FlatMatters TRADERS SEE LIGHT - Kangaroo Flat ...

Page created by Greg Hubbard
FlatMatters TRADERS SEE LIGHT - Kangaroo Flat ...
          The 127th edition of the FLAT MATTERS June 2020

            Kangaroo Flat & District Community Enterprise Bring You FLAT MATTERS                               and District Community Enterprise

               Distributed to Kangaroo Flat • Golden Square • Maiden Gully • Marong • Lockwood • Big Hill
                                               Co ntact us o n em ail: fl atm tr s @k fce. com . au


The region is on the road to recovery.                as residents enjoy the freedom of moving
From June 1, Residents were able to host up to        around once again after many weeks of being
20 people in their homes including members of         quarantined in their residences.
the household.                                        Although the pain from the loss of business has
Premier Daniel Andrews in announcing the              hurt traders there is growing confidence that the
restrictions says it will be great news for local     latter half of the year will bring a much brighter
businesses and even though the numbers inside         picture.
are small, we are making a start and it gets          Mulqueen Printers in Allingham Street,
people back working.                                  Kangaroo Flat were able to weather the storm
In more good news, play spaces, skate parks,          and Managing Director Mick Mulqueen says
and outdoor fitness equipment is now                  adjusting shifts played a key role.
back in use after being hygienically cleaned          “We spread the hours so we had our employees
and this will be welcomed by parents of young         changing their shifts so as to keep everyone
children.                                             safe during testing times. Some staff members
                                                      were able to do different roles while maintaining
Cafes, restaurants and pubs can serve meals           social distancing which helped enormously.
up to 20 people and so this also brings people
back into the workforce.                              Our business was able to continue to complete
                                                      printing jobs in the usual time frame so in general
It has been a huge relief for many business           our customers were pretty pleased overall.’’
owners after many weeks of uncertainty and we
can expect further restrictions to be lifted by the   Meantime, the big stores like Coles, Aldi, IGA
end of June.                                          and Woolworths were inundated with shoppers
                                                      with bosses likening the trading figures as similar
The Covid 19 pandemic hit hard at the end of          to those recorded in the lead up to Christmas.
March and many businesses had to close their
doors                                                 There were also plenty of job opportunities as
                                                      extra staff were hired to assist with the huge
as uncertainty turned in to doom and many             numbers of people stocking up on essential
business owners welcomed the Jobkeeper                supplies.
                                                      Although it may take some time for our retail and
But now there is growing confidence in the local      business sector to recover the best we can all
business sector as stores open up again and           do is shop locally here in Kangaroo Flat and help
Shopping strips are getting back into full swing      to bring some certainty back in to our lives.
and there is increased traffic on our roads           Stay Safe...Shop Locally!

Proudly Printed by Mulqueen Printers – Your Friendly Printer
A 147-151 Allingham Street, Golden Square P 5447 8948 E info@mulqueenprinters.com.au mulqueenprinters.com.au
FlatMatters TRADERS SEE LIGHT - Kangaroo Flat ...
Support your local businesses because... FlatMatters
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Bendigo Community Health Services is                  “The risks that come with using prescription                                                will rely on family or friends to administer the
seeing a rise in prescription medication use          medications in this way are enormous.                                                       Naloxone.”
as Coronavirus isolation impacts on access to         “Combining prescription medication                                                          Ms Dunlop said people using prescription
illicit drugs such as ice and heroin.                 (benzodiazepines) with other central nervous                                                medications such as ‘benzos’ must be aware
Benzodiazpines or ‘Benzos’ are prescription           system drugs such as cannabis or alcohol
                                                                                                                                                  of the dangers around withdrawal.
only drugs used to treat issues such as               drastically increases the risk of respiratory
anxiety.                                              depression, coma and accidental overdose.”                                                  “Withdrawal from ‘benzos’ is a slow process
BCHS Alcohol and Other Drugs team manager             Ms Dunlop said anyone using opioid drugs                                                    and people need to be aware that they cannot
Jan Dunlop said staff were seeing people              should have access to Naloxone which                                                        just come off benzos cold turkey – that’s very
turning to prescription medications such as           temporarily reverses the effects of overdose.                                               dangerous. Withdrawal from drugs or alcohol
‘benzos’ because illicit drugs had become too         “Naloxone can be administered by injection                                                  must be done with the
expensive, poor in quality and hard to get.           or nasal spray and saves lives. Our AOD team                                                support of your GP or a health professional
“Ice and heroin are just becoming too                 can provide a free script for Naloxone and
                                                                                                                                                  and not taking this seriously can be fatal.”
expensive and the quality is terrible, so people      education around its use,” Ms Dunlop said.
are accessing ‘benzos’ by using anxiety as            “If you are using legal or illegal opioid drugs                                             Ms Dunlop said anyone with concerns about
their reasoning,” Ms Dunlop said.                     then you should know about Naloxone and                                                     drug use should call the Bendigo Community
“People are also buying Xanax from the dark           make sure those around you are aware too                                                    Health Services Alcohol and Other Drugs team
web.                                                  as if you do have an accidental overdose you                                                on 5406 1200 or speak with their GP.
FlatMatters TRADERS SEE LIGHT - Kangaroo Flat ...
FlatMatters FlatMatters FlatMatters FlatMatters
                                                                                                         Mrs Graves said feedback from refugee
                                                                                                         communities helped shape new information
                                                                                                         sheets and videos as the Coronavirus landscape
                                                                                                         “We crafted a question and answer information
                                                                                                         sheet based on what we were hearing from the
                                                                                                         refugee communities to dispel the myths around
                                                                                                         Coronavirus by providing easily understood
                                                                                                         factual information from trusted sources such
                                                                                                         as our doctors, respected staff and refugee
                                                                                                         community leaders,” she said.
                                                                                                         Mrs Graves said printed information sheets
                                                                                                         were shared through the refugee communities
 BCHS Cultural Diversity and Relationships manager Kaye Graves and case workers Zahir and Nay            with everything available at www.bchs.com.au
 Chee with some of the translated Coronavirus information.                                               through the new online Coronavirus Bendigo
                                                                                                         Refugee Resource Hub.
 A new Bendigo Community Health Services              “We worked with our doctors Gary Bourke and
 online resource hub is delivering important          Katie Snow to translate Department of Health       “We are proud to play an important role in
 Coronavirus updates to refugee communities           and Human Services information into Karen,         supporting the local refugee communities by
 across the region.                                   Dari and Dinka covering topics such as what is     putting together these translated information
                                                      Coronavirus, how to reduce your risk of getting    sheets and videos to keep everyone informed
 BCHS Cultural Diversity and Relationships
                                                                                                         and safe,” Mrs Graves said.
 manager Kaye Graves said the BCHS Settlement         it, the symptoms and what to do if you think you
 Services team had translated Coronavirus             have the virus.                                    Mrs Graves said the Settlement Services team
 information in Karen, Dari and Dinka to keep                                                            had also worked with local businesses during
                                                      “We have explained social distancing and Stage
 refugee communities up-to-date with the                                                                 the Coronavirus period.
 Coronavirus threat and changing restrictions.        3 restrictions introduced into Victoria and why
                                                      following them is important.                       “Part of our work has been helping businesses to
 “Our Settlement Services team had a window                                                              explain to the refugee communities why they are
 of about three weeks to develop and share this       “Our latest work translates information from the   discouraging the use of cash and encouraging
 information to reduce the fear that was growing      Department of Health’s Don’t Take The Risk –       people to use cards. We have also helped local
 in refugee communities and ensure there was          Get A Flu Vaccine campaign to raise awareness      businesses used by the refugee communities
 enough information out there to reduce the risk      around the approaching flu season and why          to get social distancing happening inside their
 of transmission,” Mrs Graves said.                   people need to take action.”                       businesses,” she said.

Winners of this year’s RAW ARTS         featured on the website.
Awards were announced recently in
                                        Digital Media Award:
a special live online presentation.
                                        Winner:     Mitchell       Cook    for
The annual RAW Arts Awards
celebrates the creativity of young      “Bitconned”
artists, writers, performers and film   Highly Commended: Eric Lovett for
makers.                                 “Youth”
Art has always had a role in health
                                        Literary Award:
and wellbeing and in times of crisis
and stress that role is even more       Winner: Alia Melgin-Hill for her short
important, and RAW was seen as a        story “Water”
way of encouraging and supporting
                                        Highly   Commended:     Teaghan
artmaking for our young people at
                                        Perryman, for for her poem "Not
this time.
                                        your cinder"
This year 101 applications were
received across the four categories     Performing Arts Scholarship:
in Visual Arts, Digital Media,          Winner: Charlie Davis-Tope, singer/
Literature and Performing Arts.
                                        song writer and pianist
A City initiative, RAW is committed
                                        Highly Commended: Jade Cuskelly,
to fostering the talents and artistic
pursuits of young people under 25       Vocal/Drama
in the Greater Bendigo region.          Visual Arts Award:
Category winners received an
                                        Winner: Tahlia McCuskey “Face to
$1000 prize, while those highly
recommended in each section             face”
received $250 prize money.              Highly Commended: Charlie Clark
A RAW Arts Awards website has           for “Senses”
been created with a gallery of the
                                        To view the winners and their work
visual arts images and links to the
                                        go                              to
digital media work. A booklet of
literature is available to be           www.bendigoregion.com.au/
downloaded and profiles of              arts-culture-theatres/raw-art-
performing arts entrants are also       awards-2020
FlatMatters TRADERS SEE LIGHT - Kangaroo Flat ...
Support your local businesses because... FlatMatters
                         The City of Greater          The five options are:                               “The Golden Square Swimming Pool is now
                         Bendigo is inviting          Option 1 Retain the Golden Square Swimming          managed by the Golden Square Swimming Pool
                         members of the                        Pool and relocate the Golden Square        Committee and the Golden Square Football and
                         community           to                                                           Netball Club, Golden Square Junior Football
                                                               Bowls and Croquet Club
                         have their say on a                                                              Club and Golden Square Cricket Club have
                         Discussion      Paper        Option 2 Replace   the      Golden   Square         seasonal tenancy agreements for use of the
                         featuring five options                Swimming     Pool      with  other         sports reserve. Golden Square Primary School
                         for the future of                     community facilities                       book the use of the sports oval and swimming
                         Golden         Square        Option 3 Replace    the    Golden    Square         pool.
                         Recreation Reserve                    Swimming      Pool    (with  other         “The user groups have a long-standing
                         in Wade Street at                     community facilities) and relocate         relationship and use of the reserve and all
https://www.bendigo.vic.gov.au/Your-Say      by                the Golden Square Bowls and                groups have contributed respectfully to the
June 17, 2020.                                                 Croquet Club                               planning process by identifying challenges and
City of Greater Bendigo Active and Healthy                                                                their current and future needs. The users have
                                                      Option 4 Develop Bacchus Oval Reserve as
Lifestyles Manager Lincoln Fitzgerald said the                                                            collectively contributed ideas for improvements
                                                               Golden Square’s main senior sports
Golden Square Recreation Reserve provides                                                                 that have helped inform the development
                                                               facilities                                 options for the Master Plan.
facilities for Australian Rules football, netball
                                                      Option 5 Do nothing and work within the             “The City is now asking interested residents
and cricket and includes the Golden Square
Swimming Pool.                                                 existing confines of the reserve,          to have their say by viewing the Discussion
                                                               upgrading facilities where possible,       Paper and filling out a survey online at
“The reserve is located within a precinct that also            but not including additional facilities.
includes the Golden Square Bowls and Croquet                                                              https://www.bendigo.vic.gov.au/Your-Say   by
                                                      “While the City owns the built assets on the        June 17, 2020.
Club, the Bendigo Creek Trail and Golden Square
Primary School,” Mr Fitzgerald said.                  reserve including the swimming pool, the bowls      “The information collected will be used to inform
                                                      facility is owned and managed privately by the      the development of a final Master Plan for the
“The Discussion Paper identifies the key
                                                      Golden Square Bowls and Croquet Club.               reserve for the Council’s consideration.
challenges facing the Golden Square Recreation
Reserve and its user groups and proposes five
potential development options. The reserve
                                                       ST MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH, KANGAROO FLAT
is currently landlocked with poor integration          Whilst the doors at St Mary’s are closed           • ZOOM social gatherings have been run
between the current users. Its facilities don’t        during these challenging times, the ministry       • A Parish Prayer Fellowship Calendar has
meet current standards and need to be renewed          of the church continues to go on.                    been developed
and additional facilities are required to meet         Our regular Sunday Services and weekly             • Online worship is provided and every
growing sport participation demands. In                activities have paused for the time being            Sunday morning
addition, there is also community pressure for         however, emails, phone calls and text
retaining or replacing the swimming pool with                                                             • You can listen to Rector, Reverend Tracey
                                                       messages are constantly flowing between              Wolsley at 8.30am to 9.30am on Life FM
other community facilities.”                           people as they offer support and comfort to          101.5
It’s important that any decision on the future         one another.
development of the reserve considers the                                                                  We are looking forward to opening our doors
                                                       Since restrictions changed how we operate,         again but in the meantime we’re here, alive,
proposed vision for the site, which is a
                                                       a number of creative ministries have been          active and reaching out.
community sport and recreation hub providing a
                                                       implemented.                                       If you wish to contact us, phone
range of participation opportunities for all of the
community so that it is a place for formal sport,      Worship@home packs have been delivered             5447 7427 or email anglicankf8@bigpond.com or
social and family gatherings, unstructured play        to homes (if you are interested in one, please     find      us        on      Facebook       or
and activity and community events.”                    let us know)                                       www.stmaryskangarooflat.com

                           In Kangaroo Flat, there    CONSTRUCTION OF NEW ROUNDABOUT
                           are some exciting          AT CAMP AND CHURCH STREETS
                           projects       nearing     KANGAROO FLAT
                           completion and others
                                                      The City of Greater Bendigo have commenced
                           about to start. You
                                                      works to construct a new roundabout at the
                           may notice these
                           when you are out and       intersection of Camp and Church Streets,
                           about in the area.         Kangaroo Flat.
                           WORK    ON         NEW     There has been three casualty accidents at the
                           KANGAROO           FLAT    intersection since 2013. This is an important
                           LIBRARY                    project to improve community safety in
                            Work to transform the     the area. The project is being funded by a
  former Kangaroo Flat senior citizens building       $366,500 grant from the Federal Government’s
  in Lockwood Road into the new Kangaroo Flat         Black Spot Programme.
  Library is on track for completion this month.      ALLINGHAM   STREET             DOG       PARK,
  The Lockwood Road premises is undergoing            KANGAROO FLAT
  a $1.38M redevelopment to provide a modern,         For members of our community who use the
  50 per cent larger, centrally located library       dog park in Allingham Street, works to install a
  facility to service Kangaroo Flat’s growing
                                                      new shelter and path started May 25. We hope
                                                      you continue to enjoy the dog park with these
  Works progressing include completing                new features.
  the infrastructure, landscaping and in July
  relocation of the library to the new premises.      The city continues to invest in Kangaroo
                                                      Flat and hopes these new additions and
  We look forward to the anticipated official                                                             Cr Matt Emond
                                                      improvements will service Kangaroo Flat’s
  opening in August. Funding for the project has
                                                      growing community well into the future.             Deputy Mayor
  been provided by the City of Greater Bendigo,
  a Victorian Government Living Libraries Grant       I hope everyone is well as the COVID-19             Lockwood Ward Councillor
  and Goldfields Library Corporation.                 restrictions being to ease.                         City of Greater Bendigo
FlatMatters TRADERS SEE LIGHT - Kangaroo Flat ...
FlatMatters FlatMatters FlatMatters FlatMatters
                       KANGAROO FLAT COMMUNITY HOUSE
                       Making (and capturing) Precious Moments
                                                      3. What have you been up to during COVID-19?        cherished moments in our lives. Finding joy
                                                      4. What are you looking forward to doing when       in the small things (a sunny day, a plant in the
                                                         you can?                                         garden coming to flower, appreciating nature on
                                                                                                          a walk, listening to music and so on) can help us
                                                      Photos need to be your own work - please            focus on better days ahead.
                                                      email your digital photo(s) and caption to
                                                      projects@kangarooflatcommunitygroup.com             It has certainly been a time when we have been
                                                      with a completed entry form (which you can          able to experience kindness and unexpected
                                                      obtain from contacting Kerry Parry on this email    thoughtful     neighbourly    support     (running
                                                      address).                                           errands, helping with shopping, making a meal
                                                                                                          for someone, letter writing to the elderly, etc.
If there is one thing that COVID-19 has shown         There are two sections: Under 16 years and
                                                      open age with great prizes to be won.               If anyone has any ideas about things Kangaroo
us, it’s that things we often took for granted                                                            Flat Community House can assist with in building
are extremely precious and important. What            Competition closes: 31st July 2020                  community together, please get in touch with us
have you missed most over the past few                As restrictions continue to change, we need         – via our Facebook page https://www.facebook.
weeks/months? Your favourite sport (playing or        to be aware of how much time we spend on            com/kangarooflatcommunityhouse/ or email
spectating); large family gatherings for birthdays,   electronic devices. Working from home and           projects@kangarooflatcommunitygroup.com
weddings, anniversaries (even funerals); going        home schooling led to us using our devices
out for coffee or a meal in a restaurant buzzing      every day with few breaks.
with lots of people; travelling, taking mini breaks
                                                      How electronically-focused are you? It’s easy        LOCKWOOD SOUTH PRIMARY
or sightseeing. The list goes on.                                                                          SCHOOL WHERE WE GROW
                                                      to form habits where our mobile phone or other
In April we launched a Photo Competition              technology becomes like an appendage and             TOGETHER AND LEARN
in conjunction with the development of the            our “go to” the moment we have time to spare.        FOREVER
Kangaroo Flat & surrounds Community Plan.             You might be surprised at how much time you
In light of current events, we have decided to        spend on social media or online games, and
extend the competition closing date to 31st           how draining it can be.
July 2020 and include two more categories to
                                                      Instead of enjoying some down time in the
help capture some of the effects of COVID-19.
                                                      evening, we turn to Facebook, emails or online
The two new categories are:                           games, which isn’t always relaxing.
•   What have you been up to during                   If you feel stressed, try taking a device break.
    COVID-19? Perhaps you’ve been gardening,          If you really need to stay in touch for business     Lockwood SOUTH Primary School provides
    cooking, crafting, doing jigsaws, video           or personal reasons – try putting your phone or      a wide variety of wonderful learning
    chats, reading, working, exercising, etc.?        device on the kitchen counter – that way you will    opportunities framed by our whole school
                                                      be able to check it every time you go into the       philosophy of building environmental and
    Our Kangaroo Flat Community House
                                                      kitchen in the evening to get a glass of water or    social capital by responsible use of our
    Coordinator, Meredith Robinson has been
                                                      as you pass.                                         facilities, the choices we make as consumers
    enjoying walking the dog, gardening, playing
                                                                                                           and our partnerships with each other and the
    board games and doing jigsaws with her            There are many things we can do to enjoy our         wider community such as Landcare and Junior
    family, cooking, cleaning out the craft room      lives - simply sitting with your spouse, cooking     Landcare programs along with participating in
    and shed, catching up with family viz zoom        tea together as a family, playing a board game       clean up Australia and fundraising efforts for
    (some of them live interstate), running (her      together or just sitting and listening to music      special causes.
    husband has ended up joining her now) and         without the hindrance of constantly checking
    she celebrated her 50th birthday in June –        your phone or other device.                          Students at Lockwood SOUTH Primary
    with a difference due to restrictions. One of                                                          School are valued and active members
                                                      Moments are precious and they it sometimes
    the interesting ideas she and her family have                                                          of our community as both a learner and
                                                      seems they are over before they begin! When
    engaged in is watching all of their dvds in                                                            contributor. The curriculum develops the
                                                      times are difficult, it is good to remember those
    alphabetical order!                                                                                    whole child providing for academic, physical,
    At the time of writing, they were up to                                                                social and emotional needs as well as literacy
    movies starting with “T” – she also made                                                               interventions, mobile library, performing arts,
    the comment that they didn’t have any                                                                  physical education, STEM and interschool
    movies starting with “Q”. Our Community                                                                music and sport programs. Our staff and
    Development Worker, Kerry Parry was able                                                               volunteer     capacity     enhances    student
    to use Skype with her grandson Chris Scott                                                             motivation and engagement in their learning
    (who lives in Echuca) to read a chapter book                                                           by offering learning tailored to individual
    each week as part of his schoolwork from                                                               needs and small group work, discovery and
    home.                                                                                                  inquiry learning approaches, high impact
                                                                                                           teaching strategies and an enriching array
•   What are you looking forward to doing                                                                  of programs such as wellbeing, gardening,
    when you can? (perhaps a trip to a favourite                                                           cooking, leadership, student voice, before
    place, a mini holiday, coffee with friends.                                                            and after school care program and activities,
To enter, please submit digital photo(s) together                                                          excursions, incursions, camps, water wise
with a caption (50 words or less) for one or more                                                          and resource smart. We encourage families
of the following topics:                                                                                   looking for a school for 2021 to please take
1. What Kangaroo Flat & surrounds means to                                                                 virtual tour of our learning spaces and yard. If
   YOU!                                                                                                    you have any further questions please contact
                                                                                                           Adam Torney Principal 0439 353 293 or 5435
2. What would you like to see more of in
   Kangaroo Flat & surrounds?

    Proudly Distributed by Kangaroo Flat Post Office, IGA Maiden Gully, The Cabbage Patch, Lansell Square Shopping
    Centre, Kangaroo Flat Sports Club, IGA Kangaroo Flat, Lansell Square Post Office, Kangaroo Flat Library
FlatMatters TRADERS SEE LIGHT - Kangaroo Flat ...
Support your local businesses because... FlatMatters
                                                          THE 2ND KANGAROO FLAT SCOUTS ARE KEEPING BUSY
                                                          Scouts are still at home maintaining
                                                          a virtual connection online by playing
       Grant Phillips                                     games like eye spy and show and tell, via
       Director                                           SKYPE.
       13 Phillips Drive Kangaroo Flat, Vic 3555          At the end of May, they also had a District
       Tel: (03) 5447 0009 Fax: (03) 5447 2229            camp where scouts camped in their back
       Email: bendigo@pedders.com.au
       Website: www.pedders.com.au                        yards with their brothers and sisters all
                                                          over Bendigo and Castlemaine. They had
                                                          to treat it like a normal camp making sure
                                                          they had the right equipment to sleep
                                                          overnight in a tent. For all their hard work
                           For all your diesel            and dedication, the Scouts will have the
                           & petrol injection             nights under canvas signed off in their
                           needs, new or old.             books and will receive a district badge for
                                                          their camp blanket.
Dave & Katriona        0408 791 755 (Dave)                There was also a challenge for the most
15 Phillips Drive      0448 154 542                       creative set-up of a tent or campsite. This
Kangaroo Flat VIC 3555 03 5447 7768
                                                          included double blow up air mattresses,
ABN 30 628 480 602       admin@bendigodiesel.com.au       laptops for watching movies, teddy bears,
ACN 62 9271 441                                           fairy lights and campfires.
                                                          All campsites had to be submitted via
                                                          videos or photos which are available
                                                          on our Facebook page and the winning
                                                          campsite received a voucher from
                                                          Anaconda for their efforts.       Please
                                                          check out all our photo’s on Facebook @
                                                          If you are interested in finding out more
                                                          about Scouts, the 2nd Kangaroo Flat
                                                          Scout Group has a Cub Scout Section
                                                          (for 7½ to 10½ year old’s) that meets
                                                          on a Tuesday night and a Scout Section
                                                          (for 10½ -14½ year old’s) that meet on a
                                                          Monday night. You can come along for 3         Due to Covid19 youth members are not
                                                          weeks for FREE to see if you like it! If you   currently meeting at the hall. New youth
                                                          are interested, please call either our Cub     member are welcome to join us online
                                                          Leader Tim on 0408 451 362 or our Scout        when we meet and there is a simple
                                                          Leader David on 0401741648.                    program to follow for scouting at home.

                          LEO TREBLE
                          B.Bus (Acc) Dip FP

5 Camp St                 T:   03 5447 7500
Kangaroo Flat VIC 3555    F:   03 5447 1922
PO Box 1333               E:   admin@
Kangaroo Flat VIC 3555         trebleaccountants.com.au

JUST        $50 PER MONTH
Email : flatmtrs@tpg.com.au
FlatMatters TRADERS SEE LIGHT - Kangaroo Flat ...
FlatMatters FlatMatters FlatMatters FlatMatters

                                                                                                                              Cr Matt Emond
                                                                                                                                 Lockwood Ward

                                                                                                            195 Lyttleton Terrace, PO Box 733 Telephone: (03) 4408 6696
                                                                                                            Bendigo, Victoria, Australia 3552 Facsimile: (03) 5434 6200
                                                                                                            Web: www.bendigo.vic.gov.au       Mobile: 0499 007 473
                                                                                                            Email: m.emond@bendigo.vic.gov.au

                                                                                                                226 High St Kangaroo Flat
BACK ON THE FAIRWAY                                                                                                    5445 7400
Golfers of the region were out in force for     At Belvoir Park over 140 players took part
the resumption of Saturday golf on May          in the ‘’Resumption Round’’ with Greg
16.                                             Tatt scoring 41 points to win the days
After a seven-week hiatus due to the            stableford competition.
Covid-19 pandemic huge numbers were
recorded at golf clubs across the region        It was a welcome return for many golfers
with health and safety measures strictly        who had missed their weekly stroll on the
policed.                                        picturesque Big Hill layout.

                                                                                                  19583 Lansell Square Community Flyer Advert AW.indd 1 14/07/14 4:13 PM

The City of Greater Bendigo has commenced       All trees are carefully selected by the City’s
a major tree planting program with              public space team to ensure the most
approximately 1,600 advanced trees being        appropriate species for a location is planted,
planted throughout the municipality.
                                                based on local conditions, climate,
Part of the major tree planting program
included a special section adjacent to          neighborhood character and any relevant
High Street Kangaroo Flat between Lansell       master plans.
Square and Harvey Norman.                       The City is responsible for all ongoing
City of Greater Bendigo Parks and Open          maintenance of the trees including watering
Space Manager Paul Gangell said the City        them for the first two years. This year’s
was committed to improving the liveability of   program has been put together from resident
Bendigo’s urban areas and townships through
its annual advanced tree planting program.      requests and from suggestions received
                                                through the City’s recent Greening Greater
“Urban trees not only enhance the
appearance of our City and its streetscapes     Bendigo community engagement.
but are essential to creating a liveable        All new requests for new street trees will now
community. They provide shade and               be considered for our 2021 program.’’
cool urban areas, support physical and
mental wellbeing and improve our natural        Details of this year’s program including a list
environment.                                    of tree types and locations is available online
The advanced trees are over 1.5 metres          at www.bendigo.vic.gov.au/Services/Sports-
tall and include a mix of native and exotic     Parks-Recreation/Tree-Management/Street-
species.                                        Trees
FlatMatters TRADERS SEE LIGHT - Kangaroo Flat ...
Support your local businesses because... FlatMatters
I started work at Sympag Egg Grading Floor           having to exert authority, none that I ever saw       and while the police were involved, George was
in 1964 as assistant office manager to George        anyway. Reg Boromeo was the foreman and Val           able to convince them that the situation could be
Edwards. Sympag was without doubt the best           Tarr the forelady, and again, both people seemed      righted, with George helping in a monetary way,
business I ever worked in and that includes many     to mix in with the rest of us, and whilst they may    and while some of us knew what had happened it
financial institutions and insurance companies       have had superintending titles, I never saw either    wasn't blazed across the newspaper. The young
over the fifty-eight years of my working life.       of them issue orders to employees as such.            man was able to lift himself up with help over
The camaraderie in Sympag was one of working         Everyone seemed to learn their jobs, and then         the coming months and years and the incident
together in our separate roles whether in the        carry them out.                                       faded away into history.
factory or office and there was never any thought    When people work eight hours a day in close           The helping of others and respect for others
of white-collar or blue-collar occupations. We       proximity to each other one gets to know those        just seemed to be bred into Sympag. Whether
just worked at Sympag.                               people very well. Invariably when a firm has          it was the careful selection of the employees or
                       George Edwards was a          about twenty-five employees one would expect          whether new employees just became part of that
                       great boss, but he never      there would be some friction with a worker or         culture I'll never know.
                       seemed to be a boss. We       between workers but that never happened at
                                                                                                           When I returned to Bendigo to live and settle into
                       completed our tasks in        Sympag. I came to a realisation one day when
                                                                                                           coming retirement after being away forty-five
                       the office ever dependent     someone I just met asked me what I did for
                                                                                                           years, I knew George was in an aged care home
                       upon one another in our       work and I replied I worked at Sympag. And he
                                                     said "Yes, but what do you do?" It didn't seem        at Kangaroo Flat and went to visit him. As we
                       individual occupations.
                                                     then that one had to describe one's work to be        talked, he said "You know Merv, wasn't Sympag
                       There was always an air
                                                     considered valuable in the business. Just being       a great place to work. How would you describe
                       of respect for each other,
                       but there was always lots     there was enough.                                     it?" I didn't have to think long. "We were a family
                       of humour too. Sympag                                                               George," I said.
                                                     One of the important things I learned at Sympag
                       workers were a family.        and from George Edwards was to help people.           Merv Gay
Harry Barbour was the manager, a quiet man           George was selfless man. One time one of the          Photo of George Edwards, courtesy of Bendigo
who commanded respect himself without ever           ex-employees of Sympag got himself into trouble       Advertiser.

                                                     where all people are respected, safe to               “To achieve gender equity we must recognise
                                                     participate in all aspects of community life and      that within communities, people of different
                                                     have equitable access to the resources they           genders currently have varying opportunities,
                                                     need to succeed in achieving their aspirations,       resources and responsibilities. To ensure
                                                     whilst living in a community that is free from        fairness, strategies like this are needed to
                                                     violence against women,” Cr O’Rourke said.            create an equal playing field.
                                                     “The strategy identifies structural change,           “While gender equity means different things to
                                                     relational change and attitudinal change as key
                                                                                                           different people, we hope the strategy will help
                                                     objectives and it focuses on six key priority
                                                                                                           to level the playing field.
                                                     areas – workplaces, education, community,
                                                     health, sport and recreation and emergency            “The strategy will help to guide activities across
                                                     management.                                           our community and monitor progress towards
                                                     “Through a collective approach, the Coalition         achieving gender equity.”
                                                     is working towards seeing gender equality             Members of the Coalition include AFL Central
                                                     become the new norm in Greater Bendigo.               Victoria, Annie North Women’s Refuge,
                                                     “The strategy will help to ensure all residents are   Be.Bendigo, Belgravia Leisure, Bendigo
                                                     safe to participate in all aspects of community       and Adelaide Bank, Bendigo Community
                                                     life and able to access the resources they            Health Service, Bendigo Health, Bendigo
                                                     need to achieve their goals while living in a         Interfaith Council, Bendigo Loddon Primary
                                                     community that is free from violence against          Care Partnership, Bendigo Kangan Institute,
                                                     women and children.                                   CatholicCare Sandhurst, Centre against Sexual
  The Greater Bendigo City Council has endorsed      “It’s an important piece of work because gender       Assault Central Victoria, Centre for Non-
  the Greater Bendigo Coalition for Gender Equity    inequity is unfair, unjust and unacceptable.          Violence, City of Greater Bendigo, Coliban
  Strategy at its recent Council meeting.            Addressing it is critical in preventing violence      Water, Country Fire Authority, Department of
  The Coalition for Gender Equity is made up         against women, recognising and respecting the         Education and Training, Victoria, Department
  of more than 30 local public, private and          value of all people, and delivering the social and    of Environment, Land Water and Planning,
  community organisations and groups, including      economic benefits that arise from communities         Victoria, Department of Health and Human
  the City of Greater Bendigo, who are committed     that are safe, fair and just for everyone.
                                                                                                           Services, Victoria, Dja Dja Wurrung Aboriginal
  to advancing gender equity and preventing          “We know that gender inequity happens when
  violence against women and children.                                                                     Clans      Corporation,    Goldfields     Library
                                                     people are living and working in unfair, unjust       Corporation, Greater Bendigo against Family
  City of Greater Bendigo Mayor Cr Margaret          and unacceptable circumstances, which then            Violence Committee, , La Trobe University,
  O’Rourke said the Gender Equity Strategy will      impacts on access to health, education, work
                                                                                                           Bendigo, , Loddon Campaspe Multicultural
  help guide the Coalition’s collective work over    outcomes and community participation.
                                                                                                           Services, Murray Primary Health Network
  the next five years in order to help achieve and   “Gender inequality is not just a women’s issue,
  sustain gender equality in Greater Bendigo.                                                              (PHN), North Central Catchment Management
                                                     it affects men and gender diverse people too.         Authority, Parks Victoria, Sport and Recreation
  “The Coalition has a broad and extensive reach     Men often face the social pressure to act like
                                                                                                           Victoria, Sports Focus, Victoria Police, Bendigo,
  throughout Greater Bendigo with member             a “real man” which can negatively impact their
                                                                                                           Women’s Health Loddon Mallee and YMCA.
  organisations employing over 8,000 staff with      health and wellbeing, while gender diverse
  direct and regular contact with the community      people can experience high levels of isolation        The    strategy is available   online at
  through the delivery of core programs, services    and exclusion due to ignorance around gender          www.bendigo.vic.gov.au/coalition-gender-
  and facilities. Its vision is to see a community   diversity.                                            equity
FlatMatters TRADERS SEE LIGHT - Kangaroo Flat ...
FlatMatters FlatMatters FlatMatters FlatMatters
Well, as it turns out, a lot!
                                                                                                             • Do your online banking and shopping more
                                                                                                             • Book medical and other appointments online
                                                                                                             If you have a computer, smartphone or tablet but
                                                                                                             need some help learning how to use it, we can
                                                                                                             link you with a librarian who can help.
                                                                                                             Get in contact or visit our website for more
                                                                                                             Life in lockdown
                                                                                                             How’s life for you in lockdown?
                                                                                                             In times to come, historians and others will look
                                                                                                             back on this time in history with interest. They’ll
                                                                                                             want to know how we lived, what we did and
                                                                                                             how we felt. To capture this unusual time we find
                                                                                                             ourselves in, we’re inviting contributions from
                                                                                                             our communities. This may be a written story
                                                                                                             or poem, artwork, photography or a letter to
                                                                                                             you pre-Covid self – anything that captures this
                                                                                                             moment in history for future generations. This
                                                                                                             will all be collated into an online gallery, printed
                                                                                                             book and possibly a travelling exhibition.
                                                                                                             To help you, we’ll be offering online workshops
                                                                                                             (journaling, cartooning, photography, poetry) and
Our staff are a creative bunch who love serving                                                              providing more information or guidance for how
                                                        Online programs
the needs of our communities. We have been                                                                   to tell, capture and share your stories. You may
                                                        Our programs, both for children and adults, are      belong to an organisation or community group
busy behind the scenes creating lots of different       an important part of what we do, and while they
ways you can access our wonderful resources                                                                  that would like to get involved (e.g.: school, pre-
                                                        may look a little different at the moment, they’re   school, aged care facility, U3A, Men’s Shed,
and connect with your local library, whether you        very much still here and available to everyone
are connected online or not. Have a look below                                                               mothers’ group, art group, writing group). Join
                                                        online.                                              us in making history!
to see how you can keep connected with your
local library.                                          Please pull up a comfy chair and invite us           Please send through your contributions or get in
                                                        into your loungeroom for online author talks,        contact by emailing us at programs@ncgrl.vic.
Library in your loungeroom                              workshops, presentations, forums, exhibitions        gov.au
Library in Your Loungeroom is an amazing                and children’s activities.
treasure trove of online resources for both                                                                  Workshop information will be on our events
                                                        Events coming soon:                                  website soon.
children and adults. It includes digital and non-
digital activities for wellbeing, curiosity, learning   • Discovering History: Children lost and found       Where to from here?
and creativity.                                         • Katherine Firkin: Sticks and Stones                The State Government this week announced
This is on top of the online books, movies,             • Philosophy in the library: Sacred symbols, the     revised restrictions. While more activity will be
music, magazines, newspapers and language                 heart of Bendigo                                   allowed in outdoor spaces, and in private places,
classes you'd expect to find in our eLibrary. And       • Lee Koffman: Creating compelling characters        it is clear that indoor public facilities remain
it’s all free – you just need an internet-connected                                                          restricted. Libraries are specifically mentioned
                                                        • Alice Robinson: The Glad Shout
device. Sign up to become a member online and                                                                as not being currently allowed to re-open. We
we’ll get in contact with your login details so you     • Discover life online - Be Connected workshop       will continue to be guided by State Government
can get started straight away.                          • School Holiday Program                             directives, with staff and community safety
Finding connection                                      These events will be online soon. For more           remaining our top priority.
Could you or someone you know benefit from a            information, please visit our events website or      We are, however, working towards offering
friendly chat? We understand that not everyone          follow your local library on Facebook.               a click and collect service for loans from our
can join online activities, so while we can’t meet      Ask a Librarian                                      collection by the start of June. We'll provide
face to face, our staff are offering a weekly/                                                               information about how, where and when this will
                                                        Do you have a question you need to ask your          become available, closer to the time.
fortnightly phone call to those needing comfort         local librarian? Maybe it’s related to your
and connection. You may like to hear or share           research or study, or help accessing our online      Please remember – social distancing doesn’t
a favourite poem, short story or part of a book,        resources? Perhaps it's about understanding          mean social isolation. If you want to know more
ask for help choosing your next book or just            and using your device and the internet? Or do        about any of the projects or programs mentioned
chat. Get in contact with your local library to get     you need some help picking your next book.           in this email, or just want to have a chat, please
started.                                                Our librarians are on hand to help! Email your       get in touch.
                                                        question through or call and leave your details
                                                        and we’ll get in touch.
                                                        Be Connected
                                                        Are you over 50 and need help using the internet?
                                                        Would you like to be more socially connected
                                                        online? Do you know someone who may benefit
                                                        from some easy-to-understand online training?
                                                        Our Be Connected program can help you:
                                                        • Talk and see family and friends online
                                                        • Keep up to date with news online
                                                        • Find new friends and local groups who share
                                                          your interests and hobbies
FlatMatters TRADERS SEE LIGHT - Kangaroo Flat ...
Support your local businesses because... FlatMatters
        Group Gatherings                                               GROUPS & CLUBS                                              INCLUDE YOUR GROUP OR CLUB MEETING
                                                                                                                                   TIMES BY CONTACTING FLAT MATTERS

Alcoholics Anonymous                              Bgo Radio Controlled Aircraft Club              Kangaroo Flat Mens Shed                          RSL
8pm Sunday @ St Marys Anglican Church,            monthly meetings last Monday of month           Open Mon-Fri 9am to 4.30pm approx.               Contact Craig Chilver (03) 5447 8312
193-195 High Street Kangaroo Flat.                7.30pm in the Y Community Hall, Lockwood        Located at 56 Thomas Street Kangaroo Flat        Meeting held at 10am on 3rd Tuesday of the
Enter from carpark at rear on corner Bank         Road, opposite ALDI.                            (behind the cemetery)                            month. Light refreshments supplied.
St/Church St.                                     Club’s web site on www.brcac.asn.au                                                              Social Club meet 1st and 4th Tuesdays of
Enquiries 1300 22 22 22.                                                                          Kangaroo Flat Scout Group                        each month at 10.30am.
                                                  Community Enterprise                            Outdoor activities for boys and girls            New members welcome.
Bendigo Coin & Collectables Club Inc.             Last Thursday of each month, 6pm, Sports        aged 6 – 18 years old.                           Station Street, Kangaroo Flat.
Meet every Friday fortnight at 7.30 pm            Club Dower Park                                 Please contact Group Leader
Venue - Quarry Hill Community Hall, Hamlet                                                        Craig Whan on 5444 4114.                         Special Olympics Group
St. Bendigo.                                      CWA Kangaroo Flat Branch
                                                  C.W.A. Kangaroo Flat Branch                                                                      Pam (President) 0418 304 927
New Members Welcome                                                                               Lions Club                                       John (Ten Pin Bowling Coach)
Contact Andrew Palmer 0411 796 730                3rd Thursday of Month                           2nd Wednesday of each month, Business
                                                  1.30 pm at Uniting Church Hall,                                                                  0400 641 405
                                                                                                  meeting, Lions Club Rooms, Dower Park            Michele (Barracudas Swim Coach)
Bendigo Evening VIEW Club                         Church Street, Kangaroo Flat.                   – 7.00pm. 4th Wednesday of each month,
                                                  Interesting speakers & Monthly Craft Day.                                                        0409 173 656
“Voice, Interest,Education for Women”                                                             Dinner meeting at varying locations - 6pm
Supporting The Smith Family by raising            All Ladies Welcome - Afternoon Tea              for 6.30pm start.                                Spring Gully Dance
funds to help disadvantaged students with         More Details 5446-8323                          President Heather Gartside                       Dancing every Saturday night 8 - 12pm,
their education needs.                            Look up the web for complete overview           Secretary Brian Ede 03 54478618                  and Monday nights from 7.30 - 9.30pm.
4th Wednesday of month at 6pm for 6.30pm          www.cwaofvic.org.au                                                                              Venue - Spring Gully Hall, 135 Spring Gully
NOTE NEW TIME!                                                                                    Maiden Gully Fire Brigade
                                                  Enjoy Church                                                                                     Road, Bendigo
At the Kangaroo Flat Sports Club,                                                                 First Tuesday of each month
                                                  Phillips Drive, Kangaroo Flat                                                                    Contact Keith 5444 2953
1c Station Street, Kangaroo Flat.                                                                 Firefighter Training Time: 7.30pm
                                                  Details: http://enjoy.church/bendigo.           Venue: Maiden Gully Fire Station                 The Little Chimps Playgroup
Meals $23.                                        Contact: Campus Pastor Martin Oravec on
Bookings Deidre McDougall 0419 595 674                                                            5 Beckhams Road, Maiden Gully                    Commencing on the 8th October at 396
                                                  0403 266 008.                                   Contact: 5449 6340                               High Street Golden Square in the Seventh
Or for all enquiries re club Cheryl Scully
                                                                                                                                                   Day Adventist church hall. Every Wednesday
0439 316 021                                      Friends of Crusoe No. 7 Park                    1st Maiden Gully Scout Group                     during school term from 10:30am - 12:00pm.
                                                  Meet first Wednesday of every 2nd month
Bendigo Garden Club Inc.                                                                          Maiden Gully Scouts meet every week              Contact Kerryn Greaves 0432 354 617.
                                                  starting February at the Rotary Gateway Park
3RD Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm in                                                           during the school term at the Maiden Gully       Please see enclosed a flyer for further
                                                  at 7pm, plus has working bees and activities
the McKinnon Pavilion, no meetings during                                                         Scout Hall, Cnr Beckhams Rd and Calder           information.
                                                  in the parks.
the months of January, July, December.            Contact the Secretary at focr7p@gmail.com       Hwy, Maiden Gully:
                                                                                                                                                   U3A Bendigo
Bendigo Showgrounds.                                                                              Joey Scouts (6-7yrs) Tuesday 5.30 –6.30pm
Contact: Laurelle Smith -                         Golden Square Croquet Club                                                                       Life-long learning and activities for
                                                  Come and Try - Every Mon and Friday from        Cub Scouts (8-11yrs) Thursdays 7-8.30pm          mature aged people.
Secretary 5447 0017
New Members Always Welcome                        11am. Contact Lorraine 54477511 or Don          Scouts (11-15yrs) Thursday 7-9pm)                Gathering: 4th Wednesday of month.
                                                  54496332                                        To find out more contact Cate on                 Website: http://home.vicnet.net.
Bendigo Gem Club Inc.                                                                             0405 381 611                                     au/~u3abgo/
                                                  Greater Bendigo Danceland Inc.                                                                   BLOG: http://u3a-bendigo.blogspot.com.au/
10 Galvin st, BENDIGO 3550                        A Social Dance every Saturday night at 8pm.
Ph 5442 3961 Lv msg                                                                               Needles & Threads                                Email: u3abgo@bigpond.com
                                                  Venue - St. Andrew’s Uniting Church Hall,       Meet two Mondays of each month from              or Phone 5447 1812
Website: gembendigo.org.au                        26 Myers St. Bendigo.
BGC meet every Tuesday and Thursday                                                               10am to 12noon. Please phone Janet Clark
                                                  Contact Barb 5443 5380.                         for Yearly list of dates.                        Un Finished Objects Craft Group
5pm-9pm Instruction in faceting and                                                               Bring your knitting or crochet.                  Meets every Tuesday 10am till 2pm at 29
                                                  Heartbeat Bendigo Branch
cabochons                                                                                         New members welcome.                             Bay Street, Golden Square.
                                                  A support group for cardiac patients, family
5pm-7pm Kids club                                 & friends. Fundraising for cardiac equipment    Venue. St. Mary’s Anglican Church Hall,          $3 entry. BYO Lunch. Hot Drinks Provided.
6pm-8:30pm Silversmithing with                    through public and social events. Meetings      193-195 High Street, Kangaroo Flat.              Ladies, come along for fun and friendship
Experienced Silversmiths                          held bi-monthly on 3rd Sunday. Jan, March,      Enter from Church Street, Kangaroo Flat.         and work on your current project or start a
Thursday                                          May, July, Sept, Nov. 2pm at Chum Street        Enquiries to Janet Clark – Ph: 54479783          new one.
10am-4pm Adult tuition in all aspects of this     Uniting Church hall. Enquiries to President                                                      The group contributes to Asian Aid and
craft. BYO Lunch.                                 Frank Ward - 5447 4545 or 0407 855 685.         Partners of Veterans Assoc
                                                                                                  3rd Monday of the month, at 11.30am at the RSL   The Biggest Morning Tea.
7pm-10pm Experienced users who can
                                                  Heart Foundation Walking Group –                                                                 Further Details: Janine 5409 2894 or
work on their own.                                                                                Playgroup for under 5’s
                                                  Community Wellbeing Walkers                                                                      Shirley 5449 6893.
Allied crafts when available
GEMARAMA second weekend in September                                                              Every Monday during school terms
                                                  Every Tuesday 11.15                                                                              Volaire Calisthenics
Field trips, Rock swaps, Social events & BBQ’s.                                                   from 9:30 –11:00am, at Kangaroo Flat
                                                  Meet at Lifestyle Choices, the corner of Neil                                                    Maiden Gully
Committee meetings third Thursday of the                                                          Uniting Church, cnr Church & Camp Streets.
                                                  and Station street Kangaroo Flat -30 minute                                                      Classes: Recreational and competitive
month.                                                                                            Contacts: Sheryl 0438413533
                                                  walk along the Bendigo Creek Track.                                                              teams. For participants age 3 and over.
New wheelchair access Sponsored by                                                                or Anne 0411 127 925
                                                  All welcome contact Jennifer 0419878836                                                          Contact Volaire for class times.
Fosterville Gold Mine                             myhealth@mentoronline.com.au                    Probus Club of Kangaroo Flat (Mixed) Inc.        Phone: 0437 343 656
Only 10mins walk to Bendigo Station.                                                              Every 2nd Wednesday each month 9.45am
                                                  Kangaroo Flat Baptist Church                    St. Mary’s Church Complex High St, K/Flat.       Y’s Service Club (Women)
Bendigo Legion Angling Club                       “Come and Chat Group”                                                                            2nd Tuesday of the month, contact
                                                                                                  Contact Bev. Blume 5443 1809. - Visitors
7.30pm 1st Monday of the month.                   Knitting for missions – a welcome cuppa                                                          0409 179 485 for venue details
The Den at Dower Park, Station Street,            and good conversations.
Kangaroo Flat.                                    We support a girl in Nepal.                     RAAF Association-Bendigo Branch                  Y Service Club of Bendigo South
                                                  Enjoy good company every Monday 9.30am          1st Thursday each month February - December.     2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. Y’s
Bendigo Philatelic Society .                      till midday.                                                                                     Clubrooms, Lockwood Rd. at 12 noon.
                                                                                                  11.00 am. to 12 noon with lunch afterwards.
Night Meetings on the first Tuesday each          All Welcome!                                    At Bendigo District RSL, Havilah Road, Bgo       Y Service Club of Kangaroo Flat
month at 7:30pm                                                                                   Contact: Glenis Gordon, Secretary/Treasurer
                                                  Kangaroo Flat Community House,                                                                   every Wednesday at 6.30pm Y Community
CVGT - Corner Stanfield and Jackson Street,                                                       C/- Post Office, Raywood. 3570
                                                  21 Woolcock Avenue, Kangaroo Flat                                                                Hall. Lockwood Rd opposite ALDI.
Long Gully.                                                                                       Phone: 5436 9293
                                                  Open Monday – Thursday, 9am-3pm                                                                  ph 5447 1587
Daytime Meetings Wednesday after the                                                              Email: glenblairmichael@gmail.com
Tuesday night meeting 10am to 12noon               Ph 5447 9687                                   Membership open to ex Air Force Personnel
Golden Square Community Hall                                                                      and their relatives.
                                                  Kangaroo Flat Fire Brigade
9 Old High Street, Golden Square.
Contact Joy (Secretary) on 0439 473 645 or        Meets First Thursday of each Month.             Rotary Club of Kangaroo Flat:
Libby (President) on 0448 120 066                 Fire Fighter Training                           Meet each Monday 6pm for 6.30 start at
All visitors welcome.                             Time: 7.30pm                                    the Rotary Function Centre (opposite Apco).
                                                  Venue: Kangaroo Flat Fire Station               New members welcome
Bendigo Positive Birthing                         Helm Street, Kangaroo Flat                      www.facebook.com/rotarykangarooflat/
www.facebook.com/bendigopositivebirthing          Contact: 54470204
for more details phone: 0447 453 644
FlatMatters FlatMatters FlatMatters FlatMatters
The weather is turning and Winter is all but
here so it's traditionally time for the Bendigo
Community Coat Drive to protect the homeless
and vulnerable against the bitter cold.
Bendigo Community Health Services collected,
cleaned and distributed a record 2700 coats and
blankets last year with the help of partners AFL
Central Victoria and Pristine Dry Cleaners.
The Bendigo Community Coat Drive needs the
help of an incredibly generous community again
this year but with a difference.
The Coronavirus risk and restrictions means
it's just too hard to run the traditional coat drive
calling for second-hand clothes so BCHS has
launched a Bendigo Community Coat Drive
online fundraising campaign to collect money to
buy new coats that are safe to distribute.
Wonderful partners such as Bendigo Foodshare,
Haven Home Safe and Eaglehawk Community                NEW PLAYGROUND AT SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT SCHOOL
House will help distribute the coats.
                                                       Member for Bendigo West, Maree Edwards MP has announced the completion of the new playground
We understand the hardships brought on by              at the Bendigo Special Development in Lockwood Road, Kangaroo Flat.
Coronavirus means not everyone can support
                                                       ‘’This new space will make a real difference to students at Bendigo Special Development School who
the cause. We ask you feel no pressure to give         will get the benefits of new inclusive spaces to cater for a wide range of options for teaching and
and please only do so if you can.                      learning.’’ Ms Edwards Said.
We truly appreciate your support. Make a               The new facility comes complete with special needs inclusive equipment, accessible play equipment
donation today.                                        and the bike track with fitness equipment for all abilities.
If you are a coat distributor keen to support          Inclusive education is about ensuring that all students, regardless of disabilities or other differences,
Bendigo Community Health Services or If                can fully participate, learn, develop and succeed in Victorian government schools.
you have any questions about the Bendigo
                                                       Strengthening inclusive education for all students, including those with disabilities and additional
Community Coat Drive please email
                                                       learning needs, is fundamental to an equitable and excellent school system.
bchscomms@bchs.com.au or call 5406 1200.

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Support your local businesses because... FlatMatters
 48 years Industry Experience
                                                                             CWA KANGAROO FLAT BRANCH
                                                                              CWA invite local women to join        members are doing in the community. Recent
                                                                              our Branch for fun, friendship and    segments have included easy recipes for
                                                                             community service.                     children to make while at home. These can be
                                                                           Sadly, our CWA Meetings in the           found on our Facebook page.
           Established 1971 / Rec 12281
                                                                  Bendigo Northern Group have been cancelled        Some of the competition entries from the
  Postal: PO Box 1217, Kangaroo Flat, 3555         Commercial
   Email: office@mcclureelectrical.com.au                         until further notice. Members will continue to    Group February half yearly Conference.
                                                   & Industrial
        Phone:   5447 2691                                        make ‘cuddle bears’ which are an ongoing          Winners were Cooking: Leanne, Golden Night
                                                                  craft.                                            and Joyce, Bendigo, Bloom: Ann, Axedale and
                                                                  On the second Wednesday each month,               Joy, Kangaroo Flat, Branch Floral: Bendigo
                                                                  Greta Balsillie, President of the Kangaroo Flat   and Kangaroo Flat, Craft: Noma, Bendigo and
                                                                  Branch, has a segment on Phoenix FM 106.7         Lois Kangaroo Flat.
                                                                  at 11.20am, discussing CWA and what the           We’d like to share a quick recipe:

BAR • BISTRO • TAB                           Tel: 03 5447 1214      3 INGREDIENT FRUIT CAKE
FAMILY FUNCTIONS                            Fax: 03 5447 0944       Whilst the recipe calls for Black Tea, you      Preheat oven to 125C. Soak fruit in tea
WEDDINGS                                  kfsc@netcon.net.au
                                                                    can substitute with Iced Coffee flavoured       overnight. Stir flour into soaked fruit and
                                                                    milk, Orange Juice, Apple Juice, Chocolate      mix well. Add more tea if the mixture is too
  N o n P ro f i t O r g a n i s a t i o n                          Milk, Pineapple Juice, crushed pineapple or     dry. It is quite a thick mixture but sometimes
                                                                    even Marmalade. It is important to follow       the fruit really absorbs the liquid and it is
                                                                    the instructions and soak the fruit for 24      hard to dampen the flour.
                                                                    hours prior to baking as this softens the
                                                                    fruit.                                          Spoon mixture into a 22cm lined cake tin.
                                                                                                                    Bake for 2 ½ hours or until cooked through.
                                                                    1 kg mixed fruit
                                                                                                                    Remove and leave to cool. Wrap in tin foil
                                                                    3 cups black tea                                or place in an airtight container. Keeps for
                                                                    3 cups self-raising flour                       a month.

                                                                  Kangaroo Flat Branch enquiries, Greta on 5443 4803.
                                                                  For more information or enquiries see CWAbendigonortherngroup on Facebook for updates
  50 5 H igh S t re e t , G o l d e n S q u a re                  about meetings and functions.
  P h o ne : 5 4 4 7 0 5 5 7

Michael Keena, Managing Director
Bachelor of Business (Accounting)
Graduate Diploma of Taxation,
Diploma of Financial Planning, FCPA

1/227 Barnard Street, Bendigo 3550
Tel: (03) 5444 0700 Fax: (03) 5444 0600
Mail: P O Box 1206, Kangaroo Flat 3555
Email: michael.keena@kjaaccountants.com.au

        195 High Street, Kangaroo Flat
                       5447 0927
               Brian and Lyn Leidle
            your local funeral directors.


JUST             $50 PER MONTH
Email : flatmtrs@tpg.com.au
FlatMatters FlatMatters FlatMatters FlatMatters
How much do you love your local café, restaurant,
pub, gym, retailer, hairdresser, beautician, market
or florist?
What about your local sporting club, school,
community group and neighbourhood?
Now, more than ever before, it is time to love your   a locally-bought gift or buying a gift voucher to
local, which is why the City of Greater Bendigo       use later.
has launched the new Love Your Local campaign         “You can also ‘follow’ and ‘like’ your favourite
to drive social and economic recovery in our          small business online or leave a positive review
community following COVID-19.                         and share your love with others. This costs                                                                                   Helm Street
                                                      nothing, builds a sense of community pride and                                                                              Kangaroo Flat
Mayor Cr Margaret O’Rourke said COVID-19
                                                                                                                                                                                     5406 1200
changed life as we knew it but a new normal was       lets our local business owners know how much
starting to unfold.                                   they are valued. Your positive feedback is also     •    Medical practice                                       •     Counselling and
                                                                                                               (GPs at four sites)                                          mental health
                                                      another way they can attract new customers.         •    Men’s health                                           •     Alcohol and other
“As we start to emerge from home isolation and                                                            •    Women’s health                                               drugs treatment and
business hibernation, it is important that we         “Greater Bendigo has done a wonderful job of        •    Allied health (including                                     withdrawal programs
                                                                                                               podiatry, chronic disease                              •     NDIS services
make the effort to reconnect with each other and      staying home to stay safe, and in doing so we’ve         and respiratory                                        •     My Aged Care services
                                                      missed our local sport, volunteering, seeing the         management)
support our business community however we                                                                 •    Child and family services
                                                                                                                                                                              Connect with us at
can,” Cr O’Rourke said.                               people we love in person and, for some of us,       •    Settlement services
                                                                                                          •    Sexual health
                                                      being able to attend work.
“We can help do this by buying a couple of
coffees, heading out to brunch or lunch with a        “We know the threat of COVID-19 is still among
friend, updating our wardrobe, getting a haircut,     us so we must be careful, but as we start to
shopping at a local market, joining or re-joining a   move around more let’s all do our bit to help our
gym when they re-open, surprising someone with        economy and community and Love Your Local.”

   By Caitlyn Bowe                                    Pronation is a term used in the medical
   N8 Health                                          profession to describe a tri-planar
                                                      movement of the feet when you walk.
                                                      The movement pronation is where the
                                                      tarsal bones of your foot splay/rotate,
                                                      and your arch may drop in height. This
                                                      is commonly mistaken for the term ‘flat
                                                      foot’ which is where your arch height                                                                                    David Griffin
                                                      structurally sits lower.                                                                                               Franchise Owner

                                                      A small amount of pronation is a                                                                          Clark Rubber Bendigo
   Many factors determine the footwear that           normal movement and is required for                                                               6-32 Marong Road
   you wear every day. Whether it be your             shock absorption, however, when feet                                                               Bendigo Vic 3550
   occupation, the look of the shoe, how it           excessively pronate this leads to muscle                                                    Telephone: 03 5442 2844
   feels, the material, the weather or your           overuse and foot/leg pain can occur.                                                         Facsimile: 03 5442 2108
   recreational activities. All of these factors                                                                                               bendigo@clarkrubber.com.au
   determine the style and type of footwear           So, what has pronation got to do with
                                                      the shoes you wear? Well some of your                                                       www.clarkrubber.com.au
   that you buy.
                                                      pronation can be reduced or controlled
   It is important to differentiate between the
                                                      with supportive shoes. So logically if you
   types of footwear and to look at what is
                                                      are suffering from foot/leg/knee pain you                                                 ADVERTISEMENT
   best for your feet, health and well-being.
                                                      may require more supportive footwear to
   Let’s make a few things clear: there is a
                                                      improve your pain.
   difference between a soft padded shoe
   and a supportive shoe. Just because a              People that still suffer foot pain when
                                                                                                          Listening Post held in Castlemaine last
   shoe is padded and soft, does not make             wearing supportive shoes may then                   Friday of the Month 10am to 2pm.
   it supportive. Just because a boot may be          require orthotics. Fortunately, many                Please phone for appointment.
   higher up on your ankle, does not make             different types of footwear r now have
   it necessarily more supportive. These are          some supportive features to reduce                  8 Panton Street, Golden Square VIC 3555
                                                                                                          P: 5444 4125      @mareeedwardsmp mareeedwardsmp
   among the many misconceptions of our               pronation, however, all brands also make            www.mareeedwards.com.au
   footwear.                                          non supportive footwear. Therefore, it                     Authorised by M Edwards, 8 Panton Street, Golden Square.
                                                                                                                           Funded from Parliamentary Budget

   Not everyone needs a supportive shoe;              is important to be able to differentiate
   however, if you have a history of foot             between supportive and non-supportive
   pain or a functional issue with your gait          footwear.
   then more supportive shoes may be                  If you are suffering with foot or lower
   recommended by your podiatrist or health
   practitioner. For foot and leg pain sufferers,
                                                      limb pain, please seek a Podiatrist for a               ADVERTISE HERE FOR
                                                      professional assessment and diagnosis.
   sometimes just a simple footwear change
   may significantly improve your pain.
                                                      The Podiatry Team at n8 health Group, 505
                                                      High St. Golden Square can provide you                  JUST                $50 PER MONTH
   Here is an insight to why you may need             with professional advice about footwear
   a shoe that is more supportive. Many               and we are enabled for telehealth                    Email : flatmtrs@tpg.com.au
   Australians have feet that pronate.                appointments.
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