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Management Plan for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Podocnemis
erythrocephala (Chipiro), Podocnemis unifilis (Terecay), Podocnemis expansa
(Arrau) and Peltocephalus dumerilianus (Cabezón)

Authors: Carliz Díaz 1 and Edis Solórzano
Abstract: Development of a management plan for the conservation and sustainable use of the species
Podocnemis erythrocephala (Chipiro), Podocnemis unifilis (Terecay), Podocnemis expansa (Arrau) and
Peltocephalus dumerilianus (Cabezón), through institutional strengthening and updating of information
on the status and population dynamics and the design of strategies for their conservation and
sustainable use, as a way to conserve and maintain wild populations, reduce negative anthropogenic
pressure on them and provide productive alternatives to improve the living conditions of local and
indigenous communities in Venezuela.

Key-words: Podocnemis expansa, Podocnemis unifilis, Podocnemis unifilis, Peltocephalus dumerilianus,
management plan, Venezuela.

       Directora General de Diversidad Biológica. Ministerio del Poder Popular para el Ecosocialismo (MINEC).
Freshwater turtles are among the most        The      techniques      used     in    the
endangered vertebrate groups in the          aforementioned Program are perfectly
world because they suffer intense            applicable to achieve the successful
pressure from humans (Moll & Moll,           realization of the sustainable use of
2004). Their populations are being           these species, varying only in their final
diminished        by         unsustainable   objective, that is, replacing the objective
exploitation and habitat destruction. On     of preservation (in many cases wrongly
the other hand, the growing demand for       called conservation), with that of
their eggs and meat, together with           sustainable use. These techniques
widespread       traditional     medicine    include the protection of nesting areas,
practices, are critical factors that have    the transplantation of clutches, the
brought many turtle populations to the       collection and rearing of hatchlings, the
brink of extinction (Turtle Taxonomy         recording of biological statistics, the
Working Group, 2017).                        evaluation of reproductive patterns, the
                                             release in areas of their natural
In Venezuela, as in other areas of
                                             distribution of specimens reared for a
distribution of the arrau (Podocnemis
                                             year and the incorporation of local
expansa), terecay (Podocnemis unifilis),
                                             communities in the execution of all the
Chipiro (Podocnemis unifilis) and
                                             actions developed.
cabezon (Peltocephalus dumerilianus)
turtles, their eggs and meat are             On the other hand, in order to support
exploited,     mainly    for   human         national policies and with the objective
consumption in rural areas.                  of achieving the conservation of
                                             freshwater turtles, MINEC is currently
Some of these species have been used
                                             promoting the implementation of the
in zoo-breeding activities for the
                                             project: Development of a management
reinforcement of wild populations or for
                                             plan    for    the    conservation     and
commercial purposes, within the
                                             sustainable use of the species
framework     of    conservation    and
                                             Podocnemis erythrocephala (Chipiro),
sustainable use programs developed in
                                             Podocnemis          unifilis    (Terecay),
the country. These activities are part of
                                             Podocnemis expansa (Arrau) and
the conservation plans that have been
                                             Peltocephalus dumerilianus (Cabezón),
carried out for more than 30 years in
                                             through institutional strengthening and
several areas of the country, within the
                                             the updating of information on the status
framework of the National Program for
                                             and population dynamics and the
the    Conservation     of   Continental
                                             design      of   strategies    for    their
Chelonians developed by the Ministry of
                                             conservation and sustainable use, as a
Popular    Power     for    Ecosocialism
                                             way to conserve and maintain wild
(MINEC), with financing from the
                                             populations,        reduce        negative
government of the Bolivarian Republic
                                             anthropogenic pressure on them and
of Venezuela, which has allowed us to
                                             provide productive alternatives to
have a wide experience in the
                                             improve the living conditions of local
management of this group of animals
                                             and indigenous communities; This
(Marín, 2006; Marín, Babarro and
                                             project is financed by the German
Dávila 2007; Marín and Solórzano,
                                             Development Bank (KfW), implemented
                                             under the institutional tutelage of ACTO,
through   a   financial  cooperation        Convention on International Trade in
agreement between Germany and the           Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Permanent    Secretariat of   ACTO          Flora (CITES), so that CITES will
(PS/ACTO) through KfW.                      ensure that international trade does not
                                            threaten the survival of the populations
This management plan will make it
possible to have the technical-legal
norms that will regulate the commercial     The plan is based on criteria of legality,
harvesting of the aforementioned            that is to say, it is guaranteed that the
species in the country, since the           specimens have been obtained in
commercial harvesting of wild fauna in      accordance with national laws and
Venezuela is carried out under the          regulations for the protection of wild
modality of management plans, whose         fauna;     and      under     criteria    of
content and terms of reference are          sustainability and traceability, in order to
established      by     the      National   have basic information, as well as
Environmental Authority, according to       strategies to verify that the trade of the
the provisions of the Regulations of the    species is carried out in a sustainable
Law for the Protection of Wild Fauna        manner and is not detrimental to the
(Republic     of    Venezuela,      1970;   maintenance of their wild populations,
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela,           and also that it can be traced through
1999). These plans are promulgated          the issuance and control of the
through ministerial "Resolutions" that      respective CITES permits.
establish    the    administrative   and
                                            With the implementation of this
technical measures for managing the
                                            management plan, it is expected that
resource, as well as the norms to be
                                            there will be greater empowerment and
applied for controlling activities during
                                            appreciation of the local and indigenous
their implementation.
                                            communities for the target species,
The implementation of this plan, in         which will have a positive impact on the
addition to promoting legal domestic        conservation of their wild populations
trade, will make it possible to promote     and the promotion of productive
international trade in these species,       activities that will improve their
which are included in Appendix II of the    livelihoods.
Arrau tortoise specimens. Photograph by Edis Solórzano

Release of Arrau and Terecay tortoises, at the Arrau Tortoise Wildlife Refuge. Photo: Edis Solórzano.

BIBLIOGRAPHY                                             Brazo Casiquiare por comunidades
                                                         locales. MINAMB. Caracas. 12 p.
Moll,D. & E.O. Moll. 2004. The ecology,
exploitation, and conservation of river
turtles. Oxford University Press.393 p.                  Marín, E., R. Babarro y G. Dávila. 2007.
                                                         Algunos aspectos de la biología
Marín, E. 2006. Bases para el manejo
                                                         reproductiva de Podocnemis expansa,
de las poblaciones de quelonios del
                                                         en el Refugio de Fauna Silvestre de la
Tortuga Arrau, estados Apure y Bolívar.       Checklist and Atlas of Taxonomy,
En: Simposio Biología y Conservación          Synonymy,       Distribution     and
de     Tortugas    Continentales    de        Conservation   Status      (8th Ed.).
Venezuela Homenaje al Dr. Juhani              Chelonian Research Monographs 7:1–
Ojasti, en el marco del VII Congreso          292 p.
Venezolano de Ecología, Puerto Ordaz,
                                              República     de    Venezuela.     1977.
                                              Congreso de la República. Ley
Marín, E y C. Solórzano. 2012.                Aprobatoria de la Convención sobre el
Contribución al conocimiento de la            Comercio Internacional de Especies
biología reproductiva del chipiro,            Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora
Podocnemis     erythrocephala    (Spix,       Silvestres. Gaceta Oficial No. 2.053
1824. Testudines; Podocnemidae) en el         Extraordinario del 29 de junio de 1977.
Brazo      Casiquiare,      Amazonas,
                                              República    de    Venezuela.    1999.
Venezuela. Memoria de la Fundación
                                              Presidencia de la República. Decreto Nº
La Salle de Ciencias Naturales. Vol. 72.
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         Published in the Bioamazon Bulletin, issue n. 10, July-August 2021.
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