Page created by Donna Morales
C   A S     E      S T       U   D Y

  S U S TA I N A B L E M O B I L I T Y A N D M O R E


      Tram systems are offering                 many other places in-between. Sports    In Maryland, close to Washington
                                                and entertainment venues, retail sites, DC, the first phased opening of the
      cities a form of public                   universities and major employers are    Purple Line is not due until the end
      transport that is highly                  all benefitting from the connectivity   of 2022, with the LRT Line expected
                                                provided by having a tram stop on       to be fully operational in 2023, but
      sustainable, in terms of                  their doorstep.                         already, at least 31 separate residential
      mobility and a lot more.                                                          and commercial developments are
                                                Meridiam is a principal shareholder planned or under construction along
      Light Rail Transit networks               and asset manager of four major LRT the 25km route.
                                                systems, in Italy, the UK, Canada and
      are more environmentally
                                                the US. All have been built or extended “Any area with an LRT or Metro rail
      friendly and healthier for city           through Public Private Partnerships system will prosper and we are already
                                                with municipal or regional authorities. seeing a lot of evidence of this along
      populations, while aiding                                                         the Purple Line route, especially
      municipal authorities’ plans              Environmental credentials typical of near the stations. We expect to
                                                these projects are evident in Florence. see considerable social benefit to
      for sustainable, high-density             The city’s Tramvia system has been come from the greater connections
      urban growth.                             expanded to three lines through a to employment and education after
                                                recently completed PPP project, in about five years,” says the Chief
                                                coordination with the city authority’s Technical Officer for the Purple Line
                                                exclusion of private cars and buses project, Sami Soufi.
      Populations in the world’s cities are     from the city centre from 7:30am
      increasing rapidly and as urbanisation    until 8pm (and also from 11pm to 3am The Purple Line represents one part
      grows, the importance of sustainable      from April to October).                 of a wider transit network, connecting
      means of mass transit is becoming                                                 with Maryland’s existing Red, Green
      ever clearer. According to UN figures,    In addition to freeing up space and and Orange Lines. The Maryland
      the number of people living in urban      improving safety for pedestrians and Transit Administration estimates the
      areas rose from 751 million in 1950, to   cyclists, the absence of thousands of new Line will result in about 17,000
      4.2 billion in 2018 – 55% of the global   cars and buses in the city centre has fewer private car journeys daily.
      population. By 2050, the proportion       brought a dramatic improvement in air
      of city dwellers is expected to rise      quality – cutting harmful emissions by The principal sustainability benefits
      to 68%.                                   half, according to figures reported by of LRT systems are clear: Mobility is
                                                Italy’s environmental pressure group, greatly increased, with other positive
      Light Rail Transit (LRT) or ‘tram’        Legambiente.                            impacts, environmentally and for
      systems will provide the backbone                                                 promoting the healthier lifestyles that
      of public transport in many places.       Other cities with LRT networks may come with cycling and walking; and
      Operational LRT networks are showing      not be able to restrict private vehicle for urban regeneration. These are
      a lot of success, with passenger          use to the same extent, but numerous transformative effects, as commercial
      numbers reflecting the popularity of      different sustainability benefits are development and an uplift in city
      modern tram transport: clean and          emerging to a similar or greater degree streets go hand in hand as the new
      quick and connecting suburbs and          where trams are now running, or even tracks are laid.
      residential areas with city centres and   where new tracks are still being laid.

                                                                                                          Nottingham, UK
Florence, Italy

      In the UK, the Nottingham                                                                                     system, finding that the three-                                                                                               strategic integration with other
      Express Transit (NET) LRT system                                                                              year build phase of the PPP                                                                                                   transport      and     development
      has been recognised as adding                                                                                 project created around 4,500                                                                                                  plans across the city’, which is
      considerably to the image of the                                                                              years of employment and about                                                                                                 likely to realise further economic
      city. This was one key conclusion                                                                             £217 million of local economic                                                                                                and social benefits in future, the
      from a study of the impacts of                                                                                activity, with a further 230 full-                                                                                            report says.
      the extension of NET to three                                                                                 time jobs created in operation of
      lines, carried out by a team of                                                                               the NET trams.                                                                                                                Tram     networks     offer   the
      researchers from The Economic                                                                                                                                                                                                               additional transport capacity
      Strategy Research Bureau (ESRB)                                                                               Among a wide range of benefits,                                                                                               needed to provide sustainable
      of Nottingham Trent University.                                                                               the study pointed to NET’s                                                                                                    mobility for expanding city
                                                                                                                    stimulus and extension of the                                                                                                 populations.    In   Nottingham,
      The ESRB study focused on                                                                                     wider labour market across the                                                                                                Waterloo and Florence, the 3
      the economic effects resulting                                                                                city region. The ESRB researchers                                                                                             networks already in operation,
      from the construction and early                                                                               found development of NET has                                                                                                  the trams transport a total of 60
      operation of the extended NET                                                                                 ‘demonstrated a good level of                                                                                                 million passengers a year.

                              FLORENCE: PUBLIC VOTES FOR TRAMVIA
                                                                                                                                                                                                       ALAMANNI                                                                                    PISACANE   DALMAZIA
                  PERETOLA      GUIDONI          NOVOLI          NOVOLI              NOVOLI        SAN DONATO    BUONSIGNORI      PONTE ALL’ASSE          REDI          BELFIORE       ROSSELLI                   UNITA’

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  VALFONDA       FORTEZZA        STROZZI   STATUTO     MURATORI         LEOPOLDO                            MORGAGNI      CAREGGI
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             FIERE E CONGRESSI   FALLACI             STAZIONE STATUTO                                       UNIVERSITA’   OSPEDALE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   POGGETTO    VITTORIO
                   VILLA     DE ANDRE’    RESISTENZA    ALDO MORO       NENNI         ARCIPRESSI     FEDERIGA     TALENTI         BATONI      SANSOVINO     PAOLO UCCELLO   CASCINE   PORTA AL PRATO                                                                                                          EMANUELE II
                 COSTANZA                                             TORREGALLI                                                                                                        LEOPOLDA

Florence, as one of Europe’s                                                                                                                                                                Florence has also rerouted its
most beautiful and culturally                                                                                                                                                               buses to serve the peripheral
significant cities, might be                                                                                                                                                                suburbs and to link with the
considered a very tough                                                                                                                                                                     outer stations of the three lines
place to introduce a modern                                                                                                                                                                 of Tramvia. Around 170 daily bus
tram system. Yet, in 2019,                                                                                                                                                                  journeys have been removed
officials from the municipality                                                                                                                                                             from central Florence; and a
proudly picked up Italy’s                                                                                                                                                                   dedicated Park & Ride facility
PIMBY – ‘Please in My Back                                                                                                                                                                  connects Tuscany’s motorway
Yard’ – Green Award, largely                                                                                                                                                                network to Florence’s tram
due to the benefits brought                                                                                                                                                                 system, meaning visitors and
about by the Florence                                                                                                                                                                       tourists have a quick and easy
Tramvia system.                                                                                                                                                                             transport link for reaching the
                                                                                                                                                                                            city centre. A Tramvia trip takes
The PIMBY Awards are                                                                                                                                                                        22 minutes from the P&R facility
presented by Italy’s environmental services                                                                                                                             at Villa Costanza to the Santa Maria Novella station
industry, as a counter-point to the pervasive NIMBY                                                                                                                     in the historic centre of Florence.
(not in my back yard) culture, which is widely
blamed for preventing progress of many municipal                                                                                                                        Tramvia has also brought a significant uplift in
improvement projects in Italy.                                                                                                                                          the quality of Florence’s streets. The Municipality
                                                                                                                                                                        of Florence used the Tramvia project as an
Tramvia had its doubters to begin with. A public                                                                                                                        opportunity for ‘requalifying’ the city’s central
referendum held in 2008 revealed 53% of voters                                                                                                                          areas for pedestrians(1), cyclists and Tramvia, with
rejected the originally proposed route due to fears                                                                                                                     improvements to street paving and furniture. Air
over its impact on the historical city centre, which                                                                                                                    quality has also improved dramatically and the
led to the ‘Variante Valfonda’ alterations – rerouting                                                                                                                  popularity of Tramvia appears to have answered the
some sections of track further away from heritage                                                                                                                       critics. 35 million of passengers were transported
sites.                                                                                                                                                                  by Tramvia in 2019.
  In October 2009 the full area surrounding the Duomo cathedral became entirely pedestrian
(1)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  P.3
Figures recorded from Meridiam’s        The Waterloo Region’s long-            planning      without   allowance
      LRT projects also confirm the           term growth strategy is focused        for private car parking and LRT
      overall   popularity     of   tram      on increasing urban density –          connects people to places of
      transport. “Passenger numbers on        on ‘building up, rather than out’      employment, leisure and academia,”
      Tramvia have so far performed in        – with the Waterloo ION tram           Michael says.
      line with forecasts, amounting to       system central to the plans for
      around 36 million journeys per year     providing the necessary urban          For increased connection to
      on the whole system,” says Simone       mobility. Five principal objectives    opportunity, ION will join up two
      Gianassi, CFO for the Tramvia           have been set for ION: Shape           universities and retail sites in the City
      project SPV, Tram di Firenze.           our Community; Move people;            of Waterloo, with the generally less
                                              Protect our Countryside; Better the    affluent, residential and traditionally
      In the Region of Waterloo, in           Environment; and Manage Urban          industrial area of Kitchener. ION
      Ontario, Canada, can be seen            Growth.                                is intended as a springboard for
      an LRT system equally favoured                                                 rejuvenating brownfield sites
      by a growing population and             “Essentially what this means is        in urban areas, Michael says, and
      designed to provide all of the same     bring transformation to the Region     there are signs that it’s happening
      benefits of sustainable mobility        of Waterloo in a way that increases    already, with high-rise and mixed-
      and development, with the added         development in its cities and          use developments coming out of
      explicit target of encouraging          prevents further urban sprawl          the ground.
      urban living.                           in greenfield areas,” says Michael
                                              O’Neill, General Manager for the       According to figures from the
      The Municipal Region of Waterloo        ION project SPV, Grand Linq.           Waterloo Region, $3.2 billion has been
      is a conurbation incorporating the                                             invested in new development along
      three cities of Kitchener, Cambridge    “The Waterloo Region has seen          the ION route since 2011; and 51% of
      and Waterloo, plus a number of          a lot of greenfield urban sprawl in    all private and commercial building is
      other smaller towns. Its population     the past, partly because it can be     now within existing urban areas.
      is around 550,000 and growing           difficult to rejuvenate urban areas    “From a developer’s point of view,
      – expected to reach 742,000 by          without incentive for high density     LRT is better than conventional bus
      2031. The Region is not all built-up,   development.       LRT     transport   transport, because the tram tracks
      however.                                makes it all work, because it allows   are fixed,” he says. “There is very

                      N O T T I N G H A M – T O P F O R C U S T O M E R S A T I S FA C T I O N
                                               Nottingham’s NET has become a popular and vital part of the city’s
                                               transport network. The tram system now connects with many of
                                               Nottingham’s main entertainment and employment sites, including the
                                               Queens Medical Centre, the NG2 business park, Nottingham University
                                               and both the City and Clifton campuses of Nottingham Trent University,
                                               as well as both of Nottingham’s football clubs and the Trent Bridge
                                               cricket ground.

                                               NET has forged partnerships with all of these businesses, plus
                                               numerous theatres, restaurants and other entertainment venues, to
                                               provide ticket offers and additional tram services at times of special
                                               events. Vital additional tram services operate during the first week
                                               of every October, for instance, when half a million people attend
                                               Nottingham’s annual Goose Fair.

                                               NET has built a strong relationship in the community; supporting
                                               numerous local charity groups, including the annual Nurse and Midwife
                                               of the Year Awards and the Nottingham Hero Awards. One NET tram is
                                               named each year in honour of the Nottingham Nurse & Midwife of the
                                               year for that year with the name remaining on the tram for a 12 month

                                               Passenger numbers continue to grow year on year. In 2018/19 NET
                                               recorded a 6% increase on the previous year, to 18.8 million, according
                                               to UK Government figures. The NET system came top in a survey of UK
                                               transport providers, by the Institute of Customer Service towards the
                                               end of 2019.

Waterloo, Canada

little risk of LRT routes changing, so      Tramvia systems. In both cases,      refining the financial model of the
there is security for investment and        buses now serve wider areas          Purple Line PPP (see box) and in
it shows a real commitment from             outside core urban centres, with     the case of Tramvia, Meridiam’s
the local authority.                        bus routes feeding into the LRT      involvement proved crucial for
                                            stations, so trams in Waterloo and   completing the project.
“The whole area gets an uplift.             Florence do not compete with bus
Streets are rebuilt, including utilities,   transport.                           Simone Gianassi says: “Meridiam
telecommunications, paving and                                                   has a culture of great appetite for
street furniture from building line         In all four Meridiam LRT projects,   managing assets through long-
to building line. And the area gets a       the new LRT systems are key          term projects and SPVs. There was a
frequent, high quality service. People      parts     of  wider    sustainable   delay to completion of the Tramvia
like it. The Kitchener-Waterloo service     transport strategies. All being      extension due to a dispute between
is running every 10 minutes and will        developed through PPP financial      the grantor and main contractor
increase to eight minute intervals in       arrangements, they also serve to     part way through the construction
2020.”                                      demonstrate how the private sector   programme, but Meridiam stepped
                                            can help to make such major long-    in to find a solution, helping
Re-routeing of bus services is a            term projects work. Meridiam was     to fund compensation for the
notable feature of the ION and              instrumental in formulating and      contractor and to mediate in a

               WA T E R L O O : F O C U S E D O N S U S TA I N A B L E U R B A N L I V I N G
  Stage One of the ION light rail transit system opened in June 2019,
  operating between terminals at the shopping centres of Waterloo’s
  Conestoga Mall and the Fairview Park Mall in Kitchener and 17 other
  tram stops in-between.

  Key locations along the route include Waterloo University, Grand River
  Hospital and the Waterloo-Kitchener Grand Central Station, which
  provides a transit hub for the wider regional and national transport
  network, connecting with mainline rail services.

  ION is a crucial element of the Waterloo Region’s transportation and
  development plans, which are focused on promoting sustainable urban
  living across the three cities of Waterloo, Kitchener and Cambridge.
  A Stage 2 of ION is planned, for connecting the City of Cambridge
  with Kitchener. This will turn ION into a 36km transportation system,
  operating in coordination with local bus services.

  High passenger numbers have already been recorded. ION has brought
  a 36% increase in public transport ‘boardings’, to more than 800,000
  per month, according to figures reported by the Region in November
  2019. Partnerships with local community groups are helping to promote
  sustainable transport in parallel with other initiatives, including ION’s
  sponsorship of the Kitchener Blues Festival (with ION promoted
  as a ‘Safe Ride Home’ to discourage drink-driving) and the Keolis
  Scholarship for Women in Electro-Mechanics at Conestoga College.

                                                                                   THE PURPLE LINE
                                                                             When fully operational in 2023, the
                                                                             Maryland Transit Administration’s
                                                                             (MTA) new Purple Line will provide
                                                                             a sustainable transport service
                                                                             east-west across the northern
negotiated agreement that got         meeting SDG 9 (for industry,           suburbs of Washington D.C. The
the work finished.”                   innovation and infrastructure) and     line will connect Bethesda in
The new Tramvia Line 3.1 opened       SDGs 11 (sustainable cities and        Montgomery County, with New
to passengers in July 2018,           communities) and 12 (responsible       Carrollton in Prince George’s
followed by Line 2 in February        consumption and production).           County 26km to the east, via 19
2019. Construction was not            “Additionally,    tram    projects     other Purple Line tram stops along
without some protest due to its       promote good work conditions,
                                                                             the route.
perceived impact, which resulted      including equality, inclusiveness
in both new lines being re-routed     and diversity. Through fare
away from sensitive heritage sites.   concessions and good design
                                      they improve access to transport
“Attitudes towards Tramvia have       for all, including those with
changed now that it’s operational,”   disabilities; and with good
Simone says. “Communities at          practice,      PPP    concessions
the outer reaches of the new LRT      promote efficient partnerships,
lines have seen an uplift to where    so meeting SDGs 8, 11 and 17,”
they live. Many towns in other        Ginette says.
areas now want the tram system                                               The PPP behind it demonstrates
extended to reach them.”              Nottingham Express Transit (NET)
                                                                             Meridiam’s commitment and
                                      has become an integral part of
                                                                             capacity to successfully reach
There is further evidence of how      the city community it serves. The
LRT systems can contribute to         LRT system connects residential        financial close. At the time, in
meeting the UN’s 17 Sustainable       areas, including underprivileged       2016, the project had available an
Development Goals (SDGs).             estates on the outskirts of the        $875 million TIFIA loan and $313
Meridiam’s head of Environmental,     city, with key sites including         million in private activity bonds
Social and Governance (ESG),          Nottingham’s      main    Queen’s      (PAB), which with equity funding
                                            Medical Centre hospital, the     made up the $1.4 billion of private
                                            city’s two universities and      capital financed for the project.
                                            several business parks, as
                                            well as Nottingham’s central     In a first for US ‘P3s’, the PABs
                                            shopping areas.
                                                                             were issued as Green Bonds – a
                                                                             financing tool used for sustainable
                                            Partnerships have been
                                            forged     between        NET    projects with a positive impact
                                            and major entertainment          on the environment. The bonds
                                            venues,     including      the   were supported by favourable
                                            Theatre Royal, Nottingham        investment grade ratings and sold
                                            Forest and Notts County          at competitively low interest rates,
Ginette Borduas, says: “LRT           Football Clubs, to offer low-cost      which generated savings for MTA.
projects contribute to building       special fares. NET concessionary       Meridiam, as 70% shareholder, acted
better      cities;   increasing      tickets for students and families      as consortium lead and worked
sustainable development based         are also available at certain times    with the lenders and design-build
on sustainable mobility and           and for special events, all of
                                                                             and O&M teams, to accommodate
responsible     consumption   of      which can be accessed via a new
                                                                             changes requested by the client
resources.”                           NET mobile app. Nottingham,
                                      like other cities, is experiencing     and to bring the project to financial
LRT transport can therefore be        the benefits of having a modern,       close within six months.
seen to go some way towards           sustainable LRT system.
                                                                                                                     FEBRUARY 2020 - © SPVs


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