture and ISO). This is called
                              Shutter Priority.
                              Shutter speeds are in fractions of a second or whole
                              seconds such as 1/250 of a second written as 250 or 2
                              seconds written as 2”. In most cases you will be using
                              fractions of a second. The longer you leave the shutter
open, the more light you let in (useful on dull days) but the more likely any
movement will be visible.
For many pictures you can use a speed in the region of 1/60 to 1/125.
To get sharp pictures of moving objects you need faster shutter speeds. If there is
movement (e.g. children running) you need at least 1/250 to 1/500. For sports you
need a faster speed 1/800 or even 1/1000 for birds in flight. The trouble with these
very fast speeds is that you need more light, more on this
problem later.
Slower shutter speeds are also useful as they can show a
dreamy effect in moving water, for example, but for these
photos the camera needs to be very steady and it is best to use a
So you now know how to use Aperture and Shutter priorities. Next we will be
discussing ISO and then how to take full manual control of your camera.

Alan Novak
‘PEBBLES’                                PETS/ANIMALS
The lady who owned Pebbles before
us bred Chihuahuas, she had about
ten dogs at the time. She became
poorly and couldn’t cope so had to
make the difficult decision to rehome
three of them. We were asked if we
could take one and of course it was
love at first sight.
Our other dog Mungo had to be
                                         chase but they are safe if in long wet
introduced, when he got along with
                                         grass because she absolutely hates to
Pebbles we knew we could bring her
                                         get her feet wet; having said that she
home. We decided to keep her
                                         would rather get wet than go walking
original name Pebbles but in
                                         in the rain with a coat on – these little
retrospect we perhaps would have
                                         dogs and their ways! The one thing
called her “Yoda”, after the character
                                         she really is not keen on is a fox…….
from Star Wars, because
when her ear hair grows                  One night we let her out for her wee
this is exactly what she                 at bedtime, a fox spotted her and went
looks like!                              for her. She was on the clifftop and
                                         made a dash for the edge to avoid the
She was 6 years old when we got her
                                         fox and just disappeared. We heard a
and she is going to be 12 in October
this year. She is still quite active for distant cry so went down on the
her age and loves to run on the beach. beach with torches to try to locate
We play a game, I’ll say “1,2,3, go go her. We had called the police and it
go!” and she will have a mad moment was only when joined by two
                                         officers, one of whom with a very
running around like crazy.
                                         bright torch, that we managed to see
She loves to lay in front of the fire on Pebbles laying at the bottom of a big
a blanket which has to be fleecy and     overgrowth of brambles. Richard cut
soft. She likes cats, the bigger the     away enough brambles to crawl
better and really loves being with my through a hole whilst the officer kept
neighbour’s cat ‘penny’. You will        shining the torch and we finally got
often find her laying on the sofa        her free. What a relief! Would you
watching TV and when you sit down believe she had fallen nearly 30 feet,
your lap won’t be empty for long         top to bottom, through a cliff face of
because there is nothing she likes       brambles and she had not a scratch on
better than cuddling up on a lap and     her! These little dogs do find a way
getting lots of tickles.                 of breaking your heart in two!
Seagulls are always fair game for a      Angie & Richard

Deepest apologies to the Great Ormesby WI whose report went out last month
under the ‘Nightingales’ - Sorry Sandra, will try to get myself together!!!

                         GREAT ORMESBY W.I.
  12th April we attended the Centenary Celebration of the Norfolk
  Federation of WIs. We paraded our rather lengthy and ancient banner
  along with all the other WIs. in the Norfolk area. It was a lovely service
  taken by the Dean of Norwich, the Very Revd. Jane Hedges.
  Our April meeting was 'A Love of Orchids' the speaker was Robyn Mc
  Donald who told us the history of the flowers, the power and wealth they
  represented in earlier times to the cultivation of the modern orchids we
  find in the shops today. Julie's homemade cake was a hit with us all!
  Our May meeting starts early for lunch then we discuss the resolutions
  moving forward to the National Meeting in June. July we are dressing
  up in full garden party mode complete with hats to attend The Centenary
  Garden Party at East Ruston Vicarage Garden. If our program has
  tempted you, come and join us you will be very welcome. We meet 2nd
  Wednesday of the month at Bracecamp Hall. Sandra McCullough

                      ROLLESBY & DISTRICT W.I.
  At the April meeting Alan Gray came along with Kim Reynolds (our
  new official WI advisor) who introduced herself to members.
  Unsurprisingly, given the title of his talk, "You Cannot Be Serious" Alan
  talked about his life as a National & International Tennis Umpire, his
  role at Wimbledon and recounted a wide range of anecdotes. Fascinating.
  Some members had enjoyed an evening at the Greyhound Stadium and a
  report from the Federation Centenary Annual Meeting was given - the
  event had culminated with an outstanding performance by Pam Ayres.
  The monthly competition for a pretty vase was won by a new member
  Kathy Suckamore. The May meeting is Resolutions and Quiz night and
  will take place on the 13th when we will be discussing the Decline in
  local Bus Services and Don’t Fear the Smear. The competition is - an
  Animal Ornament. Pam Mayhew

 The Nightingales re-started with a new committee and have some very
 exciting programmes planned. In February there was a talk about Hats,
 by Gee Kay Hat Designs, how they are made to order and no two hats
 look alike. The March meeting of the Nightingales was a wonderful
 massage session given by Lorraine Roberts who talked us through her
 career and gave the group neck massages. The April meeting on the
 23rd is our Birthday party and the May meeting on 28th is entitled
 “Recycling with a difference.” Although we are a small group we have
 plenty of interesting speakers and events. We are planning some
 outings so why not come along and get involved and put your ideas
 forward. All ladies are welcome to join us for an evening to see if the
 WI is for you, we meet on the 4th Tues of the month at Ormesby Village
 Centre 7pm onwards. We enjoy tea, coffee and biscuits - sometimes
 something a little more exciting. For further information email or telephone 01493 748522
 Georgina Nicholas-Jago

                      • Recent         Chorus Day is celebrated in more
                      changes made by  than 80 countries, and even in parts
                      Parliament allow of Antarctica and the Caribbean.
  for mothers’ names to be included • When you drive, are you often
  on marriage certificates have been   swerving to avoid potholes? You
  welcomed by the Bishop of St         are not alone. And the outlook is
  Albans together with Dame            not good: more than 40,000 miles
  Caroline Spelman MP. Prior to        of Britain’s road are at risk of
  this Act, only fathers’ names were   crumbling within five years, a
  formerly recorded when marriages
                                       major potholes survey has found.
  were registered, a custom            Council figures show that a fifth of
  unchanged since 1837.                the country’s roads are in ‘poor
• 5th May is International Dawn        condition’. Some 1.86 million
  Chorus Day. This popular annual      potholes were filled in during
  event is promoted by the Wildlife    2018/early 2019, but there are
  Trust and is the perfect opportunity thousands more of them out there.
  for all nature lovers to gather at   Try to bear this in mind when
  dawn to enjoy the song of their      complaining to your parish
  local birds. Nowadays Dawn           council !

For full minutes visit the appropriate website

Ormesby St. Margaret with                    See website for full Parish Council
Scratby Parish Council                        Annual Meeting report.
Chairman—Adrian Peck                         Survey completed for Scratby steps
01493 733737 07768216402                      NCC funding being researched -                             first carvery lunch a success.
Clerk—Jayne Morse
                                             Op 'Speed Watch' on hold.
07825266117                  Residents asked to be mindful of
Next meeting is 7th May…Main                  neighbours when lighting bonfires.
points of the 9th April Meeting:-            Open forums continue next 4.5.19.

Scratby and California Environment Group (SCEG) are holding their AGM
on Tuesday 14th May. For further information contact the secretary by

St. Michael Parish Council                of the 9th April Meeting:-
Clerk—Phil Davies                            Are available on line
01493 243519
Next meeting 7th May…Main points

Rollesby Parish Council                       around the allotments. This is
Chairman—Shaun Day                            private land with access for
                                              allotment holders only.
01493 740651                         If anyone is interested in joining the
Clerk—Claudia Dickson                         Speed Watch team please contact
                                              the Clerk.
01493 750254 07769972902                       The Annual Parish Council meeting
                                              will be held on Mon 20th May at
Next meeting is 20th May….Main                7pm in the Village Hall. All
points of the March Meeting:-                 residents are welcome to attend, to
   Please do not walk your dogs on or        meet your new Council!
                      On the tribulations that await a curate in his first
                       My dear Nephew Darren,
So, your bishop is dropping hints that     a definite advantage if she is a
you should begin to consider a move        brilliant organist, professional caterer
to having your own parish – ‘not           and fully computer literate. They will
forever in green pastures’ comes to        expect you to have two children, one
mind. Do not be too hasty to leave;        of whom should be of primary school
remember that a curate can do no           age, so he can attend the local Church
wrong, but a vicar can do no right.        school, where you will naturally wish
That means that as soon as you get         to be chairman of governors and
your own parish, you will be held          coach of the football team.
accountable not only for everything        They will want you to have
that goes on inside the church, but        exceptional talents for attracting
also for the goal average of the local     young people - but for young people
football team and the state of the         who enjoy the sorts of Services that
economy. And if it rains for your first    the present congregation prefer - and
Summer Fete, you will be told              you should have the ability to stop a
reproachfully that this never used to      baby crying during Matins with the
happen when ‘the former vicar was          briefest of glances. They will want
here’.                                     you to bring ‘a breath of fresh air’
As you begin to ponder this                into parish life without changing
momentous decision, allow me to            anything. They will hope you will
give you a few pieces of advice. It        shun holidays, preach short sermons
will be assumed in the parish that         and be able to run a tight jumble sale.
every new incumbent is bound to be         On the other hand, my advice would
worse than his predecessor. The            be to stop attending all meetings
greatest compliment I ever received        where you know the bishop may be
when leaving a parish came from an         present; out of sight, out of mind.
elderly parishioner: “I've known six       Have your phone disconnected, your
Rectors of this parish; you weren't the    letterbox sealed and only appear in
worst.”                                    public wearing dark glasses and a
Naturally the church you go to will        false beard. Keep your head down,
have asked for a married man               lay low, hold on to the charmed life
between 30 and 35 with a wife who          of being a curate for as long as
will not have her own job but who          possible. Life will never be better.
wants to devote her entire life            Your loving uncle,
working for the parish - and it will be    Eustace

PUZZLES       Answers on P37

                                      SOLVE ME…….

                                      What has cities, but no
                                      houses; forests, but no
                                      trees; and water, but no
                                      How many of each type
                                      of animal did Moses
                                      take onto the Ark?

          Across                     Down
          1. Schematic drawing       1. Jurisdiction of a bishop
          5. Thick cushion used as   2. Presenter's visual aid
          a seat                     3. Oddment
          6. Captivate               4. Fiend
          7. Voter


 100g/4oz butter
 75g/3oz golden syrup
 75g/3oz granulated sugar
 200g/8oz rolled oats

Melt butter, syrup and sugar over low heat. stir until melted.
Stir in oats and mix well.
Spread into greased tin 20cm x 30cm / 8in x 12 in & smooth top with knife.
Bake 180 C/350 F or Gas 4 for 30 mins—remove from the oven and leave in
tin for 5 mins you can then cut into fingers.
Remove when cold.
I always double the quantities and bake in a roasting tin lined with
parchment paper.
You can use soft brown sugar if you prefer. This is the basic recipe that
dried fruits and nuts can be added to as you like.

Carole Dean

For anyone who has tried, tested and          was only 1935 that the word was first
tasted some of Carole’s flapjacks on a        used to describe a food made of oats.
Sunday morning in church—now you              While in the UK this usage has
know what the recipe is. I personally         mostly superseded earlier recipes, in
can recommend them !!!                        North America, "flapjack" still refers
DID YOU KNOW…                                 to pancakes.
Flapjack used to be used to describe          “If you have a recipe to share
something similar to an apple flan. It        please email it to the Editor”
      A PULL OUT
                                    Everything you need to know
                                    about what’s happening in your
W=Weekly         F=Fortnightly
                                    local villages—Any amendments or
                                    things you would like to see included
                                    please email the magazine team.


All Saints Parish Hall - (Booking   Line Dancing 1930-2200 Tel: 669582
Clerk Babs Newton 01493 384475      (1st, 2nd & 3rd of mth)
Btwn 1000-1700)
                                    St Michael Village Hall (Bookings
Pilates (W) 1830-1930—contact       Tel: 01493 369470)
                                    Bingo (F) (1st&3rd week of the
Memory Club (W) 1000-1400 Tel:      month).
01493 494217/07887984341            Rollesby Village Hall (Bookings           Clerk Janet Hodds Tel: 01493
Broadland Gym (W) 1600-1900         740463)
Bracecamp Parish Hall— (Bookings Line Dancing (M) 4th week of the
Tel: 01493 730365)               mth in the evening
Bobbin Lacemaking (W) 1930-2130     Womens Institute (M) 2nd week of
Tel: 01493 730599                   the mth in the evening
Brownies (W) 1730-1900 Tel: 01493 Parish Council Meeting (M) 3rd week
732288                            of the mth in the evening
Garden Club (M) 1930-2200 Tel:       CAR BOOT—Decoy Road 27th
01493 733801/731570 (last Mon of     6am onwards (Bank Holiday)
mth) (20th Speaker Charlotte Philcox
talking on "Herbs Origins and their

WHAT’S ON                               PLEASE UPDATE…
                                          EMAIL THE EDITOR

All Saints                             St. Michaels Church
Pilates (W) 0930-1030 contact          1400-1600Friendship Group (3rd Tue        of mth)
Boxercise (W) 1830-1930 contact        Ormesby Village Centre              1400-1700 Dancing (W) (during term
Bracecamp                              time) Paula Hacon 01493 748201 or
                                       07894 468275
Bobbin Lacemaking (W) 1400-1600
Tel: 01493 730599                  1900-2100 (M) (4thTues of mth)
Short Mat Bowls (W) 1330-1600 Tel: Nightingales Womens Institute
                                   Georgina Nicholas-Jago email
01493 730664
Table Tennis (W) 1900-2200
                                   Rollesby Village Hall (Bookings
St Margarets—Morning Prayer (W) Clerk Janet Hodds Tel: 01493
0900-0930                          740463)
St.Michael Village Hall           Happy Rollers (M) 1400-1700 Tel:
Merry Michaels (F) 1400-1630 Tel: 01493 740755 (4th Tue of mth)
01493 730266 (2nd&4th Tue of mth) Outing 13th, Meet on 28th
                                  Line Dancing (W) in the evening

All Saints                             Slimming World (W) 1800-2100
Weight Watchers (W) 2130-2230          Bracecamp
Carers Trust Norfolk (W) 1030-1400     Women’s Institute (M) 1400-1600
                                       Tel: 01493 731490 (2nd of the mth)
Camera Club (W) 1930-2200 contact Yoga (W) 1730-1900 Tel: 01493         732717
Art Group (W) 0930-1230 Tel:      Badminton (W) 1930-2230 Tel:
07941859774                       07776304652
Bowls Groups (W) 1330-1630 contact St. George Rollesby—Book of
                                   Common Prayer Service (W) 1100-


Ormesby Village Centre                Rollesby Village Hall (Bookings
                                      Clerk Janet Hodds Tel: 01493
Tigger Time (W) (during term time)
0900-1100 Margaret 731557 or Rev
Mandy Bishop 01493 731917             Coffee&Chat morning (M) 1030-1200
                                      (1st Wed of mth)
1400-1700 (W) Art club Jill Mole
Tel: 01493 731024                     Meditation Development & Spiritual
                                      awareness (W) in evening
1900-2100 Dog training Christine
Tel: 01493 722204 or 07810772349


All Saints                            California Tavern
Welcome in Group (W) 1030-1230        Probus Group (W) 1000-11.30
Contact Marie Tel: 01493 717794       Contact Terry Whitmill Tel: 01493
The Scratby Club (W) 1330-1630
Tel: 01493 732403/732407              Ormesby Village Centre
Body Highlights (W) 1830-1930         1900-2100 Flamenco dancing Angela
                                      Tel: 01493 303965 or 07597189083
                                      Rollesby Village Hall (Bookings
Keepfit (W) 1000-1100 Tel: 01493
                                      Clerk Janet Hodds Tel: 01493
Quilting & Craft Grp (W) 1400-1600
                                   Line Dancing (W) in mornings
Tel: 01493 730599
                                   Art Classes (W) in afternoons
Line Dancing (W) 1900-2200
Young at Art (W) 1900-2100 Tel:


FRIDAY                                732717
All Saints                         Short Mat Bowls (W) 1330-1600 Tel:
Forget-me-not Café & Indoor Market 01493 730664
(W) 0930-1330 contact              Rollesby Village Hall (Bookings Tel:      Clerk Janet Hodds Tel: 01493
07538463509                        740463
Table Top Sale (W) 1000-1400 Tel:     Line Dancing (M) 1st week of mth in
01493 730587                          the evening
Bracecamp                             Lindy Hop & Swing 2nd/3rd/4th
                                      week of month in the evening.
Yoga (W) 1000-1200 Tel: 01493

All Saints                            bargins as we usually sell out fast.
Parish Council ’Open Morning’ (M)     British Legion Bingo (M) 1330-1600
1000-1200 (Sat 4th May)               Tel: 01493 731015 (Sat 18th)Prize
Bracecamp                             Bingo Doors Open1330 Eyes Down
                                      1400 Non-Members most welcome
Dances Mike & Jackie (F) 1900-2200
Tel: 01263 502215                   CAR BOOT—Decoy Road 11th &
                                    25th May 6am onwards (next dates
Bobbin Lacemaking (M) 1100-1500 8th & 22nd June)
Tel: 01493 730599
                                    Rollesby Village Hall
Gigantic Annual Plant Sale 20th May
2pm- Please come early for the      Bowling (W) 1400 onward April 20th
                                    until mid September

All Saints                           Bracecamp
Light of Life Church (W) 0900-1300   Green Pastures Christian Fellowship
contact    (W) 1000-1300 Tel: 01493 751312


MEDICAL                              R.S.P.C.A. 0300 1234 999
NHS Direct 111                       Broads Authority 01603 756056
Blood Donors 0845 7741 1711          Environment Agency 0800 807060
Fleggburgh Surgery 01493 369232      Anglian Water 24/7 03457 145145
Hemsby Medical Centre 01493          Emergency Power Cut 0800 316 3105
730449 Repeat Prescription 734095    Nat. Gas Emergency 0800 111 999
Ormesby Medical Centre Doctor        Gt. Yarm Bor Council 01493 856100
01493 730205 Dentist 730384
Pharmacy 384000                      Nrfk County Council 01603 222222
James Paget Hospital 01493 452452
                                     available /bluebadge & /streetlighting
POST OFFICE                          & /parkandride & /adultlearning)
Ormesby 01493 730322
Rollesby 01493 748488                POLICE
Scratby 01493 730658                 Non-emergency 101
Hemsby 01493 730210                  Great Yarmouth 0845 456 4567
                                     Gorleston 01493 333192
Rollesby Prinmary & Nursery Sch
01493 740270
Ormesby Infant Sch 01493 730298
                                     Bus Times/Info. 0845 602 0121
Ormesby Junior Sch 01493 730944
                                     Nat. Rail Enquiries 0871 200 4950
Flegg Primary Sch 01493 369283
                                     Public Transport 0871 200 2233
Flegg High Sch 01493 740349
Hemsby Primary & Nursery Sch
01493 730364
                                     IF YOU HAVE A NUMBER TO
Age Concern 01493 262052             EDITOR
Childline 0800 1111
Citizens Advice Bureau 01493
Some ‘muvvers’ do ‘ave ‘em!
My sister Jeanette (‘Jean’) and I have
a sixth sense between us. We can
arrive at a family wedding in
identical dresses or buying Mother
identical cards even though we live
miles apart and never consult each
other on the matter. We often
communicate through telepathy. An
example of this happened at brother
Peter’s second wedding which took
place at a registrars office in Goring-     too! I dare not look her way.
on-Sea. There were nine of us in two        Together we gradually sank to the
cars driving along the motorway from        floor weak with laughter and the
Godstone to Goring. We left in              effort to keep it silent while Mum
sunshine but it started to drizzle as we    (next to Jean) kept whispering, ‘stop
neared the coast. First thing Jean did      it you two or I’ll knock your heads
on entering Goring was to stop at a         together! When we left there for the
cafe, Dad was gasping for a cup of          hotel it was raining harder and the
tea. We stopped and went in. It was a       photographer was careful to keep his
‘greasy Joes’ kind of place and seeing      camera dry, the trouble was he had it
us in our finery and button-holes they      hid under his ‘Inspector Colombo’
hunted around for mugs with the least       mac. He arranged us in position and
chips to serve the tea in! We saw the       when he had the shot lined up there
funny side of it and that was to set the    was a quick opening of the coat and a
mood for the day. The Chap that was         ‘flash’. Jean and I staggered into the
to conduct the civil proceeding was         hotel lounge and collapsed on chairs
dressed in black trousers and               helpless. We were made to sit
crewneck jumper from which a white          separate after that. We returned
round collar showed above it. His           home to sunshine and brother-in-law
demeanour was very ‘clerical’ and he        Alan had a bar-be-que ready. We told
had the family standing up then             the rest of the family what we had
sitting down for no apparent reason. I      been laughing about. How we had
half expected him to announce some          both had the same thoughts each
hymns. I thought to myself, he’s            time. Mum had to laugh with the
taking this like a vicar at a church        others, though she said we had
wedding - I started to shake with           embarrassed her at the time, behaving
stifled laughter. I soon realised that      like a couple of ‘kids’!
Jean, sitting next to me was shaking        Sylvia Catchpole
George Edward Smith                        THE ROLLESBY GAMEKEEPER

                                       badgers, hares, rabbits, fish,
                                       pheasants, partridge and more. Even
                                       in snow there was work to be done,
                                       freeing birds trapped in snowdrifts
                                       against the hedges. However, George
                                       did not love every one of God’s
                                       creatures, especially foxes. When
                                       they were out prowling at night,
                                       looking for their meals, he would
We recently laid George Smith to rest sometimes lay in wait for them to
in Rollesby churchyard, in the village show. They rarely escaped his gun!
where he lived his entire life. George Coypu were another enemy for the
was a gamekeeper on the Rollesby       gamekeeper. They would come to
Hall Estate for over 50 years. His     destroy the fish and so George would
interest, even as a boy, was in birds  use gun traps to deal with them.
and animals and he was known to be George’s job, of course included
late for school because he was         managing the land as well as the
studying a swan on her nest or other   wildlife keeping the woodlands tidy
wildlife activities. As soon as he was and improving walkways. If you were
old enough he used to help the Estate lucky enough to take a walk with
gamekeeper, Mr Sidney Tooke.           George it was memorable. In his
George would do odd jobs and was       spare time George enjoyed painting
one of the beaters during the shooting pictures (see the cover of this
season. So, when he left school Sir    magazine) and making moulds of
Patrick Benn gave George a job as      birds which he would then paint in
assistant gamekeeper and in due        their natural colours. He was a skilled
course he took over as gamekeeper      taxidermist, preserving the beauty of
when Sidney Tooke retired.             furred and feathered creatures beyond
Gamekeeping was George’s life, his     their death.
                                       It goes without saying that George
At his funeral we read from            was a countryman through and
Ecclesiastes, ‘To everything           through. In later years, after
there is a season and a time for retirement, he became very concerned
every purpose under heaven,’ at the effect which some of the
because George’s life was governed     modern farming methods were having
by the changing seasons and the work on the environment, the removal of
which went with each of them, in the hedges which took away wildlife
breeding cycles of the birds and       habitats, the use of sprays poisoning
animals – swallows, swifts, deer,      Continued bottom page 33……..
FEATURES                   ASPARAGUS
Spring has arrived and our                          than medicine. Asparagus
Thoughts as Farmers and                            gained popularity during the
Gardeners turn to the                              middle ages throughout
interesting vegetables that                        Europe and the French King
are around for us to enjoy,                        Louis X1V liked it so much
even with a little ingenuity                       that he had his gardener,
to perhaps grow. For me the                        Baptiste La Quintinye, with
king of these is asparagus.                        the use of greenhouses,
Perhaps the fact it is one of                      produce it even in
the earliest vegetables that is         December. Louis was so impressed
available in our season makes it        with his gardener’s achievement that
doubly attractive after a long cold     he had an Obelisk erected to him in
winter. It does seem though to have a   the gardens of Versailles. Moving to
bit of a reputation as something you    England the most famous mention of
either love or hate and in some cases   the noble vegetable comes from the
not having had the experience of        Diary of Samuel Pepys in 1667. Here
trying its distinctive flavour. As a    it is stated that on his way home one
farmer I and my family now grow 16      day he stops at a stall in Fenchurch
acres of it commercially but            Street and buys 100 spears of
originally in the earlier 1980’s it was Sparrowgrass for 18 pence(d). It was
a small patch in my garden that was     to go with the Salmon he was going
beginning to look rather tired and      to eat that evening. I suppose
would need replacing.                   asparagus has also gained a certain
So where does asparagus come from? amount of notoriety in the claim that
                                        it can act as an aphrodisiac, the
It has been around for at least 2000
years. As a wild plant it was found in Romans believed that consuming it
                                        four days in succession would boost
Persia and Greece close to the sea
                                        ones “energy”. The more obvious
shore. The plant is closely linked to
                                        connotation of course is its shape.
the Lily and Onion family ( Genus
Lilaceae) and its proper name is        Back to the present in 1984 we
Asparagus Officinalis. The Romans       decided to plant a half acre and see if
rather regarded it as a medicine, very people at large would like it. Prior to
useful for Urinary tract problems!!     this time it was considered a rather
This might explain the association      expensive vegetable so it was a
with the strong odour given off when priority for us to bring the price down
having eaten the vegetable. Recently to an affordable level. Similarly more
this has been explained by the high     coverage of asparagus was being
concentration of Sulphur in the plant. given by the Media at that time to
The Romans then tried cooking it and help further interest. In fact it was my
found it more to their taste for eating wife Sarah who had happened to be
listening to an item on Woman’s            21st is to give the plant
Hour about said subject that               time to recover for new
prompted me to go ahead. To grow it        spears the following
in the garden is actually quite simple,    year. When a spear is
the biggest drawback is the waiting        left to grow on it will
                  for the first pick.      develop into a lush fern
                  From planting a 1        thus enabling
                  year old crown to the    photosynthesis to occur. Flower
                  first pick is 2 years.   arrangers tend to covet asparagus fern
                  However, good            as it makes for attractive displays but
                  drainage, a sunny        if you wish your asparagus bed to
                  position and one can     survive then cutting too much fern is
enjoy fresh asparagus for 10 years         not a good idea! The king of
and more. Picking is a relative short      vegetables commands respect but I
season and traditionally has been          wouldn’t worry too much about that
between April 23rd St Georges Day          when enjoying it on a plate with a
and June 21st Midsummers Day. The          large blob of butter on top.
reason for stopping cutting on the         Richard Tacon

CONT. from Page 31…..                      with his gun. As he took aim George
the air and the creatures who              came out of hiding and told him
breathed it in – even the heavy trucks     exactly what would happen to him if
thundering through the lanes and           he caught him going after his birds
shaking the bees out of the wayside        again!
wild flowers. He would say, ‘When          George had a wealth of stories about
are they going to stop killing             the wonder of the natural world
everything on earth? We don’t look         which he observed. Just one as an
after anything or anybody, not like        example. One day George saw a
years ago,’. However, we mustn’t           heron standing in the meadow. Quite
forget George’s sense of humour. He        unusual as there was no water nearby,
was once bothered by a poacher and         so it was obviously not fishing. It
was determined to catch him – he           stood there and stood there, watching
knew who the man was – just needed         something intently. Suddenly it put
to catch him in the act. So George         its beak into the ground and picked
took one of his stuffed pheasants one      up a mole, throwing it into the air two
day and positioned it in the bank of       or three times before catching it and
the hedgerow and then lay in wait for      eating it whole. So, if you have a
the culprit to come home. Eventually       problem with moles in your lawn,
the man returned home and of course        you know what to do! Rest in peace
saw the pheasant in the hedge. He          George. Margaret Parish
went into his house and came back

          Pop –Up
       Charity Shop
         with Cafe

  Wed 15 – Sat 18 May
  10.00 – 3.00
  Chapel Coffee House
  North Road, Ormesby

FREE SPECIAL EVENTS - Mon 13 May 7.30- Enjoy ‘Africa Alive’
and more with Trinity Broads Singers + Tues 14 May from 6.30 Ladies
Only ‘Pre-loved Fashion’ event with pampering

                       Rollesby Bowls Club ….are looking for new
                       players, no experience needed, as tuition can be
                       given. We are a small freindly club who currently
                       play in 4 leagues one of which is an afternoon
                       league. This is an excellent way of meeting new
                       people especially if you are new to the area. If you
                       are interested in joining our club or would like more
                       information please contact Jane on 01493 748167.

meets every Monday 1000 All Saints Parish Hall in Scratby. The club is
for those in the early stages of dementia and those who due to
bereavement or other circumstances find themselves socially isolated.
Referrals are accepted from Doctors, Social Services, Housing
Associations or relatives. Volunteers and members would be most
welcome. Each week there are different themes for reminiscing and from
time to time supervised outings are organised. Perhaps you would like to
arrange a ‘Come and Try’ visit? RING Sandra Edmonds on 01493
494217 or Kerry Hunt 07887984341 Or go to the website


               We meet the 4th Monday of the months at Bracecamp Hall,
               Ormesby, 1930 hrs. For this months details see centre
               page pull out. New members are always welcome for any
               further info. contact:- Gillian Saker 01493 733801 Hazel
               Stenning 01493 731570

At All Saints Parish Hall, Scratby, every Friday 1000-1400
for light refreshments and lunches. All are welcome to sit
and enjoy good food, good conversation, babies play area
and free wifi. All events on the Whats On Pages. To
volunteer at the Café contact Sylvia on 07538463509 AND
Tina on 01493 730587 for (table top) booking forms.

                COFFEE & CHAT MORNINGS
                We meet the first Wednesday of each month at
                Rollesby Village Hall 1030-1200. Don’t sit at home
                alone, please come and join us for good company in a
                relaxed atmosphere, enjoy free tea, coffee, squash &
                biscuits. We also run a bring and buy on these
                mornings. We look forward to seeing you there.

Everyone is welcome at our family friendly church We meet
every Sunday at 10:30am at All Saints Parish Hall,
Scratby. Each Sunday of the month has a different flavour:
1st Sundays: All-age family morning
2nd Sundays: Teaching and Sunday school
3rd Sundays: Café church
4th Sundays: Worship and Sunday school
5th Sundays:    Something different
Contact us: 01493 733706 (Hannah, Administrator

CONGRATULATIONS                             ISLA MARY-JEAN COOK

Sarah and Alex Cook were married
at St Margaret Church during 2016
and so we were thrilled to welcome
them back recently to baptise their
new baby, Isla May-Jean.

                                      The children in the baptism party had
                                      fun filling the font from jugs of water,
                                      ready for the big moment.

Isla will be
supported in her
spiritual life by her
godparents Aimee-
Grace Day, Daniel
Perryman and Katie

            THE EDITOR


                                                         Solve me—
                                                         A map.
                                                         None is was Noah!

You can choose or reserve items via an online catalogue for collection from
the mobile library. These items include Books, audio books and DVDs—
there may be a small charge for this. For full route and times please visit :-
If you have any enquiries regarding these routes you can telephone the
following and quote the route number:-
The Ormesby/Scratby/California (01603 222303) route number is NWA511
which calls on a Monday usually every four weeks. Your next visit is 17th
May. The St.Michaels/Rollesby (01692 402482) route number is NWA311
which calls on a Monday usually every two weeks. Your next visit is 15th
        DVD FILMS TO RENT— For Disney fans Ralph Breaks the
        Internet. For comic book and movie fans Spider-Man: Into the Spider-
        Verse. Aquaman will be out on DVD later this month. Mary Poppins
        Returns for a sequel to the 1964 film starring Emily Blunt. Other films
        out this month includes Annihilation, Assassination Nation, The Old
Man and the Gun, Sugar Mountain, An Impossible Love, Lizzie, Little Italy,
Sorry to Bother You, Sink or Swim, Mortal Engines, Life Itself, the Queen of
Spain and Replicas. All available to rent for just £2 for two nights from their
day of release. For more information about our films and music service please
visit our website.
California Stores
                           OUR FULLY STOCKED STORE
                           IS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT
                           - PAPERS / ALL GROCERY
You can find us at                        DOG WALKERS
the end of California                     WELCOME—WE
Road, NR29 3QW.       DOG FRIENDLY        ARE VERY DOG
8am—5pm                                   FRIENDLY

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