The analysis of MICE tourism development in the world and in Uzbekistan

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Economics&Education 2019 03(01)                                                                          GLOBALIZATION

Kamila Khafizova
ISMA University of Applied Sciences
Researcher ID:
Jevgenija Dehtjare
ISMA University of Applied Sciences

    The analysis of MICE tourism development in the
                world and in Uzbekistan

Abstract                                                                                   Keywords
The article discusses characteristics of business and leisure tourism and considers        Business tourism, MICE
the components of MICE industry. Statistical data on the level of development of           industry, Meetings, Incentives,
MICE tourism globally are being presented. The authors make a comparative analysis         Conferences, Events
of MICE tourism in both the countries which are considered to be the leaders in this
sphere, as well as in the emerging countries such as Uzbekistan. The relevance of this     JEL: Z310
study is determined by the need to promote and develop MICE sector worldwide. The
perspectives of the development of MICE tourism in Uzbekistan are presented on
the example of Silk Road Destinations.

1 Introduction                                                    division as MICE in the world and in Uzbekistan.
                                                                      The subject of the study is the perspectives
The number of business contacts has started to                    and barriers to development of business and MICE
increase steadily at the end of the 20th century.                 tourism in Uzbekistan on the example of travel
That resulted in the development of business                      company Silk Road Destinations.
tourism and MICE industry.                                            The purpose and problem of research is
    MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Conference, Event)                  attributed to the low degree of elaboration of the
tourism sector consists of meetings, incentives,                  analysis of MICE tourism development as a specific
conventions and exhibitions activities including                  sphere of international tourism.
conferences, congresses and trade shows. This                         Uzbekistan is still an “incipient tourist
sector has been regarded as one of the most dynamic               destination” that practically does not exist in the
and important sector of the tourism industry that                 global MICE tourism market.
focuses on business activities rather than leisure.                   Researches regarding MICE possibilities and
    Being developed by more than 115 countries                    barriers to its development in Uzbekistan are
globally, MICE is therefore, considered to be one of the          lacking and therefore the research that is conducted
most indispensable conditions for tourism destination             by the author will analyze the perspectives of
development as well as the key contributors to                    Uzbekistan in this sphere of tourism.
economy of the destination by generating income and
sustaining full-time employment.                                    2 Latest scientific progress and
    World travel and tourism council forecasts that                   publications review
the annual turnover of business tourism will
increase by 3.7% over the next ten years and will                 All the undertaken or already existing studies
grow from $1.15 billion in 2016 to $1.7 billion in                were conducted taking into consideration already
2027 [1].                                                         well developed countries of the world. In order
    The object of the study of this paper is                      to make the research the author used the data of
entrepreneurial activity within such tourism                      the The World Travel&Tourism Council Economic

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Report in 2019, SITE (Society on Incentive               4.2 THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN
Travel Executives), ICCA (International Congress             BUSINESS AND LEISURE TOURISM
and Convention Association), WTO (World
Tourism Organization), the state committee of            Before analyzing the aspects of MICE a definition
the republic of Uzbekistan on statistics and the         of business tourism needs to be given and the
state committee of the republic of Uzbekistan on         features that distinguish business tourism from
tourism development.4 Respondents                        leisure tourism as well business tourism from
    The respondents of the study were mother-            MICE need to be explained.
administrators occupying key administrative                  According to Middleton and Clarke business
positions in the 13 public and private HEIs.             travel is a “work related travel to an irregular place
Purposive sampling was used in getting the               of work” and according to Swarbrooke and Horner
respondents.                                             business travel represents “the practice of people
                                                         travelling for purposes related to their work”.[2][3]
3 The aims of the article                                    The main differences of business tourism from
                                                         leisure tourism are that the main customers of
   1) To examine theoretical aspects of business         business tourism are business people, who travel to
      tourism and give a detailed analysis of the        certain destination in order to work, meet new
      components of MICE tourism;                        partners and possible clients. Whereas the main
   2) To observe the global MICE tourism sector,         purpose of leisure tourist is to relax and to have a rest.
      the latest trends and tendencies;                      Leisure tourists are mainly couples,
   3) To study the specific character of the             honeymooners, families with children or group of
      development of MICE tourism in Uzbekistan          friends. In business tourism it is different. The size
      on the basis of travel company Silk Road           of the group can sometimes get thousands or even
      Destinations;                                      millions of attendees.
   4) To evaluate the current state of the resources         Each year, corporate travelers take more than
      and infrastructure for the development of          480 mln business trips, according to GBTA. In
      MICE tourism in Uzbekistan;                        addition, older, more experienced corporate
   5) To develop appropriate recommendations             travellers take an estimated 12 trips per year while
      for the development of MICE tourism in             younger, newer corporate travellers take roughly 14
      Uzbekistan on the basis of Silk Road               trips a year. This means today’s corporate traveler is
      Destinations.                                      getting younger and thus has a different set of
                                                         demands than corporate travelers of years past [4].
4 Theoretical-methodological                                 In most cases the choice of the destination and
  basics of the research                                 the payment is responsibility of CEO or association.
                                                         Therefore, we can define a business traveller as “a
The author adopted comparative approach in               traveller whose expenses are paid by the business
order to understand the current situation of MICE        he works for” [5]. The United Nation’s World
tourism in different countries and in Uzbekistan.        Tourism Organization in its Basic Glossary defines
Quantitative research techniques perfectly fit the       a business visitor as “an individual whose main
objectives of this paper and allowed for statistical     purpose for a tourism trip corresponds to the
analysis, whereas qualitative research allowed the       business and professional category.”
collection of detailed information. The data received        The World Tourism Organization calculated
from the research has been processed and presented       that business people spend three to four times
in the forms of tables and diagrams. By practicing       more than ordinary citizens on vacation. The
both qualitative and quantitative methods of             annual cash turnover in this sphere is predicted
research the author gained a well-rounded analysis       at tens of billions of dollars. To be more specific,
and understanding of MICE tourism development            in 2006, 4.4 mln business travellers represented
in the world and in Uzbekistan.                          almost $5100 mln of spend, while the 17.8 mln
                                                         travelling for personal purposes only spend
4.1 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND                               $3800 mln. [6].
                                                             According to the World Travel&Tourism
This chapter covers the theoretical part of the          Council Economic Report in 2019 the share of
research. It explores business tourism and its           leisure tourism spending to business one in most
differences compared to leisure tourism and              countries is around 80% to 20%.
MICE. The history of MICE industry and “bleisure             Leisure tours take place during the holidays,
phenomenon is being discussed in the chapter. The        during the season periods in certain destination,
statistical part of the research was collected from      or at the weekends.
articles and official online sources.                        At the same time business tourism is year-round,
                                                         it has no connection to certain dates of the year.

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                                          Uzbekistan                  82%                 18%
                                              Turkey                  87%                  13%
                                               Spain                  88%                  12%
                                  Russian Federation                 81%                  19%
                                             Poland                 67%               33%
                                           Lithuania                 77%                23%
                                              Latvia                  85%                  15%
                                         Kazakhstan                   86%                  14%
                                               Japan                68%                32%
                                                Italy                79%                  21%
                                            Germany                   83%                 17%
                                              France                 81%                  19%
                                             Estonia                 75%                25%
                                               China                 81%                  19%
                                            Armenia                   84%                 16%

                                                        0%    20%    40%       60%   80%      100%

                                                Leisure spending      Business spending

          Figure 1 The share of leisure tourism spending to business tourism spending in different countries
                                Source: The World Travel&Tourism Council Economic Report in 2019
   Among the other essential characteristics of                     event, but is also responsible for all the
business tourism is that participants of business                   arrangements including the entertainment part of
event get profit in the destination they are                        the tour program.
going to visit.                                                         Among the characteristics of business travel is
   We have examined the differences between                         the opportunity to optimize the trip expenditures,
business and leisure tourism, but how is MICE                       abidance by the rules of organization of business
tourism related to business tourism?                                trips and observance of just-in-time principle.
   In the sphere of tourism MICE is an acronym                      MICE embraces all the characteristics of business
that stands for meetings, incentives, conferences                   travel and at the same time it adds creativity,
and events.                                                         uniqueness, exclusivity, originality, special spirit
   There are differences between business tourism                   and wow effect to the trip.
and MICE tourism as well.
   When organizing business trips the travel                         5 “Bleisure” tourism- a new trend
agency makes the visa support, books the hotel                         among business travellers
and air tickets and is not responsible for the
entertainment part. Whereas during MICE event                       Currently some travel experts mark the appearance
the specialized agency is not only holding the
TABLE 1 The differences between leisure and business tourism
                                            Leisure tourism                                      Business tourism
                                                                               Professionals, experts, business people. Sometimes
 Participants                                    Tourists
                                                                                        may be accompanied by partners
 Size of groups                        Individuals or small groups                           Up to million participants
 The main goal of                 Entertainment, leisure, exploring new
                                                                                 Business networking and information sharing
 participants                     destinations and learning new cultures
 Payer                                          The tourist                                The employer or association
                                                                                     The organizer of the meeting/incentive/
 Decision maker                 The tourist, tour wholesalers, travel agents
 Period of time when the trip
                                 During the holidays or special occasions                        Any day of the year
 can take place
 Main economic impact                        Direct spending                                    Trade and investment
Source: developed by author

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of new concept of tourism-“bleisure” that is               managers from different regions in order to make
supposed to be a combination of business and               important decisions, determine how to put into
leisure tourism.                                           practice decisions taken by the board meeting
    There is a growing number of “bleisure” tours              Sub-committee meetings. The meeting of the
being organized globally starting from 2010. In            members of a larger committee.
2014, Bridgestreet Global Hospitality research                 Training seminars. Meetings during which the
dedicated to this phenomenon was published.                participants discuss a certain topic or problem.
According to the figures, for many this kind of                Meetings with partners and suppliers.
travel have become a way of life, while 78% of                 Product launches. Meeting with customers, the
respondents say that such trips make them much             press when new products are entering the market.
more loyal to their work, but less than 14% of                 Strategic meetings. Meetings of company
respondents considered “bleisure” to be more or            managers in order to discuss and make plans for
less officially regulated in the company [7].              the future.
    According to the research conducted by Carlson             Uzbekistan is only going to host 41 meetings
Wagonlit Travel, 1 in 5 business travellers take           and exhibitions in 2019. It should be acknowledged
“bleisure” trips each year, accounting for 7% of all       that is even less than 1% of all the same format
business trips. In nearly half of “bleisure” trips, the    events organized globally. To compare in 2017 the
personal days occur at the end of the trip, in 34% at      number of meetings organized in the USA was 941.
the beginning, while for the remaining 20% leisure             Let us follow the dynamics of the change in the
occurs at both ends of the trip [8].                       number of meetings in Europe countries in 2016-
    This information is also approved by the               ’17. Figure 2 illustrates the number of meetings held
research of Now, going on a business          in Germany, the UK, Spain, Italy, France, the
trip, people preparing not only presentations and          Netherlands, Portugal, Austria, Sweden and
business suits, but also plans to get acquainted           Switzerland.
with the place where they go, and the amount of                As follows from the graph Germany was the
such business travellers, according to the study, is       leader in both 2016 and 2017, with just a small
already at the level of 49%. Also about 75% of the         decrease in number of meetings in 2017. Whereas
survey participants plan to make as many trips as          such countries as Sweden, Austria, Portugal,
possible in the near future. If earlier “bleisure” was     Netherland, France, Spain and the UK had marginal
not paid much attention, believing, sometimes              changes in the number of meetings within a year,
rightly, that it was a waste of time and could even        Switzerland and Italy managed to increase the
damage a career, but now the angle has changed.            number of new meetings in 2017 to 46 and 47
“Bleisure” provides an excellent opportunity to            correspondingly.
expand horizons, look at some things differently               If to consider Asia Pacific countries the top 10
and eventually achieve more in the work. Moreover,         leaders in the number of meeting organized are
for 30% of “bleisure” respondents, it is so attractive     Japan, China, Republic of Korea, Australia, India,
that they are willing to accept less paid jobs in          Thailand, Singapore, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong
order to be able to travel [7].                            and Malaysia.
                                                               Among the Baltic countries Estonia hosted 68
6 The components of MICE                                   meetings, Lithuania-47 and Latvia-36.
                                                               From the CIS countries the leader is
MICE as noted earlier, is composed of meetings,            undoubtedly, Russia with 87 meetings organized
incentives, conferences or congresses and events.          in 2017, Kazakhstan-11, Belarus-7.
In this part these components will be examined
thoroughly.                                                7 Incentives
    Meetings. During the meeting groups of people
come together to share ideas, important                    To understand what incentive trips are, we need
information and discuss various issues.                    to understand what the word “incentive” means.
    According to the International Association of          According to Oxford Dictionary incentive is “a
Congress Organizers (IAPCO) meeting is “a general          thing that motivates or encourages someone to do
term that indicating a coming together of a number         something”. [10]
of people in one place to confer or carry out a                The International Association of Congress
particular activity. [9]                                   Organizers (IAPCO) provide the following
    All the meetings can be divided to:                    interpretation of incentive: “Meeting event as part
    Board meetings. Meeting of company directors           of a program which is offered to its participants to
that are usually held once a year. During the annuals      reward a previous performance.”[11]
the company directors discuss the situation of the             The companies organize incentive trips for its
company, review the progress the company made.             employees, clients and partners. The main goal of
    Management meetings. Meetings of the                   such trips is to improve both individual and

Economics&Education 2019 03(01)                                                                      GLOBALIZATION

                                                       2017      2016

                                  Switzerland                 230

                                     Sweden                      255

                                      Austria                      281

                                     Portugal                      298

                                  Netherlands                        307

                                      France                                      506

                                        Italy                                    515

                                       Spain                                         564

                          United Kingdom                                               592

                                    Germany                                                    682

        Figure 2 The share of leisure tourism spending to business tourism spending in different countries
                            Source: The World Travel&Tourism Council Economic Report in 2019

corporate effectiveness of managers, strengthen               Mexico, the UK, Asian countries and Pacific Rim.
the company loyalty and teamwork, increase sales                 According to statistics, 80% of all the incentive
and motivate the managers to reach the desired                tours take place in Europe, 10% in the USA, 6% in
outcomes. Thus, the Society for Incentive Travel              South-East Asian countries, and 4% in other
Excellence (SITE) International Foundation quotes             destinations [14].
a study by the International Society for Performance             Mandy Espey in her article “Your Guide to
Improvement, which established that incentive                 2019’s Top Incentive Travel Destinations” highlights
travel programs can increase performance of an                Vienna, Athens, Cartagena and Edinburgh as Top
individual by 22% and of a team by 44%. The                   International City Destinations [15].
Society for Incentive Travel Excellence (SITE)                   These days the budgets for incentives continue
International Foundation concludes that “incentive            to grow too with over one-third of planners now
travel programs have been proved to increase sales,           having per-person budgets from $3,000 to $4,000
boost productivity, retain customers, hold on to              and almost 40% of planners now having per-person
top talent, promote teamwork and decrease                     budgets of $4,000 or more [16].
turnover, among other results.” [12].                            Among the companies that organize incentive
    The homeland of incentive trips is, no doubt,             tours the following can be distinguished:
the USA. The first incentive trip was organized in               • Full service incentive companies are the
the USA in 1906. That year the US company                           travel companies that provide almost all the
“National Cash Registers of Dayton” awarded 70                      services connected with the organization of
salespeople diamond-studded pins and a free trip                    active leisure.
to company headquarters. Few years later the                     • Fulfillment type incentive companies are
winners got a free trip to New York [13].                           those travel companies that provide advisory
    However, as an independent industry incentive                   services or specialize in certain areas of active
tourism was established only in 1960s.                              leisure.
    These days the USA is an implicit leader in the              • Incentive travel departments only act as
sphere of business tourism. The USA is followed by                  providers of certain elements of incentive
Germany, the UK, France and Spain.                                  tour program and don’t participate as
    Among the most preferable destinations for                      independent companies on the market.
organization of incentive tours from the USA are

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8 Congresses and conferences                                 Canada, Brazil, Russia and the Netherland. The
                                                             venues in these countries account for almost 60%
During the congresses the participants attend                of all the exhibition venues in the world. Europe
educational sessions, participate in meetings,               maintains the leadership from this perspective,
discussions, socialize, or attend other organized events.    getting 45% share of the world market. Europe
    Depending on the number of participants the              stays ahead Asia-Pacific region and North America
congress events can be divided into:                         that accrue 23.6% and 23.5% correspondingly.
    Small (less than 250 participants);
    Normal (from 250 to 1000 participants);                  9 Events
    Big (more than 1000 participants).
    Depending on the theme the congress events               All the events can be divided into:
can be:                                                      Social events such as birthday party, anniversary,
    Political. The meetings of the representatives of        wedding ceremony.
several countries in order to hold on negotiations,              Cultural and religious events such as festivals,
sign contracts, establish business relations and             carnivals, commemorations.
solve global issues. One of the examples of such                 Political events such as summits, visits of
kind of conferences is the regional security and             officials and royal occasions. For instance, with
sustainable development conference that was                  around 2 billion viewers around the world, Prince
hosted by Samarkand from 10th to 11th November,              Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding was an event
2017 that gathered more than 500 participants.               that broke all records. The royal wedding cost
    Business. Meetings, specifically organized in            approximately $45 million. To make Harry and
order to discuss the problems in certain area.               Meghan's wedding cake, baker Claire Ptak used
    Scientific. Meetings of experts in certain               500 eggs. The recipe for the lemon-elderflower cake
discipline, specifically organized in order to analyse       also called for 200 Amalfi lemons, 44 pounds of
actual scientific problems, find the ways to solve           butter, 44 pounds of flour, 44 pounds of sugar and
them and inform the attendees about new                      10 bottles of Sandringham Elderflower Cordial. In
accomplishments of science. For instance, from 14-           addition, the cake took five days to make and
15 May, 2014 Samarkand hosted scientific                     required a team of six bakers. It was also decorated
conference “The Historical Legacy of Scientists and          with 150 flowers [17, 18].
Thinkers of the Medieval East, Its Role and                      Educational events such as conferences,
Significance for the Modern Civilization”.                   trainings and seminars.
    Theoretical and practical. Meetings of experts               Sport events. It should be mentioned that sport
in certain discipline, specifically organized in order       events help to increase the touristic value of
to analyse actual applied scientific problems, find          destination. For example, Olympic Games in
the ways to solve them and inform the attendees              Korea, firstly, enabled to create a strong material
about new accomplishments of science.                        and technical basis for tourism. Secondly, it
    Corporate. Meetings that are organized by the            enabled demonstration of Seoul as a touristic
companies for its customers, distributors and                center, that resulted on the development of the
employees.                                                   development of inbound tourism.
    Annual general meetings. The meetings that are               Business events such as trade shows, company
held by the companies each year. During annual               launch.
general meetings the company’s board members                     Thus, the findings of this chapter lead to
discuss its business activities and performance.             conclusions that go as follows. The main
Sometimes new officers can also be elected.                  distinguishing features of business trips are that
    The world's first congress bureau appeared in            they are being paid by the company or organization.
the American Detroit in 1895. However, as a                  The target group of business trips are professionals,
widespread phenomenon, similar congress bureaus              experts and business people whose main goal from
began to be created only in the 1960s in Europe.             the trip is doing business. Sometimes participants
    One of the best examples of congress centers             may be accompanied by partners. A strong
these days is Vienna Convention Bureau. Being                connection of business and leisure tourism resulted
founded in 1969 by the initiative of the                     on the appearance of “bleisure” tourism. The
government, it is functioning as an independent              participants have won this trip for excellent
non-profit institution that is responsible for the           performance rates at their work.
promotion of Austria on the international level.
According to the Vienna Convention Bureau, about
4 thousand events with more than 560 thousand                10 Review of the object of research
participants is held only in Vienna annually.
    These days, among the top 10 leaders that have           Silk Road Destinations (C.A.T.I.A-Central Asia
the best exhibition venues are the USA, China,               Tours Incoming Agency) was founded in 2001. It is
                                                             a limited liability company.

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    The legal address of the company is 1, Kuk             the resolution of the President of the Republic of
Saroy Street, Samarkand, Uzbekistan, 140157.               Uzbekistan.
    The company is operating under the license #T-             National company “Uzbektourism” is the main
0504-14 that was obtained on 10.06.2014.                   coordinating body, which provides the development
    The founder and the CEO of the company is              of a unified state policy in sphere of tourism within
Ravshan Turakulov.                                         the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
    From the moment of its establishment the                   Another important step was made in 1993,
company has chosen a focus strategy.                       when Uzbekistan joined the World Tourism
    Initially, the company specialized on                  Organization (WTO).
organization of cultural tours. The target customers           After gaining independence, tourism sector in
were mainly from France intending on sightseeing           Uzbekistan has become a vital part of economy due
tours around Uzbekistan. Therefore, the company            to reasonable changes in government policy,
put all its efforts to instill awareness and confidence    investment and management efforts.
in its services.                                               A positive tendency is being seen each year in
    Each year the client base has expanded, it             terms of the rise of the number of foreigners who
became necessary to launch new markets and                 come to Uzbekistan.
differentiate the service from its competitors,                In 2016, 2157.7 thousand foreign citizens
particularly through service and staff behavior.           arrived in Uzbekistan, this figure increased by 7
    In this regard, the following markets and              times (1855.3 thousand people) compared to 2000.
departments appeared in the company's structure:               Due to the insufficient number of hotels to
Italian, German, Spanish, English, Russian, Chinese        accommodate all foreign delegates, the Uzbek
markets, reservation department and IT department.         government started the development of hotels,
    Starting from 2006 Silk Road Destinations              which involved the construction of new hotels and
started to offer MICE services to its customers and        the reconstruction of old style hotels.
partners.                                                      The level of services at the hotels could be
    Starting from 2017 Silk Road Destinations              compared to those of Europe. Such branch hotels
annually takes part on AntorMICE workshop. The             as Hyatt, Radisson, Ramada, Miran and Hilton are
AntorMICE Workshop is a one-day event which                functioning in Uzbekistan.
brings together a strong and effective mix of MICE             In Uzbekistan, the occupancy rate of hotel and
Industry Suppliers and Corporate Travel Buyers             similar accommodation facilities by region (places
and covers a broad range of industry categories and        during the year) was 26.1% in 2016. In particular,
classes including Conferences, Incentives,                 the highest rate was in the Syrdarya region – 40%,
Meetings and other business-related travel [19].           in the Dzhizak and Kashkadarya regions - 36.5%,
    Among the most significant events that were            in the Tashkent city - 35.7 %, in the Khorezm
organized by Silk Road Destinations are incentive          region - 14.1% and in the Fergana region - 14.6%.
tours for such international companies as Valenta              When choosing the destination for organization
Pharma, Digma and IBSA.                                    of MICE event, the customers usually take into
                                                           consideration a range of factors. Among these
11 The analysis of tendencies, problems                    factors are the convenient flights, the availability
   and perspectives of the MICE tourism                    of venues for organization of the high-level events,
   development in Uzbekistan                               the availability of creative and beneficial packages
                                                           at the hotels. Besides, the customer considers the
It is necessary to realize an initial analysis about       previous experience of organization of MICE
the current situation in Uzbekistan. With the              events of the same format, the level of
environmental study of the country it will be found        infrastructure and the security of the attendees at
out which circumstances could affect positively or         the destination that is being considered.
negatively to the development of MICE sector in                Since independence, transportation links
Uzbekistan.                                                (airports, roads and railways) in Uzbekistan have
    Uzbekistan gained independence in 1991.                been improved.
There was a need to restructure tourism sphere and             Four main International airports in Tashkent,
to establish the organization in order to develop          Samarkand, Bukhara and Urgench have been rebuilt,
the tourism industry to the level of relevant              the country’s principal highway has been updated.
international     standards,      improving      the           Nowadays, Uzbekistan Airlines operates regular
management of this sphere, enhance its economic            flights to more than 40 world’s leading countries-
efficiency, as well as the implementation of a             Russia, Belarus, the USA, Italy, Germany, France,
unified state policy on the field of tourism and           Latvia, the UK, India, Thailand, the UAE, China,
tourism infrastructure.                                    Malaysia, Korea, Singapore, Turkey, Israel,
    The first step was foundation of National              Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. The
Company “Uzbektourism” on July 27, 1992 upon               representatives of Uzbekistan Airlines are open in

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                         2000                                           2065,7

                         1000                                                              2157,7
                                      443               572,4           1055,5
                            0        302,4              330,1
                                     2000               2005              2010                 2016
                                      Departures of Uzbek people, thousand of people

                                      Arrivals of foreign citizens to the Republic of Uzbekistan,
                                      thousand people

   Figure 3 Arrivals of foreign citizens to the Republic of Uzbekistan and departures of Uzbek citizens in 2016
                           Source: The state committee of the republic of Uzbekistan on statistics

                                    City of Tashkent                                            35,7
                                             Khorezm                   14,1
                                              Fergana                   14,6
                                             Tashkent                                    28,9
                                             Syrdarya                                                  40
                                       Surkhandarya                                     27,6
                                          Samarkand                       16,3
                                           Namangan                       16,5
                                                Navoi                                   27,6
                                        Kashkadarya                                              36,5
                                              Djizhak                                            36,5
                                             Bukhara                        17,4
                                              Andijan                               25
                         Republic of Karakalpakstan                       16,3

                                                         0      10       20        30      40          50

           Figure 4 Occupancy rate of hotel and similar accommodation facilities by region, in percent
                           Source: The state committee of the republic of Uzbekistan on statistics

Economics&Education 2019 03(01)                                                               GLOBALIZATION

25 countries.                                                • Scientific research.
    An important step in implementation of new               In general, the prospects of Uzbekistan in the
technologies was commencement of high-speed             sphere of MICE tourism are great. Due to a stable
train “Afrosiab”, manufactured by Spanish               socio-economic and political situation, the country is
company “Talgo”. Named after the founder of the         becoming more recognizable and attractive from the
historical city of Samarkand, the new trains have       point of view of enhancing business relations which
significantly reduced travel times between the          in its turn causes an increase in the number of trips
destinations while offering the safest and most         undertaken for business purposes to Uzbekistan.
comfortable means of travel.                                 However, there are still the challenges that slow
    The latest events that take place in different      down the development of MICE tourism in the
parts of the world have proved the importance of        region that cannot be ignored. The in-depth and
security during the trip. For a company the             sequential analysis of the barriers for MICE
disruption of business processes during the             tourism development follows.
business trip will face with the threat of serious           The lack of close cooperation at various levels
undermining of its budget. According to research        between the authorities and the professionals of
by the IRF and the University of South Carolina         the industry. In order to make the MICE industry
that was released in June 2017, almost 60% of           and, in general, domestic business tourism globally
planners have experienced some form of disruption       competitive, such interaction is imperative. In
in their events, estimating that almost a quarter of    countries with a well-developed tourist
their events have been affected in some way.            infrastructure, the industry is developing due to:
Almost 50% of planners said they experienced a               Active support and regulation of the state. In
disruption costing their organization $10,000-          international practice, one of the main forms of
$99,000 [20].                                           the government regulations in the sphere of
    In this regard, it should be noted that             tourism is the creation of associations of tourist
Uzbekistan is in the list of the safest countries in    companies and tour operators, transportation
the world. This is proved by a Solo Travel Safety       companies, hotels and restaurants. This is due to
Report 2019 by Wegoplace online travel service          the fact that public organizations are more flexible
regarding the countries that would be the safest for    compared to the state ones in responding to all the
single tourists in 2019. The report was based on a      changes in the marketplace and the wishes of
survey of residents of 142 countries according to       customers. What is more, they have a more detailed
several criteria, among which were questions about      and professional understanding of the intricacies
how safe they feel when walking alone in the city at    of organization of the process of service delivery.
night, whether they trust the local police and               Private investments. Attracting investment is
whether they have been robbed or attacked.              one of the most important factors that determine
    According to this report, Singapore has the         economic growth and improves the competitiveness
highest security index (97 units). It is followed by    of the national economy, as well as contributes to
Norway, Iceland and Finland, each with a safety         its integration into global production processes.
index of 93 units. Uzbekistan is ranked the 5th in           Insufficient promotion and PR to form a
the ranking (91 units), followed by Hong Kong (91       positive image of Uzbekistan for the development
units), Switzerland (91 units), Canada (90 units),      of inbound tourism. In order to enhance the
Indonesia (89 units) and Denmark (88 units).            development of MICE tourism it is necessary for
    According to the survey of WTO carried in           the government of Uzbekistan to start the creation
2014 83% of international tourists suggested that       of an attractive image of the country since creating
they felt safe whilst travelling in Uzbekistan and      a strong positive brand and image of the destination
76% would recommend the destination to friends.         is nowadays an important factor for building its
    However, the analysis of the MICE tourism           competitive advantage.
sector in Uzbekistan allowed finding several                 Moreover, the failure of some destinations to
problems as well.                                       fulfill their tourism potential is related to their
    MICE tourism at certain destination can only        promotional strategies. Promotion is the process
function effectively under the following conditions:    of communicating between suppliers of tourism
    • Additional and true statesmanship;                product and the potential tourists; it enhances
    • Stable legislation;                               their demand for travel.
    • Absence of problems of communication                   Due to the lack of consistent promotional
      between law enforcement bodies;                   campaigns in the sphere of tourism there still
    • Professional MICE organizing companies;           exists the misperception regarding the security
    • Specialized print media;                          situation in Uzbekistan.
    • Objective official statistics;                         When creating MICE image of Uzbekistan, the
    • Targeted and always improving training of         government need to demonstrate it as a compelling
      the staff;                                        and differentiated destination. Uzbekistan can

GLOBALIZATION                                                                   Economics&Education 2019 04(01)

boast its ancient architectural monuments,                      modern technologies.
exquisite cuisine, traditions, hospitality and these          Comparatively low level of development of
factors are good prerequisites for the development       hotel infrastructure in Uzbekistan affects negatively
of Uzbekistan as MICE destination.                       the development of MICE tourism. In regional
     Insufficient attention to participation in          context 40% of the total tourism capabilities is
international exhibitions in MICE industry. In           concentrated in the capital, 37% in Samarkand,
order to promote and introduce the potential of          Bukhara and Khiva, about 16% in Fergana. The
Uzbekistan as MICE destination on international          share of the remaining cities, constituting 50% of
market the travel community of Uzbekistan need           the total area of the republic, accounts for only 7%
to be involved in MICE tourism fairs and                 of the productive potential of tourism in
exhibitions. The tourism companies of Uzbekistan         Uzbekistan. This is due to the fact that Tashkent
should exhibit at EIBTM in Barcelona and IMEX in         and Samarkand are centers for major events of
Franfurt since these exhibitions are a great             both republican and international importance.
opportunity for networking.                                   The other problem with the hotels in Uzbekistan
     Insufficient level of training. We need to          is overbooking during the season. The fact is that
understand that MICE tourism implies as a delicate       in most cases the travel companies have to refuse
work with entrepreneurs in tandem with                   MICE requests since all the business hotels are
professionalism in consulting and management.            already full of reservations or the existing business
Therefore, only professionals who have strong            hotels do not meet the requirements of the request.
general understanding of not only the intricacies             Speaking of business aviation, it should be
of business travel, but also of the needs of business    noted, that though, the work on improving the
travelers should work in this industry.                  infrastructure of airports and the quality of
     MICE services in Uzbekistan are provided by         passenger service is being carried out systematically,
quite a few companies, most of which are tourist.        some terminals and the runways at the airports
Thus, according to the CEO of International              still require renovation and modernization.
Business Travel Muzaffar Kasimov, Uzbekistan                  Despite the availability of direct flights from
outnumbers more than 350 tourist companies,              major cities of the CIS, Europe and Southeast Asia,
though only 8% of them could be related to the           due to the high cost of air tickets, a tendency of a
category of business tourism.                            weak load of aircraft can be observed. The main
     MICE knowledge of the personnel working in          reason for the high rates for air travel is the absence
the sphere of tourism in Uzbekistan needs to be          of any financial support for national carriers and
improved through MICE related certification and          government regulation of all air traffic to
accreditation. The government should engage              Uzbekistan; as a result, tickets remain inaccessible
tourist companies, institutes of higher education as     to the mass tourist who wants to visit Uzbekistan.
well as international associations to establish the      One of the solutions to this issue could become low
MICE Industry Education Committee on the basis           cost airlines. They would help to increase the
of the State Committee on Tourism Development            awareness of Uzbekistan as a tourist destination.
of Uzbekistan. Specialized academic programs need             The State Committee on Tourism development
to be developed in order to develop the skills of        should also enlarge and systematically improve the
existing local MICE suppliers and broaden available      free WI-FI zones so that tourists can easily access
specializations in the sphere of tourism.                the internet.
     It should be also admitted, that such
associations as ICCA (International Congress and         12 The analysis of Silk Roads
Convention        Association),     MPI     (Meeting        Destinations competitiveness
Professionals International), SITE (Society on
Incentive Travel Executives), IAPCO provide              The following text will present the results of
trainings that can help the companies of Uzbekistan      the competitive analysis of the quality of travel
to learn important aspects of MICE industry and          companies in Uzbekistan. The quality of services of
therefore become more successful in this sphere.         travel companies is what distinguishes a successful
     Undeveloped infrastructure (hotels, roads,          travel company from others. The tourists form
transport). For the effective development of MICE        their perception of the quality of service of a travel
tourism a certain level of infrastructure as well as     company before travel, during travel, during their
all the necessary conditions for a comfortable stay      stay at the destination and after return from trip.
on a business trip must be created, which include:       One of the key factors in achieving and maintaining
     • specialized centers for the organization of       competitive advantage of travel companies in the
       exhibitions, congresses and conferences;          market is a high quality of services provided and
     • business hotels for business people;              customer satisfaction. In modern terms, therefore,
     • business aviation;                                the quality is a key factor for survival of travel
     • mobile and satellite communications, other        companies in the market [21].

Economics&Education 2019 03(01)                                                                                GLOBALIZATION

    The aim of the research was to assess and to                  based on the internet search.
distinguish the factors that play a great role during                 In order to determine the degree of compatibility
the assessment of the quality of services the travel              of the service level to customers’ expectations the
agencies offer such as:                                           author used the method “Mystery shopper”.
    • The image of a travel company;                              Mystery shopper is an effective form of marketing
    • Web-pages;                                                  research that is used to evaluate customer service
    • Recommendations from the travel managers;                   process with the help of specially trained people.
    • Tour price.                                                 The essence of this technology is that the "secret
    In order to conduct competitive analysis of Silk              buyer" acting as a real buyer, checks the performance
Road Destinations TM the author has chosen 14                     of the managers and makes records of the details of
different travel companies that offer tours to                    the process of visiting and interacting with the staff.
Uzbekistan on their web-sites.                                        The author’s aim was to check the quality of
    These are the following companies:                            work of the managers with new requests.
    • Advantour;                                                      The first step in this analysis was to check the
    • Afsona Travel;                                              web-sites of the selected companies. The web-sites
    • Canaan;                                                     were checked on the number of languages they
    • CATS;                                                       were presented at.
    • Central Asia Travel;                                            The next step was to create a gmail account in
    • Dolores Tour Service;                                       order to send the request with the legend to all the
    • Global Connect;                                             companies.
    • Inter Mice Asia;                                                According to the legend the client was interested
    • Olympic Tour Service;                                       in a luxury tour for the family with two children.
    • Orexca;                                                     The client wanted a 7-10 day tour to Uzbekistan,
    • Orient Voyages;                                             oriental atmosphere, 5* hotels, activities for
    • People Travel;                                              children, the best restaurants and all inclusive. The
    • Silk Road Destinations TM;                                  only detail that could beat the rush of the managers
    • Tashrif Tours.                                              was a small puppy, the client had intention to take
    The following travel companies were chosen                    with them.
TABLE 2 The analysis of the visibility of the web-sites of travel companies
        The name of the
                                         Web-site                                          Languages
                                                                   The web-site is presented on 5 languages: English, Russian,
  1        Advantour 
                                                                   German, French and Chinese
                                                                   The web-site is presented on 5 languages: English, Russian,
  2      Afsona Travel 
                                                                   Italian, French and Chinese
  3         Canaan                 The web-site is presented on Russian only
                                                                   The web-site is presented on 6 languages: English, Russian,
  4          CATS         
                                                                   Italian, French, Japanese, Chinese
                                                                   The web-site is presented on 5 languages: English, Russian,
  5    Central Asia Travel
                                                                   French, German and Spanish
          Dolores Tour                                             The web-site is presented on 2 languages: English and
            Service                                                Russian
  7      Global Connect          The web-site is presented on English
  8      Inter Mice Asia         The web-site is presented on English
         Olympic Tour                                              The web-site is presented on 7 languages: English, Russian,
            Service                                                German, Spanish, French, Chinese and Hebrew
                                                                   The web-site is presented on 4 languages: English, Russian,
 10          Orexca    
                                                                   Spanish and Chinese
                                                                   The web-site is presented on English, Russian, French and
 11      Orient Voyages 
                                                                   The web-site is presented on 5 languages: English, Russian,
 12       People Travel
                                                                   French, German and Spanish
           Silk Road                                               The web-site is presented on 4 languages: English, French,
        Destinations TM                                            German and Russian
                                                                   The web-site is presented on 2 languages: English and
 14       Tashrif Tours 

GLOBALIZATION                                                                     Economics&Education 2019 04(01)

    The author assessed the companies according           (Canaan) answered the first email within 3
to the time within which they answered the first          minutes, whereas the slowest answered within 9
email. As it was revealed the fastest manager             days (Dolores Travel Systems).
TABLE 3 The response speed of travel companies
                       The name of the company                                  Response speed
    1                          Advantour                                             2 days
    2                         Afsona Travel                                        55 minutes
    3                            Canaan                                            3 minutes
    4                             CATS                                               2 days
    5                      Central Asia Travel                                     15 minutes
    6                      Dolores Tour Service                                      9 days
    7                        Global Connect                                    4 hours 55 minutes
    8                        Inter Mice Asia                                         4 hours
    9                     Olympic Tour Service                                  2 hours 9 minutes
    10                           Orexca                                            52 minutes
    11                       Orient Voyages                                  27 hours and 36 minutes
    12                        People Travel                                  2 hours and 10 minutes
    13                  Silk Road Destinations TM                              2 hours 11 minutes
    14                        Tashrif Tours                                  27 hours and 36 minutes

     The next point for evaluation was the attempt        assessment of manager’s attention to special
of the company to contact the client by phone,            moments.
whatsapp, viber or telegram. Only 2 managers                  The only company that included city quest for
tried to contact the client. One was the manager          children was Central Asia Travel.
from Global Connect. The other manager was from               The following companies included culinary
Central Asia Travel, who left his personal contact        workshops: Central Asia Travel, Canaan, Inter Mice
phone so that the client can reach the manager if         Asia, Orient Voyages, People Travel, Silk Road
he has any additional questions.                          Destinations TM
     The important moment in author’s experiment              The following companies included folk show at
was the evaluation of the quality of first response.      madrassah Nodir Devon Begi in Bukhara: Canaan,
From 14 selected companies only the following 6           CATS, Orient Voyages.
companies sent the tour idea to the client in their           The following companies included visit to
first message: Advantour, Canaan, Dolores Travel          puppet theater in Bukhara: Dolores Travel Systems,
Systems, Olympic Tour Service, Orient Voyages,            Silk Road Destinations TM.
Tashrif Tours.                                                Only two companies offered hotels with family
     The managers of the companies Afsona Travel,         rooms: Orexca, Olympic Tour Service.
Central Asia Travel, Inter Mice Asia, Orexca, People
Travel and Silk Road Destinations TM in their first           13 Results of the research
messages clarified the questions by asking the age
of children and type of accommodation.                    The research helped to reveal the following
     In author’s next message the client answered         problems in the tourist companies in Uzbekistan:
all the questions and provided the managers with             1) Lack of initiative of staff, unwillingness to
all the necessary information. At the same message              communicate with customers. Managers
the client asked all the managers about the                     don’t work to their full capacity. Questions
possibility to bring the puppy to Uzbekistan. From              are answered in monosyllables and without
all the 14 selected companies the only manager                  clarifications. Promises to send tour
from Afsona Travel asked about the size and the                 programs remain promises for a long period
breed of the puppy.                                             of time. The companies need to understand
     The next point of evaluation was the tour price.           that the result of such an attitude may be
From all the managers the only manager from                     the loss of the customers, which in
Advantour gave the family discount. Two                         conditions tough competition and falling
companies Orexca and Orient Voyages gave adult                  consumer demand will affect the financial
price and child price. The average tour price given is          performance of firms and staff salary.
1330 USD per pax.                                            2) Incompetence of knowledge in tourism.
     Another important moment was the                           Managers are often unable to respond

Economics&Education 2019 03(01)                                                                GLOBALIZATION

        correctly to fundamental questions. And          this sphere still remains underdeveloped. It is high
        most importantly: they clearly do not want       time for the governments, travel companies, hotels
        to study such elementary, but important for      and other associated organizations and companies
        every tourist issues, in order to promptly       to think seriously about the attractiveness of
        provide the maximum amount of                    MICE tourism.
        information to each customer.                        Analysis of international business tourist
                                                         attractions helped to reveal the important impact of
14 Conclusion                                            MICE tourism such as economic growth of the
                                                         region, creation of new job opportunities,
Despite the economic importance of MICE tourism,         development of infrastructure and tourist awareness.


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