Talents DISCOVER YOUR - SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, & MATHEMATICS - Duncanville Independent School District

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Talents DISCOVER YOUR - SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, & MATHEMATICS - Duncanville Independent School District

A College and Career Planning Guide

          • Showcasing 25 Careers
          • High School Personal
            Graduation Plans
          • Inside College Admissions
Talents DISCOVER YOUR - SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, & MATHEMATICS - Duncanville Independent School District

Dear Texas Student,
          ou are probably tired of people asking, “What do you want to
          be when you grow up?” Some students know exactly what they
          want to do, but most haven’t got a clue. The idea of choosing a
career is intimidating, and it feels like it’s far in the future. There’s little
time in the commotion of classes, activities, sports, work, and fun to
think about what career you want to pursue after graduation from high
school or college.
    It pays, though, to take the time to think about your future career. The
truth is that you’ll save a lot of time and money if you have a direction in
life, as opposed to just finishing high school and worrying about it later.
It’s really a matter of dollars and sense. If you choose a career direction
now, you can select classes and activities that will make you highly
marketable—and highly paid—when you look for work. And it only
makes sense to have an idea of what you want to do rather than just
wandering aimlessly through school.
    Nobody wants that. Not your parents. Not your teachers. Not your
friends. They want you to be somebody.
They want you to use your talents, follow
your interests, and pursue your ambitions              YOU’VE HEARD
to become great at what you love to do in              THAT ‘INFORMATION
life. That’s what you should want, too.                  IS POWER.’ WELL,
    So the time is right to take charge of your
life and think about the future. You need a
                                                           THIS GUIDE IS
plan of action for how to get from where               POWER. IT PUTS YOU
you are today to where you want to be in a             IN CHARGE OF YOUR
few years: starting out on a personally and                   FUTURE.
professionally rewarding career.
    That’s what Texas CTE is all about. The guide you are holding is one of 16
guides to different career clusters. It is designed to help you make smarter
decisions about your education and career options.
    You’ve heard the phrase, “Information is power.” Well, this guide is
power. It puts you squarely in charge of your future, from creating High
School Personal Graduation Plans (see page 5) to choosing college or
some other form of education or training after high school. Work with
your parents, teachers, and counselors to make decisions, but remind
everyone that it is your future at stake and that you are taking charge of
    Get information. Get a plan. Get a clue about your career direction. It’s
alright if that direction changes; choosing a direction now is better than
having no direction at all. Just promise yourself that you’ll make smart
choices about where to focus your time, energy, and passion.
    We’re proud that you are taking steps to plan your career direction,
and we pledge that your school, teachers, and counselors will do all they
can to help you make wise choices on your plans for success. We wish
you the best of luck on your journey.
Talents DISCOVER YOUR - SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, & MATHEMATICS - Duncanville Independent School District
Scientists, technologists, engineers, and mathematicians
are pushing the boundaries of human knowledge by
seeking to better understand and improve the world
around us. They spend their time exploring everything
from vast galaxies of stars to the tiniest subatomic particles.
They invent the technologies that make our lives easier and
more rewarding and develop solutions to problems that
threaten our future. Thanks to the men and women on the
cutting edge, we know more than ever before. If you are
curious about the universe, dream of exploring new worlds
of knowledge, or want to solve the planet’s problems, then
Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics could be
the right career cluster for you.

                 HOT Career Areas
                 Texas has launched a strategic plan that targets state efforts on six industry clusters
                 that economists say will be the engines of economic growth in Texas. As you plan
                 your future, think about a career in one of these new and emerging occupations.

                • Advanced Technologies & Manufacturing           • Information & Computer Technology
                  - Molecular technologist                          - System integrator
                  - Sensor/robotics engineer                        - Computer game developer

                • Aerospace & Defense                             • Petroleum Refining & Chemical Products
                  - Aerospace engineer                              - Petrochemical engineer
                  - Unmanned autonomous vehicle                     - Refinery process design engineer
                                                                  • Energy
                • Biotechnology & Life Sciences                     - Wind/solar energy engineer
                  - Bioinformatics specialist                       - Geophysical (oil and gas) prospector
                  - Biocontainment technician
                                                                                                           Page 1
Talents DISCOVER YOUR - SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, & MATHEMATICS - Duncanville Independent School District

                                                  Plan for
     toward success
     is making smart
     decisions about
     your education and
     career options.

               hen I was in high school,”
               says Sheryl Kovach, a senior
               human resources generalist
     with IKON Office Solutions in Houston,
     “the only job that I even knew about
     was receptionist work. I didn’t aspire
                                                 Technology, Engineering, and               Genuine (www.texasgenuine.org)
     to be a manager or entrepreneur
                                                 Mathematics.                               and CareerTech (www.careertech.
     because I really didn’t know about
                                                   Let’s start with some basic steps you    org).
     those disciplines. I was just looking
                                                 should take to get organized, plan for       Ask your principal or counselor
     forward to graduating. That was it. I
                                                 the future, and start on the road to       about career assessments available at
     really didn’t know what it was I wanted
                                                 success.                                   your school.
              to do.”
                 Sound familiar? You, too,
                                                 Assess Your Talents and Abilities          Research Your Career Options
               may not have a clue about
                                                    First, you need to figure out some         Once you’ve learned about yourself,
               what to do with your life.
                                                 things about yourself. This step can       learn more about your career options.
                    Don’t worry, though.
                                                 be as simple as writing down a list of     There are thousands of occupations
                   Help is right here in your
                                                 your interests (like video games or        out there of which you may never have
                     hands. This issue of This
                                                 rock climbing), your hopes and dreams      heard. Fortunately, there are plenty
                     magazine is your guide
                                                 (like helping others), your talents        of resources (see inside back cover)
                    to education and career
                                                 (like writing or math ability), and your   for you, and they are as close as the
                   choices that can shape
                                                 weaknesses (if you’re squeamish at the     nearest computer.
                    your future. It’s one of
                                                 sight of blood, for example, you might        One of the most helpful is the
                     16 career cluster guides
                                                 not want to be a doctor).                  Texas Career Check from the Texas
                      published by Texas CTE
                                                    Follow up on this informal exercise     Workforce Commission. It is a vast
                       (www.txcte.org). This
                                                 by taking some formal assessments to       database of information about
                            edition is all
                                                 determine your interests and abilities.    hundreds of professions. You can
                             about Science,
                                                 Common assessments include Texas           find Texas Career Check at www.

                                          THE GRADUATE                 ENGINEERING
                                          PROGRAMS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN
                                            AND TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY-COLLEGE STATION
                                          RANKED IN THE TOP 15 OF THE U.S. NEWS & WORLD
                                          REPORT 2015 LIST OF TOP ENGINEERING SCHOOLS.

 Page 2
Talents DISCOVER YOUR - SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, & MATHEMATICS - Duncanville Independent School District

texascareercheck.com. Another good place to           Once you’ve decided on a career direction, ask
start is O*NET (www.onetcenter.org).                  your counselor about special programs in your
   Gather information about what you can earn
in the careers in which you are interested. Find
                                                      area that may provide related experiences in your
                                                      chosen career.
out whether the careers you are considering have         Samuel Odamah, an undergraduate student in          Technology,
a promising future—are they adding or losing
jobs? Check out the education you’ll need to enter
                                                      architecture enrolled at the University of Texas
                                                      at Arlington, found his career calling at Dallas’s
                                                                                                             Engineering, &
those careers.                                        Skyline Career Development Center, a high school       Mathematics
   The chart on pages 10–11 presents data on 25
possible professions. Remember, though, that
                                                      with career programs in a number of different
these are just a sampling of careers available in        “Skyline is one of the few schools in the country   One of the best ways to
the cluster. Go to Texas Career Check, O*NET, or      that offer programs in architecture,” Odamah
                                                                                                             acquire experience in your
another resource to investigate other careers.        says. “In some careers, Skyline students could
                                                      even get professional certifications or licenses       chosen career is by joining
Create Your High School Graduation Plan               right in high school. It was a great place because     a career and technical
  Once you have a better idea of your interests       you could find out whether you really wanted to        student organization
and abilities, you are ready to plan for high         enter a career.”                                       (CTSO). In Science,
school and beyond. The High School Personal              Odamah says that the career cluster system at       Technology, Engineering,
Graduation Plan, is your plan for preparing for the   Skyline taught him the value of planning for his       & Mathematics, the most
career of your choice.                                career and his life. “We learned about planning        helpful CTSOs are:
  First, you should choose a career cluster and an    ahead,” he says. “Those who plan things ahead
endorsement, not a particular occupational goal.      of time don’t have to catch up. It’s just a matter     • SkillsUSA
In the eighth grade you might choose Science,         of what a person wants out of life. Planning gives       www.skillsusatx.org
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics              you a better platform for success.”
leading to a STEM Endorsement and then later                                                                 • Texas Technology
become interested in a narrower field such as                                                                  Student Association (TSA)
science or engineering.                                                                                        www.texastsa.org
  The program of study you choose—your plan—
does not stop with graduation from high school.
You could then pursue a two-year degree as a
engineering technician or a four-year degree in
  You should set up a High School Personal
Graduation Plan that takes you through career
preparation after high school, revising your
blueprint as needed as you go along. If your
career plans include college study, ask your
counselor about tests required for admission to
college, such as the PSAT, SAT, or ACT.

Seek Out Special Programs
  Many Texas schools offer innovative programs
to prepare students for specific career areas.
These include career and technical education
(CTE) programs, academies, and magnet schools.

                                                                                                                             Page 3
Talents DISCOVER YOUR - SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, & MATHEMATICS - Duncanville Independent School District

      WHAT ARE
               Career Clusters
              & Programs of Study ?
      In Texas, High School Personal Graduation Plans will guide students’ high school and college
      experiences (see next page). As part of this process, students focus their studies within a
      chosen career cluster and program of study that lead to an endorsement.

                    career cluster is a group       Related Occupations                    Review Your High School Personal
                    of occupations and broad           Each career pathway in a            Graduation Plan Each Year
                    industries that share certain   particular cluster includes a            Don’t get locked into a cluster and
          features. The Science, Technology,        range of related occupations;          program of study you don’t like. You
          Engineering, and Mathematics cluster,     mechanical engineer is an example      should reexamine your 4-year plan at
          for example, includes chemists and        of an occupation that falls within     least once a year and change programs
          civil engineers. Texas has adopted 16     Engineering and Technology.            or clusters if your interests have changed.
          Career Clusters (see back cover), the     Choosing a career cluster and career   Choosing a cluster and program of study,
          same ones designated and developed        pathway will help you acquire the      even if it changes later, means that you’ll
          by the U.S. Department of Education.      knowledge and skills you’ll need       have a direction in life. The idea is to be
             As the graphic below shows, within     to enter your chosen career. It will   aware of what’s going on in your life and
          each cluster are programs of study,       allow you to follow a seamless         take control of your future. When you
          which are more specific groupings         course of study from high school       know where your education is going
          of similar occupations. Think of a        into college or other postsecondary    and why, your classes will become more
          program of study as being like a          education or training. The electives   meaningful. You’ll make contact with
          college major. In Science, Technology,    you choose can complement your         students, teachers, and employers who
          Engineering, and Mathematics, you         core academic classes to prepare       share your interest in a particular career
          might choose to focus on Engineering      you for the challenges of the real     area. You’ll have experiences that are
          and Technology in high school and         world of work                          fun and exciting. You’ll be on your way to
          college.                                                                         success in school, in a career, and in life.

 Page 4
Talents DISCOVER YOUR - SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, & MATHEMATICS - Duncanville Independent School District
High School Personal                                                                          ?
Graduation Plan
     t’s a smart idea to create a High School Personal                             postsecondary education goals. Don’t worry. You aren’t
     Graduation Plan, or 4-year plan, to guide your                                locked into your choices. You should revisit your 4-year plan
     studies through high school and into college or other                         at least once a year to update it. You can change clusters,
postsecondary education or training. Your 4-year plan                              programs of study, and career and postsecondary goals as
represents your chance to take control of your education                           your interests and ambitions change. Having a plan—even
and career choices. Working with your parents/guardians                            if it changes—is smarter than having no idea of what you
and guidance counselor, you can pick the cluster on which                          want to do and why you are attending school. Here’s how
you want to focus your studies as well as your career and                          to fill out your 4-year plan.

                                                                                                                       PICK a program of study within the
   CHOOSE a career cluster on which                                      LIST basic                                    cluster. There are two programs within
                                                                         information such                              the Science, Technology, Engineering,
   to focus your high school and college                                                                               and Mathematics cluster (see page 12).
                                                                         as your name and
   or postsecondary studies. The idea is
   to offer you a seamless route to follow
   from high school, through college or
                                                                                                                                           CHOOSE one or more
   other postsecondary education, and into
                                                                                       duation Plan
                                                                                                                           occupations for which you would
   a career. Not all Texas schools offer all
                                                          Sch o  ol P ers  onal Gra                                        like to prepare. Use resources
   clusters, so ask your guidance counselor          High    r Jones, West
                                                                           High School
                                                                                         eering, & Mat
                                                                                                       hematics            such as Texas Career Check (www.
                                                     Name: Ta                                 , En
   which clusters are available at your school.
                                                                en t: Science, Technology ring & Mathematics               texascareercheck.com) to research
                                                     Endors em                       , Enginee
                                                                    ce, Technology                    logy
                                                     Cluster: Scien y: Engineering and Techno                              your options.
                                                     Program of St            cal Engin  ee r              nical Engineering
                                                                    Mechani             r’s Degree in
                                                      Career Goal:
                                                                      y Goal: Bachelo
                                                      Postsecondar                                                                  STEM               )                Credits
                                                                                                                                                              s (26
 PLAN for what you want to do after high                                               gh School                                  Endorsement
                                                                          Foundation Hi nts (22 Credits)
 school. Your goal may be to attend a four-                       Prog   ram Requireme                                      Algebra II                      it)
                                                                                                                                            ditional Cred                 Credits)
 year university or two-year college, join the                                                                              Science (1 Ad Electives (2 Additional
                                                                                           edits)                           Career Related
 military, or enter an apprenticeship program.                             uage Ar ts (4 Cr                                                                  D ELEC TIVES
                                                            English Lang                                                                     REER RELATE
                                                            • English I                                                      EX AMPLE CA
 Your postsecondary goal should influence the                                                                                                                    chnolog y
                                                            • English II                                                                        gineering & Tetation
 classes you take in high school; for example, you          • English III                  ur se                             Concepts of En  De  sig n & Presen
                                                                                gli sh  Co                                   Enginee   rin g
                                                             • Advanced En                                                                   Technolog y                     tation
 will need certain course credits to qualify for                                                                              Principles of gineering Design & Presen
                                                                               (3 Credits)                                    Advanced EnMathematics
 admission to a college.                                     Mathematics
                                                              • Algebra I                                                     Engineering Design & Problem Solving
                                                              • Geometr y                             se                      Engineering Science
                                                                       nc ed Ma   th ematics Cour                              Prac ticum in Engineering & Mathemati
                                                              • Adca
                                                                                                                               Technolog y,
                                                                         (3 Cr ed  its)                                                                         AC HI EV EM ENT
                                                               Scien  ce                                                                        ED LE VEL OF
                                                               • Biolog y                                                      DISTINGUISH
 SKETCH out your schedule of classes for                                        nced Science
                                                               • IPC or Adva ience Course
                                                                                                                                                                  ust complete
                                                                                                                                                                                 Algebra II)
                                                                                                                                               Ma  thematics (M
 your high school years. You will spend time                    • Advanced Sc                                                   4 Credits in ience                            dorsement
                                                                                                                                4 Credits in Scs for at least the STEM En
 completing requirement for the Foundation                                      s (3 Credits)                                   Requirement quirements
                                                                Social Studie
                                                                 • U.S. History ment (one-half credit)                          Remaining re
 High School Program including electives to                                                                                                                        DGEMENT
                                                                 • U.S. Govern(one-half credit)                                                     E ACKNOWLE
 earn your endorsement in STEM (26 credits).                     • Econ  om  ics
                                                                                   ra ph y or  Wo rld Hi sto ry                  PERFORMANC
                                                                  • World Geog
 Planning your 4-year plan will help you get the                                                                                                  performance
                                                                                    ation (1 Cred
                                                                                                                its in same      Outstanding credit course
 education and experience you need to start                       Physical Educ her Than English (2 Cred                          •    in a dual        m and bilitera
                                                                   Languages Ot                                                   •     in bilingualis or IB exam                      e AC T
 your postsecondary and career goals.                              language)                                                      •     on  an AP test          T-Plan , the SAT, or th ized
                                                                                     edit)                                                               the AC                      gn
                                                                   Fine Ar ts (1 Cr Electives (5 Credits)                          •     on the PSAT, lly or internationally reco
                                                                                   ed                            all y)                               na
                                                                    Career Relat Speech (Determined loc                            Earning a natio ustry certification
                                                                    Proficienc y in                                                 business or ind
 PICK extended learning activities that                                                                                                                                              Bridge
 complement your classes (see page 14). Work                                                               nt Association                             s Competition,                      rs
                                                                                nces  : Tech nology Stude              , FIRST   Hig h School Robotic           etition, Na tional Enginee
 on community service projects. Plan for paid               Curricular Expe
                                                                            rie                                iNation                                   n Comp
                                                                                   rie nces: De stination Imag            Na  tiona l Engineering Desig
                                                                            Expe                              al Society,
 and unpaid career learning experiences,                    Extracurricular                   eering Technic
                                                                            st, Junior Engin                                                        ip, Job Shadow
 such as job shadowing and internships. All                 Building Conte                                                            paid, Internsh
                                                                ek                                    r Prepara tion—Paid and Un
                                                             We                            es: Caree
 these extracurricular activities can give you                            ing Experienc                                      teer
                                                             Career Learn                                    Service Volun
                                                                                            es: Community
 experience that will help you get into college                            ing Experienc
                                                             Service Learn
 or land a job.                                                                                                      A CAREER PORTFOLIO (see page 15) is a
                                                                                                                     good way to organize information about
                                                                                                                     your educational experiences, record
                                                                                                                     results of career interest and abilities
                                                                                                                     assessments, and hold examples of your
                                                                                                                     best work. Include a 4-year plan in your                            Page 5
Talents DISCOVER YOUR - SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, & MATHEMATICS - Duncanville Independent School District

 and engineers
 imagine the
 future and turn
                                        Build a Better

 it into reality.

               ost people don’t
               think of those
               working in Science,
     Technology, Engineering,
     & Mathematics careers as
     adventurers and explorers,
     but they’re wrong. In their
     heads, these high-tech
     workers are boldly going
     where no one has gone
     before. From the iPod in your pocket to the personal             particularly bright for engineers who design our roads, rail
     computers in the school library, the things they discover        systems, and bridges—the infrastructure we need to move
     and invent transform the way we live, work, and play.            people and goods.
       “Engineers and technologists are those prepared to               “As the world’s population continues to grow, the
     imagine, design, and build a better world,” says John            demand for infrastructure can only increase,” he says, “and
     Hansen, Ph.D, director of the Ingenuity Center at the            the need for more infrastructure will certainly mean a need
     University of Texas at Tyler. The Ingenuity Center is            for more and more engineers.”
     dedicated to promoting the training of tomorrow’s
     scientific adventurers in middle and high schools.               Focus on the Future
                                    Hansen says this field is           “People who succeed in this cluster generally have a
                                    full of exciting—sometimes        strong attention to detail,” says Hansen. “After all, get one
 THE  TEXAS MATH                    earthshaking—careers.
                                      “The Science, Technology,
                                                                      letter wrong in chemistry and instead of aluminum—Al—
                                                                      you could end up with arsenic—As. That could be a pretty,
  WTAMU.EDU/ACADEMIC/               Engineering, & Mathematics
     ANNS/MPS/MATH/                 cluster offers a wide range

     MATHLAB/, OFFERS               of important career choices,”
  STUDENTS FREE, ONLINE             he says. “In fact, the world’s              Fast-Growing Careers
    MATH INSTRUCTION                future will be propelled by
          AND HELP.                 ideas that will be developed by                                                                             Annual
                                                                                                                              % Growth
                                    many of the men and women          Occupation                                                              Openings
                                                                                                                              2012-2022       (2012–2022)
                                    in these fields.”
                                                                      Petroleum Engineer                                         45%               1365
     Texas Is Terrific                                                Information Security Analyst                               45%                 405
       Texas is a terrific place to be if you’re interested in a      Operations Research Analyst                                37%                 330
     career in science and technology. According to the Texas
     Healthcare and Bioscience Institute, the state boasts the        Statitician                                                37%                  55
     third-largest number of scientists and engineers in the          Biomedical Engineer                                        36%                  75
     United States.                                                   Actuaries                                                  35%                  55
       There’s plenty of room for talented new minds, too. Texas
                                                                      Mathematician                                              33%                    5
     had more than 675,166 jobs in the professional, scientific,
     and technical services fields in 2014, and the Texas             Computer Systems Analyst                                   32%               2,085
     Workforce Commission expects jobs in the sector to leap by       Civil Engineer                                             31%               1,285
     31 percent by 2022, well above the growth rate for all jobs      Computer Support Specialist                                27%               2,165
     in the state.
       Jonathan Startin, manager of the Trans-Texas Corridor          This is a projection of 10 fast-growing careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, &
     construction project for Halcrow, Inc., says the future is       Mathematics in Texas from the year 2012-2022 and the number of annual openings
                                                                      created in each occupation. Note that while the percentage of growth in jobs may be
                                                                      high, the actual number of jobs created may be low. For example, there will be only 5 new
                                                                      jobs for mathematicians created in Texas during the decade that the data covers.
 Page 6                                                               Sources: Occupational Outlook Quarterly, Spring 2014; Texas Workforce Commission.
Talents DISCOVER YOUR - SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, & MATHEMATICS - Duncanville Independent School District
10        Top-Paying Careers
                                                   Average Entry-Level Experienced
     Occupation                                     Wage     Wage         Wage
    Architectural and Engineering Manager $77.09                $46.03           $92.61           can never be successful.
    Petroleum Engineer                              $76.61      $42.63           $93.59             “Although diversity doesn’t guarantee invention and
                                                                                                  innovation, the more diverse our Science, Technology,
    Geoscientist                                    $72.87      $34.60           $92.00
                                                                                                  Engineering, & Mathematics workforce is, the more diverse
    Computer and Information Systems
                                                    $64.97      $41.66           $76.62           our ‘idea pool’ becomes,” Hansen says. “I’d encourage
    Manager                                                                                       everyone to explore how to excel in math and science. It’s

    Chemical Engineer                               $61.27      $34.55           $74.62           never too late to choose your own road to success.”
    Natural Sciences Manager                        $60.46      $36.68           $72.34
                                                                                                  Communication and Creativity
    Physicist                                       $57.65      $23.89           $74.53
                                                                                                     Because teamwork is critical in technical fields,
    Actuary                                         $55.16      $32.00           $66.73           communication skills can be as important as math and
    Computer and Information Research                                                             science. “I always look for good team players,” says Startin.
                                                    $51.89      $30.74           $62.46
    Scientist                                                                                     “Roads are not built quickly or by one person working
    Nuclear Engineer                                $50.86      $32.70           $59.94           alone.”
                                                                                                     “Learning how to read, write, and speak English well is
    This is a chart of hourly wages for 10 of the top-paying careers in the Science,              essential,” says Moehlenbruck. Creativity, too, is a plus. To
    Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics cluster in Texas. Note how entry-level wages
    are often much lower than pay for the average worker and experienced workers in each          make a difference in science and technology, you have to be
    profession. Source: Texas Workforce Commission.                                               able to create or design new and
                                                                                                  different approaches to problems.
    serious mistake.”                                                                                Michael Dell, chairman of Dell
      “The ability to focus is absolutely crucial,” agrees Jeff                                   Inc., based in Round Rock, became
    Moehlenbruck, a director of research and development for                                      a billionaire by understanding the
    Austin-based Zimmer Orthobiologics, a worldwide leader in                                     big picture and tackling challenges
    development of hip replacements. “With so much information                                    creatively. “It’s through curiosity
    coming from so many sources,” he adds, “it’s really critical that                             and looking at opportunities
    you be a hard worker and stay on top of the information.”                                     in new ways that we’ve always
                                                                                                  mapped our path at Dell,” he has
    It’s Never Too Late                                                                           said in media interviews. “There’s
    To succeed in this cluster, you have to have a talent for math                                always an opportunity to make a
    and science, but Hansen says some students, particularly                                      difference.”
    women and minorities, tend to give up on science careers                                         “I look for creativity when
    too early. “Many of these students,” he says, “who would                                      I’m hiring,” says Startin. “A good
                 be excellent scientists or engineers, preselect                                  scientist, mathematician, or
                   themselves out of these futures because they                                   engineer is always looking for
                     haven’t done well in precollege science and                                  a better solution to, well,
                     math classes.” So if you haven’t excelled in                                 everything.”
                     math and science so far, don’t assume you

                                            Q          Is Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics the
                                                       right cluster for you? Take this quiz to find out. Answer

                                            U          “yes” or “no” to the following questions.

                                            I           1.
                                                         Do you like to tinker
                                                                                   Are you interested
                                                                                                             Do you like
                                                                                                                                  Do you like working
                                                                                                                                                        Do you like visiting

                                                         with cars or small        in insects, snakes,       team sports?         with computers?       museums?
                                                         appliances?               frogs, or other

                                                         Do you get good
                                                                                   Do you read
                                                                                                             Do you enjoy
                                                                                                                                  Are you good at
                                                                                                                                                        Does it bother
                                                         grades in math?           scientific or technical   working on           building things       you when people
                                                                                   magazines?                crossword puzzles?   from scratch?         aren’t accurate
                                                                                                                                                        and precise?

                                            If you answered “yes” to five or more of the above questions, Science, Technology, Engineering, &
                                            Mathematics may be the right cluster for you. To get a more specific and scientific measurement of your
                                            attitudes and abilities, ask your guidance counselor or teacher about taking a career assessment test or
                                            interest inventory.

                                                                                                                                                                         Page 7
Talents DISCOVER YOUR - SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, & MATHEMATICS - Duncanville Independent School District

What Employers Want

Multinational engineering firm
Halcrow, Inc., is involved in building
the Trans-Texas Corridor, a road and

rail system that will span Texas from
Mexico to Oklahoma. Jonathan Startin,
the Halcrow senior consultant in
charge of the project in Texas, says the

                                                   Need to
project requires special skills. “First,” he
says, “we’re looking for people who are

good in math and physics.”

Although science and math are
important, it’s just as crucial to be good
in English, says Jeff Moehlenbruck, a
director of research and development
for Zimmer Orthobiologics, a worldwide
leader in the development of hip
replacements. “Verbal skills make
a huge difference,” he says. “It’s
important to be able to read, write, and
speak English effectively. If you’re the

                                               THE KEY TO SUCCESS in Science, Technology,
only one who understands your ideas,
they won’t go anywhere.”

                                               Engineering, & Mathematics is insatiable curiosity.

“When I participate in hiring scientists,
I look for teamwork ability and                            hen he was a kid, Joseph Nors         the detective work pays off. “You have
organizational skills,” says Margo                         tore apart his big brother’s model    that ‘eureka’ moment. You’ve figured
Marmelstein, oil and gas market                            blimp to figure out how the           out what’s happening and why it’s
manager for Thermo Fisher Scientific,           electronics worked.                              happening—the light bulb goes on.”
one of the world’s leading makers of               “I was always tearing apart toys,” says         Nors says, however, it can take a while
analytical instrumentation. “I want to          Nors, now an electronics technician at the       before you reach that moment, and
know that they will work well within            Federal Bureau of Investigation office in        that requires patience. “You can’t get
their team, as well as across functions.
                                                San Antonio. “As I got older, it was more        discouraged easily,” he says.
I want to know that they can lead a
                                                expensive things, like old cell phones.”
                                                   It’s that kind of curiosity, a constant       Imagination Needed
                                                urge to get at the “why” and “how” of               To be a successful scientific detective,
                                                things, that makes for success on the job        you need the ability to look at things
CREATIVE PROBLEM                                in Science, Technology, Engineering, &           in totally new ways, says Fort Worth
SOLVING                                         Mathematics.                                     chemist Michael J. Brubaker, who
“When I’m hiring, I always look for                                                              works in research and development
creativity and a knack for problem              Detective Work                                   at the pharmaceutical company Alcon
solving,” says Moehlenbruck. “I also              “I use math all the time to answer             Laboratories.
look for diligence and decisiveness. In         questions like, ‘Why am I seeing what I’m           Brubaker, who directs research
the current marketplace, we are thrown
                                                seeing in this satellite image?’” says Curt      and development (R&D) activities for
so much information and so many tasks
that it’s critical to be a hard worker          Reutner, an air pollution meteorologist          one of Alcon’s eye-care product units,
and to be able to quickly ferret out the                 with the Texas Commission on            enjoys pursuing answers to challenging
kernels of important information and                         Environmental Quality.              problems. “You have the freedom to use
act on them.”                                                   “Sometimes when an               your mind to discover and create new
   “I like to hire people who have                            unexpected pollutant shows         ideas and new products,” he says.
creativity,” says Startin. “People who ask                     up and we have no clue               All that creativity has to begin with the
good questions before focusing on a                            where it comes from,” says        ability to analyze and judge information,
final solution.”                                               Reutner, “it takes time and a     Brubaker adds. “The important thing in a
                                                                lot of detective–like activity   science career is the ability to make sense
                                                                    to figure it out.”           out of the data and, based on what it
                                                                       The most exciting         gives you, decide ‘What’s next?’”
                                                                     part of his job,
                                                                   Reutner says, is when
  Page 8
Continuous Learning                                 Working with Others                                   The Rewards
    Because new discoveries are always                 Researchers not only come together                    If you get your start in science and
 being made in science and technology,               to share the latest developments at                   technology tinkering with gadgets to
 analyzing data and new developments is              meetings, but also team up on the job to              see how they work, as Nors did, then it’s
 something you have to do continuously.              generate the developments in the first                no surprise that the same sense of play
    “There are always inventions and                 place.                                                and wonder can carry over to your adult
 creations that will change our jobs. We               “Many people have an image of a                     work.
 have to keep up with what is new out                scientist as a guy with a beard, lab coat,               “I love to go to work,” says Nors. “I
 there,” says Lisa Mahlmann, a senior                and Einstein-like hair working in a dark              refer to the electronics devices I work
 manager of utilities and subsystems at              lab all alone,” says Sharlini Sankaran, a             with as toys. It’s just like being a little
 Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company                 biomedical engineer and the manager                   kid; we get to play with toys all day
 in Fort Worth, responsible for design               of education programs at Sigma Xi, a                  long.”
 of the mechanical systems on military               scientific research society. “In reality,               Mahlmann says she gets “goose
 aircraft built by the company.                      scientists rarely work alone.”                        bumps” when she hears an airplane she
    Most people in the field stay on top               That makes communication skills                     helped design take off. “The sound of
 of the changes by reading scientific                critically important, Reutner says. “You              the whole system working together is
 journals and attending professional                 could be the most brilliant person in the             really fantastic.”
 conferences at which researchers and                world, but if you can’t write about your                Reutner says when his work on
 academic scientists present the latest              work or present it, nobody’s going to get             pollution control plays out on a big
 findings, Brubaker explains.                        the message.”                                         scale, everybody benefits. “Many people
                                                                                                           say, ‘Think globally and act locally,’” he
                                                                                                           says. “I’m living it. I’m actually making a
                                                                                                           difference in the world.”

  5           Cool Careers

1.                              2.                             3.                               4.                              5.
OCEANOGRAPHER                   TV METEOROLOGIST               BIOTECHNOLOGIST                  VIDEO GAME                      NANOTECHNOLOGIST
Understanding the world’s       On TV, meteorology             Biotechnology harnesses          DESIGNER                        In a world that has long
oceans is a big—and             combines the glitz of          living cells and organisms       Computer games are              thought that bigger is better,
important—job. Oceans           show business with the         to create useful products        becoming more and more          nanotechnologists work to
drive the earth’s weather,      fun of science. Behind the     and answers to problems          lifelike every day. How?        make things smaller. It was
generate more than 70           scenes, meteorologists get     that previously had no           Through the hard-earned         once a writer’s fantasy that
percent of the oxygen we        to analyze and interpret       solution. This approach          sweat of game designers.        a human could swallow a pill
breathe, absorb carbon          weather data to create         has been around since            Game designers combine          and have his or her insides
dioxide, and replenish          their predictions. Then they   people started using yeast       skills in computer animation    photographed. Now, it’s
our freshwater supply.          use computer graphics          to make bread rise. But          and interactive design with     reality. Nanotechnologists
Oceanographers team             programs to build the          today, biotechnologists          a deep passion for games        work to get things down
with other scientists to        dynamic maps that we           are engineering living cells     to create simulations that      to the size of a molecule.
understand and protect          see on TV. With weather        to create new strains of         are almost as good as—and       Researchers in Michigan
this valuable resource. As      patterns shifting and          drought-resistant plants,        sometimes better than—          have even designed smart
an oceanographer, you           changing every second,         to create drugs to treat         reality. Perseverance is key.   “nanobombs” meant to
might work on anything          this can be a fast-paced,      previously incurable diseases,   Game designers spend            target diseased cells and kill
from pursuing ways to           exciting—even glamorous—       and to make plastic or           months, even years, making      or deliver drugs to them.
safely harvest food from        career choice.                 fuel from corn instead of        their visions reality. These    For patients who could
the oceans to studying the                                     petroleum. You could be          days, there’s a whole lot of    be helped by the therapy,
effect of sonar on ocean                                       a part of this exciting new      science behind the fun.         smaller is better.
life. Oceanographers are                                       research.
definitely riding the wave of
our future.

                                                                                                                                                  Page 9
25 Science, Technology, Engineering
                          Listed below are 25 careers you might consider in the Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathem
                          of occupations available to you at different education levels. Turn to the “Online Info” on the inside
                          talents and ambitions. Here’s an explanation of the kind of information presented in each column.

     C                         SOC: Stands for Standard
                               Occupational Code, which
                               organizations like the U.S.
                                                                        GROWTH: This is
                                                                        the projected annual
                                                                        growth in Texas for
                                                                                                       OPENINGS: This is the projected
                                                                                                       number of job openings for the
                                                                                                       career in Texas each year. Even
                                                                                                                                            WAGES: This is the amount
                                                                                                                                            the average person in the
                                                                                                                                            career earns in Texas per

                                                                                                       though a career may be fast
                               Department of Labor use to               the career between             growing, there may not be a lot      year. Naturally, entry-level
                               categorize career information.           2012 and 2022. Fast-           of positions available. Careers      wages are lower than
                               Sometimes you can find data              growing occupations            with more openings will give an      the average, and those
                               on a career faster by searching          may offer greater              entry-level worker a better chance   for workers with years of
                               for its SOC.                             career opportunities                                                experience are generally

                                                                                                       of getting a job and greater job
                                                                        for young adults.              security.                            higher.

     E                     SOC      Occupation                                             Growth Openings                 Wages                     Education

                          19-1042 Medical Scientist, except Epidemiologist                     17.0%         225            $67,554               Doctoral degree

                          19-1022 Microbiologist                                               15.0%         30             $53,797               Doctoral degree

     R                    19-1021 Biochemist and Biophysicist

                          19-2012 Physicist



                                                                                                                                                  Doctoral degree

                                                                                                                                                  Doctoral degree

                                    Environmental Scientist and Specialist, including
                          19-2041                                                              24.0%         315           $75,445                Master’s degree

    C                     19-2043 Hydrologist                                                  17.0%         15            $75,685                Master’s degree

    H                     19-3092 Geographer                                                   46%            5            $62,091                Master’s degree

    O                     19-3091 Anthropologist and Archeologist

                          11-9121 Natural Sciences Manager



                                                                                                                                                  Master’s degree

                                                                                                                                            Bachelor’s plus experience

    I                     11-9041 Architectural and Engineering Manager

                          19-2031 Chemist



                                                                                                                                            Bachelor’s plus experience

                                                                                                                                                 Bachelor’s degree

    C                     19-2021 Atmospheric and Space Scientist                              22.0%         35            $66,085               Bachelor’s degree

    E                     17-2051 Civil Engineer

                          17-2171   Petroleum Engineer



                                                                                                                                                 Bachelor’s degree

                                                                                                                                                 Bachelor’s degree

    S                     17-2011   Aerospace Engineer                                         14.0%         290           $105,761              Bachelor’s degree

                          17-2031 Biomedical Engineer                                          36.0%         75            $103,903              Bachelor’s degree

Source:                   17-2021 Agricultural Engineer                                        14.0%          0             $81,929              Bachelor’s degree
Texas Workforce
Commission (TWC)
Note: This chart is a
sampling of careers       17-1021   Cartographer and Photogrammetrist                          37.0%         45             $50,115              Bachelor’s degree
in the cluster, not
recommendations from
TWC or any other agency
or organization. Always             Health and Safety Engineer, except Mining Safety
                          17-2111                                                              21.0%         100           $96,283               Bachelor’s degree
do thorough research                Engineer
and consult with your
before making a career    19-4021 Biological Technician                                        18.0%         190            $41,054              Associate’s degree

                          19-4092 Forensic Science Technician                                  17.0%         55            $46,827               Associate’s degree

                          19-4091 Environmental Science and Protection Technician              24.0%         185           $44,941               Associate’s degree
    Page 10
g, & Mathematics
matics cluster. These are not all the career options in the cluster—they are just a sampling showing the variety
e back cover to research all career options in the cluster of your choice and decide on the ones that best fit your
    EDUCATION: This is the minimum preferred level of educational attainment for people working in the career in the United States.                                JOB
    This can range from short-term on-the-job training to a doctoral degree taking several years of college.                                                       DESCRIPTION:
                                                                                                                                                                   These are brief
    EDUCATION LEVELS: The color bars show the mix of education levels attained by people                                                                           descriptions of
                                                                                                         High School    Some College College or Better             each career from
    actually working in the profession in Texas (see bars at right). If a bar features mostly one
    color, that means that level of education is likely the one you’ll need to reach to work in the                                                                O*NET Online
                                                                                                        Percentage of   Percentage of Percentage of                (online.onetcenter.
    profession. Look at microbiologist, for example, and you’ll see that virtually everyone in          people in the   people in the   people in the
    the field has a college degree or better. If the three colors in the bar are roughly equal in                                                                  org).
                                                                                                         occupation      occupation      profession
    size, that means that there are opportunities in the profession for people of all education           who have        who have       who have a
    levels. For example, about 32 percent of the people working as chemical technicians have
    a high school diploma, while 39 percent have some college, and 29 percent have four-year               at most          some      four-year college
    degrees or better.                                                                                   high school       college    degree or better

    Education Levels              Job Description
                                  Conduct research dealing with the understanding of human diseases and the improvement of human health. Engage in clinical investigation
                                  or other research, production, technical writing, or related activities.
                                  Investigate the growth, structure, development, and other characteristics of microscopic organisms, such as bacteria, algae, or fungi. Category
                                  includes medical microbiologists who study the relationship between organisms and disease or the effects of antibiotics on microorganisms.
                                  Study the chemical composition and physical principles of living cells and organisms, their electrical and mechanical energy, and related
                                  phenomena. May conduct research to advance understanding of the complex chemical combinations and reactions involved in metabolism,
                                  reproduction, growth, and heredity.
                                  Conduct research into the phases of physical phenomena, develop theories and laws on the basis of observation and experiments, and devise
                                  methods to apply laws and theories to industry and other fields.
                                  Conduct research or perform investigation for the purpose of identifying, abating, or eliminating sources of pollutants or hazards that affect
                                  either the environment or the health of the population. Utilizing knowledge of various scientific disciplines, may collect, synthesize, study,
                                  report, and take action based on data derived from measurements or observations of air, food, soil, water, and other sources.
                                  Research the distribution, circulation, and physical properties of underground and surface water; study the form and intensity of precipitation,
                                  its rate of infiltration into the soil, movement through the earth, and its return to the ocean and atmosphere.
                                  Study nature, and use of areas of earth’s surface, relating and interpreting interactions of physical and cultural phenomena. Conduct research
                                  on physical aspects of a region, including land forms, climates, soils, plants, and animals; conduct research on the spatial implications
                                  of human activities within a given area, including social characteristics, economic activities, and political organization; and research
                                  interdependence between regions at scales ranging from local to global.
                                  Study the origin, development, and behavior of humans. May study the way of life, language, or physical characteristics of existing people in
                                  various parts of the world. May engage in systematic recovery and examination of material evidence, such as tools or pottery remaining from
                                  past human cultures, in order to determine the history of earlier civilizations.
                                  Plan, direct, or coordinate activities in such fields as life sciences, physical sciences, mathematics, statistics, and research and development in
                                  these fields.
                                  Plan, direct, or coordinate activities in such fields as architecture and engineering or research and development in these fields.
                                  Conduct qualitative and quantitative chemical analyses or chemical experiments in laboratories for quality or process control or to develop
                                  new products or knowledge.
                                  Investigate atmospheric phenomena and interpret meteorological data gathered by surface and air stations, satellites, and radar to prepare
                                  reports and forecasts for public and other uses.
                                  Perform engineering duties in planning, designing, and overseeing construction and maintenance of building structures and facilities, such as roads,
                                  railroads, airports, bridges, harbors, channels, dams, irrigation projects, pipelines, power plants, water and sewage systems, and waste disposal
                                  units. Includes architectural, structural, traffic, ocean, and geotechnical engineers.
                                  Devise methods to improve oil well production and determine the need for modified tool designs. Oversee drilling and offer advice to achieve
                                  economical and satisfactory progress.
                                  Perform a variety of engineering work in designing, constructing, and testing aircraft, missiles, and spacecraft. May conduct basic and applied
                                  research to evaluate adaptability of materials and equipment to aircraft design and manufacture.
                                  Apply knowledge of engineering, biology, and biomechanical principles to the design, development, and evaluation of biological and health
                                  systems and products, such as artificial organs, prostheses, instrumentation, medical information systems, and health management and care
                                  delivery systems.
                                  Apply knowledge of engineering technology and biological science to agricultural problems concerned with power and machinery, electrification,
                                  structures, soil and water conservation, and processing of agricultural products.
                                  Collect, analyze, and interpret geographic information provided by geodetic surveys, aerial photographs, and satellite data. Research, study,
                                  and prepare maps and other spatial data in digital or graphic form for legal, social, political, educational, and design purposes. May work with
                                  geographic information systems (GIS).

                                  Promote worksite or product safety by applying knowledge of industrial processes, mechanics, chemistry, psychology, and industrial health
                                  and safety laws.

                                  Assist biological and medical scientists in laboratories. Set up, operate, and maintain laboratory instruments and equipment, monitor
                                  experiments, make observations, and calculate and record results. May analyze organic substances, such as blood, food, and drugs.
                                  Collect, identify, classify, and analyze physical evidence related to criminal investigations. Perform tests on weapons or substances, such as
                                  fiber, hair, and tissue, to determine significance to investigation. May testify as expert witness in court. May serve as specialists in area of
                                  expertise, such as ballistics, fingerprinting, handwriting, or biochemistry.
                                  Perform laboratory and field tests to monitor the environment and investigate sources of pollution, including those that affect health.
                                  Under direction of an environmental scientist or specialist, may collect samples of gases, soil, water, and other materials for testing and take
                                  corrective actions as assigned.

               High School

DESIGN your high
school courses to
get your Science,
Engineering, &
Mathematics career
off the ground.
       HERE ARE the programs
                                                                                               Keys to Success
       of study available within
                                                                                                 Right now in Texas, students just like
       the Science, Technology,
                                                                                               Salinas are focusing their high school
       Engineering, & Mathematics
P      cluster in Texas high schools.*
       The State has created
                                                                                               studies on Science, Technology,
                                                                                               Engineering, & Mathematics.

R      models for each of these                                                                Preparation for a career in
                                                                                               the cluster should start with rigorous

       areas. These documents
       detail high school classes                           enjamin Salinas loved math         academic courses.
                                                            from an early age. “In seventh       Math and science are the most

       you might take, extended
       learning opportunities, and                          grade I took Algebra and, at       important classes for this cluster.
                                                 that time, a lot of my friends were very      Students in Science, Technology,
       postsecondary programs.
                                                 much into math,” he recalls. “To this         Engineering & Mathematics programs
                                                 day, I still like math a great deal.”         of study should take four years
       Those who choose careers
                                                    Then came an experience that               of advanced math and four years of

                                                 changed his direction in life. During his     advanced science.
       in this field plan, manage,               freshman year at the Science Academy            In math, the recommended courses
       and provide research and                  of South Texas (SciTech), a magnet            are Algebra I and II and Geometry,
       professional services. Their goal
                                                 school in Mercedes, Salinas took              as well as Calculus or Statistics,
       is to improve our understanding           Introduction to Engineering Design,           depending on which career program

       of the natural world.                     the first class in a series of courses        of study you choose to pursue. In
                                                 designed by Project Lead The Way (see         science, the recommended courses

O      ENGINEERING AND                           “Spotlight” on next page).                    are Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.
       TECHNOLOGY                                   “My dad studied engineering at             For the advanced science, a number of

F      Careers in this field involve
       problem solving in design
                                                 college,” Salinas says, “but I had no idea
                                                 what an engineer did. It was in that
                                                                                               options are available, including Earth
                                                                                               and Space Science, Environmental

I      and development of products
                                                 class that I first said, ‘Oh, okay, this is
                                                 what engineering is all about.’”
                                                                                               Systems, and Engineering.

       and systems. Individuals                     Salinas discovered he loved                Career Electives
       pursuing these careers evaluate           engineering, completed the Project               In addition to academic studies,

E      problems to develop and test
       solutions and provide advice
                                                 Lead The Way program at SciTech, and
                                                 is now studying at the Franklin W. Olin
                                                                                               it is recommended that you
                                                                                               take Career and Technical

S      and consultation.                         College of Engineering in Needham,
                                                                                               Education (CTE) electives.
                                                                                               These classes give you
                                                    “Looking back,” he says, “I think it was   specialized knowledge and
       * Not all schools offer all programs of   vitally important that I got engineering      hands-on experience in your
       study or clusters. Ask your counselor
       which programs are available at your      experience at SciTech before I went to        chosen program of study.
       school.                                   college. In fact, I’m certain I wouldn’t be      Students in the Science,
                                                 where I am today if I hadn’t gone there.”     Technology, Engineering,
                                                                                               & Mathematics cluster

 Page 12
                                                 INTEGRATED CIRCUIT
                                                     COMPUTER CHIP WAS
follow one of two programs of study:
                                                   INVENTED IN JULY 1958 IN                      coordinator at McKinney Independent
Science and Math or Engineering and                       DALLAS.                                School District in McKinney. Courses
Technology (see “Program Profiles,”                                                              in subjects such as Biology, Chemistry,
page 12). A lot of the same courses can        Some require students to complete an              Physics, Computer Science, and Statistics
be taken for either program, including         internship or a senior project.                   prepare you for tests which, if you do
Technology Systems, Electricity, Technical       One of the academies at A. J. Moore is          well, earn you college credit while you’re
Writing, and Electronics.                      the Academy of Emerging Technologies.             still in high school.
  Electives specific to the Science and        There, students in the environmental                 “Taking rigorous math and science AP
Math program of study include Aquatic          sciences program work with the U.S.               courses put me at a level where I could
Science, Scientific Research and Design,       Army Corps of Engineers to create a               compete in college with students who
and Meteorology. Electives specific to         wetland to clean up a lake that is a main         attended prestigious private schools
Engineering and Technology include             source of water for the community.                or math and science academies,” says
Construction Systems, Manufacturing                                                              David Leal, an applications engineer with
Systems, and Architecture Construction.        A Head Start on College                           Freescale Semiconductor in Austin. Leal
                                                 If you’re planning on going to college          graduated from Rice University with a
Certified Skills                               in this cluster, it’s a good idea to take         degree in electrical engineering.
  What if you love technology, but don’t       Advanced Placement (AP) courses
have the funds or desire to go to a four-      in math and science, says Cheryl
year college? There are plenty of careers      Yowell, career and technical education
in the cluster that require less than a

bachelor’s degree, particularly technician
positions. Some jobs require a two-
year associate’s degree in engineering,
engineering technology, or computer
  Other careers require only a
certification you can earn during or after
                                                 HIGH-TECH HIGH
high school. Chris Newton, a junior at the       Project Lead The Way at the Science Academy of South Texas
Academy of Irving in Irving, says career
and technical education (CTE) courses are
preparing him to get his certification as a
                                                 T   he Science Academy of South Texas
                                                     (SciTech) in Mercedes is ranked as
                                                 one of “America’s Best High Schools” by
                                                                                                way they’ll get excited about engineering
                                                                                                and they’ll be more likely to study it in
Cisco Network Associate Technician.              Newsweek magazine. It focuses on Science,         SciTech’s engineering, math, and science
  “These classes have helped me figure           Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics         classes are an effective college initiation. “I
out what I want to do. Actually getting a        and offers students a head start on college.   was very well prepared even though I came
job has become a reality,” says Newton.             SciTech features the national Project       from an economically disadvantaged area,”
Once certified, he will be eligible for jobs     Lead The Way curriculum—a series of            says Salinas, who goes to the Franklin W.
                                                 courses that prepares students for rigorous    Olin College of Engineering in Needham,
paying $18 an hour.
                                                 college engineering programs and gives         Massachusetts, “and I attend a top-ranked,
                                                 them practical experience working on real-     very selective engineering school.”
Special Academies                                world projects.                                   When students come to SciTech they
Some school districts take education                Mark Schroll, a SciTech technology          expect it to be challenging. “They may not
in Science, Technology, Engineering, &           teacher, says the curriculum is unique—        always like that part when they are knee-
Mathematics a step further (see “High-           students graduate with a minimum of five       deep in their work, but they see the payoff
Tech High” at right). They establish             pre-engineering courses and twice the          at the end,” Schroll says. “They watch as
separate high schools or academies within        math and science courses required by the       upperclassmen receive scholarships and go
                                                 State.                                         on to world-class colleges.”
high schools that focus entirely on STEM
                                                    “Though SciTech is a public magnet high
careers.                                         school, we have no entrance requirements
             These schools offer hands-          for the students,” Schroll said. “We get
           on, project-based courses and         interested students from all walks of life
           usually have more advanced            and all skill levels. We draw students from
          laboratories and equipment,            many different school districts that stretch
           says Angela Rheiner, director         from one end of the Rio Grande Valley to
            of career academies for A. J.        the other.”
             Moore Academy in Waco.                 “The idea is to introduce engineering to
                                                 high school students from an early age,”
                                                 said Ben Salinas, a SciTech alumnus. “That

                                                                                                                                         Page 13



                                                                            TRY OUT your career options with
                                                                             out-of-class learning experiences.

               hile still a student at James         assistant director of the Upper Rio           the government a whole lot. I was like,
               Bowie High School in Austin,          Grande Texas Tech Prep Youth                  ‘Okay, this is not for me.’”
               Will Ward gained more than            Consortium, which coordinates career            Another summer internship helped
     passing knowledge of the best depth             and tech-prep education in West Texas.        her find aerospace and mechanical
     at which to place sonars—underwater             “Some information can only be gained          engineering. It was with NASA’s High
     devices that use sound to track                 through real-life experience,” he says.       School Aerospace Scholars Program at
     submarines and other objects—to                                                               the Johnson Space Center in Houston.
     protect U.S. naval bases. He was not            Job Shadowing                                 She worked with an aerospace engineer
     working as a spy for a foreign country.            One of the best ways to check out          at the Neutral Buoyancy Lab. The world’s
     In fact, he was part of the High School         a career before making too much of            largest indoor pool is used to simulate
              Apprenticeship Program at the          a commitment to it, Rodriguez
                  University of Texas at Austin.     says, is spending a day following
                     The program allows              someone who works in a profession            THE UT MARINE SCIENCE
                  students to work at UT’s           in which you are interested. When             INSTITUTE, ON THE GULF OF
                Applied Research Laboratories        you job shadow, chances are just
              on U.S. Department of Defense          as good that you’ll discover a career          MEXICO IN PORT ARANSAS,
              projects under the guidance of         you don’t like as that you’ll find               BEGAN CONDUCTING
                professional lab researchers.        something you love.                          RESEARCH IN 1946 AND IS THE
                        As part of his experience,      “There are jobs that look                 OLDEST MARINE LAB IN TEXAS.
                        Ward explains, “I helped     glamorous,” says Rodriguez. “One
                        write the computer code      example is forensic science because
                        that would determine         of the way it’s portrayed on television.      the weightless conditions of space. “It
                        the right depth at which     But on TV, you don’t see the long hours       was an amazing experience,” Crawford
                        to place sonar.”             and the dirt and the grime. We’ve had         says.
                                                     students dead set on that career. Then          Crawford adds that her internships
                     Hands-On Learning               we send them on job shadows. They             helped her get into college. “I got a
                       The experience taught         walk out saying, ‘I hated it. I don’t want    reply in three days from the college I
                     Ward not only about             anything to do with forensics.’”              wanted to attend,” she says. “Then, in
                     national defense, but                                                         just a matter of days, they offered me
                     also about the value of         Interning                                     a scholarship for $5,000 a year for four
                     hands-on learning. “I              In an internship, a student gets a more    years.”
                     learned that there is only      in-depth look at a particular career by
                     so much you can do with         working for an employer in that field,        Competitions
                     pen and paper,” he says.        sometimes for pay.                              Science and engineering competitions
                     “Sometimes you just                Sharla Crawford, a senior at               are another great way to gain real-life
                     have to build it and see        Conroe High School in Conroe, liked           experience, especially in teamwork and
                     what works best.”               environmental engineering when she            leadership skills, says Debbie Jasek, who
       There are several similar ways—               job shadowed in the ninth grade. When         works with colleges on K–12 outreach as
     including job shadowing, internships,           she interned with an environmental            an associate research specialist for the
     apprenticeships, part-time jobs, and            engineer for an entire summer, though,        state government’s Texas Transportation
     competitions—to gain real-world                 she changed her mind.                         Institute. Such competitions are usually
     experience in Science, Technology,                 “I really got to see what environmental    held for teams. “In the real world,
     Engineering, & Mathematics outside              engineering is about,” she says. “There’s     engineers and scientists don’t work in
     the classroom, says Michael Rodriguez,          a lot of paperwork and you deal with          isolation,” she says. “They almost always

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