The Bells of St. Mary's Cathedral - St. Mary's Cathedral - Grand Island, NE

Page created by Tommy Sanders
The Bells of St. Mary's Cathedral - St. Mary's Cathedral - Grand Island, NE
Welcome               The Bells of
January 2 2022    St. Mary’s Cathedral
Weekly Bulletin

                             St. Mary’s Cathedral 112 South Cedar
                            Grand Island NE 68801 (308)384-2523
               Twitter: stmarysgi Facebook:
                         (@stmarysgi) YouTube: St. Mary’s Cathedral,
                                         Grand Island NE
                          Live Stream Sunday Mass 8:30 am Spanish
                                        10:30 am English
The Bells of St. Mary's Cathedral - St. Mary's Cathedral - Grand Island, NE
Mass & Calendar                                         January 2 2022                                                     Page 2
                Mass/Misa Schedule & Intentions                                    Prayer Requests for the Bulletin and
                                                                                        Prayer Chain Information
     Day/Date           Time              Name of Intention
                                                                   Please remember the following in your prayers:
Mo. 1/3                7:00 am           Fr. Joseph Broudou        Andy Grejill Steve Milbourn, Carrie Nagal, Norma
Tu. 184                7:00 am            Bill & Jude Lammert      Hamilton, L.S., Karen P., Diana Guerrero, Camila
                                                                   Guerrero, Marge Kemerling, Remigio Perez, Daria
We. 1/5                7:00 am              Agnes Lempke †         Cervantes, Caroline Goc, Pedro Fernandez Sr.,
We. 1/5(Sp)            5:15 pm               Merced Cano †         Jessica Esquivel, Kathy Dennhardt, Michael
                                                                   Carpenter, Tony Bober, LB, Kelli Bober, Enrique Alvarez Sr,
Th. 1/6                7:00 am    Deacon Robert & Susan Puhalla††
                                                                   Peggy Sullivan, Kim Ryan & family, Sergio Erives, Jr, Donna
Th. 1/6                5:15pm            Intention of the Priest   Ryan, Pam Porter, Joan Sackett, Monia/family, Burnett Children,
                                                                   Kontos Family, Alex Acosta, Fernando Gonzalez, Joe Oberneier,
Fr. 1/7                7:00 am    Living & Deceased members of the
                                                                   Wilber Gomez, Nancy O’Connell, Oscar Medina, Carol
                                          E.J. Sullivan Family
                                                                   Bruggeman, Linda Meyers, Mary Campbell, Teres Garcia, Erma
Fr. 1/7                5:15 pm           Intention of the Priest   Jean Kroeger, Elizabeth Kaufman, Jerome Irlbeck, John
                                                                   Pedrosa, Juan Gerardo Gaspar, Gary Peace, Marsha Alvarez,
Sa. 1/8                7:00 am         Norman Buck & Family †
                                                                   Tony Puente, Jordan Barker, Pedro Fernandez, Deanna Konrad,
Sa. 1/8                4:00 pm             Heidi Jo Uhrich †       Mayilyn Ihnken, Julia Conde. New additions to the prayer list
Sa. 1/8(Sp)            5:30 pm           Intention of the Priest   are in blue. Prayer Request is printed for the bulletin only and
                                                                   is public knowledge, please send request to bulle-
Su. 1/9                7:00 am           Intention of the Priest or call the office 384-2523 Ext. 233. Must
Su. 1/9(Sp)            8:30 am                  Pro Populo         have permission of the person or by a family member. Prayer
                                                                   chain is a private group of people who pray for the request.
Su. 1/9               10:30 am             Milton Alvarado †       Please call/text Joy at 379-4741or Alicia Haussler 308-850-
Su. 1/9(Sp)           12:30 pm                 Maria Mejia †       8460 for our St. Mary’s Prayer Chain. Both are welcome.

Su. 1/9                5:00 pm           Joe & Ken Dubas ††                                    Military Names
                  Collection Report December 19                       We pray for the following parishioners family and friends who
Regular Collection
                                                                      are currently serving in the military: New names in blue
                                                                      Army PFC Ahren Scarrow                   2nd Lt. Sam Cyr
   Due to the deadline of the printing of the bulletin there are no   LCPL Bryan Carrera                     Specialist Francisco Ortiz
                     report for December 26th.                         Pvt Ciara Hernandez                    TSgt Joshua D Busch
                                                                      LCDR Michel D. Janda                   SSgt Gustavo Zavala USMC
          The update report will be in January 9th Thank you.         SSG Rico Z. Puente                     CPL Tyler Kluthe
                                                                      SPC Amy Schneider                      Captain Jordan Hughes
                  New Diocesan Appeal 2021-2022                       SPC. Jessica Paup                      WO TJ Cameron
                                                                      HM2 Andrew Dodendorf                   Lt. Col Sam Schneider
   Our Parish Goal                                                    Specialist Chad Holmes                 Sgt. Noel Jones
       $64,625                                                        Commander Douglas E. Kennedy SR Alexander N. Borland
                                                                      USMC Sgt. Brandon T. Russell           MSgt. Timothy Mahoney
                                                                      If you know someone who is in the military and would like to
                                                                      have their name included in this space please email the
                                                                       information to: with name and rank.
Total Pledge: $44,100               Total Received: $36,865                                   Confession times
                                                                                     Confessions are offered every Saturday 11:15
 Donor Goal: 270                 Current No. of Donors: 190                          am –12:15 pm in the Church. Confessions are
                        January 2 –Vocations                                         offered both in the Confessional and in the
                                                                                     pews – depending upon the priest. Look for the
“Opening their treasure chests, they offered Him gifts.” Are you                     light on for the confessional or look for the priest
beginning to see your life as a gift to be given to the Lord as a     sitting near the confessionals. Please stand a distance from
priest, deacon, religious sister or brother?                          those who are confessing to assure their privacy. Confessions
Contact the Vocation Office at at (308) 234-1539 or email:            are offered on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 4:45 pm .                                             until 5:10 pm prior to the evening masses.
The Bells of St. Mary's Cathedral - St. Mary's Cathedral - Grand Island, NE
Calendar /Ministry Schedule                                                                                                       Page 3
                        Upcoming Events                                               Sunday of the Month Ministry Schedule
                        Monday, January 3                                                     (January 8/9 Sunday)

7 am Mass (English)                                                                  Saturday – January 8- 4 pm Mass English
10 am El Pescador                        7 pm Pax Christi Rosary           Altar Server:
                        Tuesday, January 4                                 Lectors: J. Holys
                                                                           Eucharist Minister: B. Durham, J. Wojcik
7 am Mass (English)                                                        Ushers: G. P., J. Bixenmann, S. McMahan
  6 pm El Pescador                                    6:30 pm RCIA
6 pm CDA #1263                                   7 pm Divine Mercy                 Saturday – January 8- 5:30 pm Misa (Español)
                      Wednesday, January 5                                 Monaguillos:
                                                                           Lector/a: I. Marcos
7 am Mass (English)                                                        Ministro Comunión: E. Gomez
Noon –1 pm Confession                                                      Ujier:
4:45 pm Confession/Confesiones
5:15 pm Mass (English)               6:30 pm Spanish Prayer                           Sunday – January 9- 7 am Mass English
6:15 pm Rel Education 7th-2th - GICC                                       Altar Server: Open
6:30 pm Rel Education K-6th Parish Hall                                    Lectors: D. Varley
                       Thursday, January 6                                 Eucharist Minister: C. Ponec, M. Stoltenberg
                                                                           Ushers: M. Carreon, M. Schneider, J. Walkowiak
7 am Mass (English)                               10 am El Pescador
4:45 pm Pro Life Rosary                          3:30 pm Holy Hour                 Sunday – January 9 - 8:30 am Misa (Español)
4:45 pm Confession/Confesiones                                             Monaguillos:
5:15 pm Mass (English)                             6 pm El Pescador        Lector/a: B. Castellanos
                         Friday, January 7                                 Ministro Comunión: D. Villegas, E. Ramos
                                                                           Ujier: H. Castellanos, B. Castellanos, E. Melendez, I. Castorena,
7 am Mass (English)                          First Friday                  J. Abarca, L. Reyes, S. Ruiz
4:50 pm First Friday Rosary    1:30 pm Divine Mercy Set up
4:45 pm Confession/Confesiones                                                     Sunday – January 9– 10:30 am Mass English
5:15 pm Mass (Español)                  7 pm Divine Mercy         Altar Server:
                       Saturday, January 8                        Lectors: B. Mallett
                                                                  Eucharist Minister: E. Cornelius
7 am Mass (English)                   8 am Divine Mercy Food Sale Usher: T. Yax, T. Kontos, L. Cornelius
10am Sp Choir Pr
11:15 am Confession/Confesiones                                                   Sunday – January 9—12:30pm Misa (Español)
 4 pm Mass (English)                                                       Monaguillos:
5:30 pm Misa (Español)                                                     Lector/a: M. Dominguez
                        Sunday, January 9                                  Ministro Comunión: J. Mejia, J. J. Mejia
                                                                           Ujier: B. Marquez, A. Blanco. A. Nicola, A. Ramirez,
7 am Mass (English)                                 10 am RICA             E. Aldaba, E. Esquivel, J. Nicolas
8:30 am Misa (Español)                   2:30 pm Sacristan Class Sp
10:30 am Mass (English)                          4 pm El Pescador                     Sunday – January 9 -5 pm Mass English
12:30 pm Misa (Español)                                                    Altar Server:
5 pm Mass (English)                                    7 pm Bingo          Lectors: E. Heckman
                       Reflection question:                                Eucharist Minister: A. Nowicki B. Mrkvicka
     What can I do this week to come to know God better?                   Ushers: V. Sanchez, A. Gericke, R. Gericke
Collect text from the English translation of The Roman Missal, ©                              Sacraments Information
    2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy                     Children's Baptism: parents are required to attend a
Corporation. All rights reserved. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Company, Inc.       Baptism Preparation class. Pre-Registration is required.
              Heat and Air Conditioning Collection                              English class: 2nd Monday of each month 6:30 pm
                                                                                   Spanish class: 4th Sunday of each month 2 pm
         Today is our monthly second collection. This collection           Marriage: Contact a priest directly at least 4 months in
         is set aside for new Heating and Air Conditioning for the         advance of proposed wedding date. Deposit required.
         Cathedral church. Thank you for your support.
                                                                                  Questions please call the parish office 384-2523
The Bells of St. Mary's Cathedral - St. Mary's Cathedral - Grand Island, NE
News                                                                                                                          Page 4
                    Fr. Canela’s Message                                            Sr. Maikelyn—Director of Religious Ed
                                                                                               Classes resume January 5th
          Brothers and Sisters, Happy New Year and a blessed                        Don’t forget to send you child with a facemask to
          Epiphany!                                                                                   Religious Ed.
                                                                                Hna Jesusmaikelyn De La cruz Religious Education Coor-
           I hope that you all had a wonderful celebration of our       dinator Questions: Sr. Jesusmaikelyn De La Cruz 384-2523 ext.
Lord's birth and pray for a year of peace and prosperity in 2022.               213 Sr. Jesusabigail Alavez, Asst to DRE ext 219
                                                                         Office Hours: Tues-Thursday 2 pm-4:30 pm/ or by appointment
Today we celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord in which God’s
revealed to us. God is revealed in human form; God is revealed to                                              Urgent call for
all nations. God is revealed as the light of the world. The Magi                                             prayer and fasting
represents all of us, the people of the world, and reveals to us
                                                                                                                 to protect
that Jesus has come not only as the Messiah of the Jewish
                                                                                                                the unborn!
people but as the Savior of the whole world. And we must                                                       Supreme Court is
cultivate the attitude of the Magi. They recognized their need for       Ways to prayerfully
God. Let us imitate the Magi by our fidelity to holy Mass, by our        make a difference...                  Dobbs v. Jackson
daily prayer, and my adoration of the Most Holy Eucharist. If we                                                Women’s Health
don’t have gifts to give him, let us give him our love and allow our     Pray daily for the Court to
                                                                         uphold Dobbs v. Jackson                   Lord, hear us!
love to be his manager and always love baby Jesus.
                                                                         -Pray frequently for the                Lord, have mercy
I want to thank you all very much for your prayers, gifts, cards,        Court to exercise their                       on us!
and well-wishes at Christmas. I truly appreciate your kindness,          responsibility as they stand             Lord, save your
thoughtfulness, and generosity. I hope and pray that you also had        before God, the Lord and                     people!
                                                                         giver of life.
a festive, enjoyable, and restful time with family and friends. Also,
                                                                         -Pray for your own
special thanks to the church decorators, musicians, lectors,
                                                                         conversion to a deeper
sacristans, ushers, altar servers, and ministers of Holy                 understanding and
Communion for making all of these Christmas celebrations                 reverence for ALL human                Bishop Joseph Hanefeldt
meaningful. Thank you to all who participated.                           life.
I also want to recognize the generosity of all those who donate to       -Weekly offer works of
                                                                         mercy or engage in acts of
purchase the new image of our lady of Guadalupe for our                  charity in the service of
Cathedral. Thank you for your generosity.                                human life.
Together with Fr. V, and Fr. Broudou, and all the staff of St.           -On First Fridays fast and
Mary’s Cathedral, we wish you a holy, happy, peaceful, and               pray the rosary for the
                                                                         conversion of all those
joy-filled New Year.                                                     practicing and promoting
Happy New Year 2022!                                                     abortion.
With Love, Fr. Canela                                                    -Accept suffering and
                                                                         hardship in your own life to
                 Catholic Daughters Meeting                              make reparation for the
                                                                         lives destroyed through
The Catholic Daughters Court Ave Maria #1263 will meet                   abortion.
Tuesday, January 4th, 2022 at 6 pm. at Cathedral Square. All
Catholic women, 18 yrs and older are invited to attend. Contact
Pat McHugh 308-391-1060.                                                                   "Freedom from Smoking"
                                                                        CHI Health is offering a "Freedom from Smoking" tobacco
                                                                        cessation class. The first session taking place from 4-5:30 pm on
                                                                        Tuesday, January 11 in Conference Room 6 AB at St. Francis
                                                                        Freedom from Smoking" is taught by American Lung Association
                              Parking                                   trained instructors. During this seven week, eight session
                                                                        program, attendees will receive a participant workbook that
We are upon the season of winter and snow.
                                                                        covers topics such as knowing if you're ready to quit tobacco,
We are asking everyone to please do not park over
                                                                        lifestyle changes, coping strategies, stress management tools, and
the parking curb by the sidewalks. We need to clear
                                                                        preparing for Quit Day.
the sidewalks and the bumpers of the cars may be
                                                                        The program is free. Registration is encouraged by Monday,
in the way of the snow blower.
                                                                        January 10. Contact Jenny Roush at 308-398-8912.
The Bells of St. Mary's Cathedral - St. Mary's Cathedral - Grand Island, NE
Parish News                                                                                                                       Page 5
                            GICC News                                                            Pick of the week
                                                                          Go to
                                                                       The Epiphany of the Lord (Year C)
                                                                       On this day we encounter the Magi
                                                                       coming from the East to worship the
                                                                       baby Jesus.
                                                                       What were the Magi? And why did they
                                                                       travel so far to find the Child King?
                                                                       What did these "foreigners" see that eluded the leaders and
                                                                       people of Israel?
                       Prayer for the Week
                    The Epiphany of the Lord                                In marriage, communication is more than just talking.
                   At the Mass during the Day
                                                                          At some point, did you stop sharing about the things that were
                     O God, who on this day
                                                                                      important to you? Did your spouse?
        revealed your Only Begotten Son to the nations
                                                                         Improving a marriage takes time and a conscious effort to learn
                    by the guidance of a star,
                                                                        about your spouse. Growing closer in a marriage does not hap-
                        grant in your mercy
                                                                        pen automatically. Retrouvaille is a marriage program dedicated
            that we, who know you already by faith,
                                                                       to helping couples grow closer and develop a stronger bond. You
   may be brought to behold the beauty of your sublime glory.
                                                                       give your heart and soul to everything you do, between your work
           Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
                                                                           and your family. Are you giving your heart and soul to your
                 who lives and reigns with you
                                                                          marriage? Sometimes the distance between a husband and a
                  in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
                                                                       wife can seem so wide that it cannot be repaired. Retrouvaille is a
                      God, for ever and ever.
                                                                       marriage program designed to bring couples closer together. For
                    2022 St. Mary’s Calendar                                more information about a Retrouvaille Weekend Program
St. Mary’s Cathedral Calendar are                                             February 11-13 2022 to register call 1-800-470-2230 0r
available on the ledge. We have them                         , last day to sign up
in English and Spanish. Please take                                                            January 30th 2022
one home with you. Thank you to our                                                    Weekly Specials at the Thrift Store
sponsors, Curran Funeral Home,
                                                                                             Special for January 3-8
Knights of Columbus and Oro-Mex
Jewelers.                                                                            Everything in the store 75% off
                                                                                    Mon, Wed 1-4 pm Saturday 10 am-3 pm
                       Reflection question
                                                                                   Call Ann before you drop off your donations 308-391-1527
        What can I do this week to come to know God better?                         What is “The Epiphany of Our Lord Jesus Christ” ?
 Collect text from the English translation of The Roman Missal, ©
      2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy                Gifts are everywhere at this time of year.
     Corporation. All rights reserved. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Company, Inc. Christmas gifts. Hostess gifts. Hidden gifts.
                                                                              Wrong-size gifts. Unexpected gifts.
         Can you help us with: EM’s, Lectors, and Ushers                      Unwanted gifts. Unreciprocated gifts. And
We are in need of more Eucharist Ministers, Lectors, and Ushers in today's readings we hear about even
at all the English masses. If you can help us at least once a                 more gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
month it would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Bob Mallet But we know intuitively (or, one hopes,
at 605-880-3074 for Lectors. Eucharist Minister/Ushers Barbara eventually!) that gifts are symbols of
                                                                              something much deeper and less tangible.
at the parish office 308-384-2523 ext233. Thank you
                                                                       The gift of God's Son is, of course, at the heart of our Christmas
                                                                       festivities. We are not--and never--alone, because "God is with
                                                                       us." (Thus the name Emmanuel.) But wait, that's not all!
                                                                       The liturgy reminds us over and over that this is a "holy
                                                                       exchange." As Christ came to share in our humanity, we come to
                                                                       share in his divinity.
                                                                       The full significance of that mystery is a gift we have yet to unwrap
The Bells of St. Mary's Cathedral - St. Mary's Cathedral - Grand Island, NE
Spiritual/Staff Rooster                                                                                                             Page 6
                        Today’s Readings                                       PARISH STAFF/ ADMINISTRACIÓN PARROQUIAL
First Reading — Rise up in splendor, Jerusalem! The LORD                               (308) 384-2523/ (308) 384-2527 (fax)
shines upon you and the glory of the Lord appears over you              
(Isaiah 60:1-6).                                                                Facebook: St. Mary’s Cathedral Grand Island Ne
Psalm — Lord, every nation on earth will adore you (Psalm 72).            The Parish Office Hours: Monday—Thursday 8:30am – 4:30 pm
Second Reading — The mystery has been made known that the                 Pastor: Rev. Jorge Canela, ext 201
Gentiles are coheirs, copartners in the promise in Christ Jesus              Associate Pastor Rev. Thomas “V” Vijumon Choorackal
through the gospel (Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6).                                      ext 204
Gospel — Magi from the east arrived, saying, “Where is the
newborn king of the Jews?” (Matthew 2:1-12).                               Associate Pastor/Pastoral Ministry Rev. Joseph G. Broudou
                                                                              ext 208
                     JOURNEY TOWARD GOD
                                                                           Parish Administrator/Bookkeeper: Mrs. Judy Priess, ext 214
In our celebration of the Epiphany, two interwoven themes are                   
present in the readings today. God is beginning something new,
and God gathers all of humanity to participate. For Isaiah, God’s                      Director of Religious Education/Youth
bright light, manifested in the people of Israel, attracts and                 Sr. Jesusmaikelyn, ext 213
summons people from many nations to Jerusalem. In the letter to                      Sr. Jesusabigail Alavez, Asst to DRE ext 219
the Ephesians, God’s grace makes the Gentiles co-heirs and                             Secretary: Ms. Bertha Calderon ext. 220
co-partners in the gospel. Matthew tells the story of the fulfillment               
of God’s promises to Israel through the birth of Jesus, and
simultaneously leading foreigners to share in these same                          Sacramental Record: Mrs. Patty Zuniga, ext 221
promises. With the birth of Jesus, God chose a particular people,                 
in a particular time and place, to enter most directly into the                      Hispanic Ministry: Sr. Jesusmerling, ext 212
human story. Today’s readings teach that God did this in order to               
gather all people, all cultures, into unity with God. Like the magi,
we are drawn into a journey toward God, becoming co-partners in           Communication Ministry/Bulletin Editor: Mrs. Barbara Bosak,
God’s work. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.                                               ext 233
                Saints and Special Observances                                        Music Coordinator: Mrs. Kristen Schutte
Sunday: Epiphany of the Lord;                                                             Ext 232
National Migration Week                                                            Maintenance Director: Mr. Bob Meyer ext 226
Monday: The Most Holy Name of Jesus                                              
Tuesday: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Wednesday: St. John Neumann                                                           Mary’s Closet: Ms. Ann Baker, 391–1527
Thursday: St. André Bessette                                                       
Friday: St. Raymond of Penyafort; First Friday                                                SMIP (Immigration Office)
Julian Calendar Christmas                                                         St. Mary’s Immigration Office– 308-381-2855
                 TRADITIONS UNCOVER MEANING                                     205 S. Cedar (Pink building) —By Appointment Only
Two traditional rituals, one liturgical and one domestic, help                                          Daycare
underline the meaning of the Epiphany. The Proclamation of the                Cathedral Daycare Director: Dodi Ouderkirk , 398-4047
Date of Easter is an option for inclusion at Mass today. This text             
which formally announces the dates of the upcoming major feast
days reminds us that Christmas is best honored in the context of          St. Mary’s Cathedral Eucharistic Adoration Prayer Intentions
the whole story of salvation that culminates in Easter. Or as             Vocations. That many people may hear the call of Christ and follow
writer Nathan Mitchell reflects, the wood of the crib becomes the         Him in the priesthood and religious life.
wood of the cross.                                                        Pro Life. That all people will come to value human life as God’s
The second tradition connected to Epiphany is the blessing of the         precious gift to be accepted and loved rather than a burden to be
door of one's home with chalk. It includes a prayer for protection         destroyed.
for all who enter therein. One explanation of this tradition ties it to                      Holy Father’s Prayer January
the Passover in the Book of Exodus: the marking of the doorposts
with the blood of the lamb kept the Israelites safe. This tradition       For true human fraternity: We pray for all those suffering from
too offers a connection between Christmas and Easter.                     religious discrimination and persecution; may their own rights and
As we continue to mine the richness of this season we hum along           dignity be recognized, which originate from being brothers and
with the angels, Gloria in excelsis Deo!                                  sisters in the human family.
The Bells of St. Mary's Cathedral - St. Mary's Cathedral - Grand Island, NE
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                                                                                                                             Home Décor, Plants,
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Anuncios en Español                                                                                                      Page 8
         Mensaje Del Padre Canela                                    Selección de la semana :
                                                                                Go to
Hermanos y hermanas, ¡Feliz año nuevo                              La Biblia y la Virgen María:
y bendita Epifanía!                                                recorriendo las Sagradas
Espero que todos hayan tenido una maravillosa celebración del      Escrituras
nacimiento de nuestro Señor y oren por un año de paz y             *Con Subtitulos en Español*
prosperidad en 2022.                                               Journey Through Scripture (El Camino a Través de las Escrituras)
                                                                   es el programa dinámico de estudio de Biblia de St. Paul Center
Hoy celebramos la Epifanía del Señor en la que Dios se deleitó
                                                                   diseñado para ayudar Católicos ordinarios a crecer en su
con nosotros. Dios se revela en forma humana; Dios se revela a
todas las naciones. Dios se revela como la luz del mundo. Los      conocimiento de las Escrituras al mismo tiempo que profundizan
Magos nos representan a todos nosotros, la gente del mundo y       su entendimiento de las riquezas de nuestra fe. Distintivamente
nos revelan que Jesús ha venido no solo como el Mesías del         Católico, Journey Through Scripture lee la Biblia desde el corazón
pueblo judío, sino como el Salvador del mundo entero. Y            de la Iglesia, usando tanto el Antiguo como el Nuevo Testamento
debemos cultivar la actitud de los magos. Reconocieron su          y relacionándolos entre sí. Tiene su raíz en la historia, aunque de
necesidad de Dios. Imitemos a los Magos por nuestra propia         una manera activa utiliza temas que enfrentan los Católicos hoy
fidelidad a la santa Misa, por nuestra oración diaria y por la     en día. Más que simplemente un estudio ordinario de Biblia, es
adoración de la Santísima Eucaristía.                              una catequesis bíblica.
Quizás no tengamos oro, incienso o mirra para ofrecerle, pero de                 Feliz Dia de los Santos Reyes Magos
verdad amigos míos podemos darle amor y dejar que nuestro                              jueves 6 de enero del 2022
amor sea su pesebre y amar siempre al niño Jesús.                   Señor Jesús: que a imitación de los Magos de Oriente vayamos
Quiero agradecerles mucho a todos por sus oraciones, regalos,       también nosotros frecuentemente adorarte en tu Casa que es el
tarjetas y buenos deseos en Navidad. Realmente aprecio su              Templo y no vayamos jamás con las manos vacías. Que te
amabilidad, y generosidad. Espero y rezo para que también haya        llevemos el oro de nuestras ofrendas, el incensó de nuestra
tenido un tiempo festivo, agradable y de descanso con familiares    oración fervorosa, y la mirra de los sacrificios que hacemos para
y amigos. También, un agradecimiento especial a los                 permanecer fieles a Ti, y que te encontremos siempre junto a tu
decoradores de iglesias, músicos, lectores, sacristanes,              Madre Santísima María, a quien queremos honrar y venerar
acomodadores, monaguillos y ministros de la Sagrada Comunión               siempre como Madre Tuya y Madre nuestra. Amen.
por hacer que todas estas celebraciones navideñas sean
significativas. Gracias a todos los que participaron.                                     Cambios de dirección
También quiero reconocer la generosidad de todos aquellos que        Si hay familias que piensan o ya se han cambiado de dirección
donaron para comprar la nueva imagen de Nuestra Señora de                 y usan sobres para dar sus contribuciones. Se les pide
Guadalupe para nuestra Catedral. Gracias por tu generosidad.          que por favor pasen o llamen a Bertha en la oficina Parroquial,
                                                                       para que ella pueda actualizar el registro de registraciones.
Junto con el P. V, y el P. Broudou y todo el personal de la           Es bien importante tener sus direcciones correctas para que al
Catedral de Santa María, les deseamos un Año Nuevo 2022
                                                                   final de este mes, puedan recibir su carta de contribución anual de
santo, feliz, pacífico y lleno de paz y alegría.
                                                                   Santa María. Pueden llamarle a la oficina parroquial 308-384-2523
¡Feliz año nuevo 2022!                                                         de lunes a jueves solamente de 8am-4:30pm.
Con amor, el P. Canela
¡Feliz Año Nuevo! El inicio de un nuevo año nos trae especial                          Vías de Emergencias:
gozo y esperanza. Es un recordatorio de que el tiempo es un         Se nos  pide que  por favor no bloqueemos las vías rojas de
regalo de Dios, que nos lo da desde Su eternidad, para que nos     emergencia  en el estacionamiento.  Estas vías están allí con el
preparemos para la eternidad. El pasar de cada año y de cada     propósito de dar acceso rápido a nuestras instalaciones (Iglesia y
día debe ser un intercambio con Dios: Él nos da el tiempo, y         Centro Parroquial) en caso de cualquier emergencia. Los
nosotros le regresamos nuestros días y nuestros años en servicio     bomberos o personal médico necesitan tener estas vías
y amor, haciendo el mayor bien posible en el mundo y en la vida       desbloqueadas. Muchas gracias a todos por su amable
de los demás. El Año Nuevo es una oportunidad para hacer el                            comprensión y apoyo.
propósito, por sobre todas las cosas, de servir a Dios con
fidelidad: creyendo más firmemente, esperando más
ardientemente, amando más generosamente. Esto es lo que
                                                                                                                  Feliz Dia
hace a un Año Nuevo “feliz,” y eso es lo que nos lleva a la
felicidad que nunca termina.
                                                                                                                  De Reyes
The Bells of St. Mary's Cathedral - St. Mary's Cathedral - Grand Island, NE
Anuncios en Español                                                                                                       Page 9
           Primera platica pre-bautismal del año 2022
          El domingo 23 de enero es la primera platica
          pre-bautismal del nuevo año. Los interesados en                            Resumen de la clase de educación religiosa
tomar esta platica deben de apuntarse al llamar                                                      el 5 de enero
a la oficina parroquial 308-384-2523 lunes a jueves solamente                 No se olviden de mandar los Niños a la catequesis
de las 8:30am -4:30pm por favor dejen un mensaje con su                      con sus tapabocas. Hna Jesusmaikelyn De La Cruz
nombre y número de teléfono si la persona está ocupada o en                              Coordinadora de Educación
lonche.                                                                   Religiosa Martes a jueves de las 2-4:30pm. 308- 384-2523
                                                                                 extensión 213
Especial de la semana en la segundita                                             Jesusabigai 308- 384-2523 extensión 219
Del 3 al 8 de enero, todo en la tienda con un 75% de descuento.
                                                                       Lista de Deseos Tenemos dos cosas en nuestra lista de deseos.
Horario de atención: de lunes a miércoles de 1 a 4 p. M., Sábados
                                                                       La casa parroquial esta necesitando una nueva lavadora y
de 10 a. M. A 3 p. M. Llame al gerente antes de traer cualquier        secadora de ropa, para esto estamos recaudando
donación de ropa o artículos. 308-391-1527 Ann Baker.                  aproximadamente $1,500. La segunda cosa son muebles para la
¿Eres nuevo en la Parroquia?                                           sala de la rectoría, para esto necesitamos aproximadamente
Te damos una sincera bienvenida a nuestra familia parroquial.          $3,500. Esto sería un total de $5,000. ¿Consideraría usted
También te pedimos que pases a la oficina parroquial hablar con        ayudar con estos regalos de Navidad a su parroquia? Si está
Bertha, para registrarte como feligrés de Santa María.                 interesado en ayudarnos con este proyecto, envié su donativo
Simplemente se pide que llenes una aplicación para activar tu          marcado con “Lista de Deseos de Navidad”. Agradecemos su
                                                                       consideración en este proyecto.
registración. Horarios de servicio lunes a jueves de 8am-4:30pm,
tel.: 308-384-2523.
                                                                       Calendarios de la Parroquia 2022
                 Actualizando Registraciones de                        Los calendarios en inglés o en español de la
                  Miembros de la Parroquia 2022                        parroquia estarán disponibles durante las
      Si usted es un miembro registrado recibiendo nuestras            misas de diciembre 24/25. Por favor tome el
    correspondencias o sobres para dar sus donativos, y se ha          suyo en la parte de atrás o en las entradas.
mudado de domicilio por favor de llamar para actualizar sus datos.     Agradecemos a todos los fieles patrocinadores, La Funeraria/
  Si usted no está registrado, pero está sirviendo de voluntario o     Capilla Curran, Joyería Oro-Mex y Los Caballeros de Colon
 asiste a las celebraciones, por favor pase a la oficina para que lo   #1159.
   podamos registrar. Vamos a pedirle a todas las familias que
   deseen bautizar a sus hijos que por favor se registren como
      miembros de la parroquia. Esto nos ayuda con nuestros
 documentos de sacramentos y en localizar a las familias cuando
sea necesario. Esto también nos facilitara el proceso para nuestro
  próximo directorio parroquial. Si tienen preguntas por favor no
dude en llamar a Bertha en la oficina, ella les podrá explicarle más
          sobre las registraciones 308-384-2523. Gracias.
Formas de hacer la diferencia en oración
-Oren a diario para que el tribunal defienda a Dobbs v. Jackson
-Oren con frecuencia para que la Corte haga su responsabilidad
ante Dios, el Señor y dador de vida.
-Ore por su propia conversión a una comprensión más profunda y
reverencia por toda la vida humana.
-Ofrezca semanalmente obras de misericordia o participe en actos
de la vida humana.
-El primer viernes de mes ayuna y reza el rosario para la
conversación de todos los que practican y promueven el aborto.
-Aceptar el sufrimiento y las dificultades en nuestra propia vida
para repartir las vidas destruidas por el aborto.
-Llamada urgente a la oración y al ayuno para proteger a los no
nacidos. La Corte Suprema está revisando Dobbs v. Jackson
Señor escúchanos. Señor, ten piedad de nosotros. Señor
sálvanos. Obispo Joseph Hanefeldt
The Bells of St. Mary's Cathedral - St. Mary's Cathedral - Grand Island, NE
Parish News                                                                                                                Page 10

El Papa Francisco quiere escuchar a toda las Iglesias en todo el       Pope Francis wants to hear from the whole Church throughout
mundo sobre lo que está sucediendo en las parroquias locales. A él     the world about what is happening in local parishes. He and the
y a los obispos les gustaría saber qué han experimentado las           bishops would like to know what individuals have experienced
personas y que creen que todos deberíamos estar haciendo para          and think we should all be doing to help make our parishes
ayudar a mejorar nuestras parroquias. La forma en que ha               better. The way he has proposed doing this is a synodal
propuesto hacer esto es un proceso llamado Sínodo sobre                process, called the Synod on Synodality. Synod means coming
sinodalidad. Sínodo significa reunirse, y caminar juntos. El proceso   together, walking together, journeying together. The synod
del sínodo implica escuchar al Espíritu Santo y a los demás para       process involves listening to the Holy Spirit and to each other in
encontrar el camino que estamos llamados a caminar juntos como         order to discern the path we are called to walk together as
Pueblo de Dios.                                                        People of God.
El obispo Hanefeldt está pidiendo a las parroquias de la Diócesis de   Bishop Hanefeldt is asking the parishes in the Diocese of Grand
Grand Island que tengan consultas o sesiones de grabación              Island to hold consultations, or listening sessions, at which
anónimas en las que cualquier persona, incluidos los que no son        anyone, including non-Catholics, can share their perspective on
católicos, y de otra religión también pueda compartir su perspectiva   how, locally, we are “journeying together.” A consultation is not a
sobre cómo, a nivel local, estamos “viajando juntos”. Una consulta     teaching experience, it is an opportunity to share ideas and
no es una experiencia de enseñanza, es una oportunidad para            opinions and to listen to one another.
compartir ideas y opiniones y para escucharse unos a otros.
                                                                       You will have the opportunity to participate in a local
Tendrá la oportunidad de participar en una consulta local aquí
                                                                       consultation here at St. Mary’s Cathedral on Thursday,
en la Catedral de Santa María el jueves 27 de enero o el jueves
                                                                       January 27 or Thursday, February 24. Consultation
24 de febrero. Las reuniones de consulta durarán aproximad-
                                                                       meetings will last approximately 90 minutes. Participants will
amente 90 minutos. Los participantes se dividirán en pequeños
                                                                       be divided into small groups to share their experiences.
grupos para compartir sus experiencias.
En este momento, estamos buscando voluntarios para servir como         At this time, we are looking for volunteers to serve as table
facilitadores de mesa y personas que puedan grabar los temas. Si       facilitators and recorders. If you are good at listening or taking
es bueno escuchando o tomando notas, considere dar un paso al          notes, please consider stepping forward. More information may
frente. Puede encontrar más información en nuestra página de web.      be found on our website.
¡Su participación es importante! Esta es su oportunidad de             Your participation matters! This is your opportunity to respond to
responder al pedido del Papa Francisco de soñar que seamos la          the request from Pope Francis to dream about the Church we are
Iglesia que estamos llamados a ser.                                    called to be.
                                                                       Each of the 4 Grand Island parishes are holding consultation
Cada una de las 4 parroquias de Grand Island está llevando a cabo meetings throughout January and February. You may attend any
reuniones de consulta durante enero y febrero. Puede asistir a         of these meetings.
cualquiera de estas reuniones.                                         Once the synod is done locally in each diocese, then move to a
Una vez que el sínodo se realiza a nivel local en cada diócesis,       continental phase, and finally conclude with an assembly of the
después pasara a una fase continental y finalmente concluir con        Synod of the Bishops of Rome.
una asamblea del Sínodo de los Obispos de Roma.                        Best captures what walking together in the church means to
Es lo mejor que captura lo que significa para ellos caminar juntos en them. Tell their story, share their view of faith, and the way you
la iglesia. Cuente su historia, comparta su punto de vista sobre la fe have sought to take their place in the church.
y la forma en que ha buscado ocupar su lugar en la iglesia.
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