ASLEF Power to the people - Labour in Brighton - The ASSOCIATED SOCIETY of LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS & FIREMEN J

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ASLEF Power to the people - Labour in Brighton - The ASSOCIATED SOCIETY of LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS & FIREMEN J


Power to the people –
 Labour in Brighton

                                                                     The train drivers’
                                                                     union since 1880
ASLEF Power to the people - Labour in Brighton - The ASSOCIATED SOCIETY of LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS & FIREMEN J
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ASLEF Power to the people - Labour in Brighton - The ASSOCIATED SOCIETY of LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS & FIREMEN J

                                                                                                                                                                            NOVEMBER 2017
                                                          Published by the ASSOCIATED SOCIETY of LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS & FIREMEN

Mick: ‘Comments at the Conservative conference
raise more questions than answers’

No scab force here                                          5                                                     7
           UCH has been made of recent
 M         comments made in or around the Tory
           Party conference in relation to rail,
particularly in the media. But they raised more
questions than answers. The announcement of
£300 million for connectivity from the Trans               TfL axes plan to upgrade Tube lines                         4
                                                           Thomas the Tank Engine rebooted for C21
Pennine region to HS2, for example. Not sure this
is new money? More likely it was made to offset
all the criticism of the culling of electrification        Tosh McDonald on Rodney Bickerstaffe                        6
across the East Midlands and Wales.                        Young Workers’ Forum, new driving school                    7
                                                           Nicholas Hourigan on the Tolpuddle Martyrs 8
    After the second announcement, of a national
train drivers’ school, some said it’s an initiative for
full employment, which this trade union has
strived for decades to achieve. More sinisterly,
though, others saw it as a strike breaking entity
based on the very poor and redacted Gibb
Report. The truth is that the DfT and the TOCs             Matt Wrack of the FBU on Grenfell and
have not delivered the establishments we agreed,            Andy Hourigan on a joint D3 & D8 council
and demand, for a safely operated railway. If we
do agree a national school, then it will be based          Brighton rocks: ASLEF in action at the     11
on agreed requirements and because the trainees             Labour Party conference on the south coast
                                                           Mick Whelan, Tosh McDonald and Andy 12-13
will get the route training at the company. There
will not be a scab force to hand. More
                                                            Botham speak up for ASLEF at conference
importantly, they will, of course, be our members
and, as trainees dedicated to the company, will            Partying at conference; Rachael Maskell;                   14
be balloted in accordance with legislation. But if          Kelvin Hopkins; Mick a model for the NEU
                                                           Richard Leonard: Why I’m standing to be
the government wants to scupper our buy-in to
any proposals they are going the right way and,
let’s be clear, any attempt to introduce the HGV            leader of the Scottish Labour Party
model to our industry will be met with total
    This trade union was formed on democratic
                                                           Branch News and 100 Years of Union
principles 137 years ago after splitting from the
Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants. Those                                                                    16-17
principles still apply today; to use every tool at         Obituaries                                                19
                                                           Letters and Classified Advertisements
our disposal to fight and campaign on behalf of
our members as an industrial and political
pressure group. That is how we achieve our aims            Last Word: Gregor Gall on the challenges                  22
and have our voice and, after the core work on              of unionising sex workers in Britain
                                                           On Track, Prize Crossword, ASLEF’s
terms and conditions, safety and wages, we
campaign on all the things that impact on our                                                                         23
                                                            Legal Services and Change of Address
members and their families. Then we battle for
workers in other industries at home and abroad             Cover photos by Andrew Wiard
as part of the great trade union tradition we were
established to carry out. Every year more and
more items come to your parliament, AAD, for                 The ASLEF Journal is published every month by:
discussion to be the policy platform for this
generation to proudly take forward. It is not                ASLEF, 77 St John Street, London, EC1M 4NN Tel: 020 7324 2400
enough to affiliate and donate; we have to stand             email: website:
up for what our members tell us to do.

Yours fraternally                                         Editor Mick Whelan l dEsignEr Michael Cronin l PrintEr TU Ink, 5 Wythburn Place, London, W1H 7BU
                                                          advErtising ASLEF Journal, 77 St John Street, London, EC1M 4NN. Contact Keith Richmond on 0207 324 2407
Mick Whelan, general secretary                            or l CLassifiEd ads or call 020 7324 2400. The acceptance of a
                                                          display or classified advertisement does not necessarily imply endorsement of that product or service by ASLEF
                                                          ChangE of addrEss Please post your details to ASLEF, 77 St John Street, Clerkenwell, London, EC1M 4NN

                                                                                                               November 2017 l The ASLEF Journal                       3
ASLEF Power to the people - Labour in Brighton - The ASSOCIATED SOCIETY of LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS & FIREMEN J

                                                                              cannot afford to return
TfL axes plan to                                                              to the decades of
                                                                              stop-start investment
                                                                                                        Buggy rolls into
upgrade Tube                                                                  that did so much
                                                                              damage in the past. If
                                                                              we are to have a safe
                                                                                                        freight train
                                                                              and efficient public
             HE next      example of making                                   transport system,
  T          planned
                          medium-term savings
                          that damage the long-
                                                                              these cuts need to be
phase for the             term ability of the       finn fears the
                                                                              ● ASLEF has
Northern and Jubilee      Tube to cope with         northern line will,
                                                                              suspended its strike
lines on London           London’s growth. As       once again, become
                                                                              action on LU. Finn
Underground has           TfL board papers          the misery line for
                                                                              explained: ‘I am
been cancelled. The       make clear, any delays    millions of
                                                                              pleased to say that our
plans – originally said   to this project weaken    Londoners
                                                                              negotiating team
to be vital to the        the business case and     new trains,               believes we have
success of the            make outright             overcrowding will get     made sufficient           the pushchair rolls into the freight train
network – involved        cancellation more         worse and the             progress in talks at
buying more trains to     likely.’                  Northern line risks       ACAS to recommend         Dramatic CCTV footage of a child’s buggy
increase capacity.            The upgrade           returning to the days     to the EC that the        rolling across a station platform, being sucked
Now, officially, these    involved the purchase     when it was known to      strike be suspended.      into the slipstream of a freight train passing
plans have been put       of 17 trains so the       millions of Londoners     We have always been       through, before smashing into the side of one
on hold. They have,       Northern line could       as the “misery line”.     prepared to keep          of the wagons, has been released by the RSSB.
publicly, in the          run a 30 trains per           ‘The removal of       talking to resolve this   No child was in the buggy on Nuneaton
euphemism                 hour service. The         LU’s operating subsidy    dispute but ASLEF         station in July but the RSSB says it’s a stark
employed by LU, been      Jubilee line would        by George Osborne         always has, and always    warning to parents to keep a tight hold of
‘paused’. But senior      have had 10 new           and the continued         will, insist that         pushchairs at all times.
managers admit,           trains to operate a 36    government squeeze        management stick to
privately, that the       TPH service.              on TfL’s budget is        agreements they              TWEETS OF THE MONTH
project has been              ‘The Northern line    having a devastating      make with us. Our
‘disbanded’.              is one of the most        impact on future          ballot remains live and           Excellent speech by JC. The centre
    Finn Brennan,         overcrowded parts of      investment. Short-        we will not hesitate to           ground has moved and is being
ASLEF’s organiser on      the Underground and       term savings damage       call action in the           shaped by Labour. Great platform on
London Underground,       passenger demand is       the long-term future      future if needed to          which to build.
said: ‘It is deeply       projected to grow by      of the Underground        ensure all the               Ed Miliband
disappointing and         a further 25% by 2023,’   and risk the prosperity   commitments made
looks like a classic      said Finn. ‘Without       of our capital city. LU   are fully delivered.’             Huge blocks of empty seats at the
                                                                                                                Con conference, sections closed off
WELSH GOVERNMENT                                                                                           for want of bums on seats. Labour was
                                          hopes and dreams                                                 packed.
                                                                                                           Kevin Maguire
the gs has welcomed the Welsh                              Socialism & Hope (Luath Press,
government’s commitments to                                                                                      As general rule Foreign Secretaries
                                                           £12.99) is a cracking political
rail staff in Wales and called for                                                                               should not be egomaniacal, lying,
                                                           and personal memoir of the
similar consultation across the                                                                            puerile, disloyal, total twats. I suggest
                                                           turbulent last six years, since
industry. Mick said: ’We                                                                                   @theresa_may finds a new one.
                                                           neil findlay, a good friend of
commend the Welsh                                                                                          Alastair Campbell
                                                           asLEf, was elected to
government for recognising the                             holyrood as MsP for Lothian in
importance of consulting with                                                                                  Hi @BorisJohnson, I gave Theresa her
                                                           2011. a review will appear in
the rail unions. our members                                                                                   P45 just like you asked.
                                                           the Christmas Journal but you
are the people who deliver the                                                                             Simon Brodkin
                                          can get a copy now by visiting
service on a daily basis and
their voice must always be                                                                                       She’s been given a P45 and a cough
heard when deciding how the                                                                                      sweet. She’ll get a pizza delivered
                                       ■ RADIO ON                                                          soon. What a mad conference speech this
industry moves forward.’
                                       GS Mick Whelan appeared on The Week in Westminster on               is. #CPC17
                                       Radio 4 talking with Alison McGovern, Labour MP for Wirral          Pete Wishart
                asLEf's 2017           South, and Sam Coates, deputy political editor of The
                poppy badge is         Times, about the implications of Brexit ahead of the Labour               CWU members vote massively for
                now available -        Party conference.                                                         strike but Royal Mail still obtains high
                price £5 (inc                                                                              court injunction! Ludicrous!
                p&p) - just            ■ VIRGIN SOLDIERS                                                   Tony Burke
  email or           Richard Branson has never been short of chutzpah but this
  visit our online shop at             takes the custard cream. Rail staff got a message saying                 Judge Supperstone also found all                ‘Virgin Atlantic needs your help in the fight to cut air                 against ASLEF in #SouthernFail
  proceeds will be donated to          passenger duty.’ Of course they do. But, funnily enough, no         dispute. British judiciary anti-union non-
  the royal British Legion's           one was killed in the rush to make a multi-billionaire – who        shock.
  poppy appeal.                        plunders the public purse with VTEC and Virgin West Coast           Simon Weller
                                       and pays as little tax as possible – even richer.

4 The ASLEF Journal l November 2017
ASLEF Power to the people - Labour in Brighton - The ASSOCIATED SOCIETY of LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS & FIREMEN J

Thomas gets a refit                                                               off the rails
for the 21st century                                                                                 MEL THORLEY, Longsight legend, fondly
            LL change                                                                                recalls a warm Sunday evening in Greater
 A          for Thomas
            the Tank
                                                                                                     Manchester, in 1991, his first summer as a
                                                                                                     driver. ‘I was working 2K22, the 18.19
Engine. The popular                                                                                  stopper from Stockport to Crewe. I’d tipped
children’s TV series                                                                                 off a few mates who would be enjoying a
based on the books                                                               pint in Cheadle Hulme. It was lovely to see them on the up
by the Rev W Awdry –                                                             tarmac as I ran in. They’d even brought their pint glasses onto
condemned by                                                                     the platform to remind me how un-social this turn was.
parents and teachers                                                             Around 7pm my guard and I rolled into platform 1 at Crewe.
for being sexist,                                                                Not due to leave until 22.30, working 2H29 back to
irredeemably middle-                                                             Stockport, we made our way to the chip shop. Consuming
class, and                                                                       the contents of our greaseproof paper bags, sitting on a wall,
environmentally                                                                  we then retired to the Royal Hotel on Nantwich Road for two
unfriendly – is being                                                            and a half hours of story sharing about football matches we’d
brought bang up to                                                               seen. Whilst my mates back in Cheadle Hulme were shelling
date with two new                                                                out for their beer, my three pints of cider were “paid for” by
female engines.           nia, one of the new locos, is ‘an adventurous          London Midland Region! Cracking little job that, mixing
    The new series, to    and fun engine who teaches thomas the                  business with pleasure…’
be broadcast next         tank Engine a lesson in the meaning of
year, will feature Nia,   friendship’ according to makers Mattel                                      ANGIE DOLL, head of service quality and
an orange engine          the 26 episodes will    never goes anywhere.’                               passenger service director at GTR – it’s a
from Africa, and          take place abroad.          The Fat Controller                              bit like being head of values at the Beeb in
Rebecca, a bright         ‘We’ve listened to      stays, but is to                                    W1A – does not suffer from shyness and is
yellow engine, in         parents, carers, and    become ‘less gruff and                              not burdened by an excess of humility.
place of Henry (the       children’ said series   more endearing’.               She’s upset other senior managers by asking minions, much
green engine) and         producer Ian McCue.     There’s a lesson, there,       too loudly and much too frequently, ‘So what are we doing
Edward (the blue          ‘They said trains can   for Chris Grayling, the        for Brand Angie today?’ And at a recent presentation she
engine) and half of       go places but Thomas    DfT, and the TOCs…             chose to write just three words on the whiteboard before
                                                                                 getting up to speak: ‘Fuck the unions.’ With this sort of
                                                                                 attitude, it’s no wonder passengers, other TOCs – and even
Theresa the human sandbag                                                        the DfT – all refer to the company as Southern Fail.
Tim Shipman, political editor of
                                                                                             DAVID LAWS, the investment banker turned
the Sunday Times, in his new
                                                                                             Liberal Democrat MP who lost his seat in 2015
book Fall Out: A Year of Political
                                                                                             and is now executive chairman of the Education
Mayhem, quotes a former
                                                                                             Policy Institute, a neoliberal right-wing think
member of Theresa May’s staff
                                                                                             tank, recalls a Conservative-Lib Dem coalition
moaning: ‘It’s like the scene in
                                      theresa May: What the f?                   cabinet debate about the honours system, with a
that Bruce Willis movie when the
                                                                                 presentation by Bob Kerslake, head of the civil service. ‘Even
terrorist who’s already been shot     point B. That is what the                  Bob Kerslake must admit that civil servants get far too many
is used as a human sandbag to         Conservative Party is doing with           honours,’ complained Nick Clegg. The official glanced up. ‘It’s
help him get from point A to          Theresa at the moment.’                    Sir Bob Kerslake, actually,’ he said.

    slogans around the Labour Party conference hall summed                                    ARMANDO IANNUCCI, the man behind On the
    up what this year’s bash was all about. they included:                                    Hour, The Day Today, Alan Partridge, The Thick of
    extending democracy; healthcare for all; a more equal                                     It, and The Death of Stalin, thinks we’ve forgotten,
    society; creating an economy that works for all; and, of                                  collectively, about the importance of voting. ‘It’s
    course, for the many, not the few.                                                        not a telly game,’ he says dryly. ‘That came home
                                                                                 with Brexit. Which is why a lot of young people voted at the
                                                                                 last general election. They didn’t vote in the EU referendum,
CONFERENCES & RALLIES                                                            and then woke up thinking, “Ah, I see. It does matter. Can I
The scottish Labour Party conference is at the Caird Hall in Dundee              vote, please?” Er, no. That was yesterday.’
from Friday 9 to Sunday 11 March. The Welsh Labour Party conference
is at the Venue Cymru in Llandudno from Friday 23 to Sunday 25 March.                                         NO L? Time to put our cards on
The scottish trades union Congress is at the Macdonald Highlands                                              the table or, as Brucie used to
hotel, Aviemore, from Monday 16 to Wednesday 18 April. Workers’                                               say, play your cards right.
Memorial day is Saturday 28 April. asLEf’s annual assembly of                                                 Because the Old Ship left a card
delegates is at the Marriott Hotel, Liverpool, from Monday 21 to Friday                                       on every guest’s bed during
25 May. The durham Miners’ gala is on Saturday 14 July. The                                                   conference asking: ‘Can we help
tolpuddle Martyrs’ festival, near Dorchester, is from Friday 20 to                                            you whist you’re here?’
Sunday 22 July. The 150th trades union Congress is at the Manchester
Central convention complex from Sunday 9 to Wednesday 12
September. The Labour Party conference is at the Arena & Convention          500 CLuB: D Piggott, with number 117, won the October draw,
Centre in Liverpool from Sunday 23 to Wednesday 26 September.                scooping the RMS prize money jackpot of £390.

                                                                                                       November 2017 l The ASLEF Journal             5
ASLEF Power to the people - Labour in Brighton - The ASSOCIATED SOCIETY of LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS & FIREMEN J

A giant of our
EC president TOSH McDONALD pays
tribute to Rodney Bickerstaffe, left-
wing firebrand and general secretary
of the National Union of Public
Employees (1981-1993) and then
Unison (1993-2001) after NUPE
merged with NALGO and COHSE                                                                          rodney Bickerstaffe (1945-2017) as a young
                                                                                                     man; with tosh Mcdonald; and accepting
           ODNEY Bickerstaffe, who                                                                   honorary membership of asLEf earlier this year
 R         died on 3 October at the
           age of 72, was a great                                             Whelan, a patron of the IBMT.
friend, comrade and inspiration.                                                  Rodney was a great friend of          QUOTE…
He was, in fact, an inspiration                                               Jack Jones (also an honorary              ‘What was supposed to be
before I even met him because                                                 ASLEF member) and veteran of              a triumph turned into the
trade unionists in Doncaster were                                             the Battle of the Ebro and we will        most humiliating 65
so proud to have one of our own                                               commemorate the 80th                      minutes of Theresa May’s
leading the fight for workers, not                                            anniversary of that fight next year.      career.’ – Gordon Rayner
just locally, but on the national                                             Jack’s son Mick painted the ASLEF         in the Daily Telegraph
and international stage, too.                                                 triptych that hangs in reception at                   …UNQUOTE
    As a young rep I first met         groups with words that would           head office and, when Mick died a
Rodney in the 1980s and, from          make serious points with passion,      few years ago, Rodney sat with
then, he would always make time        always championing the cause of        him in hospital to the end.            spent time with each group,
to talk if our paths crossed, either   working people.                            Our RMS had Rodney as a            captivating all around the tables
at meetings, rallies, or a chance          Rodney was GS of Unison            speaker at their weekend forum         and others in the pub, as well.
encounter at Doncaster station,        when it was the largest trade          two years ago and they were                Rodney was also a good friend,
outside the Cumberland (our local      union in Britain and, prior to that,   captivated by his contribution.        from childhood, of former ASLEF
pub) or in town.                       GS of NUPE. On the international       Not one to rush off, he stayed to      president Martin Samways. He
    He often joked he was the only     stage he showed support for            watch the Ken Loach film The           was a freeman of Doncaster and,
person in the world with a holiday     workers around the world. He had       Spirit of ’45 with us and talked       on the day of Rodney’s funeral, all
home in Doncaster and this was         a real passion for the brave men       about it afterwards. Next morning      the public buildings flew their
typical of his sense of humour as      and women who went to Spain to         RMS members were buzzing that          flags at half-mast. Our thoughts
anyone who had the privilege of        fight fascism in the 1930s and was     Rodney joined them in the village      now are with his widow Pat,
hearing him speak will know. A         a founder member of the                pub in Scalby. Our contingent was      always a tower of strength for
fantastic orator who could             International Brigades Memorial        in two groups on different tables      him. We have lost a giant of our
captivate large crowds or small        Trust and, like our GS Mick            and, Rodney being Rodney, he           movement. No pasaran!

                                                                              ■ LORRY PLATOONS NOT THE ANSWER
NR’s top 20 firms                                                             Philippa Edmunds, manager of freight on rail, has condemned
                                                                              proposals to give lorry platoons the green light. she said: ‘it’s hard
Network Rail has revealed where it spends most of its money, listing
                                                                              not to be sceptical about the marginal pollution benefits of lorry
the top 20 companies that get their private snouts in the public
                                                                              platooning when rail freight is so much cleaner and greener. Lorry
trough. They include Costain £541 million; Carillion £372m; Siemens
                                                                              platooning, with driverless rear trucks, might cut costs for road
Rail Automation £291m; EDF Energy £287m; ABC Electrification
                                                                              hauliers but putting more freight on the railways would bring
£206m; Colas Rail £204m; Balfour Beatty Rail £204m; AMCO £184m;
                                                                              bigger and quicker reductions in congestion and pollution.’
J Murphy & Sons £175m; Amey Rail £174m; Alstom Transport £143m;
BAM Nuttall £133m; Babcock Rail £131m; Morgan Sindall £110m;
                                                                              ■ SNCF SELLS 50% OF ORIENT EXPRESS
AmeyInabensa £100m; Capita Business Services £95m; Geoffrey
                                                                              snCf has sold half its stake in the orient Express to french firm
Osborne £90m; Atkins £83m; VolkerFitzpatrick £83m; Skanska BAM
                                                                              accor hotels. announcing the deal 134 years since the first trip was
Nuttall JV £79m. These 20 firms together account for 50.1% – £3.6
                                                                              made between Paris and istanbul, the state french railway said it
billion – of Network Rail expenditure.
                                                                              was time for fresh ideas to develop ‘this historic brand’.

                        Carry all your stuff – papers, keys,                  ■ TRUMPETING THE PRESIDENT
                        sandwiches – in style with our smart black            donald trump, unimpressed by media coverage of his presidency,
                        documents bag. Price £10 (inc p&p); email             has launched his own news service to trumpet his triumphs. ‘Want
               or visit our online shop            to know what President trump did this week?’ asks his facebook
                        at                                   page. ‘Watch here for real news!’ a list of his achievements follows
                                                                              from his daughter-in-law, Lara trump.

6 The ASLEF Journal l November 2017
ASLEF Power to the people - Labour in Brighton - The ASSOCIATED SOCIETY of LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS & FIREMEN J

All the young dudes
           SLEF set up a Young            O’Grady. ‘It’s an opportunity for
 A         Workers’ Forum in
           January – with one
                                          reps to reach out and inform
                                          young workers about unions and
elected member from each of our           ensure there are sufficient
eight districts – to promote the          opportunities for young people to
voices of our younger drivers and         get involved and play an active
encourage them to get involved,           role in shaping the movement.
industrially and politically, in our         ‘It’s also a chance for unions to
union.                                    demonstrate to young people that
   ‘Given that the age                    we are campaigning on the issues
demographic of train drivers is,          they care most about and are
typically, older than in most             relevant to their lives – in the
industries, ASLEF classes anyone          workplace and beyond.’
aged 35 or under as a young                  ASLEF is holding its first young
member, in line with International        members’ conference at the
Transport Federation organising           International Transport Workers’
structures,’ said Lee James, ASLEF’s      Federation offices in Borough                    antony holdsworth (d6 and
equalities officer. ‘About one in         Road, London SE1, on Tuesday 28                  London Midland), tom taylor (d7                      QUOTE…
eight – 12% of the ASLEF                  November. Speakers include                       and gWr) and Matt france (d8                         ‘Throughout speech after
membership – fit this category.’          Danielle Rowley, who took                        and London underground)                              lethargic speech, the hall
   November has been                      Midlothian from the SNP in June                                                                       at the Tory Party
designated Young Workers’ Month           and is, at 27, the youngest Labour               giant that likes to pay employees                    conference was devoid of
by the Trades Union Congress.             MP; Craig Dawson, chair of the                   as little as possible.                               energy, of spirit, of life.’ –
‘The purpose is to promote trade          TUC’s Young Members’ Forum;                          ‘Every young member has                          Michael Deacon in the
unions to young workers and to            Deniz Akdogan of the ITF; and                    been sent an invitation to attend,’                  Daily Telegraph
highlight the issues they face,’ said     some of the McStrike workers who                 said Lee. ‘It would be great to get                               …UNQUOTE
TUC general secretary Frances             organised to take on the fast food               a good turnout.’

The Department for Transport, with the help of the National Skills Academy for Rail, the Rail                                   shadow Chancellor John Mcdonnell
Supply Group, and the Rail Delivery Group, is to set up a new national driving school for train                                 got a standing ovation when he told
drivers. The college will establish an apprenticeship equivalent, according to the DfT, of an A-                                delegates at the Labour Party
level, that will offer ‘basic tuition in the skills needed to drive a train’. Classroom courses using                           conference that the party, in
simulators will be followed by on the job training at one of the train operating companies. The                                 government, will bring Britain’s
DfT has briefed journalists that the failure of the TOCs in England, Scotland and Wales to recruit                              public utilities and public services
enough drivers has forced it to act.                                                                                            back into public ownership. ‘rail,
                                                                                                                                water, energy, royal Mail – we’re
■ BRITISH TRANSPORT POLICE OFFICER RAPPED                                                                                       taking them back!’ he said.
A British Transport Police constable has been found guilty of gross misconduct and given a final
warning after BTP officers attacked a peaceful demonstration by South Yorkshire Freedom Riders
on 23 June 2014. ‘PC Stefan Money was in breach of standards of professional behaviour and                                                  tea and coffee tastes
discreditable conduct’ and a statement he provided was ‘misleading and inappropriate’.                                                      better in a red and white
                                                                                                                                            asLEf mug! Price £3.50
■ ACCIDENT WAITING TO HAPPEN                                                                                                                (inc p&p); email
A Network Rail whistleblower has described the Wallows Lane level crossing near the Bescot                                         or visit
stadium in Walsall where a 14-year-old schoolgirl was killed on 26 September as ‘an accident                                   our online shop at
waiting to happen – it dates back to Victorian times and there is no safety system in place.’

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                                                                                                                             November 2017 l The ASLEF Journal                   7
ASLEF Power to the people - Labour in Brighton - The ASSOCIATED SOCIETY of LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS & FIREMEN J

By the light of a
                                                                                                                     the lively festival held annually in
                                                                                                                     their home town of Tolpuddle – or
                                                                                                                     Tolpiddle, as they knew it – but
                                                                                                                     you would be forgiven for not

thousand candles                                                                                                     knowing the full story of their
                                                                                                                     struggle. The men – and they
                                                                                                                     were mostly men, then – who
NICHOLAS HOURIGAN reviews                  They were sentenced at                                                    owned the land, and the MPs they
a new book about a key moment          Dorchester Assizes to seven years’                                            controlled in Parliament, and the
in labour movement history             transportation for having the                                                 magistrates and judges who
                                       temerity to stand up for                                                      represented their interests in the
          LAN Gallop’s new book        themselves – for standing                                                     courts, were determined to make
 A        Six for the Tolpuddle
          Martyrs – the title is a
                                       together and forming a Friendly
                                       Society of Agricultural Labourers
                                                                                                                     an example of the six agricultural
                                                                                                                     labourers who had the brass neck
line from the subversive left-wing     – to fight against poverty and                                                to challenge the status quo. That’s
folk song Red Fly the Banners, O       austerity and to argue for better                                             why they were arrested, found
sung to the tune of the old            terms and conditions.                                                         guilty, and sent to the other side
English ballad Green Grow the              Gallop vividly describes their                                            of the world in 1834.
Rushes, O – gives us a detailed and    years as farmworkers and the            the tolpuddle Martyrs – george            Their story is inspiring and,
fascinating account of the lives       destitution to which they were          Loveless and his brother James;       here, entertainingly told, with
and the legacy of the six men          reduced by the rich and powerful        thomas standfield and his son         illustrations used to aid our
from Dorset whose names are            people who owned the land, their        John; James hammett; and              understanding of the lives and
now synonymous with the fight          decision to form a trade union          James Brine                           the legacy of those six radical
for justice for ordinary working       and ‘swear an illegal oath’, their                                            Dorsetshire farmworkers that we
people in England.                     arrest and sentence to                  the arrest of the martyrs, the        have come to affectionately call
    They were charged by the           transportation, the fight for their     Swing Riots and Luddite               the Tolpuddle Martyrs.
authorities with making an illegal     liberation and justice, their release   movement, and the fear which
oath but their real crime was          and return home, and how their          these events inspired.                ● Six for the Tolpuddle Martyrs: The
forming a trade union to protest       efforts live on in the labour              The Tolpuddle Martyrs is a         Epic Struggle for Justice & Freedom
about their pay being cut from         movement in the 21st century. He        name which still resonates in the     by Alan Gallop (Pen & Sword,
nine to six shillings a week.          also gives us the background to         minds of trade unionists. There is    £14.99).

                                                                                                        CHARITY NIGHT IN DONNY
Crossrail named and shamed in blacklisting storm                                                        A great evening of entertainment is promised
                                                                                                        by EC president Tosh McDonald at a cancer
Workers are still being blacklisted at one of                                                           charity night in the concert room of the Trades
Britain’s largest construction sites – but                                                              & Labour Club in Doncaster from 7pm on
ministers refuse to hold a public inquiry. Chuka                                                        Saturday 11 November. Tickets are just £5 per
Umunna, Labour MP for Streatham, said he has                                                            person and available from ASLEF reps Mark
‘compelling evidence’ that blacklisting is ‘still                                                       Wright (07825 955831) and Andy Rowley
going on’ between ‘Crossrail and three of its                                                           (07709 156360). ‘Everyone is welcome,’ said
contractors.’                                                                                           Tosh. ‘It’s a good cause and is going to be a
    Chuka told MPs emails proved that workers                                                           very good night.’
had been ‘closely watched’ and sub-
contractors had been discouraged from                                                                   MARK IN THE MONEY
                                                    Crossrail is running a blacklisting operation,
employing union activists. He said the ‘very
                                                    says streatham MP Chuka umunna                      Network Rail chief executive Mark Carne is set
strong inference’ of the documents was that
                                                                                                        to pocket a bumper bonus this year despite
the companies were operating ‘some kind of          more than 3,000 workers. Some files ran to
                                                                                                        the company’s poor punctuality record over
vetting operation.’                                 dozens of pages and included personal details
                                                                                                        the past twelve months. He’s in line for a
    Last year a raft of major construction          that Chuka said had clearly been gathered
                                                                                                        £50,000 bonus, on top of a £683,000 salary,
companies were forced to apologise in the           with ‘the collusion of the police and/or the
                                                                                                        according to the company’s annual report. This
High Court for using an illegal database of         security services.’
                                                                                                        despite NR admitting it must up its game with
                                                                                                        so much dissatisfaction from commuters.
tencho hristov, 30, a lorry driver from immingham in                                                    ISIS SUPPORTER JAILED FOR
Lincolnshire, has been jailed for eight months after                                                    PLANNING TO BOMB RAILWAY
                                                                        ‘Vince Cable, as
crashing through the barriers of a level crossing near                                                  Zahid Hussain, 29, a supporter of the radical
                                                                        Business Secretary,
roydon station in Essex – causing £23,000 worth of                                                      Sunni group the Islamic State of Iraq and the
                                                                        introduced the Bill
damage – and then fleeing the scene. he was found                                                       Levant, has been jailed for life for planning to
                                                                        raising tuition fees.
guilty of obstructing an engine or carriage using the                                                   blow up railway lines in Birmingham.
                                                                        Videos of him making
railway, wilful omission or neglect, and failing to report              that speech in
a road accident.                                                        Parliament will kill any
                                                                        chances of the Lib Dems
INFRASTRUCTURE SURVEY ‘GAME CHANGER’                                    breaking through to the                       Our woolly hat will keep you
Plowman Craven says its revolutionary new drone-based                   young.’ – Bagehot in                          warm this winter. Price £5
Vogel R3D rail survey system will prove to be a ‘game                   The Economist                                 (including p&p); email
changer’ for the rail industry as it can comprehensively                         …UNQUOTE                    or visit our
examine the busiest and most inaccessible rail infrastructure                                               online shop at
safely during traffic hours.

8 The ASLEF Journal l November 2017
ASLEF Power to the people - Labour in Brighton - The ASSOCIATED SOCIETY of LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS & FIREMEN J
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ASLEF Power to the people - Labour in Brighton - The ASSOCIATED SOCIETY of LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS & FIREMEN J

Grenfell – the fire that should
never have happened
MATT WRACK, general secretary of the                      We demand a vigorous, thorough, and
Fire Brigades Union, who electrified                   robust public inquiry with the survivors,
the Labour Party conference when he                    victims and local residents all involved to hold
spoke about the fire at Grenfell Tower,                to account the people who made the
                                                       decisions which allowed this atrocity to occur.
says the tragedy was the result of
                                                       They say don’t politicise this fire, but behind
political decisions made by people in                  Grenfell lies a chain of political decisions made
power locally and nationally                           by people in power, at local and national level,
                                                       who deregulated public housing and the fire
           EDNESDAY 14 June 2017 is a dark             and rescue service, creating a perfect storm for
W          day in modern British history. A
           nightmare date of death and
                                                       the atrocity we now call simply ‘Grenfell’.
                                                          Firefighters were sent to fight a fire that
destruction. I am sure everyone reading this           should never have happened. The normal
will share my sense of horror at the appalling         procedures they would follow for a tower
loss of life at Grenfell Tower that night.             block fire, developed over decades in order
   The accounts of the victims are painful to          that firefighters can deal professionally and
read and listen to. Accounts of loved ones             effectively with this kind of fire, could not be
speaking to their families for the last time           put into practice as the magnitude of Grenfell
                                                                                                                        this is what
knowing they could not escape the flames are           was unprecedented.
                                                                                                                    trade unionists
heart breaking. The terror of people not                  Firefighters became split from their
                                                                                                                      look like, says
knowing whether their friends and family               teammates whilst navigating the burning
made it out of the building in time.                   building, with fire crews re-entering the
   But how was this atrocity allowed to                burning building multiple times, breaking
happen in one of the richest boroughs in the           procedure at great personal risk to themselves.      by the press and politicians for the audacity of
heart of the capital of one of the richest             They did this to save as many lives as possible.     asking for a fair pay rise, we need to remind
countries in the world? We appear to be a                 I am proud that practically every firefighter     people of the queues of firefighters in
country unable to keep people safe in their            who responded to Grenfell is a member of the         breathing apparatus waiting to be sent into
own homes. Now it’s time for the tough                 FBU and I am honoured to represent them.             Grenfell Tower. Because that is what a trade
questions.                                             The next time trade unions come under attack         unionist looks like.

   This could be Rotterdam or anywhere
    EC3 ANDY HOURIGAN reports on a
    joint D3 and D8 council meeting in
    Manchester on 4 September

                NA            Manchester and
     O          predictably
                grey and
                                  The museum is a
                                                                                                                                   Joint council
                                                                                                                                   delegates; Mick
                                                                                                                                   Whelan (left); and
    wet day in                monument to the
                                                                                                                                   afzal Khan (above)
    Manchester, two           history of working
    district councils who     people in the UK. It                               singer Paul Heaton,       McDonalds; and          GS Mick Whelan
    have never                highlights how we                                  no stranger to            Afzal Khan, Labour      gave his speech with
    combined before           fought for                                         socialist politics. The   MP for Manchester       the passion and
    met in a unique           democratic rights,                                 bar staff were            Gorton, spoke about     verve we have all
    event and location.       and for equality, and     saw ASLEF’s first        outstandingly             Brexit, Jeremy          come to expect.
    District 3, who           traces the rise of        LGBT flags on the        friendly as our group     Corbyn, and what a           The occasion was
    usually have council      trade unions in the       top floor of the         gathered to escape        privilege it is to be   a huge success –
    meetings in               19th century. The         museum.                  the weather.              Shadow Immigration      thanks to the hard
    Liverpool, and            museum has proud             After the                 After lunch in the    Minister in the         work of the two
    District 8, who meet      displays about the        museum tour, we          King’s Arms, DO8          Shadow Home             district council
    in London, met at         Peterloo Massacre,        walked across the        Finn Brennan spoke        Office team.            secretaries, Darran
    the outstanding           the women’s               bridge over the          about how much he             Both Matt and       Brown and Debbie
    People’s History          suffrage and co-          Irwell into Salford to   had enjoyed his visit     Afzal stayed behind     Reay, who organised
    Museum on the             operative                 the King’s Arms          to the museum; Matt       after speaking and      it all – and it was
    bank of the River         movements. And            which is owned by        Collins of Hope Not       spoke to everyone       suggested that, next
    Irwell which divides      there was a feeling of    ex-Housemartin and       Hate spoke about          individually. And our   year, District 3 visits
    the cities of             real pride when we        Beautiful South          the strike at             very own evergreen      District 8.

10 The ASLEF Journal l November 2017
Labour Party

                                                                                                                                           Brighton rocks
                                                                                                                                           for Mark, dave
Brighton beat                                                                                                                              Calfe, tosh, andy,
                                                                                                                                           Mick, Marz,
          SLEF sent four delegates – Mick                                                                                                  Collette, Phil,

 A        Whelan, general secretary; Tosh
          McDonald, EC president; Andy
                                                                                                                                           simon, Ed, Julian
                                                                                                                                           and dave Bowen
Botham of Derby branch; and Mark Daniels of                                                                                                 Conference
Barking main line – to the Labour Party                                                                                                    photos by
conference in Brighton from Sunday 24 to                                                                                                   andrew Wiard
Wednesday 27 September. Simon Weller,
assistant general secretary; Dave Calfe, EC vice-
president; executive committee members
Marz Colombini and Howard Kaye; district
organiser Dicky Fisher; and local reps Tom           with the ‘widest possible participation’.
Corbin (Salisbury) and Julian Vaughan                    The mood at conference – the biggest in
(Northern Line North) attended as visitors.          Labour’s history – was distinctly upbeat after
Dave Bowen was a delegate for Henley-on-             the gains at the general election in June and
Thames constituency Labour Party; Phil               delegates were delighted that the signage was
Graham for Islington South & Finsbury CLP;           in iconic socialist red rather than the washed
Andy Hudd for Bristol North-West CLP; Becky          out pink – optimistically described by Labour
Kaye for South West Surrey CLP; and Nikki            Party press officers as a ‘contemporary
McDonald for Doncaster Central CLP. Ed               colourway’ – we have seen in recent years.
Mayne, of Waterloo Nine Elms, attended as ex-
officio Labour councillor for Hounslow.
    Collette Gibson of Shenfield branch, who             QUOTE…
works for Crossrail, and Angela Geddes-Brown,            ‘What a difference a year makes. Labour wants to fight the Tories, not each
of Birmingham New Street, who works for East             other. The general election dramatically changed the mood among Labour
Midland Trains, attended the Labour Party                MPs. Jeremy Corbyn isn’t going anywhere. Alongside the traditional fish and
women’s conference in the Oxford room of the             chips, the sea front cafés of Brighton ought to be serving up large helpings of
Hilton Metropole on Saturday 23 September                humble pie to Labour MPs.’ – Jon Craig of Sky News in Politics First
where Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said he                                                                                …UNQUOTE
wanted a ‘more open, more democratic, party’

Changing the world                                                            GS elected
                                                                              to the NEC
tosh Mcdonald made a typically                                                Mick Whelan – who
passionate speech on the steps of                                             is already chair of
the Friends Meeting House at the                                              TULO – was elected
Campaign for Labour Party                                                     to the national
Democracy fringe meeting on                                                   executive
Saturday night. ‘Hasn’t it been an                                            committee of the
amazing couple of years?’ he                                                  Labour Party on
asked rhetorically. ‘Haven’t we                                               Monday in a sign of
come a long way? When I joined                                                the growing
the railway in 1979 I looked up to                                                                                                 ‘If one could but go to
                                                                              importance and            who supported me,’         Brighton!’ observed
a comrade in ASLEF called Bill                                                influence of ASLEF        said Mick. ‘It’s a
Ronksley who told me, “It can take                                                                                                 Mrs Bennet.
                                                                              in the Labour Party       great privilege for                     – Pride and
a long time to change the world                                               and the labour            me, and my union,
but, when change comes, it             tosh, in                                                                                          Prejudice by Jane
                                       davey                                  movement. ‘I want         to be elected to this                       Austen
comes very quickly.” And he was                                               to thank all those        position.’
right!’ Tosh, wearing a ‘Davey         hopper tee-
Hopper working class hero’ tee-        Tosh up! They
shirt, was asked to entertain all
those who couldn’t get into a
                                       said he was
                                       still talking 35
                                                                               Tory austerity is so last year
venue packed to the rafters. Steve     minutes in…’                           tosh Mcdonald
Turner, assistant general secretary    More seriously, NEC member Pete        spoke at a Labour
of Unite, also came out to talk on     Willsman said, ‘We want this           Assembly Against
the steps and began by joking, ‘I      conference to be a success for         Austerity rally in the
was told I was coming out to shut      Jeremy. The right wants it to be a     Charlotte room of
                                                                              the Grand Hotel on
                                                                              Sunday afternoon.
                                                                              He was on a panel,
                 russell Brand, speaking at Momentum’s                        chaired by Unite
                 grassroots the World transformed festival on                 AGS Steve Turner,        Abbott; Shadow Justice     Chris Williamson; and
                 the fringe of this year’s Labour Party conference,           which included           Secretary Richard          Cat Smith, Shadow
                 observed: ‘in a way, addiction is just amplified             Shadow Chancellor        Burgon; Shadow             Minister for Voter
                 consumerism. the idea that you can make                      John McDonnell;          Business Secretary         Engagement and
                 yourself feel better by buying something…’                   Shadow Health            Rebecca Long Bailey;       Youth Affairs.
                                                                              Secretary Diane          Shadow Fire Minister

                                                                                                        November 2017 l The ASLEF Journal              11

Power to the people
          ICK WHELAN set out the importance of
 M        the Labour-trade union link at the
          annual reception given by TULO, the
Trade Union Group of MPs, Unions Together and
Thompsons solicitors in the Viscount room of
the Hilton Metropole on Sunday night.
    The GS said: ‘The trade union movement has
always been an anchor for the Labour Party –
the party grew out of the union movement –
and I believe Labour’s affiliated unions should
and will remain an anchor for the party.
    ‘Because the link between the Labour Party
and the trade union movement is one of our
                                                       Proud to be union – Jeremy Corbyn, Mick Whelan, and Jo stevens
most precious assets. It’s the channel through
which the views and experiences of millions of             Others speakers included Labour leader
working men and women are heard across the
party. From the branch to the GC to the shadow
                                                       Jeremy Corbyn – who said, to cheers, ‘I am proud   Too frightened to travel
                                                       to be a trade union member!’ – Ian Lavery, MP
cabinet to the leader. The Labour-union link           for Wansbeck; Eleanor Smith, MP for                             NDY BOTHAM
keeps all of us rooted in the issues which matter
to working people.
                                                       Wolverhampton South-West; Jo Stevens, MP for
                                                       Cardiff Central; and Maria Exall, vice-chair of
                                                                                                           A           from ASLEF’s
                                                                                                                       Derby branch
    ‘Jeremy’s election as leader was a landmark        TULO.                                              told the Labour Party
for the Labour Party and for British politics in the                                                      conference that more
21st century. It’s led to a re-energisation of         ■ Mick is chair of TULO – the Trade Union &        and more women are
Labour’s grassroots and a re-alignment of the          Labour Party Liaison Organisation – which co-      too frightened to travel
national debate. The result of the general             ordinates the activities of the 13 trade unions    at night because they
election in June gives us a platform on which to       which affiliate to the Labour Party – ASLEF;       feel vulnerable without
build for the future. Colleagues, we stand here        BECTU; the Bakers, Food & Allied Workers’          guards on our trains.
together to secure a Labour victory at the next        Union; Community; CWU; FBU; GMB; Musicians’                                     andy at the podium
                                                                                                              Speaking from the
general election, whenever it comes.’                  Union; NUM; TSSA; Unison; Unite and USDAW.                                      on sunday morning
                                                                                                          platform during the
                                                                                                          transport debate on          when you have women
                                                                                                          Sunday morning, he           who are too frightened

Tories always break promises                                                                              said: ‘When you’ve got
                                                                                                          a 12-car train with more
                                                                                                          than 1,000 people in
                                                                                                                                       to travel at night
                                                                                                                                       because they feel
                                                                                                                                       vulnerable travelling on
           OSH McDonald damned this                                                                       there, paying the            public transport in
  T        Conservative government – and
           previous Conservative administrations
                                                                                                          highest fares in Europe
                                                                                                          for travelling on a train,
                                                                                                                                       what is the fifth richest
                                                                                                                                       nation on this planet.’
– by telling conference ‘The Tories always break                                                          surely we can afford to          As well as arguing
their promises.’                                                                                          have one extra person        passionately against
    The EC president, speaking from the platform                                                          on that train to help us?    DOO, and for
on Tuesday afternoon, on a contemporary                                                                       ‘I concentrate on        investment in Britain’s
motion, composite 7, about rail, moved by                                                                 driving – that’s what I      railways, Andy
Doncaster Central CLP and seconded by                                                                     do – and I expect there      slammed the Tories’
Peterborough CLP, said: ‘The Tories always break                                                          to be somebody there         failure to deliver the
their promises. Talk to people at the Department                                                          to help me look after        Northern powerhouse,
for Work and Pensions. Talk to people on               tosh at the podium on tuesday afternoon            the passengers. And          and electrification, and
Southern Rail, and talk to people on Northern             Tosh also let rip at Chris Grayling, the        that’s not only on the       condemned the way
Rail. Talk to the people in the north of England       Secretary of State for Transport, and the secret   train but on the             that successive
and the Midlands and Wales who were promised           part he is playing behind the scenes in the        stations, too, where we      Transport Secretaries
electrification and whose economies are                Southern Fail debacle. ‘Make no mistake, Chris     need station staff, and      Patrick McLoughlin and
significantly dependent on an improved,                Grayling and his ideology is behind everything     in the ticket office,        Chris Grayling ‘sat on
electrified, railway network. The truth is they        that’s gone on at Southern.’                       where we need ticket         their hands’ as
lied. And they always lie. You can tell they’re           As Tosh sat down the GS tweeted: ‘Tosh raises   officers.                    problems mounted in
lying because you can see their lips moving!’          temperature at Lab17.’                                 ‘It’s a sheer disgrace   the freight sector.

   Ethical foreign policy                                                                                             QUOTE…
                                                                                                                      ‘Not for more than 20 years can I
   Mick Whelan spoke at a Palestine solidarity Campaign fringe –                                                      remember a Labour conference
   marking 100 years since the Balfour declaration – chaired by hugh                                                  where there was such a sense of
   Lanning in the renaissance suite of the Jury’s inn hotel on sunday                                                 optimism, and even excitement,
   night. Mick said it was time to deliver an ethical foreign policy for                                              among delegates.’ – Nigel Morris,
   Labour – and Britain – in the Middle East which recognised the                                                     political editor, The Independent
   rights of the Palestinians as well as the rights of israelis.                                                                            …UNQUOTE

12 The ASLEF Journal l November 2017
Labour Party

A railway fit for                                                                    off message
the 21st century                                                                                  LABOUR met this year in Brighton, a place which,
                                                                                                  according to the journalist and author Keith Waterhouse,
           ICK Whelan,                                                                            ‘looks as though it is a town helping the police with their
 M         in a carefully
                                                                                                  inquiries.’ The ASLEF crew stayed at the Old Ship on the
                                                                                                  seafront, where our annual assembly of delegates was
thoughtful, and well-                                                                held in 2014. In Vanity Fair, William Makepeace Thackeray has his
received speech at the                                                               main characters escape from London to what he calls the Ship Inn at
Labour Party                                                                         Brighton – actually the Ship Tavern when he was writing his novel in
conference, called for                                                               1847 – and now the Old Ship Hotel. Why? Because, as the feisty Becky
joined-up thinking,                                                                  Sharp tells her husband Rawdon Crawley, ‘A comfortable inn in
long-term planning,                                                                  Brighton is better than a spunging-house in Chancery Lane.’
and a modern,                 Mick at the podium on Monday morning
properly integrated                                                                                       DELEGATES played a new parlour game this
transport policy for          growth, and national        And that is wrong. We                           year – conference bingo! The idea was to tick off,
21st century Britain.         prosperity.                 need to put the                                 one by one, the conference clichés trotted out by
    The GS, speaking              ‘The Labour Party is    wheels and steel back                           speakers at fringe meetings as well as in the
from the platform             committed to the            together and create a      conference hall including: thought leadership; cutting edge; starting
during the debate on          nationalisation of the      vertically integrated      the conversation; going forward; fully funded; blue sky thinking;
the economy on                railways and that is the    railway fit for the 21st   connectivity; direction of travel; the digital future; boom and bust;
Monday morning, said:         right thing to do.          century. Bringing the      evidence-led; and addressing the real issues. Bingo!
‘Investing in                 Because at the              railway back into
infrastructure is             moment investment in        public ownership will                 JOHN McDONNELL dryly pointed out the difference
essential for the             our railways – in           mean we have secure                   between his meetings with City money men and the
economic success of a         infrastructure,             investment, a secure                  ‘prawn cocktail offensives’ of Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and
nation. Britain needs         innovation and rolling      railway, and a secure      Peter Mandelson by saying he does not break bread with bankers
significant investment        stock – comes from the      future. It will be the     and hedge fund managers. ‘I’m strictly a cup of tea man, because
because the ability to        government. The             foundation on which        there’s no such thing as a free lunch. But I will accept a cup of tea…’
move people and               taxpayer makes the          we build our
goods around the              public commitment,          economic success and                  GAVIN STRANG, MP for Edinburgh East from 1970 to
country is the way to         while the company           a country fit for                     2010, left the CLPD fringe on Saturday night in no doubt
deliver employment,           takes a private profit.     everybody. Let’s do it!’              where he stands on nationalism. ‘I’m against Scottish
                                                                                                nationalism, Welsh nationalism, Irish nationalism and

The new centre ground                                                                English nationalism,’ he said on the steps of the Friends Meeting
                                                                                     House. ‘At best, nationalism is a political cul-de-sac. At worst, it’s a
                                                                                     stepping stone to fascism.’
            EREMY                                         centre of gravity of
   J        Corbyn, in his
                                                          British politics now. We
                                                          are the political
                                                                                                RACHAEL MASKELL admitted she’s suffered ‘a JC
                                                                                                experience’ on VTEC because, ‘on principle, I always travel
speech on Wednesday,                                      mainstream.’                          standard class’ and there have been times, on overcrowded
pitched Labour as the                                         As delegates in the               trains between London and York, when she has had to sit
party of the ‘political                                   hall rose to give Jeremy   on the floor of the carriage.
mainstream’. He told                                      a standing ovation,
4,000 activists in the                                    John Lennon’s top ten                 CHRISTIAN WOLMAR confessed over a coffee that he’s
conference hall, who          Jeremy addresses
                                                          hit Power to the People               writing a new book about driverless cars and autonomous
gave him a rapturous          conference
                                                          was played through                    vehicles – ‘one of the great scams of the 21st century.’
reception, that the           was 20 or 30 years ago.     the speakers and
centre ground in British      A new consensus is          activists sang along,                 SEEMA MALHOTRA, the Labour MP for Feltham & Heston,
politics has shifted, to      emerging from the           clapping their hands                  parodied the Labour Party’s love of initials by thanking, for
the left, since Tony Blair,   great economic crash,       and stamping their                    their support, ‘the CLPD, the LRC – [and after a Pinteresque
Gordon Brown, and             and the years of            feet in time to the                   pause] – MFI, KFC…’
Peter Mandelson               austerity, and people       music. ‘Well get on
created New Labour            have started to find a      your feet / And out on     BOUTIQUE, a bar just round the corner from the conference centre,
and dragged the party,        political voice for their   the street / Singing       hung a bright red neon sign above its door: ‘No drugs or nuclear
kicking and screaming,        hopes for something         power to the people…’      weapons allowed inside.’
to the right in the           different and
1990s. He said that,          something better.
with the Tories in                 ‘We need to build a       QUOTE…
disarray, without a           still broader consensus        ‘It is not anti-           MiCK WhELan wrote an article – under the headline ‘asLEf
majority in the               around the priorities          Semitic to                 calls for investment in infrastructure’ – on tuesday in the
Commons, and at each          we set out at the              criticise Israel.’ –       Yellow Pages, a daily conference briefing produced for
other’s throats, Labour       election, making the           Mike Katz,                 delegates by the Campaign for Labour Party democracy, Left
is now a government-          case for both                  Jewish Labour              futures and Labour Briefing, ahead of the debate that
in-waiting.                   compassion and                 Movement                   morning on investing in infrastructure and the composite
    ‘Today’s centre           collective aspiration.           …UNQUOTE                 motion on rail in the afternoon.
ground is not where it        Because this is the real

                                                                                                              November 2017 l The ASLEF Journal             13

I walk the line
         EREMY Corbyn was in a         allowing me to speak, usually
  J      relaxed mood, among
         comrades, colleagues,
                                       soon after I arrive, if only to get rid
                                       of me; I want to thank Tosh, for his
and friends, at the joint              passion; and I want to thank Roo
ASLEF/Co-operative Party               Botham, for being my personal
reception in the Alfresco              train driver chauffeur!’ After
restaurant on Brighton beach on        speeches by Mick, Co-op Party GS
Sunday night. The Labour leader        Claire McCarthy, and Jeremy,
paid warm personal tributes to         delegates danced to Kevin Lovatt,
Mick Whelan, Tosh McDonald and                                                   time to party – Mick Whelan, Jeremy Corbyn and Claire McCarthy
                                       aka the Man in Black, a Johnny
Andy Botham, saying, ‘I want to        Cash tribute act, who was                 ‘Because we wanted live rather         a singer with a guitar, and Johnny
thank Mick, as general secretary       booked, Co-op Party political             than recorded music, but weren’t       Cash is rather more upbeat than
of ASLEF, and as chair of TULO, for    manager Joe Fortune confided,             allowed drums, so it was, basically,   Bob Dylan.’

Rail at heart of Labour’s transport strategy                                                               Peace in our time
rachael Maskell, the                                 on freight because          the TSSA, argued,
Shadow Rail Minister,                                the free market             ‘New technology is
says: ‘I believe that                                approach to freight         being used to boost
major rail routes                                    hasn’t worked. There        profits and cut staff
should be at the                                     has to be a better          and that’s not what
heart of our transport                               way to meet business        passengers want. We
strategy.’ She was                                   demands for delivery        want a railway that
speaking at a                                        around our country.         meets the needs of
breakfast round table                                As for DOO, we know         passengers, not
discussion on the                                    that a guard is not         shareholders.’            Mick prepares to speak at the JfC fringe
future of rail and       ‘free market hasn’t         just to see the safe            And Tony Berkeley
wider transport                                      dispatch of the train       of the Rail Freight       Mick Whelan spoke at a Justice for Colombia
                         worked for freight’                                                               fringe meeting in the Wye room of the Hilton
policy chaired by                                    but is what I call a        Group, attacked the
Stephen Joseph of        morning.                    passenger champion,         DfT, saying, ‘All they    Metropole on Tuesday evening. The event –
the Campaign for             ‘We will promote        to look after the           do is give a great deal   called Imagining Peace in Colombia –
Better Transport in      rail because we know        safety and security of      of money to               celebrated the landmark deal between the
the Kielder room of      that rail is so much        passengers.’                consultants to tell       government of Colombia and Fuerzas
the Hilton Metropole     safer than road. We             Manuel Cortes,          them what they            Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (the
Hotel on Monday          need to have a focus        general secretary of        should already know.’     Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia aka
                                                                                                           FARC). He was joined on the platform by Tim
                                                                                                           Roache, general secretary of the GMB, Jo
                                                                                                           Stevens, Labour MP for Cardiff Central, and

New ideas                                                                                                  Steve Cavalier, chief executive of Thompsons

Mick Whelan told a Campaign for Labour
Party Democracy fringe meeting in the
Queen’s Hotel on Monday night that, under
the dynamic leadership of Jeremy Corbyn, the
party is moving in the right direction. ‘It’s
Theresa May and the Tories who are in disarray,’
said the GS, just ahead of the disastrous
Conservative Party conference in Manchester.
‘While we have a Labour Party responding to                                         Comrades in arms
the real needs of people and the real problems                                      – Mick and Kelvin
of this country with new ideas and the real                                         (left); while Jon
answers and solutions we need.’                                                     trickett waits in
                                                                                    the wings
● Overheard at the CLPD fringe before Mick                                          listening to Mick
got up to speak: ‘This isn’t the Momentum                                           speak (above)
meeting, is it?’ ‘No, it’s CLPD. But you’ll only
be upset if you thought it was Progress…’                                                                     niamh sweeney, joint president of
                                                          following the election in June, the                 the national Education union,
                                                          party is being taken more seriously                 tweeted a picture of Mick Whelan
   QUOTE…                                                 by business than it has been for                    with a new nEu tote bag: ‘so cool
   ‘There’s far too much month left at the                years. the number of businessmen                    seeing our amazing new logo all over
   end of my money.’ – Unison delegate                    and women attending conference                      #Lab17 & #Brighton @nEunion great
                            …UNQUOTE                      has leapt by more than 50%.                         modelling @MickWhelanasLEf’

14 The ASLEF Journal l November 2017
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