Page created by Tommy Sanders
Friday, January 7th, 2022            The Federation’s Politically Independent News Source                       Issue #1420

ILLEGAL ENTRY IN BATH  S   T   O      R      Y                 O      N    P     A     G        E           7

STORY ON PAGE 11 ...                             STORY ON PAGE 3...                    STORY ON PAGE 9...

QUESTIONS SURROUND                               PM: CONSTRUCTION TO                   BRANTLEY: 2022 PROMISES
REOPENING OF SCHOOLS                             BUILD ECONOMIC GROWTH                 TO BE EXCITING

Page:2                             The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday January 7th, 2021   LOCAL NEWS

    St. Kitts and Nevis
       Assumes the
     Chairmanship of
      the Permanent
    Council of the OAS
In a brief virtual inauguration ceremony held on Monday 3rd January,
2022, the Permanent Representative of St. Kitts and Nevis to the
Organization of American States (OAS), H.E. Dr. Everson Hull officially
assumed the Chairmanship of the OAS Permanent Council, until March
31, 2022.
The new Chair, H.E. Dr. Hull in his maiden address highlighted some of
the key achievements of St. Kitts and Nevis in recent years noting, “Prior
to the 2020 pandemic… St. Kitts and Nevis, the smallest sovereign state
in the Western Hemisphere acquitted itself with distinction… St. Kitts
and Nevis recorded, in 2018, the third highest level of per capita income
among sovereign states of the Western Hemisphere.”
He further noted that the outstanding performance of St. Kitts and Nevis
was not a result of happenstance, but “the direct result of building eco-
nomic resilience by efficiently managing its budget, living within its
means, and reeling in its outstanding debt load from 136 percent of GDP
in 2010 to an impressive 40.6 percent in 2020, the lowest among OECS
member states.”
While pledging his commitment to Chair the august body for the first
quarter of 2022, H.E. Dr. Hull, stated, “We have to confront our chal-
lenges together and learn from each other… There is much work ahead
to be done.”
He underscored that it is important for the OAS to examine the root
causes, why member countries are “trapped at a low average annual per
capita income level of US$15,727”, noting that this contributes signifi-
cantly to the human capital flight that is being experienced in some parts
of the Western Hemisphere. He stressed, “Performance matters and mat-
ters a great deal.”
He therefore advised, “Performance scorecards on changes in productiv-
ity, changes in income levels, changes in debt ratios, changes in foreign
direct investment and changes in imports of goods and services are criti-
cally important” if the region is to propel forward.
He further emphasized that in the pursuit of democracy, which is a ma-
jor pillar of the OAS, member states must pay keen attention to three
causal factors influencing changes in democracy that have been identi-
fied by the World Bank; 1. Control over Corruption, 2. Political Stability,
and 3. Voice and Accountability. He admonished that these contraction-
ary forces can adversely impact the resilience, which the OAS seeks to
St. Kitts and Nevis will serve as the first of five successive CARICOM
member Chairs over the next 15 months, which is deemed as a unique
opportunity for CARICOM to advance its collective interests at the OAS.
The Permanent Council of the OAS reports directly to the OAS General
Assembly. The Permanent Council keeps vigilance over the mainte-
nance of friendly relations among the member states and for that pur-
pose, effectively assists them in the peaceful settlement of their disputes.
It carries out those decisions of the General Assembly or the Meeting
of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, the implementation of
which, has not been assigned to any other body. It also watches over the
standards governing the operation of the General Secretariat.
St. Kitts and Nevis joined the 34-member state Organization of American
States on September 16, 1984.
LOCAL NEWS                                         The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday January 7th, 2021                                              Page:3

                            PM: Construction sector to
                            drive double-digit growth

                                                       Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Dr Timothy Harris

By Loshaun Dixon          Timothy Harris, who          minister said that in this   our economy. We have           the people.                 for      lower-income
                          said this is based on        regard, the strong sup-      budgeted $180.9 mil-                                       groups, we welcome
                          government’s projec-         port given by his admin-     lion in capital expendi-       “We will need all of        and support the mid-
The construction sector   tions, and those of inter-   istration to agriculture     ture for the year 2022.”       us working together         range    and     luxury
will be the main driver   national agencies.           and the construction                                        as partners, and I am       developments      being
behind the projected                                   sector will continue in      He said they will not          confident that we shall     undertaken with pri-
double-digit growth for   “This positive growth is     2022.                        lose sight of long term        deliver more working        vate sector partners.”
St Kitts and Nevis in     a corollary of the deci-                                  issues confronting the         together.”
2022.                     sion my administration       “My government will          federation, noting that                                    He said the public-
                          has taken in fulfilment      continue working will        the issues of slowing          Dr Harris said the          private sector partner-
That is according to      of the pledge and prom-      all stakeholders and en-     productivity, growth,          planned outlay bodes        ship will help them
Prime Minister and        ise of a stronger, safer     tities to consolidate the    climate change and the         well for the construc-      to achieve the growth
Minister of Finance, Dr   future.” The prime           continuing recovery of       ever-changing global           tion sector this year.      needed to assist and
                                                                                    financial architecture,                                    create jobs, and gener-
                                                                                    must be considered             “This sector by design      ate wealth for citizens
                                                                                    and addressed.                 is one of the pillars of    and residents.
                                                                                                                   the stronger economy.
                                                                                    “Therefore, in 2022,           The undertakings of         “We have a bright fu-
                                                                                    we will increase our           my       administration     ture filled with new
                                                                                    strategic and direct           in this new year will       opportunities. We have
                                                                                    investment in our peo-         stimulate this impor-       always been resilient
                                                                                    ple, into infrastructural      tant sector.”               and innovative people.
                                                                                    development and insti-                                     It is that innovation
                                                                                    tutional strengthening,        He added that in ad-        and resilience we must
                                                                                    thereby propelling our         dition to building and      continue to employ in
                                                                                    country towards the            repairing public infra-     the face of the current
                                                                                    achievement of our de-         structure, the govern-      challenges. It is what
                                                                                    velopment goals.”              ment will facilitate        we need to find niches
                                                                                                                   several housing and         and opportunities for
                                                                                    He urged the full sup-         infrastructure projects.    our continued ad-
                                                                                    port of the private sec-                                   vancement, despite liv-
                                                                                    tor in order to deliver an     “While the NHC con-         ing with COVID-19.”
                                                                                    even stronger econom-          tinues to strive for big-
                                                                                    ic growth scorecard for        ger and better housing
Page:4                             The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday January 7th, 2021                                                                   LOCAL NEWS

                       EDITORIAL                                                      West Indies
             The                                                                  reschedule Tour to
        monumental                                                                South Africa ahead
          struggle                                                                  of ICC Women’s
                                                                                  Cricket World Cup
         continues                                                       West Indies Women’s team will play                        has been a lot of hard work and col-
                                                                         four One-Day International (ODI)                          laboration with our friends at Cricket
There has never been doubt or any measure of ambiguity in our position against South Africa Women in                               South Africa regarding this tour and
with respect to vaccination. From the beginning, we have made it clear Johannesburg from January 28 to                             we are very pleased that we have
that the advice and guidance provided by reputable scientists and health February 6 as part of their preparations                  been able to confirm this rescheduled
experts should not be ignored.                                           for the ICC Women’s Cricket World                         ODI Series, allowing us to play vital
                                                                         Cup. Ahead of the first ODI West                          high-level international competition
The dawning of 2022 has seen an increasing number of Covid-19 cases, Indies will have a warm-up match                              and complete preparations ahead of
with the highly transmissible Omicron coronavirus variant creating a against a South Africa XI on January                          the ICC Women’s Cricket World
greater sense of urgency worldwide. The numbers are staggering.          25.                                                       Cup. We are extremely grateful to
                                                                                                                                   both CSA’s and CWI’s operational
Many countries are returning to dreaded lockdowns and stringent pro-           Cricket West Indies (CWI) and Cricket               and medical teams for their efforts
tocols are reemerging. Business activity in several countries has been         South Africa (CSA) on Wednesday                     in confirming the schedule and we
restricted.                                                                    confirmed a revised schedule as both                look forward to an exciting ODI
                                                                               teams finalize preparations for the ICC             series.’’
In the United States, for example, major airlines this week cancelled          Women’s Cricket World Cup to be
thousands of flights, public transit systems in New York and Washington        played in New Zealand from March 4West Indies Women’s Head Coach
curtailed service because of staffing shortages, and professional sports                                         Courtney Walsh said: “This tour
                                                                               to April 3, 2022. West Indies Women
schedules were upended.                                                        were previously scheduled to play will give us a chance to get some
                                                                                                                 cricket in before the World Cup es-
                                                                               three (3) T20 Internationals and five
Economic recovery, even with the most optimistic predictions, remains          (5) One Day Internationals againstpecially since we have played less
vulnerable to the coronavirus’s unpredictable trajectory.                      South African Women from January  cricket than than anticipated fol-
                                                                                                                 lowing the cancellation of the ICC
                                                                               15 to February 6. All matches in South
Medical Chief of Staff at the JNF Hospital, Dr Cameron Wilkinson, has                                            Women’s World Cup Qualifier in
                                                                               Africa will be played in a bio-secure
again restated the obvious. He has had to do so because there are still too                                      Zimbabwe. This tour will show us
                                                                               environment at the historic Imperial
many undecided minds that are in essence complicating the efforts to get       Wanderers Stadium in Johannesburg,exactly what we need to fine-tune
a grip on this wearying challenge.                                                                               before departing for New Zealand,
                                                                               a venue close to the teams’ hotel which
                                                                                                                 so that when we get there we can
                                                                               has been secured for exclusive use due
“One of the things that we’ve said all along is that the Federation of St.     to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. hit the ground running and give a
Kitts and Nevis is not immune to what is happening around the globe,                                             proper showing of ourselves on the
and so we said right here that a fourth wave was inevitable; that it was       CWI CEO Johnny Grave said, “There world stage.”
only a matter of time before the Omicron variant came here, and the best
defence we have is to get vaccinated.”

That statement from Dr Wilkinson can be applied to most if not all coun-
tries, but he is speaking to his people, and it’s about time that his people
stop dragging their feet on this issue.
                                                                                                      The Federation’s Politically Independent News Source

If the hardships and restrictions haven’t sent a clear message that things
are different, and that we need to all be on the same page to reverse            St. Kitts			                  		                     Nevis
course effectively, then we can only surmise that selfishness has become         POB 657, Lower Market Street                         #1 Observer Plaza, Observer Drive
an overwhelming part of the general psyche.                                      Basseterre, St. Kitts, W.I.   		                     Charlestown, Nevis, W.I.
                                                                                 Tel.: (869) 466-4994          		                     Tel.: (869) 469-5907
It boggles the mind that there has been so much resistance to life-saving        Fax: (869) 466-4995           		                     Fax: (869) 469-5891
advice. Yes, advice not instruction or demand. There has never been one                        Email:
word expressed in anger about the importance of us all getting vacci-
nated. It has basically been two years of cajoling.
                                                                                              Publisher/Editor-in-Chief: Kenneth Williams
These are not our parents laying down the law. These are people who                              Website:
know the possibly dire consequences of being unprepared, and are beg-
ging those who do not, to take precautionary steps.
                                                                                 Editorial Policy: The Observer reserves the right to edit, rewrite, summa-
We at The Observer will not relent in spreading the message. It is our           rise or reject any unsolicited material. We will assume that all letters ad-
responsibility. Get yourself vaccinated. Encourage your family, friends          dressed to The Observer or its staff are intended for publication unless oth-
and neighbours who have not done so to get vaccinated.                           erwise stated. Letter writers are required to sign their names and are asked
                                                                                 to include a telephone number to allow verification. Views expressed in
We thought that by now we would not have to implore for better judg-             letters, commentaries or personal columns do not necessarily represent the
ment to prevail, but the circumstances indicate differently. It’s a new          viewpoint of this newspaper. Limit submissions to 1000 words
year, but the monumental struggle continues.
LOCAL NEWS                                          The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday January 7th, 2021                                              Page:5

    HPU launches
  campaign and raffle
By Monique Washington      aiming to do, is have        referring others that are
                           persons encourage their      not vaccinated must be
                           friends or their family      fully vaccinated”.
The    Nevis     Health    members to get vacci-
Promotion Unit (HPU)       nated. We know that          She said that the person
has launched its “Let’s    the vaccine provides         referring and the referral
Get Vaxxed referral        another level of pro-        must fill out a form and
drive” and “Let’s Get      tection, along with the      sign it, and they will be
Vaxxed       campaign”     non-pharmaceutical           entered into the raffle.
which target both adults   measures that we have        She added that there
and children who have      been practising such as      are some terms and
not been vaccinated        mask usage, sanitizing,      conditions. The raffle
against COVID-19 as        distancing, proper ven-      began in December and
yet.                       tilation, those things are   will end in February.
                           important.”                  The second aspect,
Speaking            with                                dubbed the “Let’s Get
The     Observer      on   She noted that vacci-        Vaxxed campaign” tar-
Wednesday, Programme       nation is an additional      gets youth from 12-21.
Coordinator in the HPU     tool that can be used to     She revealed that since
of the Nevis Island        protect oneself against      December 21, 2021,
Administration, Nadine     the various COVID-19         there have been 1,298
Carty-Caines,      high-   variants that are out        youth vaccinated, and
lighted the aim of the     there.                       pointed out that indi-
recently launched cam-                                  viduals between the
paigns, firstly explain-   Carty-Caines revealed        ages of 12-17 must
ing the referral drive.    there will be a raffle,      have parents’ consent.
“Basically what we are     and “the person who is       She also highlighted

                                                                                        Programme Coordinator in the Nevis Health Promotion Unit, Nadine Carty-Caines

                                                                                     the rules for the raffle.   it is important that we      much of these infec-
                                                                                                                 increase our reach in        tious diseases that are
                                                                                     “Once they have had         terms of offering this.      prominent in other
                                                                                     their second dose then                                   countries.
                                                                                     they will enter into a      “We hope persons can
                                                                                     raffle. There will be six   see the importance           “The federation’s vac-
                                                                                     draws and each draw         of the vaccine. It of-       cination status is a
                                                                                     will allow someone to       fers protection against      very strong one, and it
                                                                                     win.”                       severe      COVID-19         is an opportunity for us
                                                                                                                 and hospitalization. It      to keep that going, and
                                                                                     The items that will be      does not prevent you         keep the population
                                                                                     raffled are a smart-        from catching it if you      protected.”
                                                                                     phone or tablet of          are not practising the
                                                                                     their choice, air pods      non-pharmaceutical           She said clinics in
                                                                                     or galaxy pods, smart-      measures. It is an ad-       Nevis are open Monday
                                                                                     watch, laptop, Xbox/        ditional boost to your       to Fridays from 8am
                                                                                     PlayStation, Amazon         immune system,” she          -4pm to offer the vac-
                                                                                     gift cards and a 60-        said                         cine, and “we recom-
                                                                                     inch smart TV.                                           mend that you call
                                                                                                                 She added that vac-          ahead to let them know
                                                                                     The         Programme       cines have been given        that you are coming”.
                                                                                     Coordinator     under-      in the federation for a
                                                                                     scored the impor-           number of years.             “Hopefully we will get
                                                                                     tance of youth being                                     persons to get vacci-
                                                                                     vaccinated.                 “We have had the vari-       nated, and increase the
                                                                                                                 ous types of vaccines        protection of all of our
                                                                                     “They are out there.        in our community. We         citizens here on Nevis,
                                                                                     They are in the school      have a very strong vac-      and by extension St
                                                                                     setting. They are at risk   cination program. That       Kitts.”
                                                                                     just like an adult, and     is why you don’t see
Page:6                           The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday January 7th, 2021                                             LOCAL NEWS

           U19 World Cup
          bowls off in SKN
           this weekend
By Loshaun Dixon        at Conaree. Tuesday        players tested posi-
                        will feature Zimbabwe      tive for Covid-19 on
                        versus      Bangladesh     Monday, before arriv-
Warm-up games in at Warner Park and                ing here, and are now
the 2022 ICC U19 Pakistan                against   self-isolating.
Men’s World Cup will Canada at Sandy Point.
bowl off in St Kitts                               Zimbabwe         Cricket
this weekend with Wednesday will see the           confirmed the posi-
games at Warner Park, final warm-ups in St         tive results after PCR
the Conaree Cricket Kitts, with Afghanistan        tests were admin-
Centre and Sandy Point versus the UAE at           istered, and said all       Warm-up games in the 2022 ICC U19 Men’s World Cup will bowl off in St Kitts this
Recreational Ground.    Sandy      Point    and    players who tested                                          weekend
                        England facing Papua       positive were “well and
The first warm-up New Guinea at Warner             asymptomatic”.           the ICC Under-19 Ireland bounced back to the final of the previous
games will be played on Park.                                               Men’s Cricket World triumph in the fourth.            edition in 2020.
Sunday, with Pakistan                              “They are now self- Cup 2022 proper gets
facing      Bangladesh The group games in          isolating and will be underway.”                    The World Cup will see          Zimbabwe are in
at Warner Park and St Kitts will bowl off          re-tested before they                               the top two teams from Group C alongside
Zimbabwe taking on January 15 with games           can join the rest of The           Zimbabwean each of the four groups Afghanistan, Pakistan
Canada at Conaree.      at Warner Park and         the squad in St Kitts squad took part in a advance to the Super and Papua New Guinea
                        Conaree.                   and Nevis where the four-match Under-19 League, while the re-
On Monday, England                                 team will face Canada series with their Irish maining teams feature The tournament will
will go up against The teams that will fea-        and Bangladesh in counterparts            which in the Plate competition. be held from January
Afghanistan at Warner ture in St. Kitts started    official       warm-up ended on Sunday, with                                   14-February 5. Matches
Park, while Papua New arriving on January 2.       matches       scheduled Zimbabwe       winning Bangladesh are the will also be held in
Guinea will face the                               for 9 and 11 January 3-1. Zimbabwe won the defending champions, Trinidad, St Kitts,
United Arab Emirates Four          Zimbabwean      at Basseterre before first three games before having beaten India in Guyana and Antigua.
LOCAL NEWS                                         The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday January 7th, 2021                                                  Page:7

                                  Haitians detained after
                                 unsuccessful illegal entry

                                                            File photo of a previous illegal entry in St Kitts

By Monique Washington            Village. According to a press    in quarantine.” The press re-           By air, it is more difficult for   are involved locally “she
                                 release from the police on       lease also revealed that the            persons to enter.                  said. She emphasized that
                                 Wednesday, “later that same      captain and mate of the vessel                                             any person found harboring
Almost two dozen Haitian         day (Jan 2), seventeen na-       are still at large.                     Bartlette said that they have      illegal migrants will be ar-
migrants were caught this        tionals of Haiti comprising                                              been unsuccessful in find-         rested and charged.
past week in Nevis illegally     eleven males, four females       The Observer spoke with                 ing the people on the ground
and have been placed in quar-    and two juveniles were taken     Senior Immigration Officer              that are involved in trying        When questioned as to what
antine, with the next steps to   into Police custody and are in   on Nevis, Sergeant Paulette             to get the migrants into the       will happen to the Haitian
be determined.                   quarantine. The vessel, which    Bartlette, who said that ille-          country.                           detainees, Bartlette said “we
                                 does not bear a name, was        gal entry into Nevis’s borders                                             cannot say yet. The investi-
On Sunday, January 2, the        also seized.                     happens “a lot”.                        “No one is talking, and it         gation is still ongoing.”
Police were alerted that                                                                                  is making it difficult. That
several persons entered the      “Following an operation con-     “It happens more than twice             is why we need the help            Individuals with informa-
Federation via Nevis ille-       ducted on a home in Nelson’s     a year. Our borders are open            of everybody. If you know          tion about the latest incident
gally, on a vessel that ran      Spring on January 3, an addi-    ,and persons come in anytime            something say something.           or the whereabouts of the
aground at Bath Village.         tional seven persons – two na-   of the day. It is a problem that        Someone might be afraid to         additional persons of inter-
                                 tionals of St. Kitts and Nevis   we have been having dealing             talk to the police, but there      est are asked to contact the
Last year a similar situation    and five nationals of Haiti,     with for a while,” she said.            must be someone in im-             Charlestown Police Station
occurred in St Kitts, when a     two of whom currently reside                                             migration, the government,         by dialing 469-5391, the
number of Haitian nationals      in the Federation – were also    She noted that the illegal en-          that they trust, and can tell      nearest Police Station or the
were apprehended in Keys         taken into custody and placed    try happens mostly by sea.              who these people are who           Crime Hotline at 707.
Page:12                  The St.Kitts
                         The St.Kitts Nevis Observer
                                            Observer -- Friday
                                                        Friday January 7th,10th,
                                                               September    2021 2021   ADVERTISEMENT
                                                                                         LOCAL NEWS


                                      CoNCEPT To

                                   A strong CBI Programme aims to:
                 • Create job opportunities
                 • Upgrade the interior airport terminal building
                 • Complete the construction of the Old Road Bay realignment project
                 • Install a new runway and lighting at the RLB International Airport
                 • Construct more hotels
                 • Construct better roads
                 • Construct the bus terminals
                 • Complete the second cruise pier

          Prosperity for our country, a bright future for our people.
LOCAL NEWS                                        The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday January 7th, 2021                                            Page:9

     Brantley: 2022
      promises to
      be exciting
By Monique Washington             School was completed; and
                                  ground was broken for hous-
                                  ing developments ii Mountain
Premier of Nevis Mark             View Crescent, Sugar Mill
Brantley has promised devel-      Residence, Chimney View
opment in health, education,      Residences,   Bay      View
housing and medicine among        Residences and Cedar View
other things for 2022.            Housing Phase Three.

During his New Year’s Day         The Premier disclosed that
address, the Nevisian Premier     in 2022, the Gingerland
highlighted some of his ad-       Secondary School TVET
ministration’s accomplish-        Centre as well as the
ments in the year just ended,     Alexandra Hospital Wing
and plans for the current one.    will be opened, with the
                                  hospital unveiling a new
“The year 2021 was the year       CT scan machine. He said
of grand opening ceremonies       there will also be the com-                                       Premier of Nevis, Mark Brantley
and unprecedented infrastruc-     missioning of a 250,000-gal-
tural projects. 2022 promises     lon glass fused steel-coated    of the affairs of Nevis. We       frontline workers, security       a need for doctors, nurses,
to be just as exciting and per-   storage tank at the Pond Hill   will continue to give focused     forces, teachers, farmers,        nurses’ aides, bio techni-
haps even more so,” he said.      Reservoir; the Charlestown      attention to the island’s phys-   fisherfolk, public and private    cians, physical therapists,
                                  Secondary School will have      ical and economic infrastruc-     sector – whose collective ef-     public health educators,
He noted that in 2021, the        a bigger TVET project; over     ture, including road repairs,     forts ensured that our coun-      emergency response person-
CCTV Command Centre               100 homes will be built in      and the improvement and           try registered growth and is      nel, and mental health prac-
and    Malcolm    Guishard        different parts of Nevis, and   expansion of our water and        moving towards a sustained        titioners, to be trained at the
Recreational Park opened;         the long-awaited dreams of      electricity supply.”              path of recovery and resur-       highest levels.
the NIA acquired two PCR          geothermal energy “will be                                        gence during this challenging
testing machines; installed       realized”.                      Brantley also lauded Nevis’s      period”. Brantley said that        “We will intensify our ef-
a water tank at Hamilton,                                         frontline workers whom            for 2022 his government is        forts in providing an educa-
along with a water filtration     “I give the commitment that     he said “made significant         committed to providing the        tion and health care system
system boosting the water         my government will continue     sacrifices” in the interest       necessary support to the          unequalled and unmatched
supply; the TVET centre at        to be faithful to the prudent   of the country during the         health care resources. He         in the region,” he assured.
the Gingerland Secondary          and transparent management      COVID-19 pandemic, “our           said that currently there is

Page:10                             The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday January 7th, 2021                               ADVERTISEMENT
                                                                                                                          LOCAL NEWS

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LOCAL NEWS                                      The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday January 7th, 2021                                           Page:11

                            Questions remain whether
                            schools can open Monday
By Loshaun Dixon          Ministry of Education
                          will be given guid-
                          ance by the Ministry
With schools scheduled    of Health to determine
to reopen on Monday,      when schools will
questions still remain    reopen.
as to whether it can
be done safely, with      “The      Ministry  of
COVID-19 cases rap-       Health has already
idly increasing again     indicated that keeping
in St Kitts and Nevis.    schools closed will be
                          the last resort.
Schools have been
closed for Christmas      It is anticipated that
since early December,     the Ministry of Health
and are supposed to       will soon advise if we
reopen for the second     should proceed to open
term of the school        school on Monday.”
year on Monday.
                          Hodge said they have
Permanent Secretary       to provide additional
in the Ministry of        guidance to principals,
Education,      William   and encouragement to
Hodge, noted that         insist they enforce the                          Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education, William Hodge
schools are set to be-    wearing of masks by
gin on Monday, but        the students.
given the prevailing                                the distance.”             School (BHS) and the        are not going home            at the end of the term.
situation with the num-   “We are asking them                                  Washington Archibald        to do work online or          Last week Medical
ber of positive cases     to insist on these, and   He said      that    the   High School (WAHS)          anything. “We don’t           Chief of Staff at the
trending upwards, the     where possible keep       Basseterre          High   will continue on the        want that for our stu-        JNF Hospital, Dr
                                                                               shift system started in     dents, we want them           Cameron Wilkinson,
                                                                               the first term.             in school full time.”         said the best way to
                                                                                                                                         keep schools open
                                                                               “We have already giv-       He said it was also im-       is to have students
                                                                               en clearance to those       portant to get students       protected.
                                                                               principals that we will     vaccinated,      noting
                                                                               bring those students        “the percentage is re-        “The answer to keep-
                                                                               back full time with         ally low”.                    ing our schools open
                                                                               the situation as it is.                                   is to have the children
                                                                               We will have to say         He added that the             properly     protected,
                                                                               the shift system will       Ministry of Education         and the best protection
                                                                               continue.                   is    continuing    its       is the vaccine. The
                                                                                                           awareness campaign            clinics are open, and
                                                                               “With higher vac-           in light of school op-        so I encourage persons
                                                                               cinations rates, we         erations during the           to get vaccinated.
                                                                               will be able to say         pandemic
                                                                               Washington Archibald                                      “One of the things that
                                                                               High School should          “The     Ministry    of       we’ve said all along is
                                                                               be able to bring back       Education urges the           that the Federation of
                                                                               their students. This        public to pay close           St. Kitts and Nevis is
                                                                               cannot happen with          attention to bulletins        not immune to what is
                                                                               low vaccination rates       published by the EMU,         happening around the
                                                                               in face of spiralling       as well as addresses          globe, and so we said
                                                                               active cases.”              made by the Minister.         right here that a fourth
                                                                                                           With the daily increase       wave was inevitable;
                                                                               Hodge said he was           of active cases of the        that it was only a mat-
                                                                               concerned about the         coronavirus, the act of       ter of time before the
                                                                               two secondary schools       school opening is on          Omicron variant came
                                                                               continuing on the shift     everyone’s mind.”             here, and the best de-
                                                                               system, and the loiter-                                   fence we have is to get
                                                                               ing of those students       In Term Two, sched-           vaccinated.”
                                                                               around Basseterre.          uled to begin in
                                                                                                           January 10 and con-           This past week COVID
                                                                               “Too many of the            clude to April 1, teach-      cases in St Kitts and
                                                                               students from both          ers will be required to       Nevis have swollen
                                                                               WAHS and BHS are            meet for a few days to        to well over 600, after
                                                                               around town for part        bring up to date their        health authorities an-
                                                                               of the day because          registers, report cards       nounced the presence
                                                                               they have already           and all other records         of the Omicron variant
                                                                               done their shift. They      that ought to be done         last week.
Page:12   The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday January 7th, 2021   ADVERTISEMENT
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LOCAL NEWS                                        The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday January 7th, 2021                                               Page:13

   St Kitts Tourism Authority has a new CEO
By Loshaun Dixon           partnerships; and stake-   Directors of the St. Kitts
                           holder communication.      Tourism Authority, said

The St Kitts Tourism       According to the SKTA,     Thompson brings more
Authority       (SKTA)     Thompson will focus        than three decades of
has appointed Ellison      on leisure and cruise,     Caribbean       tourism
“Tommy” Thompson as        two perennially high-      sales and marketing
its new CEO, to succeed    performing areas for       experience, including
Racquel Brown, who         tourism to St. Kitts.      a deep knowledge of
resigned with effect       He will also prioritize    marketing      Bahamas’
December 31 last.          the romance and MICE       outer islands.
                           markets, with the goal
The SKTA announced         of increasing tourism’s    “He has proven suc-
the appointment of Mr      economic        benefits   cess increasing leisure
Thompson who will          across the island.         travel, expanding key
lead international mar-                               industry relationships,
keting efforts for the     He will begin his tenure   and implementing cre-
destination, with a fo-    on Monday, January 10.     ative global market-
cus on trade and airline                              ing campaigns. We are
relationships; earned,     Nick Menon, Chairman       thrilled to have his ex-
paid and owned media;      of the Board of            pertise at the helm of

                                                                                               New CEO of the St Kitts Tourism Authority, Ellison Thompson

                                                                                   the Tourism Authority.”     “looking forward to          and Latin America, and
                                                                                                               developing and imple-        oversaw campaigns tar-
                                                                                   Minister of Tourism         menting creative strate-     geting consumers, tour
                                                                                   Lindsay Grant said Mr       gies that will increase      operators and wholesal-
                                                                                   Thompson’s experience       St. Kitts’ visibility in     ers, travel agents and
                                                                                   working with tourism        our key source markets,      airlines.
                                                                                   ministries and destina-     put St. Kitts into the
                                                                                   tion marketing entities,    consideration set for        Mr Thompson has
                                                                                   make him the premier        travellers, and ultimate-    also held a number
                                                                                   choice to lead the St.      ly drive bookings”.          of other positions for
                                                                                   Kitts Tourism Authority.                                 both The Bahamas
                                                                                                               Most recently, Mr            Ministry of Tourism
                                                                                    “We are confident that     Thompson         served      and The         Bahamas
                                                                                   under his leadership,       as Deputy Director-          Tourist Offices in the
                                                                                   we will continue driv-      General     of      The      UK. He has additional
                                                                                   ing high demand for the     Bahamas Ministry of          experience managing
                                                                                   destination among air       Tourism. In this role,       visitor relations, cruise
                                                                                   and cruise passengers       he developed global          development, product
                                                                                   as part of tourism’s con-   marketing     strategies     development, and sales
                                                                                   tinuous rebound.”           for the Ministry, with       representation.
                                                                                                               a focus on the Family
                                                                                   Speaking about the          Islands, Grand Bahama        Mr Thompson will re-
                                                                                   appointment,        Mr      Island, and niche mar-       place Ms. Brown, who
                                                                                   Thompson said St. Kitts     ket promotions.              has held the position
                                                                                   is an emerging destina-                                  since 2013, and played
                                                                                   tion with tremendous        He also led the sales        a big role in the revolu-
                                                                                   potential to excite         teams in the United          tionizing of the tourism
                                                                                   travellers from around      States, Canada and           sector in St Kitts and
                                                                                   the world, and he is        Europe, as well as Asia      Nevis.
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 LOCAL NEWS     The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday January 7th, 2021   Page:15
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