SYNLAIT MILK HALF YEAR RESULT CHAIR AND CEO REVIEW - For the six months ended 31 January 2022

Page created by Janice Barton
SYNLAIT MILK HALF YEAR RESULT CHAIR AND CEO REVIEW - For the six months ended 31 January 2022
For the six months ended
31 January 2022
SYNLAIT MILK HALF YEAR RESULT CHAIR AND CEO REVIEW - For the six months ended 31 January 2022

    PAGE 02                                                                                                                 SYNLAIT MILK HALF YEAR RESULT CHAIR AND CEO REVIEW


                             790.6 M                                                                                        117.3 M
                                                                           19%                                                                           269%

                        $                                                                                               $
                       REVENUE                                                                                          OPERATING CASH FLOWS

                             27.9 M                                                               14.5 M                    46.0 M
                                                                 338%                                            128%                                    37%

                        $                                                                     $                         $
                       NPAT                                                                   ADJUSTED NPAT*            CAPITAL EXPENDITURE

                             68.4 M                                                               56.5 M                    391.8 M
                                                                   45%                                            20%                                        19%

                        $                                                                     $                         $
                       EBITDA                                                                 ADJUSTED EBITDA*          NET DEBT

                            9.60 kgMS

                       FORECAST BASE MILK PRICE
                       FOR 2021/2022 SEASON

    All comparisons are to H1 21 which has been restated for a change in accounting policy.
    * Excluding Synlait Auckland gain on sale and leaseback and related items.
SYNLAIT MILK HALF YEAR RESULT CHAIR AND CEO REVIEW - For the six months ended 31 January 2022
PAGE 03                                                                                            SYNLAIT MILK HALF YEAR RESULT CHAIR AND CEO REVIEW

          Dear Shareholders                                  Here are some highlights from our           •    A significantly improved net debt
          I have written to you many times,                  recovery plan:                                   position (down 19% to $391.8
          but this is my first as Chair. It was an                                                            million) is perhaps our biggest H1
          enormous privilege to take on this                 •   Synlait’s cost structure review              22 achievement and will provide
          role in January when we appointed                      and the organisational reset                 shareholders with comfort that
          Grant Watson as CEO. Having been                       is complete. Most cost saving                our recovery plan is on-track. Our
          part of Synlait from the outset, I have                benefits were realised in                    improved operating cash flows
          seen it as extremely important to help                 operations and are reflected in              (up 269% to $117.3m) and net debt
          lead the company through its recent                    improved gross profitability. We are         position benefitted from stronger
          challenges and set it up for future                    on-track to achieve the $7 million           profit, greater focus on working
          success. While the job is not done yet,                in savings the organisational reset          capital management, and the sale
          you will see from this result that we                  promised, with $5.2 million realised         of the land and buildings at Synlait
          have made some big steps in the right                  in H1 22. A lot of hard work has             Auckland. Work will continue in
          direction as we reset management                       gone on under the leadership of              the second half with an ongoing
          and governance and rebuild our                         our new CFO Robert Stowell to                focus on rebalancing inventory
          profitability and balance sheet.                       implement these changes. We are              levels through improved sales
                                                                 very aware of how challenging                performance, while working to
          Turning Synlait around                                 and stressful this process was on            minimise the impact of shipping
          In the first six months of this financial              our staff, particularly those whose          delays that have been facing all
          year (H1 22) significant steps were                    roles were disestablished. Our               exporting companies. We will
          taken to reset and rebuild Synlait.                    decisions were not made lightly,             also continue focusing on our
          While we cannot relax just yet,                        and I thank the entire team for their        operational costs and capital
          our plan to return Synlait to robust                   professionalism, understanding               expenditure.
          profitability is on track.                             and commitment to Synlait
                                                                 throughout the process.

          Synlait Chair Dr John Penno and CEO Grant Watson
SYNLAIT MILK HALF YEAR RESULT CHAIR AND CEO REVIEW - For the six months ended 31 January 2022
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•   In our early years, Synlait built its   •   We are halfway through the on-          As a backdrop to this progress we            processes, resource allocation, and          The Board and I firmly believe that
    profitability and credentials in the        boarding of Synlait Pokeno’s new        are experiencing extremely high dairy        accountability frameworks. Grant is          having an Independent Chair is best
    global dairy industry by operating          multinational customer which will       commodity prices which will lead to          clearly identifying and articulating what    practice, and we hope my tenure will
    our Ingredients business to the             enable us to produce nutritional        a record milk price for our farmers          needs to be done to return Synlait to        be for a short period as a permanent,
    highest standards. By establishing          adult and paediatric plant-based        this year. An improved focus on our          robust profitability.                        independent successor is found.
    an Ingredients business unit as             products for the Asia Pacific region.   Ingredients business means that after
    part of the organisational reset, its       The first base powder and finished      starting from a weak sales position          Governance changes                           Filling Graeme’s place as an
    performance has already improved            good trials are complete, and           late last season, we have been able          As well as aligning structure to strategy    Independent Director is Paul McGilvary
    with revenues up 54% to $423.7              commercial production is on-track       to consistently take advantage of            and appointing Grant as CEO, you,            who started in January and brings
    million driven by commodity prices,         to start late 2022. Our dedicated       sales conditions, particularly the           as shareholders, approved several            strong dairy sector experience to
    sales volume, product mix, and              Nutritionals team is building new       strong relative pricing of Skim Milk         Governance changes at our Annual             Synlait. Notably, Paul was the CEO of
    attainment of product premiums.             base powder relationships with          Powder. The turnaround in our                Meeting which have now been                  HortResearch (now Plant and Food)
    Within a context of strong                  multinational customers and             Ingredients business and flexibility         implemented.                                 and then CEO of Tatua Dairy Company,
    commodity prices, the business              Chinese domestic players as the         within our product mix has meant                                                          before establishing his governance
    has benefitted from a greater focus         global market rebuilds. Several         that very high dairy prices have had         Our Chair, Graeme Milne ONZM,                career.
    on sales phasing and pricing, along         initiatives and trials are underway.    no impact on our ability to pay a            retired from the Board at the Annual
    with an improved cost structure                                                     competitive milk price.                      Meeting after 17 years. To enable me         Qikai Lu (Albert) and Min Ben have
    and FX position. The team is            •   Dairyworks’ ambition to be the                                                       to step into the Chair role and deliver      stepped down as the Bright Dairy
    actively developing sales strategies        second biggest player in the New        Grant Watson’s appointment as CEO            a well-managed leadership transition         Holding Limited appointed Directors
    and has increased engagement                Zealand consumer dairy food             was made in light of the challenges          with Grant, a constitution change was        on the Synlait Board. On behalf of all
    with our multinational customers to         category is gaining traction. It        Synlait faced in the last 12 to 18 months.   required so that the Board Chair could       Directors, thank you to Albert and Min
    build repeatable, predictable, and          launched its own-branded milk and       Grant has made an excellent start            be a Non-Independent Director. The           for their contribution and commitment
    profitable business for the                 cream range in the Foodservice          in his role and brings a very strong         Annual Meeting resolution passed with        to Synlait. Albert and Min are replaced
    long-term.                                  channel in H1 22. Category              commercial focus to the next stage of        overwhelming shareholder support,            by Min Chen (Joyce) and Dr Gui Min
                                                extension also continues for its        our recovery plan. His discipline when it    thank you. I am not an Independent           (Gracie). Joyce joined Bright Dairy
                                                Protein Fit yoghurt range which         comes to execution is relentless. We are     Chair. I have had a long history with        in 2007 and has been Chief Internal
                                                has achieved national distribution      already seeing increased accountability      the company holding several roles            Auditor since 2016. Gracie is Director of
                                                and can be found in 300 New             filter through to our internal planning      including, co-founder, CEO and director.     Marketing of the Nutrition Section and
                                                Zealand stores.                                                                                                                   has a Ph.D. in pharmacology.
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Finally, Graeme’s 17-year tenure with         Synlait’s goal throughout this pandemic    recovery plan. I hope today’s result
Synlait needs to be acknowledged.             has been to keep our people safe, keep     demonstrates we are on-track to
Graeme joined Synlait when we were            their families safe, keep our facilities   provide you with a significantly stronger
a dairy farm and shared our vision of         running, and keep COVID-19 away – not      balance sheet and robust profitability
building a world-class manufacturing          just for us, but for all New Zealanders,   by the end of this financial year.
company in Dunsandel. Graeme had              and our friends in the global community.
an enormous influence on the strategy         New Zealand’s COVID-19 situation           Stay safe and well.
and direction of Synlait as our plans         became very real, very quickly and we
came together – and we literally              are extremely proud of how our people
built Dunsandel from the ground up.           responded to keep each other safe. Our
Right from the beginning he had an            workforce is fully vaccinated and our
unwavering commitment of time,                daily rapid antigen testing programme      Dr John Penno
energy, and experience to give to             has detected dozens of presumptive         Chair
Synlait and to me personally. His calm        results, which has ensured that our
nature has carried us through good and        people and facilities remain safe.
bad times. Graeme, on behalf of the
Board, leadership team and staff, thank       It has been a challenging first half,
you for your enormous contribution to         particularly with the added complexity
Synlait’s growth.                             of Omicron. Thank you to our Synlait
                                              team for their continued patience,
Our ongoing response to COVID-19              commitment, and determination as we
proves successful                             work with Grant and the leadership
It has been a challenging period for          team to turn this business around.
our people. Our Auckland and Pokeno
teams spent the majority of H1 22 in          I look forward to continuing to meet
lockdown as the COVID-19 Delta variant        with you in my new role as Chair.
circulated in our largest city. Now all our   I am committed to delivering a well-
teams across New Zealand have been            managed leadership transition with
impacted by Omicron.                          Grant and continuing to support our        Synlait has mandated that all staff, contractors and
                                                                                         visitors must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19
                                                                                         to enter our facilities. As an additional precaution
                                                                                         all staff are currently undergoing daily rapid
                                                                                         antigen testing on entry to our sites. Here a staff
                                                                                         member is tested by our health and safety team on
                                                                                         arrival at work.
PAGE 06                                                                                  SYNLAIT MILK HALF YEAR RESULT CHAIR AND CEO REVIEW

Tēnā koe shareholders                         About me
It is an absolute privilege to have           I joined the Synlait team from Miraka,
joined Synlait as CEO. I have watched         a Taupō based dairy company
Synlait’s journey for years. One thing I      where I was CEO. Miraka is owned
have always appreciated about Synlait         predominantly by two Māori whānau
is that it is well positioned – it has both   who came together to build the world’s
scale and agility. The opportunity to be      first dairy-processing plant powered by
your CEO was too good to turn down.           geothermal energy. My time at Miraka
This is an amazing role in an innovative,     gave me an appreciation for Māori
entrepreneurial business with world           culture and business, and for their
class sustainability credentials.             highly sustainable farming practices.

My first 10 weeks have been a                 Prior to Miraka, I spent 10 years at
whirlwind of learning. In my first report     Fonterra. I held several roles including
to you, our shareholders, I will introduce    Director of Global Foodservice,
myself, share my first impressions,           Managing Director of Tip Top, and
and communicate my priorities for the         Director of Route and Foodservice
second half of this financial year.           (Fonterra Brands New Zealand).

                                              I started my career at McDonald’s New
                                              Zealand where my first role was instore
                                              making Big Macs. During my 18 years
                                              with the business, I worked my way up
                                              through the organisation to become
                                              Chief Operating Officer.

                                              CEO Grant Watson outside the milk
                                              reception bay at our Dunsandel facility
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Throughout my career I have held                months into a two year recovery        KEY PRIORITIES                               3.   Rebuilding our team and
several governance and directorship             plan. Our team is driving the plan                                                       internal culture following a
roles and been involved in smaller              forward with pace.                     1.   The successful delivery of critical          period of constant change and
entrepreneurial businesses.                                                                 projects. These include:                     reorganisation. We need to
                                           3.   Greater focus and accountability                                                         ensure our people feel engaged,
I have inherited an enormous legacy             is required to get to the next level        •    Successful renewal of our               committed, and reenergised
from John Penno and the Board. I                To deliver on our enormous                       SAMR license for Chinese                to successfully build our
believe my appointment represents a             potential and return Synlait to                  labelled a2 Platinum® Infant            business back up and return it to
step change in our journey as Synlait           strong, sustainable growth we                    Formula to ensure our                   sustainable profitable growth.
enters 2022 with significant change             need a greater level of focus                    access to the China market is
and challenge behind it. I am excited to        and accountability right across                  retained.                          4.   Reviewing our strategy to ensure
take the experiences from my career             the organisation. Improving our                                                          it has sufficient clarity and focus
to shape and grow Synlait for the               systems, tools, and processes will          •    Successful implementation of            to deliver the second year of our
better. My vision is for Synlait to be a        improve our ability to execute with              our new Enterprise Resource             recovery plan.
world class organisation enabled by             excellence – this is a significant               Planning system on 1 August.
a culture of innovation, accountability,        opportunity.                                                                        Since joining the team I have spent
sustainability, and a true sense of                                                         •    Ensure readiness to                time with our staff, farmer suppliers,
purpose.                                   4.   Our people make                                  successfully commence              and customers. I look forward to
                                                Synlait what it is today                         commercial production              hearing your perspectives on Synlait as
                                                We have a fantastic base of                      for Synlait Pokeno’s new           we connect over the coming months.
                                                loyal farmer suppliers who                       multinational customer.
1.   Synlait has amazing DNA                    remain committed to delivering                                                      Nāku iti nei, nā.
     Our innovative and disruptive              excellence through Lead With           2.   Navigating Omicron’s impact on
     culture along with our strong              Pride™. We continue to strengthen           our people and supply chains,
     sustainability credentials is what         our relationships with current              and ultimately deliver on the
     sets us apart. Our team’s desire to        customers and build connections             goal Synlait set at the start of this
     do things differently is infectious        with future ones. Of course, we             pandemic, which was to keep our
     and evident everywhere.                                                                people safe, keep their families        Grant Watson
                                                cannot do what we do without our
                                                                                            safe, keep our facilities running,      CEO
                                                staff. Our team has been through
2.   Momentum is building                       a challenging couple of years,              and meet the needs of our farmer
     Today’s result validates that              and I am impressed with their               suppliers and customers.
     momentum is building. We are six           commitment and loyalty to Synlait.
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