Technical Assistance Report

Page created by Alvin Nunez
Maharashtra Rural High Voltage Distribution System Expansion Program (RRP IND 50193-003)

 Technical Assistance Report

Project Number: 50193-003
Transaction Technical Assistance (TRTA)
April 2020

India: Implementation Support for the Maharashtra
Rural High Voltage Distribution System Expansion

This document is being disclosed to the public in accordance with ADB’s Access to Information
                                    (as of 20 February 2020)

                                Currency unit      =    Indian rupee/s (Re/Rs)
                                       ₹1.00            $0. 01396
                                       $1.00       =    ₹71.634

             ADB               –      Asian Development Bank
             HVDS              –      high voltage distribution system
             MES2MIS           –      minimum energy support to maximize incomes sustainably
             MSEDCL            –      Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited
             RBL               –      results based lending
             TA                –      technical assistance


       (i)      The fiscal year (FY) of the Government of India and its agencies ends on 31 March.
                “FY” before a calendar year denotes the year in which the fiscal year ends, e.g.,
                FY2019 ends on 31 March 2019.
       (ii)     In this report, “$” refers to United States dollars unless otherwise stated.

 Vice-President             Shixin Chen, Operations 1
 Officer-in-Charge          Diwesh Sharan, South Asia Department (SARD)
 Director                   Priyantha Wijayatunga, Energy Division (SAEN), SARD

 Team leader               Len George, Senior Energy Specialist, SAEN, SARD
 Team members              Jiwan Acharya, Principal Energy Specialist, SAEN, SARD
                           Jyotirmoy Banerjee, Senior Project Officer (Energy), India Resident
                           Mission (INRM), SARD
                           Lance Gore, Senior Water Resources Specialist, Environment,
                           Natural Resources & Agriculture Division, SARD
                           Yoojung Jang, Social Development Specialist, SAEN, SARD
                           Prabhjot Khan, Social Development Officer, INRM, SARD
                           Christoph Meindl, Energy Specialist, SAEN, SARD
                           Zhaojing Mu, Environment Specialist, SAEN, SARD
                           Ma. Carmen Nunez, Project Officer, SAEN, SARD
                           Douglas Perkins, Principal Counsel, Office of the General Counsel
                           Sanmugam Prathapar, Senior Water Resource Specialist, Water
                           Sector Group, Sustainable Development and Climate Change
                           Maria Angelica R. Rongavilla, Senior Operations Assistant, SAEN, SARD
                           Jongmi Son, Energy Economist, SAEN, SARD
 Peer reviewers            Susumu Yoneoka, Energy Specialist (Smart Grids), Energy Sector
                           Group, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department
In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation
of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian
Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any
territory or area.
II.   THE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE                      1
      A.    Justification                           1
      B.    Outputs and Activities                  2
      C.    Cost and Financing                      2
      D.    Implementation Arrangements             2

1.    Cost Estimates and Financing Plan             4
2.    List of Linked Documents                      5

1.      The transaction technical assistance (TA) will assist Maharashtra State Electricity
Distribution Company Limited (MSEDCL) and the Government of Maharashtra in implementing
the Maharashtra Rural High Voltage Distribution System (HVDS) Expansion Program.

2.        The government of Maharashtra and MSEDCL plan to release all future electricity
connections for the agriculture sector through high voltage connections. This is the first time that
a HVDS is being taken up in the state. HVDSs reduce losses, improve voltage and improve
reliability of supply for customers. HVDS adoption also reduces technical barriers to the adoption
of energy efficient pumps and efficient irrigation techniques. A loan of $346 million is proposed
from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to finance the program.

                             II.        THE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE

A.      Justification

3.       ADB proposes to structure the intervention to include linkages between efficient electricity
supply and water consumption, monitoring of information from the HVDS dashboard and support
for institutional strengthening to overcome implementation challenges. The TA will support
(i) monitoring of the HVDS dashboard and its use by government agencies for decision making;
(ii) review of the program action plan; and (ii) implementation support for an agriculture feeder
pilot in Maharashtra to support demonstration of efficient energy and irrigation using HVDS
through “minimum energy support to maximize incomes sustainably” (MES2MIS) pilot and
potential to scale up HVDS and efficient usage of resources within the state through policy

4.      In keeping with India’s energy policy vision of meeting energy demand reliably in a
technically efficient, economically viable and environmentally sustainable manner, the
Government of Maharashtra, through MSEDCL, proposes to strengthen its distribution system in
rural areas to ensure an efficient and reliable electricity supply for agricultural customers. The
Government of Maharashtra and MSEDCL have requested that ADB finance the HVDS, using a
results-based lending (RBL) approach, to provide reliable and high-quality supply to new rural
customers in Maharashtra. This would be the first RBL for the energy sector in India by ADB.

5.       Maharashtra has planned the HVDS program to focus on new agricultural customers.
Technical modeling indicates that conversion of existing customers to HVDS is also justified to
reduce losses and improve the quality of supply. The benefits increase when coupled with a
program to replace existing pumps with new energy efficient pumps and incorporate efficient
irrigation practices, with significant electricity and water-saving potential. A pilot on an agriculture
feeder for full replacement to HVDS coupled with efficient pumps and MES2MIS can provide
demonstration value to policy makers and prepare the grounds for subsequent phases of the
government program for widespread adoption of HVDS, coupled with measures for efficient and
sustainable electricity and water consumption. The TA will contribute to meeting Sustainable
Development Goals 6, 7 and 13.

6.       The pilot supports an integrated approach requiring coordination between the energy,
irrigation and other departments in the state government. It is desirable to provide additional

support through the TA to support implementation including for the monitoring of the RBL and
support for safeguards reviews. The TA is listed in ADB’s India country operations business plan. 1

B.         Outputs and Activities

7.         The major outputs and activities are summarized in Table 1.

                           Table 1: Summary of Major Outputs and Activities
Major Outputs                            Delivery Dates                Key Activities with Milestones
1. Monitoring and safeguards            2020–2021            1.1 Monitoring of HVDS Dashboard
   capacity building of the results-                         1.2 Review progress on the Program Action Plan
   based lending program                                     1.3 Institutional strengthening on safeguards
2. Agriculture feeder pilot in          2020–2021            2.1 Baseline assessment of feeder energy and
   Maharashtra                                                   water consumption
                                                             2.2 Pilot implementation of MES2MIS
                                                             2.3 Roadmap for scaling-up interventions
HVDS = high voltage distribution system, MES2MIS = minimum energy support to maximize incomes sustainably.
Source: Asian Development Bank.

C.         Cost and Financing

8.     The TA is estimated to cost $1.1 million, of which $1.0 million will be financed on a grant
basis by ADB’s Technical Assistance Special Fund (TASF- other sources). The government will
provide counterpart support in the form of staff, office space, and other in-kind contributions. The
key expenditure items are listed in Appendix 1.

9.     The TA proceeds will be disbursed in accordance with ADB’s Technical Assistance
Disbursement Handbook (2010, as amended from time to time).

D.         Implementation Arrangements

10.    ADB will administer the TA, and select, supervise, and evaluate consultants. The TA will
be implemented over 24 months and is expected to start in April 2020 and end in March 2021.

11.   The State of Maharashtra, acting through the Energy Department, will be the executing
agency. The implementation arrangements are summarized in Table 2.

                                 Table 2: Implementation Arrangements
Aspects                                                             Arrangements
Indicative implementation period         April 2020 to March 2022
Executing agency                         State of Maharashtra acting through Energy Department
Implementing agencies                    Project implementation unit established within MSEDCL.
Consultants                              To be selected and engaged by ADB
                                         Individual: Bio-data      13 consultants        $ 0.7 million
Procurement                              To be procured by executing agency
                                         Shopping                  3 contracts           $0.3 million
Advance contracting                      Advance contracting will be used for the consultant recruitment
Disbursement                             The TA resources will be disbursed following ADB's Technical
                                         Assistance Disbursement Handbook (2010, as amended from time
                                         to time).

1   ADB. 2019. India Country Operations Business Plan 2020-2022. Manila.

Aspects                                                                Arrangements
Asset turnover upon TA                    Assets under the pilot will be turned over to MSEDCL upon TA
completion                                completion.
ADB = Asian Development Bank, MSEDCL = Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited,
QCBS = quality and cost-based selection, TA = technical assistance.
Source: Asian Development Bank

12.     Consulting services. ADB will engage the consultants following the ADB Procurement
Policy (2017, as amended from time to time) and its associated project administration instructions
and/or staff instructions. 2

13.      Pilot testing of project approach. The TA could pay for purchase of equipment for the
pilot including but not restricted to groundwater sensors, monitoring equipment to integrate data
from sensors with data from pumps, distribution transformers etc. The activities will not have any
potential adverse environmental or social impacts. The TA consultants will coordinate with
MSEDCL and the Maharashtra government on pump replacement and HVDS for the feeder
selection through a consultative process with beneficiaries.

2   Terms of Reference for Consultants (accessible from the list of linked documents in Appendix 2).
4        Appendix 1

                               COST ESTIMATES AND FINANCING PLAN

Item                                                                                                 Amount
A. Asian Development Banka
    1. Consultants
       a. Remuneration and per diem
             i.    International consultants                                                          246.0
            ii.    National consultants                                                               290.0
       b. Out-of-pocket expenditures
             i.    International and local travel                                                      98.0
            ii.    Reports and communications                                                          15.0
    2. Training, seminars, and conferences                                                             10.0
    3. Pilot testing                                                                                  300.0
    4. Contingencies                                                                                   41.0
                Subtotal (A)                                                                        1,000.0

                           Total                                                                    1,000.0
Note: The technical assistance (TA) is estimated to cost $1,100,000, of which contributions from the Asian Development
Bank are presented in the table above. The government will provide counterpart support in the form of counterpart staff
and office space for meetings and other in-kind contributions. The value of the government contribution is estimated to
account for 9% of the total TA cost.
a Financed by the Asian Development Bank’s Technical Assistance Special Fund (TASF- Other Sources).

Source: Asian Development Bank estimates.
Appendix 2   5

                            LIST OF LINKED DOCUMENTS

1.   Terms of Reference for Consultants
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