System 184 XT IQ SENSOR NET - Quick Start Guide for Installation and Setup - Fagerberg

Page created by Theodore Paul
System 184 XT IQ SENSOR NET - Quick Start Guide for Installation and Setup - Fagerberg
Quick Start Guide
                           for Installation and Setup

                       IQ SENSOR NET
                       System 184 XT

ba75479e01   07/2005
Quick Start Guide                                                                      IQ SENSOR NET System 184 XT

                            IQ SENSOR NET Quick Start Guide

    1. Accessories and Tools for Installation ..................................................p. 3

    2. Connecting the System Components ....................................................p. 5
                                                                      Joining MIQ modules
                                                                      ("stack mounting")........................ p. 5

                                                                      Linking modules via cable
                                                                      ("distributed mounting") .............. p. 9

                                                                      Connecting sensors ................... p. 11

                                                                      Mounting the MIQ/C184 XT ........ p. 13

                                                                      Connecting the power supply
                                                                      to the line power ......................... p. 14

    3. Setting the Terminator Switches ..........................................................p. 16

    4. Powering Up ...........................................................................................p. 18

    5. Basic Settings ........................................................................................p. 19

IQ SENSOR NET System 184 XT                                                               Quick Start Guide

1      Accessories and Tools for Installation

 Contact base with plastic tapping   M4 ISO blind nut                    M4x16 cheese-head screw with
 screws                                                                  plastic washer
 (in the scope of delivery of each   (in the scope of delivery of each   (in the scope of delivery of each
 MIQ module)                         MIQ module)                         MIQ module)

 Cable gland with seal               SACIQ sensor connection cable       SNCIQ Cable
                                                                         or SNCIQ/UG earth cable.
 (in the scope of delivery of each                                       These cables are only required if
 MIQ module)                                                             you want to connect
                                                                         MIQ modules that are located at
                                                                         different sites.

 SSH/IQ sun shield                   MR/SD 170 assembly set for rail
                                     mounting of sun shield SSH/IQ

Quick Start Guide                                                               IQ SENSOR NET System 184 XT

Tools required:

z Phillips screw driver (size 5)
z Screw driver (size 3)
z The following tools are only required if you want to connect MIQ modules that are located at different
  sites with the aid of the SNCIQ or SNCIQ/UG cable:
    – Cable stripping knife
    – Wire stripper
    – Wire end sleeves for 0.75 mm2 wire cross-section with matching crimping tool
z The following tools are only required if you want to mount an MIQ module to a wall:
    – Drilling machine with an 8 mm drill bit (select the drill bit type appropriate for the wall material)

IQ SENSOR NET System 184 XT                                                                   Quick Start Guide

2     Connecting the System Components
Joining MIQ modules ("stack mounting")

                     Observe the following rules for safe operation:
                     z Do not mount more than three modules to form a stack.
                     z Do not mount more than one power supply module in a module stack.
                       If possible, select the MIQ power supply module to be the rearmost module in
                       the stack.
                     z Always mount the MIQ modules in an upright position (to avoid retained hu-
                     z Protect MIQ modules installed outside against the effects of the weather (snow,
                       ice and direct sun light) by a sun shield.


                     The steps 2 to 8 describe the mounting of the rearmost module to a vertical rail using
                     the SSH/IQ sun shield. If you mount the module in a different way, continue with step 10.

Sun shield SSH/IQ + assembly set MR/SD 170:              1    Pre-assemble each of the four hexagon head
                                                              bolts (2) with a nut (3) and a lock washer (4) to
                                                              a clamping device (1). All parts are contained in
                 3 4 2
                                                              the scope of the MR/SD 170.
                                                         2    Mount the sun shield SSH/IQ to the clamping
                                                              device using the cap screws (5) and washers

         5       6

             1                                SSH/IQ

      MR/SD 170

Quick Start Guide                                                                           IQ SENSOR NET System 184 XT

7 8                                                                 3   Position both clamping devices at the rail and fix
                                                                        them using the four nuts (7) and the four lock
                                                        SSH/IQ          washers (8). The parts are contained in the
                                                                        scope of the MR/SD 170.


           MR/SD 170

                                                                    4   Select the module that is to be the rearmost
                                                                        module of the stack. If possible, select the pow-
                                                                        er supply module for this.

Rearmost MIQ module in the stack:                                   5   Remove both covers (9) on the back.
                                                    9               6   Remove the two screws on the left side (10) and
                                                                        open the lid.

               en Stape

                           un tage
              For        mond Kon Auf
                stac           tie takt kleb
                an k m            ren tr er
                   d in ou                   er
                        stal ntin
                            l co g re
                                 ntac mov
                                     t ca e la
                                         rrie bel

                                                                    7   Insert the two cheese head screws with the
                                                                        white plastic washers (11) into the drilled
      12                                                                mounting holes.
                                                                    8   Loosely screw the ISO blind nuts (12) on the
                                                                        cheese head screws from the back.
                                                                        Do not yet tighten the screws!


IQ SENSOR NET System 184 XT                                                                          Quick Start Guide

                                                                9   Position the module on the sun shield and fix it
                                                                    into place by tightening the cheese head screws

                                                                To mount further modules on the lid, continue
                                                                with the following steps:

                                                      13        10 Close the lid and fix it using the two screws (10).
                                                                11 Remove the two covers (13) on the front.
                                                                12 Remove the contact cover (14) from the con-
                                                                   tacts. Do not remove the contact cover com-
                                                                   pletely but leave it connected to the side of the


Next MIQ module in the stack:                                   13 Select the next module to be connected to the
                                                                   lid of the existing module.
                                                                On this module:
                                                                14 Remove the two covers (15) on the back.
                                                                15 Pull off the label (16) on the back.
                                                                16 Remove the two screws on the left side (17).
                en Stape

                            un tage
               For        mond Kon Auf
                 stac           tie takt kleb
                 an k m            ren tr er
                    d in ou                   er
                         stal ntin
                             l co g re

                                  ntac mov
                                      t ca e la
                                          rrie bel

Quick Start Guide                                                IQ SENSOR NET System 184 XT

                                         17 Using the two screws provided (19), fix the con-
                                            tact base (18) to the module back.
                                         18 Open the lid.


22                                       19 Insert the two cheese head screws (20) with the
                                            white plastic washers (21) in the drilled mount-
                                            ing holes.
                                         20 Loosely screw the ISO blind nuts (22) on the
                                            cheese head screws from the back.
                                            Do not yet tighten the screws!



Connecting both MIQ modules:             21 Attach the prepared module with the lid open to
                                            the back module. At the front module, there are
                                            two clips at the lower back edge. First insert
                                            these clips in the slots on the lid of the back
                                            module. Then insert the two blind nuts of the
                                            front module in the drilled mounting holes on the
                                            lid of the back module.
                                         22 Slightly press both modules against each other
                                            and tighten the two cheese head screws at the
                                            front module.

                                         23 Close the lid of the front module and fix it using
                                            the two screws (17).
                                         To mount a further module on the stack repeat
                                         the steps 8 to 23. Note that a maximum of three
                                         modules may be mounted as a stack.


IQ SENSOR NET System 184 XT                                                             Quick Start Guide

Linking modules via cable ("distributed mounting")

                                                   1   Run the cable between the modules to be inter-
                                                       connected. Run the cable ends to the bottom of
                                                       the module housings.
                                                   2   Cut the cable to the appropriate length. Take
                                                       into account that the cable ends must intrude
                                                       min. 3 cm into the housing for proper connec-
                                                   3   Prepare both cable ends:
Cable ends ready for connection to the module:
                                                       – SNCIQ: Using a cable stripping knife remove
                              approx. 45 mm              approx. 45 mm of the cable sheath.
                                                       – SNCIQ/UG: Using a cable stripping knife
                                 red                     remove approx. 45 mm of the outer and inner
                                                         cable sheath. Then remove another 35 mm
                                                         of the outer cable sheath.
   SNCIQ                                               – Shorten the shielding braid up to the end of
                               green                     the cable sheath.
                                                       – Shorten the two plastic fillers up to the end of
        approx. 35 mm         approx. 45 mm              the cable sheath.
                                                       – Using a wire stripper bare the red and green
                                                         wires and fit them with wire end sleeves.
                                                       – Fit the stranded wire with a wire end sleeve.


                You can use any free SENSORNET connection port for interconnecting MIQ modules.
                Make sure that the connection port is designated with "SENSORNET".
                A label with all terminal designations is located on the module floor. Each module has
                two SENSORNET ports in the right-hand section of the terminal strip. Some modules
                may have further SENSORNET ports in the left-hand section.

Quick Start Guide                                                                   IQ SENSOR NET System 184 XT

                        SENSORNET 1                        On both modules:
SENSORNET 2                                                4   Open the lid. Inside you see the terminal strip
                                                               (green) located in the lower section of the mod-
                                                               ule. The label with all terminal designations is
                                                               located on the module floor.
                                                           5   Select a free SENSORNET connection port.
                                                           6   Unscrew the blanking cover underneath the
                                                               SENSORNET connection port.
                                                           7   Screw the cable gland (1) into the opening. Prior
                                                               to this, put the sealing ring (2) over the thread of
                                                               the cable gland.
                                                           8   Loosen the coupling ring (3) and thread the ca-
                         2                                     ble through the cable gland into the housing.
                                                               The end of the cable sheath should be flush with
      label with         1                                     the inner end of the cable gland.
       terminal          3
                                             SNCIQ         9   Tighten the coupling ring (3).
     designations                            or

Example: connection on "SENSORNET 1" port:                 10 Connect the wires to the SENSORNET connec-
                                                              tion port. To do so, loosen the screw at the cor-
                                                              responding screw connection, insert the wire
                                                              into the screw connection, and tighten the screw

               terminal        X3    X2       X1               Observe the designation of the connection
               designation:                                    port on the label. It must read:


                               SENSORNET 1
                                                               SENSORNET 1 (2, 3, 4):
                                                               – RED
                                                               – SHIELD (= stranded wire, not insulated)
                                                               – GREEN
                              red                  green
                                                           11 When all three wires are properly connected,
                                                              close the lid of the module.

         SNCIQ or SNCIQ/UG

IQ SENSOR NET System 184 XT                                                             Quick Start Guide

Connecting sensors

                                                  1   Run the cable between the sensor and the con-
                                                      nection module. Run the cable end with the
                                                      open wires to the bottom of the module housing.
                                                      Take into account that the wire ends must in-
                                                      trude min. 3 cm into the housing for proper con-

               You can use any free SENSORNET connection port for connecting a sensor.
               Make sure that the connection port is designated with "SENSORNET".
               A label with all terminal designations is located on the module floor. Each module has
               two SENSORNET ports in the right-hand section of the terminal strip. Some modules
               may have further SENSORNET ports in the left-hand section.

                      SENSORNET 1                 On the connection module:
SENSORNET 2                                       2   Open the lid. Inside you see the terminal strip
                                                      (green) located in the lower section of the mod-
                                                      ule. The label with all terminal designations is
                                                      located on the module floor.
                                                  3   Select a free SENSORNET connection port.
                                                  4   Unscrew the blanking cover underneath the
                                                      SENSORNET connection port.
                                                  5   Screw the cable gland (1) into the opening. Prior
                                                      to this, put the sealing ring (2) over the thread of
                                                      the cable gland.
                                                  6   Loosen the coupling ring (3) and thread the sen-
                       2                              sor connection cable through the cable gland
                                                      into the housing. The heat shrink tube at the end
     label with        1                              of the cable sheath should be flush with the in-
      terminal         3                              ner end of the cable gland.
    designations                 SACIQ
                                                  7   Tighten the coupling ring (3).

Quick Start Guide                                                                    IQ SENSOR NET System 184 XT

Example: connection on "SENSORNET 1" port:                   8   Connect the wires to the SENSORNET connec-
                                                                 tion port. To do so, loosen the screw at the cor-
                                                                 responding screw connection, insert the wire
                                                                 into the screw connection, and tighten the screw

                                                                 Observe the designation of the connection
              terminal           X3    X2       X1

              designation:                                       port on the label. It must read:

                                                                 SENSORNET 1 (2, 3, 4):
                                 SENSORNET 1
                                                                 – RED
                                                                 – SHIELD (= stranded wire, not insulated)
                                                                 – GREEN
                             red                     green
                                                             9   When all three wires are properly connected,
                                                                 close the lid of the module.


                                                             On the sensor:
                                                             10 Remove the protective caps from the plug con-
                                                                nection of the sensor and the SACIQ cable.
                                                             11 Align the socket of the cable with the plug head
                                                                connector of the sensor. Rotate the socket so
                                                                that the pin (4) is in line with either of the two
                                                                small holes in the socket (5).
                                                             12 Then push the socket onto the connector and
                                  5                             rotate the coupling ring (6) clockwise until stop.



IQ SENSOR NET System 184 XT                                                           Quick Start Guide

Mounting the MIQ/C184 XT

                                                  On the lid of any free module:
                                                  1   Remove the contact cover (1) from the contacts.
                                                      Do not remove the contact cover completely but
                                                      leave it connected to the side of the module.


                                                  2   Attach the MIQ/C184 XT to the module lid.
                                                      To do so, insert the flap on the back of the
                                              3       MIQ/C184 XT into the slot on the door hinge of
                                                      the module.
                                                      Then, pull back the lever (2), place the
                                                      MIQ/C184 XT completely on the module and re-
                                                      lease the lever.
                                                  3   To protect the MIQ/C184 XT from being inad-
                                                      vertently removed, fix the lever with the aid of
                                                      the screw (3). The screw is contained in the
                                                      scope of delivery of the MIQ/C184 XT.

                        MIQ/C184 XT

   Top view:

      Pull lever back

                The mobile terminal MIQ/T 2020 (PLUS) is mounted in the same way except for step 3.
                The mobile terminal is not intended to be fixed by a fixing screw.

Quick Start Guide                                                         IQ SENSOR NET System 184 XT

Connecting the power supply to the power line
(100 ... 240 VAC: MIQ/PS power supply module; 24 V AC/DC: MIQ/24V power supply module)

                If the power supply is connected incorrectly, it may represent a danger to life from
                electric shock. Pay attention to the following points during installation:
                z The MIQ/PS or MIQ/24V power supply module may only be connected to the
                  power supply by a trained electrician.
                z The connection of the MIQ/PS or MIQ/24V power supply module to the power
                  supply may only be carried out when it is not carrying any voltage.
                z The power supply must fulfill the specifications given on the nameplate and in
                  the operating manual of the power supply module.
                z A switch or power switch must be provided as a disconnecting device for the
                  power supply module. The disconnecting device must
                  – be installed in the vicinity of the power supply module, easily accessible by
                     the user, and
                    – identified as a disconnecting device for the power supply module.
                z After it has been installed, the power supply module may only be opened if the
                  line voltage has been switched off beforehand.

                                                  1   Run the line cord to the power supply module.
                                                      Run the cord end to the bottom of the module
                                                  2   Cut the line cord to the appropriate length. Take
                                                      into account that the cord end must intrude min.
                                                      3 cm into the housing for proper connection.
Line cord end ready for connection:               3   Prepare the end of the line cord:
                                                      – Using a cable stripping knife remove approx.
                                                        45 mm of the cable sheath.
                                                      – Using a wire stripper bare the wires of
                                                        phases L and N and fit them with wire end
                                                      – If present, cut off the protective earth
                                                        conductor wire at the end of the cable

IQ SENSOR NET System 184 XT                                         Quick Start Guide

                              On the power supply module:
                              4   Open the lid. Inside you see the terminal strip
                                  (green) located in the lower section of the mod-
                                  ule. The leftmost connection port is the line
                                  power connection.
                              5   Unscrew the blanking cover underneath the left-
                                  most connection port.
                              6   Screw the cable gland (1) into the opening. Prior
                                  to this, put the sealing ring (2) over the thread of
                                  the cable gland.
                              7   Loosen the coupling ring (3) and thread the line
                                  cord through the cable gland into the housing.
                                  The end of the cable sheath should be flush with
                                  the inner end of the cable gland.
                              8   Tighten the coupling ring (3).

                              9   Connect the wires of the line cord to the line
                                  power connection port. To do so, loosen the
                                  screw at the corresponding screw connection,
                                  insert the wire into the screw connection, and
                                  tighten the screw again.

                                  Observe the designation of the connection
                                  on the label. Connect the wires as follows:
                                  X10: N
                                  X11: L

                                  Connect the wires. It is not important which
                                  wire is connected to which terminal.
                              10 When both wires are properly connected, close
                                 the lid of the module.

Quick Start Guide                                                                          IQ SENSOR NET System 184 XT

3      Setting the Terminator Switches

                  For failure-free operation, the SN terminator switches (terminating resistors) must be set
                  to ON on precisely two specific MIQ modules in the IQ SENSOR NET.

The switches are located in each MIQ module between the two SENSORNET connections on the right of
the terminal strip. The switch is designated "SN TERMINATOR":

        SN Terminator
        Switch                         ON


                X6     X5       X4                           X3     X2       X1
                                             SN TERMINATOR




                 SENSORNET 2                                  SENSORNET 1

For checking and setting the switch, open the module, set the switch to the required position and close the
module again.

How to select the right switches:

 Follow the rules given below for setting the SN terminator switch:
 1   If the system contains only one stack of MIQ modules, the SN terminator switch on the foremost
     and rearmost MIQ modules must be set to ON.
 2   If the system contains branched installed MIQ modules, the SN terminator switches at the start and
     at the end of the longest continuous cable length must be set to ON.
 3   In all other MIQ modules, the SN terminator switch must be set to OFF.

IQ SENSOR NET System 184 XT                                                         Quick Start Guide

The following sketches gives you examples of where to set the switches to ON:




 x   = MIQ module with the SN terminator switch set to ON

     = MIQ module with the SN terminator switch set to OFF

     = Module stack

Quick Start Guide                                                          IQ SENSOR NET System 184 XT

4      Powering Up
For powering up, switch on the voltage supply of the MIQ power supply module. The system starts with the
following start-up sequence:

                                                    Start-up sequence:
                                                    1   In the initial start phase, all IQ SENSOR NET
                                                        components are automatically registered on the
                                                        MIQ/C184 XT controller module and the termi-
                                                        nal is initialized. Then, the system performs a
                                                        self test. This process may last a few seconds.

                                                    2   As soon as the terminal is successfully initial-
                                                        ized, the measured value display appears (four-
                                                        fold display). In the case of IQ sensors that are
                                                        not yet providing measured values, "Init" ap-
                                                        pears temporarily.

                                                    3   When the start-up sequence is finished, the
                                                        measured values of all sensors appear on the
                                                        display. The system is now ready for measur-

IQ SENSOR NET System 184 XT                                                             Quick Start Guide

5      Basic Settings
Selecting the display language
By default, the display language of the IQ SENSOR NET is German. To select another language, proceed
as follows:

                                                  1   In the measurement screen, press s.
                                                      The Einstellungen/Settings menu comes up.
                                                      The first menu item, Sprache/Language, is
                                                      highlighted. If not, turn the rotary switch until
                                                      Sprache/Language is highlighted.

                                                  2   Press g.
                                                      The Sprache/Language menu comes up with a
                                                      list of all available languages.

                                                  3   Highlight your language in the list by turning the
                                                      rotary switch. Then press g.
                                                      The checkmark to the right indicates that the
                                                      language is set.

                                                  4   Press m to return to the measurement screen.
                                                      The system will work with the new language.

Quick Start Guide                                                        IQ SENSOR NET System 184 XT

Assigning user-defined names to sensors
The IQ SENSOR NET enables you to assign user-defined names to all sensors. The name appears with the
measured value on the measurement screen. The sensor name may consist of up to 11 characters. By
default, the sensor name is identical with the serial number of the sensor.

                                                  1   In the measurement screen, press s.
                                                      The Settings/Einstellungen menu comes up.
                                                  2   Highlight the menu item Edit list of sensors by
                                                      turning the rotary switch.

                                                  3   Press g.
                                                      The Edit list of sensors menu comes up.
                                                  4   Highlight the Sensor name column by turning
                                                      the rotary switch.

                                                  5   Press g.
                                                  6   Highlight the required sensor by turning the ro-
                                                      tary switch.

IQ SENSOR NET System 184 XT                                           Quick Start Guide

                              7   Press g.
                                  You are now in the edit mode for the sensor

                                  Whenever the p symbol is shown as last
                                  character, pressing g will terminate the
                                  edit mode. All entries made so far will be
                                  If you want to abort the whole procedure and
                                  keep the original sensor name, press e.

                              8   Turn the rotary switch left or right to select the
                                  first character.

                                  The following characters are available:

                                  a ... z A... Z 0 ... 9 µ % & / ( ) + - = > < . ! ? ° _

                              9   Press g.
                                  Now you can select the next character.
                              10 Repeat the steps 8 and 9 accordingly until the
                                 name is complete.

                                  If you want to delete the last character, se-
                                  lect the left arrow symbol (b) and press g.

                              11 When the name is complete and the last char-
                                 acter is the p symbol, press g.
                                 The edit mode is terminated.
                                 The new sensor name is adopted.
                              12 Press m to return to the measurement screen.
                                 The new name appears with the measured

Quick Start Guide   IQ SENSOR NET System 184 XT

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