The 21st Century Queen - A MAGAZINE RESTORING PLAIN UNDERSTANDING - Earth's Galactic Position - The Restored Church of God

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The 21st Century Queen - A MAGAZINE RESTORING PLAIN UNDERSTANDING - Earth's Galactic Position - The Restored Church of God
MARCH-APRIL 2022                         THE                             RCG.ORG/REALTRUTH


                                               The 21st
Earth’s Galactic Position   The Problem with    What Makes Us Human              7 Signs of a
      Investigated!            Protesting       Is It ‘Overlooked’ DNA?         Falling Nation
The 21st Century Queen - A MAGAZINE RESTORING PLAIN UNDERSTANDING - Earth's Galactic Position - The Restored Church of God
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                                     VOL. XX | NO. 2 | MARCH-APRIL 2022                                                                     the Work of God in preaching and
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                                                                                                                                                   DAVID C. PACK

                                                                                                       PHOTO ILLUSTRATION: JODY E. LYDICK
                                                                                                                                                  MANAGING EDITOR
                                                                                                                                                 EDWARD L. WINKFIELD
                                                                                                                                                   SENIOR EDITOR
                                                                                                                                               BRADFORD G. SCHLEIFER
                                                                                                                                                   ASSOCIATE EDITOR
                                                                                                                                                   SAMUEL C. BAXTER
                                                                                                                                               CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
                                                                                                                                                     DAVID C. PACK
                                                                                                                                                 SAMUEL C. BAXTER
                                                                                                                                                  JUSTIN M. FRAZIER
                                                                                                                                                WULPHERT DE GRAAF
                                                                                                                                                ANDREW J. HOLCOMBE
                                                                                                                                                    RICHARD O. LEE
                                                                                                                                                   DAVID J. LITAVSKY
                                                                                                                                                     FRANK LYDICK
What Makes Us Human                            Personal from the Editor-in-Chief                                                                  KENNETH M. OREL
                                               Your Marriage Can Be Happy!                                                                        GARRICK R. OXLEY
Is It ‘Overlooked’ DNA?                        Page 1                                                                                            TIMOTHY D. RANNEY
                                                                                                                                                  DOMINIC J. RIVARD
Scientists stumbled upon an                                                                                                                    BRADFORD G. SCHLEIFER
                                               7 Signs of a Falling Nation                                                                         NESTOR A. TORO
unlikely answer hidden in                      No government, kingdom or society of men lasts forever.                                              F. JACO VILJOEN
the part of our DNA that has                   Here are seven factors that contributed to ancient
                                                                                                                                                  VIDAL N. WACHUKU
                                                                                                                                                EDWARD L. WINKFIELD
previously been considered                     Rome’s demise—warning signs that exist today within                                              EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS
                                               the United States and Britain.                                                                   MELISSA M. HOLCOMBE
useless. This discovery is                     Page 4                                                                                              DAVID J. LITAVSKY
                                                                                                                                                  GARRICK R. OXLEY
just the start of what makes
                                               France, Belgium and the Netherlands                                                                  ART/GRAPHICS
our minds unique.                              Identities Foretold Millennia Ago
                                                                                                                                                    FRANK LYDICK
                                                                                                                                                  CHAUNTEL A. HOUK
Page 8                                         Their ancient origins are unknown to most—yet are                                                 DARNITRA D. JACKSON
                                                                                                                                                    JODY E. LYDICK
                                               key to understanding what lies in their future!                                                     SARAH O. VIDAL
                                               Page 11
                                                                                                                                                 WEBSITE SERVICES
                                                                                                                                               BRADFORD G. SCHLEIFER
                                               The 21st Century Queen                                                                            ANGELA K. BAXTER
                                               Queen Elizabeth II marked 70 years on the throne                                                   AMANDA B. DODD
                                               this year. The British monarchy’s longevity reveals a                                          INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
                                                                                                                                                 TIMOTHY C. WILLARD
                                               prophetic reason for the throne in London.
                                               Page 16

                                               The Problem with Protesting
                                               Demonstrators may mean well, but they often fail to see
                                               a fatal flaw in their tactics that keeps them from bringing
                                                                                                                                            The preparation and production of
                                               lasting change.                                                                              this magazine involved the work of
                                               Page 19                                                                                      editors, proofreaders, graphic artists,
                                                                                                                                            illustrators, writers, researchers and
FRONT COVER: A portrait of Queen Eliza-                                                                                                     those who support the Work of God.
beth II by Andrew Festing for the Royal Hos-   Earth’s Galactic Position Investigated!
                                                                                                                                                  Copyright © 2022, The Restored
pital in Chelsea.                              Our planet’s location within our solar system and galaxy                                     Church of God. Printed in the USA.
TIM GRAHAM PHOTO LIBRARY VIA GETTY IMAGES      is more unique than you could imagine.                                                       All rights reserved.
                                               Page 23                                                                                            The Restored Church of God
                                                                                                                                            is not responsible for the return of
CREDITS: All photos from Getty Images                                                                                                       unsolicited articles and photos.
unless otherwise noted. Pages 16-17, 19-22,    World News Desk                                                                                    Scriptures are quoted from the
31-33 contain information from Reuters and     Page 31                                                                                      King James (or Authorized) Version
The Associated Press.                                                                                                                       of the Bible, unless otherwise noted.
The 21st Century Queen - A MAGAZINE RESTORING PLAIN UNDERSTANDING - Earth's Galactic Position - The Restored Church of God

             Your Marriage Can
                 Be Happy!
        he world is exploding with problems.                 it, or where to turn for answers. Millions stumble along,
        Much knowledge is available about most               bouncing from one marital problem to another, never
        of them, but little understanding. The               knowing how to address them—let alone solve them!
                                                                 How many really happy married couples do you
  breakdown of marriage and the family is a clas-
                                                             know?—and are you even sure of these? Is your mar-
  sic example. Seemingly everyone knows it is                riage truly happy? Are you enjoying the life that you
  happening, but no one knows what it means—or               anticipated? Statistics suggest the answer is probably
  what to do about it.                                       “no.”
     Ever greater numbers of people are question-                Married life has been the brunt of endless jokes,
  ing the institution of marriage. Many are concerned        where traditional conduct and the roles of husbands and
  about where current trends are heading. Some ques-         wives are ridiculed—and depicted as a bondage only the
                                                             foolish enter. Great numbers have come to equate mar-
  tion whether marriage can even survive. Many get
                                                             riage with surrendering “freedom” to a lesser, unhappy
  married on their own terms or only on a trial basis.
                                                             state of existence.
  Millions simply live together, unmarried—and                   Others choose to marry, sincerely believing they will
  increasing numbers now enter “same-sex” partner-           find perfect bliss—will “live on love”—only to discover
  ships. Other millions have come to believe living          that true happiness is far from automatic. Some even
  single is the best state.                                  conclude—often within days—that marriage was the
     Why is all of this happening?                           worst decision of their lives.
     Religion, education, science and society do not know        Sadly, so many enter marriage with no understand-
  the true purpose of marriage. They do not even know if     ing, no preparation, no training, and no idea of how to
  marriage has a purpose. And many couples do reflect        achieve a lifetime of happiness with their chosen partner.
  that they are together with no purpose.                        Most couples spend more time planning for a one-
     Most married people are unhappy—with many a vir-        day wedding than for the lifelong marriage that should
  tual study in misery. They have no idea what to do about   follow. As a result, half of all marriages fail, ending in

MARCH-APRIL 2022                                                                                                          1
The 21st Century Queen - A MAGAZINE RESTORING PLAIN UNDERSTANDING - Earth's Galactic Position - The Restored Church of God
divorce, often with former partners        new, modern role models, discarding       biblical account that God supernatu-
becoming mortal enemies! Other cou-        traditional marriages and families as     rally created two actual people—Adam
ples are just as unhappy, but perhaps      obsolete relics that history has prop-    and Eve—and then identified them as
cannot afford a divorce, or stay togeth-   erly scrapped.                            history’s first married couple.
er only because of the children or other       Recent generations have been con-         Of course, those who believe the
social or business reasons.                ditioned to believe marriage is better    unproven, and in fact easily disprov-
    How tragic! And how completely         “the second time around.” By this         en, fiction of evolution must also believe
unnecessary!                               logic, the third marriage would be        that, at some point, men devised the
                                           even better!                              marriage institution. Believing other-
Programmed to Fail                             Accompanying these trends has         wise is incompatible with evolution.
Why have so few been able to find          been a corresponding decline in tra-      One cannot have it both ways. Either
even a measure of the enjoyment            ditional values and the importance        God created marriage—or men did.
they originally believed marriage          of character. This trend is world-            But human beings did not create
would bring? Why have so many oth-         wide. Under constant attack, stan-        marriage! Therefore, apart from God
ers decided to simply live together,       dards of right and wrong—good and         they cannot know its true purpose—or
avoiding commitment, thus artificial-      bad—old-fashioned “righteousness”         the keys to decades of happiness with
ly reducing the already skyrocket-         and “unrighteousness”—have been           the same person.
ing number of divorces? Why do             blurring and crumbling. How many              It is not our purpose here to prove
so many openly admit that they do          people any longer even speak of char-     God exists or that the Bible is His
not trust their mates? Why do over         acter, once called virtue?                inspired Word. We have several book-
80 percent of marriages experience             With the steep decline in the         lets, brochures and articles that address
adultery? Why such confusion about         most basic character has come an          these subjects. We start with the fact
marriage and its purpose?                  unwillingness to remain committed         that the Almighty God, who designed
    What has brought the once sacred       to vows exchanged on the wedding          and made the heavens and the Earth,
institution of marriage to such            day. With the near disappearance of       also designed and created marriage.
a deplorable state?                        ethics, standards and basic knowl-
    What happened is no accident.          edge of right and wrong has come          Divine Institution
    Consider how marriage is routine-      the assumption that when marriage         Though marriage appears to be merely
ly portrayed in the media. Wholesome       difficulties arise—as they inevitably     a physical union, starting with a wed-
television programs from the 50s,          do with imperfect human beings—           ding ceremony performed by a man, it
60s and early 70s about the fami-          couples should simply take the easy       is actually a divine institution. As the
ly—such as Ozzie and Harriet, Leave        way out—divorce!                          true Author of marriage, God under-
It to Beaver, and Little House on                                                    stands what makes it succeed, bringing
the Prairie—have been replaced             The Author of Marriage                    supreme happiness and joy—or fail,
by The Simpsons, Modern Family             Why do so few understand there are        bringing divorce and broken lives. This
and Keeping Up with the Kardashians,       great principles—transcendent spiritu-    same God clearly reveals this knowl-
or worse.                                  al laws!—governing what most think        edge in His Word.
    Books and movies have also accel-      is merely a civil agreement? How              For every effect, there is a cause.
erated this decline, and in every way.     many recognize that men and women         When a marriage experiences all the
Fornication, cohabitation, adultery,       have separate, different, God-ordained    right effects, it is because right causes
homosexuality and every other con-         roles that must be understood for mar-    have been understood and correct prin-
ceivable “alternative lifestyle,” now      riage to succeed? How many couples        ciples practiced. When a marriage is
including same-sex “marriage,” have        have been actively taught the real pur-   filled with problems of every sort,
been depicted uncounted thousands          pose of marriage? Most no longer even     right causes have been either unknown
of times in the media. Invariably,         know the origin of marriage, let alone    or ignored.
programs, movies and books have            the vital answers to these and other          The Creator God designed mar-
portrayed immorality as exciting, fas-     important related questions!              riage to be a source of great hap-
cinating, mysterious—and the vir-              The answers involve revealed          piness, something for which every-
tual “norm” for what is now the large      knowledge—knowledge men cannot            one yearns. You can have an exciting,
majority.                                  themselves discern. God must reveal it.   happy, successful marriage—but only
    Their impact on marriage has               In place of revealed truth, modern    if you follow God’s prescribed formu-
been stunning. In fact, marriage has       education has taught the great evo-       la. This personal reveals the formula—
become a laughingstock. Wholesome          lutionary lie—that life is continually    the causes!—behind a happy marriage.
images of marriages, families and role     evolving to a higher state. Scoffers,     It introduces the truth of how to build a
models of the past have almost disap-      preferring to believe that human beings
peared. Sadly, millions have copied        are a product of dumb luck, dismiss the            Please see PERSONAL, page 28

2                                                                                                              The REAL TRUTH
The 21st Century Queen - A MAGAZINE RESTORING PLAIN UNDERSTANDING - Earth's Galactic Position - The Restored Church of God
Lasting Happiness
      Is Possible!

With divorce so common in today’s society, the idea of “growing old together”
with a spouse can seem like a fairy tale. Yet the Bible provides bedrock, time-
tested principles that—if applied—can ensure your marriage lasts, and is filled
with joy. Read the booklet You Can Build a Happy Marriage at
to ensure you and your spouse keep your vows for life.
The 21st Century Queen - A MAGAZINE RESTORING PLAIN UNDERSTANDING - Earth's Galactic Position - The Restored Church of God
7 Signs of a
    Falling Nation

4                The REAL TRUTH
The 21st Century Queen - A MAGAZINE RESTORING PLAIN UNDERSTANDING - Earth's Galactic Position - The Restored Church of God
No government, kingdom or society of men lasts                                          the hoary head, and honor the face
                                                                                        of the old man” (Lev. 19:32), which
forever. Here are seven factors that contributed to                                     is connected to fearing God—never
                                                                                        instructed to think of others before
ancient Rome’s demise—warning signs that exist                                          themselves.
today within the United States and Britain.                                                 They live in a fantasy world in
                                                                                        which they “must” have smartphones,

    n an interview with Fin-                and British peoples—and serve as            they “need” their privacy, they “have
    ancial Times, U.S. Comptroller          warning signs of a civilization des-        rights.”
                                            tined to fall.                                  The British and American peoples
    General David Walker stated
                                                                                        (like their forefathers, the ancient
that the nation’s government “is on         The Family Unit                             Israelites) ignore God’s counsel:
a ‘burning platform’ of unsustain-          Few understand that the family unit is      “Stand you in the old ways, and see,
able policies and practices with            the basic building block of every thriv-    and ask for the old paths” (Jer. 6:16).
fiscal deficits, chronic healthcare         ing society. Within the family, young           The birthright nations of today
underfunding, immigration, and              minds are first taught the importance       respond the same way as did their
                                            of building character, controlling one’s    forefathers, ancient Israel: “We will not
overseas military commitments                                                           walk therein” (same verse).
                                            emotions, setting worthwhile goals,
threatening a crisis if action is not                                                       Modern parents believe they know
                                            striving for excellence—or at least this
taken soon…”                                should be the case, as it was genera-       better than their Creator, and thus
   The article added, “Mr. Walker           tions ago.                                  ignore important biblical instruction
warned that there were ‘striking                 At the start of the Roman Empire,      such as, “The rod and reproof give wis-
similarities’ between America’s cur-        fathers took seriously their role in        dom: but a child left to himself brings
rent situation and the factors that         properly instructing, training and edu-     his mother to shame” (Prov. 29:15)
                                                                                        and, “Correct your son, and he shall
brought down Rome, including                cating their sons, and mothers taught
                                            their daughters as well. The exam-          give you rest; yes, he shall give delight
‘declining moral values and political                                                   unto your soul” (vs. 17).
civility at home, an over-confident         ple of strong and active parents daily
                                                                                            The result? A generation of children
and over-extended military in for-          ingrained into children the importance
                                                                                        who oppress and rule over their parents
eign lands and fiscal irresponsibility      of obedience, deference to civic author-
                                                                                        and show no respect for their elders
                                            ity and respect for the laws of the land.
by central government.’”                                                                (Isa. 3:4-5, 12).
                                                 But as new generations came of
    He also said, “I’m trying to sound
an alarm and issue a wake-up call.”         age, the family weakened and frac-          Education
    Realize that Mr. Walker’s interview     tured. Husbands and wives gave in to
                                                                                        The Roman Empire began with an
happened 15 years ago. It could not         the pulls of human nature to engage in      educational system that emphasized
ring truer for the U.S. today.              widespread adultery, inevitably lead-       developing character, morality, patrio-
    History reveals that all govern-        ing to increasing rates of broken mar-      tism and social values in young lives.
ments, empires and kingdoms of men,         riages. Divorce for virtually any reason    The goal was to develop the whole
no matter how grand, no matter how          became legal. Instead of getting a          person.
powerful, ultimately fall. It happened      divorce, all one spouse had to do was           But this was eventually replaced
to ancient Egypt, Assyria and Babylon.      consider himself or herself divorced.       by an emphasis almost exclusively on
Even Rome was not exempt. Though it         The marriage was through.                   academics, with no moral or ethical
dominated much of Europe, Northern               Likewise, the family unit in           absolutes defining right and wrong.
Africa, the Middle East and parts of the    America, Britain, Australia, Canada             Similarly, character development,
Near East, and lasted for 500 years, the    and other nations of the West is under      patriotism and civic duty are seldom
Roman Empire ultimately fell.               constant assault. Broken marriages          taught in the public schools of the
    There is an old and popular say-        and fractured households are now the        West, where God and the Bible are ban-
ing: “Rome was not built in a day.”         norm.                                       ished, and morally unchecked “creative
Likewise, the Roman Empire did not               Few fathers exercise a strong hand     expression” is encouraged.
fall in one night; its decline was gradu-   in teaching, guiding and correcting             Because the modern house of Israel
al. Not long after it rose to world domi-   their young, often leaving mothers to       rejects God’s Word, the foundation of
nance, several factors were already         fill both parental roles.                   all true knowledge, God declares, “My
at work contributing to the empire’s             Many children grow up pampered         people are destroyed for lack of knowl-
demise.                                     and catered to, never learning to           edge” (Hos. 4:6). He describes them as
    Similarly, these factors are at work    accept and recover from setbacks—           blind men groping around in spiritual
among the societies of the American         never being taught to “rise up before       darkness (Isa. 59:9-10).
MARCH-APRIL 2022                                                                                                               5
The 21st Century Queen - A MAGAZINE RESTORING PLAIN UNDERSTANDING - Earth's Galactic Position - The Restored Church of God
word and example influence shal-            of conduct and thinking—a “pros-
Religion                                 low minds to copy their irresponsible       perity gospel” without expectations
The Romans were pagan idol wor-          behavior? Politicians are forgiven for      from believers—is ultimately empty.
shippers who took the gods of the        reckless conduct as long as they dem-       The result is a spiritual wasteland of
Greeks and gave them Roman names.        onstrate they will never stand in the       human ideas that may sound appeal-
Accompanying the assortment of           way of pleasing the masses.                 ing, but are not of the Bible—and
false gods were lascivious religious         Millions within America’s reli-         have nothing to do with the true gos-
rituals and customs. Temple prosti-      gious community are quick to pro-           pel (literally “good news”) that Jesus
tution, drunkenness and other vices      claim their religious fervor. But           Christ preached: the Kingdom of God
that appealed to the flesh were com-     among them are those leading hypo-          (Mark 1:14-15).
mon across the empire. Similar to        critical lives, speaking out against            The religions of Rome, which
the Greeks, the Romans worshipped        sexual immorality, yet secretly engag-      encouraged and empowered the people
mythological figures who freely gave     ing in it. Among priests, preachers         to live a life of excess, contributed to
in to carnal desires—deceiving, steal-   and other prominent religionists are        the empire’s death. The religions of
ing, getting drunk and committing for-   child molesters, sexual predators and       the West, especially in the U.S., are
nication, adultery, even rape!           serial adulterers.                          no better.
    Today, millions of Americans,            Pagan worshippers of ancient Rome
Britons and others claim to worship      sought an endless plethora of gods—         Pleasure-Seeking
only one deity, the God of the Bible—    but their religious beliefs were shal-      The Romans were masters of extreme
yet their actions scream something       low, lifeless and without true meaning.     pleasure-seeking. They entertained
quite different!                         Followers were left without direction,      themselves with gladiators (rockstars
    The word worship means to “regard    seeking spiritual purpose but never find-   of the day) and gambled on who would
with great or extravagant respect,       ing it.                                     live or die. They enjoyed the sight of
honor, or devotion.” Do the British          It is the same in modern times.         Christians, Jews and other enemies
and American peoples truly worship       The hypocrisy of religious leaders has      of the state being eaten alive by wild
the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?     jaded millions, and their message of        animals shipped from exotic regions.
Or do their actions show they revere     a God without laws—who does not             Residents were proud of their lavish
manmade “gods”—celebrities who by        hold followers to a higher standard         villas, imported cuisine and fine attire.

                                                                   “Pagan worshippers
                                                                      of ancient Rome
                                                                     sought an endless
                                                                    plethora of gods—
                                                                     but their religious
                                                                           beliefs were
                                                                       shallow, lifeless
                                                                      and without true

6                                                                                                              The REAL TRUTH
The 21st Century Queen - A MAGAZINE RESTORING PLAIN UNDERSTANDING - Earth's Galactic Position - The Restored Church of God
They thrilled themselves with plays,         stone unturned in seeking potential rev-          Americans want to have their eco-
bathhouses, indoor pools and drunken         enue sources.                                 nomic “cake and eat it too”—to work
parties held in the honor of Bacchus,            Today, Americans pay local, munici-       less and play more—to obtain better
the false god of wine and sensual plea-      pal, county, state and federal taxes          health insurance, but force employers
sures.                                       before even receiving their paychecks,        to pay for it—to receive social security
    Similarly, the modern descendants        and contend with numerous consumer            when they retire, but not increase how
of the “lost” tribes of Israel entertain     taxes: sales, gasoline, vehicles, prop-       much they pay into it now.
themselves, with television programs         erty, licenses, pets, luxury items, airline       Of course, how can the average con-
teeming with gratuitous sex and nudi-        flights—the list seems endless.               sumer be expected to show fiscal respon-
ty. With superstar athletes who pride                                                      sibility when government leaders fail to
themselves on their multi-million-dol-         “Today, millions                            do so? The U.S. national debt, which
lar contracts—yet are void of prudence,                                                    surpassed $30 trillion (which amounts to
judgment and character.                          of Americans,                             more than $240,000 per taxpayer), tells
    Advertising, news media and                                                            of the Fed’s financial incompetence.
Hollywood promotes materialism and            Britons and others                               And just as the Roman army was
covetousness. A society that loves to
emulate wanton lifestyles portrayed in
                                               claim to worship                            overstretched and overextended in for-
                                                                                           eign lands, so is the American military.
movies and pursue sports, gambling,           only one deity, the                          Just think of our armed forces’ pull-
music and other distractions over seek-                                                    out from Afghanistan after a practically
ing true values is destined to collapse—      God of the Bible—                            fruitless 20-year presence.
as did Rome.
                                               yet their actions                           A Kingdom that Will Never Fall
Economy, Government and the Military
Originally, agriculture and land own-
                                              scream something                       Family, education, religion, the econo-
                                                                                     my, government and the military. The
ership were Rome’s chief sources of            quite different!”                     failure of these and other factors have
wealth—and became the most heav-                                                     contributed to the death of men’s gov-
ily taxed. Over time, landowners who             Taxes combined with inflation ernments—and are at work in the birth-
operated large farms on the backs of         and a desire to maintain an unrealis- right nations of America and Britain.
slaves eventually undersold smaller          tic standard of living have driven a        However, there is a future govern-
farmers, forcing them out of busi-           growing majority to live on credit and ment that will be established by a per-
ness. In addition, importing foods           practice the materialistic principle of fect leader, as foretold in Isaiah 9: “For
from both conquered lands and more           “live for today, forget about tomor- unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son
easily accessible distant foreign ports      row.” Consumers survive paycheck to is given: and the government shall be
also began to take its toll. Commercial      paycheck, partly due to wrong finan- upon His shoulder: and His name shall
trade in Rome created a massive              cial priorities and living beyond their be called Wonderful, Counselor, The
consumer economy that focused                means. A new car or home suddenly mighty God, The everlasting Father, The
on services rather than production           becomes a “necessity” based on the Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His
and growth—just as in modern-day             maximum amount of a “pre-qualified” government and peace there shall be no
America and Britain.                         bank loan, rather than actual needs.    end” (vs. 6-7).
    As the Roman Empire expand-                  British, Canadian, Australian and       An incorruptible King, Jesus Christ,
ed, so did the costs of operating it.        American consumers are strapped with will direct His government—the
Rapidly growing government bureau-           debt, resulting in a stag-                          Kingdom of God—to teach
cracy became expensive to maintain.          gering number of default-                           true family values, place edu-
For instance, it took an army of officials   ed home loans and per-                              cational institutions upon the
to man and work the increasingly com-        sonal bankruptcies.                                 right foundation, empower
plicated red-tape filing system, which           As in ancient Rome,                             true religion to provide guid-
faced demands from both government           strong belief in self-deter-                        ance and purpose to empty
services and the military.                   mination and self-reliance                          lives, maintain a global
    To compensate for inflation, Roman       has been replaced with                              economy that will never see
emperors in the second and third centu-      an attitude of expecting                            a recession, ensure that gov-
ries produced more coins, but these were     something for nothing.                              ernment on all levels will be
no longer made of silver and gold alloys,    Government-run         sys-                         free of bureaucracy, and con-
which had become scarce. Roman cur-          tems originally intended                            vert all weapons to a greater
rency dwindled in value.                     to assist those in genuine                          purpose (Isa. 2:4).
    The citizenry strained under heavy       need are now considered Order a Free Copy!              And this world-ruling
tax burdens, as the government left no       an entitlement.                Kingdom will never fall! c
MARCH-APRIL 2022                                                                                                                 7
The 21st Century Queen - A MAGAZINE RESTORING PLAIN UNDERSTANDING - Earth's Galactic Position - The Restored Church of God
What Makes Us
                Is It ‘Overlooked’ DNA?
    Scientists stumbled upon an unlikely answer hidden in the part of our DNA
      that has previously been considered useless. This discovery is just the
                      start of what makes our minds unique.
                               BY   DAVID   J . L I TAV S K Y

8                                                                     The REAL TRUTH
       enetically, chimpanzees              examined the proteins themselves to        also have a deep fear of losing his
       do not look much different           find examples of differences,” Dr.         life. Nearly every culture performs a
                                            Jakobsson said.                            funeral ritual. This does not happen in
       from humans. Our DNA
                                                This suggests the human brain’s        the animal world.
sequence is nearly 99 percent               development stemmed from “genet-               Understanding time: Animals are
identical.                                  ic mechanisms that are probably a          only able to relate time to themselves;
   Yet in terms of mental capacity,         lot more complex than previously           they have no ability of relating time
chimps and people are vastly differ-        thought,” he said.                         to third parties. Humans can wonder,
ent. Trying to explain the reason for           The study’s lead author believes       speculate and search the annals of his-
these differences has long perplexed        that in the future the new findings may    tory for lessons, and apply those les-
researchers.                                also yield answers to questions about      sons to goals far into the future.
    “How did it come about that humans      psychiatric disorders such as schizo-          Connections between words: While
can use their brain in such a way that      phrenia, a disorder that appears to be     animals can understand simple words or
                                            unique to humans.                          tones, they do not comprehend syntax
they can build societies, educate their
                                                “But there is a long way to go         or communicate in complex sentences.
children and develop advanced tech-
                                            before we reach that point, as instead     Human beings have developed hun-
nology?” Dr. Johan Jakobsson, profes-
                                            of carrying out further research on        dreds of languages (and thousands of
sor of neuroscience at Lund University
                                            the two percent of coded DNA, we           dialects), even though they are born
in Sweden, asked in the journal Cell
                                            may now be forced to delve deeper          without the ability to speak.
Stem Cell.
                                            into all 100 percent—a considerably            Malleability: Humanity is able to
    Most studies point to the fact human
                                            more complicated task for research,”       adapt to its surroundings. We wear
brains are three times larger than those
                                            he concludes.                              clothes, build shelters and modify our
of chimps. Also, the cerebral cor-
                                                Every study attempting to answer       environment to suit our needs.
tex—which allows for memory, atten-
                                            the great question of why man’s brain          Humor: No other creature is able to
tion and awareness—contains twice as
                                            is unique ends similarly. More research    appreciate, create and express humor.
many cells in a human than the animal.      is needed before drawing conclusions…      Not only does it require creativity,
Scientists have even found that the         It will take years before these findings   but humor also requires the ability to
outer layer of our brains are looser than   result in treatments for…and on it goes.   detach oneself from one’s surround-
in apes—allowing more adaptability in           While these cliffhangers leave us      ings to see the odd, surreal or ironic.
learning.                                   yearning for more, it does underscore a        Appreciation of beauty: Man puts
    But the extra gray matter cannot be     unique quality of the human mind that      value in things that do not sustain him,
enough to give mankind vastly greater       science is only beginning to see.          so that he can enjoy observing a sunset,
capabilities than any monkey. This is                                                  a work of art, jewelry or the intricate
where Dr. Jakobsson and a team of           Advanced Animals?                          design of a flower.
stem cell researchers decided to look       Consider again the qualities man pos-          For example, take a person to New
deeper—into the part of DNA that has        sesses that are unique among all living    York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art,
previously been overlooked, so-called       creatures. Ask yourself: Why does man      and he will be moved by the seem-
“junk DNA.” This non-coded protein          have so many distinctive characteris-      ingly limitless number of paintings
constitutes 98 percent of our DNA, yet      tics?                                      and sculptures on display, dating hun-
was thought to carry no function.               Meaning of life: The simple act        dreds of years. Take a dog to the same
    Now, Dr. Jakobsson and researchers      of asking about life’s meaning and         museum, and it will be more excited to
believe it can explain why our brains       purpose makes man unique. Only             sniff around for food and fire hydrants.
work differently from animals.              humans have sought through science             Lack of harmony with nat-
    Using stem cells, the researchers       and religion to try to understand their    ure: When left to its own, nature will
grew brain cells from humans and chim-      origin. No animal contemplates its         reach balance and harmony. Only man
panzees and compared the two cell           reason for living—nor would it be          disrupts that natural balance through
types. The researchers then found that      willing to live or die for specific val-   deforestation, changing the course of
humans and chimpanzees use a part           ues and ideals.                            rivers, polluting the air, water and soil,
of their DNA in different ways, which           Self-consciousness: Beyond a sim-      mining for resources, and so forth.
appears to play a considerable role in      ple recognition of self (as seen in a          A sense of morality: Animals
the development of our brains.              few animals), man can step back and        always take the path of least resistance.
    “Previously, researchers have looked    become a spectator, critic or admirer of   They do not have a conscience or sense
for answers in the part of the DNA          the world around him.                      of right and wrong. On the other hand,
where the protein-producing genes               Awareness of death: While ani-         people will go so far as to control their
are—which only makes up about               mals have a survival instinct, man         thoughts based on what they consider
two percent of our entire DNA—and           is aware he will one day die. He can       right or wrong.
MARCH-APRIL 2022                                                                                                               9
Desire to worship: No matter what        man could never solve his problems. He         An animal cannot amass a wealth
part of the world or his culture, man        never has even remotely come close in      of physical knowledge because it does
exhibits a desire to seek, follow and        the past, and, after many thousands of     not have the spirit of man. Likewise,
worship a higher power. Animals do           years of trying, why should he believe     man cannot accrue spiritual knowl-
not.                                         he suddenly will? If this is the answer,   edge without an additional element—
    Psychiatric disorders: It appears        then these problems are merely dis-        God’s Spirit.
humans are most susceptible to com-          tinctly human traits, and humanity will        This verse introduces two types
plex mental and behavioral issues such       have to continue to work around them       of knowledge, physical and spiritual.
as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder,          as long as he can sustain his existence.   And mankind cannot know spiritual
depression and anxiety. There is no              The opposing party purports that       knowledge unless it is given him
proven evolutionary reason for this.         each human has an immortal soul, set-      through the Spirit of God. He is able
    Love: While some animals form            ting him apart from the animal. Can        to know “the things of man,” and can
lifelong relationships for the purpose       this side be proven?                       accrue physical knowledge—what
of reproduction, none exhibit the same           As this theory is generally brought    can be learned through the five sens-
human characteristics of love, in which      forward by Christian denominations,        es. But he cannot obtain spiritual
a couple shares experiences, goals,          the most logical place to look for the     knowledge.
dreams, hopes and aspirations.               answer is the Bible.                           This second element introduced
    Some of these qualities can be               Even though many have a copy of        reveals another conundrum man can-
explained by the unique traits of the        God’s Word in their homes, however,        not solve. Though mankind is capable
human brain itself. However, this does       the answer is not what most think!         of great technological progress and
not tell us why human beings would               Start reading in the book of Job:      scientific understanding, it cannot rid
have developed an evolutionary need          “There is a spirit in man: and the         itself of its greatest woes—famine,
for all of them (as is supposed humans       inspiration of the Almighty gives them     disease, poverty, illiteracy, war…
and chimpanzees began separate evolu-        understanding” (Job 32:8).                     World peace is elusive because it
tion paths five to six million years ago).       Many jump on this scripture as a       cannot be found by man’s spirit alone.
Ultimately, the mystery of the human         proof text for belief in an immortal       Notice: “The way of peace they know
mind transcends what scientists have         soul. Yet this is simply not the case.     not; and there is no judgment in their
found so far.                                Man is a “soul,” which means living,       goings: they have made them crooked
                                             breathing flesh (Gen. 2:7). The idea       paths: whosoever goes therein shall not
Beyond the Brain                             that each human has an immortal com-       know peace” (Isa. 59:8).
Where scientists fail to fully explain       ponent is not supported by the Bible.          This verse explains the paradox
the reason for mankind’s unique quali-           If neither of the most popular ideas   of the mind of man. While there can
ties, philosophers and religionists step     can be proven, what is the answer?         be stunning achievements—awesome
in. Those in these two studies also          Something is setting apart man and         advancement—mankind’s problems
look into why the human mind works           beast—but what? And why do problems        only grow worse.
as it does.                                  remain unsolved, despite the best minds        As long as humanity looks to gov-
    There are two main camps on why          being solely focused on solving them?      ernment ideals, think-tanks, philoso-
the human mind possesses such aston-             The beginnings of an answer come       phers and the religions of men, it can-
ishing capabilities. Philosophers, sci-      from the same passage in Job: the          not break free from its problems.
entists and religionists typically sup-      “spirit in man.”                               The reason man cannot solve his
port these two theories above the rest.                                                 most pressing problems is because
One argument is that man’s mind is           The Missing Element                        they are spiritual problems, meaning
entirely physical—merely more com-           The New Testament also reveals more        they need spiritual solutions.
plex than other mammals; the other is        about this spirit in man, “For what            This spiritual knowledge is found
that man has an immortal soul.               man knows the things of a man save         solely through the Bible. The knowl-
    One side relies entirely on the phys-    the spirit of man which is in him?” (I     edge is unlocked only when a person
ical realm of science, what can be           Cor. 2:11).                                has the Spirit of God—which gives
learned from the five main senses of            The human brain is capable of           understanding—working alongside or
sight, taste, hearing, smell and touch.      higher thought because of the “spirit      in the mind of someone whose mind
The other side opens the door to a spir-     of man which is in him.” It could also     God has opened (John 6:44).
itual realm, where man is more intel-        be said that this spirit of man, working       Each article produced by The Real
ligent because of an immortal soul,          with the human brain, enables man to       Truth brings the answers to the spiri-
which, according to the argument, ani-       function on the plain of higher thought.   tual problems of man. If you wish
mals do not have.                               The same passage in I Corinthians       to continue to learn more about the
    If you take the completely physical      concludes, “Even so the things of God      only lasting solutions to man’s prob-
side, one would have to conclude that        knows no man, but the Spirit of God.”      lems, read more at c
10                                                                                                              The REAL TRUTH
France, Belgium
      and the Netherlands
             Identities Foretold Millennia Ago
               Their ancient origins are unknown to most—yet are key to
                        understanding what lies in their future!

      his magazine often writes      in advance!—today’s conditions,       reveals with great detail from the Bible
      of the sons of the biblical    trends and problems plaguing the      and history the modern identity of these
      patriarch Joseph—Ephraim       British and American peoples.         two peoples. Genesis 48:19 foretold
and Manasseh—and the nations         Scripture also explains what they     the United States “shall be great” and
that descended from them. The        will soon experience: a time of       Britain with its commonwealth would
                                     great trouble, immediately fol-       Left, detail on the ceiling of the Opera
Bible also says a great deal about
                                     lowed by an awesome future.           Garnier’s grand foyer in Paris. Middle, the
the modern “house of Joseph,”           The book America and Britain in
                                                                           town hall in Brussels, Belgium. Right, a wind-
                                                                           mill in Holland.
foretelling—thousands of years       Prophecy, written by David C. Pack,   RAWPIXEL.COM/CCO 1.0

MARCH-APRIL 2022                                                                                                      11
be “a multitude of nations.” The facts            Did the God of the Bible prom-              After the death of King Solomon,
reveal that these two nations received        ise something that did not come to          Israel split into two kingdoms: the
the birthright promises and unprece-          pass? Did the tribes of Israel, which       house of Judah (which included
dented material blessings. Recent his-        descended from Abraham, just fall into      Judah, Benjamin and Levi) and the
tory, however, also shows that these          obscurity and are now lost to antiquity,    house of Israel.
blessings are slowly being removed.           as most believe? Would the God that             Judah was never considered lost,
    These are the Bible identities of         more than a billion people profess to       and is understood to be the Jewish
America and Britain. But what about           follow be incapable of keeping His          peoples of today. The Jews never
the modern nations of France, Belgium         word?                                       lost sight of their biblical identity—
and the Netherlands?                              Most are ignorant of the identity of    because they generally continued to
    The answer lies in astonishing prom-      the peoples descended from Abraham,         observe the seventh-day Sabbath,
ises God made thousands of years ago          who received the promises quoted            a sign that identifies God’s people.
to His servant and friend, Abraham (at        above.                                      Notice: “Verily My Sabbaths you
the time called Abram):                           But you do not have to be in the        shall keep: for it is a sign between Me
    g “I will make of you a great nation,     dark!                                       and you throughout your generations;
and I will bless you, and make your                                                       that you may know that I am the Lord
name great; and you shall be a blessing:      The Birthright Nations                      that does sanctify [set apart] you”
And I will bless them that bless you,         God’s expansive promise of national,        (Ex. 31:13). Observing God’s week-
and curse him that curse you: and in you      material blessings was passed down          ly Sabbath and annual Holy Days
shall all families of the earth be blessed”   through generations. Abraham had a          automatically sets apart God’s people
(Gen. 12:2-3).                                son named Isaac, who had a son named        from all others, and identifies the true
    g “And I will make your seed              Jacob. God later changed Jacob’s            God of the Bible and those who faith-
[descendants] as the dust of the earth:       name to Israel, and Israel had 12           fully obey Him—“a sign between Me
so that if a man can number the dust of       sons: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah,          and you.”
the earth, then shall your seed also be       Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, Benjamin,            Again, Judah (for the most part)
numbered” (13:16).                            Dan, Naphtali, Gad and Asher. Their         never lost sight of this. Yet the first
    g “I will multiply you exceedingly,”      descendants became the 12 tribes of         thing the house of Israel did when it
and “you shall be a father of many            Israel.                                     split from Judah was set up its own
nations” (17:2, 4).                               Of these 12 sons, one would receive     holy days, laws and other religious
    g “And I will make you exceeding          the birthright, and the blessings along     observances. In effect, Israel reject-
fruitful, and I will make nations of you,     with it. As was custom, this would          ed the identifying sign that would
and kings shall come out of you” (vs. 6).     have been given to the eldest son,          have, over the centuries, reminded
    God’s promise was part of a cov-          Reuben. But since he sinned against         them of their ancient origin. Today,
enant—an agreement or contract—               his father in an appalling and shame-       those descended from Israel—the
between two parties. The dividends for        ful manner, the birthright was given to     tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh
Abraham were obvious: His descen-             Joseph (I Chron. 5:1).                      (Joseph), Reuben, Simeon, Gad,
dants would receive much. To remove               At the end of his life, Israel had      Asher, Zebulun, Dan, Naphtali and
all doubt that this promise of national       Joseph bring his two sons, Manasseh         Issachar—believe they are gentiles!
prosperity was intended for thousands         and Ephraim, before him. Israel             The overwhelming majority have no
of years to come, the exchange also           explained to Joseph that he was given       idea that the vast material blessings
included, “And I will establish My            a promise by God and that he was            their nations have enjoyed are the
covenant between Me and you and               now going to pass along the birthright      result of God fulfilling His promise
your seed [descendants] after you in          promise and blessings to Joseph’s sons.     to Abraham.
their generations for an everlasting cov-         Referring to the elder son, Israel          Let’s now examine the identity
enant…” (vs. 7).                              explained that Manasseh “shall become       and condition of three of these tribes,
    The Being who promised Abraham            a people, and he also shall be great: but   represented by the following coun-
these things was the Creator of all           truly his younger brother [Ephraim]         tries: Reuben (France), Zebulun (the
things—God! Go read the full accounts         shall be greater than he, and his seed      Netherlands) and Asher (a significant
of these exchanges in Genesis 12, 13          shall become a multitude of nations”        part of Belgium).
and 17 to learn more.                         (Gen. 48:19).
    Imagine if you were promised the              But what about the other tribes—        “Dignity” and “Power”— But
same things. Could you comprehend             what happened to them? Are they sim-        “Unstable”
them? What promise, given early in            ply lost to history? Some professing        As well as passing down blessings to
man’s history, would have a greater           Christians, and the world at large, refer   Ephraim and Manasseh, Israel also
impact on our world today if it were          to the “ten lost tribes of Israel.” But     passed along some things to his sons
fulfilled?                                    why ten?                                    and their modern descendants: “And
12                                                                                                                 The REAL TRUTH
Left, the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, France,
located in the Place du Carrousel. Right top,
the courtyards of the Palace of Versailles.
Right bottom, the Hall of Mirrors in the Palace
of Versailles.

Jacob called unto his sons, and said,
Gather yourselves together, that I may
tell you that which shall befall you in
the last days”—our time now (Gen.
    Note: Jacob was telling his sons
what would happen far in the future.
What the patriarch said reveals exact-
ly what would befall all the mod-
ern nations descended from ancient                 Each building, each palace and street,    are the expansive gardens, with statue
Israel. He detailed prophetic trends               revealed an excellency of dignity and     after statue, fountain after fountain,
and events that would “befall” them!               power found nowhere else.                 including a manmade lake for boating
    Anyone who has traveled to                         Take the Palace of Versailles,        parties, tree-lined walkways, beautiful
Europe knows each nation has a dis-                for example. Considered one of the        terracing, and much more.
tinct character. Think of these great              grandest palaces in the world, it truly       But Versailles is just one example.
cities of the world: Paris, Brussels               shows the power and dignity that          Throughout Paris, one cannot doubt
and Amsterdam. Each has a unique                   Reuben would be known for “in the         that France, once called the “queen of
atmosphere.                                        last days.” Walking through the hall of   culture,” represents a national dignity
    In Genesis 49:3, here is what Israel           mirrors, with its beautifully detailed    and class that remains unsurpassed.
outlined about France: “Reuben, you                painted ceilings, marble-lined walls,     Whether it is the Palais Garnier opera
are my firstborn, my might, and the                and gold-leafed ornate trim, causes       house, the Arc de Triomphe or the
beginning of my strength, the excel-               visitors to stop and think of the power   Louvre, these all tell the same story.
lency of dignity, and the excellency               and global influence this nation once         However, Israel also explained that
of power.”                                         possessed. Each room of Louis the         Reuben would be “unstable as water,”
    This “excellency of dignity and                XIV’s living and working area is just     and therefore, “you shall not excel”
power” is clearly evident in Paris.                as impressive as the next. Then there     (vs. 4). The Encyclopedia Americana
MARCH-APRIL 2022                                                                                                                 13
Top left, a container terminal in the port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands with ships
     being loaded and unloaded by cranes. Top right, an antique photograph of Rotterdam,
     Holland (1893). Middle left, two Belgian women look at chocolates at the Galleries de la
     Reine shopping district in Brussels, Belgium. Middle right, wind turbines in an offshore
     wind farm in Urk, Netherlands. Bottom left, a woman looks in a show window of a dia-
     mond shop in Antwerp, Belgium. Bottom right, workers produce chocolate at factory in
     Awans, Belgium (Dec. 11, 2015).

14                                                                           The REAL TRUTH
notes that “during the 70 years of            entire world. Because of the giant            Examining France, Belgium and
the third republic [1875-1945]…more           rivers that flow through it, the nation   the Netherlands, it is clear each has
than a hundred cabinets succeeded             serves as an important artery into the    received tremendous material bless-
one another, in France, with an aver-         heart of Western Europe. (The lat-        ings. Their wealth, prosperity and
age tenure in office of less than eight       est statistics reveal that Rotterdam      advanced infrastructure make this clear.
months. The main cause of this minis-         remains 10th in total volume, behind          But something else—something
terial instability was the lack of disci-     ports in Asia.)                           far less glamorous—is also evident.
plined parties…”                                                                        Now think again about Amsterdam, a
    How “unstable”? The French polit-         “Royal Dainties”                          city infamous for its drugs and prosti-
ical system has produced 11 constitu-         Finally, there is Belgium. A group of tution. It is painfully obvious that the
tions since 1791.                             peoples within this nation can be iden- peoples of these prosperous nations
                                              tified as descended from Asher, of are not obeying God. While only one
“Haven of the Sea”                            which Israel stated, “Out of Asher his city, it is still representative of all
Another nation, the Netherlands, has          bread shall be fat, and he shall yield nations of the West, many of them
also fulfilled descriptions foretold          royal dainties” (Gen. 49:20).             Israelite.
thousands of years ago. Israel stated,            Belgium is world-renowned for             In America and Britain in Prophecy,
“Zebulun shall dwell at the haven of          its chocolate (as well as its waffles). Mr. Pack writes: “But understand this.
the sea; and he shall be for a haven of       Along the streets of Brussels, scores God does not and has never owed
ships” (Gen. 49:13).                          of shops offer these high quality blessings to anyone. He may choose
    The Dutch people are famous for           chocolate “royal dainties”—visited by to bless individuals or nations, for
reclaiming land from the sea. In fact,        countless patrons from nearly all parts His own purposes, but no one auto-
27 percent of the Netherlands is under        of the Earth.                             matically deserves prosperity, wealth,
sea level! For centuries, the Dutch have          But these dainties are more than just abundance and a generous portion of
been building dikes and draining the ter-     edibles. The Belgian city of Antwerp is God’s bounty.
rain dry to create fertile farmland, called   considered the diamond capital of the         “The Bible says that all have
polders. (Many of the picturesque wind-       world. For hundreds of years, it was sinned (Rom. 3:23), which means all
mills found in certain areas of Holland       the center of gem-making for European have qualified themselves for death
were built to pump water out of low           royals. Today it processes about 84 per- (Rom. 6:23)—and nothing more!”
areas.) A large bay in Holland, called the    cent of the world’s rough diamonds, and       All the beauty, splendor and pros-
South Sea, was reclaimed last century,        half of the world’s cut diamonds pass perity on display throughout the mod-
and within it a relatively large province,    through the city for cutting and pol- ern nations of Israel cannot continue
Flevoland, was created. Driving through       ishing. (Notably, the famous diamond- without end. Having forgotten their
this area today—which was entirely            making company Royal Asscher, based ancient identity—as well as the laws,
underwater just a hundred years ago—          in Amsterdam, Netherlands, could have statutes and judgments that would have
and seeing developed forests, cities and      roots in Asher. It has cut some of the ensured lasting success (Deut. 4:5-
roads, causes one to consider that these      most famous diamonds presented to 9)—the future of modern-day Reuben,
peoples truly had settled in a “haven of      British royalty and others, including two Zebulun and Asher grows ever dim.
the sea.”                                     of the three largest ever found.)             These nations have prospered mate-
    Deuteronomy 33:19 explains that               While this description of Asher is rially—yet they now are besieged by
Zebulun shall “suck of the abundance          brief, it should be no coinci-                             spiritual problems,
of the seas and of treasures hid in the       dence to those who believe                                 the result of straying
sand.”                                        the Bible that even such a                                 away from being the
    The Netherlands has done this in          small description specifi-                                 model nation God
several ways such as through interna-         cally matches this modern                                  expected His people
tional commerce through the nation’s          nation—millennia           after                           to become. Difficult
shipping fleet and through reclaiming         the description was given.                                 times are in the
land from the sea. The rich, green            Consider: What other nation                                future.
fertile ground that seemingly goes            is so internationally celebrat-                                The Bible rev­eals
forever is a clear example of the             ed for such “royal dainties”?                              what lies ah­ead for
“abundance of the seas and of trea-                                                                      France, the Nether-
sures hid in the sand.” Only the Dutch        Much More to Know                                          lands, Belgium, and
have been able to reclaim on such a           This article contains just the                             their brother nations.
large scale.                                  briefest descriptions of con-                              Learn the whole story
    The Netherlands has also been a           temporary Reuben, Zebulun Order a Free Copy! by reading America
“haven of ships.” In fact, for decades        and Asher. Much more could                                 and Britain in Pro-
Rotterdam was the busiest port in the         be said.                  phecy. c
MARCH-APRIL 2022                                                                                                             15
The 21st Century
     Queen Elizabeth II marked 70 years on the throne this year, celebrating an
           unprecedented reign that helped the United Kingdom navigate
      through an age of uncertainty. The British monarchy’s longevity reveals
                   a prophetic reason for the throne in London.

      lizabeth Alexandra Mary            a country house, a suitable match—            “She’s not beholden to the elector-
      Windsor was not born               a comfortable but uneventful life—        ate. She’s not dependent on her latest hit
                                         seemed her future.                        or her latest movie,” said Emily Nash,
      to wear the crown. But
                                             But everything changed a decade       royal editor of HELLO! magazine.
the woman who became Queen               later when her uncle, King Edward         “She’s just there. She does what she
Elizabeth II marked 70 years on          VIII, abdicated so he could marry the     does. She carries out her duties without
the throne this year, an unprec-         American divorcee Wallis Simpson.         ever complaining or making any
edented reign that has made her a        Elizabeth’s father became King George     personal drama. And people respect
                                         VI, making the young princess heir        her for that.”
symbol of stability as the United
                                         apparent.                                     Not that there haven’t been con-
Kingdom navigated an age of                  George VI died in 1952, and           troversies.
uncertainty.                             Elizabeth began her life as queen. She        In the early 1990s, criticism of the
    From her early days as a glamor-     has reigned ever since, with crown        monarchy increased amid reports of
ous young royal in glittering tiaras     and scepter on big occasions, but more    the queen’s private wealth and con-
to her more recent incarnation as        commonly wearing a broad-brimmed          cerns about the expense of the mon-
the nation’s grandmother, the queen      hat and carrying a simple handbag.        archy. In 1992, the queen agreed to
                                             In the intervening seven decades,     pay the expenses of most of her family
has witnessed the end of the British
                                         the queen has shared confidences with     and become the first monarch to pay
Empire, the advent of multicultural-     14 prime ministers and met 13 U.S.        income taxes since the 1930s.
ism, the rise of international terror-   presidents.                                   Tensions flared again in 1997 when
ism, and the challenges posed by             Britain’s longest-serving monarch,    the royal family’s silence after the
Brexit and the COVID-19 pandem-          the only sovereign most Britons have      death of Princess Diana, the ex-wife of
ic. In a world of relentless change,     ever known, has been a constant pres-     Prince Charles, fueled the resentment
she has been a constant—repre-           ence from the Suez Crisis of 1956,        of Diana’s many fans.
senting the UK’s interests abroad,       when Egypt’s seizure of the Suez              Even now, the monarchy is strug-
                                         Canal underscored Britain’s declining     gling to distance itself from the scandal
applauding the nation’s successes
                                         might, through the labor strife of the    caused by a sex abuse lawsuit filed
and commiserating in its failures,       1980s and the 2005 terror attacks in      against Prince Andrew, the queen’s
and always remaining above the           London.                                   second son, and the fallout after two
fray of politics.                            When Prince Philip died during        of the royal family’s most popular
   As the elder daughter of King         the pandemic, she donned a black face     members, Prince Harry and his wife
George V’s second son, Elizabeth,        mask and sat alone during his socially    Meghan, ditched their royal duties and
now 95, was expected to live the life    distanced funeral, silently demonstrat-   departed for California.
of a minor royal when she was born       ing that the rules applied to every-          But the queen has transcended scan-
on April 21, 1926. Dogs and horses,      one—particularly her.                     dal and remained popular throughout it
16                                                                                                           The REAL TRUTH
You can also read