El Paso Catholics March For Life

Page created by Gerald Solis
El Paso Catholics March For Life
Vol. 26, No. 10                            The Official Newspaper for the Diocese Of El Paso                    February 2018

                  El Paso Catholics March For Life

                   Thousands of Catholics take to the streets of Downtown El Paso to take a stance for Life.
                                              For More Coverage, See Page 4.

Father Yermo Celebrates 60 Years! Celebrating San Pedro de Jesus Maldonado

Sister Maria Munguia and Bishop Mark J. Seitz welcome            Bishop Mark J. Seitz, Father Fabian Marquez & the family of
everyone to the celebration. For more coverage, See Page 9.      San Pedro de Jesus Maldonado at The Musical based on the
                                                                          Saint’s life. For more photos, See Page 18.
El Paso Catholics March For Life
2 - The Rio Grande Catholic                                                     Editor’s Column                                                                  February 2018

My Pro-Life Encuentro
          Ester Garcia glows as                Her father, deeply         typical teenage issues of low        horrific and she experienced
she holds baby number five in        committed to his work, once          self esteem. As a young girl         excruciating pain. It was over
her arms. He is eleven month         incurred an injury at a clinic       Ester says the talk of sex in her    rather quickly and she was sent
old Luke and is beyond precious.     demonstration. She says, “In         household was “You don’t have        out to a patient recovery room
Ester is a mother of five with       those days it was very different.    sex until you get married. My        filled with other girls. A close
one on the way in a couple of        The protests were aggressive.        parents could never find the         friend picked her up as Ester’s
months. We meet for coffee (that     Bodyguards          accompanied      words to discuss sexuality so        parents thought she was at the
only I have as she is pregnant)      abortion doctors on their way in;    what I learned, I learned from       mall. While at her friend’s
as she and I begin to share the      people locked arms to prevent        my friends.”                         house she experienced extreme
story that has made Ester one of     entry. It got so bad our house                 While in college she       pain and later collapsed. She
two women currently serving in       was once shot at.” Eventually        started a relationship with a        had to be rushed to the hospital
the Rachel’s Vineyard ministry       Ester’s parents decided to stop      man nine years her senior. She       where she found out a part of the
that is willing to offer testimony   advocating so fervently in order     became pregnant in the first         baby had been left inside her.
to their own experience with         to maintain their family’s safety.   year of their relationship and he    The hospital staff told her they
abortion. Rachel’s Vineyard is a     She tells me, “Today we do           turned out not to be supportive      could keep the details from her              Nancy Ramos
ministry that offers semi annual     prayerful demonstrations. The        of carrying the baby to term. She    parents. She later woke to her               Director/Editor
retreats to women and men            way we are going to get our          says her memory of the events        parents at her bedside. Even
that have been affected by the       message across to people is in       that followed are very blurry        though she had lied to them         explains, “Every time that
pain of abortion. This includes      a peaceful approach. We are          and all she can really remember      about what had really happened      something bad happened to me,
mothers who opted to abort a         the eyes of Christ at the clinics    is her then boyfriend telling her    she says, “My mom knew.             I thought God was punishing
child or anyone who has been         today so we simply pray in front     it was not possible for her to go    My mom later told me that she       me.” She found her way back
impacted such as fathers and         of clinics”. Ester says she has      through with the pregnancy. She      knew, she just knew in her heart.   to her church community and
even grandparents.                   heard many testimonies from          says, “I don’t really recall the     She later told me she named the     knew she had to start serving the
          Ester grew up Catholic     women saying that while driving      days leading up to the abortion.     baby that night.”                   Lord in some way to make good
in El Paso with active Catholic      to their appointments they asked     I cannot really even recall how                For years after the       the bad choice she had made
parents who participated in          God to send a sign. And as they      the procedure was paid for. I do     abortion Ester struggled to find    years before. It was an ACTS
several church ministries. She       pulled up to the clinic they saw     remember entering the clinic,        herself and to find peace. After    retreat where she gave her first
and her siblings were very           someone kneeling in prayer.          the way it looked, the way it        her experience with abortion        testimony which led her to go to
well engaged in their Catholic       “Peacefully we become the sign       smelled. There was no pre-           Ester says she spiraled out         a Rachel’s Vineyard retreat.
faith through a dynamic parish       that so many are asking for that     counseling and the staff was         of control with careless and                  It was at a Rachel’s
life. Both of her parents also       makes them change their mind”,       very cold.” She does remember        reckless behaviors. Ester says      Vineyard retreat that she found
participated in the pro-life         she shares.                          a woman telling her not to worry     that eventually she realized why    the help to mourn the loss of
ministry at their parish. She                  Upon graduating from       that she had done this nine times    she acted out this way but it       her child and found a way to
fondly remembers attending pro-      high school Ester stayed in El       before. Ester goes on to share, “I   took a long time. She says that     cope. Ester says, “The reason
life marches as a child with her     Paso and started her Freshman        think in my humanness I blocked      finding her way back to her faith   I always say yes to giving my
family. She tells me her parents’    year of college. She always          some of it out. The experience       to seek forgiveness was what        testimony in public is that one in
spiritual work to promote and        maintained a close relationship      almost seemed not to be real.        helped her make the connection      three women have experienced
preserve life included abortion      with her parents but despite         It was as if I was in a dream.”      between the abortion and the        an abortion yet our attendance
clinic protests.                     that she still struggled with        She tells me the procedure was       self destructive behavior. She      at Rachel’s Vineyard remains
                                                                                                                                                   very low.       People need to
                                                                                                                                                   know.” Ester says that women
                                                                                                                                                   who confess this sort of sin need
                                                                                                                                                   more and Rachel’s Vineyard
                                                                                                                                                   offers that. She says, “There is
                                                                                                                                                   a post abortive syndrome that
                                                                                                                                                   leads women to destructive
                                                                                                                                                   behaviors like alcoholism,
                                                                                                                                                   promiscuousness, drug abuse,
                                                                                                                                                   eating disorders and sometimes
                                                                                                                                                   even suicide. Rachel’s Vineyard
                                                                                                                                                   offers women a place where
                                                                                                                                                   they are not alone in their pain
                                                                                                                                                   from abortion and can find
                                                                                                                                                   acknowledgment of what they
                                                                                                                                                   have done and ultimately find
                                                                                                                                                   healing.” Ester goes on to
                                                                                                                                                   explain, “I understood the Lord
                                                                                                                                                   forgave me but it is forgiving
                                                                                                                                                   myself that is most difficult.
                                                                                                                                                   It is hard to live with regret.”
                                                                                                                                                   Rachel’s Vineyard helps women
                                                                                                                                                   forgive themselves, give dignity
                                                                                                                                                   back to the life they took and
                                                                                                                                                   gives them closure. Ester says,
                                                                                                                                                   “God granted me the grace to
                                                                                                                                                   decide I needed to help people
                                                                                                                                                   and He gave me the courage to
                                                                                                                                                   do so by sharing my story.”
                                                                                                                                                             On Sunday, January
                                                                                                                                                   21, 2018 thousands of Catholics
                                                                                                                                                   marched for life in Downtown El
                                                                                                                                                   Paso. The march was to remind
                                                                                                                                                   us that we too need to share our
                                                                                                                                                   stories of our faith. That life
                                                                                                                                                   is precious and does begin at
                                                                                                                                                   conception. We as Catholics are
                                                                                                                                                   called to be signs of Christ for
                                                                                                                                                   others. Through her ministry
                                                                                                                                                   Ester not only found healing but
                                                                                                                                                   was able to find love. She met
                                                                                                                                                   her husband by chance while
                                                                                                                                                   peacefully praying in front of
                                                                                                                                                   an abortion clinic. He too was
                                                                                                                                                   praying and was called to the
                                                                                                                                                   same ministry. Ester’s husband
                                                                                                                                                   refers to Ester as “A Warrior for
                                                                                                                                                   Christ”. May we all choose to
                                                                                                                                                   be warriors for Christ too.

                                                                                                                                                   The next Rachel’s Vineyard
                                                                                                                                                   Retreat is scheduled for
                                                                                                                                                   February 16, 17 & 18.
                                                                                                                                                   For more information please
                                                                                                                                                   call (915) 433-1983 or email

                                                                                                                                                   All      inquiries         remain
El Paso Catholics March For Life
The Rio Grande Catholic                                                     Bishop’s Column                                                         February 2018 - 3

What Are You Giving Up for Lent?
         At the middle of           be well and good. Offering         8. Speaking critically of
this month, on February             some service or doing some         anyone to others unless
14th, we will enter the             good deed can also be a            they truly need to know.
holy time of prayer,                pleasing sacrifice to God.
penance, almsgiving and             But in light of the Ash            7. Deciding that daily prayer
fasting which we call               Wednesday Gospel which             is the first thing to drop if
Lent.     Traditionally we          reminds us of the sincere          your day is “too busy”.              InSeitz Into The Faith
Catholics mark this Season          conversion which must
by choosing some specific           underlie our sacrifices, I         6. Judging that persons in
sacrifice -- letting go of          would like to suggest some         need “have brought it upon                   Bishop
some vice or some habitual          other things we might              themselves” to free yourself             Mark J. Seitz
activity, which though not          consider “giving up” this          from the         responsi-
                                                                                                                                             think of others. It’s best
harmful in itself, may keep         Lent.                              bility of helping.
                                                                                                           His job instead of seeking        to zero in on a few areas at
us from a greater good such
                                                                                                           God’s will in everything.         most which represent our
as prayer or good works             Here is my Lenten Sacrifice        5.Exposing        yourself
                                                                                                                                             greatest shortcomings. If
on behalf of others. This           10 Best List.                      to    sexual   temptations
                                                                                                           2. Avoiding the Sacrament         we could make of these a
Lenten sacrifice can also                                              by       pursuing       in-
                                                                                                           of Penance (Confession).          sacrifice to the Lord as we
serve to remind us day by           Choose to give up:                 appropriate thoughts or
                                                                                                                                             turn to Him with all our
day of our Lenten call to           10. Taking the name of God         entertainment.
                                                                                                           1. Thinking that everyone         heart we would be well on
conversion.                         in vain and using the gift of
                                                                                                           else needs conversion more        our way to a Lent which is
         Giving up a favorite       speech for vulgar talk.            4. “Friends” who lead you
                                                                                                           than you.                         very pleasing to God.
beverage or chocolate or                                               down the wrong path rather
desserts; cutting down on or        9. Grumbling about the             than help you grow.
                                                                                                                  These are a few            Bp. Mark
eliminating T.V. or movies          privilege of worshiping
                                                                                                           ideas. I imagine you can
or computer games can all           God on Sunday.                     3. Telling God how to do

¿Qué Es lo Que Estarás Sacrificando Para la Cuaresma?
         A mediados de este        bebida favorita o a los            A continuación, mi lista de        6. Juzgar a las personas          1. Pensar que todos los demás
mes, el 14 de febrero, estaremos   chocolates o postres; reducir      los 10 Mejores Sacrificios de      necesitadas “se lo merecen por    necesitan conversión, más que
entrando en el tiempo santo de     o eliminar el uso de la            Cuaresma.                          sus actos” para liberarse de la   tú mismo.
oración, penitencia, limosna       televisión, o películas o juegos                                          responsabilidad de ayudar.
y ayuno, al cual llamamos          de computadora, puede ser          Elige renunciar a:
Cuaresma. Tradicionalmente,        bueno. Ofrecer algún servicio      10. Tomar el nombre de Dios         5. Exponerse a las tentaciones   Estas son algunas ideas. Me
los católicos marcamos esta        o hacer alguna buena obra          en vano y usar el don del habla    sexuales          persiguiendo    imagino que usted puede
temporada       eligiendo     un   también puede ser un sacrificio    para hablar vulgarmente.           pensamientos inapropiados o       pensar en otras más. Lo mejor
sacrificio específico; soltar      agradable a Dios. Pero a la luz                                          por simple entretenimiento.    es concentrarse en algunas
algún vicio o actividad            del Evangelio del Miércoles         9. Rezongar sobre el privilegio                                     áreas que principalmente
habitual, que aunque no sea        de Ceniza, el cual nos recuerda    de adorar a Dios los domingos.     4. “Amigos” que te llevan por     representen nuestras mayores
nocivo en sí mismo, puede          la sincera conversión que                                             el camino equivocado en lugar     deficiencias. Si pudiéramos
impedirnos un bien mayor,          debe ser la base de nuestros        8. Hablar críticamente sobre      de ayudarte a crecer.             hacer de estos un sacrificio al
también incluimos la oración       sacrificios, me gustaría sugerir   alguien, a otra persona, a                                           Señor mientras nos dirigimos
o las buenas obras, en bien        algunas otras cosas que            menos que realmente necesiten      3. Decirle a Dios cómo hacer      a Él con todo nuestro corazón,
de otros. Este sacrificio de       podríamos “renunciar” a, en        saberlo.                           su trabajo, en lugar de buscar    estaríamos en camino a una
Cuaresma también puede             esta Cuaresma.                                                        la voluntad de Dios en todo.      Cuaresma que sería muy
servir     para      recordarnos                                      7. Decidir que la oración diaria                                     agradable a Dios.
diariamente, nuestro llamado                                          es lo primero que se deja para     2. Evitar el Sacramento de la
Cuaresmal a la conversión.                                            después, si su día está            Penitencia (Confesión).           Obispo Mark
         Renunciar a una                                                   “demasiado ocupado”.
El Paso Catholics March For Life
4 - The Rio Grande Catholic                                                Diocesan News                                                                 February 2018

       March for Life Marks 45th Anniversary of Legal Abortion
By Janet Crowe, Rio Grande Catholic Columnist

         On a cold and windy       people were
January 21st, pro-life El          judged not
Pasoans were joined by many        to be human
others from Las Cruces and         during     the
the surrounding region to          Holocaust
prayerfully commemorate the        when Hitler
45th anniversary of legalized      tried       to
abortion. Over 60 million          wipe out the
children have been killed in the   entire Jewish
United States by abortion since    population
the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe       of Europe.
v. Wade decision.                  Failing     to
         Bishop Mark Seitz         learn from
started the 2018 March for         history, only
Life by acknowledging the          thirty years
dedication of those attending      later the U.S.
the rally when the 43-degree       Supreme
temperature’s wind chill factor    C o u r t
made it feel like 28 degrees.      determined
“God will warm us with His         that        an
Holy Spirit,” the Bishop said.     entire class
Fingers and toes were cold,        of      human
but hearts were warmed by          beings were
the Bishop’s encouragement to      not persons
“Stand up for every person that    and could be
God calls to life from the very    legally killed
beginning until He calls them      within their
home.”                             mothers’
         While annual abortion     w o m b s .
rates have begun to decline in     L e g a l                                  Bishop Mark J. Seitz marches while praying the Rosary.
the United States during the       doesn’t
past few years, babies are still   a l w a y s
                                                                     possessing human rights….          Ob/Gyn who leads 40 Days           relied on the community
dying and women continue           mean right.
                                                                     For a just nation to exist there   for Life and organizes year-       for food, shelter and extra
to be wounded by abortion.                  Bishop           Seitz
                                                                     needed to be a fundamental         round sidewalk counseling          clothes. In the same way,
Southwest Coalition for Life’s     emphasized this same message
                                                                     agreement that human beings        outside abortion centers in the    Dr. Ruberu said, “We must
Director    Mark      Cavaliere    that every human being has
                                                                     were all created by God.”          Philadelphia area. After her       be the community for these
reminded      the     attendees    been created equal in the sight
                                                                              “Now       we      find   first experience praying at an     women” who are experiencing
that legal and moral do not        of God during his homily at the
                                                                     ourselves marking 45 years         abortion clinic, Dr. Ruberu        crisis pregnancies. “We are
necessarily mean the same          Mass following the March for
                                                                     since our U.S. Supreme Court       recognized that when people        followers of an amazing God.
thing.                             Life. “People of our own time
                                                                     forgot these basic principles      witness to the sanctity of         He is working so strongly
         The Roe v. Wade court     have forgotten this basic truth
                                                                     again and invented a right         human life by their prayers for    through this community when
decision declared that the         which defines who we are as
                                                                     not found in our Constitution      the women and unborn babies,       we allow Him to use us as his
unborn child was not a person      human beings. We each have a
                                                                     that would allow us to kill        many of those mothers will         instruments.”
protected by law. Cavaliere        special dignity because we are
                                                                     an innocent unborn child in
urged people to remember           created by God to live forever.
                                                                     its mother’s womb,” Bishop
other times in history that a      This is a basic principle
                                                                     Seitz continued. “We are here
group of human beings have         upon which our country was
                                                                     to speak up for these children
been proclaimed to be less         founded. The Founders of our
                                                                     who have no voice.”
than human. Over a hundred         Country knew that government
                                                                              “Speaking up for
and fifty years ago, slaves and    could not be the entity with
                                                                     those being threatened doesn’t
Native Americans were also not     the power to decide which
                                                                     happen often enough”, stated
considered to be persons. Just     human beings were deserving
                                                                     Dr. Monique Ruberu, a
over 70 years ago, a group of      of human dignity and therefore
                                                                     nationally-renowned pro-life

                                                                                                          Many attendees made the March for Life a family affair.

                                                                                                        choose life. “Our prayerful,                “As Christians, aren’t
                                                                                                        peaceful presence is what          we called to answer the cry of
                                                                                                        makes a difference.”               the poor?” Dr. Ruberu asked.
                                                                                                                 Present at the March      “We should be willing to stand
                                                                                                        for Life rally to demonstrate      outside and pray for the women
                                                                                                        how education, prayer and          who need us. It is called
                                                                                                        physical support can make a        sacrifice and we are called to it
                                                                                                        difference were several pro-life   as Christians.”
                                                                                                        resources such as Guiding Star,             However, Dr. Ruberu
                                                                                                        Rachel’s Vineyard, Southwest       admitted that one person alone
                                                                                                        Coalition for Life, Knights of     cannot change the world.
                                                                                                        Columbus, Knights on Bikes,        “None of us can do this alone,
                                                                                                        and others.                        but together we can make such
                                                                                                                 After expressing her      a difference.” Encouraging all
                                                                                                        appreciation for the assistance    who believe in “an amazing
                                                                                                        that such organizations offer to   God” to allow Him to fill them
                                                                                                        those in need, Dr. Ruberu told     with His Holy Spirit and give
                                                                                                        how Jesus and His disciples        them the peace and strength to
                                                                                                        traveled     throughout     the    convert hearts to His message
                                                                                                        countryside without carrying       of love, Dr. Ruberu challenged
                                                                                                        supplies or even a second          the crowd, “Trust in God, and
                                                                                                        pair of sandals. The disciples     go do His work.”
El Paso Catholics March For Life
The Rio Grande Catholic                                                    Diocesan News                                                          February 2018 - 5

 La Marcha por la Vida marca el 45 Aniversario del Aborto Legal
 Por Janet Crowe, Columnista del Rio Grande Catholic
         En un frío y ventoso siguen muriendo y las mujeres         esta verdad básica que define       R u b e r u
21 de enero, a las personas pro- continúan     siendo    heridas    quiénes somos como seres            reconoció
vida de El Paso se les unieron por el aborto. El director de        humanos. Cada uno de                que     cuando
muchas otras personas de Las “Southwest Coalition for Life”         nosotros tiene una dignidad         las personas
Cruces y la región circundante (Coalición por la Vida del           especial porque fuimos creados      testifican
para conmemorar en oración Suroeste), Mark Cavaliere, les           por Dios para vivir para            sobre         la
el 45 aniversario del aborto recordó a los asistentes que           siempre. Este es un principio       santidad de la
legalizado. Más de 60 millones legal y moral no necesariamente      básico sobre el cual se fundó       vida humana
de niños han sido asesinados en significan lo mismo. La             nuestro país. Los fundadores        mediante sus
los Estados Unidos por aborto, decisión del tribunal Roe v.         de nuestro país sabían que          oraciones por
desde la decisión de la Corte Wade, declaró que el niño             el gobierno no podía ser la         las     mujeres
Suprema en 1973 Roe v. Wade. por nacer no era una persona           entidad con el poder de decidir     y los bebés
El Obispo Mark Seitz dio protegida por la ley. Cavaliere            quiénes como seres humanos          por       nacer,
inicio a la Marcha por la Vida instó a la gente a recordar otras    merecían la dignidad humana,        muchas       de
del 2018, reconociendo la veces en la historia donde un             por lo tanto, que poseían los       esas madres Well Known OBGYN and Pro-Life Advocate
dedicación de los asistentes a grupo de seres humanos ha sido       derechos humanos ... para que       eligen la vida. Dr. Monique Ruberu addresses the crowd as
la reunión y estando el factor proclamado como menos que            exista una nación justa, debe       “Nuestra                         keynote speaker.
de enfriamiento de temperatura humano. Hace más de ciento           haber un acuerdo fundamental        presencia                          que están experimentando
a 43 grados, hizo este que cincuenta años, los esclavos             de que todos los seres humanos      orante y pacífica es lo que hace embarazos de crisis”. “Somos
pareciera 28 grados. “Dios y los nativos americanos                 fueron creados por Dios”.           la diferencia”.                    seguidores de un Dios
nos calentará con su Espíritu tampoco se consideraban                        “Ahora               nos             Presentes     en     la increíble. Él está trabajando
Santo”, dijo el obispo. Los personas. Hace poco más de              encontramos ya cumpliendo 45        manifestación de la Marcha por tan fuertemente a través de
dedos de las manos y los pies 70 años, se juzgó a un grupo de       años desde que nuestro Tribunal     la Vida para demostrar cómo esta comunidad al nosotros
estaban congelados, pero personas que no eran humanas               Supremo de los EE. UU.              la educación, la oración y el permitirle que nos use como
los ánimos revivieron con durante el Holocausto, cuando             Olvidó estos principios básicos     apoyo físico pueden marcar sus instrumentos”.
el aliento del obispo al decir Hitler trató de eliminar a toda      otra vez e inventó un derecho       la     diferencia,    estuvieron            “Y es que como
“defender a todas las personas la población judía de Europa.        que no se encuentra en nuestra      varios recursos de pro-vida,       cristianos, ¿no es acaso que
que Dios llama a la vida desde Al fallar en aprender sobre la       Constitución y que nos permite      tales como son: Guiding Star, estamos llamados a responder
                                           historia, solo treinta   matar a un inocente niño en el      (Estrella que guía), Rachel’s al grito de los pobres?”,
                                           años después, la         vientre de su madre”, continuó      Vineyard, (El Viñedo de Preguntó la Doctora Ruberu.
                                           Corte Suprema de         el Obispo Seitz. “Estamos aquí      Raquel), Southwest Coalition “Deberíamos estar dispuestos
                                           los Estados Unidos       para defender a estos niños que     for Life, (Coalición del suroeste a pararnos afuera y orar por
                                           determinó que un         no tienen voz”. Hablar por los      por la vida), los Caballeros las mujeres que nos necesitan.
                                           tipo de incompleto       amenazados no ocurre con la         de Colón, Knights on Bikes Esto se llama sacrificio y se
                                           ser humano no es         frecuencia suficiente, afirmó       (Caballeros en Bicicleta) y nos llama a nosotros como
                                           una persona y que        la doctora Monique Ruberu,          otros grupos. Después de cristianos”. Sin embargo, el Dr.
                                           podía ser asesinado      Ob-Gyn (Obstetra-ginecólogo,        expresar su agradecimiento Ruberu admitió que una sola
                                           legalmente dentro del    o ginecólogo obstetra y             por la ayuda que tales persona por sí sola no puede
                                           útero de su madre.       quien tiene experiencia en          organizaciones ofrecieron a cambiar el mundo. “Ninguno
                                           Lo legal no siempre      salud reproductiva femenina,        los necesitados, la Doctora de nosotros puede hacer esto
                                           significa que sea        embarazo y parto), pro-vida,        Ruberu contó cómo Jesús y solo, pero juntos podemos
                                           correcto.                reconocida a nivel nacional         sus discípulos viajaron por el hacer una gran diferencia”.
  Many proudly carried Pro-Life signs. 		 E                     l   y quien lidera a “40 Days           campo sin llevar suministros, Animar a todos los que creen
                                          obispo Seitz hizo         for Life” (40 Días por la           o incluso un segundo par en “un Dios asombroso” a
el principio hasta que las llame hincapié en la Misa posterior a    Vida) además de organizar           de sandalias. Los discípulos permitir que Él los llene con Su
a casa”.                          la Marcha por la Vida, durante    consejerías durante todo el         confiaron en la comunidad Espíritu Santo y les dé la paz
         Si bien las tasas su homilía, sobre este mismo             año en las aceras, afuera de        para obtener comida, refugio y la fuerza para convertir los
anuales     de    aborto      han mensaje: todo ser humano ha       los centros de aborto en el área    y ropa extra. De la misma corazones en Su mensaje de
comenzado a disminuir en sido creado en igualdad, a la              de Filadelfia. Después de su        manera, la Doctora Ruberu amor, el Dr. Ruberu desafió a
los Estados Unidos durante vista de Dios. “La gente de              primera experiencia orando en       dijo: “Debemos de ser esa la multitud, “Confíe en Dios y
los últimos años, los bebés nuestro tiempo ha olvidado              una clínica de aborto, la Doctora   comunidad para estas mujeres haga su trabajo”.

                                                     Happy Birthday
Fr. William Morton, SSC												February 9
Fr. Valentin Cota, MNM												February 14
Fr. Mariano H. Lopez													February 14
Msgr. David G. Fierro													February 18
Fr. Jovino Antonio Martinez, Extern										February 18
Fr. Fidel Cervantes 													February 19
Fr. Salvador Aguilera, CAPT, CHC, USN								February 22
January Issue Correction Happy Birthday to:
Fr. Stephen Peters			 											January 10
Fr. Jose Alcocer														January 23

                      Ordination     Annivesary
Fr. Sergio (Roberto) Hernandez, OFM									February 2
January Issue Correction Happy Ordination Anniversary to:
Fr. Jesus Maria Mena, OAR											January 11
SSC-Missionary Society of St.Columban			                            MNM-Misioneros de la Natividad de Maria

OAR-Order of the Augustinian Recollects 			                         OFM-Order of Friar Minors

CAPT, CHC, USN-Captain. Chief of Chaplains. United States Navy
El Paso Catholics March For Life
6 - The Rio Grande Catholic                                                            Diocesan News                                                                       February 2018

What is Consecrated Life?
By Sister Janet Gildea, SC, Liason for Women Religious
St. Pope John Paul II inaugurated        people of God.                               Why so many different          history of religious congregations    chastity and obedience carry the
the World Day of Consecrated              The Diocese of El Paso is blessed     congregations?     Most of the       is fascinating!                       commitment of consecrated life.
Life in 1997 to celebrate and            with twenty-seven congregations        time new congregations started            Consecrated life is like an          This year Bishop Seitz will
pray for those women and men             of women religious and twelve          because of new needs in new          orchestra with many instruments       celebrate a mass for the World
who respond to God’s call as             congregations of men. Each of          places. In the early days of         working in various harmonies          Day of Consecrated Life on
Religious Sisters, Brothers and          these groups or “orders” brings a      the United States it wasn’t          and rhythms. The contemplative        Friday, February 9 at 6 p.m. at the
Priests. He chose February 2, the        particular gift or charism that was    uncommon for a bishop to go          life of nuns and monks provides       cathedral. We chose a week-night
Feast of the Presentation of the         ignited in the heart of the founder    “shopping for Sisters” in Europe     a steady baseline melody for          because it is often difficult for our
Lord, to connect the vocation to         and that continues to be poured out    to serve the needs of the diocese.   the active religious women and        Religious Sisters, Brothers and
consecrated life with the call to        in the life of each member today.      Sometimes they sponsored a new       men who serve in almost any           Priests who minister in parishes
shine forth by their lives the light     Those charisms are expressed           congregation to form in their        profession. The signs of the times    to attend a week-end liturgy when
of Christ. All of the baptized share     in the way of life together, the       diocese. And sometimes a new         dictate their manner of service and   they are busy serving us. We hope
the call to holiness. Religious          spirituality and the ministries        founder arises within an existing    daily schedule. Those called to       that the people of our diocese
Sisters, Brothers and Priests live       of the congregations. So just in       congregation to begin an entirely    missionary congregations travel       will join in the celebration to
out that call through vows of            our diocese from the particular        new entity. Think of Mother          the scales in descants of different   thank God for their commitment,
poverty, consecrated chastity and        inspiration of St. Francis of Assisi   Teresa who was a Loreto Sister       cultures. In traditional religious    to pray for their perseverance
obedience, supporting each other         to follow Jesus, we have ten ways      for twenty years before receiving    garb or contemporary dress, in        and that new generations will be
in community life and discerning         of living consecrated life in a        her “call within a call” to begin    large institutions or tiny rented     inspired to respond to the call to
together the ways to serve the           “Franciscan” manner!                   the Missionaries of Charity. The     rooms, the vows of poverty,           consecrated life.

¿Qué es la Vida Consagrada?
Por: Hermana Janet Gildea, SC, Enlace Para Mujeres Religiosas
El Santo Papa Juan Pablo II                  La Diócesis de El Paso ha          comenzaron debido a nuevas           una orquesta con muchos               celebrará una misa para el Día
inauguró la Jornada Mundial              sido bendecida con veintisiete         necesidades en nuevos lugares.       instrumentos que trabajan en          Mundial de la Vida Consagrada
de la Vida Consagrada en                 congregaciones de religiosas y         En los primeros días de los          diversas armonías y ritmos. La        el viernes 9 de febrero a las 6
1997 para celebrar y orar por            doce congregaciones de hombres.        Estados Unidos no era raro que       vida contemplativa de las monjas      p.m. en la Catedral. Elegimos
aquellas mujeres y hombres que           Cada uno de estos grupos u             un obispo fuera en búsqueda          y los monjes proporciona una          una noche de la semana porque
responden al llamado de Dios             “órdenes” ofrecen un don o             de hermanas en Europa para           melodía de referencia constante       a menudo es difícil para nuestras
como Hermanas Religiosas,                carisma particular que se encendió     servir a las necesidades de la       para las mujeres y hombres            Hermanas Religiosas, Hermanos
Hermanos y Sacerdotes. Eligió            en el corazón del fundador y           diócesis. A veces patrocinaban       religiosos activos que sirven en      y Sacerdotes que ministran
el 2 de febrero, la Fiesta de la         que continúa siendo derramado          una nueva congregación para          casi cualquier profesión. Los         en las parroquias asistir a una
Presentación del Señor, para             en la vida de cada miembro             formar en su diócesis. Y a veces     signos de los tiempos dictan su       liturgia de fin de semana cuando
conectar la vocación a la vida           hoy. Esos carismas se expresan         surge un nuevo fundador dentro       forma de servicio y el horario        están ocupados sirviéndonos.
consagrada con el llamado a              en la forma de vida comun, la          de una congregación existente        diario. Aquellos llamados a           Esperamos que los fieles de
brillar en sus vidas la luz de Cristo.   espiritualidad y los ministerios       para comenzar una entidad            las congregaciones misioneras         nuestra diócesis se unen a la
Todos los bautizados comparten           de las congregaciones. ¡Tan            completamente nueva. Sabemos         viajan las escalas en descanses de    celebración para agradecerles a
el llamado a la santidad. Las            solo en nuestra diócesis, desde        en la Madre Teresa que era una       diferentes culturas. En vestimenta    Dios por su compromiso, orar
Hermanas Religiosas, Hermanos            la inspiración particular de San       Hermana de Loreto durante            religiosa tradicional o vestimenta    por su perseverancia y que las
y Sacerdotes viven ese llamado           Francisco de Asís para seguir a        veinte años antes de recibir su      contemporánea,       en    grandes    nuevas generaciones se sientan
a través de votos de pobreza,            Jesús, tenemos diez maneras de         “llamada dentro de un llamado”       instituciones o en pequeñas           inspiradas para responder al
castidad consagrada y obediencia,        vivir la vida consagrada de una        para comenzar las Misioneras         habitaciones alquiladas, los votos    llamado a la vida consagrada.
apoyándose unos a otros en la            manera “franciscana”!                  de la Caridad. ¡La historia de       de pobreza, castidad y obediencia
vida comunitaria y discerniendo            ¿Por qué tantas congregaciones       las congregaciones religiosas es     llevan el compromiso de la vida
juntos las formas de servir al           diferentes? La mayoría de las          fascinante!                          consagrada.
pueblo de Dios.                          veces nuevas congregaciones                La vida consagrada es como             Este año, el Obispo Seitz

Congregations of Sisters/Congregaciones de Hermanas:                            Congregaciones de Hombres (Hermanos y Sacerdotes):
Adoratrices Perpetuas del Santisimo Sacramento                                  Christian Brothers                                                   Siervos de Maria
Adorers of the Blood of Christ                                                  Society of St. Columban                                              Order of Augustinian Recollect
Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word                                        Society of Jesus                                                     Misioneros de la Natividad de Maria
Sisters of St. Joseph of Concordia, Kansas                                      Order of Friars Minor (St. Anthony Seminary)                         Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers
Hermanas Franciscanas de San Jose                                               Order of Friars Minor (Roger Bacon Seminary)                         Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter
Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul                                     Order of Friars Minor, Conventual                                    Order of Carmelites
Franciscan Missionaries of Mary
Hermanas del Servicio Social
Hermanas de San Jose de Lyon
Missionary Sisters of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic
Adrian Dominican Sisters
Hermanas Dominicas de la Doctrina Cristiana
Sister of St. Francis of the Neumann Communities
Sisters of St. Francis of Our Lady of Lourdes
Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Family
Sisters of St. Francis of Penance and Christian Charity
Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati
Religious of the Good Shepherd of Our Lady of Charity
Hermanas Contemplativas de Nuestra Señora del Buen Pastor
Religious of Jesus and Mary
Sisters for Christian Community
Sisters of Loretto at the Foot of the Cross
Servants of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and of the Poor
School Sisters of Notre Dame
School Sisters of St. Francis
Sisters of the Holy Spirit and Mary Immaculate
El Paso Catholics March For Life
The Rio Grande Catholic                                                            Diocesan News                                                             February 2018 - 7

To Be or Not to Be-Parsing the Implications of Suicide
         In recent years we have     I was recently reminded of this                 Among those who
witnessed a growing tendency
to promote suicide as a way of
                                     serious flaw in the “suicide
                                     solution” after watching a
                                                                            end up committing suicide,
                                                                            whether        physician-assisted
                                                                                                                    Making Sense
resolving end-stage suffering.       remarkable video adaptation            or otherwise, many will face           Out of Bioethics
Physician-assisted         suicide   of Shakespeare’s tragedy               extenuating         circumstances
is now legal in a handful of         Hamlet, with Campbell Scott            including severe depression or
states and a number of other         co-directing and starring in the       other forms of extreme mental
jurisdictions are considering        title role. Listening once again       pain. In such cases, it is clear              Fr. Tad
laws to legalize the practice.       to Hamlet’s timeless soliloquy         that their moral responsibility              Pacholczyk
A few years ago on Nightline,        “to be or not to be,” I was struck     will be greatly diminished,
Barbara Walters interviewed an       by how carefully Shakespeare           as fear and anguish constrict
assisted suicide advocate who        addresses the vexing question          their ability to think and reason
summed it up this way: “We’re                                                                                   breaks the ties of solidarity       that, “We should not despair
                                     of intense human suffering             clearly. But this is not always
talking about what people                                                                                       with family, nation, and other      of the eternal salvation of
                                     and the perennial temptation to        the case, and some people,
want. There are people who,                                                                                     human societies to which we         persons who have taken their
                                     commit suicide.                        with clear mind and directed
even suffering horribly, want to                                                                                continue to have obligations.”      own lives. By ways known to
                                               Hamlet muses about           intention, do choose to end
live out every second of their                                                                                  It leaves behind loved ones to      him alone, God can provide
                                     whether it is better to put up         their lives, as appears to have
lives, and that’s their right, of                                                                               contend with unresolved guilt,      the opportunity for salutary
                                     with the bad things we know            been the case for Britney
course, and they should do it.                                                                                  shame, and pain.                    repentance. The Church prays
                                     about in this life than to step into   Maynard. She was the young
Others don’t want that. Others                                                                                           While ending our life      for persons who have taken
                                     the strange new land of death’s        woman in California who in
want out!”                                                                                                      may seem to offer an “escape        their own lives.”
                                     “undiscovered country,” a              the early stages of her brain
         Those           favoring                                                                               valve” for the serious pressures            Suicide affects us not
                                     country about which we know            cancer carefully arranged and
physician-assisted         suicide                                                                              and sufferings we face, we do       only in the here and now, but
                                     very little, and from which no         orchestrated her own physician-
argue that getting out of our                                                                                   well to consider the real effects   has significant, even eternal,
                                     one returns. This leaves us, in        assisted suicide, establishing
final agony means essentially                                                                                   of this choice both in this life,   implications for the journey to
                                     Hamlet’s words, “puzzled”              months in advance the date and
redeeming a “get out of jail                                                                                    and in the life to come. In the     that “undiscovered country”
                                     and in “dread of something             setting, who would be present
free” card through committing                                                                                   next life, a preceding act of       that awaits us.
                                     after death.” He wonders aloud         in the room, what music would
suicide. At first glance, taking     about the hidden purposes of           be playing as she did it, etc.      suicide may deny us the very
this step would indeed appear                                                                                   relief we were seeking, and         Rev. Tadeusz Pacholczyk,
                                     suffering when he asks himself,                 Such a decision is
to end our troubles definitively.                                                                               may, in fact, lead to harsher       Ph.D. earned his doctorate
                                     “Whether ‘tis nobler in the            always a tragedy, and every life,
But what if this view of things                                                                                 purification in a new situation     in neuroscience from Yale
                                     mind to suffer the slings and          even when compromised by
is dead wrong, and we don’t                                                                                     of our own making, or, heaven       and did post-doctoral work
                                     arrows of outrageous fortune”          disease or suffering, remains a
actually end up escaping our                                                                                    forbid, lead to a fate far worse    at Harvard. He is a priest of
                                     than to “take arms against a sea       great gift to be cared for. When
sufferings? What if we, instead,                                                                                than purgatory.                     the diocese of Fall River, MA,
                                     of troubles, and by opposing,          freely chosen, suicide is a form
end up in a new situation where                                                                                          Our Lord and his           and serves as the Director of
                                     end them.” He concludes by             of serious wrongdoing and is, in
our trials are still present, and                                                                               Church care profoundly for          Education at The National
                                     asking whether we shouldn’t            the words of the Catechism of
maybe even more intense, on                                                                                     those who commit suicide,           Catholic Bioethics Center
                                     rather “bear those ills we have        the Catholic Church, “Gravely
account of the willful decision                                                                                 and even though this act            in Philadelphia. See www.
                                     than fly to others that we know        contrary to the just love of
we made to end our own life?                                                                                    clearly involves grave matter,      ncbcenter.org
                                     not of?”                               self. It likewise offends love
                                                                            of neighbor because it unjustly     the Catechism reminds us

The Annual Collection for the Catholic Church in Central and Eastern
Europe Will Be Held on Ash Wednesday, February 14, 2018
RESTORE THE CHURCH                                                           decades ago. In most parts of       many of which still struggle        On Ash Wednesday, please
BUILD THE FUTURE                      The Catholic Church in                 the region, the Church cannot       to recover in the aftermath         be as generous as possible
                                      Central and Eastern Europe             yet support its own renewal         of Soviet rule. Funds from          and make a donation to this
A Special Collection for the          is actively involved in                and growth.                         this collection help support        worthy cause. Thank you.
Church in Central and Eastern         rebuilding the faith of its                                                construction,      education,
Europe will be held on Ash            people and reestablishing its          This special collection helps       formation     and    poverty
Wednesday, February 14,               congregations after the fall of        restore the Church and build        outreach.
2018.                                 communism more than two                the future in 20 countries,

 La Colecta Anual para la Iglesia Católica en Europa Central y del Este
 Se Llevará a Cabo el Miércoles de Ceniza, 14 de febrero del 2018
RESTAURA LA IGLESIA,                 Esta colecta especial ayuda
CONSTRUYE EL FUTURO                  a restaurar la Iglesia y a
                                     construir el futuro en 20
Una Ofrenda Especial para la         países, muchos de los cuales
Iglesia en Europa Central y          aún luchan por recuperarse
del Este se llevará a cabo el        después      del     gobierno
Miércoles de Ceniza, 14 de           soviético. Los fondos de esta
febrero del 2018.                    colección ayudan a apoyar la
                                     construcción, la educación,
La Iglesia Católica en               la formación y el alcance a la
Europa Central y del Este            pobreza.
participa activamente en la
reconstrucción de la fe de su        Por favor, el Miércoles de
pueblo y en el restablecimiento      Ceniza, sean lo más generosos
de     sus      congregaciones       posible y hagan una donación
después de la caída del              a esta noble causa. Gracias
comunismo, hace más de dos
décadas. En la mayor parte de
la región, la Iglesia no puede
apoyar su propia renovación y
El Paso Catholics March For Life
8 - The Rio Grande Catholic                                                       Diocesan News                                                                              February 2018

A Synod that Looks to the Future
By Sister Janet Gildea, SC, Liason for Women Religious
         A general synod of presented, a document which                    between the newest generations of     in the light
bishops provides advice to I am also entrusting to you as                  Catholics and former generations.     of faith, into
the pope on issues of critical your “compass” on this synodal                   By focusing the attention of     steps towards
importance to the Church. The journey.” (Letter to Young                   the synod on young adults Pope        the fullness of
Synod on the Family concluded People, January 13, 1017)                    Francis shows his awareness           joy to which
in October 2015 and provided               Already the Vatican             that although events like World       everyone     is
input to Pope Francis that was solicited input from young                  Youth Day attract and inspire         called.”
foundational for his apostolic adults via an online survey,                thousands, at the local level from
exhortation, Amoris Laetitia. available in four languages. The             Sunday to Sunday many feel that       The        Synod
In January of 2017 the pope preparatory document for the                   they do not belong and do not         on        “Youth,
announced that the next world synod includes questions that the            participate. Increasingly young       the Faith and
synod of bishops will be held bishops are requested to direct to           people declare themselves to          Vo c a t i o n a l
in October 2018. The second pastoral leaders, some of which                be “spiritual but not religious”.     Discernment”                El Paso Young Adult Missioners at
great issue the pope desires the relate to concerns specific to            Pope Francis challenges us “to        offers            a                Hugs Not Walls Event
bishops to consider is “Young particular continents. Gathering             encounter, accompany and care         challenge and
People, the Faith and Vocational information, This Synod offers            for every young person, without       opportunity
Discernment”. Speaking to young opportunities for the local Church         exception”.      The preparatory      to       continue                        The introduction to the synodal
adults, ages 16-29, Pope Francis to understand and reach out to the        document outlines the need to         to form the next generation of preparatory document expresses
explained, “I wanted you to be generation that is now growing in           nurture the faith in ways that        Catholics. How will you respond? the hope with which we engage
the centre of attention, because the faith and whose members are           address the critical issues of        How will your parish respond? A in this important process: “The
you are in my heart. Today, the its future leaders. The preparatory        young people. Teaching the art of     first step is to read the preparatory Church has decided to examine
Preparatory Document is being document acknowledges the                    discernment is at the heart of this   document which is available on herself on how she can lead
                                                  rapidly changing         effort.                               the U.S. Catholic Bishops website young people to recognize and
                                                  world that is                      By            vocational    at http://www.usccb.org/about/ accept the call to the fullness of
                                                  the context in           discernment the synod is directed     bishops-and-dioceses/synod- life and love, and to ask young
                                                  which        today’s     to focus on “the process by which     of-bishops/synod-2018/index. people to help her in identifying
                                                  young people are         a person makes fundamental            cfm . The Vocation Committee the most effective ways to
                                                  coming of age. It        choices, in dialogue with the         of Religious for the diocese announce the Good News today.
                                                  names some of            Lord and listening to the voice       will provide excerpts from the By listening to young people, the
                                                  the complexities         of the Spirit, starting with the      preparatory document for parish Church will once again hear the
                                                  that      influence      choice of one’s state in life”.       bulletins each week. The monthly Lord speaking in today’s world.
                                                  their lives such         How can we help young people          “First Wednesday Discernment As in the days of Samuel (cf. 1
                                                  as       economic        develop the skills to recognize       Evenings for Women” will use Sam 3:1-21) and Jeremiah (cf. Jer
                                                  globalization,           the movement of God in their          a reflection tool which was 1:4-10), young people know how
                                                  c l i m a t e            lives? How do we teach them to        developed by the Benedictine to discern the signs of our times,
                                                  change,           and    interpret their experiences in the    Volunteers that incorporates indicated by the Spirit. Listening
                                                  multiculturalism.        light of the Spirit? How can we       themes from the document. to their aspirations, the Church
                                                  I m p o r t a n t l y,   accompany them and encourage          Plans are also underway to create can glimpse the world which lies
 Young Adults Gather for Prayer and the                    document        them to make choices and lasting      additional discernment groups ahead and the paths the Church is
                                                 acknowledges the          commitments? “The purpose of          for young adults in the focus age called to follow.”
 Discussion at the Columban Mission Center genuine cultural                vocational discernment is to find     range (16-29 yr) using the same
                                                   differences             out how to transform [choices],       reflection process.

Un Sínodo que Mira Hacia el Futuro
Por: Hermana Janet Gildea, SC, Enlace Para Mujeres Religiosas
          Un sínodo general de              El Vaticano ya solicitó        importante destacar que el            la luz de la fe,
obispos brinda consejos al Papa      participación de jóvenes adultos      documento reconoce las genuinas       en pasos hacia
sobre asuntos de importancia         a través de una encuesta bajo el      diferencias culturales entre las      la plenitud de
crítica para la Iglesia. El Sínodo   control de computadora central,       nuevas generaciones de católicos      la alegría a la
sobre la Familia concluyó en         disponible en cuatro idiomas.         y generaciones anteriores.            que todos son
octubre de 2015 y proporcionó        El documento preparatorio para              Al centrar la atención del      llamados”.
información al Papa Francisco        el sínodo incluye preguntas           sínodo en los jóvenes adultos,                 El Sínodo
que fue fundamental para su          que los obispos deben dirigir a       el Papa Francisco muestra su          sobre                 “La
exhortación apostólica, Amoris       los líderes pastorales, algunas       conciencia de que, aunque             juventud, la fe y
Laetitia. En enero de 2017, el       de las cuales se relacionan con       eventos como el Día Mundial de        el discernimiento
Papa anunció que el próximo          preocupaciones         específicas    la Juventud atraen e inspiran a       vocacional”
Sínodo Mundial de Obispos se         de     continentes    particulares.   miles, a nivel local de domingo       ofrece un desafío
celebrará en octubre de 2018.        Recopilando información, este         a domingo muchos sienten que          y una oportunidad
El segundo gran problema que         Sínodo ofrece oportunidades           no pertenecen y no participan.        para         continuar
el Papa desea que los obispos        para que la Iglesia local entienda    Cada vez más jóvenes se declaran      f o r m a n d o Columban Fr. Bob Mosher with the El Paso
consideren es “Los jóvenes, la fe    y se acerque a la generación          “espirituales pero no religiosos”.    la             próxima Young Adult Missioners in the chapel at the
y el discernimiento vocacional”.     que ahora está creciendo en la        El Papa Francisco nos desafía a       generación              de
Dirigiéndose a adultos jóvenes,      fe y cuyos miembros son sus           “encontrar, acompañar y cuidar        católicos. ¿Cómo                                    mission center
de entre 16 y 29 años, el Papa       futuros líderes. El documento         a cada joven, sin excepción”.         responderás?
Francisco explicó: “Quería que       preparatorio reconoce el mundo        El     documento       preparatorio   ¿Cómo responderá                                    proceso de reflexión.
fueras el centro de atención,        rápidamente cambiante que es          delinea la necesidad de nutrir la     tu parroquia? Un primer paso es                        La introducción al documento
porque estás en mi corazón. Hoy      el contexto en el que los jóvenes     fe de maneras que aborden los         leer el documento preparatorio preparatorio sinodal expresa la
se está presentando el documento     de hoy alcanzan la mayoría de         problemas críticos de los jóvenes.    que está disponible en el sitio esperanza con la que participamos
preparatorio, un documento que       edad. Menciona algunas de las         Enseñar el arte del discernimiento    web de los Obispos Católicos en este importante proceso: “La
también les encomiendo como          complejidades que influyen en         es el corazón de este esfuerzo.       de los EE. UU. en http://www. Iglesia ha decidido interrogarse
su “brújula” en este viaje sinodal   sus vidas, como la globalización         Por discernimiento vocacional,     usccb.org/about/bishops-and- sobre cómo acompañar a los
“(Carta a los jóvenes, 13 de enero   económica, el cambio climático        el sínodo se dirige a enfocarse en    d i o c e s e s / s y n o d - o f - b i s h o p s / jóvenes para que reconozcan y
de 1017).                            y la multiculturalidad. Es            “el proceso por el cual una persona   synod-2018/index.cfm.                          El acojan la llamada al amor y a la
                                                                           toma decisiones fundamentales,        Comité Vocacional de Religiosos vida en plenitud, y también pedir a
                                                                           en diálogo con el Señor y             de la diócesis proporcionará los mismos jóvenes que la ayuden
                                                                           escuchando la voz del Espíritu,       extractos             del         documento a identificar las modalidades más
                                                                           comenzando con la elección del        preparatorio para los boletines eficaces de hoy para anunciar la
                                                                           estado de uno en la vida”. ¿Cómo      de la parroquia cada semana. Buena Noticia. A través de los
                                                                           podemos ayudar a los jóvenes          Las “Veladas de discernimiento jóvenes, la Iglesia podrá percibir
                                                                           a desarrollar las habilidades         del primer miércoles para la voz del Señor que resuena
                                                                           para reconocer el movimiento          mujeres” mensuales utilizarán también hoy. Como en otro
                                                                           de Dios en sus vidas? ¿Cómo           una herramienta de reflexión tiempo Samuel (cfr. 1Sam 3,1-21)
                                                                           les enseñamos a interpretar sus       desarrollada por los Voluntarias y Jeremías (cfr. Jer 1,4-10), hay
                                                                           experiencias a la luz del Espíritu?   Benedictinas             que        incorpora jóvenes que saben distinguir los
                                                                           ¿Cómo podemos acompañarlos            temas del documento. También signos de nuestro tiempo que el
                                                                           y alentarlos a tomar decisiones       hay planes en marcha para Espíritu señala. Escuchando sus
                                                                           y compromisos duraderos? “El          crear grupos de discernimiento aspiraciones podemos entrever
 El Paso Young Adult Missioners Work on a Service Project                  propósito del discernimiento          adicionales para adultos jóvenes el mundo del mañana que se
                                                                           vocacional es descubrir cómo          en el grupo de edad de enfoque aproxima y las vías que la Iglesia
                                                                           transformar [las elecciones], a       (16-29 años) usando el mismo está llamada a recorrer.”
El Paso Catholics March For Life
The Rio Grande Catholic                                                       Diocesan News                                                            February 2018 - 9

Father Yermo Celebrates 60 Year Anniversary
By Sr. Maria J. Munguia, SSCJP
         Father Yermo School        great tree that holds thousands     accommodated to meet each
has served the El Paso-Juarez       of children, youth and              child’s needs. Father Yermo
border community for a span         families. Many good people          high school has prepared
of sixty years from1958-2018.       now consider Father Yermo           thousands of students for
“The Kingdom of heaven is like      their alma mater, have and          higher education and many are
a mustard seed that someone         children are learning to love       recognized as men and women
took and sowed in his field; it     Jesus Christ and live Saint Jose    of value and citizenship.
is the smallest of all the seeds,   Maria de Yermo’s philosophy                  Father           Yermo
but when it has grown, it is a      of education.                       Benefactors, Alumni          and
great tree and the birds of the              Father Yermo School,       Friends     always     celebrate
air make nests in its branches.     Pre-K to 12th grade, has a          together. This year, Father
“(Mt 13, 31).                       special niche in the border         Yermo is celebrating the 60th
         In 1958, the Sisters       region; to receive new families     anniversary.      On Saturday
Servants of the Sacred Heart of     into the American Dream             January 20, 2018, an “ITALIAN
Jesus and of the Poor opened        and to promote the Word of          NIGHT” gathered the Father
the doors of Father Yermo           the Gospel. Father Yermo            Yermo’s Family together to
Elementary to receive the           School continues to instill         express their gratitude for        Sr. Munguia and Bishop Seitz with Father Yermo Alumnae
children of the neighborhood.       in our younger generations          the 60 years of service Father
Two years, later, in 1960,          the love of God, service            Yermo School has given             afterwards a dinner, Italian       parents, students and staff
the high school opened with         to our neighbor, a sense of         to our border community.           style, was served at the           enjoyed the night.          Our
just twenty girls. The small        family and an environment of        Bishop Mark Seitz celebrated       Rudolph Miles Multipurpose         history, your history, is woven
mustard seed was planted.           trust, friendship, respect and      Mass and presided over the         Center with music and a silent     in the different events and
Sixty years have gone by and        personalized attention. Father      Liturgical celebration at the      auction. Friends, benefactors,     circumstances that have made
the small mustard seed is now a     Yermo’s solid academics are         Sisters’ Convent. Immediately      board members, alumnae,            Father Yermo what it is today.

Father Yermo Celebra Su 60 Aniversario
Por Sr. Maria J. Munguia SSCJP
La Escuela Father Yermo             inicio       con solo veinte        mantener su fe en la promoción
de El Paso, ha servido a la         senoritas. La pequeña semilla       del Evangelio. La Escuela
comunidad fronteriza de El          de mostaza había sido plantada.     Father     Yermo       continúa
Paso-Juárez por un lapso de         Han pasado sesenta años y la        inculcando      en     nuestras
sesenta años desde 1958-2018.       pequeña semilla de mostaza es       generaciones más jóvenes el
“El Reino de los cielos es          ahora un gran árbol que alberga     amor de Dios, el servicio a
como un grano de mostaza que        a miles de niños, jóvenes y         nuestro prójimo, un sentido
alguien tomó y sembró en su         familias. Mucha gente buena         de familia y un ambiente de
campo; es la más pequeña de         ahora considera la escuela          confianza, amistad, respeto y
todas las semillas, pero cuando     Father Yermo su alma mater,         atención personalizada. Los
ha crecido, es un gran árbol y      y sus hijos están aprendiendo       sólidos programas académicos
las aves del cielo hacen nidos      a amar a Jesucristo y a vivir la    de la Escuela Yermo          se
en sus ramas. “(Mt 13, 31).         filosofía de la educación de San    acomodan para satisfacer las
En 1958, las Hermanas Siervas       José María de Yermo.                necesidades de cada niño. La
del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús        La Escuela Father Yermo, que        preparatoria ha preparado a
y de los Pobres abrieron las        educa a niños de Pre-K a 12 °       miles de estudiantes para la
puertas de la Primaria Padre        grado, tiene un nicho especial      educación superior y muchos
Yermo para recibir a los niños      en la región fronteriza; recibe a   son reconocidos como hombres
del barrio. Dos años más tarde,     las familias que reclaman para      y mujeres de valores cristianos
en 1960, la escuela preparatoria    si el Sueño Americano, desean       y ciudadanía.
                                                                        La Familia de la Escuela Father
                                                                        Yermo, Benefactores, Alumni
                                                                        y Amigos, siempre celebran
                                                                        juntos. Este año, la escuela
                                                                        Father Yermo está celebrando
                                                                        su 60 aniversario de fundacion.          Bishop Mark J. Seitz celebrates mass at Father Yermo
                                                                        El sábado 20 de enero de 2018,
                                                                        una “NOCHE ITALIANA”               presidió      la   celebración     bros de la Junta Directiva, ex
                                                                        reunió a la Familia para           Litúrgica en el Convento de        alumnos, padres de alumnos
                                                                        expresar su gratitud al Senor      las Hermanas. Inmediatamente       y el personal disfrutaron de
                                                                        por los 60 años de servicio que    después se sirvió una cena, de     la noche. Nuestra historia,
                                                                        la Escuela Father Yermo ha         estilo italiano, en el Centro      tu historia, está entretejida
                                                                        brindado a nuestra comunidad       Multiusos Rudolph Miles con        en los diferentes eventos y
                                                                        fronteriza. El Obispo Mark         música y una subasta silenciosa.   circunstancias que han hecho
                                                                        Seitz celebró la Misa y            Amigos, bienechores, miem-         al Padre Yermo lo que es hoy.

Sr. Margarita Sanchez de la Vega, Sr. Socorro Garcia and                                                       PDX Printing proud printer
                  Sr. Alice Escamilla
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