2018 Total rewards - Amway Jobs

Page created by Ernest Campbell
2018 Total rewards - Amway Jobs
2018   Total rewards
          Desirae Lau, Quality Assurance
2018 Total rewards - Amway Jobs

                                                                        Abby VanderWagen

Brandon DeHollander

                      Angel Duff

                                                                                   Di Qu

                                                       Darius Machado

                                          Tab Larsen

2018 Total rewards - Amway Jobs
your potential
As you consider joining any organization, it’s important to have some understanding
of the company culture – and how much the organization values its employees.

At Amway, we believe in people. Our promise to our employees is that here, you have the opportunity to explore
and grow, make a real difference, and be a part of Amway’s long-term success story. We believe in your potential,
your ability to achieve your highest professional goals and work with truly exceptional people, and we value your

Delivering on that promise, we’re committed to providing you with a valuable total rewards program of pay, benefits
and career opportunities that is considered industry-leading.

In addition to market-competitive salaries and an incentive structure, our total rewards package is structured to
reward high-performing talent with:

• Best-of-industry benefits offerings

• A culture that supports emotional and physical well-being

• Global learning and development opportunities

This brochure is intended to give you a higher level of detail on our health and retirement benefits, our wellness
programs and talent development.

2018 Total rewards - Amway Jobs
                                     Amway’s benefits package is one of the most
                                     comprehensive in the industry. Eligible
                                     employees may choose medical coverage under
                                     the Amway Consumer Plan or waive coverage.
                                     The plan includes prescription drug coverage
                                     and generous wellness benefits. Dental and
                                     vision coverage are offered together as a
                                     separate option.

                                     Medical, prescription drug, dental and vision
                                     benefits coverage for you is effective on the
                                     first day of employment.

Smiti Majumdar, Business Analytics

2018 Total rewards - Amway Jobs
Amway CONSUMER PLAN                                                                 How the CONSUMER PLAN WORKS

   With the Amway          The Amway Consumer Plan offers                       1 PREMIUMS
Consumer Plan, you         comprehensive medical and prescription
                                                                                    You pay monthly premiums for medical and prescription
 have the option to        coverage at a competitive monthly
                                                                                    drug coverage through pre-tax payroll deductions.
  contribute federal       premium. Essentially, the healthier you are,
                                                                                    (Note: These premiums give you access to the Amway
   pretax dollars to       the less care you require and the less you
                                                                                    Consumer Plan and do not count toward your deductible
   a health savings        pay. In-network routine preventive care is               or out-of-pocket maximum.)
     account (HSA),        covered at 100 percent. If you do need
 money that’s yours        care, the plan also features an annual               2 PREVENTIVE CARE
    to keep forever.       out-of-pocket maximum for your protection.
                           The plan features the Blue Cross Blue                    Amway covers eligible preventive medical services at
                           Shield of Michigan PPO Network for                       100%, meaning you pay nothing for these services.
                           medical coverage and Express Scripts
                           network for prescription coverage.                   3 DEDUCTIBLE

                                                                                    You pay 100% of non-preventive medical expenses,
                                                                                    including non-preventive prescription drugs, until the
Plan Features                                       Coverage                        deductible is met ($1,500 single; $3,000 family), as well
                                       In-Network           Out-of-Network
                                                                                    as a flat-dollar copay* for preventive prescription drugs.**
Annual Deductible – You Pay          Single – $1,500       Single – $3,000
                                                                                4     COINSURANCE
                                     Family – $3,000       Family – $6,000
Annual Out-of-Pocket Maximum –       Single – $2,500        Single – $5,000           Once you meet your annual deductible ($1,500
You Pay (Includes deductible)        Family – $5,000       Family – $10,000           single; $3,000 family), Amway pays 80% for eligible
Coinsurance for Non-Preventive      After deductible is   After deductible is         in-network services, and you pay 20% until you
Services                            met, plan pays 80%    met, plan pays 60%          reach your out-of-pocket maximum ($2,500 single;
Lifetime Maximum (Combined for                      Unlimited                         $5,000 family).
in- and out-of-network services)
                                                                                5     OUT-OF-POCKET MAXIMUM
Routine Preventive Care and          Plan pays 100%,      After deductible is
Preventive Services Covered Under     not subject to      met, plan pays 60%          Once you reach the out-of-pocket maximum, Amway
the Affordable Care Act (ACA)         coinsurance or
                                                                                      pays 100% of the cost for eligible services, and
                                                                                      you pay nothing for the remainder of the plan year.
                                                                                      *Preventive prescription drug copays apply toward the annual out-of-
                                      New employees have 30 days to enroll              pocket maximum. However, they do not apply toward the deductible.

                                            or opt out of Amway coverage.             **Preventive prescription medications covered under the Affordable
                                                                                         Care Act (ACA), commonly known as health care reform, are covered
                                                                                         at 100 percent. This means you are not required to pay a copayment,
                                                                                         coinsurance or deductible.

2018 Total rewards - Amway Jobs
New employees have         MONTHLY RATES FOR 2018 AMWAY CONSUMER PLAN
   30 days to enroll
  dependents or opt                                                                 Monthly
                            Coverage Tier                                            Rate
      out of Amway
          coverage.         Employee Only                                             $85
                            Employee + Spouse                                        $235
                            Employee + 1 Child                                       $128
                            Employee + 2 Children                                    $170
                            Employee + 3 Children                                    $226
                            Employee + Spouse + 1 Child                              $278
                            Employee + Spouse + 2 Children                           $320
                            Employee + Spouse + 3 or More Children                   $380

The dental and vision      Dental coverage includes most preventive, basic and major restorative dental procedures, including
     plans are offered     oral exams and cleanings. There is no annual deductible to meet, and the annual maximum benefit
together. This means       is $1,500. The plan is administered by Delta Dental.
   that if you enroll in
                           The vision plan is administered by Blue Cross Blue Shield of MI. Using care within the VSP network
 dental coverage, you
                           means you will pay a discounted price for vision care. When you receive services from an out-of-
     will also enroll in
                           network provider, VSP will reimburse you up to a limit based on our plan. You will be responsible for
 vision coverage, and
                           the difference.
             vice versa.
                           There is only one premium charged for both.


                            Coverage Tier                                            Rate
                            Employee Only                                             $12
                            Employee + Spouse                                         $26
                            Employee + 1 Child                                        $19
                            Employee + 2 Children                                     $25
                                                                                                               New employees
                            Employee + 3 Children                                     $35
                                                                                                               have 30 days to
                            Employee + Spouse + 1 Child                               $32                    enroll or opt out of
                            Employee + Spouse + 2 Children                            $40                     Amway coverage.
6                           Employee + Spouse + 3 or More Children                    $48
2018 Total rewards - Amway Jobs
     Full- and part-time employees have access
     to free, personal financial management
     services such as budgeting, retirement and
     investment planning just to name a few.
     These tools, such as snapshots of your
     savings and suggestions to reach your goals,
     portfolio assessments, an income planner,
     comprehensive financial planning and one-on-
     one financial coaching sessions are available.

Delia Rodriguez, Cosmetics Manufacturing

2018 Total rewards - Amway Jobs
INVESTING In Your Future
  AMWAY RETIREMENT     The Amway Retirement Savings Plan allows regular full- and part-time employees age 18 or older
      SAVINGS PLAN     to save for retirement on a pre-tax and/or Roth basis, whichever makes sense for your personal
                       situation. In addition, Amway provides contributions to the plan on your behalf in the form of base,
                       matching and profit-sharing contributions. All Amway contributions are made on a pre-tax basis to
                       your account. Here’s how it works:

401(K) CONTRIBUTIONS   • You have the choice of making pre-tax contributions, Roth contributions or a combination of the
                         two. Through automatic payroll deductions, you can contribute up to 70 percent of your eligible
                         pay on a pre-tax or Roth basis, up to the annual IRS limit of $18,500 in 2018.
                       • If
                          you are age 50 or older, or if you will reach age 50 at any time during the calendar year and
                         are making contributions to the plan, you may also make catch-up contributions of up to $6,000
                         in 2018.


                       8%                                                          SHARING
                                                                    3% 4           (TARGET)

                                                                                  (50% UP TO
                                                                    3% 3          6% SAVING)
                                                                                   BASE 401(k)          4.7%
                       2%                                                         CONTRIBUTION
                                                                    3% 2
                                       0% – 70%                 9% TOTAL AMWAY                       NATIONAL AVERAGE
                                    YOUR VOLUNTARY               CONTRIBUTION                         TOTAL EMPLOYER
                                     CONTRIBUTION                                                RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION

                                                                                                     Amway            If you are enrolled in the Amway
      2 COMPANY BASE CONTRIBUTION                                                               contributes          Consumer Plan, Amway will
• F ollowing the end of the calendar year, Amway intends to make                                 $1,000 to           contribute $1,000* to your HSA.
   an annual contribution equal to three percent of your eligible                                 your HSA.*          You also have the opportunity
   pay into your retirement account.                                                                                  to earn an additional $500 through
                                                                                                                      the Optimal You incentive, beginning
      3 C
         OMPANY MATCHING CONTRIBUTION                                                                                the following year after your hire.
  mway matches your voluntary contributions each pay period at                                                       An HSA provides you a federal triple
 50 cents for every $1 you contribute, up to six percent of your pay.                                                 tax-advantage:
 This means that when you choose to save for your retirement,
 you have the potential to receive an additional three percent of                                                     • contribute pre-tax funds through
 your pay through company matching contributions.*                                                                       payroll deductions;
                                                                                                                      • grow funds tax-free year over year;
      4 P
                                                                                                                      • withdraw funds tax-free to pay for
• Our profit-sharing plan reflects Amway’s belief that employees                                                         qualified health care expenses
  should share in the success of the organization. That means
                                                                                                                         now or later.
  Amway will contribute a profit-sharing contribution to your
  retirement account based on a percentage of your eligible pay.                                                      An HSA enables investment
  The profit-sharing contribution is based on the achievement of                                                      opportunities, savings potential with
  Amway’s annual financial targets.
                                                                                                                      no “use it or lose it” rule, and the
                                                                                                                      HSA is yours for life, even if you
VESTING SCHEDULE                                                                                                      leave the company.

You become vested in all            You are always 100 percent vested in                          FLEXIBLE SPENDING
  company contributions             your own contributions:                                       ARRANGEMENT (FSA)
 and on any earnings on
                                     Years of Service                     Percent Vested
     these contributions                                                                            Full-time         The limited-purpose health care
         according to the            Fewer than 2 years                          0%                   Amway           FSA allows you to contribute up to
     following schedule.             2 years                                     20%              employees           $2,650 in 2018 on a pre-tax basis
                                     3 years                                     40%                can save          for eligible out-of-pocket expenses
                                     4 years                                     60%              tax dollars         for you and your dependents. The
                                     5 years or more                            100%             and stretch          dependent care FSA maximum
                                                                                                         their        contribution is $5,000 in 2018,
  Company matching contributions are treated as pre-tax contributions when deposited into your
*                                                                                               paychecks           and the minimum contribution
  401(k) account.                                                                                   by using          amount for any FSA is $200.

                                                                                                  *This amount will be pro-rated if you enroll mid-year.   9
For your INCOME
                                Amway provides several options to help
                                employees protect their income. Full-time
                                employees are eligible for disability coverage,
                                FMLA and life and accidental insurance.
                                In addition, all employees can supplement with
                                the voluntary term life insurance provided by
                                the company.

Janielle Moss, Special Events

LIFE and                                                          Adding Up the EXTRAS
OTHER INSURANCE                                                   TUITION ASSISTANCE
                                                                  Full-time employees with 90 days of service are
                                                                  eligible to participate in our tuition assistance
                                                                  program, which reimburses you for eligible
Regular, full-time employees are eligible for short-term          higher education costs, up to $5,250 for
disability benefits from the date of hire. Long-term disability   each calendar year.
coverage is available after one year of service.

FAMILY & MEDICAL LEAVE (FMLA)                                     ADOPTION ASSISTANCE

If you have been employed at Amway for a total of 12 months       Amway provides adoption assistance to all
(excluding any seven-year gap in employment) and have             regular, full-time employees. If you are adopting
worked at least 1,250 hours in the 12 months before the           a child, we provide you with financial assistance
date your leave starts, you may take FMLA to address your         to help cover some of the costs of the adoption
personal or family members’ special needs. Your leave runs        – 80 percent of eligible fees for agency-type
concurrently with short-term disability.                          adoptions, with a maximum benefit of $5,000
                                                                  for each child and no limit to the number of
                                                                  children you adopt.
If you are a regular, full-time employee, you are automatically
covered – at no cost – for basic life and accidental death        EMPLOYEE STORE AND DISCOUNTS
and dismemberment (AD&D) insurance equal to one-and-              With locations in Ada, MI and Buena Park, CA,
a-half times your annual salary, rounded to the next higher       the employee store offers employees discounts
$1,000 (up to $500,000). You may supplement this basic            on Amway products and other merchandise.
insurance through voluntary coverage up to five times your        In addition, many product discounts are
annual salary or $500,000.                                        available to you through select business
You can supplement the basic life and AD&D insurance that
Amway provides with voluntary life/AD&D coverage for you
(limited to 5x annual salary up to 500,000), your spouse
(up to 300,000) and eligible dependents. Regular, full-time
and part-time employees are eligible.
During your first 30 days of hire, you have the opportunity to
elect coverage up to $250,000 for yourself and $70,000 for
your spouse without completing a medical questionnaire or
screening. After the 30 days, employees and spouse will be
subject to the screenings.                                                                                            11
For your LIFE
      BALANCE and
       Optimal You, is Amway’s wellness philosophy
       that offers an array of health and wellness
       programs, facilities and services to employees
       – all intended to support the physical and
       emotional well-being of Amway employees and
       their families.

Tod Nyson, Contract Sales

ON-SITE FITNESS FACILITIES                                       WELLNESS EDUCATION AND
All employees and eligible family members in our Ada, MI         WORK/LIFE BALANCE RESOURCES
and Buena Park, CA offices have access to our on-site fitness    Amway provides a variety of wellness education programs
facilities that offer classes and personal consultation.         and events that reinforce physical and nutritional health as
In California, facility membership is free. In Michigan,         well as emotional well-being. Additionally, Amway’s employee
facility membership is free for the first 90 days; after that,   assistance program (EAP) offers up to 5 free counseling
monthly costs are $8 per individual and $10 for families.        sessions, assists with child and elder care referral services,
                                                                 legal services and much more. Appointments can be made
INCENTIVE PROGRAM                                                off-site.
All regular, full-time employees enrolled in the Amway
Consumer Plan will have the opportunity to receive the
$500 HSA contribution in 2019 by completing the
Optimal You wellness steps in 2018 (see page 9).

VACATION                                                         HOLIDAYS
Amway offers a generous vacation schedule that is awarded        Each year, employees have an opportunity to select five
based on years of service. In general, vacation awards begin     additional days (“Floating Holidays*”) off throughout the
at 10 days and increase with service to a maximum of 25          calendar year to complement the six standard holidays
days. The initial vacation award and maximum award schedule      that Amway already observes.
varies by state, employment status, position and grade.
                                                                 Holidays for 2018 are:
FUNERAL LEAVE                                                    Monday, January 1: New Year’s Day
                                                                 Friday, March 30: Good Friday*
Funeral leave is intended to assist and support employees        Friday, May 25: Before Memorial Day*
during the difficult period following the death of a family      Monday, May 28: Memorial Day
member. You are eligible to receive up to three days.            Wednesday, July 4: Independence Day
                                                                 Monday, September 3: Labor Day
JURY DUTY AND WITNESS LEAVE                                      Thursday, November 22: Thanksgiving Day
Employees who are summoned for jury duty or subpoenaed           Friday, November 23: Day After Thanksgiving*
to appear as a witness will be eligible for paid time off to     Monday, December 24: Day Before Christmas*
meet this citizen obligation.                                    Tuesday, December 25: Christmas Day
                                                                 Wednesday, December 26: Day After Christmas*
                                                                 Floating holidays may differ based on work location.
For your CAREER
                                                     We emplower you to perform to your
                                                     full potential. Professional development
                                                     is abundant through challenging work
                                                     opportunities, plus performance coaching
                                                     and feedback.

Nattaya Mounlaphasith, Finance Information Support

CAREER and DEVELOPMENT Opportunities
       Amway’s award-       TALENT DEVELOPMENT
     winning enterprise     Achievement, Personal Responsibility and Personal Worth are three of the company values at
    talent development      Amway that are demonstrated in the way we invest in each other and ourselves to support the
  has a lot to offer you.   success of ABOs. Here, employees are equipped with the resources to increase their knowledge
                            and competence to improve their performance and personal growth, which drives agility and
                            enables them to succeed. One of the ways is through Amway University (AU). AU is a social,
                            collaborative learning destination where you can discover, share, and find innovative solutions
                            for the future.
                            AU fosters a culture of continuous learning and development for all employees by providing a
                            variety of tools and resources that suit your career, leadership goals and development interests.
                            We host a bi-annual learning conference which offers all employees the opportunity to come
                            together in classrooms and virtually to develop, collaborate and learn skills from experts and
                            each other. For Amway leaders, we hold an annual leadership summit where leaders come
                            together to learn the behaviors and skills that empower and support our business strategies
                            for future growth.
                            We support you in the pursuit of your greatest career potential. AU helps you make it happen.

        Amway believes      DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION
          in providing a    Across our global organization, we recognize employees are becoming increasingly diverse and are
   diverse and inclusive    committed to valuing this diversity. Whether this is expressed through diversity of thought, among
            work place.     ethnic groups, within unique work style preferences, across generations, in gender differences
                            or other dimensions of diversity, Amway is committed to providing an environment where each
                            employee can thrive in their roles and career while bringing their unique attributes to work.
                            A sense of belonging is an essential part of an inclusive workplace. We provide each employee
                            with educational resources, access to Inclusion Networks, and invite everyone to engage in
                            Real Talk conversations designed to define what we expect at Amway and to equip employees
                            to be effective workplace allies. Here we value the investment you made in selecting us as your
                            employer and we are passionate about investing in you and keeping you engaged.

    Amway believes it is    PERFORMANCE REWARDS
 important that leaders     The company’s pay for performance programs are designed to reward performance and
     take time to reflect   provide an opportunity to share in the success of Amway. One of the ways is through our
and recognize employee      annual merit program which rewards employees based on performance on individual competencies.
       accomplishments      Contributions to company success are rewarded through our annual incentive and profit
throughout the year and     sharing programs.
    provide appropriate,
   meaningful rewards.








                                             In 2015, Amway Talent Acquisition team received the CandE Award for its
                           THE CANDIDATE
                         EXPERIENCE AWARDS

                                             candidate experience and achievements in the talent acquisition discipline,
                                             with benchmarks and best practices that drive continuous recruiting innovation.
©2018. Amway. TA18029.
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