Winter 2022 - Hempfield Township

Page created by Darren Johnson
Winter 2022 - Hempfield Township

                i t y p ub l   iCation for Hempfield townsHip & Hempfield area sCHool dis
     C o m m un                               Winter 2022                                   t ri C t


                                                   In This Issue
                                              1.   Hempfield Fire Department                       3.
                                              2.   Spartan Stadium &
                                                   Track Updatedy
4.                                            3.   Hempfield Area School
                                                   District American
                                                   Field Service
                                        5.    4.   Hempfield Parks &
                                                   Recreation Summer
                                                   Day Camp 2022
                                              5.   Greensburg
                                                   Hempfield Area
                                                   Library Story Time
                                                   for 3-5 Year Olds
Winter 2022 - Hempfield Township
ViSion StAtEMEnt
                                                                                      the Hempfield township Board of Supervisors, Planning
                                                                                      Commission, Zoning Hearing Board, Bureau of Fire, Staff, and
                                                                                      Volunteers will provide for the quality of life and safety of the
                                                                                      constituencies they serve. those constituencies include the
                                                                                      residents, business owners, and taxpayers of Hempfield
        hempfield Township Board of Supervisors                                       township.
                           George C. Reese,                                           We will maintain and deliver:
                               Chairman                                                 • Award winning Parks
                                                                                        • Diverse Recreational opportunities
                          R. Douglas Weimer,
                             Vice-Chairman                                              • Quality infrastructure systems
                                                   • Responsible planned growth and common sense Zoning
                              Tom Logan,                                                • Responsive Code Enforcement Department
                                Treasurer                                               • Active Volunteer Fire Service
                                                                                      We will uphold the Public trust by providing these services in
                               Bill Bretz,
                                                                                      an ethical and cost-effective nature. Always striving to keep
                                                                                      Hempfield township a Great Place to Live, Work, and Raise a
                              John Silvis,
                                                                                                              hempfield Township
                            Township Staff                                                    1132 Woodward Drive | Greensburg, PA 15601-9310
                                                                                                  724-834-7232 |
                         Jason M. Winters,
                                                                                                     Monday – Friday, 7:30 am – 4:30 pm
                        Township Manager
                                                                      Township Offices Closed:
                                                                                                 December 24 | December 31 | April 15
                          Douglas J. Cisco,
                      Director of Public Works
                                                                                       hempfield Township and hempfield
                            Lloyd N. Fait,
                         Director of Finance                                               Township                                  JAnuAry
                                                            Planning               S    M         T       W         T        F       S
                                                                                            Commission – 6:00 pm                                                     1
                        Patrick L. Karnash,
                 Director of Planning & Zoning                                              Supervisors’ Public    2     3        4        5        6        7       8
                                                                                            Work Session
                                                                                9    10       11       12       13       14      15
                                                                                            Supervisor’s          16    17       18       19       20       21      22
                        Anthony J. Kovacic,                                                 Public Meeting       23    24
       Township Fire Chief & Director of Emergency Services                                                         30     31 25          26       27       28      29
                                                                                            Zoning Hearing
                                                         Board – 6:00 pm All meetings begin at 7:00 pm unless otherwise noted.
                           James P. Shaw,                                                   Auditor’s
                     Director of Code & Safety                                                                                        MArch
                                                            Meeting – 5:00 pm      S    M         T       W         T        F       S
                                                                                                                                  1        2        3        4       5
                           Aaron K. Siko,                                                   Supervisor’s
                 Director of Parks & Recreation                                             Reorganizational       6     7        8        9       10       11      12
                                                            Meeting – 6:00 pm 13 14 15 16 17 18                                     19
                                                                                       All meetings are held at   20    21       22       23       24       25      26
         Headlining Hempfield is produced by Apollo Design Group                       the Hempfield Township 27 28 29 30 31
Editing/Copywriting Assistance – Pam Gibasiewicz | Design/Layout – Michael Swan        Municipal Building.

Winter 2022 - Hempfield Township
MiSSion StAtEMEnt

                                                                                                                                      the Hempfield Area School District,
                                                                                                                                      in its commitment to excellence, shall
                                                                                                                                      engage and educate all students for
                                                                                                                                      personal success through a shared
                                                                                                                                      responsibility with the student, family,
                                                                                                                                      and community in a safe, secure, and
                                                                                                                                      nurturing environment.

       Seated Front Row: Jennifer Bretz, Board Member; Diane Ciabattoni, Board Member;
       Dr. Tammy Wolicki, Superintendent; Dr. Jeanne Smith, Board Member; Pam Gibasiewicz,                hempfield Area School District Board of Directors
       Board Secretary
                                                                                                                        Dr. Tony Bompiani, Board President
       Seated Second Row: Bob Reger, Director of Human Resources; Dr. Matthew Conner,                                
       Assistant Superintendent/Secondary                                                                               Dr. Scott Learn, Board Vice-President
       Standing: Michael Korns, Board Solicitor; Dr. Tony Bompiani, Board President; Dr. Scott Learn,                  
       Board Vice-President; Mike Alfery, Board Member; Wayne Wismar, Business Manager;                                  Pam Gibasiewicz, Board Secretary
       Vince DeAugustine, Board Member; Paul Ward, Board Member; Jerry Radebaugh, Board Member                     
       Not Pictured: Dr. Kimberlie Rieffannacht, Assistant Superintendent/Elementary                                         Mike Alfery, Board Member
                          hempfield Area School District                                                                   Jennifer Bretz, Board Member
                    4347 State Route 136               |   Greensburg, PA 15601                                        
                         (724) 834-2590            |                                                Diane Ciabattoni, Board Member
                                                                                                                        Vince DeAugustine, Board Member
Area School District Meeting Schedule                                                                              
                                                                                                                         Jerry Radebaugh, Board Member
                         FeBruAry                                      School District                              
      S        M        T   W    T                  F           S           Regular Meeting                              Dr. Jeanne Smith, Board Member
                        1    2   3                  4          5
                                                                                                                             Paul Ward, Board Member
      6        7        8    9  10                 11          12                                                      
     13       14       15   16  17                 18          19                                                          Michael Korns, Board Solicitor
     20       21       22   23  24                 25          26                                                     
     27       28                                                                                                                School District Staff
   All meetings begin at 7:00 pm unless otherwise noted.                                                             Dr. Tammy S. Wolicki, Superintendent
                                                                                                        Dr. Matthew R. Conner, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education
      S        M        T      W    T               F           S
                                                    1           2                                       Dr. Kimberlie B. Rieffannacht, Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Education
     3         4        5         6       7         8           9                                                 
     10       11       12        13       14       15          16                                                     Wayne J. Wismar, Business Manager
     17       18       19        20       21       22          23                                                    
     24       25       26        27       28       29          30                                               Robert M. Reger, Director of Human Resources
Winter 2022 - Hempfield Township
The Hempfield Bulletin Board:
        A Message from the Hempfield Township Board of Supervisors:
As we put the finishing touches on 2021, we can look back at how the township strived to make Hempfield a premier community to
call home.
      l Implemented a new online portal for building permits, inspections, and citizen requests

      l Administered the $4.2 million SAFER Grant providing unique benefits to our volunteer firefighters

      l Implemented a fire inspection program with a full-time inspector

      l Completed the $2 million Phase I rehabilitation of Hempfield Park, including a new dog park, pavilion, and sports fields
        with lights
      l Welcomed over 45,000 visitors to our pavilions at Hempfield Park

      l Approved plans for an estimated 250 new homes in Hempfield Township in 2022 and beyond

      l Completed $1.4 million in road paving, and 10-miles of tar & chip resurfacing
      l Welcoming the North Hempfield Station as the first all-inclusive member of the Hempfield Fire Department

      l Approved the purchase of a 2,500-gallon Tanker to enter the Fire Department fleet in 2022

2022 will be the 32nd consecutive year without a municipal tax increase. our Board of Supervisors and township staff have worked
diligently to propose a balanced budget for the new year, with exciting projects, and enduring commitments to our community.
Entering the new year, we will be looking to the future of the township through a new comprehensive plan. A comprehensive plan is
a 10-15-year guide for the township to follow, and to address current and future needs within our community. this 18-month process
will provide us with a framework for the future. For the plan to be a success, it requires our community to be active in the process. We
need our residents, businesses, developers, civic organizations, education institutions and places of worship to get involved! Look for
comprehensive plan surveys, meetings, and events throughout the year.
As we look to the future, we can’t forget to recognize our past. in 2023, Hempfield will celebrate 250 years as a township. We are
planning for an exciting year in 2023, celebrating the past and future of Hempfield township. if you’d like to be involved, reach out to
the township Manager for additional information.
the Board of Supervisors would like to thank our community for their trust in us and our staff. We strive to make Hempfield township a
community to call home. We recognize that Hempfield is comprised of many different people, and many unique neighborhoods, but
working together will keep our community strong in 2022 and beyond!

                                                                    For continuous updates
                                                                    and information visit our website

                         New Businesses & Construction                  n Andrea VanEstenberg, PHD, LLC          n OCD Tuning, LLC
                         To Hempfield Township                          n Western Edge Seafood Outlet            n Rock Bottom Jewelry
                         New projects under permit                      n Spectro Dolce                          n Beef Jerky Experience
Winter 2022 - Hempfield Township
Hempfield launches new
online platform for permits,
business licenses, and more
e Hempfield Township Online Service Center
will be fully available to the public beginning
January 2022
Always working to improve access for our residents and businesses,
Hempfield Township has committed to bringing many essential
functions into the digital age. Beginning this August, the Township
launched our Hempfield Township Online Service Center.
                                                                              Create your account, track your requests online
is immersive platform will allow our staff to digitize many processes,
                                                                              rough the Online Service Center, you can easily create an account and
from fence and pool permits to commercial building applications,
                                                                              receive updates on your permits, requests, or concerns from your home
businesses licenses to road opening permits, and everything in between.
                                                                              or job-site. Builders and developers will be able to track their permit
Additional digital services include:                                          status, interact with staff, and upload documents to support their
      • Residential Building Permit                                           applications; while having the ability to view all of their past applications.
      • Commercial Building Permit
      • Driveway/Access Road Permit                                           Easily alert the Township to concerns
      • Road Opening Permits                                                  Have you ever wondered what happened to that low-hanging limb, junk
      • Fireworks Display Permit                                              car, or pothole you called about? By using the new Online Service
      • Land Disturbance Permit                                               Center, you can track your concerns and hear back from Township staff.
      • Site Plan & Subdivision                                                                             is new feature will allow the Township
                                                                                                            to address concerns in a timely manner,
                                                                                                            and identify repeat offenders in our
      • Business Licenses
                                                                                                            neighborhoods. You can upload pictures,
      • Address Verifications
                                                                                                            videos, or other information to help us
      • Right-To-Know Requests                                                                              provide you with the best service!
      • Employment Applications
      • Parks & Recreation Links                                                                              Fully Available to the public
                                                                                                              online beginning January 3, 2022
e Online Service Center will save                                                                            for full complete paperless
you a trip to the office, and will allow
you to track your request from start                                                                          We are excited for this new opportunity
to finish!                                                                                                     to provide an efficient, user-friendly
                                                                                                              platform for all of your residential and
                                                                                                              business needs!

Winter 2022 - Hempfield Township
Public Works Update                                                                           State and County Roads in Hempfield Maintained
Public Works Crews will now be shifting to winter operations. Throughout the
                                                                                              by PennDot and Westmoreland County
winter season crews will operate snow removal equipment over 26 different                     The following roadways are not owned or maintained by
snow routes. The Township spans over 90 square miles encompassing nearly                      Hempfield Township:
300 miles of roadway. On average each snow route covers approximately
                                                                                              COUNTY ROADS
12 miles and takes nearly three hours to complete during routine snow removal.
                                                                                              Maintained by Westmoreland County Department
Additional time is required for more significant snow events which may require
                                                                                              of Parks & Roads: Phone 724-830-3955
plowing operations. In order to assist with efficient snow removal operations,
residents are asked to follow:                                                                Greensburg/Mt. Pleasant Road               Lowry Avenue
Snow Removal Tips                                                                             STATE ROADS
 • If snow is expected, move your cars into the driveway                                      Maintained by PennDot: Phone 724-832-5387
 • If you are shoveling out the entrance to your driveway, never throw snow
                                                                                              Agnew Road                                 Penn-High Park Road
   directly into the street. Shovel onto the curbstrip or other area of your property.
                                                                                              Arona Road                                 Penn-Manor Road
 • If possible, finish clearing your driveway entrance AFTER the final widening
   pass by the snow plow. DO NOT throw snow into the street.                                  Baughman Road                              Radebaugh Road
 • If you have to go out during hazardous driving conditions, remember to drive               Bennetts Dairy Road                        Roseytown Road
   slowly, brake slowly, allow plenty of room between you and the vehicle in front,           Brinkerton Road                            Route 30
   and watch for sudden obstructions.                                                         Brown Avenue                               Route 66
 • Please avoid parking in Cul-de-Sacs to allow snow removal equipment                        Carbon Road                                Route 70
   room to operate.
                                                                                              Donohoe Road                               Route 119
During snow removal operations, it is the policy of Hempfield Township to not
                                                                                              Edna Road                                  Route 130
replace mailboxes damaged in the course of routine snow removal operations.
                                                                                              Evanstown-Herminie Road                    Route 136
Throughout the fall and winter season, Public Works Crews will continue routine
maintenance projects throughout the Township including catch basin repairs,                   Georges Station                            Route 819
pipe replacement, right-of-way maintenance and roadway repair. To report a                    Hahntown-Wendel Road                       Route 993
roadway condition on a Township road please call (724) 834-7232, ext. 310 or                  Hannastown Road                            Seanor Church Road
email at                                                        Lewis Avenue                               Skidmore Road
                                                                                              Locust Valley Road                         Slate Run Road
                                                                                              Luxor-Bovard Road                          South Greengate Road
                                                                                              Madison-Herminie Road                      Stone Church Road
                                                                                              Middletown Road                            Swede Hill Road
                                                                                              Millersdale Road                           Thomas School Road
                                                                                              North Greengate Road                       Twin Lakes Park Road
                                                                                              Oakford Park Road                          Waltz Mill Road
                                                                                              Old Route 119 (Hunker)                     Wendel-Herminie Road
                                                                                              Pellis Road                                Willow Crossing Road
                                                                                              Penn-Adamsburg Road                        Yukon Road

                                                                                              Although you may be a Hempfield Township resident, you may reside
                                                                                              on a roadway maintained by the state or Westmoreland County.
                                                                                              Therefore, Hempfield Township does not have any authority on these roads.
                                                                                              Should you have concerns regarding state roads, you may also wish to
                                                                                              contact your state senators or representatives. The Westmoreland County
                                                                                              Commissioners may also be contacted for concerns on county roads.

                                                                                                    Welcome to New Hempfield Township Tax Collector
                                                                                               Faye Rosatti. Starting in January 2022 the Tax Collector Office
                                                                                                will be located at Hempfield Township Municipal Building –
                                                                                                                    1132 Woodward Drive.

Winter 2022 - Hempfield Township
No parking during snow removal:                                                            How long will it take to process my permit application?
It is prohibited to in the Township to hinder snow removal                                 Zoning permits – up to 15 business days
operations, streets must be kept clear to allow Hempfield                                  Building permits – up to 30 business days
Township Public Works crews to salt and plow them.
                                                                                           I received a Courtesy Notice from the Code Department,
Park your car off-street, if possible, especially
when snow is predicted, our snow removal crews                                             now what?
may not be able to fully clear the street for the safe                                     The Code Department has implemented a new program to quickly notify property
passage of emergency vehicles and other traffic.                                           owners when they have a minor code violation on their property. If you receive a
                                                                                           door hangar, please immediately correct the problems listed or if you have
                                                                                           questions please contact the issuing code officer. The “courtesy notice” is to help
  Residential Burning Regulations:                                                         you get your property into compliance. We will reinspect the property again after
  All outdoor burning or fires in areas of RESIDENTIAL dwellings shall be:                 5 days have elapsed. If you have taken corrective action, you can disregard the
     • Limited to twigs and yard waste during the hours of 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on             violation letter that was sent as a follow up, However, if the door hanger and the
        SATURDAYS.                                                                         violation letter are ignored, further legal action may be taken against you.
     • Controlled in a safe manner and has an ATTENDED WATER SUPPLY
        OR EQUAL AT ALL TIMES.                                                             Junk Vehicles
     • Occurring at least 50 feet from any structure and 30 feet from any                  Except as provided for in other regulations, no
        property line.                                                                     inoperative, uninspected or unlicensed motor
     • GARBAGE, NEWSPAPERS or PAPER PRODUCTS, RUBBER, TIRES,                               vehicle shall be parked, kept or stored on any
        PAINT, ANIMAL WASTE, PLASTICS, DIAPERS, TOXIC MATERIALS, or any                    premises, or roadways and no vehicle shall at any
        other SOLID WASTE is PROHIBITED from being burned AT ANY TIME.                     time be in a state of major disassembly, disrepair,
     • Outdoor fireplaces, grills, fire pits, and stone rings used exclusively for         or in the process of being stripped or dismantled.
        recreational purposes and/or for food preparation are exempt from these
        regulations provided the activity is conducted not closer than 15 feet to
        any property line.                                                                   Weather… It Happens
     • LEAVES are PROHIBITED from being burned AT ANY TIME. Please                           And in Pennsylvania, it is fair to say that we get to see it all. Windy days in particular
                                                                                             create garbage and recycling collection challenges, complete with blowing litter and
        call Advanced Disposal at 1800-437-1759 to schedule a leaf collection.
                                                                                             debris that escape bins, cans and containers. While we can’t control Mother Nature,
     • Burning of any type is prohibited on any paved portion of a street, alley,
                                                                                             here are some tips that may help prevent your trash and recycling from blowing
        or public grounds.
                                                                                                • Recycling and Trash
                                                                                                • Take your bins and cans to the
                                                                                                  curb the morning of pick-up,
                                                                                                  rather than the evening before.
                                                                                                  This will reduce the amount of
                                                                                                  time your cart is exposed to
                                                                                                  high wind conditions.
                                                                                                • Be sure your lid can close
                                                                                                  on your trash can. Trash is more
                                                                                                  susceptible to blowing out of the can when the lid is not completely shut.
                                                                                                • Bring your bins and cans in as soon as possible after collection to reduce
                                                                                                  the risk of them blowing down the street.
                                                                                                • Recycling
Do I need a Permit?                                                                             • If possible, place heavier recyclables toward the top of the bin to weigh
Permits are required for buildings, sheds, fences, pools, additions, etc. If you are              down loose papers, however, do not bag your recyclables to keep them
unsure please call our department at 724-834-7232 Ext. 240 for information                        from blowing out, plastic bags full of recyclables are not accepted.
before you build or install.                                                                    • If your recycling bin is only partially full, consider waiting until your next
                                                                                                  collection to place it at the curb.
Where do I find permit applications?                                                            • Trash
                                                                                                • Bag all your trash before placing it in the can. This is especially important
All permit applications can be found on our website or
                                                                                                  for small, lightweight items like Styrofoam packing peanuts.
at our office.
                                                                                                • Compact the trash – if you have loose items, place bagged trash on top
How can I pay for my permit?                                                                      of them to prevent them from blowing out of the can.
Hempfield Township accepts cash, checks, and credit cards. Credit cards will                 The bottom line is this – when it comes to garbage and recycling collection
incur a 2.95% or $2.50 minimum processing fee. We do not accept Discover or                  on a windy day, it only takes a little extra time to reduce blowing litter. Your
                                                                                             neighbors, as well as your hauler, will appreciate it.
American Express cards.
Winter 2022 - Hempfield Township
Hempfield Fire Department
Beginning with the Grapeville Station in 1918, to our 11-member stations today,          Furthering the effectiveness of the North Hempfield Station, Mutual Aid
the Hempfield Fire Department is engrained in the fabric of our community.               Ambulance began a staffed EMS presence at the station beginning on
Throughout the more than 100-year history of fire service in the Township, we            December 1, 2021. This partnership is a part of the broader modernization of
have experienced numerous transitional periods. Through all of these                     Emergency Medical Services in Hempfield Township. The addition of Mutual
transitions, the Hempfield Fire Department has been successful because of the            Aid at North Hempfield, coupled with the consolidated emergency response of
dedicated volunteer force that has been in place. The Hempfield Fire                     the Adamsburg & Community Rescue 14 Ambulance Service, with Mutual Aid,
Department has members from nearly every vocation and background. Today,                 has created an exclusive partnership with Mutual Aid Ambulance Service as
Emergency Services in our community are experiencing significant and exciting            the sole EMS provider in Hempfield Township.
changes. From new apparatus, to a new generation of volunteers, the Hempfield
                                                                                         Other stations in our community have collaborated to bring more effective fire
Fire Department is excited to grow and evolve with the Hempfield of 2022 and
                                                                                         service to you. The Bovard and Luxor Stations utilized the consolidation option
beyond! Take a moment to learn a little more about how the Hempfield Fire
                                                                                         in the service agreement to join forces for the community. This consolidation
Department is working to protect our community.
                                                                                         brought more volunteers to one station, along with the equipment from the Luxor
In 2007, the Hempfield Township Board of Supervisors approved funding for                station, and consolidated operational costs to be more efficient in our evolving
a study of the fire service in Hempfield Township. That study noted that                 Township. Fire and emergency services in the Luxor area will now be provided
approximately 468 members served the community through 12 volunteer fire                 from the Bovard and Hannastown Stations collectively.
stations, of which 268 were considered to be active according to applicable
                                                                                         The best stations and the best apparatus mean nothing without the best
standards of the time. In 2018, the Hempfield Township Board of Supervisors
                                                                                         volunteers. We are proud of the over 60 actively responding firefighters, and
commissioned a second study to review the operational standards and
                                                                                         250 total volunteer firefighters in our department. Being an active volunteer
capabilities of the fire service within the Township. Our dedicated members
                                                                                         firefighter requires a significant commitment of time, emotion, and energy. With
work tirelessly to answer more than 2,500 call annually, servicing Hempfield
                                                                                         families, jobs, and personal commitments, being a volunteer firefighter
Township and assisting our neighboring communities.
                                                                                         demonstrates a dedication to neighbor and community. Our Department is
In 2020, Hempfield Township and our communities 12 fire stations, entered into           committed to providing our volunteers with the best experience for their service.
service agreements in the newly formed Hempfield Fire Department. Through                As the Department evolves and grows, we would like you to consider joining
these agreements, the Township promised to provide financial support so that our         our family.
volunteers would focus on protecting our community through increased
                                                                                         This is an exciting time to join the Hempfield Fire Department. On average the
incident response, and expanded training opportunities. Specifically, the Township
                                                                                         we respond to 2,500 incidents annually, ranging from EMS, to technical rescues,
would subsidize emergency response expenses including fuel, equipment and
                                                                                         and everything in between. Our members of have access to all the necessary
apparatus purchasing & maintenance, and equipment & apparatus testing.
                                                                                         gear and training, and the Township is continuing to invest in the Departments
The service agreement also provided each station the option to be supported              future. Our firefighters gain real-world experience, and have numerous growth
as an all-inclusive member of the Hempfield Fire Department. These stations              opportunities. If you are interested serving your community within the volunteer
(non-chartered) would become all-inclusive members of the Hempfield Fire                 fire service, please email for additional
Department, and Hempfield Township would assume all financial obligations                information.
for the operation of the station.
                                                                                         Through fundraising, annual campaigns, and Township support our fire stations
On November 15, 2021 the North Hempfield Station became the first non-                   have survived for over 100 years. Your donations of time and money supported
chartered member of the Hempfield Fire Department. Since becoming an all-                your neighborhood stations, and helped to buy lifesaving equipment and
inclusive station, the Township’s Fire Department Administration has worked to           apparatus, protecting you, your family, and your neighbors. Now the Hempfield
identify renovations to the North Hempfield Station, maximizing its effectiveness,       Fire Department is evolving to better serve you once again. We are committed
and keeping North Hempfield Station in its current location serving our                  to making sure that our residents, our visitors, and our neighboring communities
community. In 2022, North Hempfield Station will take delivery of a state-of-the-        will have another 100 years of successful fire service. Hempfield Township is
art Tanker, which will be capable of responding to emergency scenes with 2,500           one community, and the Hempfield Fire Department is one department, built to
gallons of water and essential life-saving equipment.                                    serve you.

Winter 2022 - Hempfield Township
Fire Safety Begins At Home
According to the NFPA fire departments throughout the country respond to                 Residential fires involving home heating
nearly 50,000 residential structure fires that were caused by heating equipment,         equipment can be avoided with a few
resulting in more than 500 fatalities, 1,350 civilian casualties, and an estimated       simple steps. These steps include:
$1.1 billion in property damage (Campbell, 2021). As the leading cause of fires
                                                                                           • Keep anything that can burn at least three feet
in homes throughout the United States, 1 in 7 fires that occurred from
                                                                                             away from heating equipment
2014 – 2018 were caused by home heating equipment accounting for 19%
of home fire fatalities (Campbell, 2021). Space heaters were found to be                   • Maintain a three-foot kid-free zone around home
responsible for two out of five fires, accounting for nearly 81% of the deaths               fireplaces and space heaters
associated with residential fires caused by home heating equipment (Campbell,              • Never use your oven to heat your home
2021). Additional research has shown that fireplaces or chimney are the second             • Have a qualified professional install stationary space heating equipment,
leading cause of residential fires involving home heating equipment with nearly              water heaters, and central heating equipment in accordance with local
29% of the residential fires associated with home heating equipment being                    codes and manufacture recommunication’s
caused by fireplaces or chimneys (Campbell, 2021). Due to seasonal weather
                                                                                           • Have heating equipment and chimney’s inspected and cleaned every year
changes the months of January through March represent the highest instances
                                                                                             by a qualified professional
of residential fires involving home heating equipment.
                                                                                           • Remember to turn portable heaters off when leaving a room or going to
Since 2002 a downward trend of home heating fires has been realized thanks                   bed
in large part to the increased safety standards that have been instituted with
                                                                                           • Always use the appropriate type of fuel, as specified by the manufacturer,
regards to home heating equipment. Some improved standards include the
                                                                                             for fuel-burning space heaters
requirement of cut-off devices that automatically turn off electric or kerosene
space heaters when they tip over (Campbell, 2021). Additional factors that                 • Ensure that the fireplace has a sturdy screen to stop embers from flying
have been found to cause home heating equipment fires have been a failure to                 into the room. Make sure that ashes are cool before placing them in a bin
properly clean equipment, failure to maintain a minimum of three feet of                     for removal.
clearance around heating equipment, and home heating equipment being left                For additional information about Home Heating Fires please visit
on and unattended (Campbell, 2021).

  Hempfield Fire Stations Locations:
  Adamsburg Station                                        Grapeville Station                                       Midway/St. Clair Station
  495 Edna Road, Adamsburg, PA                             2528 Newark Street, Grapeville, PA                       1966 Broadway Avenue, Greensburg, PA
  Bovard Station                                           Hannastown Station                                       North Hempfield Station
  2 Washington Street, Bovard, PA                          189 Front Street, Hannastown, PA                         1284 Business Route 66, Greensburg, PA
  Carbon Station                                           Hempfield #2 Station                                     West Point Station
  421 Juniper Street, Greensburg, PA                       421 Thornton Avenue, Greensburg, PA                      100 Volunteer Drive, Greensburg, PA
  Fort Allen Station                                       High Park Station
  4532 State Route 136, Greensburg, PA                     402 Baughman Avenue, Jeannette, PA

Winter 2022 - Hempfield Township
RESIDENT       Registration begins for all Fall programs                    NON-RESIDENT     non-residents include those who live
REGISTRATION BEGINS at 8:30 am online, at the Hempfield                       REGISTRATION BEGINS in the surrounding communities
    Monday,                   township Municipal Building, or                      Monday,                   (i.e., Greensburg, Hunker, Manor,
 Janurary 3, 2022             Hempfield township Athletic Complex.             January 10, 2022              new Stanton, Youngwood)

                    Log on to:
                                                                     IN PERSON
                                                                     Register at the Hempfield township Athletic
                                                                                                                   For help with online registration
                                                                                                                   call us at 724-834-7232 or email:
 TO REGISTER        Click on the “Parks & Recreation” button, and    Complex during normal operating hours.        Hempfield Parks and Recreation
                    then click the “Register now” button.            *Subject to State guidelines.                 does not accept cash payments
                    All major credit cards are accepted.              Check website prior to registration.         or over-the-phone registrations.

       All programs & events are subject to change. Check the website for updates.

Parks & Recreation Program Calender
Check out our Winter & Spring Program offerings! Additional information
including instructors, program locations and program descriptions can be
found online at and click on the Parks & Recreation
button! All Parks & Recreation programs and
events are subject to change.                    ScaN the
                                              code for iNStaNt
                                                acceSS to our
 Lunch Bunch                                         program
 Due to the national staffing shortages,               catalog.
 the Lunch Bunch program will be paused until
 further notice. While we understand the values of the program for our
 community, we will try to hold a diverse array of programs to make up for
 this long-standing program. Thank you for understanding.

 Program                                          Age                  Day              Start Time         Program Dates           Resident Fee
 Fun for One                                       1                 Mondays             10:00 AM             1/17- 3/7                $50
 Fun for One                                       1                 Monday               5:30 PM             1/17- 3/7                $50
 Terrific Two's & Three's                         2-3                tuesday             10:00 AM             1/18- 3/8                $50
 Terrific Two's & Three's                         2-3                tuesday              5:30 PM             1/18- 3/8                $50
 Super Scientist                                  4-5               Wednesday             5:30 PM             1/19 - 3/9               $50
 Play, Play, Play!                                2-3                thursday             5:30 PM            1/20 - 3/10               $50
 Music Makers                                      1                  Friday              9:00 AM            1/21- 3/11                $50
 Music Makers                                     2-3                 Friday             10:15 AM            1/21- 3/11                $50
 Little Hoops Stars Basketball                    4-K                Monday               5:30 PM            2/7 – 3/14                $95
 Fun for One                                       1                 Monday              10:00 AM            3/28 - 5/16               $50
 Fun for One                                       1                 Monday               5:30 PM            3/28 - 5/16               $50
 Terrific Two's & Three's                         2-3                tuesday             10:00 AM            3/29- 5/17                $50
 Terrific Two's & Three's                         2-3                tuesday              5:30 PM            3/29- 5/17                $50
 Super Scientist                                  4-5               Wednesday             5:30 PM            3/30- 5/18                $50
 Play, Play, Play!                                2-3                thursday             5:30 PM            3/31- 5/19                $50
 Music Makers                                      1                  Friday              9:00 AM             4/1- 5/20                $50
 Music Makers                                     2-3                 Friday             10:15 AM             4/1- 5/20                $50
 Hummingbirds Soccer                              3-4                Monday               5:30 PM            4/18- 5/23                $95
Program                                  Age             Day              Start Time             Program Dates                   Resident Fee
Mad Science: Dry Ice Capades            5 - 12        Monday               4:15 PM                     1/10                           $30
Roblox Coding (Virtual)                 7 - 14        tuesday              6:30 PM                 1/12 - 2/16                       $150
Girl Power                             12 - 14          Friday             4:30 PM                 1/14 - 2/18                        $60
Let's Explore Yoga                      5 - 10        Saturday             9:00 AM                 1/15 - 2/19                        $60
Speed Agility & Quickness for Kids    3rd - 5th        Sunday              7:00 PM                  1/16 - 3/6                        $60
Speed Agility & Quickness for Kids     K - 2nd         Sunday              6:00 PM                  1/16 - 3/6                        $60
Yoga-Arts and Crafts                    8 - 12        Monday               6:45 PM                 1/17 - 2/21                        $60
Music Theory & Exploration              5 - 12        tuesday              9:00 AM                 1/18 - 3/29                       $144
Musical Theater                          8+           tuesday              7:00 PM                 1/18 - 3/29                       $200
Musical Theater                           8+         Wednesday             10:00 AM                 1/19 - 3/30                      $200
Friday Night Fun and Fitness for Kids 3rd - 5th         Friday             7:00 PM                 1/21 - 3/11                        $50
Friday Night Fun and Fitness for Kids K - 2nd           Friday             6:00 PM                 1/21 - 3/11                        $50
Partner Yoga with Siblings or Friends   7 - 12          Friday             6:00 PM                     2/11                           $20
Mad Science: Brixology Vehicles         5 - 12        tuesday              4:15 PM                     2/15                           $30
My Dolly & Me                           5 - 10          Friday             6:00 PM                     2/25                           $20
Musical Theater Movement                7 - 13        Saturday             9:45 AM                  2/5 - 3/26                        $80
Kid's Anti Bullying/Awareness Class      5+           Monday               6:30 PM                      2/7                           $10
Hoop Stars Basketball                   7 - 10        Monday               6:30 PM                  2/7 - 3/14                        $95
Volleyball Basics                       8 - 14       Wednesday             7:00 PM                 3/16 - 4/20                        $45
Minecraft World Builder (Virtual)       7 - 12        tuesday              6:30 PM                   3/2 - 4/6                       $150
Minecraft Modding (Virtual)             8 - 14        tuesday              6:30 PM                   3/2 - 4/6                       $150
Tiny Tap and Ballet                      4-7          thursday             6:00 PM                  3/3 - 4/21                        $50
Hempfield Hummingbirds Soccer            5-6          Monday               6:30 PM                 4/18 - 5/23                        $95
Roblox Coding (Virtual)                 7 - 14       Wednesday             6:30 PM                 4/20 - 5/25                       $150

                                                    All of our parks and recreation programs can now be found online
   ScaN the                                                           by visiting the township website!
code for iNStaNt
 acceSS to our
                                                  For the latest programs, trips, and events visit
   program                                          Visit us on       Facbeook @HempfieldTwp for additional program
                                                                        announcements and updates!

                                                                                  l Accepting new patients
                                                               FREE               l Most insurance accepted
                                                               EXAMS              l Clear braces at no extra charge

                                                                                  l invisible aligner treatment

                                                               724-539-3541                        Like Us on Facebook
                                                                                                   LaRue Family Orthodontics
                                                                larue_orthodontics          Dr. Sarah larue
                                                               LAtRoBE l LiGoniER l GREEnSBuRG
Program                          Age      Day      Start Time   Program Dates   Resident Fee
Hatha Yoga                       18+    Monday      6:30 PM      1/17 - 3/21        $45
Zumba Fitness                    18+    tuesday     7:00 PM       1/18 - 3/8        $50
Zumba Toning                     18+    thursday    7:00 PM      1/20 - 3/10        $50
Women's Self Defense Class       18+    Monday      6:30 PM      2/14 - 2/28        $60
Intro to Pickleball              18+   Wednesday   11:30 AM        2/2 - 3/9        $60
Getting Paid to Talk (Virtual)   18+    tuesday     6:30 PM           2/1           $25
Gnocchi Making Class             18+    tuesday     6:00 PM           3/1           $85
Damsel in Defense                18+    tuesday     6:00 PM          3/15           $10
Understanding Medicare           18+   Wednesday    7:00 PM          3/30            $0
Getting Paid to Talk (Virtual)   18+    Monday      6:30 PM           4/4           $25
Pierogies Making Class           18+    tuesday     6:00 PM           4/5           $85
Hatha Yoga                       18+    Monday      6:30 PM      4/11 - 6/13        $45

FREE Pre-K Counts
                (for qualifying families)

     Now Accepting Applications
           for Fall 2022

        Early Learning Center
      Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM – 2 PM
           180 day school year
      Wrap Around       Keystone Star 4 Center
     care available       NAEYC Accredited

     1270 Middletown Rd. l Greensburg, PA 15601
Leave your Legacy in the Parks
                                                                                   Over the past 5 years, Hempfield has actively sought state and federal grants,
                                                                                   and solicited major gifts for improvements at Hempfield Park. The Township
                                           Spring                                  secured over $1.4 million dollars in funding, and is contributing over $400,000 in
                                                                                   additional funds from the Hempfield Parks Fund.

                                           Soccer                                  We are now seeking your support! A Legacy or Site Amenity sponsorship will leave
                                                                                   a lasting impression on our community. Consider showing your support with
                                                                                   one of the available sponsorships for the Hempfield Park Rehabilitation Project:
                                                                                     l   Legacy Sponsorships
the Hempfield Recreation Soccer League is intended for boys and girls                    • Upper Baseball Field
ages 4 – 9. it provides the children the opportunity to learn soccer and                 • Upper Soccer Field
play at a recreation level.
                                                                                         • Pavilion F
u5 (Birthyear 2016 or 2017)    Residents: $45.00    Non-Residents: $75.00                • Dog Park
u6 (Birthyear 2015)            Residents: $45.00    Non-Residents: $75.00
u8 (Birthyear 2013 or 2014)    Residents: $65.00    Non-Residents: $95.00            l   Site Amenity
u10 (Birthyear 2010 or 2011)   Residents: $65.00    Non-Residents: $95.00                Sponsorships
uniforms are included and will be given to all participants. All games and               • Memorial Park
practices will be played at Hempfield Park. Registration deadline – Friday,              Benches
March 11.                                                                                • Memorial Trees
Games will be every Saturday morning from April 9 to May 28.                             • Water Fountains
Additional practices will only be scheduled for u8 & u10 and will begin
the week of April 4.
                                                                                         • Pet Waste Stations
                                                                                         • Bleachers
For a complete list of specific dates, times and an overview of the
schedule, please check out the website:                      For more information about
                         Adult coaches needed                                      Legacy and Site Amenity
                                                                                   sponsorships please
                                                                                   contact the Director of
                                                                                   Parks & Recreation at
           Women’s Softball League

interested in
playing adult women’s
slow pitch
softball? A
season will be
played in June &
July on Monday
and Wednesday
evenings at 6:45 pm.
Fee includes: field usage,
playoff umpires fees and game balls. teams are responsible
for own uniforms and half of umpire fee for regular season umpire
($15.00). the season will end with a tournament. Deadline to register –
Friday, May 13. Please contact us if you are looking for a team to play on.
Ages:                        18+
Location:                    Hempfield Park & Swede Hill Park
Date:                        Monday & Wednesday
                             Games – June & July, pending weather
time:                        6:45 pm & 8:30 pm
Fee:                         $300.00 per team
                             8-team max

2022 will be the
CAMP                              best Summer
                                  Day Camp yet!
O           We are excited to announce some BiG changes for
            the 2022 Summer Day Camp at Hempfield Park!
            our camp has grown tremendously and we

R           want to keep that great energy going. We
            take pride in providing a fun, engaging and safe
            summer experience for our campers, and we

            think 2022 is going to
            be our best Summer
            Day Camp yet!

E            TWO CAMPS IN ONE!
             Due to our growth
             and diverse age range,
                                                                                                  What’s New With Camp?
                                                                                               Early-Bird Registration Discount
                                                                                             l Sibling Registration Discount

R            we are splitting our
             campers in to two
             camps. Camps will run
             concurrently, and will have all the same great benefits!
                                                                                             l Daily Morning & Afternoon Snack

                                                                                             l Daily Lunch*

                                                                                                 *additional fee may apply
                                                                                               Water Bottle & Drawstring Bag
                    Junior Camp                          Senior Camp                         l Weekly Pool trips

              incoming 1st – 3rd Graders           incoming 4th – 6th Graders                l Weekly themed Parties

             Camper enrollment is based on their grade for the 2022-2023 school year.        l End-of-Camp Celebration Picnic

Preteens entering 7th - 9th grade
are able to attend camp as
                                        NEW                                 CAMP PRICING OPTIONS
                                                                                 Full Camp Registration
Counselors-in-training (Cit). Cit’s                                   Enrollment in all 10-weeks of Summer Day Camp!
will support the counselors with planning and preparing             resident campers             non-resident campers
the daily camp program and activities.                              $1,500 per camper                $1,800 per camper
Becoming a Counselor-in-training builds leadership                   only $30 per day!               only $36 per day!
skills, prepares preteens for future employment as camp
                                                                  WEEKLY REGISTRATION             PARTIAL WEEKLY REGISTRATION
counselors, provides full-time summer supervision, and             Resident Campers - $165            Resident Campers - $120
allows for social interaction!                                       non-Resident - $185                non-Resident -$140
                                                                     Choose your week!             3-days per week, selected at the
                                                                                                         time of registration.
           to     our 2021 Camp Counselors
 Thank you                                            !                      EARLY DROP OFF & LATE PICK UP
                                                                            Early Drop off begins at 7AM – $25/week
                                                                              Late Pick up ends at 6PM – $25/week


                                                                  FULL CAMP REGISTRATION               WEEKLY REGISTRATION
                                                                  $750 Resident/$850 non-Res          $80 Resident/$90 non-Res

                                                            3-DAY CAMP TRIAL
                                                            not sure if your child is ready for camp?
                                                            Do the kids need to burn some energy
                                                            before camp starts? We will be offering a               NEW
                                                            3-day camp trial June 8th-10th, 2022.
                                                            Pre-registration is required, spaces are limited!

Hempfield Township Athletic Complex
                                            Located at Hempfield Park, 220 Forbes Trail Road, Greensburg, PA 15601

                                                                                         Adult Pick-Up Sports – Membership Required (see membership info):
                                                                                         Each person must have a current HTAC membership.
                                                                                          l Monday - Soccer l Wednesday - Volleyball

                                                                                          l Tuesday - Pickleball l Thursday -Basketball

                                                                                          • $5.00 per person + HTAC membership
                                                                                          • Must be 18 years or older

                                                                                         Hempfield Township Athletic Complex Membership Cards
                                                                                         Membership is required for open court, walking, adult pick-up sports, and drop-in
                                                                                         Every person age 14 and older is required to have a current HTAC membership in his
                                                                                         or her own name. Membership cannot be borrowed or shared.
                                                                                         Age Requirements:
                                                                                           • Age 14 – 17 must have a parent register the child for his or her own membership.
                                                                                           • Age 13 and younger must be accompanied by a parent for the duration of the
                                                                                             child’s visit. Parent must have a current membership in the parent’s own name.
                                                                                         Hempfield Township Residents: Age 14 +: Free
                                                                                         Non-residents:                     Age 14 – 54: $10/year
                                                                                                                            Age 55+: $5/year
                                                                                           • Current HTAC membership card MUST be presented at check-in for entry to the
                                                                                           • No entry will be permitted without a current membership.
                                                                                           • A $5.00 fee will be charged for all replacement cards.

The Hempfield Township Athletic Complex is a multipurpose indoor
facility featuring three full size athletic courts, an indoor walking
track, and concession area.
      HTAC Hours of Operation                         HTAC Office Hours
         November - March                     Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
 Monday – Saturday 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM         Closed December 24, 31 and April 15
     Sunday 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM

Indoor Walking Track – Membership Required (see membership info):
Walking is free with current HTAC membership and available during operating
hours unless the facility is being used for a Township event or private rental.

 • Full Court Hourly Rate: $40/hour Monday – Friday | $50/hour Saturday - Sunday
 • Full Court Daily Rate: $400/day Monday – Friday | $500/day Saturday - Sunday
 • Full Building Rental – call for details regarding tournaments and
   non-tournament events
 • Birthday Parties: $150.00/2-hour event – one court – up to 32 attendees

Open Court – Membership Required (see membership info):
Each person must have a current HTAC membership.
 • $5.00 per person +HTAC membership
 • Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM - Subject to change
 • Evening and weekend availability vary. Please call for specific times.
Hempfield Area School District
                                      Message from the                                        regards to electrical, mechanical, plumbing, energy efficiency, curricular, school
                                                                                              security and safety factors position the school for consideration of renovation or
                                      Superintendent                                          new construction. The feasibility study will provide a means of determining the
                                                                                              financial scope of a high school project, while being cognizant of future needs of
                                     One year ago the Hempfield Area School
                                                                                              all other physical structures.
                                     Board approved initial steps for the
                                     development of a comprehensive District-                        School                        Year Built        Addition/Renovation
                                     wide feasibility study. SitelogiQ and Core
                                     Architects were contracted to complete this               Harrold Middle                         1921          1955, 1974, 1984, 1999
                                     study which included all District facilities to           Maxwell Elementary                     1952                1969, 1999
                                     provide an analysis of each structure and
                                     anticipated future needs so that a long term              Hempfield Area High School             1956          1966, 1978, 1988, 2006
                                     financial plan can be developed. The District             Fort Allen Elementary                  1956                1969, 1999
                                     utilizes nine school buildings for instructional          West Hempfield Elementary              1962                1974, 2000
                                     purposes, two former schools are under
                                     lease, and additional buildings house                     West Point Elementary                  1962                  2000
                                     administration, maintenance, and the                      West Hempfield Middle                  1966                  2002
      Dr. Tammy S. Wolicki,          transportation offices. The development of a
    Superintendent of Schools                                                                  Stanwood Elementary                    1971                  2010
                                     long-term maintenance plan for these
                                     facilities, which have major financial                    Wendover Middle                        1971                2007, 2013
implications, is an ongoing focus. The results of the feasibility study will be shared
at a public meeting in January 2022 or shortly thereafter.                                    Consideration of a school renovation or new construction project leads to
                                                                                              questions regarding the financial impact on taxpayers. The Hempfield Area
A demographic study was completed in November 2019, providing projected
                                                                                              School District public school board meeting on November 15, 2021, included a
enrollments for each elementary, each middle, and the high school through 2028.
                                                                                              presentation by Janney Montgomery Scott regarding the District’s current debt
The complete demographic report is available on the District’s website. The
                                                                                              structure. The District will be making final payments for existing debt in 2026,
projected enrollments and building capacity are taken into consideration when
                                                                                              which positions the District to initiate a project with little to no impact upon
making financial decisions for building use and/or renovations.
                                                                                              taxpayers. The community will be informed of progress in this regard through
The chart includes a listing of the schools, the year built, and dates of additions           publications, the District’s website, and reports during school board meetings.
and/or renovations. The age of the Hempfield Area High School and needs in

Hempfield Area School District
                          Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund “ESSER”
The Hempfield Area School District is set to receive three federal grants to                Three additional school counselors were hired for the start of 2021-2022 school
prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus. Grant funds will be used to               year using ESSER funds. Each middle school now has two school
address expenses in relation to the pandemic that occurred as early as March                counselors. Each elementary school continues to have one counselor and
2020 and continuing through September 2024. The following table outlines the                five counselors remain at the high school. The school counselors play a key
three grants that are commonly referred to as ESSER I, ESSER II, and                        role in supporting students and families in removing barriers to learning.
                                                                                            The ARP Act or ESSER III requires that 20% of the grant funding be used to
     Federal                                            Statutory      Tydings              address learning loss. The District hired additional certified teachers in the
                           Award          Enacted                                           spring of 2021 to work with seniors during study halls, activity periods, and
 Stimulus Funds                                           End           Period
                                                                                            electives. A March Madness event was held in the Spring of 2021 to provide
    CARES Act                              March       September September                  after school tutoring for any high school student needing support. Children in
    (ESSER I)                              2020          2021      2022                     grades Kindergarten, first, and second who needed additional support were
    CRRSA Act                                                                               invited to attend summer camps during the summer of 2021. Plans are in
                       $2,627,714.00 December September September                           place to provide similar support through the summer of 2024.
    (ESSER II)                         2020     2022      2023
      ARP Act                              March       September September                  In addition to using ESSER funds for salaries and transportation for after school
                       $5,152,027.00                                                        and summer programs, grant funds are allocated for intervention materials and
    (ESSER III)                            2021          2023      2024
                                                                                            resources. The intervention component of the recently adopted ARC ELA
The move to remote-only instruction for all students in March 2020 required some            program was purchased for use in the elementary classrooms. A phonics
immediate resources. While students in grades six through twelve had assigned               program was purchased to support early learning. A data warehouse tool was
Chromebooks, elementary students did not. The devices within the elementary                 purchased to support teachers and teams in monitoring the progress of
schools were distributed to students and orders were placed for additional                  student learning and attendance, and to evaluate the effectiveness of
devices. The elementary devices were already more than five years old and                   interventions.
updates will soon no longer be available. The grants provided a funding source
                                                                                            School facility repairs and the assessment and upgrade of indoor air quality
for replacement devices that were needed once schools reopened for in-person
                                                                                            are identified as acceptable uses of ESSER grant funds. The Hempfield Area
learning in the Fall of 2020. Additional technology needs included hotspots and
                                                                                            School District initiated two independent air quality assessments in the Fall of
monthly service fees for Internet connectivity, software programs to support virtual
                                                                                            2021. Assessment data was collected for air quality measures including
instruction, wireless microphones, charging carts, and cabling. More than
                                                                                            temperature, humidity, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and total dust
$1,000,000 has been designated for technology needs.
                                                                                            readings. The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
Elementary parents were provided the option of a full cyber program instructed by           Engineers (ASHRAE) standards were used and no significant findings were
Hempfield Area teachers beginning with the 2020-2021 school year. Approximately             identified.
450 elementary students enrolled in the program, requiring at least eighteen
                                                                                            Hempfield Area administrators sought the input of stakeholders in order to best
teachers. Teachers were reassigned from brick and mortar schools and additional
                                                                                            utilize these funds to prevent, prepare, and respond to the pandemic. Teachers
teachers were hired. The online elementary program continues in the 2021-2022
                                                                                            completed a survey that identified strategies and resources to address learning
school year for approximately 50 students. The Hempfield Area School District
                                                                                            loss. A focus group of parents representing the elementary, middle, and high
joined the Franklin Regional and Norwin School Districts to collaboratively provide
                                                                                            school provided input.
an elementary online program called the Westmoreland Online Academy (WOA).
The District has designated more than $1,000,000 to support online learning since           The Pennsylvania Department of Education website provides additional
the beginning of the pandemic and through the 2021-2022 school year. We                     information regarding the permitted uses of these funds. Districts are
anticipate allocating additional funds for the 2022-2023 school year, if needed.            cautioned not to use the grant funds for recurring expenses as it leads to
                                                                                            budgetary issues when the funds are no longer available. The Hempfield
The Department of Health recommended six feet of social distancing for the
                                                                                            Area School District will continue to utilize the funds through September of
2020-2021 school year. The District repurposed large group areas, such as
                                                                                            2024 to prevent, prepare, and respond to the coronavirus.
gymnasiums, to create additional classrooms in the elementary schools to
support social distancing as all children attended school daily. Additional
elementary teachers were hired for this purpose. Additional costs to promote
social distancing included additional buses to transport students to and from the

   Save The Date
   April 7 - 9
Hempfield Area School District
                         Hempfield Area Adds PreK Classroom at West Hempfield Elementary
  The Hempfield Area School
  District received grant funds to
  support the addition of a
  PreK Counts classroom to
  the elementary programming
  beginning in September of 2021.
  The classroom is housed at West
  Hempfield Elementary School
  and operates following the school
  district calendar. The grant award
  is funded through state and
  federal funding managed by
  the state’s Office of Child
  Development and Early Learning
  (OCDEL). The award amount is
  $175,000 for the 2021-2022
  school year and fully funds
  staffing and operational costs for up to twenty children to attend the full day        Mrs. Melissa Thoma serves as the PreK Counts teacher and has eleven years
  program. Dr. Rieffannacht, Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Education,           of early childhood teaching experience which assisted in the development of
  authored the grant and plans to continue to seek funding to continue and               this new program.
  possibly expand the program in future years.                                           Eligibility for admittance into the program is outlined by the Pre-K Counts
  PreK Counts is for three and four year olds who are not yet eligible for               programming guidelines and includes the age of the child and household
  Kindergarten. The program emphasizes child centered and play-based                     income. Applications continue to be accepted until the program reaches a
  learning. The children learn to identify basic shapes, colors, upper and lower         maximum capacity of twenty students. Interested parties can find information
  case letters, numbers to 30, and their first and last name. Students also              about eligibility and enrollment by visiting the District website at
  learn to work cooperatively, promoting positive peer relationships.          >Academics>Pre-K Counts Program.

Elizabeth Martorella Receives the Honorable
Christopher A. Feliciani Leadership Award
The 12th Annual Court Appointed
Special Advocates (CASA) of
Westmoreland, Inc. Leadership
Breakfast was held at the Word of
Life Church in Greensburg, PA on
September 24, 2021. During the
event, Elizabeth Martorella, a                                                                CALL TODAY AND TAKE BACK YOUR GARAGE!
senior attending the Hempfield                                                                             Phone: 724-806-1053
Area Senior High School, received                                                    
the Honorable Christopher A.                                                                               western-pennsylvania
Feliciani Leadership Award for
the countless hours of volunteer
work she has conducted in the
autistic support classroom over
the past four years. Elizabeth
                                                                                                                                l Expert Collision Repairs
                                                                                                                                l Free Estimates
was nominated by the building
principal, Mrs. Kathy Charlton,                                                                                                 l Written Warranty
for her selfless leadership and                                                                                                 l Work with all Insurance
willingness to support her peers.                                                                                                 Companies
“Elizabeth can always be seen
with a bright, welcoming smile                                                                                                  Also offering
everywhere she goes,” states                                                                                                    heavy duty truck repairs
                                                                                                  4623 Route 30
Mrs. Charlton. Elizabeth plans to attend the University of Pittsburgh                          Greensburg, PA 15601             and refinishing!
Greensburg in the fall where she will major in Business Management and play                        724-537-5307       
softball.                                                                                        724-537-5357 fax

Hempfield Area School District
                                                      High School Peer Mediation: Win/Win
 People live, work and play together,                                                            see a peer mediator to resolve a dispute. Peer Mediators are facilitators,
 and it is important for them to get along.                                                      not judges or disciplinarians. There are no consequences for participating
 Conflict is a natural part of everyday life.                                                    in peer mediation. The peer mediators help their peers express their conflicts
                                                                                                 and find their own best resolutions. This program is a wonderful way for
 Conflict can be handled in positive or negative ways.                                           students to learn the skills of conflict resolution and social problem-solving.
 Conflict can have either creative or destructive results.
                                                                                                       The high school mediators were selected pre-COVID and participated in
 It can be a positive force for personal growth and social change.                                           multiple hours of training. David Trevaskis, from the PA Bar
 The Peer Mediation Program is once again in place at the                                                        Association supported the training in March 2020. The
 Hempfield Area High School. Under the sponsorship of Mrs.                                                          training includes communication and problem-solving skills,
 Kathy Conte, the high school currently has twelve                                                                     as well as, practice of the Conflict Management process.
 students in grades eleven and twelve who are trained                                                                    The mediators have been working hard getting
 to support their peers in solving personal conflicts.                                                                     the word out with commercials, presentations in
 During the process, peer mediators assist disputing                                                                        classrooms, and other schoolwide advertising.
 students in the peaceful expression and resolution                                                                              In addition, the peer mediators are supporting new
 of their conflicts by using a prescribed problem-                                                                                student transitions. A peer mediator will be
 solving process. Students who are part of a                                                                                      assigned to any new student entering the high
 dispute can be referred by the principal, counselor,                                                                              school. The assigned mediator will meet with the
 teachers, parents, other students or themselves.                                                                                  new student, show them around the school, and
 The process is voluntary: no one is forced to                                                                                     offer a connection to ease any nervousness.

                                          Introducing the Guest Substitute Teacher Program
Great schools need great substitute teachers. If you are thinking about a career                   Substitute teachers have flexibility in selecting from available assignments by
in education, returning to the workforce, or looking to work with children, the                     school. Elementary substitute hours are 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM, middle school
Hempfield Area School District has an employment opportunity for you. We                            substitute hours are 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM, and high school substitute hours
are excited to introduce the Guest Teacher Program. As a guest                                      are 7:20 AM to 3:20 PM. Individuals may select full day positions or half days,
substitute teacher you will gain valuable experience and have                                       as available. Compensation is $100.00/day for the first 30 days and $120/day
a positive impact on students.                                                                      for all days thereafter during the 2021-2022 school year.
Guest teachers are individuals in                                                                        In order to be considered for an upcoming district training
the community who do not have                                                                            program, interested candidates should email a letter of interest, resume,
a teacher certification, but                                                                             current child abuse, criminal history, and FBI clearances to Bob Reger
possess a Bachelor’s degree                                                                              @ or by 4:30 PM on
or higher. The Pennsylvania                                                                              December 15, 2021.
Department of Education
                                                                                                     A two-day training by Hempfield Area School District administration will be
(PDE) will grant an emergency
                                                                                                 provided to acclimate individuals to the procedures and expectations. Prior to
permit (Type 06 permit)
                                                                                                 the training, candidates must provide official, sealed transcripts from the
allowing individuals to become a
                                                                                                 college/university and the school employee PA Department of Health School
day-to-day substitute teacher once the
                                                                                                 Personnel Health Record, including a current TB test. Participants must be
individual completes a district training program,
                                                                                                 present and complete both days of training in order to obtain an emergency
provides required employment documentation
                                                                                                 permit. The $100 fee for the emergency permit is the responsibility of the
(physical, TB test, transcripts and clearances, and other
                                                                                                 applicant. This district will assist the candidates in preparing and submitting the
forms), and the PDE application through TIMS. The Type 06 permit
                                                                                                 PDE 338-G Form - Application.
allows a guest teacher to substitute in any subject area. The Type 06 Emergency
Permit is valid for one year (August 1st-July 31st) and must be renewed on an
annual basis.
Applicants must be willing to               Substitute Positions Needed
administer and deliver the district’s       The Hempfield Area School District is accepting applications
instructional program and classroom         for the following substitute positions:
operations in compliance with
guidelines and regulations determined       Substitute Teachers...$100/day - 1st 30 days; Day 31 - $120/day
by the administration, Board of             Substitute Nurses .....$100/day - 1st 30 days; Day 31 - $120/day
Directors, state, and federal agencies.     (RN or LPN certification required)
Applicants should possess strong            Substitute Custodians .................................................$12.50/hour
communication skills, passion, and
desire to make a positive impact            Please visit www.hasdpa.ent>Our_District>Human_Resources
on students, and be energetic and           for more information about required clearances and how to apply
engaging to inspire the students.
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