Tender Opening Register Request 26/2020 for Work Health and Safety Digital Solution

Page created by Guy White
Tender Opening Register
                     Request 26/2020
Work Health and Safety Digital Solution
1. Introduction
Under the Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996, Part 4, Division 2, Regulation 17, the City of
Canning is required to capture information regarding its public tender processes and to ensure they are made
publicly available.
To align with the City’s stated objectives of ensuring its business relationships are transparent, honest, fair, ethical
and consistent, the below information regarding a public tender process is released via the external website, and
made available to all.
This information will demonstrate the key dates within the Public Tender process, the responses received and upon
award the identity of the successful Tenderer.

2. Tender Details
                                                           Tender Details
Tender Number                    Tender Title
26/2020                          Work Health & Safety Digital Solution
Description of Goods and/or Services Required – Reg 17(2)(a)
The City is seeking to engage a qualified and experienced Contractor to provide the City with a Work Health and Safety (WHS)
Digital Solution in the form of 'Software as a Service', cloud based software to assist the City in providing a safe workplace, and
meet the requirements of complying with all WHS legislation for Western Australia.
Particulars of the Decision to Invite Tenders – Reg 17(2)(b)
The Chief Executive Officer has publicly advertised this procurement as a Tender due to the expectation the total contract value
will be in excess of $250,000 and to enable a broad number of potential suppliers to submit offers
Advertised in The West Australian                                   Submission Closing Time and Date
Wednesday, 23 December 2020                                         2:30 PM on Friday, 5 February 2021
Advertised in the Canning Examiner                                  Public Notice Published on City of Canning website
Wednesday, 23 December 2020                                         Wednesday, 23 December 2020
Copy of the Advertisement Attached ‐ Reg 17(2)(d)                   External Probity Advisor Engaged
Yes                                                                 Yes – Stanton’s International

Tender Opening Register – February 2021
Request 26/2020 for Work Health and Safety Digital Solution                                                            1|Page
3. Tenders Received
                                                Tenders Received– Reg 17(2)(e)
Tenderer Name                                                                                Tenderer Address
Kajeeva Pty Ltd t/a Beakon                                                                   Potts Point NSW
CA Technology t/a Camms                                                                      Adelaide SA
Ernst & Young t/a EY                                                                         Melbourne VIC
Netsight Consulting Pty Ltd ATF AM2 Trust & FM2 Trust                                        Joondalup WA
PAN Software                                                                                 Did not provide
SAI Global Compliance Pty Ltd t/a SAI Global                                                 Sydney NSW
Tokn Trading Pty Ltd t/a Tokn Technology                                                     Leederville WA

4. City Employees Present at Tender Box Opening
                                               Tenders Received– Reg 16(3)(a)(i)
Employee Name                                                   Employee Position
Annette Footer                                                  Senior Procurement Officer
David McGarvie                                                  Leader Contracts & Procurement

Tender Opening Register – February 2021
Request 26/2020 for Work Health and Safety Digital Solution                                                     2|Page

    To book phone 9390 1377 or email classifieds@examinernewspapers.com.au
                                                                                                                                                                          view the Examiner online at www.yourlocalexaminer.com.au

  church notices                       for sale                            for sale                               handyman                                            tuition                          wanted to buy                      washing machine
    SERPENTINE CHURCH                FRANGIPANI Snow Queen 0.8m          SHOES high platform heels                     DORA HANDYMAN                                                                            CASH PAID
         OF CHRIST                   high $30 smaller ones from $10      13cm high beige $15 0406 413           free quotes, bathroom, kitchen                        ONE - ON - ONE TUTORING             All household furniture.       FREE CALL OUT Pens disc.
    Sunday service 9.30am            0437 185 093                        898                                    renovations, tiling, timber floor-                     Reading, Writing, Spelling       9495 2295 or 0417 771 350          9456 3874 or 0417 989 972
         All welcome                                                                                              ing, painting, door lock repairs                           Zoom available
                                     FRUIT TREES 2 years old
    93 Tonkin St Serpentine
                                     avocado fig and others $20 each
                                                                         SHOES Riversoft leather court
                                                                                                                  0430 391 410 or 0415 400 598                          Call Paula 0431 683 306      COINS, banknotes, medals,            Locally owned and operated
    Phone Ian 0429 401 040                                               black size 6 $20 red shoes size 6                                                           WE ACTUALLY GET RESULTS         badges, stamps, collections wel-
                                     0417 967 134                        $15 0406 413 898                                                                                                            come old jewellery 0407 211 980
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          for over 30 years
  computers                          GARDEN BED raised 1 x 05            STEP LADDERS 2x 1.8mtr good
                                     colour bond $15 0437 185 093        cond $30 & $45 0419 960 461
20 yrs exp avail 24/7 Sen disc
                                     GEMSTONES sapphires topaz &
                                                                         STOVE elevated cooker West-
                                                                                                                      GERRY'S GROOMING
                                     amethyst $10-$70 each 0423                                                         Small breeds only
     Call Baz 0423 394 861                                               inghouse good working order
                                     261 981                                                                          30 + years experience
                                                                         $300 0414 343 670
                                                                                                                        Ph 0456 393 726
  electrical                         GOLF CLUBS full set with buggy
                                                                         TAP SHOES ladies black Bloch
  services                           $125 Byford 0497 753 656

                                                                         size 8/9 $50 0419 960 461

                                     HAIR REMOVER Beauty Prowax
                                     Heater with wax $40 0419 960        TOP BOX for TV - Onix/HDMI                                                                   public notices
                                     461                                 $40 0458 278 167
Small jobs welcome Troy EC007284                                         TUPPERWARE turbo chef mince
                                     KAYAK 260 x 70 x 30cm with
           LO19602-ARC                                                     onion in seconds a1 con $50
                                     seat $125 Byford 0497 753 656
           0413 888 626                                                         Ph 0407 420 501

  for sale
                                     LAMP salt $20 0406 413 898
                                                                         TV CABINET woodgrain colour
                                     LIGHT Toyota Seca 86-89 right       new $170 0411 245 751                     Introducing our new
                                                                                                                                                                                      A welcoming and thriving city
AGAVES 1 large $40 smaller
                                     hand $25 0406 413 898                                                       SPA TREATMENT
                                     OUTDOOR SETTING 6 seater              garden supplies                           $5.50               $11.00
                                                                                                                                                                       NOTIFICATION OF UPCOMING ROADWORKS – JANUARY 2021
ones from $10 0437 185 093                                                                                         small dogs          large dogs
ART Harley Corvette 3D 80 x
                                     alum glass to good cond $40           & services                             Will treat all skin & coat issues
                                     0408 920 849
60cm new cond $80-$100 each                                                                                      BOOK EARLY FOR CHRISTMAS
0423 261 981                         PANTS ladies long blk front zip     ALL GARDEN WORK weed
                                                                                                                   9390 1009                                           Banksia Esplanade turn pocket closure
                                     pockets sz L new $25 3/4 pants      prune rubbish rem 0416 189 319
ASIAN JASMINES $15-$35,              sz L new $15 0406 413 898
                                                                                                                                                                       The City will be completing the formalised closure of the right turn pocket from
Blue Wisterias 2 mtrs high $95                                           BAGGED MANURE Sheep 100L                                                                      Ranford Road into Banksia Esplanade, Canning Vale during January, 2021.
PH 0422 406 277                      PHOTO FRAMES 2 wooden &             Cow, blend, chook 60L $12-$14             Lost & founds are published free
                                     glass portrait size $10 each 0406   Buy 10 get 1 free 0408 926 325
BBQ Down Under (as Weber             413 898
                                                                                                                   as a community service.                             This intersection has been closed for an extended period utilising
kettle) gas bottle rocks & access                                        JEREMY'S TREE & GARDEN                    Please limit ad to three lines,                     temporary management measures, and the City is now moving forward
good cond $100 0419 960 461          ROYAL ALBERT Country Roses               SERVICES All tree work,              including contact information.
                                     lasagne/quiche dish $60 0406          slashing grass, hedge cutting           Phone-ins and longer ads will
                                                                                                                                                                       with the formalised closure.
BOOTS horse riding by Cadets         413 898                                 fully insured 0488 575 424            be charged for.
knee high black ladies size 8 gd
                                                                                                                   Name and address
                                                                                                                                                                       Ranford Road and Nicholson Road night works
con $25 0419 960 461                 SAW BENCH Triton $125 Byford

BOOTS ladies leather a1 con
                                     0497 753 656                          handyman                                need to be included                                 Major Roadworks will also be occurring on Ranford Rd Eastbound between
                                     SEWING MACHINE baby Elna
                                                                                                                   on the coupon.                                      Livingston Drive and Nicholson Road; and Nicholson Rd Northbound,
knee high brown paid $85 each
   sell $35 Ph 0407 420 501          Swiss made exc working order        AFFORDABLE          HANDYMAN                                                                  between Eucalyptus Boulevard and Birnam Road.
                                     $75 ono 0437 771 546                trade quality work 0418 688 831
CAR FRIDGE Engel ac/dc runs
                                                                                                                                                                       These works will occur mostly at night time under full closures for the
well $140 ono 0429 907 375
                                       public notices                                                                                                                  eastbound lanes of Ranford Road or northbound lanes of Nicholson Road.
CAR PARTS, Falcon BA 2005
left rear door $50 front fenders x
2 $30 key fob $20 0406 413 898
                                                                                                                                                                       Works will be carried out in accordance with an approved Noise Management
                                                                                                                                                                       Plan to reduce the overall noise impacts on nearby residences as far as
CHINESE     BOWLS       spoons
sauce dish various prices 0406                                                                                                                                         reasonably possible.
413 898
                                                                                                                                                                       Variable Message Boards will be erected prior to the works in each area
an Childhood series $25 each
0406 413 898
                                         One-year indicative timber harvest plan 2021                                                                                  advising drivers of the proposed work dates.

                                         The Forest Products Commission’s (FPC) indicative timber harvest plan for 2021 is now available                               Residents wishing to discuss either matter are requested to contact the
COMICS Marvel DC 1980-1990's
new & used various titles from $5
                                         for public comment.                                                                                                           City on 13004CANNING when the Administration Centre re-opens after
each 0423 261 981                        The plan, prepared in accordance with the Forest Management Plan 2014–2023 (Conservation                                      4 January, 2021.
COMPUTER iCore3 full setup               Commission) and in consultation with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and
exc cond $240 0411 245 751               Attractions, identifies native forest coupes throughout southwest State Forests which are
                                         scheduled to be harvested in full or in part during 2021. This includes thinning operations which                             1317 Albany Highway, Cannington
CURTAINS pastel apricot text
                                         promotes healthier forests and reduces fire hazard.
brocade high quality 254w x                                                                                                                                            Locked Bag 80, Welshpool WA 6986
221cm l $40 9497 3038                    The FPC manages timber production and regeneration operations in WA State forest. Harvesting                                  P 1300 422 664
DINING table and 4 chairs near           for wood products occurs on a rotational basis in patches throughout the southwest region. Less
new $250 white kitchens cabi-            than 1% of WA’s total forest area is available for harvest each year.
nets $80 9398 4169
                                         Details of the plan, including maps and coupe lists along with saw-log volume estimates for the
DRESSES 1 black 1 red suit day           northern and southern supply zones, are available on the FPC website at www.fpc.wa.gov.au                                    tenders
or party wear size 8 brand new
$60 & $20 9497 3038                      Enquiries and comments may be submitted by:

DRESS long evening black size            Mail:     Community Engagement Leader
8 sheer material cascading lay-                    Forest Products Commission
ers tie halter $50 0406 413 898                    PO Box 236, Bunbury WA 6231.
DRESS red size 8/6 slim fit very         Email:    info@fpc.wa.gov.au                                                                                                              A welcoming and thriving city
stylish new $20 0406 413 898
                                         Phone: (08) 9725 5288.
grey inflated exc con $25 ono                                                                                                          FPC_1295_1947                    REQUEST FOR TENDER
0408 250 663
                                                                                                                                                                        TENDER NUMBER: 26/2020
  public notices                                                             Public Notice                                                                              FOR: WORK HEALTH & SAFETY (WHS) DIGITAL SOLUTION
                                                                                                                                                                        Submission Closing Date: 2:30PM (AWST) Friday, 29 January 2021
                                                                                                                                                                        The City of Canning is seeking submissions from tenderers for the above mentioned
  DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY                                                  Watkins Road Transfer Station and                                                            requirement, as detailed in the tender documents, available from the City of Canning’s
                                                                                                                                                                        e-tender portal, located at: https://portal.tenderlink.com/canning
  Section 3.58(2) & (3) of the Local                                       Recycling Centre - On Demand
                                                                                                                                                                        Tenders may only be lodged electronically, using the above e-tender portal and
  Government Act 1995                                                      Waste Collection Fees                                                                        finalised prior to the Submission Closing Date.
                                                                           The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale would like to advise that
                                                                           commencing 1 January 2021 the below fees are applicable.                                     There is no briefing session associated with this tender.
  The City of Gosnells is considering an                                   See Council Policy 3.3.6 for eligibility criteria and further details.
                                                                                                                                                                        Further information in regards to the Request for Tender can be obtained from:
  offer to lease to NBN Co Limited Lot 500                                 Free On Demand Waste Collection (see eligibility criteria):                                  David McGarvie, Leader Contracts & Procurement via email at:
  Chevin Road, Martin having an area of                                    • Nil for free on demand pick up.                                                            procurement@canning.wa.gov.au
                                                                           Fee Payable On Demand Waste Collections
  304m². The agreed rental is $20,000 pa                                   (see eligibility criteria):
                                                                                                                                                                        No late, faxed, mailed, electronically mailed or hand delivered tenders will be accepted.

  increased by 2.5% annually. The term is                                  • $40 for whitegoods (maximum 4 items);                                                      Any Respondent found to have canvassed City of Canning officers or elected members
                                                                                                                                                                        will be disqualified from the tender process.

  20 years. A licensed valuation suggested a                               • $40 for mattresses (maximum 4 items);
                                                                           • $50 per lounge suite;
  rental of $20,000 pa may be achievable.                                  • $40 green waste for equivalent of two 6’x4’ trailer loads;                                 Athanasios (Arthur) Kyron
  Anyone wishing to make a submission                                      • $30 green waste for equivalent of two 6’x4’ trailer loads for WA                           Chief Executive Officer
                                                                             Senior Card holders.
  on this proposal should do so in writing,                                Free Trailer Hire and Associated Bond:
  addressed to the Chief Executive Officer at                              • Nil for hire;                                                                              1317 Albany Highway, Cannington                                   CANNING.WA.GOV.AU
                                                                           • $100 security bond.
  2120 Albany Highway Gosnells WA 6110                                                                                                                                  Locked Bag 80, Welshpool WA 6986
                                                                           Paul Martin                                                                                  P 1300 422 664
  before 19 January 2021.                                                  Chief Executive Officer
1/28/2021                                     The West Australian | Wednesday, December 23, 2020 | Employment | 84

https://thewest2.smedia.com.au/Olive/APA/thewest-archives/Print.Page.aspx?href=WAN%2F2020%2F12%2F23&page_num=40&pub_name=The West Aus…   1/1
04/03/2021                                                         City of Canning - Submissions Made
The following registered
Submissions     Made users have made submissions to the tenders box for this tender. Their details, and details of the files
they uploaded are shown below.

CANNG-951375 - 26/2020 - Work Health & Safety (WHS0 Digital Solution
         Company Details                                          Files Submitted [date - time uploaded]
         Beakon                                                   beakon_files.zip                          [04/02/2021 - 2:32 p.m.]
         Level 21, 101 Grafton Street
         SYDNEY NSW 2027
         Contact : Nadine Catanzaro
         Ph : 1300 303 773
         ABN Number : 99 139 045 604
         CA Technology Pty Ltd                                    request_26.2020_-                         [05/02/2021 - 1:03 p.m.]
         Suite 2, Level 10, 520 Collins St                        _whs_digital_solution_camms__.zip
         MELBOURNE VIC 3000
         Contact : CAMMS Tender group
         Ph : (0)3 8676 0416
         ABN Number : 80101710534
         Ernst & Young                                            files.zip                                [05/02/2021 - 10:48 a.m.]
         200 GEORGE STREET
         SYDNEY NSW 2000
         Contact : Milan Koshy
         Ph : 02 9248 5555
         ABN Number : 75288172749
         Netsight Consulting Pty Ltd                              city_of_canning_addendums.zip            [05/02/2021 - 11:29 a.m.]
         8/7 Hector Street West
         Osborne Park                                             city_of_canning_attachments.zip          [05/02/2021 - 11:30 a.m.]
         OSBORNE PARK WA 6017                                     city_of_canning_pricing.zip              [05/02/2021 - 11:28 a.m.]
         Contact : Dan Lo                                         city_of_canning_tender_responses.zip     [05/02/2021 - 11:28 a.m.]
         Ph : 0893301314
         ABN Number : 75811369332
         PAN Software Pty Ltd                                     city_of_canning_final.zip                 [05/02/2021 - 1:14 p.m.]
         123 Camberwell Road
         Hawthorn East
         VICTORIA VIC 3123
         Contact : Kosta Nicolaou
         Ph : 03 9811 9932
         ABN Number : 21053520734
         SAI GLOBAL PTY LIMITED                                   canng-951375_sai_global_submission.zip   [05/02/2021 - 10:19 a.m.]
         LEVEL 37, 680 GEORGE ST
         SYDNEY NSW 2000
         Contact : Phil Morony
         Ph : 1300 360 314
         ABN Number : 67050611642
         TOKN Technology                                          tokn_technology_-_part_b_-_proposal_-    [04/02/2021 - 12:31 p.m.]
         2/614 Newcastle Street                                   _whs_sol_.pdf
         LEEDERVILLE WA 6007
         AUSTRALIA                                                tokn_technology_-_schedule_3_-            [03/02/2021 - 2:58 p.m.]
         Contact : Clinton Shroeder                               _pricing_submis_.xlsx
         Ph : 0458493299
         ABN Number : 13612622205

https://portal.tenderlink.com/canning/tenderfunction?submissionlist=2442.170511&listonly&print                                     1/1
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