FOCUSED MENTORING PROGRAM WEEKEND - AccordJuly/August 2021 2021 - Church of ...

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FOCUSED MENTORING PROGRAM WEEKEND - AccordJuly/August 2021 2021 - Church of ...
OneAccord                                          July/August 2021


Lessons From Trials in Planning for the Feast

Give a Great Feast
Harold Rhodes
                                                       Pages 8-20
FOCUSED MENTORING PROGRAM WEEKEND - AccordJuly/August 2021 2021 - Church of ...
personal from the president
                          “Precious in the Sight of the Lord”

      This issue of One Accord contains the stories of
      young people graduating from high school and
      college. We sincerely offer them congratulations
      on a life event that marks the start of a new
         This edition also contains something very
      different, the very opposite of the celebrations
      that accompany a graduation. In this issue we
      have a tribute to the life of Harold Rhodes. I am
      sure many of you are familiar with Mr. Rhodes.
      He was a minister in the Church of God for more
      than 50 years. He was probably best-known for
      coordinating large Feast sites over a period of        in society today. As part of the Church of God,
      more than 30 years. He coordinated Feast sites         we know better, but even that understanding has
      that ranged in size from several hundred to            difficulty softening the grief that is felt when a
      several thousand and everything in between.            loved one dies.
         Mr. Rhodes’ death this spring was a very sad          Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes were very close to our
      moment for all those who knew him and was a            family. My wife first met them when she was
      great loss to the Church. Mr. and Mrs. Horchak,        about 10 years of age in the Atlanta congregation
      along with my wife and I, attended his funeral in      of the Radio Church of God. Mr. Rhodes was
      Gulf Breeze, Florida, on Wednesday, March 24.          a deacon in that congregation, then later he
      Before he died, Mr. Rhodes had requested that          became an elder and, after attending Ambassador
      Mr. Horchak and I speak at his funeral.                College, a pastor. His service to God’s people
         One’s goal, when speaking at any funeral, is        speaks for itself, but his personal friendship and
      to give hope and encouragement to those who            support during a lifetime of ministry, made an
      attend, reminding them of the incredible future        indelible mark on our family and many others.
      that we all have as part of the Body of Christ. But,     We will dearly miss Mr. Rhodes, but knowing
      even with all the positives that we have to talk       that his death was precious in the sight of God
      about, when it comes to death, sadness prevails.       tells us that God has taken note of what happened
      There is an emptiness when a loved one dies, and       and views his life as one of great value, like a
      true comfort must come from the Word of God.           precious stone. We look forward to the future
         Each time I speak at a funeral I am reminded of     day when death will be no more and we can once
      a very important scripture that gives us a broader     again see those who have been so precious in
      perspective on the death of the saints. It is found    God’s sight and who made such a difference in
      in Psalm 116:15: “Precious in the sight of the Lord    our lives.
      is the death of His saints.”
         The Hebrew word translated precious is an
      interesting word. It means of great value. It is
      most often used to describe jewelry or “precious”
      stones. God’s perspective on the death of a
      righteous man or woman is that something
                                                                            Jim Franks
      of great value has been put aside—not lost,
      but placed to the side. We are told that when
                                                                            Church of God, a Worldwide Association
      someone dies, he is truly dead, knowing nothing
      (Ecclesiastes 9:10), but awaiting the resurrection
      (Job 14:14-15). The idea of going to heaven or to
      hell is simply unbiblical, yet commonly believed

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FOCUSED MENTORING PROGRAM WEEKEND - AccordJuly/August 2021 2021 - Church of ...
                                                July/August 2021                           Contents

                                                                                         4                                   7                           8
                                                                                                                  4    Lessons From Trials in Planning
                                                                                                                       for the Feast
                                                 © 2021 Church of God, a Worldwide Association,
                                                 Inc. All rights Reserved.
                                                 Ministerial Board of Directors: David Baker,
                                                 Arnold Hampton, Joel Meeker, Larry Salyer, Richard
                                                                                                                  5    Feast of Fellowship

                                                 Thompson, Leon Walker and Lyle Welty
                                                                                                                       Give a Great Feast
                                                 President: Jim Franks; Media operation manager:
                                                 Clyde Kilough; Managing editor: David Hicks; Copy

                                                 editor: Becky Bennett
                                                 Doctrinal reviewers: Neil Hart, Jack Hendren, Steve
                                                                                                                       Focused Mentoring Program
                                                 Moody, Frank Pierce                                                   Weekend
                                                 One Accord is published bimonthly online at
                                        by the Church of God, a
                                                 Worldwide ­Association, Inc.
                                                 All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated,
                                                 are taken from the New King James Version (© 1982
                                                                                                                   8   2021 Graduates
                                                 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.). Used by permission. All
                                                 rights reserved.
                                                 By submitting photographs or articles to the
                                                                                                                  20   Church Potluck

Photos:; Hailey Willoughby

                                                 Church of God, a Worldwide Association, Inc.
                                                 (“Church”) or to One Accord, a contributor gives the
                                                 Church permission and a nonexclusive license to

                                                 use or publish any such submissions without any
                                                 compensation to the contributor. The contributor                      Tribute
                                                 further agrees that any such submission will be                       Harold Rhodes
                                                 construed in the broadest possible terms, including,
                                                 but not limited to, the right to edit, crop or otherwise
                                                 manipulate the submission.
                                                 This publication is not to be sold. Free educational material.

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FOCUSED MENTORING PROGRAM WEEKEND - AccordJuly/August 2021 2021 - Church of ...
Lessons From Trials in Planning for

the Feast

                                                       By Jim Haeffele

        very year it seems a number of us will face some          Our first-century brethren in the new congregation
        serious problems that appear to put our Feast plans     at Thessalonica experienced many “persecutions and
        in jeopardy. We may even wonder if we are going         tribulations” for the Kingdom of God. Paul said that
        to make it to the Feast. It can be very discouraging    enduring them was necessary to “be counted worthy of
        when this happens. But in working through these         the kingdom of God” (2 Thessalonians 1:4-5). He reminded
setbacks, we learn there are some very important lessons        them that it does not come easy.
that relate to the meaning of the Feast.                          Paul earlier told the Thessalonians that “in everything
   Some of the trials that may stand between us and             give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for
our attending the Feast may be unexpected financial             you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Yes, give thanks for these trials
problems resulting from suddenly being out of work. That        that seem to threaten your plans in preparing to come to
certainly was a concern for a number of brethren last year.     the Feast. They remind us that the Kingdom does not come
   Other examples are unexpected health problems that           easy, but it is worth overcoming every difficulty to finally
may at the last minute threaten one’s ability to attend the     be there.
Feast or an employer or teacher who may refuse to grant
your request for time off to go to the Feast.                   Lesson #2: We cannot make it all on our own
   Another very difficult situation is a family crisis of one   Many of us have been going to the Feast for most of our
kind or another. Depending on the seriousness of the            lives. There have been years when we realized that we were
situation, it may prevent one from attending the Feast.         not going to make it to the Feast without God’s help. We
   Why do some of these disruptions to our Feast plans seem     recognize we need God’s help to carry out our plans to go
to occur at this time of year? Certainly, we know Satan         to His Feast just as we need His help to overcome and be in
may be involved in wanting to discourage God’s people           His Kingdom.
from attending the Feast. Some events may be natural               God encouraged and strengthened Israel during very
occurrences of life that just happen at this time of year.      difficult times through the preaching of the prophet
   Despite the setbacks they can cause, there are positive      Isaiah. God’s message through Isaiah was not just for Israel
lessons to be learned from these trials.                        of the Old Testament. It is meant for the “Israel of God”
                                                                today, the Church (Galatians 6:16).
Lesson #1: The Kingdom of God does not                             Through Isaiah, God says, “For I, the Lord your God, will
come easy                                                       hold your right hand, saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you’”
In His Sermon on the Mount Jesus explained that “narrow         (Isaiah 41:13). When unforeseen trials seem to thwart your
is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to [eternal]   plans and preparations for the Feast, remember what God
life” (Matthew 7:14). We understood when we “counted            says to His spiritual Israel today: “Fear not, I will help you.”
the cost” in beginning our Christian life that there would
be some difficult times ahead (Luke 14:26-27). Those            Lesson #3: We must really want to attend
challenges sometimes come in our planning for the Feast.        the Feast
We may have to “strive” to overcome the threats to our          The Feast of Tabernacles pictures the millennial rule of
Feast plans just as we have to “strive” to overcome for the     Jesus Christ on the earth and His everlasting Kingdom
Kingdom of God.                                                 beyond the Millennium. We wait all year for the Feast, just

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FOCUSED MENTORING PROGRAM WEEKEND - AccordJuly/August 2021 2021 - Church of ...
as we wait all of our lives for the coming of the Kingdom of     If your Feast plans have run into trouble, don’t be
God. It should mean a great deal to us to go to God’s Feast.   discouraged. Remember: Like the Kingdom, the Feast
  After reasoning with the Jews at Ephesus, Paul “took         does not always come easy. We cannot attain the
leave of them, saying, ‘I must by all means keep this          Kingdom on our own, and we cannot always come to the
coming feast in Jerusalem’” (Acts 18:19-21). Many believe      Feast on our own efforts. And, finally, we must really want
that this feast in the book of Acts was at the time of year    to attain the Kingdom, and we must really want to attend
approaching the Feast of Tabernacles. It was so important      God’s Feast.
to Paul that he dropped everything to go to the Feast in         Let’s have a wonderful and meaningful Feast of
Jerusalem.                                                     Tabernacles. OA

                                            Feast of Fellowship

    It’s important for us as God’s people to be able to        have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also
    enjoy the physical blessings God has given us. When        may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship
    brethren get together, food and fellowship are truly       is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.”
    blessings from God.                                           As we draw closer to the Feast of Tabernacles
       The Feast provides a wonderful setting for some         and the Last Great Day, let’s all prepare to worship
    of the best fellowship possible. While the need to         together in an atmosphere of love, respect and
    attend all the services should be our primary focus,       honor—not only toward God, but toward our
    it’s also important that we plan to worship with           brethren and the communities in which we keep
    our fellow brethren. By doing so, we are actually          this year’s Feast.
    fellowshipping with our Father and His Son, our               May all of us around the globe rejoice before God
    King, Jesus Christ.                                        and have our “best Feast ever!”
       Notice what it says in 1 John 1:3: “That which we                                            —Mark Whynaucht

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FOCUSED MENTORING PROGRAM WEEKEND - AccordJuly/August 2021 2021 - Church of ...
Give a
                                                                children see us trying to jam our time with things that
                                                                only we enjoy, it sends a wrong message about the Feast.

                                                                Give to your brethren
                                                                What about “giving a great Feast” to our brethren? The

Great Feast
                                                                Feast is a time to share with others, especially those we
                                                                don’t see each Sabbath.
                                                                  Spread your giving to those from other areas. Is there
                                                                a new family at the Feast? Or someone who is lonely and
                                                                knows no one? Or a widow who has gone through a tough
By Mike Blackwell and Larry Greider                             time? Include them in your plans.
                                                                  Some people are scrimping just to be at the Feast.
                                                                Perhaps you can share some of your second tithe with

                                                                them or take them out for a meal in a restaurant.
          he Feast of Tabernacles is undoubtedly one of the
          highlights of the year for members of the Church      Give to the community
          of God. We look forward to it and plan for it from    How about “giving a great Feast” to the community where
          year to year. Every year as we prepare to leave and   the Feast is held? How do we do that?
go to the Feast, we tell each other, “Have a great Feast!”        Consider that we make an impression in the community
  The Feast pictures the future millennial reign of Jesus       where we meet. The staff in the hotels, meeting facility and
Christ here on earth, when peace will finally be brought        other areas know we are there.
to the world. We commemorate that each year as we go to           The primary way we can help them is by our example.
the Feast.                                                      We can express appreciation to waiters, housekeeping
  The Feast of Tabernacles is a commanded assembly.             staff, entertainment employees. This can be done verbally
We are commanded to rejoice together in the place God           or by leaving a note or tip. It will not go unnoticed.
has chosen to put His name. Through the messages,               We can set an example of being friendly whenever the
we learn more about the Millennium and our part in              opportunity presents itself.
assisting Jesus Christ in teaching the masses God’s way.          While at the Feast, we will likely run into a few
One of the main ways we will teach is by example and            wrinkles and annoyances. We can set an example by not
encouragement. Today we are in an in-depth training             complaining or griping.
program for that time ahead. What we learn today will be          At some Feast sites there are service projects. If these are
used in God’s Kingdom.                                          planned, try to participate so we “leave something behind”
  As we prepare for the Feast, let’s focus not only on          after we go home.
having a great Feast but also on giving a great Feast. It
requires a different way of thinking about the Feast. So        Give to the Church
let’s look at some ways we can focus more on others at this     How about “giving a great Feast” to the Church in general?
important time.                                                 We can do this by being there for each service and being
                                                                attentive and considerate of others.
Give to your family                                               We can express appreciation to the speakers, those
The most obvious place to start “giving a great Feast” is       involved in special music and those serving each day in
with our own families. The Feast is family time, and we         various areas. Volunteers go to a lot of trouble to ensure
should worship God and rejoice as a family. Plan activities     that we have a good Feast, and many times it can seem to
and fellowship that the whole family will enjoy. In             go unnoticed.
planning, get everyone’s input.                                   Yet another way to give a great Feast is to serve yourself
  Remember, as a parent, you are helping set your               or with your family. Every site has many opportunities to
children’s spiritual compass for the future. At the Feast       serve. Ask someone.
you can make a huge difference in how they look at God
and the Church. Will it be only their parents’ church, or       Give to God
will it be their church too?                                    The final way for “giving a great Feast” is to give God a
  Get the entire family involved in giving. Perhaps help        great Feast. He wants us to go, to learn and to rejoice. He
your kids to give flowers to the widows or give small toys      gets great delight by seeing His family do these things.
to other children.                                              We can give Him a good Feast by being there, attentively
  Entertain another family at your condo or in the park         listening to the messages and then applying what we learn.
and get to know new friends. Your children need to be           Thank God daily for providing this opportunity and for
able to spend time with other children and teens. Plan          the future He has given us.
activities to include others.                                      In God’s Kingdom we will be setting an example,
  Help your family rejoice before God by helping them           teaching and encouraging. Why not begin today at the
learn why God tells us to keep the Feast and why He             Feast of Tabernacles?
commands us to rejoice at the Feast. Knowing that God              Each year we tell our friends, “Have a great Feast!” And
tells us to rejoice makes it even more important. If our        one of the best ways to do that is to give a great Feast. OA

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Focused Mentoring Program
By Doug Horchak

The weekend of May 22 was a very special and busy
weekend at the Church offices in McKinney, Texas! We
had the wonderful opportunity of hosting 19 couples from
across the United States, all of whom were involved in the
Focused Mentoring Program in either 2020 or 2021. Due
to our inability to host the class of 2020 in the spring of
last year—because of the restrictions resulting from the
COVID-19 pandemic—this was by far our largest group
ever for an FMP Weekend.
   It was a banner weekend for all of these couples. For many,
it was their first opportunity to interact and have fellowship
on this level since the Feast of Tabernacles.
   Jim Franks, Clyde Kilough and I presented classes on
both Sabbath morning and Sunday morning, and a festive
group dinner was held on Saturday night. Tanya Horchak
and Sharron Franks hosted a discussion for the ladies on         the FMP. It was a wonderful opportunity for those of us at
“lessons learned” while serving as pastors’ wives.               the headquarters office to have the chance to interact and
   All in all, it marked a great milestone for our progress in   get to know these servant couples better.

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High School Graduates
      Adelle Anderson               Logan Arner                    Micah Averett                 Avery Bennett

                           friendliness and kindness       speech club and camps.        designation from Collin
    Adelle Anderson        to everyone she meets.          Logan also volunteers on      College—as well as earning
Parents’ names:                                            the Dallas congregation’s     his high school diploma.
Vaughn and Alyssa          Plans after graduation:         audio/visual team. His
Anderson                   Adelle plans to attend the      hobbies include disc          Activities/hobbies/interests:
                           University of Minnesota,        golfing, video games and      Micah enjoys playing video
Congregation:              Twin Cities to pursue a         traveling with his family.    games, exercising, playing
St. Cloud, Minnesota       degree in actuarial science                                   bass guitar and helping
                           while also studying French.     Plans after graduation:       around the family farm.
School accomplishments:    She hopes to study abroad       Logan will be attending the
Adelle recently received   in France.                      University of Texas–Dallas    Plans after graduation:
academic awards at                                         in the fall, pursuing a       Micah plans to continue
her high school. She                                       double major in accounting    taking courses at Collin
received an academic
                                  Logan Arner              and computer science. His     College to earn his bachelor’s
letter by maintaining a    Parents’ names:                 plan is to become a CPA.      degree in computer-aided
high GPA all four years,   Mark and Vicki Arner                                          design (CAD). He plans to
a two-sport scholar                                                                      work as a structural engineer
award for participating    Congregation:
                                                                 Micah Averett           after graduation.
in cross-country and       Dallas, Texas                   Parents’ names:
track while maintaining                                    Richard and Rachel Averett
a high GPA, and an         School accomplishments:
                                                                                               Avery Bennett
outstanding mathematics    Logan graduated from high       Congregation:                 Parents’ names:
student award for taking   school with almost two          Sherman, Texas                Kevin and Veronica
two college-level math     years of college courses                                      Bennett
courses and exhibiting     completed. During his high      School accomplishments:
outstanding effort.        school years, Logan was         For high school, Micah        Congregation:
                           able to get valuable work       transitioned to taking        Jefferson, Georgia
Activities/hobbies/        experience in a variety of      dual-credit courses at
interests:                 areas, which helped him         Collin College, attending     School accomplishments:
Adelle enjoys math,        determine his career path.      Cabriolet Christian           Avery graduated from
French, cooking, growing                                   Academy and working           North Hall High School on
plants and working         Activities/hobbies/interests:   part-time at Chick-fil-A.     May 21. She graduated with
sudoku puzzles. She has    Logan enjoyed a variety of      He graduated high school      honors in the top 5 percent
been an example to those   church activities, such as      having completed his core     of her class. She is an
around her through her     volleyball, basketball, teen    classes—a “core complete”     International Baccalaureate

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FOCUSED MENTORING PROGRAM WEEKEND - AccordJuly/August 2021 2021 - Church of ...
Lillian Bowman                  Merlin Braswell                  Alena Bryant                   Ethan Cooksey

graduate and a member of        High Skills Major in Health     Activities/hobbies/interests:   enjoys traveling and
the National Honor Society      and Wellness program.           Merlin’s hobbies include art    spending time with her
and Beta Club. Avery was                                        and fashion, and she has        friends.
also involved with the          Activities/hobbies/interests:   attended CYC camp almost
service clubs Interact Club     Camp Arrowhead and              every summer of her life.       Plans after graduation:
and Key Club.                   Camp Heritage have been a       She has volunteered as          Alena plans to attend
                                significant part of Lillian’s   camp staff for several years    college in the fall and focus
Activities/hobbies/interests:   life for the past 10 years.     as well.                        on general studies while
Avery volunteered with a        She enjoys playing the                                          she decides what career
local outreach program for      guitar and has played and       Plans after graduation:         path she would like to
underprivileged children        sung for special music.         Merlin will be attending        pursue.
and has served as a tutor.      Lillian is an avid reader       Humboldt State University
                                and is able to move people      in the fall with a major in
Plans after graduation:         to tears with her writing.      marine biology.
                                                                                                      Ethan Cooksey
Avery will attend the           She also enjoys long runs                                       Parents’ names:
University of Georgia this      and Pilates.                                                    Seth and Christy Cooksey
                                                                      Alena Bryant
                                Plans after graduation:         Parents’ names:                 Congregation:
                                Lillian will be pursuing        Lewis and Annette Bryant        Fort Worth, Texas
     Lillian Bowman             her desire to help people
Parents’ names:                 by going into a four-year       Congregation:                   School accomplishments:
Aden and Shirley Bowman         nursing program at Brock        Nashville, Tennessee            Ethan has built a strong
                                University in St. Catharines,                                   academic foundation for
Congregation:                   Ontario, in the fall.           School accomplishments:         success in college due to
Toronto, Ontario                                                Alena played volleyball         receiving 27 college credit
                                                                and basketball during           hours during the course of
School accomplishments:
                                    Merlin Braswell             her high school years. She      his high school career.
Throughout her high school      Parents’ names:                 played volleyball all four
career, Lillian was involved    Kevin and Rebeca Braswell       years and was named to          Activities/hobbies/interests:
in the volleyball and cross-                                    the all-tournament team         Ethan loves fishing,
country teams and played        Congregation:                   her junior and senior year      kayaking, playing
at several coffeehouse          Lodi, California                for the NACA tournament         baseball and basketball,
events. In grade 11, she                                        in Dayton, Tennessee.           and hanging out with
did a co-op placement           School accomplishments:         Alena played basketball         his siblings and friends.
at a hospital to see if her     Merlin has been an              her junior and senior year      While these hobbies keep
childhood love of nursing       excellent student, with         and was named to the all-       him busy in his spare
was the field she wanted to     some of the top grades in       tournament team her junior      time, the most important
pursue. She made the honor      her class. In high school       year. She was captain of        thing to Ethan is God
roll every year and was         she was on the golf and         both teams her senior year.     and his family. Ethan has
the recipient of the Sarah      track teams for multiple                                        accomplished a lot and
Leader Spirit Award for         years. Also she was an avid     Activities/hobbies/interests:   demonstrated maturity
character, extracurricular      theater participant with        Alena has attended preteen      with various service
involvement and academics.      parts in multiple shows,        and teen camps for several      projects, a strong work
In grades 11 and 12 she         including West Side Story       years. She has also worked      ethic and an ability to set
completed the Specialist        and Chicago.                    at preteen camp. Alena          and meet goals.

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Cassandra Davidson               Kaley Demarest                 Alana Edinborough                  Ella Erickson

Plans after graduation:         Program for her academic         Sunday, May 23. She was
Ethan will transfer into        excellence and SAT scores.       a member of the National
Western Governors               Kaley was active in the          Honor Society, on the
University this fall to major   National Honor Society           principal’s list honor roll
in business with a focus in     and the National Charity         and in the top third of
IT management.                  League as well as in several     her graduating class. She
                                clubs, including Students        received academic letters
                                for the Ethical Treatment        (four years) and orchestra
     Cassandra Davidson         of Animals and the French        letters. She was certified as
Parents’ names:                 Club, in which she served        a nurse’s aide.
Justin and Tiffany Plagenza     as president. She also
                                played volleyball and ran        Activities/hobbies/interests:
Congregation:                   track, competing in the          Alana attended Church
                                                                                                          Jacob Graham
Stockton, California            high jump, triple jump,          camps every year since the
                                relays and hurdles.              age of 5 and served as a
School accomplishments:                                          camp staff member every         Congregation:
Cassandra graduated high        Activities/hobbies/interests:    year since the age of 13. She   Twin Cities, Minnesota
school in November 2020,        Kaley enjoys travel, sports      has been a teacher’s aide
seven months ahead of           and being artistic, especially   for the local congregation’s    School accomplishments:
schedule.                       painting and drawing. She        preteen Sabbath school          Ella has been very active
                                participated in preteen and      classes. Her hobbies and        in her school community.
Plans after graduation:         teen camps, including Lone       interests include music         She served as freshman
Cassandra began college in      Star, Carter and Sequoia.        and painting, spending          student rep and as student
the spring semester of this     She played volleyball with       time with friends in the        body class president this
year while also working         the Dallas congregation’s        faith and taking every          year. Each year she played
full-time since November        teen sports program.             opportunity for church          a vital role in planning
2020. Her plans are to                                           activities and fellowship.      and implementing her
become a registered nurse,      Plans after graduation:                                          class’s spirit week activities.
get married and raise a         Kaley will attend the            Plans after graduation:         She performed weekly
family in the Church.           University of California,        Alana plans to attend           in the Chapel Band and
                                Santa Barbara to study           Central Piedmont                Morningstar Choir.  
                                economics in the fall.           Community College in
      Kaley Demarest                                             Charlotte, North Carolina,      Activities/hobbies/interests:
Parents’ names:                                                  and then transfer to            Ella sings regularly in her
Cliff and Susan Demarest
                                   Alana Edinborough             the University of North         local congregation.  
                                Parents’ names:                  Carolina at Charlotte for
Congregation:                   Andy and Alisha                  her B.S. in nursing. She then   Plans after graduation:
Dallas, Texas                   Edinborough                      plans to get her master’s in    Ella plans to study interior
                                                                 nursing before transitioning    design at the University of
School accomplishments:         Congregation:                    to physician assistant.         Wisconsin–Stout.
Kaley graduated from            Wichita, Kansas
Plano East Senior High
School with honors. She         School accomplishments:
                                                                       Ella Erickson                    Jacob Graham
was recognized by the           Alana graduated from             Parents’ names:                 Parents’ names:
Duke University Tip             Maize High School on             Cory and Colene Erickson        Daniel and Nicole Graham

10     One Accord                                                                                          
Colin Gwin                      Evan Gwin                     Ashley Henke                     Malachi Hills

Congregation:                                                   genre of music and working      her general education
Redding, California
                                        Colin Gwin              on cars.                        requirements and start
                                Parents’ names:                                                 pursuing further education
School accomplishments:         Andrew and Heather Gwin         Plans after graduation:         in physical therapy.
 Jacob is graduating                                            Evan will be attending
this year from Oregon           Congregation:                   Tidewater Community
Destination Career              Williamsburg, Virginia          College, working toward
                                                                                                      Malachi Hills
Academy with an honors                                          an associate degree in          Parents’ names:
degree in the business and      School accomplishments:         automotive technology.          Dexter and Doreen Hills
entrepreneurship career         Colin participated in
pathway. He managed             dual enrollment—earning                                         Congregation:
to do this while working        college credits during his
                                                                      Ashley Henke              Berthoud, Colorado
full-time as a cheese           junior and senior year.         Parents’ names:
production tech during his                                      Philip and Karen Henke          School accomplishments:
junior and senior years.        Activities/hobbies/interests:                                   Malachi graduated from
Musically, Jacob excelled       Colin works on the              Congregation:                   Wiggins High School.
early by being the first        congregation’s sound crew.      Rolla, Missouri
chair tenor sax and then        He loves the Green Bay                                          Activities/hobbies/interests:
becoming the youngest           Packers, Star Wars and          School accomplishments:         Malachi enjoys listening
saxophonist to be hand-         video games.                    Ashley received the George      to music and hanging out
selected for the high                                           Washington Carver award         with good friends. He was
school traveling                Plans after graduation:         for being in the top 10         an active part of LULAC
jazz band while still in        Colin will be attending         percent of her graduating       (League of United Latin
middle school.                  Tidewater Community             class. She was an all-          American Citizens) and
                                College, continuing his         conference and all-district     other fundraising events in
Activities/hobbies/interests:   studies toward an associate     track-and-field athlete and     Wiggins High School.
 Jacob enjoys being             degree in IT networking         was on the varsity volleyball
involved in his local           engineering.                    team. She was a scholar         Plans after graduation:
congregation and the Feast                                      bowl member, National           Malachi plans to continue
instrument ensembles by                                         Honor Society member, and       working with ranching and
playing his saxophone for
                                        Evan Gwin               A+ award eligible.              agriculture. He is currently
hymns, which he has done        Parents’ names:                                                 working for Wiggins Electric.
for over four years now.        Andrew and Heather Gwin         Activities/hobbies/interests:
                                                                Ashley went to teen camp
Plans after graduation:         Congregation:                   and preteen camp. She
                                                                                                     Joseph Hoaglun
After attending multiple        Williamsburg, Virginia          volunteered as staff for        Parents’ names:
church camps this summer,                                       preteen camp at Camp            John and Cristy Hoaglun
Jacob plans to enroll in        School accomplishments:         Cherokee. She loves to read,
college and attain his          Evan played varsity             swim and hang out with          Congregation:
degree in business and          volleyball 2018-2020.           friends and family.             Houston North, Texas
entrepreneurship. While
doing this, he will be job      Activities/hobbies/interests:   Plans after graduation:         School accomplishments:
shadowing to become             Evan works on the               Ashley plans to attend          Joe graduated with honors
a commercial property           congregation’s sound crew.      East Central College in         from Hoaglun Life Prep
development manager.            He loves all sports, every      Union, Missouri, to finish      Academy.

July/August 2021                                                                                                           11
Joseph Hoaglun                   Chloé Hogberg                   Christian Hull                Andrew Kapales

Activities/hobbies/interests:   assistant counselor and        day room. He took               Congregation:
Joe has enjoyed attending       has helped teach dance.        concurrent Arkansas State       Bentonville, Arkansas
church winter camps             In her free time Chloé is      University classes in iOS
throughout his high school      training the loves of her      coding. He ended the class      School accomplishments:
years and volunteering at       life—her brothers and pug      with a project where he         Drew graduated with high
preteen camp.                   puppy named Pickle—            developed a full-featured       honors from Bentonville
                                but also enjoys baking,        music player app for the        West High School on May
Plans after graduation:         dancing, reading, fashion,     iPhone.                         15, 2021. He played on the
Joe plans to attend Lone        artwork, sports and family                                     high school varsity tennis
Star College in the fall and    road trips.                    Activities/hobbies/interests:   team and was also on the
work toward a degree in                                        Christian’s lifelong            swim and dive team.
business administration.        Plans after graduation:        hobbies have included
His favorite quote is from      Graduating with a year of      areas of technology, such       Activities/hobbies/interests:
James Cameron: “If you          college completed, Chloé       as programming and              Drew enjoys hanging out
set your goals ridiculously     will continue at Collin        multimedia creation. In his     with friends and working
high and it’s a failure, you    College before possibly        freshman year, he became        at Walmart. He also enjoys
will fail above everyone        attending Foundation           a Firefox contributor.          spending his summers
else’s success.”                Institute and then finishing   Christian has developed         tubing at the lake.
                                her bachelor’s degree at a     an open-source Discord
                                university.                    bot that now provides           Plans after graduation:
      Chloé Hogberg                                            entertainment for over          Drew plans to attend the
Parents’ names:                                                50,000 communities              University of Arkansas.
Neal and Denise Hogberg
                                     Christian Hull            worldwide.
                                Parents’ names:
Congregation:                   Tim and Lori Hull              Plans after graduation:
                                                                                                    Aubrey Kapales
Dallas, Texas                                                  Christian will begin classes    Parents’ names:
                                Congregation:                  in the fall at Columbia State   Kevin and Andrea Kapales
School accomplishments:         Van Buren, Arkansas            Community College in
Chloé graduated from                                           Franklin, Tennessee, and        Congregation:
Plano East Senior High.         School accomplishments:        in 2022 he will move on         Bentonville, Arkansas
She was inducted into the       Christian graduated from       to a four-year university.
National Honor Society with     Future School of Fort          He plans to decide on a         School accomplishments:
a 3.9 GPA and played cello      Smith on May 18, as an         technology major after          Aubrey graduated
in orchestra for seven years.   honor roll graduate. He        gaining exposure to a           with high honors from
She cheered for six years,      was a member of the select     variety of technology fields.   Bentonville West High
serving as captain and          men’s choir. Christian’s       He has been accepted and        School on May 15, 2021. She
choreographer, while also       Future School internships      awarded a scholarship           played on the varsity tennis
being nominated for the all-    included providing             at the University of            team all four years of high
American cheer squad.           IT support, website            Advancing Technology in         school and enjoyed being
                                maintenance and creating       Arizona.                        a part of clubs, such as the
Activities/hobbies/interests:   digital signage for the                                        National Honor Society.
In church, Chloé is in Teen     school, as well as providing
Speech Club and assists         computer supervision and
                                                                    Andrew Kapales             Activities/hobbies/interests:
in Sabbath school. She has      assistance to the homeless     Parents’ names:                 Aubrey has enjoyed
served as summer camp           in a community homeless        Kevin and Andrea Kapales        attending COGWA summer

12    One Accord                                                                                        
Aubrey Kapales                   Sophia Kisolek                   Tyler Kratz                  Linnea Kroeger

and winter camps as both        Plans after graduation:         He is a certified lifeguard   School accomplishments:
staff and camper. Reading,      Sophia will be attending        and is currently preparing    Linnea graduated from
writing, being at the lake,     University of Wisconsin–        for a fourth-degree black     Mill Creek Academy, the
snow skiing and spending        Stout in the fall of 2021       belt in tae kwon do, where    Kroeger family home
time with friends and           with a major in psychology.     he was recently honored       school. She enjoys history,
family are some of her          She wants to be a therapist     as outstanding student        math and especially
favorite activities.            and help people deal            of the year. Tyler loves      English literature. During
                                with their problems and         playing video games and       her high school years, she
Plans after graduation:         sadness. She is a wonderful     keeping in touch with his     read over 250 good books.
Aubrey plans to attend          listener and has a kind         friends. He was a camper
the University of               heart, so this field will be    at Arrowhead, Heritage,       Activities/hobbies/interests:
Arkansas in the fall            perfect for her.                Sequoia and Winter Camp.      Linnea participated in the
with a major in business                                        He served on staff at         Great Lakes Regional
management. Aubrey                                              Camp Arrowhead and is         Teen Speech Club,
hopes to attend law school
                                       Tyler Kratz              an active member of his       completing the program.
after completing her            Parents’ names:                 congregation’s setup and      She acted as copresident
undergraduate degree.           Mark and Judy Kratz             A/V team. He participated     and president. Linnea
                                                                in Teen Speech Club,          received the Stars and
                                Congregation:                   performed special music       Stripes award from
      Sophia Kisolek            Quakertown, Pennsylvania        and played with the Feast     American Heritage Girls
Parent’s name:                                                  instrument ensemble.          and the Presidential
Katherine Kisolek               School accomplishments:         He regularly attends the      Service Award. A large
                                Tyler graduated high school     Winter Family Weekend         percentage of her service
Congregation:                   in January, six months          and church proms.             included volunteering
Eau Claire, Wisconsin           ahead of his class. He was                                    at the public library and
                                an honor roll student and       Plans after graduation:       the elementary school
School accomplishments:         has several advanced-level      Tyler will be pursuing        library in Jefferson, Ohio.
Sophia graduated from           courses on his transcript.      his associate degree at       She also served on staff
high school on May 28.          He was a dual enrollment        Montgomery County             at Camp Arrowhead. Her
                                student and graduated           Community College before      adventures in employment
Activities/hobbies/interests:   with almost a full year of      transferring to a four-year   included caring for goats
Sophia has been a part of       college credits. He was an      university to complete his    and working at a local
God’s Church since birth.       active member of the ski        studies in business and       restaurant.
At the age of 2 she had         team and played with the        accounting. He would also
all the books of the Bible      chamber orchestra. He also      like to attend Foundation     Plans after graduation:
memorized! She has also         interned with the school        Institute before launching    Linnea’s plans include
attended summer camps           district’s business manager     his career.                   Camp Sequoia, some
since she was 5. She has        during his senior year.                                       serious hiking in Colorado
many friends from all                                                                         and continuing to read
over the world due to           Activities/hobbies/interests:
                                                                     Linnea Kroeger           good books. In the future
her attendance at camps         Tyler has developed a love      Parents’ names:               she plans to pursue further
and her ability to make         for adventure and is always     Alan and Elissa Kroeger       education in English
friends. Sophia loves to        willing to hit the slopes,                                    literature and possibly
read and spend time with        break some boards or set        Congregation:                 attend Foundation
her family and friends.         off on a cycling journey.       Meadville, Pennsylvania       Institute.

July/August 2021                                                                                                         13
Elizabeth Kyle                  Katrina Mackey                 Dylan Magruder                   Kate Manning

                                Plans after graduation:         a manager at a local
     Elizabeth Kyle             Elizabeth will be attending     dealership. She enjoys
                                                                                                      Kate Manning
Parents’ names:                 the Community College of        having the opportunity          Parents’ names:
Bill and Jackie Kyle            Beaver County, where she        to learn something new          Dave and Trish Manning
                                plans to pursue a double        every day.
Congregation:                   major in accounting and                                         Congregation:
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania        business management.                                            Buffalo, New York
                                                                     Dylan Magruder
School accomplishments:                                         Parents’ names:                 School accomplishments:
Elizabeth graduated
                                     Katrina Mackey             Dave and Debbie Magruder        Kate graduated from
from Blackhawk High             Parents’ names:                                                 Orchard Park High School
School in Chippewa,             Willard and Julie Mackey        Congregation:                   in June. During high
Pennsylvania, on June                                           Castle Rock, Colorado           school Kate has been
11. Some of Elizabeth’s         Congregation:                                                   the recipient of several
accomplishments include         Cleveland, Ohio                 School accomplishments:         academic, technology
achieving her second-                                           Dylan was in cross-country      and character awards.
degree black belt in            School accomplishments:         in high school. He’s a great    During her senior year she
tae kwon do, earning            Katrina was the recipient       runner and did very well.       was awarded the career
her level 1 archery             of one of two leadership        He also enrolled in a career-   exploration internship in
instructor status and           awards that were given out      start welding program his       architecture.
being a guest speaker at        in 2020 for her county. This    junior and senior year. He
various fundraisers—such        was based on leadership         did excellent in the class      Activities/hobbies/interests:
as the United Way and           skills that she exhibited       and loves to weld.              When not at school,
the Shell/Pro Football          within her high school                                          Kate studies piano and
Alumni Community                years and previous.             Activities/hobbies/interests:   guitar, has volunteered
Awards Gala. Elizabeth                                          Dylan has attended several      at a local food pantry,
was also nominated to           Activities/hobbies/interests:   church camps, which he          and helps her mom with
participate in the senior       Katrina has been very           really enjoyed. He’s been       beekeeping. In the summer
of the year fundraiser          active in her local 4-H Club,   in 4-H for 10 years. He won     she volunteers at Camp
with the Leukemia and           including leading her club      grand champion with his         Outreach and works as a
Lymphoma Society.               as president for four years,    meat turkey two years in        barista at Spot Coffee, a
                                organizing Zoom meetings        a row. Dylan loves to fish,     local coffee shop. At church
Activities/hobbies/interests:   with the members, and           hunt, dirt bike, boat, camp,    Kate has performed vocal
There are several ways          encouraging them with their     etc. He is definitely an        and piano special music.
Elizabeth has served in her     projects and study groups.      outdoor enthusiast.             She also helps with the
local church area. She likes    She was a camp counselor                                        youth Sabbath school and
to play her cello for special   for several years and enjoys    Plans after graduation:         participates in the teen and
music on the Sabbath and        working with and mentoring      Dylan will continue             young adult classes.
has participated in both the    the younger youth. Katrina      working at the Denver
teen and the Pittsburgh/        enjoys spending time with       Polo Club the next couple       Plans after graduation:
Wheeling combined               family, especially her young    of months and then will         Kate plans to pursue a
congregational choirs.          nephews.                        be joining the union for a      degree in architecture. She
Some of her hobbies include                                     welding apprenticeship.         has been accepted into
cooking, writing and            Plans after graduation:         He plans to have a career       the honors program at the
listening to music.             Katrina is working as           as a welder.                    University at Buffalo, SUNY

14    One Accord                                                                                          
Jaela Martin                   Victoria McGhee                   Julia Mikulla                 Loraine Pelesikoti

and awarded its “Pride of                                        Congregation:                   Engineering. She will be
New York” scholarship for
                                     Victoria McGhee             Houston North, Texas            majoring in biomedical
the fall 2021.                  Parents’ names:                                                  sciences to begin her
                                Steve and Tina McGhee            School accomplishments:         premed track. Julia plans
                                                                 During Julia’s years at Lake    to attend medical school to
       Jaela Martin             Congregation:                    Creek High School, she          begin working toward her
Parents’ names:                 Louisville, Kentucky             was accepted into the Lone      ultimate goal of becoming
Teah and Hercules                                                Star College Leadership         a trauma surgeon.
Stevenson                       School accomplishments:          Academy and became a
                                Victoria graduated from          distinguished graduate of
Congregation:                   Floyd Central High School        the program. She was also
                                                                                                     Loraine Pelesikoti
Dallas, Texas                   with academic honors             a top finalist in her           Parents’ names:
                                and was a member of the          National American Miss          Kisione and Latai Pelesikoti
School accomplishments:         National Honor Society.          Pageant in 2019.
Jaela graduated from Texas                                                                       Congregation:
Connections Academy at          Activities/hobbies/interests:    Activities/hobbies/interests:   Auckland, New Zealand
the top of her class out of     Victoria is active in her        Julia has participated in
a class of approximately        congregation, helping with       Church camps, basketball,       School accomplishments:
800 students (an overall        kids, cleaning the church        volleyball and teen Bible       Loraine received the science
3.3 GPA). She participated      hall and socializing. She        studies growing up in the       endorsement for excellence.
in soccer, volleyball, dance    is always willing to give a      Church. Julia’s favorite way
and cheer, MMA and              hand in any way needed.          to grow her relationship        Activities/hobbies/interests:
kickboxing.                     She has also volunteered at      with God is through             Loraine has been part of
                                preteen camps and looks          thorough Bible studies with     Polynesian Young Leaders
Activities/hobbies/interests:   forward to her last year         family and close friends and,   and a brotherhood and
Jaela’s interests include       of teen camp. Victoria           of course, through prayer.      sisterhood organization
traveling, photography,         loves animals and has              Early in high school,         that prepares young
coding and reading. She         volunteered many hours to        Julia found her love for        people for high school
did volunteer work for          the local animal shelter. She    the field of medicine. She      and beyond. She enjoys
the elderly at Harmon           enjoys painting anything         became HIPPA certified,         helping her local
Senior Village and City         from canvases to her             OSHA certified, CPR             community. She assists in
Garden Center.                  own bedroom walls and            certified and recently          teaching Sabbath school
                                furniture.                       passed her boards to            and participates in the
Plans after graduation:                                          become a certified              church choir.
Jaela will be attending         Plans after graduation:          clinical medical assistant.
TCC (Tarrant County             Having also completed her        She is now working at a         Plans after graduation:
College) in the fall of 2021.   first year of college credits,   local hospital as a medical     Loraine plans to study
She hopes to pursue a           she will be going into college   assistant.                      early childhood education
career in computer science      as a sophomore and will                                          and wants to work with
and AI robotics. She may        work toward an art degree.       Plans after graduation:         children. Her biggest
also pursue a career in                                          Upon graduation, Julia          goal is to run an early
human rights, psychology                                         will be attending Texas         childhood education
or environmental studies.
                                       Julia Mikulla             A&M University, where           center and have an impact
She also plans to complete      Parents’ names:                  she has been accepted into      on other people’s lives for
the FI Online courses.          Wade and Jackie Mikulla          the College of Science and      the better.

July/August 2021                                                                                                             15
Dajah Pentlin                   Viviane Ramos                   Raquel Rodriguez             Ambrose Schiphorst

                                Activities/hobbies/interests:     congregation. As a teen,
      Dajah Pentlin             Viviane was active in the         she has served at area food
Parent’s name:                  teen sports of volleyball         banks and on volunteer
Becky Person; grandfather,      and basketball and                projects for our senior
John Pentlin                    enjoys racquetball from           Church members. She even
                                time to time. She enjoys          spent an entire day helping
Congregation:                   creating artwork with her         gut a house that was
Kansas City, Kansas             sister, as well as creating       flooded during Hurricane
                                choreography.                     Harvey for a family in
Activities/hobbies/interests:                                     need.
Dajah has participated in       Plans after graduation:
summer camp since she           Viviane will be taking a          Plans after graduation:
was 6 years old. She looks      gap year before deciding          Raquel looks forward to
forward to serving as staff     on a field of interest, but       continuing her education              Connor Stanley
in the future.                  wishes to explore a path          at junior college and then
                                that expands on dance,            going on to a university,     Star and received a riflery
Plans after graduation:         psychology or arts.               where she plans to pursue     marksmanship award.
Dajah plans to attend the                                         an education and training
local community college                                           in the medical field.         Plans after graduation:
for her first two years. She
                                    Raquel Rodriguez                                            At present, Ambrose
then plans on transferring      Parents’ names:                                                 plans to attend Tarrant
to a university to pursue a     Jose and Carol Rodriguez
                                                                    Ambrose Schiphorst          County College for the first
bachelor’s degree in nursing.                                     Parents’ names:               two years and then go to
                                Congregation:                     Jacques and Jeri Schiphorst   university for the last two
                                Fort Worth, Texas                                               years. He is contemplating
      Viviane Ramos                                               Congregation:                 studying either graphic
Parents’ names:                 School accomplishments:           Dallas, Texas                 design or computer
Ismael and Sarah Ramos          Raquel graduated from                                           programming, both of
                                Chisolm Trail High School.        School accomplishments:       which he has demonstrated
Congregation:                   During her high school            Ambrose was                   an aptitude for.
Houston North, Texas            career, she has been a            homeschooled and
                                two-year member of                graduated from Texas
School accomplishments:         National Honor Society            Connections Academy.
                                                                                                     Connor Stanley
Viviane graduated in May.       and an officer and has                                          Parents’ names:
Her favorite high school        received various awards for       Activities/hobbies/           Becky and Bryan Stanley
classes were video game         academic scholarship. She         interests:
design, graphics and Web        was a four-year member of         Ambrose’s interests lie       Congregation:
design, and digital art         the varsity girls’ golf team, a   in the arts—areas such as     Phoenix, Arizona
and animation—in which          member of the 2021 district       graphic design, sketching,
she programmed games,           golf championship team            painting and fashion          School accomplishments:
created animations and          and an all-district medalist.     design. He also enjoys        Connor maintained a 3.3 GPA.
built her portfolio. Her high                                     music production of R&B,
school accomplishments          Activities/hobbies/interests:     gaming and building           Activities/hobbies/interests:
include awards and honors       Raquel has been very              computers. Ambrose            Connor loves cars, NASCAR
at a school art show in 2020.   involved in her local church      attended Camp Lone            and building and fixing

16    One Accord                                                                                         
Sarah Tannert                   Taylor Hansen                   Austin Wickham                 Hannah Willoughby

things. He has recently been    ground squirrels, rabbits,       Taylor has strived to achieve   council. He qualified for a
helping the sound crew at       quail and pack rats back         academic success, including     silver cord upon graduation
church services.                to health and eventual           taking difficult IB and AP      by exceeding a set number
                                release. Since 2019 Sarah        courses. She graduated          of community volunteer
Plans after graduation:         has volunteered weekly at        magna cum laude (GPA 4.0-       hours throughout his high
Connor will be attending        a horse ranch and riding         4.2) in the top 14 percent of   school career. Austin played
Glendale Community              school, learning skills in       her class and as a National     various sports during high
College in the fall, majoring   natural horsemanship.            Honor Society member.           school, including golf,
in the auto mechanics              She started her own Etsy                                      football, cross-country
program. He has also            business selling her crocheted   Activities/hobbies/interests:   and swimming, receiving
applied for the presidential    items and amigurumi              Taylor enjoys being active      varsity letters for both
scholarship, which would        toys that she creates from       in church by helping with       golf and cross-country.
pay for most of his studies.    patterns of her own design.      Sabbath school classes and      He participated in band
He plans to be a mechanic       Her additional interests and     working at and attending        and choir all four years,
in a shop or on his own.        passions include cooking,        COGWA Youth Camps               including jazz band and
                                reading, writing, computer       in the summer. During           drumline, and was awarded
                                programming, riding horses,      the school year she has         with the Iowa Bandmasters
      Sarah Tannert             and anything animal-related.     volunteered at a local          Association Award of Merit.
Parents’ names:                                                  animal shelter, a nursing
Kurt and Sherrill Tannert       Plans after graduation:          home and a third grade          Activities/hobbies/interests:
                                Sarah hopes to intern as a       class. Taylor has a heart       Austin has attended camp
Congregation:                   full-stack web developer and     for service and very much       almost every year since he
Tucson, Arizona                 plans to attend Foundation       enjoys connecting with and      was 5, starting with preteen
                                Institute in the future.         helping people and animals.     camp and then moving into
School accomplishments:                                                                          teen summer and winter
Sarah graduated from the                                         Plans after graduation:         camps. He enjoys playing
Power Homeschool with a
                                      Taylor Hansen              Taylor is very excited to       sports and is a lifeguard for
3.91 GPA.                       Parents’ names:                  begin her next chapter in       his community pool. He
                                Jerry and Rachel Hansen          life. She will be attending     also enjoys spending time
Activities/hobbies/interests:                                    Texas A&M University            with friends and family.
Sarah serves weekly by          Congregation:                    pursuing a bachelor of
setting up and operating the    Dallas, Texas                    science in nursing.             Plans after graduation:
church’s sound and webcast                                                                       Austin plans to attend
equipment. She has attended     School accomplishments:                                          community college in the
a number of the COGWA           During her junior year in
                                                                      Austin Wickham             fall and serve on his town’s
Youth Camps as a camper         high school (before COVID),      Parents’ names:                 volunteer fire department.
and has also served on staff    Taylor participated in the       Eric and Sarah Wickham
at the Sequoia preteen camp     clinical rotations program
since 2016. She was baptized    at Plano East Senior High        Congregation:
                                                                                                    Hannah Willoughby
in the summer of 2020.          School. In this program          Beloit, Wisconsin               Parents’ names:
   From 2017 to 2019, she       she had the opportunity to                                       Nathan and Amanda
volunteered at a rescue         shadow various health-care       School accomplishments:         Willoughby
group for small mammals         professionals in different       For the last three years of
and birds. She helped           settings and specialties.        high school Austin was          Congregation:
nurse young or injured          Throughout high school,          elected to serve on student     Louisville, Kentucky

July/August 2021                                                                                                            17
School accomplishments:        in honors classes, receiving    out, trying new cuisines
Hannah graduated from          complimentary feedback          and hanging out with her
Corydon Central High           from her teachers for her       family and friends.
School. During her high        acumen and work ethic.
school years, she enjoyed                                      Plans after graduation:
being the stage manager        Activities/hobbies/interests:   Hannah plans to attend
for the drama department,      In her free time, Hannah        Ivy Tech Community
taking art classes and         enjoys serving at COGWA         College in southern
ceramics—for which she won     preteen camps, kayaking,        Indiana to pursue a career
several awards. She excelled   hammocking, working             in physical therapy.

2021 College Graduates
                                                                  Amanda Porter
                                    Amanda is graduating from Arkansas Tech University in August with her bachelor
                                    of science in recreation and park administration. Her degree will allow her to work
                                    in a managerial position in the sports and recreation industry.
                                      Amanda will graduate with honors. She has a 3.9 GPA and was on the dean’s list in
                                    2018, 2019 and 2020. She is a member of the National Society of Leadership and Success.
                                      Amanda loves fishing, kayaking and camping. She currently works at the Little
                                    Rock Air Force Base in the Outdoor Recreation Department, where she assists
                                    service members and their families in outdoor activities, including fishing and
                                    hunting trips. After graduation, she will continue to work in the Outdoor Recreation
                                    Department with hopes of gaining a managerial position.
                                      Amanda is the daughter of Keith and Jo Ann Porter and attends the Little Rock,
                                    Arkansas, congregation.

                                                                    Cecilia Gomez
                                    Cecilia Gomez from Dallas, Texas, graduated from Texas Woman’s University
                                    (TWU) on Dec. 12, 2020, with a bachelor of general studies with concentrations in
                                    kinesiology and health studies. She attained the dean’s list in the spring of 2020 and
                                    graduated with a 2.9 cumulative GPA and a 4.0 GPA within her major.
                                      Cecilia first began her college journey at the University of Texas at Arlington,
                                    where she initially focused on nursing-centered studies. She changed course not
                                    only with schools but majors as well. She continued classes at her local community
                                    college and graduated with her associate of science degree in May 2018. In the fall of
                                    2018, she began attending TWU, majoring in kinesiology and ultimately switching
                                    to general studies. While attending classes, she worked part-time with children at an
                                    after-school program that complemented her field of study until that was no longer
                                    possible due to the pandemic.
                                      Regardless of whether Cecilia attended classes full-time or part-time, she
                                    prioritized volunteering to serve at various church camps stateside and
                                    internationally, i.e., Mexico and Africa.
                                      Cecilia plans to obtain her teacher certification and become a P.E. teacher in
                                    an elementary setting. Cecilia is a member of the Dallas congregation, where she
                                    attends with her immediate and extended family.

18    One Accord                                                                                       
Amber Taylor
                                    Amber Taylor is graduating from
                                    Rowan College in South Jersey with
                                    an associate degree in business.
                                    She plans to attend Kent State
                                    University in the fall, where she’ll
                                    be pursuing her bachelor’s degree
                                    in marketing.
                                      Amber is the daughter of Joel
                                    and Melanie Taylor of the Akron-
                                    Canton, Ohio, congregation.

                                                                                 Charlotte Muñoz
                                      Arthur Taylor
                                                                           Charlotte Muñoz graduated from
                             Arthur Taylor graduated from Northeast        Washburn University in Topeka,
                             Texas Community College (NTCC) with           Kansas, in May 2021 with a master’s
                             an associate of science degree in computer    of education in leadership and
                             science. He also earned an associate of       administration.
                             arts degree and certification in computer        She is currently a third grade Spanish
                             programming. He will be transferring this     dual-language teacher at Scott Dual
                             fall to Texas A&M University–Texarkana,       Language Elementary in Topeka. After
                             where he has been accepted into its College   graduation, she plans to continue
                             of Business, Engineering and Technology’s     training in leadership and eventually
                             computer science program. He plans to         become a bilingual coach and/or
                             earn a bachelor’s in computer science with    administrator in the school district,
                             a concentration in cybersecurity.             likely in the dual language program. She
                               Arthur builds and updates his own           is also looking to apply to a doctorate
computer at home and has helped several friends build theirs as            program in educational technology in
well. As a student, Arthur has worked in the information technology        the near future.
department at NTCC, where he has helped to set up cables across               Charlotte attends the Kansas City,
campus, update server hardware, fix hardware and software issues, and      Kansas, congregation with her three
learned more about firewall and safety protections.                        children, Leslie, Valeria and Ellie, and
  Arthur attends the East Texas congregation with his parents, Scott       serves as one of the Sabbath school
and Melissa Fulgham.                                                       teachers and children’s choir assistants.

                   Nikki Sanders
Nikki Sanders obtained her associate’s degree in business
office administration on May 19, 2021. Nikki graduated
with a high honor status, magna cum laude, and as a
member of Phi Theta Kappa, the honor society.
  Nikki enjoys researching on the Internet, watching both
educational and recreational YouTube, and making a
difference in the lives of others.
  Nikki’s plans after graduation are to work as a first
priority, but she also plans to continue her education down
the road with a focus on helping with academic disabilities,
mental health or physical pain.
  Nikki is the daughter of Wayne and Elsie Sanders and
attends the New Orleans, Louisiana, congregation.

July/August 2021                                                                                                 19
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