T - Mandeville High School

Page created by Gerald Gray
                   CLASS OF 2022

                  SENIOR SPONSORS

                  #1 SKIPPER DRIVE
                MANDEVILLE,   LA7047I
Seniors may use the Common App
                                                 (www.commonapp.org) to use one
                                                 application to apply to nearly 900
                                                 schools. In our area, l-SU, UNO,
                                                 Tulane, Loyola, Xavier, Ole Miss,
                                                 Southern Miss, Mississippi State,
                                                 Millsaps all use the Common App.

common                                           There are hundreds more, including
                                                 Auburn, Alabama, Spring Hil!,

   opP                                           South Alabama, Georgia, Florida,
                                                 South Carolina, Arkansas, and
                                                 College of Charleston. Applying
                                                 through the Common App allows us to
                                                 send records electron ica lly, which
                                                 eases the application process. When
                                                 applying to a school, please check to
                                                 see if they're on the Common Applica-
                                                 tion. It makes things a lot easier!

Students may request a paper transcript from
Mrs. Howard, the registrar, in the guidance of-
fice. She has a request form at her desk, We
cannot accept requests for transcripts by phone
or email. Each transcript is $1 and will be
mailed to the college or university you indicate.
We do not send test scores (ACT). For the
score to be official, it must be sent from ACT
directly to the college or university.
ACT has endorsed superscoring, which allows a
student to use his or her best score from each
of the four (4) sub-sections to create a
"superscore" composite score. It's up to each
college or university to determine if they'll ac-
cept a superscore. TOPS does not currently al-
low for a superscore to be used.
Completing the FAFSA or signing a waiver
                                                         indicating that you will not complete a
                                                         FAFSA is a graduation requirement for the
                                                         class of 2022. The FAFSA for the class of
                                                         2022 became available on October lst.
                                                         Please make sure to complete the 2022-
                                                         2023 FAFSA since that will be the first
                                                         year of college for our seniors.

   Our students have the opportunity to earn dual
   enrollment credit from several universities.
   Southeastern Louisiana University awards credit
   to students who dual enroll in: English IV, Alge-
   bra III, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, World History,
   Chemistry and STAR. Louisiana Tech University
   awards credit to students who dual enroll in:
   French II, French III, French IV, Spanish II,                       *DUAL
                                                                       IN RC)LLMENT
   Spanish III, Biology II, and Psychology.
   Northshore Technical & Community College credit
   can be earned in Auto Tech, EMT, or First Re-
   sponderr and Nunez Community College credit
   can be earned in Pro Start L Transcripts with
   credit for completed college courses must be ob-
   tained by the student from the college.

                                              Our students have the opportunity to take AP tests in a
                                              number of subjects and potentially earn college credit at
                                              a fraction of the cost for a three-hour course. Registra-
                                              tion for the AP tests is in the fall! Students may
                                              test in English Language. English Literature, AB Calculus,
                                              U.S. History, Chemistry, Biology. Psychology, Compara-
                                              tive Government & Politics, Macroeconomics, European
                                              History, and U.S. Government & Politics. November 2nd
                                              is the deadline to register without the additional late fee.
                                              Forms are due to Mrs. Dietrich in the main office.
Students are able to potentially earn college
credit through exams from the College Board's
CLEP (College-Level Examination Program), Stu-
dents may test in College Composition (English IV
Honors), English Literature (English IV), Chemis-
try, College Algebra (Algebra III or Pre-Calculus),
Biology (Biology II), History of the US II:1865 to
Present (U.S. History or U.S. History Honors),                                  Examination
Western Civilizations: 1648 to Present (World His-              CLEP             Program
tory or World History Honors), Psychology, Span-
ish Language (Spanish III), or French Language
(French III or IV). lYrs. Courtney Weileman is
the CLEP coordinator. Sign-up deadlines to test
at MHS will be advertised later in the year.
                                              ' (1355 ffiP
                                              Any student who is classified as a
                                              graduating senior in the spring of
Our senior trip will be March 16-20 and
                                              2022 may attend the senior trip.
includes visits to Disney theme parks in
                                              Students who receive an out-of-
Orlando. Sign-ups for the senior trip con-
                                              school suspension during the
tinue until November 5th. Students may
                                              current school year may not attend
pay through MyPaymentsPlus or see Mr.
                                              the trip. Students with excessive
Esker, the senior counselor, in the guid-
                                              absences may be denied per-
ance office to sign up with cash, check or
                                              mission to attend the trip. No one
a money order. The total cost for the trip
                                              who is under a judicial order of
is $750 (payable to MHS). The initial
                                              probation may participate. Stu-
payment of $250 and a clearance slip
                                              dents who do not attend daily clas-
from the bookkeeper are due by Novem-
                                              ses at MHS, such as those classi-
ber 5th. Remaining payments of $250
                                              fied as "hospital/homebound", are
are due by December lOth (second pay-
                                              not permitted to participate.
ment) and January 14th (final payment).
All payments may be made through
MyPaymentsPlus or cash/check/money or-        Any request for a full refund must
der that is brought in person to Mr. Esker.   be made in writing from a parent
     o   D   o                                or guardian no later than January
DENT SERVICES, THE OFFICE, O8 JNY             6t 2022. A refund of all money
OTHER SENIOR SPONSOR'S MAILBOX.               (excluding park ticket and meal
                                              vouchers costs) is available if
                      i                       dropped between January 7 and
                                              January t3, 2022. A refund of all
                    &iS                       money (excluding park ticket, meal
                                              vouchers and the cost of the hotel)
                                              is available if dropped between
         0rd$?tr'rrlaWorlcl"                  January 13 and February 13,2022.

                                              All Mandeville High, St. Tammany
                                              Parish Public Schools, and theme
Students will receive permission slips that   parks rules and regulations are in
will have to be signed and notarized. Stu-    efFect at all times during the trip.
dents may secure a notary of their choice.    Any student who is sent home
Completed slips must be returned onty to      from the senior trip may forfeit
Mrs. Pam Simon in room 401 by Decem-          his/her right to participate in the
ber 10th (date of second trip payment).       graduation ceremony.
                                                        MHS YEARBOOK
                                           Any senior who wishes to have his or her
                                           picture included in the Yearbook must
                                           have their picture taken at River Oaks
                                           Photography on Asbury Drive. The
                                           photo for the yearbook does not carry a
                                           fee but must be scheduled by calling 985
                                           -674-2357. The yearbook photo has to
                                           be taken no later than January 19th in
                                           order to be included with the class of
                                           2022. Seniors are free to schedule oth-
                                           er senior portraits with any photographer
                                           of their choosing, but the yearbook photo
                                           must be taken at River Oaks.

Any candidate for graduation with the
class of 2022 who is in good stand-
ing, active in Mandeville High sports
andlor clubs, has attended Mande-
ville High for at least the four (4) se-
mester prior to graduation and has a
3.0 or better GPA is eligible to deliver           ta

the commencement address at grad-                        !oc       .*
uation. Any interested student must
submit the potential commencement
address to Mrs. Dean in Room 406 no
later than February 4th. Addresses
will be delivered before a committee
of Mandeville High administrators and                          I
teachers during 7th hour on February
8th. One address will be select-
ed. See Mrs. Dean for criteria and
additional information
                    L/                       Senior Academic Awards Night is cur-
                                             rently scheduled for Wednesday, May
                                             4th . Any student who receives a
                                             scholarship offer, w hether it's ac-
                                             cepted or not, will be recognized as
                SMNJI OR                     part of the evening program. A coPY
                                             of the scholarship offer must be given
                                             to Mr. Esker in guidance no later than
            NWNBDS                            riday, April 29th in order to be includ-
                                             ed in the program. Invitations are not

                    N[@HT                    mailed for students who are being rec-
                                             ognized for scholarship offers. Seniors
                                             who are being recognized for other
                                             achievements will receive an invitation
                                             in the mail to attend.

The end of senior exam week is capped
off with the Senior Crawfish Boi!, ralhich
is currently scheduled to take place
on Friday, April 29th from 11 am-l
pm in the stadium. Students w ill
have the opportunity to sign up to at-
tend and purchase a T-shirt for the
event. It's a great way to caP off the
Caps and gowns will be available for purchase through Graduate Supply Company.
A prior graduate's cap and gown cannot be used. Distribution of the caps and
gowns is currently scheduled for Friday, May 6th in the auditorium from 1O:30-
12 pm. Students must be clear of all debts, including textbooks, in order to col-
lect their caps and gowns. Parents may pick up the caps and gowns for their chil-
dren, but they will have to stand in line with the students. Anyone who does not
attend that day may pick up their cap and gown from Mr. Esker in the guidance of-
fice on Monday, May 9 from 12 pm-

If a student does not wish to partici-
pate in the graduation ceremony,
then a parent, guardian or caregiver
should e-mail Mr. Esker, the senior
counselor, to share that information.
Any student who does not participate
in the graduation ceremony may pick
up his/her diploma beginning May
11th after clearing all debts.           SKEPPEMS
                                               GRADUATION PRACTICE
                                            Mandatory practice is tentatively
                                            scheduled to be held on Monday, May
                                            9 at Southeastern Louisiana Universi-
                                            ty's University Center from B:30 am-
                                            11:30 am. Seniors must arrange for
                                            transportation to and from the prac-
                                            tice. This practice is required; only
                                            those students who participate in the
                                            graduation practice will participate in
                                            the grad uation ceremony. Seniors
                                            who are taking the AP Calculus exam
                                            are excused but must check in with
                                            Mrs. Dean in Room 406 between 2 and
                                            2:30 pm on May 9th.
Please take a few minutes to hang up the gown once it is received and remove any
wrinkles. Do not iron the gown.
Girls wear a cool summer dress or skirt and blouse (no pants or shorts)' Shoes
must be biack and must have a back or a strap. No tennis shoes, boots, or flip-flop
type sandals, even with a strap atthe back, will be allowed.
Boys must wear black dress slacks, a white collared dress shirt (preferably short
sleeves because it's hot), a tie, black dress shoes or boots, and black socks. They
must be in compliance with the STPPS policy on facial hair (clean-shaven or neatly
trimmed moustache, beard or goatee) with hair length also in compliance with dress
code. No jeans, khaki pants, sandals, tennis shoes or other athletic shoes are al-
Any students who are not in compliance with the above dress code will be required
to change their attire to comply with the dress code. All oafticioatino students arc
  x naalarl ta h in frrll aa m ti 2 n aa urilh f ic dracc anda  Final decisions re-
garding compliance and/or participation in the ceremony will come from Mr. Bundy.
All caps must be placed flat on the graduate's head and remain in place throughout
the ceremony. Caps may not be decorated or personalized in any way.

                               GRADUATION NIGHT
All graduating seniors should arrive at Southeastern Louisiana University's Universi-
ty Center by 6 p.m. Roll call will be made by senior homeroom teachers in their as-
signed areas in the corridors. Parents and other guests are not permitted in the
line-up area.
We anticipate that graduates will be able to invite as many guests as they would
like. There are no tickets required for entrance to the ceremony.
All graduates are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. Grad-
uation is the best-attended school function, and the graduates'behavior is a reflec-
tion on the entire school. Please refrain from laughing, talking, and chewing gum
while the ceremony is taking place. Parents and guests should not bring noisemak-
ers or any other distracting items to graduation. Please be respectful to the gradu-
ates and their families and allow their name to be heard. Campus security will con-
fiscate noisemakers and possibly ask guests to leave.
The procession begins promptly at 7   pm.   Once the procession concludes, there is
no admittance to the floor area.
After recessional from the arena floor, graduates are to return immediately to the
corridors to pick up diplomas from their homeroom teachers. All items (cap, gown,
tassel, stoles, and honor cords) are the graduates'to keep!
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