THE AWARDS - American Cinema Editors

THE AWARDS - American Cinema Editors

                      T H E                        A W A R D S                            I S S U E   1


 US $8.95 / Canada $8.95
 QTR 4 / 2020 / VOL 70
THE AWARDS - American Cinema Editors
THE AWARDS - American Cinema Editors
F O R   Y O U R   C O N S I D E R A T I O N   I N   A L L   C A T E G O R I E S    I N C L U D I N G

                        BEST PICTURE • BEST FILM EDITING
                                                    TARIQ ANWAR

   humanizing and celebrating                   ALDIS HODGE LESLIE ODOM JR.
                                                              A REGINA KING FILM
   the four icons and all they
   stood for”

   It takes these men
   and makes them feel
   fully alive again, and
   it makes their passions
   and beliefs feel
   relevant to today”
                                                       FOUR LEGENDS. ONE LEGENDARY NIGHT.
THE AWARDS - American Cinema Editors
                                                                    CINEMAEDITOR 2020 4QTR

             08                                                                                                                                             EDITOR'S CUT
         What’s New!
      News & Announcements                                                                                                                                          04
                                                                                                                                                              A Message from
            10                                                                                                                                                   the Board
     Aspects of Editing
          Stepping Stones                                                                                                                                            37
                                                                                                                                                                ACE Debuts
                                                                                                                                                               EditFest Global
            20                                                                                                                                                 The new virtual event
       Tech Corner/                                                                                                                                              and online portal
      Where the World                                                                                                                                          launched on Aug. 29
         is Going
     BY HARRY B. MILLER III, ACE                                                                                                                                     42
                                                                                                                                                                ACE Internship
             44                                                                                                                                                   Program
        Cuts We Love                                                                                                                                             Goes Virtual
              Super 8

                                         26                                       28                                                30
                              Trial of the Chicago 7                       Death on the Nile                                  Hillbilly Elegy
                            Alan Baumgarten, ACE, reteams                  Úna Ní Dhonghaíle, ACE,                    James Wilcox, ACE, examines
                                with Aaron Sorkin on the                  is at the scene of the crime                 family responsibility in Ron
                            writer/director’s historical drama           for Kenneth Branagh’s Poirot                  Howard’s biographical drama
                                     BY SCOTT LEHANE                       BY ADRIAN PENNINGTON                                BY SCOTT LEHANE

                                                                  32                                   34
                                                                 Tenet                              Ted Lasso
                                                     Jennifer Lame, ACE, straps             Melissa Brown McCoy and
                                                      in for Christopher Nolan’s            A.J. Catoline bring a kick
                                                      time-traveling spy thriller            of optimism to viewers
                                                       BY ADRIAN PENNINGTON                        BY NANCY JUNDI

02 CINEMAEDITOR QTR 4              2020   VOL 70                                            Cover: The Trial of the Chicago 7 (L-R) Sacha Baron Cohen, Jeremy Strong. Photo by Niko Tavernise. ©2020 Netflix.
THE AWARDS - American Cinema Editors
                       NOMINATIONS INCLUDING
                                                                           IDA                  DOCUMENTARY
                                                                                                A W A R D S
    BEST DO C UM E NTARY FEATURE                                             BEST DO C UM E NTARY FEATURE
B E S T D I R E C T O R GARRETT BRADLEY                                            SHORTLIST 2020

                        “ONE OF 2020’S GREAT DOCUMENTARIES...
             a two - decades - spanning epic of love, devotion and perseverance”

                                                 “A MASTERPIECE...
                                       transportingly emotional, urgent work”

                                                     AMAZON ORIGINAL MOVIE

                           F O R YO U R CO N S I D E R AT I O N I N A L L C AT E G O R I E S I N C LU D I N G

                                  BEST DOCUMENTARY FEATURE

                                               BEST FILM EDITING
                                                         Gabriel Rhodes
THE AWARDS - American Cinema Editors

          Welcome to the latest issue of CinemaEditor.                      must have aired between Nov. 2, 2019 - Dec. 31, 2020.
          ACE is pleased to release the 2021 ACE Eddie Awards               The complete Eddies calendar follows, below.
          schedule, reflecting changes to the overall awards sea-               ACE also continues to monitor how members are
          son calendar. As a result, you’ll see that this issue is          adjusting to work during the pandemic, while staying
          themed “Awards 1.” The first quarter issue of 2021 will           safe. We’ve recently sent out a new Best Practices – Work
          be renamed “Awards 2,” enabling ACE members to read               from Home survey, and your responses are appreciated.
          about even more of the season’s movies.                               During this challenging time, keeping our community
               A few notes about next year’s Eddies: The presentation       connected is more important than ever. To that end, we
          has been scheduled for April 18, though the format is             want to gratefully acknowledge the speakers, sponsors
          still in discussion. Next, we’re happy to introduce a new         and more than 800 participants in this year’s virtual
          category, Best Edited Animation (Non-Theatrical), which           EditFest Global, which you can read about in this issue.
          will showcase animated series and other content released              With the event, the EditFest Global website has been
          for TV and streaming platforms.                                   launched and we look forward to sharing additional
               Please note that Eddie eligibility periods have been         year-round content from the ACE community through
          revised. Eligible feature films must be released between          this new platform. Please stay safe.
          Jan. 1, 2020 - Feb. 28, 2021. Television category entries         –The ACE Board of Directors

                                          2021 ACE Eddie Awards Schedule
                                       PLEASE NOTE: TV eligibility dates are different from Feature this year
                                       TELEVISION: Must have aired between Nov. 2, 2019 - Dec. 31, 2020
                                     FEATURE FILMS: Must be released between Jan. 1, 2020 - Feb. 28, 2021

                          November 2, 2020                                   Submissions for Nominations Begin
                          February 12, 2021                                    Submissions for Nominations End
                          February 19, 2021                                               Nominations Ballots Sent
                          March 8, 2021                                                    Nominations Ballots Due
                          March 11, 2021                                                   Nominations Announced
                          March 19, 2021                                                            Final Ballots Sent
                          March 19-26, 2021                                        Online Blue Ribbon Screenings
                          March 26, 2021                                                         Final Ballots Closed
                          April 9, 2021                                                     Deadline for Advertising
                          To Be Announced                                                    Nominee Cocktail Party

                                Awards presented Sunday, April 18, 2021 (Location TBD)

04 CINEMAEDITOR QTR 4    2020    VOL 70
THE AWARDS - American Cinema Editors

                           BEST POLITICAL DOCUMENTARY

“A documentary of supreme relevance that has the effect, at once CHILLING AND ROUSING, of a political cautionary tale”

                     “The filmmakers bring the past alive with a passion and clarity that is RIVETING”


              BEST FILM EDITING
                      Nancy Novack
THE AWARDS - American Cinema Editors
Official Periodical of American Cinema Editors, Inc. Founded November 28, 1950.

                                                   EDITORIAL STAFF

          Carolyn Giardina           Adrian Pennington            Luci Zakhary            Peter Zakhary

                                                  BUSINESS AFFAIRS

 Jenni McCormick                 Marika Ellis               Gemmalyn Brunson                   Peter Zakhary                   Stephen Rivkin, ACE
                                                                                                                                   VICE PRESIDENT
                                                  ADVISORY BOARD
                                                                                                                                Carol Littleton, ACE
               Edgar Burcksen, ACE             Harry B. Miller III, ACE            Andrew Seklir, ACE                                SECRETARY
                                                                                                                                Lillian Benson, ACE
Carolyn Giardina is an award-winning journalist and          The New Grammar of Stereoscopic Filmmaking (Focal                 Stephen Lovejoy, ACE
author who serves as tech editor at The Hollywood            Press, 2012) and his favorite film of all time is Gilda.
Reporter, with responsibilities including its Behind the
Screen coverage. She is also co-author of Exploring 3D:      Jason Rosenfield, ACE, is a three-time Emmy®Award-
The New Grammar of Stereoscopic Filmmaking (Focal            winning film editor, producer, director and writer and
Press, 2012). One of her first assignments at the start      member of the faculty of USC’s School of Cinematic Arts.            BOARD OF DIRECTORS
of her career was a feature story about editing – and she    His narrative credits range from Robert Altman’s Come         Anita Brandt Burgoyne, ACE
has enjoyed covering editors ever since.                     Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean              Jacqueline Cambas, ACE
                                                             to improvisational TV comedy Free Ride. His work has               Dorian Harris, ACE
Nancy Jundi has been a contributing writer to Cinema-        included Oscar®-nominated Blues Highway; R. J. Cutler’s
Editor since 2006. She is the COO of DigitalFilm Tree, a                                                                         Tina Hirsch, ACE
                                                             Emmy Award-winning series American High; HBO’s Emmy
post-production and entertainment software company in
                                                             Award-winning doc Memphis PD; Dick Wolf's NBC cinema
                                                                                                                                 Maysie Hoy, ACE
the Los Angeles area.                                                                                                          Bonnie Koehler, ACE
                                                             verite series Crime & Punishment; Mark Jonathan Harris’
                                                             Breaking Point: The War for Democracy in Ukraine; and            Mary Jo Markey, ACE
Scott Lehane is a freelance journalist who has cov-
                                                             Jordan Peele’s four-part Amazon series Lorena. He has           Michael Ornstein, ACE
ered the film and TV industry for over 20 years.
                                                             served as Associate Director of the ACE Board, three              Sabrina Plisco, ACE
Harry B. Miller III, ACE, is a feature, television and       terms as Governor of the Television Academy and almost
                                                             two decades on the Academy’s Picture Editors and
                                                                                                                                 Kevin Tent, ACE
documentary editor. His recent credits include Turn:
Washington’s Spies and The Predator.                         Documentary Peer Groups Executive Committees.

Adrian Pennington is a journalist, editor and marketing      John Van Vliet has worked in animation and visual
                                                                                                                                  ASSOCIATE BOARD
copywriter whose articles have appeared in the Financial     effects for more than 32 years. Although his involvement
Times, British Cinematographer, Screen International, The    on bad pictures far outnumbers the good ones, all                 Kate Amend, ACE
Hollywood Reporter, Premiere, Broadcast, RTS Television      have provided raw material for his drawings – for which         Dana Glauberman, ACE
and The Guardian. He is co-author of Exploring 3D:           he’s grateful.                                                    Mark Helfrich, ACE
                                                                                                                               Andrew Seklir, ACE
                                     SUBSCRIPTION, ADVERTISING & CONTACT INFO

                            LETTERS, SUBSCRIPTIONS OR       SUBSCRIPTION RATE
                               OTHER CORRESPONDENCE         $39 for one year. Subscription cost includes
                              CinemaEditor Magazine         printed magazine and online access.                                  EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
                               5555 Melrose Avenue
                                                                                                                                 Jenni McCormick
                   Marx Brothers Building, Room 108,        BACK ISSUES
                              Los Angeles, CA 90038         Please indicate which issue(s).
                                                            Cost is $10 per issue.
                                     PH   323.956.2900
                                                            MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO American Cinema Editors
                TO ADVERTISE OR FOR ADVERTISING RATES       Credit cards accepted. CinemaEditor is complimentary                   THE ACE CREDO
   Peter Zakhary            to ACE members.                                                 The objects and purposes of
                        DIGITAL ADVERTISING QUESTIONS       ACE WEBSITE QUESTIONS                                           the American Cinema Editors
   Peter Zakhary            Kate Higgins                 are to advance the art and science
                                                                                                                            of the film editing profession;
       CinemaEditor Magazine is published quarterly by American Cinema Editors. The views expressed in this peri-
       odical do not necessarily reflect the views of the Board of Directors or the membership of ACE. Reproduction
                                                                                                                           to increase the entertainment
       in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. ©American Cinema Editors, Inc. All rights reserved.        value of motion pictures by
                                                                                                                           attaining artistic pre-eminence
                                                   STAY CONNECTED
                                                                                                                         and scientific achievement in the
                                                                                                                              creative art of film editing;
      Like us on Facebook                                   Follow us on Twitter               Follow us on Instagram
                                                                                                                          to bring into close alliance those
      American Cinema Editors (ACE)                         @acefilmeditors                    @acefilmeditors
                                                                                                                        film editors who desire to advance
                                           American Cinema Editors website                                                     the prestige and dignity
                                                                                     of the film editing profession.
THE AWARDS - American Cinema Editors
F O R     Y O U R        C O N S I D E R A T I O N
    I N   A L L   C A T E G O R I E S   I N C L U D I N G

             BEST FILM EDITING


THE AWARDS - American Cinema Editors
W H A T ' S                       N E W !
                                                        NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS

                                 CONGRATULATIONS                                                    WELCOME
                         The 2020 Creative Arts Emmy Winners for Editing
                                                                                            American Cinema Editors would
                                                                                          like to welcome new ACE members:
        EDITING FOR A DRAMA SERIES                  FOR A NONFICTION PROGRAM                           ACTIVE
        Succession “This Is Not for Tears”          Apollo 11                                    Isaiah Camp, ACE
        Bill Henry, Editor                          Todd Douglas Miller, Editor                   Sam Citron, ACE
        Venya Bruk, Additional Editor                                                             Julie Cohen, ACE
                                                    OUTSTANDING PICTURE EDITING                Rachel Cushing, ACE
                                                    FOR A STRUCTURED REALITY OR
                                                    COMPETITION PROGRAM                        Cameron Dennis, ACE
        EDITING FOR A COMEDY SERIES                                                             Mark Eckersley, ACE
        Insecure “Lowkey Trying”                    RuPaul’s Drag Race                         Andrew S. Eisen, ACE
        Nena Erb, ACE, Editor                       “I’m That Bitch”                                Jim Flynn, ACE
        Lynarion Hubbard, Additional Editor         Jamie Martin, Lead Editor                 Andrea Folprecht, ACE
                                                    Michael Roha, Editor                       Mollie Goldstein, ACE
        OUTSTANDING MULTI-CAMERA PICTURE            Paul Cross, Editor                             Justin Goll, ACE
        EDITING FOR A COMEDY SERIES                 Michael Lynn Deis, Editor                    Ryo Ikegami, ACE
        One Day at a Time “Boundaries”                                                       Benjamin Massoubre, ACE
                                                    Ryan Mallick, Editor                       Joseph Matoske, ACE
        Cheryl Campsmith, ACE, Editor
                                                                                             Masayoshi Matsuda, ACE
                                                    OUTSTANDING PICTURE EDITING                Paul Millspaugh, ACE
        PICTURE EDITING FOR A LIMITED SERIES        REALITY PROGRAM                            LaRonda Morris, ACE
        OR MOVIE                                                                              Stephanie Neroes, ACE
                                                    Cheer “God Blessed Texas”
        Watchmen “A God Walks in to Abar”                                                       Steven Nevius, ACE
                                                    Arielle Kilker, Supervising Editor           Kyle Schadt, ACE
        Henk Van Eeghen, ACE, Editor                David Nordstrom, Supervising Editor
                                                    Kate Hackett, Editor                              AFFILIATE
        VARIETY PROGRAMMING                         Daniel McDonald, Editor                     Marcos Horacio Azevedo
        Last Week Tonight With John Oliver          Mark Morgan, Editor                             Anderson Boyd
        “Eat Shit, Bob!” (segment)                  Sharon Weaver, Editor                         Andrew M. Cohen
        Ryan Barger, Editor                         Ted Woerner, Editor                               Mengle Han
                                                                                                     Liam Johnson
                                                                                                   James M. Martin

                                                                                                  ADVERTISER INDEX

                                                                                          IFC   Motion Picture Editors Guild
                                                                                           01   One Night in Miami
                                                                                           03   Time
                                                                                           05   All In
                                                                                           07   Borat Subsequent Moviefilm
                                                                                           09   Small Axe
                                                                                           11   Sylvie’s Love
                                                                                           13   Uncle Frank
                                                                                           14   Blackmagic Design
                                                                                           15   The Boys

                                                                                           16   Amazon FYC
                                                                                           18   Amazon FYC
                                                                                           21   Palm Springs
                                                                                           23   Adobe
                                                                                           24   The Looping Group
                                                                                           25   Avid Technology, Inc.
                                                                                           36   Cutting It in Hollywood
                                                                                           39   Onward
                                                                                           40   EditFest Global
                                                                                           41   Soul
                                                                                           BC   Editors Recognition Petition

08 CINEMAEDITOR QTR 4         2020   VOL 70

                           AMAZON ORIGINAL SERIE S
                                                                                     BY JASON ROSENFIELD, ACE

     The following is an excerpt from the memoir of Jason Rosenfield, ACE, Everything Has Meaning: Confessions of a Film Editor,
     Chapter 9, “Stepping Stones.” Rosenfield is a three-time Emmy® Award-winning film editor, producer, director and writer and
     member of the faculty of USC’s School of Cinematic Arts. His credits range from Robert Altman’s Come Back to the Five and Dime,
     Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean to Jordan Peele’s four-part series Lorena. This excerpt is reprinted with the permission of Rosenfield;
     a memoir publication date was not confirmed at press time.

     Los Angeles, 1999. American High is my first time editing a           the first time I’ve seen her angry … I search backwards, to
     true cinema verité – “truth cinema” – documentary, attempting         the day before and the day before that. What pissed her off?
     to capture real life without narrators or interviews, just a couple   Then forwards. Where might this go?
     of cameras following suburban Chicago high school seniors on               A camera crew captures young Marjorie breaking up
     the cusp of adulthood. It’s a bold concept for a Fox TV prime-        with a boyfriend. She throws something in his face – a note –
     time series – the most exciting project I’ve worked on in years.      and marches away. Why? Do I look back a month for clues that
     If it succeeds, it could establish a new television genre.            led up to this? Or does the breakup start her story arc – a catalyst
          Editing cinema vérité leaves nowhere to hide. No fancy           that puts things in motion? Which is the stronger approach?
     montages, no explanatory title cards, nothing to save my butt         Too early to tell. What about that teary close-up? Good, remember
     when I can't fill a hole in the story. Everything has to happen in    it, but it may be too on the money. I’m basically writing the
     scene. But what an opportunity! For all their bravado and angst,      script and sketching out rough scenes at the same time, because
     every senior is on a hero’s journey, preparing to confront the        if I can’t make it work seamlessly on screen – if I have to over-
     fiercest of dragons – freedom. It’s not going to be compelling to     manipulate and force shots to fit the scenario in my head –
     safely observe our young champions. I want the audience to feel       the editing becomes a distraction, and all my story insights are
     the collision. Without them noticing what I'm doing.                  useless. Believability hangs in the balance.
          That’s a very seductive proposal.                                     It’s easy to get antsy watching endless dailies. There’s the
          Along with co-editor David Tedeschi, I’ve scoured footage        temptation to high-speed through, looking for the big bits –
     coming in from the field for eight weeks, looking for potential       a fight, a kiss, a dance show. But big bits are a result of little bits
     characters and story beats, and stringing them into visual            that precede them. And each big bit creates little bits that lead
     timelines – casting portraits for a handful of producers and          up to the next big one. And so on. Whenever I’ve been tempted
     writers to assess. Some major events can anchor individual            to skip past the minutiae, the story falls apart.
     episodes – a football game, a year-end musical, graduation. But            Slow down. Be present. Subtext is nuanced by nature. Watch.
     I seek more than iconic moments. We need evolving story arcs          Listen. And empathize. What does envy look like? Lust? Betrayal?
     that can play over multiple episodes.                                 Zero in on the screen like an iris at the end of a silent movie, to
          At first, my explorations are based on hunches – hints of        the exclusion of everything and everyone else. I’m good at that.
     something deeper, like spotting one half of a popular couple          Just ask my wife and kids.
     holding someone else’s hand. I stay alert for anomalies in                 What is truth? Is it objective? Or subjective? Cinema vérité
     personalities. One arrives at a party and I think Wow, that’s         filmmaking is grounded in the belief that one can capture

10 CINEMAEDITOR QTR 4       2020    VOL 70                                                                            Above: Jason Rosenfield, ACE. Photo by Lynn Lobban.
real life in the making. But the second I make a cut, aren’t I        a character’s inner life – but its roots are in my dance training.
     changing reality? If I cut a 60-minute football game down to          Even when unmoving, a dancer is never dead weight. He’s alert,
     a three-minute sequence, I create an illusion: cinematic time         aware and awaiting. It’s the same for everyone – even silent and
     passing as real time. If I insert a sunset to add poignancy,          still, we instinctively react to the world. We smile, we slump,
     I’m manipulating mood. Say a guy yells at his girlfriend,             we shrug, we frown. Our fingers twitch, our nostrils flare, our
     and the camera never swings around to grab her reaction.              shoulders rise, our eyes drop. Find those shots, put them in the
     What do I do? In a more traditional documentary, I could              right places, and you’ve got subtext.
     use an interview, letting her tell us what she felt at the time.           Why can’t it work in documentary as well? I know where to
     I’m skilled at using pauses – like someone waiting for the next       look, and I know how to spot them. Watch the dailies again –
     question – to indicate an inner life beating beneath the words.       but without sound.
     But I’ve got to solve problems in the scene. What if the shot              I start with Robbie. Turn off the lights. Mute the audio, hit
     I need doesn’t exist?                                                 play. Let the silence strip everything of context. Slip my mind
         What I finally land on is this: capture the truth of someone’s    into neutral and focus on what I can reimagine as unconscious
     experience. If it’s a broken heart, tell that story. If I need to     reactions to an action word, or thought – There. Just before he
     combine two lines of dialogue into one for something to make          turns off his camera – the slight head shake, the small smile …
     sense, so be it. If I need to steal a shot from a different scene     I know he’s been talking about his da – Forget that. Try it
     to add emotional power, fine. As long as I don’t turn a yes into      against Brad laughing over his fear of telling his best friend …
     a no. As long as I don’t embellish or lie. As long as I don’t         and I love Robbie flipping off the camera. Clever but organic…
     change the experience.                                                What else, what else…
         Robbie the soccer captain is the first character to take shape         I experiment with timing and juxtaposition. I play with
     for me, a trigger point setting other stories in motion, like a cue   transitions. I audition music cues, building emotional continuity.
     ball on a pool table. Not much of a first impression. Easy going.     Hours later, I’ve stitched together a rough portrait of the black
     Stoner. No known enemies, flame-haired girlfriend. Decent             eye affair, the emotional truth of their experiences sometimes
     grades, nice family, no discernable problems. Until there are.        overt but often implied over a rough story arc.
         The first clue comes in one of his video diaries. To help gain         Implication is something I know from my dancing days.
     permission to shoot, the production gave inexpensive cameras          My body has never been flexible – I couldn’t elevate a straight
     to a number of interested students to use at school. Nobody           leg above my waist without throwing my center – read balance
     takes their footage seriously until we realize they’ve been taking    – off. A dancer with the Martha Graham Company saw me
     the cameras home, to the privacy of their rooms. The results          struggling with this in class, said he had the same problem and
     are raw, real and surprising. While our crews follow their lives,     offered a solution – a deception – that can fool an audience.
     these diaries have been capturing their secrets.                      Never quite reach the upper limit of your leg’s full elevation.
         Robbie’s at home, it’s night, and as usual he’s toked up.         Keep moving it in that direction, slowly, stretch the moment out,
     While bitching about his parents’ and his girlfriend’s anxieties,     closer – until it’s time to move somewhere else.
     this pops out: Oh, and I got red-carded at a game today. What?             Never getting to the end created the illusion of greater
     I rewind the footage and listen again. Red carded? Mellow,            height. I could imply something that was never there. When I
     team captain Robbie? I'm no soccer player, but I know it means        first arrived in the editing room, I already knew this instinctively.
     he’d been kicked out of the game. I mention it to showrunner               It’s a poorly sung piece of music that finally leads me to the
     R. J. Cutler, but don’t get much of a response.                       tone and style of the show. I discover a shot of Brad sitting at
         A week goes by: more diaries, and a bigger clue – Robbie’s        his school locker at one end of a long, empty hallway. He looks
     got a black eye. He got into a fight when somebody made a             drained after a long day – or so I imagine. Maybe brooding.
     crack about a friend named Brad. Tedeschi hasn’t encoun-              Or bewildered. And I recall a song Robbie sings in one of his
     tered a Brad. My assistant searches the field logs, finds a Brad,     video diaries, his scratchy late-night stoner voice murdering a
     we start following him and stumble onto his mother recounting         Bob Dylan lyric after yet another argument with his dad: There
     that when Brad was 5, she and her husband were already                must be some way out of here, said the joker to the thief…
     wondering if he was gay.                                                   I find Robbie’s shot, mark the opening lines, then cut Brad’s
         Ah.                                                               shot just behind it. Robbie’s singing continues over Brad closing
         We’re soon stitching together odd bits and pieces of dialogue     his locker and starting his lonesome walk down the deserted
     from the boys, their parents and friends – enough to establish        hall. Another half-verse in, I cross-fade Robbie’s voice with
     that I’ve found a love story: Robbie and Brad grew up together,       Dylan’s own recording, let it take Brad out the door. I rewind,
     they’re best friends, and Brad came out to him first, in their        sit back to watch … and something happens.
     junior year. But these are past events – none are on camera.               I don’t have a clue yet where this scene might fit into the
     Important information, yes, but with little emotional resonance.      season. But I don’t really care right now because I’m being
     I need to find a visual language to tell their story.                 lifted from my chair by an alchemy of shots, lyrics, timing and
         There’s a trick I learned about physicalizing the unspoken        emotional investment that’s whispering follow me. Get on the
     while cutting Bob Altman’s ensemble drama Come Back to                train, go for the ride, let the story unfold itself. American High
     the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean – visual clues to           is coming to life.

12 CINEMAEDITOR QTR 4       2020    VOL 70
Introducing the World’s Fastest Editor
        DaVinci Resolve 16s new cut page and
    editor keyboard let you work faster than ever!
The new cut page in DaVinci Resolve 16 is the first major innovation                 Instantly Edit Between Angles with Sync Bin
in professional video editing in over 20 years! Designed for short                   The sync bin completely revolutionizes multi camera editing! It displays all
quick turn around projects, the cut page is all about speed. Featuring               of the shots from different cameras that are in sync with the current shot in
a streamlined interface with intelligent new “smart” tools, the cut page             the timeline. You’ll see the angles stacked as film strips in the bin, along with
and DaVinci Resolve Editor Keyboard are designed to save you hours                   a multi-view display in the viewer so you can instantly choose a different angle
of time on each job.                                                                 and make perfectly synced cut aways.

Work Faster with Dual Timelines                                                      DaVinci Resolve Editor Keyboard
The cut page features dual timelines so you never have to zoom in or out again.      The DaVinci Resolve Editor Keyboard lets you edit with both hands, dramatically
The upper timeline shows the entire program while the lower timeline shows the       speeding up your workflow! It’s a professional keyboard with transport controls
area in which you’re working. With the dual timelines you’ll always know where       on the right side and edit functions on the left side. You can use the search dial
you are because you always have a zoomed in timeline that’s ideal for trimming       and source tape buttons with your right hand to locate shots, while simultaneously
and fine tuning your edits using the contextual tools.                               marking in and out points, performing edits and live trimming with your left hand.

Use Source Tape to Quickly Find Shots
Finding the right clip in a bin with hundreds of files is slow. With source tape
you no longer have to waste time hunting through bins to find the clip you need.     DaVinci Resolve 16 ........................................................ Free
Source tape makes all of the clips in your bin appear in the viewer as a single
long “tape.” This makes it easy to scrub through all of your shots, find the parts
                                                                                     DaVinci Resolve Studio 16 .................................. $299*
you want, and quickly edit them to the timeline!                                     DaVinci Resolve Editor Keyboard ...............$995*

     Learn more at                                                                                                    *Price subject to change.
     It Will Break Everything!                                                                          UPGRADE...

     Well. Maybe not…

                icrosoft creates operating systems that are designed to    to upgrade my least-used Mac computer to see the results.
                work on a huge variety of computers, new and old. Most     I have a Mac mini in my TV setup, used to play movies off an
                of the hardware it runs on is not made by Microsoft, but   external drive, and as a way to access HBO Max. HBO became
     by the likes of Dell, HP or Toshiba.                                  unavailable on Roku and TiVo, my preferred devices. The Mac
         Apple has one customer for its operating system: Apple.           mini can also play Amazon Prime in a browser, or Netflix on the
     With updates to the hardware, implementing new technologies,          application Clicker. Whatever it broke wouldn’t stop me from
     Apple designs software to take advantage of those changes. They       getting work done.
     work in tandem. But it can leave customers who’d want the new
     features with older Apple hardware out of luck. And software          Upgrading from Mojave, macOS
     developers for Apple have to update their programs to run on the      10.14, to Catalina was simple.
     new Apple operating system. Some don’t, or financially can’t, so      The Setting icon in the dock
     their programs can no longer run on the new computers.                regularly would prompt to make
         Catalina is its name, macOS 10.15. It’s the latest OS.            the upgrade.
     The biggest, most important thing to know about Catalina is it
     will not run a LOT of software you may be used to using. Upgrad-      The next screen was a one click upgrade.
     ing might break many of your essential workflow programs.
     The same may be true for macOS 11.0 called Big Sur, which is in
     beta testing as of this writing.
         The reason is the transition from 32-bit to all 64-bit
     applications – 32-bit is the floppy disk drive of software. Steve
     Jobs dropped the floppy drive to much public gnashing of teeth
     to move the world of computing forward. Catalina won’t run
     anything that is, or has components that are, 32-bit. Programs
     like Avid Media Composer. It would be an unhappy surprise to
     find you’ve bought a brand new MacBook Pro, but your editing
     software doesn’t work on it.
         The software developers at Avid have been working diligently
     to update Media Composer to work on the new macOS. Catalina           and then
     was released in October of 2019. They delivered Catalina-
     compatible Media Composer in April of 2020 (hence AMC
     version 2020.4). But some components didn’t make the update
     because they had 32-bit components. Avid has not updated those,
     and replaced them with the new Titler+.
         The parts left behind included the Title Tool and Marquee.
     Both were replaced by Titler+, the new AMC title tool. Media
     Composer also wouldn’t support QuickTime, meaning there’d no
     longer be outputs of Same-as-Source and QuickTime Reference
     (ask your assistant what that means).                                 I held my breath. Well, not really. I’d be dead if true. It took
         I have long declined to upgrade any of my Macs to Catalina.       30-40 minutes of downloading and rebooting before the new
     Basically, I was afraid of what it would break. But I decided         background for Catalina showed.

20 CINEMAEDITOR QTR 4       2020    VOL 70                                                                            Screenshots courtesy of Harry B. Miller III, ACE.

     Mat t hew Friedman, ACE
      Andrew Dickler
      THE MOST

      OF 2020           DEADLINE
longer work. And that was it. So, what programs did it break?
                                                                            Surprisingly few. When Apple says we’re going 64-bit, most all
                                                                            Mac developers start updating their applications.
                                                                                The only two of my commonly-used applications that would
                                                                            no longer work are MPEG Streamclip and QuickTime 7. There
                                                                            are a lot of other applications that can replace MPEG Streamclip
                                                                            as a compression tool, such as Adobe’s Media Encoder, Apple’s
                                                                            Compressor and Handbrake. QuickTime X replaces 7. Certainly
                                                                            not the end of the world.
                                                                                I know Media Composer works on Catalina because I’ve read
                                                                            enough stories of people using it. It isn’t a completely smooth
                                                                            transition. A lot of people are having a hard time adjusting to the
                                                                            Titler+ tool. And exporting is more complicated. But it does work.
        A new folder, ‘Relocated Items,’ appeared on the desktop.               Ultimately, upgrading wasn’t the nightmare I expected. And
     These are components that because of being 32-bit will no              next up is Big Sur.

     Where the                                                              Michael Nouryeh is working from home as a second assistant
                                                                            on the feature film The Tomorrow War. His system was setup by

     World is Going
                                                                            FotoKem and includes a Mac trash can and two monitors. The
                                                                            Nexis media storage is in Hollywood. From his Mac at home,
                                                                            Michael logs into a remote Windows PC workstation, as do all the
                                                                            crew except for the editor, Roger Barton, ACE.
                                                                                Wait, what? Windows? HP’s Remote Graphics Software

            ecause of the lead time to publish this magazine, it’s          (RGS) is used for the remote connection. It has no Mac version.
            difficult to know what will have changed by the time you        Michael opens a Windows workspace where he runs Avid
            are reading this article. With any luck (and we are way         Media Composer which is at a remote site. All of which sounds
     due), we’ll all be getting back at work and almost normal. Until       like a clunky arrangement, mixing computer operating systems
     then, we have to adjust to the current situation. I interviewed four   over the internet. “Playback can lag, based on your internet
     people for their perspective on how we’re adjusting.                   speed,” says Michael.
                                                                                His primary task is to keep Barton, who has media stored
     Steve Welke is a post producer working on The Stand for CBS            locally in his edit room, in sync with everyone else. He is
     All Access. The entire miniseries had been shot by early February      using FotoKem’s globalDATA system for asset distribution and
     except for final scenes, which were planned for a week of shooting     transfer. Each morning he looks at the Nexis and checks every
     in Las Vegas. As the reality of the pandemic set in, it was decided    partition for new renders, music, sound, projects and VFX.
     that each editor would work from home. A copy of the full shared       There are no dailies as production long ago wrapped. They are
     storage was made for each editor, assistant and VFX editor. Eight      currently awaiting on the actor Chris Pratt to become available
     copies of the entire mini-series, plus a backup. Three editors got     for additional shooting.
     two 20TB RAID drives. The assistants and VFX team each got                 The biggest problem with working remotely is isolation.
     48TB RAID drives. Each system in addition has a 4TB drive for          “I miss the osmosis of information one absorbs when editorial
     local renders.                                                         is working together in offices. When working remotely, my
         The Las Vegas shoot was completed in August. Each day’s            experience so far is that 99 percent of the information is doled
     media was no more than 5GB so the lab pushed media directly            out via text/email/Slack on a need-to-know basis,” says Michael.
     through Aspera Cargo to each system.
         TeamViewer is one method of communication between the              Tim Kinzy is waiting for the restart of the CW series Charmed.
     remote workstations. It allows one computer to muck around in          To finish the previous season, they used local drives with copies
     a remote system. A system called Resilio Connect/Sync has been         of the media. But for the upcoming season they are planning
     used to keep each workstation’s RAID media in sync. It can be set      something similar to The Tomorrow War. They are working
     up and customized to sync media over peer-to-peer technology,          with Moviola which is recommending Teradici, which uses a
     which is similar to the file transfer service Aspera.                  proprietary system called PCoIP technology to do the same thing
         For remote collaboration they use Evercast on some systems.        as HP’s RGS software. The editor logs into a remote Windows
     Pacific Post has made other remote connections.                        PC, which opens a window on their local Mac. “You can’t do full-
         Steve’s evaluation: “Can it be done? Yes. Is it better? No. What   screen playback very well” with this system, according to Tim.
     took a day takes three to four.”                                       And “at least for dailies, local storage is ideally the way to go.”

22 CINEMAEDITOR QTR 4       2020    VOL 70
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Adobe in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The Pacific Post collaboration system was demoed. “Playback        And how many times will the editor have to explain to producers
was very smooth, even when multiple users were logged in,”            and directors why everything is so slow?
according to Tim.                                                        A Frame also has solutions for streaming Avid playback to
                                                                      producers and directors for collaboration, i.e. alternatives to
Andrew Seklir, ACE, is the founder of A Frame Post, an editing        Evercast, or
system rental company. His company offers two options for shows
that can be modified to fit individual needs. The first is PC-over-   So far it seems the trend is to set up editing systems to accom-
IP. It is essentially the same as the two previous remote setups,     modate the studios’ fear of the internet. I suspect producers
where the user logs into a PC workstation and operates Media          and directors will likely find the results hardly bearable. When
Composer remotely. A Frame’s recommended remote system                your neighbors are all watching Tiger King and your internet
uses TGX Remote Desktop, from Mechdyne. Editors and AE’s              speed slows to a crawl, so will your progress. And it is the
use two-factor authentication and a secure VPN connection to log      editor who will get yelled at. Rather than listen to the people
into their remote Avid workstations.                                  who know, the studios are listening to the most conservative
    But the more interesting solution involves having each editor     security advocates, who won’t care if it doesn’t work as
keep a copy of the media locally, which takes out the vagaries        long as the dailies on your average boring sitcom are secure
of internet connections. Each home workstation has a 20TB-            at the studio. Sheesh.
32TB RAID/NAS (network attached storage) from Synology.                   I am currently setting up a remote show for Hallmark.
All workstation RAIDs have the exact same media. To accomplish        The shoot is in North Carolina and Nashville, the post house is
this, each Avid workstation has an Aspera connection which pulls      in Connecticut, and editorial is in Los Angeles. As I’ve done on
down dailies from the cloud. Render files, user-generated media,      previous remote shows, the producers will send a shuttle drive
project files and bins are scheduled to sync overnight (or at the     each day from set. My assistant and I will sync in person (from
push of a button) between the NAS stations using GoodSync.            a respectable six feet away, masked). We’ll use to share
And software called Mimiq is used to facilitate file naming and       cuts with the director and producer. There may be some director
bin locking. The Synology workstations live behind a firewall, but    visits to my house for her cut … um, after I get tested and pass.
assistant editors are able to remote into their editor’s NAS and      But there is only one editor, so it is quite simple.
manage media and files on the other Synology workstations.                We’re getting this figured out. There will be growing pains.
    The advantage to local storage is apparent. It is fast. Going     Maybe the studios will get the message about improving the
through your internet connection to a remote workstation, to log      workflow. Like everything these days, I’m not optimistic.
into a Windows machine is full of pain points and potential errors.       So be patient, and stay safe everyone.
Thanks to all of the
         talented editors and assistants
              that use Media Composer®
                        to tell their stories.

©2020 Avid Technology, Inc. Avid, the Avid logo, Media Composer, and POWERING GREATER CREATORS
                         are registered trademarks of Avid Technology, Inc.
The Trial of                                                                 Baumgarten was nominated for an Oscar® in 2014 for his
                                                                              work on American Hustle and has been nominated for five ACE

     the Chicago 7
                                                                              Eddie Awards, winning two for American Hustle and the 2008 TV
                                                                              film Recount, which also earned him a Primetime Emmy®.
                                                                                  Shooting started last October with eight days in Chicago to
                                                                              film the riot scenes and get other authentic location shots. Over
     Alan Baumgarten, ACE, reteams with Aaron Sorkin                          the course of two months from October to December most of the
     on the writer/director’s historical drama                                rest of the film was shot in a courtroom set built in New Jersey.
                                                                                  “During production, I was here in Los Angeles, editing the
                                                                              dailies with my crew,” explains Baumgarten. “We used the same
                                                                              editing rooms we used on Molly’s Game [Pivotal Post’s Sunset Ave.
                                                                              facility]. They’re very close to Aaron’s house and it made it easy for
                                                                              him to come and go whenever he liked.”
                                                                                  During December, the editor had some time to explore the
                                                                              material while working on a first cut, before really getting down
                                                                              to business in the beginning of January. But of course, they didn’t
                                                                              see COVID coming.
                                                                                  “We finished Aaron’s director’s cut and we were prepared to
                                                                              screen it for the executives in a theater on the lot, as one normally
                                                                              would, but that was literally the week they introduced the stay-at-
                                                                              home protocol in Los Angeles and the State of California,” says
                                                                              Baumgarten. “So we all quickly disassembled the editing systems
                                                                              and brought our Avids home to our individual workplaces.”
                                                                                  From that point on, the film was posted securely online and
    BY SCOTT LEHANE                                                           Zoom calls replaced in-person meetings as the team quickly
                                                                              adapted to the new normal. The post team was geographically

              aron Sorkin’s new historical drama The Trial of the             quite spread out, with the visual effects company in New York, the
              Chicago 7 looks at one of the most tumultuous trials            music editor in Hawaii and the composer in London.
              in U.S. history after a group of activists were charged             Baumgarten reports that while COVID was probably the
     with crossing state lines with the intention of inciting riots           biggest challenge he faced on this film, “we figured out a way to
     at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago.                   do it. We all just communicated remotely and sent the material
     The defendants, played by an all-star ensemble cast, represented         back and forth as needed and continued to refine the cut and
     a range of different political movements, from pacifist conscien-        fine-tune it to a place where we eventually locked the picture
     tious objectors like David Dellinger (John Carroll Lynch) and            and went into the final finishing parts of post-production –
     student activists like Tom Hayden (Eddie Redmayne), to cultural          the sound, music and the DI.”
     revolutionary Yippies like Abbie Hoffman (Sacha Baron Cohen)                 “There were delays due to the pandemic that we just had to
     and Jerry Rubin (Jeremy Strong), as well as Black Panther co-            work with,” he adds. “[For example] there was no orchestra that
     founder Bobby Seale (Yahya Abdul-Mateen II) who had left                 could perform the score until things opened up a little bit more
     Chicago by the time of the riots and was denied legal counsel at         in London. So we were set back about a month for that. But we
     the trial. But they all came to Chicago with a common purpose –          managed to work and communicate in a very fluid way, and I
     to protest the Vietnam War.                                              think that’s partly because of the stage we were at in the process.
         It was a tumultuous time in U.S. politics, as a generation           We were in really good shape and ready to fine-tune the film when
     of activists rose up to protest an unpopular war that seemed             we had to separate and start working remotely. Had it been earlier
     unwinnable, or at least, not worth the cost in casualties.               in the post process, it might have been more of a challenge.”
         When Sorkin first wrote the script over 14 years ago, he                 Baumgarten says that while they reviewed certain films like
     couldn’t have foreseen how it would resonate with the current            Haskell Wexler’s critically-acclaimed Medium Cool, which is set
     events of 2020. Paramount originally planned to release the film         during the riots, as well as films like Argo, Detroit and Straight
     theatrically, but due to the pandemic, the distribution rights were      Outta Compton. “As an editor, I really take my lead from the script
     sold to Netflix with an Oct. 16 release date, landing right before       and the material that’s there. And Aaron is very specific with his
     one of the most contentious U.S. elections in history. (This issue       dialogue and also the structure of his film. There’s freedom to
     of CinemaEditor went to press prior to Election Day).                    experiment and explore, but Aaron gave us a great launching-off
         After shopping the script around for several years, Sorkin           point from which to build the film.”
     decided to direct the film himself. Fresh off his 2017 film                  Still, much of the film’s dynamic tension really came out in the
     Molly’s Game, he shared the script with Molly’s Game editor              editing room. In particular, the film frequently jumps between the
     Alan Baumgarten, ACE, in 2018, who was keen to work with                 riots, the courtroom and scenes of Hoffman describing the events
     Sorkin again.                                                            to a crowd of college students.

26 CINEMAEDITOR QTR 4       2020    VOL 70                          Top (L-R): Caitlin Fitzgerald, Alan Metoskie, Alex Sharp, Jeremy Strong, John Carroll Lynch, Sacha Baron Cohen and Noah Robbins.
                                                                                                                                                               Photo by Niko Tavernise. ©2020 Netflix.
“Some of that jumping back and forth was created editorially
           because it just felt right,” Baumgarten recalls. “Aaron had laid
           that out for the most part, as he likes to jump back and forth
           in time. So he will indicate it in places, but that specific area
           became a little bit more intricate to build more tension leading
           up to the riot. So we jumped into the riot, but then we paused for
           a brief moment as Abbie describes the use of tear gas, and then
           we continue on.”
               He explains that he cut based on the energy and rhythm
           that came out of the riot sequences, “but for other areas where
           Abbie’s talking about the convention and narratively giving
           us a run-through of the story, we followed the script and then
           adjusted as it felt right to illustrate some of the things that were
           being said.”
               Humor also helped break the tension at times. “There’s a
           clever type of humor in the film that provides ironic commentary
           on something that may have happened or is about to happen.
           And that certainly helps when you have a buildup to a tense
           moment, and then you can deliver a bit of a commentary on that.”                                                The editor explains that Sorkin was very involved in the
               For Baumgarten the trick is knowing when to hold the                                                    editorial process. “He primarily focuses on the pacing and rhythm
           tension, and when to break it up. “It’s fun to play with that as                                            of the dialogue and the tone of how the lines are being delivered.
           we refine the edit.”                                                                                        He likes to get the dialogue right first, and then we’ll work on
               In one of the film’s most intense scenes, Bobby Seale is                                                swapping out shots, whether it’s a close-up or a medium shot or
           dragged from the courtroom, roughed up by guards and then                                                   a different reaction. But as far as the visual, he encourages me to
           brought back, bound and gagged. It was a key moment to hold                                                 assemble a structure that I think is right.”
           the tension, as we see the expressions on his co-defendants’ faces,                                             Baumgarten explains that he’s worked with his assistant editor
           before even the prosecutor (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) felt compelled                                            Christine Kim a few times before. At the end of post-production,
           to object to his treatment and move for an immediate mistrial.                                              she was bumped up to the title of additional editor. “She’s a very
               Baumgarten reports that they did a lot of work to build the                                             talented editor in her own right. She was very involved creatively
           tension between Hayden and Hoffman – co-defendants with very                                                and ran a great cutting room as well. I looked to her with every
           different ideas of how to proceed. Hayden is basically a straight-                                          sequence I put together to be my first viewer.
           laced kid who is legitimately afraid of going to prison. Hoffman,                                               “She has a great sense of clarity and precision and I trust her
           on the other hand, sees the trial as political theatre and seems                                            taste and her judgment, and I was able to give her sections to work
           determined to turn it into a circus. “From the very beginning of                                            on and say, ‘Here, have a go at this.’”
           the prologue, we juxtapose Tom Hayden and Abbie Hoffman back                                                    They were joined by assistant editor Brandon Marchionda,
           to back, and right away, you get that they are coming at it from                                            whom Baumgarten says mapped out some of the visual effects
           different points of view.”                                                                                  shots, doing comp work and temp VFX elements that would serve
               At one pivotal moment, the defendants pass around a note,                                               as a guide. Machionda coordinated with the VFX vendor, New
           deciding not to stand up when the judge calls them to rise. But                                             York’s Brainstorm Digital.
           Hayden ignores the note and stands for the judge. The moment                                                    Kaitlyn Ali rounded out the team, serving as editorial pro-
           lingers long enough to see the reactions of the other defendants and                                        duction assistant. “She had great energy and great ideas and
           underscores the tension between Hayden and his co-defendants.                                               was also very involved in the discussions,” says Baumgarten.
                                                                                                                       “We were all very passionate about this project, about the subject,
                                                                                                                       the opportunity to tell this story and to work with Aaron. It was
                                                                                                                       really a pleasure and a lot of fun for all of us.”
                                                                                                                           During this interview with Baumgarten, conducted in early
                                                                                                                       October, he said he hoped that the film would inspire people to
                                                                                                                       vote. “It’s part of this film – how important voting is and the need
                                                                                                                       to be involved in the process of our democracy – that it does
                                                                                                                       take work and how important it is to fight for our rights of free
                                                                                                                       expression and dissent.
                                                                                                                           “While we were working on it, we had no idea of the events
                                                                                                                       that would be happening the past few months,” he concludes.
                                                                                                                       “But now more than ever, it feels urgent that those things are not
                                                                                                                       only respected, but upheld and it requires people understanding
                                                                                                                       that and responding.”

Aaron Sorkin and Alan Baumgarten, ACE. Photo by Nancy Kirhoffer. Top (L-R): Christine Kim, Brandon Marchionda, Kaitlyn Ali and Alan Baumgarten, ACE.   CINEMAEDITOR QTR 4     2020    VOL 70 27
Photo by Kaitlyn Ali.
Death on
     the Nile
     Úna Ní Dhonghaíle, ACE, is
     at the scene of the crime for
     Kenneth Branagh’s Poirot.


             irector Kenneth Branagh assembles an all-star cast of               Audiences love a good whodunnit because of the fun to be had
             potential murderers for Death on the Nile, a new feature        in teasing out the red herrings from the facts of the case. They like
             adaptation of Agatha Christie’s 1937 novel. The follow-         to be their own detective. The trick for the filmmaker is to give
     up to 2017’s Murder on the Orient Express, has famous Belgian           an audience just enough rope to play along with, but not quite
     detective Hercule Poirot tasked with solving the death of an            enough that they guess who did it before the final curtain.
     American heiress on board a honeymoon cruise in Egypt. Like                 “That’s what I found fun about working on this film,” says
     Orient Express, it is written for the screen by Michael Green,          Ní Dhonghaíle. “You can plant seeds that are going to pay off
     photographed by Haris Zambarloukos, BSC, with production                later. With a sound or an image that you plant early on and echo
     design by Jim Clay.                                                     later you hope the audience will have a little rush of recollection
         The editor on this occasion is Úna Ní Dhonghaíle, ACE,              and think that that person did it. Then five minutes later the
     (The Crown, Three Girls, Stan and Ollie) who cut episodes of            suspicion has switched to another person.
     detective drama Wallander starring Branagh and edited the                   “The script contained all the verbal clues but we had such
     Branagh-directed William Shakespeare tragicomedy All Is True.           a strong cast of actors who all seemed to live their characters.
         The whodunnit genre (like the 1978 feature version of Nile          I made sure I saw everything that was shot to catch those little
     starring Peter Ustinov) has been recently satirized by Rian             ad libs that Ken had encouraged his actors to deliver.”
     Johnson’s Knives Out with Daniel Craig as a Poirot-esque sleuth             Viewing all the dailies also helped to catch the non-verbal
     complete with rogue accent. CinemaEditor wondered if that had           cues. “For example, if there was a little flick of the eye I could
     played into the filmmaker’s approach?                                   steal like a magpie and use it to maybe hold a fraction longer.
         “Both Ken and I had seen Knives Out and we loved it but             Or, if there was a big clue and we didn’t want to signpost it,
     Death has a much darker story and is definitely not a pastiche,”        I might be lighter, more implicit – I didn’t linger in the cut.”
     says Ní Dhonghaíle. “Our film is a little more serious than that.           She adds, “Knives Out celebrates a more pastiche style, using
     Michael wrote a beautiful script that gets under the skin of            sound design or flashbacks to telegraph clues. In our film we
     Poirot a bit more. Ken also wanted that subjectivity and was            wanted to throw it away a bit more, make it a bit more subtle
     willing to go darker.”                                                  and not reveal too much that might give the game away. We were
         Ní Dhonghaíle is an Agatha Christie fan and says she                mindful of an audience who may not know the book or have seen
     enjoyed previous incarnations of Poirot by actors including             previous versions, so we want to keep them guessing.”
     Peter Ustinov, David Suchet, Ian Holm, Albert Finney, Alfred                Another delight for an audience in watching one of the
     Molina, even Orson Welles.                                              Christie canon on film is the all-star ensemble. Death On The
         “Poirot is one of those well-known characters that generations      Nile features Gal Gadot as unfortunate heiress Linnet Ridgeway,
     of audiences are willing to take in any form and expression,”           with Emma Mackey, Annette Bening, Armie Hammer, Letitia
     she says. “That’s because Christie has created a character that         Wright, Sophie Okonedo, Ali Fazal and British comedy stars
     warrants interpretation in different ways.                              Jennifer Saunders, Dawn French and Russell Brand.
         “What I like about Poirot is that his quirkiness, and things that       “The challenge is to craft a picture that meets audience
     are deep in his psyche, enable him to solve the riddle.”                expectations of seeing their favorite actor while balancing the

28 CINEMAEDITOR QTR 4        2020   VOL 70                                      Top: Kenneth Branagh. Photo by Rob Youngson. ©2020 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved.
screen time for each without letting the pace slack. We had a
            really great script with a cast of incredible characters each with
            their own reason to murder.
                “The first cut was massively enjoyable but 40 minutes too
            long – so the task was to hone it by losing some scenes and
            collapsing others while maintaining the essence. The challenge
            of shortening is something I enjoy. You want to feel the visceral
            nature of the scene by shrinking it or merging things together so
            that you don’t ever notice anything is missing.”
                Principal photography last Autumn was at Longcross Studios,
            just outside London, where Ní Dhonghaíle was stationed. Having
            championed her usual assistants to go solo on their own shows,
            she arrived needing a new team. She quickly called up first
            assistant Simon Davis and VFX editor Matt Glen, both of whom
            had worked on Branagh productions before. Joining them were
            Sarah Bowden second assistant; Katie Nicholls, editorial trainee;
            and Thora Woodward, assistant VFX editor.
                “They were all brilliant. Simon would organize all the rushes.
            I would start cutting what was shot that day. Then I would give
            the scenes to Simon and Sarah and they would begin doing
            sound design,” Ni Dhonghaile says. “Matt was also with us
            from week one and began painting in any bluescreen backdrops.
            It meant that by Friday I could send Ken the first-week assembly
            that looked and sounded pretty good. That’s a good boost for
            any director. All directors need a good editorial team just to give
            them a little email to say ‘well done, it’s beautiful’ but for them
            to see it is even better.
                “Every week I would send [Branagh] that week’s cut but
            halfway through the shoot I pulled the whole film together so he                                                  “The big thing with the pandemic is that everyone pulled
            could view it. We were in constant communication about anything                                               together. From the top executives on down everyone was kindness
            he needed to drop or pick up, but because of time pressures it was                                            and consideration,” she adds, noting that Disney Co-Chairmen Alan
            a bonus to be able to watch it together at this moment and know                                               Bergman and Alan Horn, 20th Century’s president of production
            where to go from there.”                                                                                      Steve Asbell, Michael Green and producer Judy Hofflund “had
                It was also beneficial to project the film, shot on 65mm, at                                              to review on PIX and I was struck by how gracious they were
            Longcross’ screening rooms for editorial, the camera team, and                                                in accommodating this. They quickly sent over notes to us.
            art department. Glen was able to drop in backdrops from the                                                   Ken would digest them, attack them and we had another screening
            location shoot in Egypt so Ní Dhonghaíle could cut those in                                                   one week later, so it was a really quick turnaround.”
            before the VFX department began to work in earnest.                                                               Ní Dhonghaíle spent two weeks on the sound mix at Twicken-
                “George Murphy (VFX supervisor) and Claudia Dehmel                                                        ham Studios following COVID-safety protocols.
            (VFX producer) were just down the corridor from me at                                                             “As the VFX came in, Simon would send them to me and I’d
            Longcross which was really handy. We had great communi-                                                       cut it in and send on updated reels. If anything needed adjusting
            cation. They shared some early imagery with us of the CG boat                                                 we talked it through over the phone. It’s the biggest-budget feature
            which I could put some sound design on and add a push in on a                                                 I’ve worked on to date and despite all of the challenges working
            shot to give it more life so that we could better understand how                                              remotely it proved to be one of the most rewarding because of
            the story was working. Ken is very good at watching work-in-                                                  everyone’s attitude. We were just working as a team and very
            progress VFX and not being put off!”                                                                          aware how lucky were to be able to work and blessed that none of
                The film had wrapped by January but editorial was bare-                                                   us or our families were sick. Everyone took that as a real positive
            ly begun when COVID-19 forced everyone to quarantine.                                                         sign to just do our best to finish the film.” With the story in good
            Ní Dhonghaíle decided to return to Dublin, where she has an                                                   shape they locked the cut in June giving additional time for VFX
            Avid-equipped studio, and maintain regular communication with                                                 to work through shots in remote workflows.
            Davis and Glen in England, talking with Branagh every morning.                                                    “At film school I studied directing and cinematography and
                “We were lucky in being further down the road than some                                                   part of our course was on Dead Again (Branagh’s thriller from
            films,” she says. “We’d had a few screenings together and were on                                             1991). I would draw diagrams and mis-en-scene about how he’d
            our third cut but we had to abandon plans to screen our DCP, with                                             placed the camera. So, I was thrilled when I got to work with
            temp mix in L.A. for Disney – which would have been their first                                               him years later on Wallander and honored to join him on his
            screening – because of the COVID restrictions.                                                                journey down the Nile.”

Top: Scene from Death on the Nile. Photo courtesy of 20th Century Studios. Bottom right: Armie Hammer and Gal Gadot. Photo by Rob Youngson.                CINEMAEDITOR QTR 4    2020    VOL 70 29
©2020 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved. Bottom left: Editor Úna Ní Dhonghaíle, ACE. Photo courtesy of Úna Ní Dhonghaíle, ACE.
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