"Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil" (Eph. 5:15-16) ...

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"Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil" (Eph. 5:15-16) ...
NOVEMBER 2019 | NO. 11 | VOLUME 63


 “Therefore be careful how
   you walk, not as unwise
  men but as wise, making
    the most of your time,
 because the days are evil”
            (Eph. 5:15-16).
"Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil" (Eph. 5:15-16) ...
NOVEMBER 2019 | NO. 11 | VOLUME 63

(ISSN 1538-0793) is published once a month               O Be Careful
by Truth Publications, Inc., 220 S. Marion,            by Mark Mayberry                                                                  pg 4
Athens, AL 35611. Postage paid at Bowling
Green, KY and additional mailing offices.              Oh, be careful, little eyes, what you see, Oh, be careful, little eyes, what you see.
                                                       There’s a Father up above looking down in tender love, Oh, be careful, little eyes,
Manuscripts should be sent to the editor:
Mark Mayberry (mark@truthpublications.com)             what you see.

Subscriptions, renewals & other
correspondence should be sent to:                        “Be Angry and Do Not Sin”
Truth Magazine
220 S. Marion
                                                       by Kyle Pope                                                                      pg 6
Athens, AL 35611                                       The sacredness or sinfulness of anger/wrath is determined by its motivation,
Book orders should be sent to:                         intent, and expression. It is not wrong to feel passionately about something.
CEI Bookstore                                          However, such strong emotions must be given proper channel and expression.
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truthbooks.com                                           The Principle of the Teaching Process (Part 1)
                                                       by Aleta Samford                                                                  pg 8
Online Website:
truthmagazine.com                                      “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire”—William Butler Yeats.
Send change of address to Postmaster at:
220 S. Marion
Athens, AL 35611                                         Whose Image and Inscription Is on the Coin?
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                                                       by David Flatt                                                                   pg 10
Kelly McCombs
                                                       Let us consider the deeper meaning of Jesus’ encounter with the Herodians. This
KMCimage@gmail.com • (615) 210-8599
                                                       famous scene has far more meaning than merely our obligation to pay taxes.
Books in ads are screened but an ad does not
mean unqualified endorsement. All books should
be tested by Scripture. We appreciate readers
                                                         Cultivating Diligence in Our Children
notifying us if they find some glaring fault in ads.   by Daniel Mayberry                                                               pg 14
                                pg 35                  Diligence is demanded in the word of God. How do we cultivate this quality in
                                                       ourselves and our children?

                                                         Question & Answer
                                                       by Bobby L. Graham                                                               pg 16
                                                       Beginning in 1952, the Herald of Truth has used mass media (radio, television,
                                                       and now, the internet) to share the gospel. However, two problems exist: they
                                                       solicit funds from churches of Christ, and they have drifted far from biblical truth.

                                                         Haran, Home of the Patriarchs
                                                       by Leon Mauldin                                                                  pg 18
                                                       Let us look at the Haran of the patriarchs and note its importance in the Genesis
                                                       account of the history of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the sons of Israel.

2                                                      November 2019 | truthmagazine.com
"Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil" (Eph. 5:15-16) ...
The Internet Generation
 Social Un-Networking                        ■■
                                              Virtual vs. Real Relationships             ■■
                                                                                          Digital Distractions
by Zachery Henry                  pg 22      by Bruce Reeves                   pg 24     by Jesse Flowers                    pg 26
Since the dawn of time, man’s chosen         In an age of easy communication             Christians today live in a world that is
means of communication have consisted        and constant connectivity, one must         filled with digital distractions; therefore,
of words, letters, and signs. We still use   ask, “Whatever happened to real             it is vitally important that we refocus our
these same forms of communication            relationships?”                             attention on Christ and His unchanging,
to convey our thoughts and messages,                                                     eternal truths.
albeit with very different tools.

 A World of Knowledge                        ■■
                                              Influence and Influencers                  ■■
                                                                                          Overcoming Digital Temptations
by Danny Linden                   pg 28      by Shane Carrington               pg 30     by Heath Rogers                     pg 32
How can Christians effectively use the       Social and entertainment media              Christians must remain alert while
world of knowledge that available on         dramatically impact our lifestyles          online, knowing that the devil effectively
the internet without falling prey to         and influence, so let us use these in       uses advancing technology to entice,
misinformation or worse?                     discerning ways to further godliness, not   entrap, and destroy us in sin.

                                                 November 2019 | truthmagazine.com                                                   3
"Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil" (Eph. 5:15-16) ...

O Be Careful
by Mark Mayberry

Oh, be careful, little eyes, what you see, Oh, be careful, little eyes, what you see. There’s a Father up above looking
down in tender love, Oh, be careful, little eyes, what you see.

   Profound truths can be shared with      Heart                                       evil” (Prov. 1:10-19, esp. v. 15). Our Lord
simple words. Consider the familiar                                                    offers a similar warning (Mark 9:45-46).
                                              We must be careful with our hearts.
children’s song, “Oh Be Careful.” The
                                           Proverbs 4:23 says, “Watch over your            Therefore, may we live with purpose,
Bible repeatedly warns the people
                                           heart with all diligence, For from it       watching the paths we trod (Prov. 4:20-
of God to “be careful” (Deut. 6:1-9;
                                           flow the springs of life.” In saying,       27), making straight paths for our feet
Ezek. 36:22-32; 1 Cor. 3:10; Eph. 5:15-
                                           “That which proceeds out of the man,        (Heb. 12:12-13). Be prepared. Although
16; Titus 3:8). Prudence is required
                                           that is what defiles the man,” Jesus        frequently overlooked, proper footwear
with our hearts, hands, and feet.
                                           echoed this theme (Mark 7:20-23).           is essential. Running and rock-climbing
Don’t forget your eyes, ears, and
mouth. In every aspect of life, let us                                                 shoes serve different needs. So also
                                               God commanded the nation of
remember that God is watching.                                                         flip-flops and work boots. Have you
                                           Israel, “Only give heed to yourself and
                                                                                       shod your feet with the preparation
                                           keep your soul diligently, so that you
    When Paul says, “Be careful” (1 Cor.                                               of the gospel of peace (Eph. 6:15)?
                                           do not forget the things which your
3:10; Eph. 5:15-16), he uses the Greek                                                 Are you conducting yourself as a
                                           eyes have seen and they do not depart
word blepō, which means “to look                                                       vessel for honor, sanctified, useful
                                           from your heart all the days of your
at, observe, or see.” In other words,                                                  to the Master, prepared for every
                                           life; but make them known to your
“Watch what you are doing!” There                                                      good work (2 Tim. 2:20-21)?
                                           sons and your grandsons” (Deut. 4:9).
is a difference between mindlessly
                                           Solomon said, “Incline your heart to        Eyes
staring at a page, and actively trying
                                           understanding” (Prov. 2:1-6, esp. v. 2).
to comprehend the text. Used in this                                                       We must be careful with our eyes.
sense, “to see” means “to process          Hands                                       Jesus said, “The eye is the lamp of the
information by giving thought, direct                                                  body; so then if your eye is clear, your
one’s attention to something” (BDAG,          We must be careful with our hands.
                                                                                       whole body will be full of light. But
179). Bible study requires mental          Jesus said, “If your hand or your foot
                                                                                       if your eye is bad, your whole body
discipline. Spiritually speaking, we       causes you to stumble, cut it off and
                                                                                       will be full of darkness. If then the
must not “sleepwalk” through life.         throw it from you; it is better for you
                                                                                       light that is in you is darkness, how
In Matthew 24 and Mark 13, Jesus           to enter life crippled or lame, than
                                                                                       great is the darkness!” (Matt. 6:22-23).
discusses signs of the end, making         to have two hands or two feet and
                                                                                       He soberly warned against allowing
application to the destruction of          be cast into the eternal fire” (Matt.
                                                                                       our eyes to cause us to stumble
Jerusalem (which occurred in AD 70)        18:8; Mark 9:43-44). May we keep our
                                                                                       (Matt. 5:27-29; 18:9; Mark 9:47-48).
and the end of time (which remains         hands spiritually clean (1 Tim. 2:8; Jas.
in the future). He ends both sections      4:8) and actively dedicated to doing           May we allow morality to govern
by saying, “Take heed” (Mark 13:23,        good (Eccl. 9:10; 1 Thess. 4:9-12).         the gift of sight. Job said, “I have made
33). In other words, “Heads up!” Paul                                                  a covenant with my eyes; How then
                                           Feet                                        could I gaze at a virgin?” (Job 31:1).
shows similar seriousness in warning
the Philippians, “Beware of the dogs,          We must be careful with our feet.       Failure in focus can be catastrophic:
beware of the evil workers, beware of      Sinners may say, “Come with us. Let         Remember David’s folly (2 Sam. 11:2-
the false circumcision” (Phil. 3:2-3).     us share the spoils of wrongdoing.”         5; Prov. 6:23-29). Instead of being
In other words, “Pay attention!”           Wisdom entreats, “My son, do not walk       captured by the eyes of a seductress
                                           in the way with them. Keep your feet        (Prov. 6:23-29), search for a spiritually-
                                           from their path, for their feet run to      minded spouse who will be a loving

4                                              November 2019 | truthmagazine.com
"Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil" (Eph. 5:15-16) ...
and life-long companion (Song of Sol.      those who were indifferent but divulge   12:36-37), and deeds (Matt. 16:27;
4:1, 8-9; 7:4). Wait patiently until the   the truth to those who are discerning    Rom. 2:4-11). God will judge our
time is right (Song of Sol. 2:7; 8:4).     (Matt. 13:10-17). When God’s word        secret sins, along with those that are
                                           challenges our preconceptions, may we    brazenly public (Eccl. 12:13-14; Rom.
Ears                                       heed Jesus’ warning, “Let these words    2:16; 1 Pet. 4:3-6). Are you prepared
    We must be careful with our ears.      sink into your ears…” (Luke 9:37-45).    to stand before Him in judgment (2
In ancient Greek mythology, Sirens                                                  Cor. 5:10-11; Rev. 20:11-15)?
enticed sailors with their sweet voices,   Mouth
luring them close to the rocky coasts         We must be careful with our           Sources
of their island, leading to shipwreck      mouths. David said, “I will guard        BDAG = Bauer, Walter, Frederick W.
and ruin. Potiphar’s wife looked           my ways that I may not sin with            Danker, William Arndt and F. Wilbur
with desire at Joseph, and said, “Lie      my tongue; I will guard my mouth           Gingrich. A Greek-English Lexicon of
with me.” Although she entreated           as with a muzzle…” (Ps. 39:1). May         the New Testament and Other Early
him day after day, Joseph did not          we speak truth, not falsehood (Ps.         Christian Literature. 3rd ed. Chicago:
listen to her to lie beside her or be      34:11-16; Eph. 4:25), bless and not        University of Chicago Press, 2000.
with her (Gen. 39:5-13, esp. v. 10).       curse (Eph. 4:29-32; Jas. 3:2-12).
                                                                                                    Mark and Sherelyn have labored
   Positively, we must be attentive to     Conclusion                                               with the Adoue Street church
                                                                                                    of Christ in Alvin, TX since 1998,
wisdom and receptive to truth. God
                                              Remember, God is watching (Ps.                        where he serves as the evangelist
says, “Listen, O my people, to my                                                                   and an elder. The church website
                                           11:4-7; 139:1-12, 23-24). We will give
instruction; incline your ears to the                                                               is ascoc.org. His website is
                                           an account of our thoughts (Jer.                         markmayberry.net and his email
words of my mouth…” (Ps. 78:1-4; Prov.                                              Mark Mayberry
                                           17:10; Heb. 4:12-13), words (Matt.                       is mark@truthpublications.com.
23:12). Parables cloak the truth from                                               Editor

                                               November 2019 | truthmagazine.com                                                   5
"Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil" (Eph. 5:15-16) ...

“Be Angry and Do Not Sin”
by Kyle Pope

The sacredness or sinfulness of anger/wrath is determined by its motivation, intent, and expression. It is not wrong to
feel passionately about something. However, such strong emotions must be given proper channel and expression.

   In the fourth Psalm, David charges      angry and resentful that someone                 These applications of this text
the reader, “Be angry, and do not          has taken advantage of us. Perhaps,          are valid, but they do not address
sin. Meditate within your heart on         it is an unkind and hurtful word that        all that Psalm 4:4 would teach us.
your bed, and be still” (Ps. 4:4, NKJV).   was spoken to us—our blood boils,            The Hebrew word translated “angry”
The apostle Paul quotes the first          the pressure rises, and anger builds         is ragaz, defined, “to be agitated,
part of this verse in his epistle to the   within. In such cases, we look at the        quiver, quake, be excited, perturbed”
Ephesians, and offers either additional    instruction of the psalmist and the          (BDB, 919). While the New Testament,
instruction or a paraphrase of the last    apostle as warnings not to allow this        in Ephesians 4:26 uses a word that
part of the verse, declaring, “Be angry,   sudden anger to lead us to sin.              more narrowly addresses anger,
and do not sin: do not let the sun go                                                   ragaz is used variously in Scripture
down on your wrath” (Eph. 4:26).              Secondly, we also use this text as a      in reference to fear (Exod. 15:14),
                                           justification for righteous indignation.     earthquake (1 Sam. 14:15), dislocation
   This text is often applied in one of    We consider the fact that Jesus, on          (2 Sam. 7:10), tumultuous waters (Ps.
two ways. First, we understand it to       occasion, was angered by sinful and          77:16), and rage (Isa. 37:29). The New
refer to our behavior when something       hypocritical behavior. He drove out          American Standard Bible renders
makes us angry. For example, a car         the moneychangers with a whip (John          this, “Tremble, and do not sin.”
pulls out in front of us on the highway,   2:15-16), yet Scripture tells us Jesus
and in our fear of an accident, we         was “without sin” (Heb. 4:15). From              Many things in life lead us to
get angry. A repairman cheats us by        Jesus’ example and the words of the          agitation and uneasiness. These
charging too much, leaving the job         psalmist and the apostle, we see that        might include fear, worry, frustration,
undone, or lying to us about work          anger alone is not sin but must be           persecution, hardship, weakness,
that was done. This makes us feel          controlled, lest it lead us to commit sin.   or anger. What do we do when we
                                                                                        have such an unsettled feeling? It is
                                                                                        so easy to allow agitation, anxiety,
                                                                                        or distress to make us sin! We allow
                                                                                        ourselves to see sin as justified.
                                                                                        We might say to ourselves, “They
                                                                                        wronged me; I’ll wrong them.” Or, we
                                                                                        lose our self-control. The trembling
                                                                                        agitation of the moment robs us of
                                                                                        the good sense we would normally
                                                                                        use to avoid sin. Although it is easy
                                                                                        at such times to sin, the psalmist
                                                                                        tells us, “Don’t do it!” Instead, do two
                                                                                        other things: (1) “Meditate within
                                                                                        your heart” (i.e., think about it and
                                                                                        carefully consider the situation); and
                                                                                        (2) “Be still.” This is not apathy or a
                                                                                        refusal to address a problem. It is
                                                                                        simply a matter of calming the raging
                                                                                        emotion of the moment to allow a

6                                              November 2019 | truthmagazine.com
"Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil" (Eph. 5:15-16) ...
cool evaluation of the situation. How      He explains, “What comes out of a          Sources
often are the good motives of the          man, that defiles a man” (Mark 7:20).
                                                                                      BDB = Brown, Francis, Samuel Rolles
heart short-circuited by the hasty         Listing a variety of sins, Jesus says,
                                                                                        Driver, and Charles Augustus Briggs.
movement of the tongue or body, as         “All these evil things come from within
                                                                                        Enhanced Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew
the mind has become disengaged             and defile a man” (Mark 7:23).
                                                                                        and English Lexicon. Oxford: Clarendon
in the process of rash anger?
                                              We will face many things in life          Press, 1977.
   James says the same thing in            that lead us to feel unsettled. The
charging us, “Be swift to hear, slow       Lord calls us to realize that when we
to speak, slow to wrath” (Jas. 1:19).      experience these things, the challenge                   Kyle preaches for the Olsen Park
Only a few verses before this, he          for us, as God’s children, is not to let                 church of Christ in Amarillo, TX.
                                                                                                    He has written several books
taught that all sin has an internal        them lead us to sin. We will tremble,                    published by Truth Publications,
beginning in the desires of the heart      shake, be agitated, be angry, or                         including How We Got the Bible.
(Jas. 1:15). Jesus addresses this in its   perturbed, but it can and must be that                   The church website is olsenpark.
broadest terms. To those who were          we “tremble, and do not sin.”              Kyle Pope     com. He can be reached at
interested only in external cleanliness,

                                               November 2019 | truthmagazine.com                                                   7
"Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil" (Eph. 5:15-16) ...
Women’s Insights

The Principle of the Teaching
Process (Part 1)
By Aleta Samford

“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire”—William Butler Yeats.

   To review, “the law of the lesson” (which we concluded            perspective, he must know for himself and use his powers.
in August’s article), emphasized the importance of finding           Students will resent you answering for them all the time.
where the student is in his knowledge before introducing
more material. Our goal is to help them feel empowered to               “The eye must do its own seeing, the ear its own hearing,
learn more. It is unwise to think that we can start at a random,     and the mind its own thinking” (Gregory, 27). It takes patience
unfamiliar place without losing the attention of our students.       to allow children time to think, but it’s something we must
                                                                     allow. Why? Because they will one day have to work out
   We move now to “the law of the teaching process,” which           their own salvation, just as we will. We must think of them as
states, “Excite and direct the self-activities of the pupil and as   soldiers in training who are learning how to don the spiritual
a rule, tell him nothing that he can learn himself.”                 armor of God, so they can get used to relying on it. Satan is
                                                                     prowling for their souls, and they need to be ready to stand
    Once you’ve found where to begin with your students,             against him.
it’s time to nudge them to learn more. Now is the time for
motivation. “Make your students discoverers of truth. Make              Also, like us, they have a race to run! They need to get and
them find out for themselves. Wake up your students’ minds.          stay in shape. While they are little, our goal is to motivate
Set your students to thinking. Arouse the spirit of inquiry”         them to want to search out the answers and to obey on their
(Gregory, 85).                                                       own.
   Do you remember this quote by Dwight D. Eisenhower:                   God reveals the principle of the teaching process in this
“Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you              familiar verse: “But solid food belongs to those who are of
want them to do because they want to do it”? President               full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses
Eisenhower said that motivation is an art. Some may think            exercised to discern both good and evil” (Heb. 5:14).
that means having the knack, as in, “Yes, but it just comes
naturally for her!”                                                     Paul chose similar words in writing to Timothy: “Exercise
                                                                     yourselves toward godliness” (1 Tim. 4:7). This is beginning
   However, that’s not always the case. If you have been             to sound like a workout, isn’t it? That’s exactly what it is:
taking all the Laws seriously, you’re on your way to perfecting      a workout of the heart, soul, and mind. It is the teacher’s
the art, to becoming natural motivators. Just as you feel            responsibility to prompt the children in this workout.
confident that, when fertile soil, water, and sun are present,
your flowers will grow, so, when all the principles of teaching         One of my favorite places to start is by appealing to the
are applied, you can be confident that the seed will grow in         senses of my students. What do they smell, taste, feel, hear, or
the hearts of your students and the desire (motivation) to act       see in the lives of the Bible characters for themselves? For the
upon what they have learned will blossom.                            youngest children, bright colors and things in motion serve
                                                                     as sense-exercisers, pulling them into the story. For the older
    We want our children to dig out the information for              students, appeal to their thoughts and feelings. Please join
themselves. Only then will it become a permanent part                me in February’s article as we look at this law further.
of their thinking. Under special circumstances, you can
disregard this part of the Law: “tell him nothing that he can
                                                                                       Aleta is the wife of Gene Samford, who preaches for the
learn himself.” Those special circumstances may be (1) to save                         church that meets in Kemp, TX. She has taught Bible classes
time, like when you’re trying to beat the bell, (2) if a child is                      for forty-four years and, to help other women join the
discouraged, or (3) when their interest is high, and there’s a                         ranks, presents a series of lessons based on God’s word,
                                                                                       The Seven Laws of Teaching, and her own experiences.
demand for quick information. All in all, from each student’s                          She may be reached at aletas10@sbcglobal.net.
                                                                     Aleta Samford

8                                                  November 2019 | truthmagazine.com
"Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil" (Eph. 5:15-16) ...
November 2019 | truthmagazine.com   9
"Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil" (Eph. 5:15-16) ...

Whose Image and Inscription Is
on the Coin?
By David Flatt

Let us consider the deeper meaning of Jesus’ encounter with the Herodians. This famous scene has far more meaning
than merely our obligation to pay taxes.

   In Matthew 21, a strange and           Jesus Goes to the Temple                      past with the Roman Empire. The
unusual scene is described. Combining                                                   Herodians’ support of Herod made
                                             As the events of Passover unfolded,
the symbols of Hanukah and Passover,                                                    them supporters of Rome. The scenario
                                          Jesus went to the temple. Surprisingly,
Jesus is paraded through Jerusalem                                                      they presented was precisely stated.
                                          the various Jewish sects conspired in
to the chant, “Hosanna to the Son of                                                    This legal question presented Jesus
                                          an alliance against Jesus. Different
David! Blessed is he who comes in                                                       with a legal and moral dilemma.
                                          Jewish groups were in constant
the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the
                                          competition with one another; yet,               The Herodians asked Jesus whether
highest!” (Matt. 21:9). The celebration
                                          they found common ground in their             or not it was lawful to pay tax to Caesar.
of Hanukah, or the Feast of Dedication,
                                          hatred of Jesus. Each group asked a           What did the Herodians mean by
was a commemoration of the victory of
                                          question, attempting to discredit and         “lawful”? If Jesus said it was lawful to
Judas Maccabaeus. The people waved
                                          embarrass Him. Like any skilled lawyer,       pay taxes to Rome, some might accuse
palm branches as they praised Judah.
                                          these carefully crafted questions were        Him of being a Roman sympathizer. If
Each year, Israel remembered their
                                          intended to destroy His reputation.           He said it was not lawful to pay taxes
independence and the rededication of
the temple. Yet, Hanukah was not just                                                   to Caesar (which was probably what
                                             The Herodians were the first to
about the past, but also focused on                                                     the Herodians expected), they could
                                          approach Jesus. Along with the
the future—anticipating the time when                                                   accuse Him of treason. No matter
                                          Pharisees, they plotted how to
Israel’s real King would be enthroned.                                                  how Jesus answered, the Herodians
                                          entangle Him in His words. They said,
                                                                                        thought He would be discredited.
                                          “Teacher, we know that you are true
   The Passover commemorated
                                          and teach the way of God truthfully.             Now, the Herodians were right
the Exodus: the time when Jehovah
                                          You do not care about anyone’s                about one part of their analysis. Jesus
rescued Israel from Egyptian slavery.
                                          opinion, nor are you swayed by                was an impartial teacher of God. His
However, like Hanukah, Passover
                                          appearances. Tell us, then, what you          impartiality and justice resulted in His
was not just about remembering the
                                          think. Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar,   correct assessment of the Herodians:
past. This celebration was about the
                                          or not?” Jesus, aware of their malice,        they were brazen hypocrites. Little
future—anticipating the time when God
                                          said, “Why put me to the test, you            did they realize how He was about
would rescue Israel by the Messiah.
                                          hypocrites? Show me the coin for the          to expose their corruption.
   In this scene depicted in Matthew      tax.” And they brought him a denarius.
21, symbols of Hanukah and Passover       And Jesus said to them, “Whose                   The Master Teacher’s answer to their
are combined and connected to Jesus.      likeness and inscription is this?”            question was surprising. Jesus asked
He was Israel’s king come to save them    They said, “Caesar’s.” Then he said to        for a coin. He asked the Herodians
from oppression; albeit, He would         them, “Therefore render to Caesar the         whose image and inscription were on
save Israel and the world in a way        things that are Caesar’s, and to God          the coin. Of course, Caesar’s image
completely unanticipated. Little did      the things that are God’s.” When they         was graven on it. Roman coins from
the multitudes know how differently       heard it, they marveled. And they left        this period had the image of Emperor
Jesus would be paraded through those      him and went away (Matt. 22:15-22).           Tiberius with the inscription, “Caesar
same streets in a few short days.                                                       Tiberius, son of the divine Augustus.”
                                            As their name indicates, the                After receiving the coin, Jesus told
                                          Herodians had aligned themselves              the Herodians to give to Caesar what
                                          politically with the house of Herod.          was his and to God what was His.
                                          Herod’s dynasty had a storied                 The answer of Jesus created quite

10                                            November 2019 | truthmagazine.com
a dilemma for the Herodians. They           deceived themselves into thinking              away: anger, wrath, malice, slander,
needed to make a moral judgment as to       they could gain favor with both Herod/         and obscene talk from your mouth.
what belonged to the God they claimed       Rome and God. Their desire to court            Do not lie to one another, seeing
to know and serve. The Herodians            the favor of the existing political            that you have put off the old self
                                                                                           with its practices and have put on
were astonished and amazed by               establishment led them to reject the
                                                                                           the new self, which is being renewed
Jesus’ response. Why was that?              Messiah sent by the true and living God.       in knowledge after the image of
                                                                                           its Creator (Col. 3:5-10, ESV).
Taking a Closer Look                            If we are not careful, we can also
                                            become idolaters. We often elect to            Sins that arise from our hearts are
    Perhaps we have not given this
                                            serve the gods of this world: the gods      evidence of our idolatry. God’s wrath
passage the attention it deserves. If
                                            of money, sex, and power (1 John            will be poured out upon idolaters. This
all we take away from this teaching
                                            2:16). We can deceive ourselves into        has been demonstrated in the past
is that, in addition to serving God,
                                            thinking we can gain the favor of this      when Israel would turn aside to idols.
Christians need to pay their taxes,
                                            world and the Creator. Such balance is      Paul warns against the punishment
we miss the point. Jesus’ teaching is
                                            not possible. Ultimately, our idolatry      that will be poured out on idolaters:
not limited to the issue of taxation.
                                            is expressed through specific acts
Yes, Christians must pay their taxes;                                                      Seeing it is a righteous thing with
                                            of sin (Rom. 1:18-25). Idolatry and
however, the message is much more                                                          God to recompense tribulation to
                                            transgression will keep us from our
profound. Taxation is not what                                                             them that trouble you; And to you
                                            Creator in this life and the next. The         who are troubled rest with us, when
left the Herodians speechless.
                                            only hope we have is to allow Jesus            the Lord Jesus shall be revealed
    First and foremost, this teaching is    to reveal, examine, and expose our             from heaven with his mighty angels,
a warning against idolatry. The coin        hearts. If we let Jesus question our           In flaming fire taking vengeance on
that was handed to Jesus was a symbol       hearts, we might be shocked at what            them that know not God, and that
of idolatry. The very inscriptions on       the examination might reveal.                  obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus
the coinage declared man to be a god.                                                      Christ: Who shall be punished with
                                               Secondly, this encounter between            everlasting destruction from the
The politically-minded Herodians
                                            Jesus and the Herodians teaches                presence of the Lord, and from the
had aligned themselves with the
                                            us the importance of our image.                glory of his power (2 Thess. 1:6-9).
rulers of this world. The Herodians
                                            The image of Caesar was not just
had compromised their loyalty to the                                                        God’s image needed to be restored
                                            on the coin. The image of Caesar
Creator and become idolaters. Do you                                                    in the hearts of the Herodians. If
                                            was inscribed on the hearts of the
remember the first commandment?                                                         we heed this warning, God’s image
                                            Herodians. This had to change.
It was a prohibition against idolatry:                                                  can be restored in us. Jesus can
   And God spake all these words,              We would be wise to consider whose       transform our hearts, making us
   saying, I am the Lord thy God, which     image and inscription is on our hearts.     into useful vessels of honor (2 Tim.
   have brought thee out of the land of     God endowed us with His image (Gen.         2:21). In so doing, we can become
   Egypt, out of the house of bondage.      1:27), thus distinguishing us from the      symbols of the Creator pointing to a
   Thou shalt have no other gods before     rest of His creation. As God’s image-       bright, glorious eternity with Him.
   me. Thou shalt not make unto thee        bearers, we should reflect His glory into
   any graven image or any likeness of      the world. An idolater cannot reflect the      Lastly, this account of Jesus and
   anything that is in heaven above, or     glory of the Creator. Rather than being     the Herodians teaches us an important
   that is in the earth beneath, or that
                                            a symbol of the Giver of Life, idolaters    lesson about order. What did the
   is in the water under the earth: Thou                                                Herodians owe Caesar? What did the
   shalt not bow down thyself to them,      are symbols of death. Thankfully, our
                                            image can be restored and renewed           Herodians owe God? The Herodians
   nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God                                               knew they owed everything to God.
   am a jealous God… (Exod. 20:1-5).        by faith in the Messiah. Note how
                                            Paul described renewing our image:          Regrettably, this truth was not being
    This commandment was first                                                          reflected in their lives. After all, here
                                               Put to death, therefore, what is         they stood, rejecting the Savior that
for a reason. Without following the
                                               earthly in you: sexual immorality,       God had sent to rescue them.
first, one could not obey the second           impurity, passion, evil desire, and
or any other command. Much to                  covetousness, which is idolatry. On         Similarly, we accept that everything
their surprise, Jesus exposed the              account of these the wrath of God        belongs to God, but often do not reflect
Herodians for having broken the first          is coming. In these you too once         this truth in our lives. How we choose
commandment. Yes, the Herodians                walked, when you were living in
                                                                                        to order our life greatly matters. While
had become idolaters. They had                 them. But now you must put them all

                                                November 2019 | truthmagazine.com                                                  11
prioritizing our life is not easy, we      Conclusion
must continuously evaluate what is
                                               This encounter with Jesus and                      David and his family began
most important to our families and                                                                laboring with the Fry Road
                                           the Herodians is deep and rich with
us, and sacrifice accordingly. Putting                                                            church of Christ in Houston, TX
                                           meaning. It represents a clash between                 in 2019. The church website is
God and His kingdom first in our lives
                                           the Creator and Caesar—the kingdoms                    fryroad.org. He can be reached
means using our lives, abilities, and
                                           of this world and the kingdom of                       at dflatt85@yahoo.com.
possessions to His glory. We are to                                                 David Flatt
                                           heaven—a clash in which we are in
use who we are and what we have
                                           the middle. Who will we choose to
to serve the Creator and help others.
                                           worship? Whose image and inscription
Only self-giving love is to characterize
                                           is engraved upon our hearts?
the lives of those who bear the image
of the Creator and bring Him glory.

12                                             November 2019 | truthmagazine.com
David and his family began
                                                  laboring with the Fry Road
                                                  Church of Christ in Houston, TX
                                                  in 2019. The church website is
                                                  fryroad.org. He can be reached
                                                  at dflatt85@yahoo.com.
                                    David Flatt

November 2019 | truthmagazine.com                                             13

Cultivating Diligence
in Our Children
by Daniel Mayberry

Diligence is demanded in the word of God. How do we cultivate this quality in ourselves and our children?

   You may have heard the saying, “If       stay in that condition, so that we may      again, “make every effort to come
a job is worth doing, it’s worth doing      ultimately inherit God’s blessings.         before winter” (2 Tim. 4:9, 21). If we
well.” The first recorded use of this                                                   are making every effort to accomplish
expression was in a letter from Philip          What is involved when we talk about     an important goal, we will not
Stanhope, Fourth Earl of Chesterfield,      diligence? Look at different ways it        procrastinate but will respond quickly.
to his son in 1746. He wrote, “In truth,    is used in Scripture. To start, it is the
whatever is worth doing at all, is          opposite of being lazy. In Hebrews 6,          Diligence is connected with
worth doing well; and nothing can           the writer encourages Jewish brethren,      growth. In 2 Timothy 2:14-15, Paul
be done without attention.” Perhaps         some of whom were in danger of              admonished Timothy, and by
you were told this at some point            returning to Judaism. In verse 11, he       extension, all believers, “Be diligent
in your life. Similar thoughts are          states, “We desire that each one of         to present yourself approved to God
expressed in the Bible. For example,        you show the same diligence so as           as a workman who does not need
the writer of Ecclesiastes affirmed:        to realize the full assurance of hope       to be ashamed, accurately handling
                                            until the end, so that you will not be      the word of truth.” We must not be
   Whatever your hand finds to              sluggish, but imitators of those who        content with casually reading the
   do, do it with all your might; for       through faith and patience inherit          Bible, but should exert ourselves to
   there is no activity or planning or
                                            the promises.” Disciples need to be         accurate handling of the word.
   knowledge or wisdom in Sheol
   where you are going (Eccl. 9:10).        diligent not to let go of the perfect
                                            law of Christ. Sluggish is descriptive          Applying all diligence, Christians
   The term “diligence” is frequently       of one who is lazy. Many proverbs           should grow in faith, moral excellence,
used in the Scriptures and suggests         contrast diligence with laziness. For       knowledge, self-control, perseverance,
this idea of making a great effort to       example, “The soul of the sluggard          godliness, brotherly kindness, and love
accomplish something. It occurs in          craves and gets nothing, but the soul of    (2 Pet. 1:5-11). Since these qualities
many forms in the New Testament,            the diligent is made fat” (Prov. 13:4).     must be ours and increasing, diligence
but looking at the verb speudō, it                                                      in these areas is not optional. Does our
means “(1) to be in a hurry, hurry,             In Luke 15:8, Jesus told a parable      parental example show our children
hasten; (b) go in haste; (2) to cause       about a woman who possessed ten             that this is our most important goal? Do
something to happen or come into            coins, but lost one. She swept the          we surround them with other faithful
being by exercising special effort; (3)     house and searched carefully until she      Christians who care about them and
to be very interested in discharging an     found it. She showed diligence. We’ve       will encourage them to serve God? The
obligation, be zealous, exert oneself,      all been in this situation, searching       encouragement and positive example
be industrious” (BDAG, 937-938).            for something of value that we have         of brethren can push our children to
                                            misplaced, like our cell phone or           reach deeper in their service to God.
    Sacred Scripture associates             keys. If the lost object is valuable,
diligence with other desirable qualities.   we will search for it with diligence.          Diligence should also be seen
In 2 Peter 1:10, the apostle discusses                                                  in benevolence. In writing to the
the salvation that his readers enjoy:          Diligence communicates the               Corinthians, Paul instructed Christians
“Therefore beloved, give all diligence      concept of physical haste. When Paul        to contribute on the first day of each
to make your calling and election sure.”    was imprisoned in Rome, likely facing       week to assist the needy saints in
As Christians, we have received the         death and knowing that his end was          Jerusalem (1 Cor. 16:1-2; 2 Cor. 8:7-8,
gift of salvation. Let us be careful to     near, he urged Timothy, saying, “Make       16, 22). The time was getting close
                                            every effort to come to me soon” and        when the apostle would come and

14                                              November 2019 | truthmagazine.com
collect their contribution. Would it             followed up by saying, “Behold what
be ready? Did the Corinthians care               earnestness this very thing, this godly
deeply about helping their brethren?             sorrow, has produced in you” (2 Cor.
They needed to put their promises                7:8-13, esp. v. 11). When we recognize
into practice. Do you know Christians            that changes are required, we should
today who, when they see a need,                 quickly repent. When we make
don’t have to be told, but just act?             mistakes as parents, are we diligent
Let’s all have that attitude! Do our             in repenting and making whatever
children see us practice benevolence?            changes are necessary for our lives?
Are we, as parents, providing our
children with opportunities of helping               Finally, faithful Christians will
others who are less fortunate?                   diligently strive to enter God’s
                                                 promised rest (Heb. 4:11). They
     Proverbs 4:23 says, “Watch over             will labor so as to realize the full
your heart with all diligence, for from          assurance of hope to the end (Heb.
it flow the springs of life.” It is critically   6:11). They eagerly anticipate the
important for all disciples, especially          coming of God (2 Pet. 3:12) and will
the young, to guard their hearts. This           strive to be found in Him in peace,
doesn’t just happen; it requires us to           spotless and blameless (2 Pet. 3:14).
turn away from temptations as they
present themselves. We cannot walk                  We have looked at several areas
blindly through life, but must keep our          where we should show diligence.
eyes focused—watching our steps and              Further applications can be made
making good choices along the way.               from God’s word. The best teachers
May we diligently guard our hearts.              for our children are godly parents
                                                 who recognize the need for diligence
    Moses emphasized the parental                in all areas of life. May our lives
responsibility of teaching one’s                 reflect this quality every day.
children: “These words, which I am
commanding you today, shall be                       So how do we cultivate diligence
on your heart. You shall teach them              in our children? They need to know
diligently to your sons and shall talk           what diligence is, see it being
of them when you sit in your house               lived out in others, and ultimately
and when you walk by the way and                 recognize the benefit in exercising
when you lie down and when you                   diligence themselves.
rise up” (Deut. 6:6-7). Let us abide by          Sources
this command. As parents, we have
a limited window of opportunity to               BDAG = Bauer, Walter, Frederick W.
teach our children. In a few short                 Danker, William Arndt and F. Wilbur
years, they will be grown and gone.                Gingrich. A Greek-English Lexicon of
This duty cannot take second place                 the New Testament and Other Early
to entertainment, sports, or even our              Christian Literature. 3rd ed. Chicago:
children’s education. Have our children            University of Chicago Press, 2000.
witnessed such an effort by their
parents? If so, it will help stress the
importance for them to teach others.
  Another critical area where                                      Daniel works for GAF, the leading
we should manifest diligence is                                    roofing manufacturer in North
when repentance is required. Paul                                  America. He also serves as
                                                                   an elder at the Warfield Blvd
commended the Corinthians for their                                church of Christ in Clarksville,
swift change. After pointing out the                               TN. He can be reached at
need for change in his first letter, he          Daniel Mayberry   danielmayberry@icloud.com.

                                                      November 2019 | truthmagazine.com                15
Bobby actively
                                                                                                                           participates in
                                                                                                                           fill-in preaching,
                                                                                                                           Belize trips,
                                                                                                                           teaching an
                                                                                                                           hour each
                                                                                                        Bobby L. Graham day at Athens
                                                                                                                           Bible School,
                                                                                                        and in gospel meeting work. He
                                                                                                        and his wife, Karen, have three
                                                                                                        children. He can be reached
                                                                                                        at bobbylgraham@pclnet.

Someone invited a representative from the Herald of Truth to give us
a presentation on a program they have for personal ministry. The man
had some interesting things to say, but I heard things that gave me
pause. Do you know anything about them and their program?

    This question was received recently from a brother in            My Letter to the Inquirer:
Christ who now lives in a distant state. I have known him
                                                                        Hello brother, you asked a question that could require
since he was a small child here in North Alabama. Because
                                                                     several pages to answer. I will spare you the long answer
I covered the complete nature of a sponsoring church
                                                                     and give you the short one for now. The Herald of Truth
organization in an earlier column, I will not here include
                                                                     started many years ago in the early 1950s as a local radio
much of what I then wrote, only my initial response. I
                                                                     program, later became a nationwide radio program, and still
provided enough in my answer so that he might consider for
                                                                     later became a television program. Sadly, it served to divide
the present. If he has sufficient concern about this matter,
                                                                     congregations of the Lord’s people all across the nation.
he will ask more. From that earlier column, I quote here one
paragraph which summarizes what needs to be said:                       Its divisive nature is because it is a missionary society,
  The Catholics, Presbyterians, Methodists, and other                another organization besides the local church serving to do
  groups have placed their local churches under some                 the local church’s evangelistic work/preaching the gospel.
  central coordinating agency, some to a greater degree              In other words, it takes the place of a local church in its
  than others. What makes their organizational scheme                organization and its function, all the while receiving funds
  unscriptural but the sponsoring church scheme scriptural?          from local churches all over the country.
  In both instances, there is a clear deviation from the New
  Testament model of local church operation, oversight,                 Many congregations, which once supported it, no longer
  and autonomy. If one deviation is right, then the others           do so because it has increased in its liberalism. It has come
  are; if one is wrong, then the others are just as wrong!           under the control of very far out, liberal, even progressive

16                                                 November 2019 | truthmagazine.com
people. Their convictions concerning truth and biblical           nationwide organization. They make all decisions regarding
authority are quite weak.                                         what to spend, whom to support, what evangelistic efforts
                                                                  to make, etc. As you surely can see, this is not consistent
    I will cite two passages showing that the Herald of Truth     with New Testament teaching. There is no New Testament
cannot function scripturally. Acts 20:28 instructs elders to      authority for such a scheme as this. If you can find this
tend the flock of God among them. 1 Peter 5:4 also tells          authority, you’re reading a different Bible than I am.
elders to do the same thing. The set up of this organization
is people who are not local elders tending to the work of             Brother, I urge you to take a stand against this. If the
other local churches (those who send the money). All that         congregation will not stand for the truth and insists on
the local elders in the sending churches are doing in this        spending funds on such unauthorized works and you cannot
particular endeavor is overseeing the money before it is sent.    convince them to change, then you need to leave and find a
After it arrives in Abilene, its oversight changes from elders    congregation where you can conscientiously participate in
in sending churches to whatever staff are set up over this        full fellowship with the work that is being done.

                                                November 2019 | truthmagazine.com                                          17

Haran, Home of the Patriarchs
by Leon Mauldin

Let us look at the Haran of the patriarchs and note its importance in the Genesis account of the history of Abraham,
Isaac, Jacob, and the sons of Israel.

    Haran was located in upper           (Gen. 11:31; “settled,” Acts 7:4, NASB;   (Gen. 24:3). He made his faithful
Mesopotamia and occupied an              spelled “Charran,” KJV). Abraham’s        servant swear to this, and that he “go
important role in the history of         father, Terah, died in Haran (v. 32).     to my country and to my kindred, and
the patriarchs. By faith (Heb. 11:8),                                              take a wife for my son Isaac” (v. 4). “And
Abraham (still called Abram) left Ur        When Abraham was seventy-five          he arose and went to Mesopotamia,
of the Chaldeans, with extended          years old, he obediently departed         to the city of Nahor” (v. 10).
family traveling with him. Haran was     from Haran (Gen. 12:4), leaving his
not just a stopping place along the      family behind. Years passed. When the        Although there was a city called
journey to Canaan; instead, “they        time came for Isaac to be wed, it was     Nahor, which was near Haran, the
came to Haran and dwelt there”           important to Abraham that his son not     phrase here more likely means
                                         marry one of the pagan Canaanites         “the home of Nahor,” i.e., Haran

18                                           November 2019 | truthmagazine.com
(cf. Wenham in WBC). God granted           this was no problem: he could also        Sin, which brings to mind Joshua’s
Abraham’s servant success, showing         marry Rachel (after waiting one week      reference to “the gods your fathers
him that, indeed, Rebekah (daughter        in deference to Leah), and then work      worshiped beyond the Euphrates
of Bethuel, son of Nahor, brother to       seven more years for her. He did so,      River” (Josh. 24:15, HCSB).
Abraham, Gen. 22:20-23) was to be          laboring six more for wages. Only then
the wife of Isaac. The family said,        did he return to Canaan (Gen. 28-31).     Sources
“We will call the young woman and                                                    HCSB = The Holy Bible: Holman Christian
ask her personally.” Then they called         The site of Haran has geographical
                                                                                       Standard Version. Nashville: Holman
Rebekah and said to her, “Will you         and historical significance. The
                                                                                       Bible Publishers, 2009.
go with this man?” And she said, “I        name Haran means “highway,”
will go” (Gen. 24:56-57). Afterward,       and was strategically “situated on        NIV Archaeological Study Bible: An
Isaac “took Rebekah and she became         the historic east-west trade route          Illustrated Walk through Biblical
his wife, and he loved her” (v. 67).       that linked the Tigris River with the       History and Culture. Grand Rapids:
                                           Mediterranean Sea,” and was “one of         Zondervan, 2005.
   Haran factors a third time in           northern Mesopotamia’s important
patriarchal history. Rebekah told          commercial and religious centers,         Wenham, Gordon J. Word Biblical
her son Jacob to “flee to my brother       widely known for its dedicated             Commentary: Genesis 16–50, Vol. 2.
Laban in Haran” (Gen. 27:43), ironically   worship of the moon god, Sin” (NIV         Dallas: Word, Incorporated, 1994.
thinking this would only be “a few         Archaeological Study Bible, 47).
days” (v. 44). It turned out to be                                                                     Leon has worked with the
twenty years! He worked seven years           The photos included here show
                                                                                                       Hanceville church of Christ in
ostensibly for marriage to Laban’s         the bee-hived structures that served                        Hanceville, AL for twenty-nine
daughter, Rachel. Yet, the morning after   as housing in Haran. These are said to                      years. He and his wife, Linda,
the wedding, Jacob discovered, to his      be about 200 years old, but are built                       have three children and eight
                                                                                                       grandchildren. His websites
great dismay, that he was married to       like those in the time of Abraham. Also                     are leonmauldin.blog and
                                                                                     Leon Mauldin
her sister, Leah. Laban assured him        pictured is the temple site associated                      mauldinbiblelandtours.com.
                                           with the worship of the Moon god          He can be reached at leon.mauldin@gmail.com.

                                               November 2019 | truthmagazine.com                                                    19

01_ Author - of article
02_Author - of article

03_Sypnosis -of article

20                        November 2019 | truthmagazine.com
Barry Britnell is the founder
                                                        of Exploring Bible Lands, LLC
                                                        and leads Bible study tours
                                                        to the land of Israel. He also
                                                        works with Appian Media
                                    Barry Britnell      (appianmedia.org) to produce
                                                        Biblically-sound videos used
                                    in teaching others about the Bible. Barry and his
                                    wife, Tabatha, have three children, live in Athens, AL,
                                    and worship with the Capshaw church of Christ.

November 2019 | truthmagazine.com                                                      21
The Internet Generation

Social Un-Networking
by Zachery Henry

Since the dawn of time, man’s chosen means of communication have consisted of words, letters, and signs. We still use
these same forms of communication to convey our thoughts and messages, albeit with very different tools.

   In our technologically advanced         Bringing the World                          It Feels Good to Be Liked
world, billions of people now have         Closer Together                                 In a June 2019 article in Psychology
access to social media platforms.
                                              On June 22, 2017, Facebook CEO           Today, psychologist Loren Soeiro,
Only a little more than a decade
                                           Mark Zuckerberg posted a note               Ph.D., writes, “More time spent on
ago, this term would have failed to
                                           entitled, “Bringing the World Closer        the most commonly used social
register with most people; however,
                                           Together,” in which he states the “most     networks correlates to higher feelings
fast forward to 2019, and social
                                           important thing” the social media giant     of loneliness and isolation.” Citing
media platforms like YouTube,
                                           can do is “bring people closer together.”   additional independent studies, Soeiro
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram,
                                           Zuckerberg wrote at the time that           maintains that “higher social media use
have become household names.
                                           he would “change Facebook’s whole           is associated with higher anxiety” and
   Social media platforms are              mission” to ensure that it happened.        “the ability to feel good about oneself—
convenient tools for communicating                                                     to have healthy self-esteem—may be
with our friends, co-workers, and             Upon reading this statement, I           compromised by social media use.”
relatives. Yet, few realize that these     recall thinking how odd it seemed
                                           that the CEO of a significant social            Another study of teens ages thirteen
“networking” sites present a significant
                                           media platform would say such a             to eighteen, commissioned by the
risk to our health, our relationships,
                                           thing, especially considering that          UCLA Brain Mapping Center, found
and our spiritual well-being.
                                           Facebook’s original mission statement       that receiving a high number of “likes”
   As of 2018, the average daily           was “to give people the power to            on photos showed increased activity
social media usage of internet users       share and make the world more open          in the reward center of the brain. The
worldwide amounted to 136 minutes          and connected.” One has to ask: If          study also reported young adults
per day, according to Statista.com.        the largest social media platform’s         were influenced to “like” images,
Just imagine what we could instead         corporate mission for more than a           regardless of content, based on high
be doing with those two hours. Time        decade was to “make the world more          numbers of “likes.” Psychologist
spent online is oft disconnected           open and connected,” why would it           Katie Hurley may have put it best
from the happenings of real-life.          have to change its defined mission          when she astutely observed: “It
                                           to “bring people closer together?”          feels good to be ‘liked’ and ‘herd
    Please don’t misunderstand: There’s                                                mentality’ is big on social media.
nothing wrong with expanding your              It’s evident—even to the founders       Like what others like and you’re in.”
network. Soliciting career advice from     of these social media platforms—that
industry leaders, reconnecting with old    their products contain a serious flaw.          Consider the rhetorical questions
friends, and reading life updates from     While there are significant advantages      posed by Paul to the churches of
a family member are all good things.       and benefits to connecting with             Galatia: “For am I now seeking the
                                           anybody, anywhere in the world, there       approval of man, or of God? Or am
   This is not where the danger lies.                                                  I trying to please man? If I were still
                                           is also a staggering drawback when this
Instead, the risk is in how we interact                                                trying to please man, I would not
                                           becomes mainstream practice—our
with others on these social media                                                      be a servant of Christ” (Gal. 1:10).
                                           personal, daily connections suffer.
platforms, and the amount of time
we spend developing social media                                                          Our goal in life should not be
connections, rather than investing that                                                to accumulate the most “likes” or
time in building “real connections.”                                                   have the most Facebook “friends.” It

22                                             November 2019 | truthmagazine.com
should be to fear God and follow His        on what really matters, and our           Sources
commandments (Eccl. 12:13). Instead         spiritual lives suffer as a result.
                                                                                      “Global Time Spent on Social Media
of chasing the praise of men, we should
                                               Christians who purposely walk            Daily 2018.” Statista. January
be seeking the approval of our Lord.
                                            headlong into debates or arguments          2019. https://www.statista.com/
   The time and energy that we              should remember and heed the                statistics/433871/daily-social-media-
spend on social media can often             admonishment of James: “Let                 usage-worldwide.
be better spent elsewhere. Along            every person be quick to hear, slow
                                                                                      Hurley, Katie. “Social Media and
with avoiding contentious online            to speak, slow to anger; for the
                                                                                        Teens: How Does Social Media Affect
arguments, this could lead to improved      anger of man does not produce the
                                                                                        Teenagers’ Mental Health.” Psycom.
mental health, happier lives, and           righteousness of God” (Jas. 1:19-20).
                                                                                        March 7, 2019. https://www.psycom.
stronger personal relationships.
                                            Face to Face                                net/social-media-teen-mental-health.
Ignorant Controversies                         Consider the words of Paul:            Soeiro, Loren. Ph.D. “Is Social Media Bad
   Because today’s news travels fast,       “Therefore watch carefully how you          for You?” Psychology Today. June 21,
we are constantly bombarded with            walk, not as unwise, but as wise;           2019. https://www.psychologytoday.
stories that provoke an emotional           redeeming the time, because the             com/us/blog/i-hear-you/201906/is-
response. It is tempting to turn to the     days are evil” (Eph. 5:15-16). Are we       social-media-bad-you.
platforms at our fingertips and opine       better off spending hours following
on “breaking news.” Disregarding            other people’s lives and engaging in      Zuckerberg, Mark. “Bringing the World
the importance of the news itself, it       fruitless debates on social media, or       Closer Together.” Facebook. June
seems significant to us at the time,        investing effort in fostering personal      22, 2017. https://www.facebook.
and so we feel obligated to share our       relationships with those around us and      com/notes/mark-zuckerberg/
thoughts with the world. Humans             focusing on sharing the gospel with         bringing-the-world-closer-
love to receive praise and validation       strangers? The answer is obvious.           together/10154944663901634.
from others—and what better place                                                                     Zachery worships at the
to spout off our opinion than a                 Social media is an incredible tool.
                                                                                                      Monte Vista church of Christ
platform that offers a global pulpit?       It allows us to stay connected with                       in Phoenix, AZ and serves as
                                            fellow Christians whom we may go                          the Communications Director
   It’s a pattern we’ve seen time and       long periods without seeing, it lets                      for the Arizona Republican
                                                                                                      Party. He can be reached at
time again: A person receives critical      us share our faith with non-believers                     zacheryhenry1@gmail.com.
                                                                                      Zachery Henry
feedback from someone who doesn’t           with the click of a button, and it
share their opinion, leading to a           provides an ever-increasing audience
debate between both parties, where          to whom we can reach out and teach
each morph into “keyboard warriors,”        from the comfort of our living room.
squabbling over whose opinion is
right. If the two parties aren’t careful,      Nevertheless, let’s not forget the
the debate can quickly spiral out of        feelings John expressed when he
control, and before you know it, what       wrote to the church: “Though I have
began as a difference of opinion can        much to write to you, I would rather
become a heated and contentious             not use paper and ink. Instead, I hope
argument. It is even worse when             to come to you and talk face to face,
this occurs between Christians.             so that our joy may be complete”
                                            (2 John 12). Nothing can replace
    The apostle Paul instructed             seeing and speaking with someone
Timothy to avoid “foolish, ignorant         in person. There is no substitute for
controversies” because “they                taking time out of one’s day to stop
breed quarrels” (2 Tim. 2:23). As           and ask a friend or relative how they
Christians, our attention should be         are doing. The genuineness of such
on pursuing spiritual things. If we         an act can’t be replicated any other
become distracted by the trivialities       way. Let’s look for more opportunities
of this world, we cease to focus            to talk face to face. It’s worth it.

                                                November 2019 | truthmagazine.com                                                23
The Internet Generation

Virtual vs. Real Relationships
by Bruce Reeves

In an age of easy communication and constant connectivity, one must ask, “Whatever happened to real relationships?”

   The Genesis account vividly             who serve as an integral part of our        on a regular basis. Early Christians
describes God’s divine purpose in          fellowship. However, just the other         relied on each other for encouragement
the creation of humanity: “Then God        day, we had a new college student who       and edification in a very personal
said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image,       began to attend with us. When asked         and uplifting way (Acts 2:42-47; 4:32).
according to Our likeness…’ God            about his plans to attend all of the        Our worship is optimally experienced
created man in His own image, in the       worship services, he told one of our        when we are personally present with
image of God He created him; male          elders that he would just watch online      our brothers and sisters in the Lord,
and female He created them” (Gen.          from his dorm room during the other         jointly offering adoration to God (1
1:26-27). Among the attributes that we     times of services. The elder responded,     Cor. 14:23-26). The worship assembly
share with our Creator is relationality.   “You mean you do not want to be             is not merely a spectator sport, but
The Godhead reveals that the Father,       with us on Sunday and Wednesday             joins us with one another and leads to
Son, and Holy Spirit have enjoyed          evenings?” The young man replied,           spiritual interaction with our God as we
divine fellowship eternally (John          “Come on! It’s the twenty-first century.”   meet Him at His word (1 Thess. 2:13).
1:1-3; 17:24; Heb. 1:1-3). Humanity                                                    Moreover, we partake of the Lord’s
has been created to glorify God, not           This is disturbing on several levels,   Supper each first day of the week in
only in sharing a relationship with our    especially as we consider the true          the assembly of the saints (Acts 20:7; 1
heavenly Father (Eccl. 12:13-14; Matt.     nature of relationships, connections,       Cor. 11:23-26). There is power in God’s
6:9-13; Eph. 3:15) but also through        sharing, and fellowship. Reflect upon       people praying together (Acts 12:5;
our fellowship with one another            the function and blessings of being         1 Tim. 2:1-3). The Scriptures refer to
(John 13:34-35; 1 John 1:1-4). These       a part of a local congregation that         believers “speaking to one another
truths are as vital and significant        is committed to Christ. First, we are       in psalms and hymns and spiritual
today as they have ever been!              thankful for godly shepherds who            songs, singing and making melody”
                                           “keep watch” over our souls and care        with our hearts to the Lord (Eph. 5:19).
   We live in the “Internet Generation,”   for the believers who are among them
or “I-Gen,” as some express it. Thanks     (Heb. 13:17). These men strive to set          All these concepts speak of
to modern technology, there are many       a faithful example for those whom           reciprocal action. We are to hold
benefits and even opportunities to         they oversee (1 Pet. 5:1-4). How is         one another accountable in real
connect with friends and share the         this possible if we remove ourselves        relationships to encourage true
gospel of Christ. Few people today         from actual relationships with our          spiritual growth. My mother passed
operate “off the grid.” Yet, for all the   spiritual shepherds? Paul writes, “But      away a couple of years ago with a rare
blessings that instant communication       we request of you, brethren, that           terminal disease. One of the difficult
has brought to us, there are plenty of     you appreciate those who diligently         aspects of her illness was that she
pitfalls of which we must be cautious.     labor among you, and have charge            could not assemble with the saints.
                                           over you in the Lord and give you           She enjoyed hearing sermons and
Is “Virtual Church” Really                 instruction, and that you esteem            the singing through our website,
the Same As Being There?                   them very highly in love because            but had you asked her whether she
   I have been blessed to preach for the   of their work. Live in peace with           preferred being with her brethren in
Highway 65 church of Christ in Conway,     one another” (1 Thess. 5:12-13).            the assembly or watching online—the
Arkansas for twenty years. We have had                                                 answer would have been obvious.
                                              Consider also the relationship we
the privilege of working with many very    are to share with our fellow-believers
zealous and convicted young Christians

24                                             November 2019 | truthmagazine.com
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