T H E MAY 2021 - Christ Church Cathedral Cincinnati, Ohio Cover feature on pages 26-28
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THE DIAPASON Editor’s Notebook Scranton Gillette Communications One Hundred Twelfth Year: No. 5, Presenting our 20 Under 30 Class of 2021 Whole No. 1338 The principal focus of this issue is The Diapason’s 20 MAY 2021 Under 30 Class of 2021. A biennial recognition program of the Established in 1909 best of young organists, church musicians, harpsichordists, car- Stephen Schnurr ISSN 0012-2378 illonneurs, and organ and harpsichord builders, it is a pleasure 847/954-7989; sschnurr@sgcmail.com to present to you representatives of the promising future of www.TheDiapason.com An International Monthly Devoted to the Organ, what we all care about deeply. Here you will find biographical the Harpsichord, Carillon, and Church Music information and pictures of each of the Class of 2021. The sole remaining unaltered work of John Bergstrom & Sons as Many thanks to those who submitted nominations, and be restored by Schoenstein & Co. is featured in “Organ Projects.” CONTENTS assured there will be many more quality candidates to hear FEATURES about again in two years. In December 2022, nominations will Digital edition promotion open for the Class of 2023. Through the end of June, those purchasing a new or renewal The Class of 2021: one-year subscription can receive a free one-year digital sub- 20 leaders under the age of 30 by The Diapason staff 14 Elsewhere in this issue scription for a friend. This offer is valid when purchasing a Pipe Organs of La Grange, Illinois, and the In “On Teaching,” Gavin Black reports on feedback received print or digital subscription; the free subscription is digital only Architectural Edifices That House Them, from readers on his discussion about his pedal method. John and is intended for a new subscriber. For information and to Part 7: First Presbyterian Church Bishop, in “In the Wind . . .,” writes about the particular care subscribe: toll free, 877/501-7540; local, 847/763-4933; for new by Stephen Schnurr 22 needed and taken by the organ restoration crew of the Jim subscriptions: https://sgc.dragonforms.com/DPP_newfriend; NEWS & DEPARTMENTS Whelan Boardwalk Hall, Atlantic City, New Jersey, during the for renewals: https://sgc.dragonforms.com/DPP_renewfriend. Editor’s Notebook 3 recent demolition of the hotel and casino just feet away from the Here & There 3 hall. The seventh installment of my series on the organs of La Summer events Appointments 6 Grange, Illinois, details the organs of First Presbyterian Church. If you will be hosting summer organ and carillon recitals and Nunc Dimittis 8, 10 This month’s cover feature is the installation by Richards, choral events at your church, university, or other venue, be On Teaching by Gavin Black 11 Fowkes & Co. of Ooltewah, Tennessee, in Christ Church Cathe- sure to let me know. The Diapason is already receiving news In the wind . . . by John Bishop 12 dral, Cincinnati, Ohio. Readers will find interesting the scheme of upcoming events to share with you, beginning with the June REVIEWS developed for the instrument’s mixtures. The cathedral’s chapel issue. We would be delighted to announce as many events as Book Reviews 29 organ by C. B. Fisk, Inc., was featured in the August 2018 issue. possible, in the print issue and at the website. Q New Organ Music 29 New Recordings 29 Here & There ORGAN PROJECTS 28 CALENDAR 32 Correction The jury consists of Hans-Ola Erics- ORGAN RECITALS 33 son, Paul Breisch, Véronique Le Guen, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 34 and Matthias Maierhofer. Deadline for application is July 15. For information: orgue-dudelange.lu. THE D I A PA S O N Education MAY 2021 Methuen Memorial Music Hall Christ Church Cathedral Cincinnati, Ohio Cover feature on pages 26–28 methuenmemorialmusichall. For infor- mation: https://mmmh.org. COVER Richards, Fowkes & Co., Ooltewah, Tennessee; Christ Church Cathedral, Cincinnati, Ohio 26 Competitions Editorial Director STEPHEN SCHNURR and Publisher sschnurr@sgcmail.com Buzard organ, Countryside Community 847/954-7989 Church, Omaha, Nebraska President RICK SCHWER rschwer@sgcmail.com Buzard Pipe Organ Builders 847/391-1048 regrets that it sent The Diapason the wrong photo for its April cover feature. The Littlefield Organ, University of Editor-at-Large ANDREW SCHAEFFER Washington, Seattle Washington (photo diapasoneditoratlarge@gmail.com The correct image, as edited by Len courtesy University of Washington School of Levasseur, appears above. Music) Sales Director JEROME BUTERA jbutera@sgcmail.com 608/634-6253 Stahlhuth-Jann organ, St. Martin’s Circulation/ Events Church, Dudelange, Luxembourg (photo The University of Washington credit: FIMOD) Subscriptions THE DIAPASON Methuen Memorial Music Hall, School of Music, Seattle, Washing- P.O. Box 300 Lincolnshire, IL. 60069-0300 Methuen, Massachusetts, announces ton, has announced two donor gifts in DPP@omeda.com summer organ recitals, Wednesdays at The Eighth International Organ support of organ performance. Organ- Toll-Free: 877/501-7540 8:00 p.m.: May 19, Michael Hey; 5/26, Competition Dudelange will take builder Paul B. Fritts has endowed the Local: 847/763-4933 Bridgette Wargovich; June 2, Scott place September 5–9 on the Stahlhuth- first Faculty Fellowship in the School of Designer KELLI DIRKS Lamlein; 6/9, Adam Pajan; 6/16, Jeremy Jann organ in St. Martin’s Church, Music, with a $1.5 million gift that will kellidirksphoto@gmail.com Bruns; 6/23, Cathy Meyer; 6/30, Christo- Dudelange, Luxembourg. The competi- provide support for organ performance pher Houlihan; tion is open to organists who have not degree programs. The Paul B. Fritts Contributing Editors LARRY PALMER Harpsichord July 7, Rhonda Sider Edgington; 7/14, reached their 35th birthday by Septem- Endowed Faculty Fellowship will fund Stephan Griffin; 7/21, Mark Pacoe; 7/28, ber 1, 1986. instruction from organists who are noted BRIAN SWAGER Stefan Donner; August 4, Nichole Keller; First prize is €5,000 plus a concert for their scholarly and professional Carillon 8/11, Caroline Robinson; 8/18, Rosalind at the 2022 Dudelange Organ Festival; contributions to the field. This gift estab- JOHN BISHOP Mohnsen; 8/25, Jennifer McPherson. second prize is €2,500; third is €1,250; lishes one of the largest endowments in In the wind . . . All programs are livestreamed via the the audience prize is $750. Finalists the School of Music. The University of hall’s YouTube channel: youtube.com/c/ not receiving a prize will receive €750. ³ page 4 GAVIN BLACK On Teaching THE DIAPASON (ISSN 0012-2378) is published monthly by Scranton Gillette Routine items for publication must be received six weeks in advance of the month of Reviewers Stephen Schnurr Communications, Inc., 3030 W. Salt Creek Lane, Suite 201, Arlington Heights, Illinois issue. For advertising copy, the closing date is the 1st. Prospective contributors of articles Steven Young 60005-5025. Phone 847/954-7989. Fax 847/390-0408. E-mail: sschnurr@sgcmail.com. should request a style sheet. Unsolicited reviews cannot be accepted. John L. Speller Subscriptions: 1 yr. $45; 2 yr. $83; 3 yr. $115 (United States and U.S. Possessions). Copyright ©2021. Printed in the U.S.A. Canada and Mexico: 1 yr. $45 + $11 shipping; 2 yr. $83 + $16 shipping; 3 yr. $115 + $19 No portion of the contents of this issue may be reproduced in any form without the shipping. Other foreign subscriptions: 1 yr. $45 + $31 shipping; 2 yr. $83 + $42 shipping; specific written permission of the Editor, except that libraries are authorized to make 3 yr. $115 + $50 shipping. Digital subscription (no print copy): 1 yr. $35. Student (digital photocopies of the material contained herein for the purpose of course reserve reading only): $20. Single copies $6 (U.S.A.); $8 (foreign). at the rate of one copy for every fifteen students. Such copies may be reused for other Periodical postage paid at Pontiac, Illinois, and at additional mailing offices. courses or for the same course offered subsequently. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE DIAPASON, P.O. Box 300, Lincolnshire, IL. THE DIAPASON accepts no responsibility or liability for the 60069-0300. validity of information supplied by contributors, vendors, This journal is indexed in the The Music Index, and abstracted in RILM Abstracts. advertisers or advertising agencies. WWW.THEDIAPASON.COM THE DIAPASON Q MAY 2021 Q 3
Here & There ³ page 3 harpsichord at University of St. Thomas. Washington houses the Littlefield Organ Other professional appointments in the Walker-Ames Room in Kane Hall, included conductor of Concert Chorale which was finished by Fritts in 1990 and of Houston, artistic director of Houston has been the location of organ concerts Masterworks Chorus, as well as an opera over the past thirty years. coach for Houston Grand Opera. At the same time, the School of Music In 2005, Brewer joined the faculty has received a gift of $250,000 from an of Rice University as an artist in opera anonymous donor to create a four-year studies. In 2006, he became organist and organ competition for early-career choirmaster of the Episcopal Church of organists. The timing and details of this the Epiphany, where he built a compre- competition will be announced once it is hensive Royal School of Church Music possible again to schedule public events. program for children and adults. Addi- For information: music.washington.edu. tionally, he served as principal accompa- nist of the Houston Children’s Chorus, primary organist of the Bach Society Concert Management of Houston, and assisting organist of Concert Artist Cooperative Temple Beth-Israel. announces the addition of new artists to From 2011–2018, Brewer worked in Katherine Jolliff Simon Templet its roster. San Antonio as artist-in-residence of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church and was music East Carolina University School of Music, Greenville, North Carolina, director and organist of Temple Beth-El, announces the winners of its 15th Annual Young Artists’ Competition in Organ Per- conducting its professional choir for ser- formance, held virtually on March 13. Katherine Jolliff of Indianapolis, Indiana, vices and concerts. As a faculty member won the Cathee Jean Huber First Prize (sponsored by East Carolina Musical Arts of University of Texas, San Antonio, he Education Foundation) and was also awarded the Bach prize and the hymn playing taught opera studies, organ, harpsichord, prize. Simon Templet of Hahnville, Louisiana, won the second prize, sponsored harp, and collaborative piano. by C. B. Fisk, Inc. The adjudicators were Andrew Scanlon and Ann Labounsky. For His discography includes three information: ecu.edu. recordings on commercial labels: Echos of the American Cathedral with St. Paul’s Choir, Return–Art Songs from Heinz Memorial Chapel in Pittsburgh, Carolina with North Carolina School of Adolphus Busch Hall (Harvard Univer- the Arts soprano, Marilyn Taylor, and the sity), and the Fasor Reformed Church chamber music of Dan Locklair. Cur- in Budapest, Hungary. A solo recording rently, Brewer is organist of the United on the Pro Organo label, French Éclat at Church of Chapel Hill and an assisting Saint Thomas Church, is available. Robert Brewer organist at Duke University Chapel, and he maintains a private vocal, organ, and Robert Brewer, a native of Houston, piano studio. Texas, is an organist, pianist, conductor, and pedagogue with a varied career Jeremy S. Bruns is associate organ- spanning more than 40 years. He greatly ist and choirmaster at The Church of expanded the music program at St. Paul’s the Advent, Boston, Massachusetts. United Methodist Church, Houston, Bruns has previously held positions in including an 80-voice choir that has sung Dorchester, Massachusetts, Pittsburgh, for multiple conventions of the Ameri- Pennsylvania, and elsewhere, including can Guild of Organists, American Choral three years as associate organist of St. Jeremy S. Bruns Directors Association, and other regional Thomas Church Fifth Avenue in Man- festivals and served as choir-in-residence hattan, where he worked with the late and a Performer’s Certificate. Bruns at Westminster Abbey, York Minster, Ely John Scott and the St. Thomas Choir of has won prizes in major competitions, Cathedral, St. Alban’s Abbey, Southwark Men and Boys. Bruns has also served as a including the 2003 Dallas International Cathedral, Thomaskirche (Leipzig), visiting assistant professor in the School Organ Competition. He was also one of St. Thomas Church Fifth Avenue, and of Music at Stephen F. Austin State Uni- four North American finalists chosen to Washington National Cathedral; and versity, Nacogdoches, Texas. compete in the 1998 Calgary Interna- was also the resident vocal ensemble Bruns studied with David Higgs at the tional Organ Festival and Competition, Tyler Canonico of Houston Ballet. Brewer has served Eastman School of Music, Rochester, and was a prize winner in the 1993 as instructor of organ at University of New York, earning a Master of Music International J. S. Bach Organ Competi- Tyler A. Canonico is minister of Houston and instructor of organ and degree in performance and literature tion held at the Kennedy Center for the music and organist at Market Square Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. Presbyterian Church, Harrisburg, Penn- Bruns has been heard on the nation- sylvania, where he leads a music program ally syndicated radio show Pipedreams that includes a children’s choir, two bell and has accompanied the St. Thomas choirs, the Sanctuary Choir, the Schola Choir for regular broadcasts on BBC Cantorum, and the Market Square Sing- Radio, as well as recordings on the Pro ers, a touring choir comprising amateur Organo label. He has been featured at and professional volunteers from the the Piccolo Spoleto Festival in Charles- church and greater Central Pennsylvania ton, South Carolina, and has performed community; he is also program direc- recitals with engagements including St. tor for Arts on the Square. Recently, Paul’s Cathedral and Westminster Abbey he led the Market Square Singers on a in London, Canterbury Cathedral, Wash- concert tour of Canada, and the group “one of this era’s ington National Cathedral, St. James’s is currently preparing for its 2022 tour most adventurous Cathedral in Toronto, Grace Cathedral to Scotland. Previously, Canonico was interpreters of in San Francisco, Methuen Memorial organist and assistant music director at the classical Music Hall, St. Paul Cathedral and ³ page 6 organ repertoire” NY MUSIC DAILY MORE INFORMATION: gailarcher.com TO PURCHASE: meyer-media.com 4 Q THE DIAPASON Q MAY 2021 WWW.THEDIAPASON.COM
Allegro Elisa Jackson Robert Jeremy S. Tyler Vincent con fuoco Bickers Borges Brewer Bruns Canonico Carr Joseph Carson Shin-Ae Angela Theo. S. Laura Faythe Joy-Leilani Causby Cooman Chun Kraft Cross Davis Ellis Freese Garbutt Simone Margaret Justin Sarah Gheller Harper Hartz Hawbecker Jacob Christopher Jason Peter Hofeling Jacobson Klein-Mendoza Krasinski David Mark Colin Katherine Scott Shelly Brenda Joseph Lamb Laubach Lynch Meloan Montgomery Moorman-Stahlman Portman Ripka Vicki Patrick A. Thomas David Richard Beth Rodland Duo Schaeffer Scott Sheehan Von Behren Webb Zucchino Organ & Viola www.ConcertArtistCooperative.com Faythe Freese, Director 512.470.7782 Colin Lynch, Assistant Director ConcertArtistCooperative@Gmail.com Beth Zucchino, Founder & Director Emerita
Here & There ³ page 4 Christ Episcopal Church and the accom- panist for the Alabama Choir School in Tuscaloosa. He also served as assistant organist at the Cathedral of St. Paul, Birmingham, Alabama. Canonico is organist for the Harris- burg Symphony Orchestra; co-founding member of Allegro con Fuoco Duo; and is collaborative pianist for the Central Pennsylvania Womyn’s Chorus. In 2011, he was awarded first place in the Ameri- can Guild of Organist/Quimby Region III Competition for Young Organists. He has performed Samuel Barber’s Toccata Festiva with the Lebanon Valley College Symphony Orchestra and performed for the Piccolo Spoleto Festival in Charles- Vincent Carr Paul Jacobs and Franz Welser-Most ton, South Carolina, and at national and regional AGO conventions. organ competitions. In 2013 he took On March 18 and 19, Paul Jacobs was soloist with the Cleveland Orchestra, con- Canonico is a graduate of the Uni- a sabbatical in France, studying in the ducted by Franz Welser-Most, in performances of Poulenc’s Concerto for Organ, versity of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, where tradition of Nadia Boulanger. Strings, and Timpani, which were streamed via the orchestra’s digital media plat- he received a Master of Music degree From 2006 to 2013, he served the form, Adella. Jacobs also performed by livestream the Poulenc with the Philadelphia in organ performance and studied Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Orchestra on January 14, conducted by Yannick Nezet-Seguin. For information: with Faythe Freese. He earned his Newark, New Jersey; at a subsequent pauljacobsorgan.com. Bachelor of Arts degree in music with post at the Cathedral of the Incarnation, a concentration in organ performance Garden City, New York, he recorded and sacred music from Lebanon Valley A Year at Incarnation. Before joining College, Annville, Pennsylvania, where the Indiana University faculty, he was a Appointments he studied organ and piano with Shelly professor at John J. Cali School of Music Ryan T. Mueller is appointed Moorman-Stahlman and orchestral con- at Montclair State University for nearly tonal director of Berghaus Pipe ducting with Johannes Dietrich. Visit his a decade. Organ Builders, Bellwood, Illinois. website at: www.tylercanonico.com for As a composer and improviser, he has Mueller is a native of Milwaukee, more information. developed original music for keyboard, Wisconsin, and has previously worked choir, silent film, and musical theater. for Grandall & Engen, LLC, and Vincent Carr is associate professor Currently, his areas of interest and Dobson Pipe Organ Builders, Ltd. of organ and sacred music at the Indi- research include improvisation peda- A member of The Diapason’s 20 ana University Jacobs School of Music, gogy, the integration of artificial intel- Under 30 Class of 2019, he is also a Bloomington. In addition to maintain- ligence into organ instruction, and the recitalist, scholar, and advocate of the ing a studio of organ majors as well as career development of church musicians. pipe organ and has served in various teaching courses in church music and offices at the local and national level improvisation, he is known for his ver- Joseph Causby is director of music for the American Institute of Organ- satility as a performer and collaborative and organist for Chapel of the Cross, builders, Organ Historical Society, musician. From concert hall to church, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and American Guild of Organists, and is he has championed new music and the president of the Royal School of Church also a member of the National Trust works of underrepresented composers, Music in America. Prior to his appoint- for Historic Preservation, Associa- such as Black composers, especially ment in Chapel Hill, he spent 14 years in tion of Lutheran Church Musicians, Ryan T. Mueller Florence B. Price, in diverse concert Texas, most recently at St. Mark’s Epis- and the Association for Preservation programs. In 2020, he was elected copal Church, San Antonio, where he Technology. Mueller will oversee the tonal department, provide artistic vision national councillor for education for the built an active music program. Under his for all projects, engage in new organ sales, and also maintain an active role in American Guild of Organists. direction, the St. Mark’s choir took part the tuning & service department. For information: berghausorgan.com. He earned his undergraduate degrees in three English cathedral residencies, in organ performance and Spanish performed major works with orchestra, language from Indiana University, and and recorded and broadcasted live on his graduate music studies were at Yale NPR and PBS. A dedicated collaborator, University, where he was the recipient Causby has formed relationships with of prizes from the faculty and in national ³ page 7 Joshua Stafford Joshua Stafford is appointed director of music ministries and organist for Riverside Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, Florida. A native of Jamestown, New York, he earned a Bachelor of Music degree in organ performance from Proud builders pipe organ kit the Curtis Institute of Music, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 2010 as a scholar- ship student of Alan Morrison. In 2012 he received his Master of Music degree in organ performance and a certificate in sacred music from the Yale School of Music as a student of Thomas Murray in organ and Jeffrey Brillhart in impro- of the visation. While at Yale, Stafford was the recipient of the Robert Baker Award. In 2016, Stafford was named the Pierre S. du Pont First Prize winner of the Longwood Gardens International Organ Competition. He is a member of The Diapason’s 20 Under 30 Class of 2017. In 2020 Stafford was named director of sacred music and the Jared Jacobsen Chair for the Organist of the Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, New York. He leaves his position as director of music follow for St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Morristown, New Jersey, where he has served us on since 2013. Joshua Stafford is represented by Phillip Truckenbrod Concert Art- facebook! ists. For information: concertartists.com. Q Photo courtesy of Eric Harrison WEEKEND ORGAN 16355, av. Savoie, St-Hyacinthe, Québec J2T 3N1 CANADA t 800 625-7473 mail@letourneauorgans.com MEDITATIONS Visit our website at www.letourneauorgans.com Grace Church in New York www.gracechurchnyc.org 6 Q THE DIAPASON Q MAY 2021 WWW.THEDIAPASON.COM
Here & There and a doctorate from the University of freely from YouTube and his website For bookings and information: Durham, UK, where he also served as (carsoncooman.com). concertartistcooperative.com. the first American organ scholar of Dur- As a composer, Cooman has created a ham Cathedral. His most recent organ catalog of works in many forms ranging study has been with Gillian Weir. from solo instrumental pieces to operas, Publishers and from orchestral works to hymntunes. Breitkopf & Härtel announces a His work has been performed on all six new organ publication: Nicolaus Bruhns: inhabited continents and appears on Complete Organ Works, urtext edition over forty recordings, including more by Harald Vogel (EB 8663, 72 pp., than 25 complete CDs on the Naxos, €27.50). In the preface, a commentary Albany, Artek, Gothic, Divine Art, offers a discussion of the authorship of Métier, Diversions, Convivium, Altarus, two dubious works that are included in Joseph Causby MSR Classics, Raven, and Zimbel labels. the appendix. There are also two essays focusing on important aspects of nota- universities and international organiza- tion, interpretation, and original instru- tions including Snape Maltings Friday ments. For information: breitkopf.com. Afternoons project, the Royal Academy of Music, and Cambridge University. Causby has worked with Duke Univer- sity Chapel’s organ scholar initiative, pri- vate and public school music education programs, and the University of North Carolina’s music department and faculty. Carson Cooman In addition to serving on the RSCM board since 2017, he was co-chair of the Carson Cooman, an American 2018 national conference of the Asso- composer and organist, holds degrees ciation of Anglican Musicians, former in music from Harvard University and Allegro con fuoco board member of the Youth Orchestra of Carnegie Mellon University and since San Antonio, and former artistic director 2006 has held the position of composer Allegro con Fuoco Duo was formed of the Alamo Baroque Festival. in residence at Memorial Church, Har- in January 2014 by Tyler A. Canonico As an organ recitalist, Causby has vard University. As an organ recitalist, and Jordan R. Markham. The piano and presented concerts in the United States, Cooman specializes in performance of organ duo has been featured on many Canada, England, and France. In 2019, contemporary music. Over 300 new com- concert series, including the Friday he was a featured speaker for the 100th positions by more than 100 international Music at Midday series at National City anniversary of the founding of the Choir composers have been written for him. Christian Church, Washington, D.C., School of St. Thomas Church, Fifth Cooman has made many recordings as and the Music at Grace Concert Series Avenue, New York City. His disserta- organist, including more than ten com- at Grace United Methodist Church in tion, “Who dares stand idle? Thomas plete CD releases of music by Thomas Baltimore, Maryland, where they gave Tertius Noble, a life in church music, Åberg, Paula Diehl, Carlotta Ferrari, the world premiere of a piano four-hands 1867–1953,” was completed in 2015. Lothar Graap, Eva-Maria Houben, and piece, composed for and dedicated to Creator Spirit A native of North Carolina, Causby Andreas Willscher, along with several them by Eric Whitehill. This duo has holds a Bachelor of Music degree from multi-composer albums. His recordings performed at the governor’s mansion, Fruhauf Music Publications Appalachian State University, a Master of more than 3,000 additional contem- Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, for a diversity announces a new and complimentary of Music degree from Rice University, porary organ compositions can be heard event with the governor in attendance. ³ page 8 With the Studio 170 and the Studio 370, Johannus 4HE TWO MANUAL 3TUDIO HAS EVERYTHING YOU NEED puts the organ within reach for both the novice and INCLUDING THE WORLD FAMOUS *OHANNUS SOUND 4HE AUDIO SYSTEM CONSISTENTLY PROVIDES REALISTIC SOUND professional organist. The series is complete, REPRODUCTION FOR WONDERFUL STOPS accessible, and produces the highest quality sound. !S AN ADVANCED ORGANIST PLAYING THE NEW 3TUDIO YOU´LL ENJOY THREE MANUALS A COMPREHENSIVE STOPLIST The sleek contemporary design is available in four WITH STOPS AND A NUMBER OF LOVELY SOLO STOPS colors and will perfectly suit any interior. 3TUDYING HAS NEVER BEEN THIS MUCH FUNß WWW.JOHANNUS.COM WWW.THEDIAPASON.COM THE DIAPASON Q MAY 2021 Q 7
Here & There Nunc Dimittis produced on the Raven label: French voice (singing the Evangelist part in Éclat in the Roanoke Valley, Éclat J. S. Bach’s St. John Passion), as well Encore, Christ Church Voluntaries, as being inspired to compose and and a choral CD, Christ Church Cen- to be trained as a church musician. tennial, 2017. He established a summer While in Princeton, he was a member recital series and revived the traditional of the barbershop quartet The Nas- Episcopal service of Choral Evensong sau Blend and was director of the in the Roanoke Valley. barbershop chorus. On his return to Charlotte after graduate school, he served primarily as a section leader in four Charlotte churches (including Covenant Presbyterian) and worked at the Rasberry Insurance Agency. For a week each summer between 1971 and 1988, Johnston attended and later was a faculty member of the Wildacres Music Camp, Little Switzerland, North Carolina, which his voice teacher Har- Michael Ray Johnston vey Woodruff founded and directed. Johnston composed choral, vocal, H. Thomas Baugh, III Michael Ray Johnston, 64, of instrumental, and organ music, includ- Scott C. Weidler Charlotte, North Carolina, died ing a cantata, The Mountain of the Lord, H. Thomas Baugh, III, died February 22. Born July 3, 1956, in for the chapel dedication at Wildacres integral part in the ELCA’s Renewing December 6, 2020, in Roanoke, Vir- Charlotte, he graduated from North Retreat, and a triptych, Manifestations Worship project and the develop- ginia, where he was organist and choir- Mecklenburg High School in 1974. of the Spirit, for the Ben Long fresco ment of the hymnal Evangelical master of Christ Episcopal Church for He received a Bachelor of Arts degree dedication at St. Peter’s Catholic Church Lutheran Worship (2006). He was 34 years, beginning in October 1986. from Mars Hill College, Mars Hill, in Charlotte. He organized Ye Queen’s also instrumental in shaping the vari- Previously, he had served Christ and North Carolina, in 1978 and a Master Carrollers, a vocal quartet dressed in ous publications that complement this Grace Episcopal Church, Petersburg, of Music degree in church music from Victorian costume, for regional Yuletide resource including: Musicians Guide Virginia, as director of music, and St. Westminster Choir College, Princeton, events. In 2001, Johnston founded to Evangelical Lutheran Worship James’s Episcopal Church, Richmond, New Jersey, in 1980. After piano study Michael’s Music Service (michaels- (2007); Worship Guidebook for Lent as assistant organist. He studied choral with Flora Neely and vocal study as a musicservice.com) with organist and and the Three Days (2009); In These conducting at Westminster Choir Col- teenager with Harvey L. Woodruff, friend John Apple, primarily to restore or Similar Words: Crafting Language lege, Princeton, New Jersey, and stud- he studied voice with Julie Fortney and publish organ music, continuing as for Worship (2015); and Singing in ied organ with John Mueller, Bruce and William Thomas at Mars Hill and business and website developer/man- Community: Paperless Music for Wor- Stevens, and Gerre Hancock, and in Marvin Keenze at Westminster. His ager until his death. ship (2017). Attentive to the needs of Lyon, France, with Louis Robilliard. organ study was with Donna Robert- Michael Ray Johnston is survived by smaller parish choirs, he commissioned He was a graduate of Oklahoma City son at Mars Hill and William Hays at his mother, Katie McAllister Sigmon; several composers for O Lord of Light: University, Union Presbyterian Semi- Westminster, and conducting studies his brother, Timothy Gray Johnston Nine Two-Part Mixed Anthems for the nary, as well as Westminster Choir Col- were with Joel Stegall at Mars Hill and and wife, Ronda; a niece and a nephew. Church Year (2013) that, in his words, lege. He was first appointed a church Joseph Flummerfelt at Westminster. His funeral service (including music of were fashioned for “those times we organist at age 14 in Oklahoma. Johnston exhibited interest in music Bach and Johnston’s compositions) was regularly need either learn something Baugh was born September 21, 1953, from an early age and sang solos and held on March 2 at Covenant Presby- very quickly” or “sing with limited in Oklahoma City. He is survived by his in the local children’s choir of Mallard terian Church in Charlotte. Contribu- forces because of holiday schedules.” wife of 38 years, Jane Roth Baugh; his Creek Presbyterian Church. He was tions in his memory may be made to Beyond his work for the ELCA, sister, Barbara Baugh Laird; in-laws, selected by Michael Pittard, his high Bach Akademie Charlotte, 3527 Provi- Weidler was involved in several orga- Katherine and Alan Riley; a niece and school choral director, to attend the dence Road, Charlotte, North Carolina nizations that enriched the liturgy and a nephew. Governor’s School of North Carolina 28211, bacharlotte.com. song of the church, as well as sup- At Christ Church in Roanoke, he over two summer sessions. During this ported the vocations of its musicians. encouraged interior renovations, time, he became the youngest member Scott C. Weidler, 61, died January He served the Lutheran Summer acoustical improvement, and replace- and section leader of the Sanctu- 23. Born in the Los Angeles, California, Music Academy and Festival in several ment of the existing Zimmer organ ary Choir of Covenant Presbyterian area on June 21, 1959, he completed an capacities; was a charter member of the with C. B. Fisk, Inc., Opus 124 of 2004, Church in Charlotte under Richard undergraduate degree in elementary Association of Lutheran Church Musi- which he designed. Playing the Fisk M. Peek. It was here that he began music education at what is now Con- cians; an advisory council member and organ, he recorded four compact discs to develop his tenor and countertenor cordia University, Seward, Nebraska, frequent presenter at the Institute of and subsequently earned graduate Liturgical Studies; a member of the degrees in sacred music and liturgy Lutheran caucus and liturgical music from Wittenberg University in seminar of the North American Acad- Springfield, Ohio, and University of emy of Liturgy; and a frequent work- Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana. shop leader and composer for Music Between 1981 and 1995, he served that Makes Community. as a teacher and cantor at Lutheran An online funeral attended by congregations in Florida, New York, more than 300 was held on January and Pennsylvania. 30. Memorials may be directed to From 1995 until 2016, Weidler the Association of Lutheran Church served the Evangelical Lutheran Musicians (alcm.org/make-a-donation) Church in America (ELCA) as and Music that Makes Community program director for worship and (musicthatmakescommunity.org/ music. In this role, he helped cul- donate_to_mmc). tivate worship resources, playing an ³ page 10 ³ page 7 of J. K. F. Fischer’s Blümen-Büschlein, three-verse hymn anthem for choir opus 2, “Praeludium VIII;” the edition and organ, “Creator Spirit,” available will include a detailed realization of the for printing and performance. Written chorded introductory movement. For for SATB, SAB, and unison voices with information: frumuspub.net. organ, it displays many traits present in early 20th-century Anglican choral music. MorningStar Music Publishers In June a transcription for organ will be announces a new organ publication: posted, drawn from the keyboard music African-American Organ Anthology, Jacques Stinkens Orgelpijpenmakers B.V. sinds 1914 Flues - Reeds www.ruffatti.com Your personal wishes are in good hands www.stinkens.nl info@stinkens.nl 8 Q THE DIAPASON Q MAY 2021 WWW.THEDIAPASON.COM
Here & There Volume 9, edited by Mickey Thomas 2020 issue of The Diapason, pages Terry (10-649, $20). Works include 16–19.) For information: Variations on “There Is a Fountain,” radiofrance.com. by Undine Smith Moore; Toccata, by David Hurd; Toccata on “Lift Every Voice,” by Mark A. Miller; and Eleva- Organbuilders tion and Invocation, by George Walker. For information: morningstarmusic.com. Life Pictures: Scenes of the Life of King L’Art de la Transcription Christian IV Tempéraments Radio France 1610 Esaias Compenius organ located announces a new CD: L’Art de la Rendering of Létourneau Opus 138 in Frederiksborg Castle in Denmark. Transcription (TEM316066), featur- for St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian The instrument was a gift to the Danish ing Vincent Genvrin performing on Church, New Orleans, Louisiana King Christian IV from his sister Elisa- the Grenzing organ of the auditorium beth. Compenius built it for Elisabeth’s of Radio France, Paris. Compositions Orgues Létourneau announces a husband in Hesse, and after his death, include Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an new organ to be built for St. Charles moved it to Frederiksborg. (For further Exhibition, Wagner’s “Prelude” from Avenue Presbyterian Church, New information on this organ see “Book Tristan und Isolde, and Élisabeth Jac- Orleans, Louisiana. This instrument Reviews,” in the December 2020 issue, quet de la Guerre’s Sonata in G Minor. will have divisions in all four corners of page 21.) For further information: (For information on the Grenzing organ, the church sanctuary to support a wide peterwaldner.at. see an article by the builder in the March ³ page 10 Marcel Dupré: The Work of a Master Organist NORTH AMERICA’S The Organ Historical Society PREMIER PIPE ORGAN catalog offers a new book: Marcel Dupré: The Work of a Master Organist, second BUILDING, REBUILDING edition, by Michael Murray ($85), AND SERVICE FIRMS marking the 50th anniversary of Dupré’s death. The new edition, published by Association des Amis de l’Art de Marcel Dupré, is enlarged and contains more photos. For information: ohscatalog.org. OUR MEMBERS WHY CHOOSE Recordings AN APOBA FIRM? BUILDER MEMBERS: For most people, purchasing a pipe organ is a once Andover Organ Company Bedient Pipe Organ Company in a lifetime experience. It’s hard to know what Berghaus Pipe Organ Builders, Inc. questions to ask, let alone how to get the answers. Bond Organ Builders, Inc. APOBA provides a simple way for people to take Buzard Pipe Organ Builders, LLC advantage of the expertise of the top people in Casavant Frères Dobson Pipe Organ Builders Ìiwi`]>ÞvÜLÀ}ÌiiÝ«iÀiVi C.B. Fisk, Inc. of the several generations who preceded them. Foley-Baker, Inc. APOBA has developed publications to help organ Paul Fritts & Co. Organ Garland Pipe Organs, Inc. committees make Goulding & Wood, Inc. informed decisions Holtkamp Organ Company and manage their Kegg Pipe Organ Builders Létourneau Pipe Organs pipe organ projects Muller Pipe Organ Company Hymns of Kassianí effectively, whether Patrick J. Murphy & Associates purchasing an Parsons Pipe Organ Builders Cappella Records announces a new Pasi Organbuilders, Inc. organ or planning Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc. CD: Hymns of Kassianí (CR422, $19.99), a program for Schoenstein & Co. featuring Cappella Romana, directed Taylor & Boody Organbuilders by Alexander Lingas. The disc includes renovation or service. A. Thompson-Allen selections of the earliest surviving music by a female composer, a ninth-century nun, poet, and hymnographer, Kassianí OUR VISION SUPPLIER MEMBERS: (Kassía). This is the first of a planned Integrated Organ Technologies, Inc. series to record all of Kassianí’s surviving OSI - Total Pipe Organ Resources Our vision is focused on the organ effectively serving Peterson Electro-Musical Products works. For information: cappellarecords.com. the musical and liturgical needs of each congregation Solid State Organ Systems for generations to come. Syndyne Corporation Tastenfreuden announces a new CD: Life Pictures: Scenes of the Life of King Whether building a new organ or ensuring the Christian IV, featuring keyboard works longevity of your existing instrument, CONTACT US by Sweelinck, Scheidt, Gibbons, Hassler, Farnaby, Bull, Scheidemann, and others APOBAwÀÃ>Ài>ÌÞÕÀÃiÀÛVi° performed by Peter Waldner on the APOBA.com Call or email today for Please watch and share APOBA’s free 84+ page our short video at: 800.473.5270 Look to the May 2022 issue color prospectus! apoba.com/video for the winner of our second 11804 Martin Road Gruenstein Award! Waterford, PA 16441 WWW.THEDIAPASON.COM THE DIAPASON Q MAY 2021 Q 9
Here & There Nunc Dimittis John Borland Weaver, 83, died February 1. Born April 27, 1937, in Mauch Chunk (now Jim Thorpe), Pennsylvania, he began music studies at age six at the Peabody Conservatory of Music, Baltimore, Maryland. At age 14 he began to study organ with Richard Ross and George Markey. Soon thereafter, he became organist of a church in Baltimore and played his first organ recital. John Weaver earned his undergrad- uate degree from the Curtis Institute of Music, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he was a student of Alexander McCurdy. After two years in the Army as organist and choir director of the Post Chapel at the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York, he earned a master of sacred music degree from Union Theological Seminary, New York, New York, where he studied organ with Robert Baker and composition with Joseph Good- man. He held honorary doctorates from Westminster College, New Wilm- ington, Pennsylvania, and the Curtis Institute of Music. Weaver taught at Curtis, serving as chair of the organ department between 1972 and 2003, and also taught at Union Theological Seminary, Westmin- ster Choir College, and the Manhattan School of Music. He was chair of the John Weaver at the Aeolian-Skinner console of the Curtis John Borland Weaver at the M. P. Möller console of the Cur- organ department of The Juilliard Institute of Music tis Institute of Music School from 1987 until 2004. In 1959 John Weaver was appointed States, Canada, Western Europe, the Seattle, Washington. There was also a honored by the Peabody Conservatory organist and choir director for Holy United Kingdom, and Brazil. He was release, The Organ and Choral music with its distinguished alumni award. Trinity Lutheran Church, New York, well known for presenting a large of John Weaver, available on the JAV He further received the distinguished New York. There he met his future wife, repertoire of works from memory and label, featuring a program of his own alumni award from Union Theological Marianne, a flautist and choir member. was featured on broadcast television organ and choral compositions. Seminary in 2008. (For an interview They would establish the Bach Vespers and radio network programs in the John Weaver performed at numer- with John Weaver marking his 70th series at Holy Trinity in 1968, the first United States and Germany. Weaver ous regional and national conventions birthday by Michael Barone, see the series in the United States where Bach appeared in solo performances at of the American Guild of Organists, April 2007 issue of The Diapason, cantatas were performed in liturgical Boston Symphony Hall, Alice Tully a convention of the Organ Historical pages 20–23.) In their retirement, context. John Weaver left Holy Trin- Hall, the Philadelphia Academy of Society, and at the 1987 International John and Marianne Weaver lived in ity Church in 1970 to become music Music, Orchestra Hall in Chicago, and Congress of Organists in Cambridge, Vermont, from whence he would con- director at Madison Avenue Presby- Severance Hall in Cleveland. He made England. At many of his appearances, tinue to concertize and lead workshops terian Church, remaining until 2005. recordings for Aeolian-Skinner, the he concertized with his wife, Marianne. and masterclasses. Among his many activities, he directed Wicks Organ Company, Klais Orgel- Among his compositions, Weaver John Borland Weaver was prede- the St. Andrew Chorale in major works bau of Germany, a CD released by published Fantasia, Passacaglia on ceased by his son Jonathan in 2008. He with orchestra. Gothic Records for the Schantz Organ a Theme of Dunstable, and Toccata is survived by his wife Marianne, one Weaver was represented by the Company, and a recording on the Pro with Boosey & Hawkes. He composed daughter Kirianne, and two brothers, management of Karen McFarlane Organo label on the new Reuter organ choral works, as well as Rhapsody for Robert and his wife Anne, and David Artists, Inc., performing in the United at University Presbyterian Church, flute and organ. In 1989, Weaver was and his wife Barbara. Q ³ page 9 Cincinnati, Ohio. The layout, mecha- range of liturgical music throughout nism, console, control system, and relay the space. Létourneau’s Opus 138, a are all new. The project reused 31 ranks four-manual organ of 79 ranks, will be of the church’s 1971 Möller organ, completed during summer 2024. For revoiced, while 18 new ranks were information: letourneauorgans.com. installed, resulting in an instrument of 2020-2022 Projects 49 ranks playable across three manuals. The existing non-speaking façade pipes 86$LU)RUFH$FDGHP\3URWHVWDQW&DGHW&KDSHOĆ&RORUDGR6SULQJV&R were also cleaned and restored. Rebuild III/83 Moller/Holtkamp Among the projects currently under- way is a rebuilding of the console from 86$LU)RUFH$FDGHP\&DWKROLF&DGHW&KDSHOĆ&RORUDGR6SULQJV&R Mount Hebron United Methodist, Rebuild III/33 Moller/Holtkamp West Columbia, South Carolina, with a modern control system. Casters will 7KH)R[7KHDWUHĆ$WODQWD*D be installed to allow the two-manual Rebuild “Mighty Mo” Moller theater organ console console to be movable, and several other minor mechanical revisions are %URDG6WUHHW3UHVE\WHULDQ&KXUFKĆ&ROXPEXV2K also being carried out on this instrument Build V-manual console with new windchests and more built by Schantz in 1975. For informa- 6W$QGUHZ(SLVFRSDO&KXUFKĆ)RUW3LHUFH)OD tion: schantzorgan.com. Q New III/31 pipe organ St Simons Island Presbyterian ChurchĆ6W6LPRQV,VODQG*D New III/38 pipe organ THE DIAPASON thanks 3OXVPRUHSURMHFWVIRUQHZFRQVROHVQHZIDFDGHV UHEXLOGLQJDQGUHVWRUDWLRQRIYLQWDJHLQVWUXPHQWV St. Mary Catholic Church, Cincinnati, APOBA Ohio for providing complimentary subscriptions to the How can we help you? Schantz Organ Company, Orrville, 20 Under 30 Class of 2021 ZZZSLSHRUJDQFRPĆ Ohio, recently completed its project #2336 for St. Mary Catholic Church, 10 Q THE DIAPASON Q MAY 2021 WWW.THEDIAPASON.COM
On Teaching By Gavin Black By Gavin Black Pedals: one more time it is not a good idea to track detritus of much the shoes change the size. Agility accustomed to be replaceable when they The aim this month is to wrap up the outdoors onto the pedalboard, that and flexibility are the important things: wear out? The ones that I wear have not a few loose ends about pedal playing, tells us nothing at all about what sort of any mismatch between the size of one’s been made in a while. I purchased my last including some interesting points that shoes to wear or not to wear while play- feet and the pedalboard can almost cer- few pairs on eBay, and there are not any I gleaned from readers’ feedback fol- ing. For organ playing, one could bring tainly be dealt with by angling the feet available there now. What will I do when lowing last December’s pedal-oriented a second pair of the very same shoes in more or less or in some different way. these shoes wear out? column. This will be the twelfth column which one walks. I did this for decades, Not that it is necessarily a mistake for this One reader wrote of an early organ that I have written over the years that is although honesty requires me to admit player to play in socks, if it works. This teacher who tied their students’ knees specifically focused on pedal playing. that I also have sometimes let myself just reminds me that one of my core beliefs together for playing. This is a vivid way Numerous people are concerned and keep my walking shoes on if it is dry out about pedal playing is that everything to of getting to the heart of what I want sometimes perplexed about what sort and I dust them off. (This seems to have do with exact foot position—especially the core practical center of this pedal of shoes to wear when playing pedals. been the approach of Marcel Dupré, but not limited to the extent and exact method to be about. In several columns In fact, that issue alone generated the as I mentioned in my December 2020 direction of any turning of the ankles—is I have written about my skepticism of majority of comments. One reader sent column. I am not sure that we know how a very individual matter. My quest is to dictating in advance a particular position me the following summary of quotes much dusting off he did.) Since I wrote give students guidance on how to work for the knees or legs for pedal playing. about the matter, with his comments, that I play the organ in New Balance that out without trying to prescribe an It is not illogical or absurd to think that that he had collected over the years: walking shoes, I have stopped walking in answer in advance. a stable position could be of assistance 1) “I play in cowboy boots.” those shoes, in favor of something more I tend to look at the issue of shoes or in something that presents as being as 2) “I can feel the pedals better in appropriate in its orthopedic approach, no shoes as being mainly about comfort arcane and difficult as finding notes with socks.” but I still use them at the organ. and secondarily about style and presenta- the feet. I have plenty of respect for 3) “I travel to Europe . . . . Organists 4) This is true for some people, and for tion. But in a recent conversation my col- anyone’s efforts to find solutions. And if there wear street shoes.” me at this point in my life. I have never league Thomas Dressler reminded me I want my very different solutions to be 4) “You can injure your foot if you been particularly interested in playing that it also ties in with a player’s approach convincing, I must make it abundantly don’t wear shoes.” without shoes, but I could do it in a pinch. to using heels. Without shoes we are rely- clear that they work and make it as trans- 5) “I do not sit near the organist on Sometimes around home I have wanted ing on only the shape of our feet to reach parent as possible how and why they hot days.” (I assumed that said organist to play just a little bit but have felt lazy the keys. Even a pair of shoes that does work. That is the absolute core. is wearing only socks.) about finding shoes and socks. However, not have a built-up heel gives the player Other readers reminded me to make 6) “The method books only mention over the last few years I have noticed a bit of an assist in reaching with the part the method as systematic and logical as to wear shoes.” that if I do this even briefly, I get signifi- of the foot that cannot extend far. This is possible. This is my intention, and one 7) [my favorite] “My first organ cant pain in my feet. (This also occurs if a bigger issue, as Dressler pointed out, about which I am happy to be reminded. teacher was a nice old sweet lady. She I drive without shoes, by the way.) This the farther toward the edges of the pedal One issue is the number of exercises I wore shoes but let me play in socks.” is a late-middle-age medical/orthopedic keyboard one goes. If a student wants should include for each particular tech- 8) “I have very big feet . . . . Shoes are development, and it is not surprisingly the assistance afforded by actual built- nical point or stage. Should I rely on stu- too big, I use socks.” one that I am not happy with. The point up heels, then that renders the notion dents to create their own exercises with I added the numbers above for ease of that I take away from this is that things of playing without shoes moot and also plenty of guidance? I believe that this is reference to my comments below. change. This could in principle apply to guides the choice of shoes. a good thing, but I want to be sure that These comments are intended to anything and everything about the ques- I realize that my own actual and the guidance is sufficient. I will likely be humorous, but each of these is also tion of organ-appropriate shoes, and to practical way of encountering this ques- end up using more exercises than I have really apt. I can relate to several of everything about pedal playing as such. tion of playing without shoes is a very included as part of any pedal-playing these remarks, either from personal How does one write a pedal method and specific one. If a student, either new to columns, though certainly not enough to experience or as something that I have take into account changing needs? It is the instrument or with some experience, be exhaustive, if there is such a thing. encountered with students or colleagues: crucial to ponder that. indicated that they really want to play Several readers suggested that I 1) I have never played in cowboy 5) Presumably the “hot days” remark in socks, my immediate impulse would include a generous selection of actual boots, but I have once or twice played in is about aroma, and that is one particular be to discourage that. I need to sort pieces or substantial passages drawn from snow boots. This came about for two very circumstance. What we do in playing out why that is my immediate impulse, a variety of repertoire. That is also a good different reasons. Once I had walked to the organ is often bound up with inter- what reasons there are for or against idea, possibly as a separate volume of my school in the snow in boots and unex- relationships and appearances that have that impulse, and what is the best way method. But what I would not expect to pectedly needed to play. I kept my boots nothing to do with the music or the to address this in writing, absent any do is to provide pedaling for those pieces. on—cleaning them thoroughly. The other instrument as such. Some of the specifics possibility for back-and-forth discussion. Instead I would want to give a concise time I had snow boots with me but had when it comes to organ playing have to (I noticed by chance right now in a but thorough discussion for each piece been walking in regular shoes through do with religious services and the tradi- brief break from writing a video of some- of what some of the possibilities are for the snow. That time I used the boots tions and ethos of those situations. This one changing stops with their feet while thinking about whatever pedaling issues because they were clean. Playing in boots can be a pervasive issue. I believe that it playing! This absolutely requires playing the piece presents either typical of a type was awkward: I would not recommend is critical to use shoes or not use shoes in neither shoes nor socks. I doubt that of piece or peculiar to that one piece it, and I do not know why the organist in whatever way really works for playing this technique will catch on.) in some way. This would also be a good quoted above liked to do it. But it moved and is free of any tension or pain. Style Another reader wrote that she likes to place to remind a student to notate pedal me to think a lot about foot position and and look must be secondary, even when play in organ shoes because the sameness markings exclusively in pencil! how to maintain relaxation while playing. they are important. of feel is important. It is disconcerting to Another reader suggested that this I come back to that memory frequently 6) This is very important, though not have the feel of a foot on pedals be differ- whole project could be or should be while practicing or teaching. because of its own specifics. Rather, it is ent from one time to another. This makes produced as a video rather than as a 2) I note that people have differing important to remember that we have a sense to me. Over the years, when I have book. That seems like a great idea to me, concepts as to whether feeling the pedals strong tendency to believe what we read. occasionally needed to plan on a different though as a supplement, not a replace- with tactile sensitivity while playing is a It is utterly incumbent on anyone writ- pair of shoes for a particular performance, ment. I am daunted by video technology, good thing. I find it interesting that I do ing a method or any other authoritative I have made a point of getting used to or at least relatively inexperienced with not have a clear idea as to what I think work to ensure that what they write is them over as long a period of time as pos- it. I will tuck that idea away in my mind about that. There are perhaps dangers sound. But equally important is making sible. This process has never quite worked somewhere and return to it at some point. to being too caught up feeling the keys it clear that flexibility is almost always to make me as comfortable as I would be I have many notes on this project, in by trying to caress the keys or hold on to important, that nothing is engraved in in my regular organ shoes. This principle my head, in writing, in emails, indeed them. If the latter leads to active use of stone. This is most of what I have been does not say anything about what exactly in effect as the whole or certain parts of the toes—curling them, for example—it musing about in trying to settle on how the shoes should be. It works just as well some previous columns. I will now stir it is probably in most cases a place where to give my pedal method its final shape. with any of the thoughtfully designed all together and see what comes about. Q problems could arise. On the other hand, This brief comment suggests not that the “official” organ shoes, my New Balance any sense that the foot is inert or clunky, methods in question actively discourage shoes, or anything else that is intrinsically Gavin Black is director of the Princeton or that the shoes are a barrier to supple- playing in socks or bare feet, but that correct. However, it is worth bearing this Early Keyboard Center, Inc., Princeton, ness, is at least as great a danger. they simply did not mention it. No one in mind as it relates to the passage of New Jersey (pekc.org). He can be reached 3) The question of whether one may should assume that a method book cov- years. Will the shoes that you like and are at gavinblackbaroque@gmail.com. wear street shoes to play is a very big ers everything. But we have an impulse one. It encompasses all sorts of other to assume that. How can a writer be matters, starting with concern about clear, emphatic, and honest about what dirtying the pedals. It seems pretty they think without inadvertently seem- self-evident that it is a good idea not to ing to close out other options? allow a pedal keyboard to become dirty 7) I am a proponent for allowing stu- or gritty, and especially not to scratch dents to establish their own preferences. it. Can this be achieved by walking into This is a good model for students to the room already wearing the shoes in not necessarily do everything that your which you are going to play but making teacher does—or for the teacher not to sure to clean them? That might depend assume that what is right for you is also on what is going on outside, particularly right for everyone else. when it comes to various types of inclem- 8) This gets back to the cowboy boot ent weather. But it is also important to thing. The question as it relates to shoes keep issues separate. If we think that is not what size one’s feet are, but how WWW.THEDIAPASON.COM THE DIAPASON Q MAY 2021 Q 11
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