Sustainability Report 2020 - Cogne Acciai Speciali

Page created by Jeremy Hubbard
Sustainability Report 2020 - Cogne Acciai Speciali
Sustainability Report 2020 - Cogne Acciai Speciali
Sustainability Report 2020 - Cogne Acciai Speciali

LETTER TO THE STAKEHOLDERS                                            4
PROUD OF OUR RESULTS - 2020 Highlights                                6
COGNE AND COVID-19                                                   10
AND CONSUMPTION                                                      13
     Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production                 14
     Steel, our primary raw material                                 16
     Responsible supply chain                                        17
     Commitment to innovation: from raw material to customer         18
     Goal 13 - Climate Action                                        22
     Environmental performance and natural resource management       22
     Energy and water consumption                                    24
    Assessing the environmental impacts                              29
OUR ROOTS AND OUR FUTURE                                             31
     Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth                         32
     Responsible economic growth                                     32
     People at the centre: worker development, training and safety   36
     Health and safety first                                         39
     Involving local communities                                     42
     Goal 4: Quality education                                       42
     Development and training for people: performance management     43
     Cogne industrial school                                         44
NOTE ON METHODOLOGY                                                  47
     Governance and corporate information                            51
DATA AND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS                                      57
PERIMETER OF MATERIAL ISSUES                                         77
GRI STANDARD CORRESPONDENCE TABLE                                    78
AUDIT REPORT                                                         89

Sustainability Report 2020 - Cogne Acciai Speciali

    2020 has been a difficult, painful, complicated and challenging year. The
    rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus and the measures taken to contain
    it triggered an unprecedented global crisis in terms of the speed and
    severity with which it affected the economy and our daily lives.
    Recovering from this crisis will take an extended period of time while
    it will require accelerate change in many areas. However, it is currently
    difficult to predict the timing of the recovery in terms of demand and the
    structural changes that our sector will have to face.
    In the next two years, the sustainability of our activities will be tested as it
    never has before. Our sales and operations have been profoundly affect-
    ed, while the extremely competitive environment in which we operate
    is changing in a way that is difficult to anticipate currently. In the long
    term, the world will resume its path of economic growth and the need
    for a reliable supply of steel will be essential for its recovery. We need to
    be prepared for tomorrow’s competitive market, but we also need to act
    quickly and decisively in the face of today’s challenges.
Sustainability Report 2020 - Cogne Acciai Speciali
In 2020, we placed our focus on four main lines of action:
      · we took care of our people, implementing all the measures required to pro-
        tect them and to ensure a safe working environment that would allow for a
        gradual return to normal production, as early as the end of the year;
      · we acted promptly to ensure the financial stability of the company, reducing
        expenses, sizing operations appropriately and increasing our focus on manag-
        ing our working capital. In addition, investments had to be remodelled, giving
        priority to those that were focused on health, safety, environmental protection
        and the company’s long-term strategic positioning;
      · we helped the Valle D’Aosta community, where the daily lives of families were
        profoundly affected, by providing health workers with equipment and funds to
        ensure that the affected persons would be able to access adequate support;
      · by drawing on the skills, expertise and ingenuity of our people, we fulfilled our
        commitments and strengthened our relationships with customers and suppli-
        ers, both of whom are essential to our future and we will accompany them as
        we move forward.
The events in 2020 hit us suddenly, but the solid platform we had built over the years
allowed us to face this crisis with strength and prepare for recovery.
We are already investing in digital technologies to continue to increase the efficiency
of our operations and provide customers with even better service. These investments
are helping to reduce costs and improve our efficiency. In terms of climate action, our
intention is to participate in the steel industry’s response to reducing CO2 emissions.
During 2020, our major investments targeted toward reducing emissions were highly
successful. Air quality was improved and new major contracts for the procurement of
energy from renewable sources enabled us to increase the proportion of green energy
we use.
In October, due to the restrictions caused by the pandemic, we inaugurated the Cogne
Academy - Industrial School in a reduced ceremony. We wanted to reflect on the im-
portance of providing the correct training paths for technical education as well and
providing adequate opportunities to our young people. In the face of this new crisis,
we have changed as have many aspects of our industry. We are therefore taking all the
necessary steps to strengthen our leading position in view of the recovery.
Finally, I would like to give special thanks to our employees, who have shown resilience
to adversity and the ability to act quickly to first of all ensure everyone’s safety and
then to ensure safety for all. I am proud of them. I would also like to thank our custom-
ers, suppliers and investors who have supported us, as well as the local, regional and
national authorities we worked with in the past and will continue to work with in the

                                                          Dott. Ing. Giuseppe Marzorati
                                                          COGNE ACCIAI SPECIALI
Sustainability Report 2020 - Cogne Acciai Speciali
Sustainability Report 2020 - Cogne Acciai Speciali
2020 Highlights

         Despite the difficulties that were present in 2020, we con-
         tinued to pursue our ‘zero injuries’ objective. The number
         of accidents fell by 39% from 23 in 2019 to 14 in 2020.
         The accident frequency index decreased by 30% and the
         accident severity index decreased by 8% compared to

         CO2 emissions
         By using green and km zero energy we were able to avoid
         emitting 13,665 tonnes of CO2.
         Our contribution to the Aosta district heating network
         saved 3,511 tonnes of CO2 emissions.
         Overall, Cogne’s commitment has resulted in lower emis-
         sions by over 17,100 tonnes of CO2, which are the equiva-
         lent of the carbon dioxide emissions of an average diesel
         van travelling the circumference of the earth (69,513,296
         km) 1,735 times, calculated according to AIB and DEFRA
         emissions factors, or the equivalent of the carbon diox-
         ide absorbed by 1,400 soccer fields, according to publicly
         available conversion factors.

Sustainability Report 2020 - Cogne Acciai Speciali
COGNE and the sustainable
    development goals

    This report contains the results of our     We wanted to identify a specific number of ob-
    pursuit of the Sustainable Develop-         jectives on which to focus our efforts and direct
    ment Goals (SDGs) and the results of        our resources towards. This analysis was followed
    our commitment to achieving specific        by an internal sharing activity, carried out during
    targets.                                    2020, which aimed to make as many stakeholders
                                                as possible aware of the importance of the sus-
    At Cogne we are committed to ensur-         tainability objectives, helping the company to pri-
    ing the economic, social and environ-       oritise them. Having completed the analysis and
    mental sustainability of our activities.    engagement phase, we identified the 4 sustaina-
    Valuing people, the territory and the       ble development goals to be given priority:
    communities in which we operate,
    while minimising the environmental             • Responsible consumption and production
    impact of our activities, constitute the         (goal 12);
    basis according to which we operate.
                                                   • Climate Action (goal 13);
    This approach has enabled us to out-
    line a programme of coordinated ini-           • Decent work and economic growth (goal 8);
    tiatives to promote the integration of         • Quality Education (goal 4).
    sustainability across all areas.
                                                The objectives we identified were chosen with the
    To further strengthen our commit-           aim of promoting a balance of both social (goals 8
    ment to sustainability and steer the        and 4) and environmental (goals 12 and 13) objec-
    activities related to this area, in 2019,   tives that could be pursued and integrated with
    we made a decision to integrate the         our activities and that could be applicable across
    Sustainable Development Goals into          our entire value chain. The applicable sustainable
    our strategic objectives, in order to       development goals identified in the first phase
    emphasise how strongly this pursuit         are our primary goals, i.e. the four goals we have
    is related to our business objectives.      committed to at a strategic level, that can be pur-
    For us, sustainability and competi-         sued directly or indirectly.
    tiveness are elements of the same
    mechanism that generates growth             There are also indirect objectives that we can in-
    and prosperity.                             fluence through our activities and the communi-
                                                ties in which we operate. We believe that we can
    During 2020, we continued this activi-      have an impact in their implementation, but do
    ty and opted to delve deeper into de-       not necessarily consider them to be a strategic
    fining the targets associated with the      priority. For example, our choice to use electric-
    material themes.                            ity from renewable sources has a positive impact
Sustainability Report 2020 - Cogne Acciai Speciali
on the realisation of goal 7 (Affordable and Clean
Energy), but this choice has a greater impact on
goals 12 and 13.
We will explain how we pursue these goals in the
dedicated chapters to follow.

Sustainability Report 2020 - Cogne Acciai Speciali
Cogne and COVID-19

     At the current time, our responsibili-    Operational continuity
     ty is to put in place all the necessary
     measures to prevent and defend the        We adapted to the measures implemented by the
     health of our people, defend the con-     government and the effects of this unprecedent-
     tinuity and long-term sustainability      ed pandemic. At the same time, we are commit-
     of our company and do all we can to       ted to fulfilling our obligations towards our cus-
     support our communities.                  tomers, suppliers and partners as much as we can
                                               under these exceptionally difficult circumstances.
                                               The production site at Aosta was affected by the
                                               numerous government restrictions imposed in the
     The safety of our people                  period from March to May 2020 to contain the
     To ensure the safety of our people, we    spread of the virus. The shipments never stopped,
     have taken the following measures:        but we did incur delays due to logistical complica-
                                               tions. Pursuant to the agreement signed with the
     • Remote working has been imple-          trade unions, production activity resumed within
       mented for all staff, where possible;   the supply chains indicated by the relevant De-
                                               cree of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers
     • Business trips have been suspend-
                                               issued in April 2020. Production thus fell into step
                                               with the shipping service that had never ceased
     • All meetings took place remotely;       to operate, thus ensuring the continuity of supply
                                               to strategic sectors, made possible by our ded-
     • Hygiene practices and behaviour to      icated warehouses. We were able to return to
       avoid contagion risks are regularly     normal operating conditions by adopting a new
       communicated to all our employees       organisational system that uses best practices to
       and associates.                         implement the provisions of the Protocol signed
                                               by the Ministry and the trade unions so as to op-
                                               erate under the highest possible Covid-19 safety
     Support for our communities               standards for workers.
     We rapidly developed and imple-
     mented a series of actions and activi-
     ties to support the communities in our    In 2020, the company spent over €430,000 on
     areas of operation by supporting local    COVID-19 emergency management measures
     authorities and hospitals with basic      covering materials and activities required for im-
     equipment.                                plementation of the measures to counter the

dissemination of the pandemic. More than 45%
of the expenditure was for sanitation materials
and equipment, while 20% was related to work
on company structures, such as the installation
of partition barriers, temporary structures such as
gazebos, etc. For further information, please refer
to the Annual Report approved by the Sharehold-
ers’ Meeting.

Our commitment
to responsible production
and consumption

     Our commitment to responsible production and consumption

     GOAL 12:                                   report on the indicators relating to energy and
     RESPONSIBLE                                water consumption, atmospheric emissions and
     CONSUMPTION AND                            waste management.
     PRODUCTION                                 Cogne has always placed environmental protec-
                                                tion and the rational use of natural resources at
                                                the centre of its attention, in terms of the nature of
     For several years now, Cogne has           its business and the orientation of its own vision.
     been pursuing a path of innovation         Environmental protection, the responsible use of
     through research and development,          resources, including water, energy efficiency and
     aimed at the continuous improvement        the reduction of energy consumption, the use of
     and optimisation of all our processes      energy from renewable sources and the proper
     and products, in terms of sustainabili-    management of the waste cycle are essential ele-
     ty, quality, safety and excellence.        ments that guide the company’s strategic choices.
     We strive every day to conceptualise       As part of our efforts to implement our environ-
     the best products for our customers        mental vision, the company has developed man-
     and the environment, choosing raw          agement systems certified to ISO 14001 and
     materials with respect for the environ-    ISO 9001 standards. In addition to raising staff
     ment and the people who work with          awareness through specific training, the compa-
     us, with the aim of creating the prod-     ny employs performance monitoring tools ex-
     uct our customers want and delivering      tensively, including environmental aspect/impact
     it in the manner and time required.        assessment, analytical checks, internal audits and
     We are committed to implementing           legislative compliance checks, thus monitoring
     sustainable production models by           performance in terms of sustainability and envi-
     using natural resources efficiently, re-   ronmental protection as well.
     ducing waste, and contributing to re-
     sponsible waste management, recov-
     ery and reuse.
     To respond to all these challenges,
     Cogne has decided to set goal 12 as
     one of its primary objectives, and this
     chapter describes Cogne’s approach
     to raw material procurement with a

     Our commitment to responsible production and consumption

     The main raw material used in our
     products is steel. As a 100% recycla-
     ble resource, steel has a crucial role
     to play in achieving a circular econo-
     my. Steel can be recycled indefinitely
     without losing any of its properties
     and can help save iron, energy, coal
     and other materials, while producing
     fewer CO2 emissions and prevent-
     ing a useful material from ending up
     in landfill as waste. Cogne purchases
     the steel it uses in its products from
     Italian suppliers certified in accord-
     ance with EU Regulation 333/2011.
     The relationships with these suppliers
     are consolidated by years of collabo-
     ration and are secure in terms of the
     quality of the raw material they supply
     as well as environmental protection.
     At the same time, Cogne researches
     and evaluates new potential suppliers
     in order to ensure the stability of its
     Cogne’s purchases are made directly
     through scrap suppliers, who are re-
     quired to supply the raw material ac-
     cording to specific standards, to main-
     tain the consistency of our products
     over time. Scrap purchased in Italy is
     loaded onto vehicles, and each load is
     checked at the entrance to the Aosta
     site for compliance with the require-

ments governing the radiometric monitoring of          Management Systems
scrap metal. Prior to use, the scrap is checked by
dedicated personnel and the general condition          In line with the Quality, Health, Envi-
of each load and its compliance with technical         ronment, Occupational Safety and
specifications are recorded in specific monitoring     Major Accidents Prevention Policy,
sheets.                                                Cogne has continued to develop and
                                                       implement its Management Systems,
Our lifecycle and scrap recycling approach helps       certified according to ISO 9001, IATF
to minimise the environmental footprint of our         16949, EN 9100, and ISO 14001 stand-
operations.                                            ards.
On the whole, our products, ingots and blooms,         Management systems enable the
bars, wire rods, forged to requirements in auste-      definition, monitoring and improve-
nitic, ferritic, martensitic and precipitation-hard-   ment of all processes related to the
ened stainless steels comprise at least 70% recy-      management of different areas. In
cled content, calculated according to ISO 14021        particular, the company carries out
standards. We are able to achieve these levels         periodic audits and provides its em-
through the use of the electric arc furnace (EAF).     ployees with specific training sessions
In 2020, we consumed 99,705 tonnes of recycled         on a variety of subjects.
steel scrap at the Aosta site, a reduction of more
than 19% compared to the previous year. This
contraction is due solely to the reduction in vol-
umes resulting from the effects of measures to
contain and combat the COVID-19 pandemic.              RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN
Our products are distributed through the Aos-
                                                       During 2020, our efforts to raise the
ta hub and our logistics partner’s warehouses in
                                                       awareness of the supplier base on
Piedmont, as well as our own warehouses in Lom-
                                                       sustainability issues continued. Cogne
bardy and Veneto. The warehouses in Lombardy
                                                       has started a process of sharing sus-
and Veneto are dedicated to supplying the Italian
                                                       tainability issues with suppliers, to
market almost exclusively; subsidiaries and Italian
                                                       initiate a dialogue with them on sus-
customers that are not served by the warehous-
                                                       tainability issues, and also implement
es in Lombardy and Veneto and abroad are han-
                                                       a process of monitoring compliance
dled through the Aosta hub and the warehouse in
                                                       with the values and principles that are
                                                       fundamental to the Company.

     Our commitment to responsible production and consumption

     To ensure that sustainability princi-     also to investigate aspects that are more closely
     ples are increasingly integrated into     related to sustainability. Last but not least, Cogne
     supplier selection and management         is committed to finding solutions for the recovery
     criteria, sustainability issues have      of production waste and by-products to promote
     been integrated into supplier assess-     the principles of the circular economy.
     ment criteria wherever possible. For
     accreditation, suppliers must accept
     the Cogne Code of Ethics as well as       Product labelling and traceability
     complete the questionnaires on our
     website, which include information on     Materials are identified throughout the entire
     management system certification, oc-      production process to ensure complete tracea-
     cupational health and safety and envi-    bility, i.e. the link between the product, its doc-
     ronmental management.                     umentation and testing. Products awaiting dis-
                                               patch are identified according to the packaging
                                               requirements of the customers.
                                               The system procedure and Standard Operating
     COMMITMENT TO                             Practices detail the responsibilities and methods
     INNOVATION: FROM RAW                      for identifying products in the different produc-
     MATERIAL TO CUSTOMER                      tion units and establish the rules that prevent any
                                               commixing. Cogne has established all the pro-
     Cogne is developing comprehensive         cedures required for product identification and
     solutions to reduce its environmental     traceability over time and in the various loca-
     impacts, through an ongoing com-          tions, including when a product returns from the
     mitment to innovation. Starting with      customer. Due to the nature of the production
     projects to improve process efficiency    process and the product, the traceability plan is
     and raw material consumption, then        implemented as part of an identification system
     moving on to packaging, product           that ensures:
     traceability and labelling, and custom-
     er service, we are committed to a path    • identification of non-compliant and/or suspect
     that aims to increasingly combine in-       products
     novation and environmental sustaina-      • separation/segregation of non-compliant and/
     bility. Innovation has always meant a       or suspect products
     commitment to research, not only to
     improve the qualitative and chemical      • the ability to meet customer and/or mandatory
     characteristics of our products, but        response time requirements

• the availability of documented information           indicating the essential data needed
 stored in appropriate formats to meet response        to ensure traceability (e.g. brand, size,
 time requirements                                     batch).
• identification of production batches as required     Prior to dispatch, another label is
  by the regulations in force.                         printed, containing the same data but
                                                       with a barcode, which is placed on the
                                                       transport ready material.
Cogne ensures the conformity of products               All batches of material shipped to the
throughout all the stages of their manufacture.        customer are accompanied by a test
During the storage phases of the material, all         certificate. Save for any specific re-
the necessary operational methods are applied          quests indicated in the contract, this
for its identification and protection, whether it is   certificate meets the requirements of
stored in internal and external warehouses, is in a    EN 10204:2004 - point 3.1.
semi-manufactured stage (processing cycle to be
completed) or in the final product stage (ready
for delivery).
                                                       Research and Development
The identification of materials and test samples
allows them to be associated at all times with         The year 2020 saw the continuation of
the work, control and test documents and the           the innovation and development activi-
relevant production order. Identification is con-      ties launched on themes relating to the
sidered to be an integral part of the production       production of ‘speciality’ grades, par-
process and it is a particularly important aspect      ticularly for the most demanding sec-
of the company’s Quality System. No material is        tor of industrial production (Aerospace,
sent to the customer if its identification is doubt-   Automotive and Oil&Gas). In the Steel-
ful. At all times. the central information system      works area, the project related to the
ensures the traceability of materials (location and    continuous casting of a highly corro-
last processing stage) and the possibility of re-      sion-resistant superalloy has been de-
constructing the history of the product through-       veloped further, with casting in an en-
out the manufacturing cycle, including tests,          larged section suitable for remelting by
controls and examinations.                             the ESR (electroslag remelting) process.
                                                       Casting in the new section involved not
Compliant manufactured materials that have             only thermodynamic and metallurgi-
passed all the tests and inspections are deposit-      cal speculations, but also mechanical
ed in the warehouse. They are identified with tags     evaluations of the hot loads to which

     Our commitment to responsible production and consumption

     the casting plant would be subjected.      plications in the oil and gas sector. In particular,
     These evaluations were carried out by      in the field of post-forging heat treatments, both
     means of finite element simulations        calculation and field activities have been pursued
     and laboratory tests on material sam-      to optimise the microstructures of manufactured
     ples at temperatures above 900°C.          products through treatments. Using temperature
     The experimental phases (first casting     sensors to create a 400 mm diameter rebar with
     and subsequent process steps leading       a length of over 3 m, the most extreme heating/
     to the finished product being tested       cooling laws were confirmed and the correspond-
     for quality) were successfully conduct-    ing phase transformations were predicted using
     ed and standardisation within the new      calculation tools. These analyses have enabled a
     production cycle is underway. Also in      review of the thermal cycles in order to optimise
     the steelworks area, the insertion of      the performance of the forged alloys.
     an electromagnetic field generator
     has been tested on the continuous
     casting plant to create swirling move-
     ments inside the steel with the aim of     Lean Cogne: a company cannot grow if
     homogenising its composition and           all its components do not grow with it
     making the steelmaking semi-prod-          The term ‘Lean’ denotes a way of managing, an
     uct structurally more intact, in order     approach and a form of leadership for the govern-
     to guarantee increasingly high quali-      ance of the enterprise in which knowledge is the
     ty standards of internal health on the     winning factor. It is often assumed that lean think-
     finished product. In the rolling sector    ing aims to make the organisation more efficient.
     an activity focused on the effect of
     rolling gears was set up, based on the     The real objective of Lean Cogne is continuous
     same objective. Various deformation        learning through experimentation to seek alterna-
     sequences were simulated in the cal-       tive solutions, and create a culture of improvement
     culations to identify the most suitable    extended to all as we involve our people in the
     ones to guarantee the internal health      achievement of a shared objective. This is what re-
     of the products. At the end of 2020,       sults in superior efficiency and performance, with
     experimental tests were launched           maximum attention to the needs of our customers,
     to evaluate the indications from the       rather than the mere application of mathematical
     calculation simulations. In the forg-      algorithms and cost rationalisation techniques.
     ing sector, we continued our testing       Lean Cogne is the opposite of staticity, of the sta-
     of the hot transformation of duplex        tus quo and of remaining in a comfort zone. Lean
     stainless steels and superalloys for ap-   Cogne is innovative, even revolutionary thinking.

The year 2020 passed with our activities affected
by the pandemic that undermined the economic
foundations of our country, concurrently requiring
a paradigm shift and a different way of looking at
leadership. In this situation, Lean Cogne thinking
has allowed us to uncover an organisation that is
faster and able to identify the key points on which
to intervene and the possible solutions. It pushed
us to be a company that is even more amenable
to market changes, and it has highlighted a pro-
duction reality that is in actuality driven by product
and process innovation. All of this took place as
we continued to focus on widespread, continuous
learning, for all the members of our organisation.
When this period of forced slowdown gradually
ends, the economic system will necessarily be dif-
ferent and this will require the revision of business
strategies. Cogne Lean is itself a strategy that will
ensure our success in the post-COVID-19 market.
     Our commitment to responsible production and consumption

                                                        AND NATURAL RESOURCE
     Cogne’s efforts aimed at reducing CO2
     and other greenhouse gas emissions
     have been going on for years. However,             Responsible resource management is of para-
     the steady growth in demand for steel              mount importance to us. In fact, our production
     and the worsening climate crisis are forc-         site in Aosta pursues a path of continuous im-
     ing leading companies to chart a course            provement, seeking excellence in service levels,
     towards an even more sustainable value             quality, efficiency and flexibility. In addition to the
     chain. The climate emergency affects               development of plant operators in terms of pro-
     everyone, including companies, so much             fessionalism, flexibility and versatility, to achieve
     so that today, according to the World              these objectives, we are constantly making major
     Economic Forum1, the greatest global               investments to improve plant and infrastructure,
     risks to business are linked to the conse-         which are fundamental for any future develop-
     quences of ongoing climate change.                 ment, reconciling environmental and economic
     Companies should therefore consid-
     er Climate Action - goal 13 of the 2030
     Agenda, as a priority. It is precisely be-
     cause of the importance of this issue that         Air quality and noise reduction
     Cogne has decided to make Objective                Controlling atmospheric emissions and reducing
     13 one of its four primary objectives. This        noise are among the major areas for environmen-
     chapter will report on environmental im-           tal protection at Cogne, as they directly impact
     pact indicators related to greenhouse              the areas in the vicinity of the production facilities.
     gas emissions and will also describe the
     initiatives in which Cogne is active to pro-
     mote mitigation of the effects of climate
                                                        The high standards required in terms of air quality
                                                        render a complex system of controls necessary: our
                                                        plants are equipped with dust abatement equip-
                                                        ment in accordance with the technical standards
                                                        which the company is required to follow. With the
                                                        support of a modern emission monitoring system,
                                                        the steel production activity carried out at the
                                                        Aosta site is constantly monitored and the data
     1   collected are transmitted to the competent Con-
     sks-report-2020                                    trol Bodies and cannot be modified or interfered
with by the Company, to guarantee transparency         The DogHouse, which became op-
and timeliness in the transmission of data and the     erational at the beginning of 2020. It
ongoing verification of the performance of the         was completed in 2019 with an invest-
emission control equipment.                            ment of approximately € 3.5 million,
                                                       to reduce the noise levels in the most
The annual values of pollutant emissions into the      sensitive areas following a monitoring
atmosphere are determined, in agreement with           campaign carried out in agreement
the Control Bodies, by taking as a reference the       with the control bodies.
measurement for the worst performance in the
year, then multiplying the figure by the plant’s       The measurements carried out in 2020
hours of operation. Atmospheric emission values        show a reduction of approximately 10
have been substantially stable over the three-year     dB in the noise emission level of the
period.                                                plant at the south-side receptors com-
                                                       pared to the measurements in 2018
To improve the noise situation, all new opera-         prior to construction of the dog-house
tional facilities are designed to meet site-specific   and the interventions in the winter of
technical criteria. In addition, many of the plants    2019-2020.
at the Aosta factory have soundproofing systems
with additional systems being designed.

     Our commitment to responsible production and consumption

     Waste Management                          In 2020, 71.5 thousand tonnes of waste was pro-
                                               duced, down 11% compared to the previous year.
     We have been working for years to de-
     velop 3R (Reduce, Recycle, Reuse) ini-
     tiatives, including running information   Protection of the soil and biodiversity
     campaigns to encourage a paperless
     workspace, reducing single-use plas-      Cogne’s production activity ensures the protec-
     tics or supporting the use of biode-      tion of the soil with a series of measures, starting
     gradable materials instead of plastics,   from the initial planning stage for the construction
     thus increasing the opportunities for     of new plants. During the construction and oper-
     circularity in our industry, regardless   ation of plants, as well as during shutdowns, soil
     of the department and the resource        protection plays an important role, and modern
     used.                                     plant engineering minimises soil contamination.
                                               Environmental information and training activities
     Significant objectives related to the     provide employees with instructions on how to
     waste management system are to min-       carefully manage the substances that could lead
     imise waste generation and maximise       to soil contamination.
     waste recovery through an optimised
     material flow management system.
     We reuse and recycle the residues of
     our processes to reduce waste: dur-       ENERGY AND WATER CONSUMPTION
     ing 2020, the amount of waste sent        Environmental and energy performance is con-
     for disposal was reduced by 12.71%.       stantly monitored for individual impact factors
     This variation is due mainly to the re-   within the framework of our management systems,
     duction in production volumes due to      which have continuous improvement as one of
     the difficult economic and production     their objectives. In this section we provide data and
     situation in 2020. In 2020, 84% of the    information on energy and water consumption.
     total waste generated was classified
     as ‘non-hazardous’. In 2020, 21% of
     the of waste was suitably recovered,
                                               Energy consumption
     whether in Italy or abroad, while the
     remainder was appropriately dis-          The contraction of steel mill production in 2020 re-
     posed of through authorised entities      sulted in a reduction in energy consumption. Pro-
     in accordance with local, national and    duction facilities reduced operations, maintenance
     supranational regulations in force.       activities were reduced accordingly and travel was

cancelled. In addition to this, the energy efficien-   the steelworks (the amount of steel
cy measures continued in 2020. Total energy con-       produced by the Steelmaking Area
sumption in 2020 was reduced by approximately          which is slated for further processing
9% compared to 2019, mainly due to the reduction       within the plant) decreased by 14.9%
in the electricity used by the Aosta plants.           in 2020 compared to 2019. This was on
                                                       account of the contraction of activities
                                                       caused by the global economic crisis
Energy intensity
                                                       triggered by the pandemic. A dete-
In 2020, the energy intensity (tot GJ/ton solid ACC)   rioration in operating efficiency and
for steel production at COGNE increased com-           therefore an increase in energy intensi-
pared to 2019, from 12.65 GJ/ton in 2019 to 13.50      ty were the direct consequences of this
GJ/TON in 2020. The production of solid steel from     situation.

     Our commitment to responsible production and consumption

     Zero km green energy                          Edison Energia, the Company signed two multi-year
                                                   Corporate Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs),
     The use of electricity is necessary for the   mainly for the supply of hydroelectric power. In ad-
     operation of the smelting furnace and         dition, from November 2020 7% of the consumption
     production facilities. One of the compa-      of the Aosta steel plant will be covered directly by
     ny’s sustainability objectives is to reduce   energy from the hydroelectric power plants in Valle
     consumption as much as possible and to        d’Aosta, thus bringing the total value of green sup-
     use electricity from renewable sources as     plies to the plant to 28%. This is pursuant to the five-
     the preferred source.                         year agreement signed by the Company with the
     In 2019, an initial multi-year Corporate      CVA Group, a company based in Valle d’Aosta that
     Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) was            produces and distributes sustainable energy. This
     signed with a leading national electric-      partnership represents a further important step to-
     ity supplier. During 2020, the company        wards achieving the goal of making Cogne Acciai
     signed two more separate multi-year           Speciali 100% green in terms of energy supplies in
     Corporate PPAs with leading national          the coming years. The contract with the CVA Group,
     energy suppliers, which will supply the       like the one with Edison, is in fact an integral part
     company with electricity from renewa-         of the company’s energy sustainability strategy. Re-
     ble sources, especially hydroelectricity.     newable energies, accompanied by innovative tech-
     Among them, collaboration with a sup-         nological solutions with low specific consumption,
     plier based in Valle d’Aosta has enabled      are one of the cornerstones around which to build
     the company to sign a PPA for the supply      development while the growth of our company has
     of electricity from a zero-km hydroelectric   enabled us to sign a contract for the supply of elec-
     source and to strengthen the relation-        tricity from km-zero hydroelectric sources and will
     ship between the company and the Valle        save further CO2 emissions and strengthen the link
     d’Aosta region. The energy transition         between the company and the Aosta Valley region.
     that the company has been developing
     for years guides the energy efficiency of
     our plants and helps to reduce the envi-      Greenhouse gas emissions
     ronmental impact of the industrial site, in
     addition to reducing the energy expend-       Cogne’s activities are part of the European Union’s
     iture. Specifically, in the winter of 2019    Emission Trading Scheme (ETS), the CO2 market
     and the summer of 2020, as part of the        on which the EU’s climate change policy is based
     profitable collaboration relationship that    and an essential tool for cost-effective reduction of
     has been in place for several years with      greenhouse gas emissions.

     Our commitment to responsible production and consumption

     CO2 emissions (Scope 1) from Cogne’s               91,428 tonCO2 in 2020, 124,180.75 tonCO2 in 2019.
     ETS installations were 91,537.40 tonnes-           The emission factors used are European Residual
     CO2 in 2020. In addition, emissions from           Mixes (latest version available) of the Association
     diesel, petrol and LPG consumption and             of Issuing Bodies.
     refrigerant gas leaks totalled 841.43 ton-
     CO2 in 2020. The decrease in Scope 1               Almost all emissions are attributable to the use of
     emissions (-8%) is due to the decline in           electricity from the grid and the use of natural gas
     production in 2020. The emission factors           in the production process.
     taken into account for the calculation of
     Scope 1 emissions are provided by DE-
     FRA. Scope 2 emissions calculated us-              Water Consumption
     ing the Location-Based methodology
                                                        Cogne’s water consumption is related to civic, hy-
     are: 75,793.63 in 2020 and 92,245.54 for
                                                        gienic and sanitary uses and to production uses,
     2019. The emission factors for calculat-
                                                        particularly the cooling processes of the machin-
     ing Scope 2 Location-Based emissions
                                                        ery used for steel production.
     were taken from Terna’s International
     Comparisons, for the most recent year              In 2020, water withdrawals increased compared
     available. Scope 2 emissions calculated            to 2019, from 10,481 Mm3 to 11,569 Mm3; during
     using the calculated using the “Mar-               2020, there were new uses (e.g. 2 furnaces), which
     ket-Based” methodology are equal to:               led to an increase in withdrawals. The water used

                                                  Unit of measu-
                                                                     2020         2019         2018
         Scope 1 emissions                            tCO2           92.378,83   100.878,54   108.170,47
         of which in ETS                              tCO2           91.537,40    99.865,70   107.235,30
         of which non-ETS (fuel for company
         vehicles, LPG for heating and                tCO2             841,43      1.012,84       935,17
         Scope 2 Emissions (Location-Based)           tCO2           75.793,63    92.245,54   102.682,51
         Scope 2 emissions (Market-Based)             tCO2           91.428,25   124.180,75           n/a
         Total Emissions                              tCO2         168.172,46 193.123,54 210.852,98

for this purpose is taken from the underground wa-    of all areas of the company, that environ-
ter table through our own wells, passed through       mental sustainability criteria are gradu-
special cooling plants and recycled. At the end of    ally becoming part of the rationale for
the recycling process, the water is sent to special   evaluating products or initiatives, thanks
treatment tanks for purification and only then dis-   also to ongoing education and aware-
charged into a surface water course. The quality      ness of these issues.
of Cogne’s discharges is monitored monthly on
a wide set of parameters relevant to the activity.    The results of this involvement over the
Water discharged from the main discharge point        years are the positioning of environ-
undergoes prior screening, precipitation and sed-     mental sustainability objectives as a top
imentation treatments. During the period from         priority for us and the increasing num-
2017 to 2020, water quality always complied with      ber of initiatives and projects that focus
regulatory limits for the discharge of water into     on reducing the impact of processes or
surface water bodies.                                 products.

Over the years, Cogne has developed internal ex-
pertise in assessing the environmental impacts of
its processes and products and of the activities
generated by the organisation, in order to mitigate
and prevent them in a process of continuous im-
provement. And it is with this approach, and with
the awareness of a necessary and full involvement

our roots
and our future
     our roots and our future

     GOAL 8: DECENT WORK                       uses to address this goal and contribute to achiev-
     AND ECONOMIC GROWTH                       ing its objectives. In particular, the following top-
                                               ics will be covered:
     Our company is successful when our
     employees grow professionally and as      • How the objective of responsible economic
     people.                                     growth is supported by a governance structure
                                                 effective and sound economic and financial per-
     The future of our company therefore         formance.
     depends on our ability to create a cul-
     ture focused on empowering our hu-        • How the Company is committed to protecting
     man resources.                              its workers by ensuring their health and safety
                                                 and promoting continuous training and devel-
     This is why we firmly believe that in       opment.
     order to build a talented workforce,
     our people must be able to develop        In this chapter, we report the indicators related to
     their skills and demonstrate a high       the economic and social sphere and the initiatives
     level of motivation, commitment and       promoting health and safety in the workplace
     resilience.                               and the environment Cogne is involved in are de-
     The first step in this direction is un-
     doubtedly the increasing dissemina-
     tion of a preventive health and safety
     culture.                                  RESPONSIBLE ECONOMIC GROWTH

     Undoubtedly, therefore, the descrip-      A clear vision of family governance focused on an
     tion of Sustainable Development           industrial approach towards a responsible eco-
     Goal number 8 of the 2030 Agenda          nomic model represents a clear and shared point
     “To promote sustained, inclusive and      of reference for the management team that the
     sustainable economic growth, full and     owners have entrusted with defining the growth
     productive employment and decent          and development strategies around which to plan
     work for all”: very aptly describes how   the medium-and long-term actions that will ena-
     Cogne conceives its way of doing          ble the company to continue as a global player in
     business and being a business entity.     the sector.
     Goal 8 has been detailed by the Unit-     The Company has adopted a traditional Corpo-
     ed Nations through different targets,     rate Governance model comprising a manage-
     and this chapter describes the initia-    ment body, the Board of Directors, and the Board
     tives, projects and structures Cogne      of Auditors, which is the control body. The Board

of Directors is vested with the broadest powers         The economic and financial
of strategic guidance for the proper and efficient      performance of Cogne Acciai
management of the Group. The Board of Statu-            Speciali SpA. 2020 was
tory Auditors is responsible for monitoring com-        a unique year.
pliance with the law and the Articles of Associa-
tion, the principles of proper administration and       The economic indicators show a re-
the adequacy of the internal control system, to         duction in both revenues and mar-
the extent that this falls under its purview. In this   gins and this is due to the particular
context, the Supervisory Board, endowed with            social and economic situation world-
autonomous powers of initiative and control, is         wide. Revenues of €406 million were
responsible for supervising the functioning and         down 23% compared to FY 2019.
observance of the Cogne organisation, man-              The decrease in turnover is mainly
agement and control model pursuant to Leg.              attributable to the quantity (135,114
Decree 231/2001, and to propose the necessary           tonnes sold, down 17% compared to
updates thereto to the Board of Directors.              the same period the previous year).
                                                        The decrease was mainly due to the
Cogne’s sustainability activities are managed by        reduction in quantities sold as a re-
the General Manager, who promotes the adop-             sult of the Covid-19 pandemic. The
tion and integration of sustainability principles       company counteracted the decline in
in corporate strategies and business process-           turnover by using the Covid-19 redun-
es among the various Group Departments and              dancy fund and applying a significant
companies. The main responsibilities of this Di-        amount of residual holiday leave. The
rectorate include:                                      added value produced by the compa-
                                                        ny contracted sharply, falling by more
• Management of institutional relations, repre-         than 20%.
  senting Cogne in the various national and in-
  ternational trade associations;
• In conjunction with the various company de-
  partments, management of relations with sup-
  pliers and customers win respect of sustaina-
  bility issues;
• The design, management and monitoring of
  sustainability projects supported by the com-

     our roots and our future

                             Euro/000                             2020           2019           2018

         Added value of products                                    58.272         74.816         88.346
         Employees                                                  38.182         41.403         42.935
         FLenders (Banks and Bondholders)                             7.371          7.138         6.148
         Public administration                                        8.296        17.282         20.376
         Shareholders                                                      -              -             250
         ADDED VALUE DISTRIBUTED                                   53.849         65.823         69.709
         Value Added retained by the Company to                       4.423          8.993        18.637
         support investment and development
         It should be noted that Wages and salaries include salaries and other employee-related costs

     The employee item decreased as a re-                    the distribution of dividends and to allocate the
     sult of the use of the redundancy fund,                 sums necessary for the purchase of primary health
     which was necessary due to the signif-                  care equipment and respiratory machinery the lo-
     icant reduction in company activities                   cal health unit to support rescue activities for the
     caused by the effects of the pandem-                    population.
     ic. Similarly, the distribution of value
     added to the public administration
     has been greatly reduced, with lower                    Cogne and Valle d’Aosta: the distribution of
     taxes discounted                                        wealth produceda
     (IRES in particular). The above figures                 In 2020 the wealth distributed by Cogne to the
     refer to the Draft Financial Statements                 territory of the Autonomous Region of Valle d’Aos-
     - Annual Report as at 31 December                       ta was greatly reduced, as a consequence of the
     2020. For further information, please                   lower operating result. Discounting the use of the
     refer to the Annual Report approved                     COVID19 redundancy fund while ensuring stable
     by the Shareholders’ Meeting. Finally,                  employment levels, the value of wages and salaries
     it should be noted that the Compa-                      contracted by 9.4%. Taxes, particularly IRES taxes,
     ny’s Shareholders’ Meeting resolved                     fell sharply as a direct result of the reduction in the
     on 20 April 2020 not to proceed with                    operating result (-92%), while services requested
from suppliers in Valle d’Aosta remained stable
overall (-3.3%).

                       Euro/000                              2020           2019          2018

  Wages, severance pay and social security                     50.110         55.308        56.017
  IRES / IRAP                                                     109          1.427         2.437
  Services: Val D’Aosta Suppliers                              19.068         19.689        18.904
  TOTAL                                                       69.287         76.423        77.358

  * This item also includes salaries and other employee related costs

The wealth generated and distributed on the                             Investments
Valle d’Aosta territory totals more than € 69 mil-
                                                                        As at 31.12.2020, the Company made
lion(-9.34% compared to 2019). The above figures
                                                                        investments in fixed assets before dis-
are included on the Draft Financial Statements
                                                                        investments of € 20,510,009.
- Balance sheet as at 31 December 2020. For fur-
ther information, please refer to the Annual Report
approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting.

                                                                             Reclassified under
                  Description                    Accounted for 2020
                                                                              finished goods
   Environment and Safety                                   3.396.763,36               2.582.218,58
   Energy Efficiency                                          342.472,07                330.514,47
   ICT                                                        838.502,92                878.502,92
   Productivity                                             8.463.846,36               8.646.476,91
   Strategic Development                                    7.468.424,12               5.921.789,16
                                                         20.510.008,83             18.359.502,04

     our roots and our future

     Additionally, the strongly “capital in-    This approach was even more significant and
     tensive” nature of the Company’s in-       strategic in 2020, and useful in addressing the
     dustry requires that strategic plans       uncertainties and fears that the pandemic has
     and investments be evaluated on the        created in workers and the population. Particu-
     basis of a broad long-term outlook,        lar measures have therefore been implemented
     especially considering the fundamen-       mostly targeted to the more vulnerable employ-
     tal factors guiding the future evolution   ees or those facing greater family difficulties,
     of demand for steel products. Of the       such as facilitating the reconciliation of home
     total investment in plant and machin-      and work times with flexible working hours, re-
     ery in 2020, 47% was allocated to the      mote working and other initiatives designed to
     productivity category, while the envi-     encourage their contribution to work under con-
     ronment and safety category account-       ditions of total security and serenity.
     ed for 14% of total investment.
                                                Empowering our employees, cultivating their tal-
     The above figures refer to the Draft Fi-   ents and listening to their feedback are the fields
     nancial Statements - Annual Report as      of action around which a series of initiatives have
     at 31 December 2020. For further in-       been launched with the aim of increasing aware-
     formation, please refer to the Annual      ness of their role and, consequently, the satisfac-
     Report approved by the Shareholders’       tion of our customers.
                                                In order to be able to innovate and provide cut-
                                                ting-edge, quality products and satisfactory ser-
                                                vices to our customers, it is certainly necessary to
     PEOPLE AT THE CENTRE:                      create a lively and diverse working environment
     DEVELOPMENT, TRAINING                      which is inclusive of all employees, helping them
     AND SAFETY OF WORKERS                      to reach their full potential.
     Careful management of Human Re-            To achieve this, it is essential to build and nur-
     sources as a way to manage the compa-      ture a people-centred culture. As a guarantee of
     ny’s reaction to cultural, technological   all this, the Cogne Acciai Speciali Code of Ethics
     and organisational change while pro-       prohibits unlawful discrimination in employment
     moting responsible growth has always       relationships, guaranteeing everyone the right to
     been one of the cornerstones around        apply for a position in the company or to be con-
     which Cogne Acciai Speciali has built      sidered for a job on the basis of merit criteria, de-
     its identity as a leading company in the   void of arbitrary discrimination. The company’s
     production of long stainless steels.       Human Resources policy supports equal oppor-

Tipologia di contratto




tunities by ensuring that recruitment, promotion,                        Remuneration is based on the per-
transfers, notice
              920 periods, dialogue, rights and                          sonal performance, skills and behav-
protection as 910
               well as other employment-related                          iour of each person and the tasks as-
decisions are made without regard to race, reli-                         signed to that person.
gion, gender, 900
               disability, nationality or sexual ori-
                             2020                  2019                                2018
                       Dipendenti a tempo indeterminato          Dipendenti a tempo determinato

                                            Number  of sites
                (nr)          2020                        2019                         2018

                                                 Uomini     Donne

                                  Number       di contratto
                                         of contracts   by type







                (nr)          2020                        2019                         2018

                       Employees    tempo indeterminato
                                              contracts          Dipendentionafixed-term
                                                                 Employees     tempo determinato


     our roots and our future

     The particular economic and social         who were able to use the greater number of resid-
     situation in 2020 and the contraction      ual hours of holidays and leave they had at their
     of business activities also affected       disposal. Flexibility is a paradigm that ensured the
     the number of employees in force.          protection of the delicate balance between health
     At 31 December 2020, Cogne’s work-         and work of employees during the pandemic,
     force numbered 952 employees (964          without negatively impacting productivity, thanks
     in 2019), consisting of 10 managers        also to the technology that has made digital col-
     (the figure is unchanged compared          laboration tools available.
     to 2019), 285 clerks and executives
     (the figure is unchanged compared to       Flexibility has expressed itself in the way of work-
     2019) and 657 workers (669 in 2019).       ing and therefore in the use of remote or smart
     There were also 3 internships that be-     working (involving 198 people), but also in the
     gan in 2020 (7 in 2019). In terms of An-   adoption of more horizontal and fluid organisa-
     nual Work Units - AWU, the number          tional models, which emphasise the empower-
     of employees at 31/12/2020 is 1,107        ment of individuals, rely on concrete objectives to
     AWU (1,140 in 2019). With the agree-       be achieved, and ensure the immediate circula-
     ment of the labour unions. we decid-       tion of information that is essential for the align-
     ed to apply the ordinary redundancy        ment of working groups.
     fund “Emergenza COVID-19” as a way         The company conducted a survey of employ-
     of countering the drop in orders and       ee experiences to assess whether smart working
     protect our employment levels. We          could, over time, be transformed from a compul-
     were thus able to protect workers with     sory solution into a real opportunity. The peri-
     fixed term contracts while maintaining     od was experienced positively by almost all the
     the professionalism that has enabled       staff involved (89.7%) and the results in terms of
     Cogne to grow in the global stain-         satisfaction are decidedly positive, mainly linked
     less steel market, with new products       to better organisation and management of their
     in strategic sectors. The CIGO [Cas-       working time and an increase in the perception of
     sa Integrazione Guadagni Ordinaria         the effectiveness of their professionalism. Employ-
     - ordinary redundancy fund] covered        ees particularly value the increased autonomy and
     all workers working in the produc-         report the feeling of an acceleration in learning
     tion departments (i.e. Raw Materi-         processes inherent in their roles, due to the op-
     als Management, Steelworks, Rolled         portunity to experiment and generate ideas. On
     Products, Forgings, Maintenance and        the other hand, some points of attention and im-
     Quality Operations), and to a lesser       provement emerged on issues such as teamwork
     extent also those working in the staffs,   and communication, on which the subsequent dis-

cussion among managers focused. While the re-                                 HEALTH AND SAFETY FIRST
sults expressed by the employees were collected,
an in-depth reflection is still ongoing in order to                           2020 was a year of particular complex-
define a different working routine, with solid work                           ity. The pandemic emergency and the
and connection rules, in situations and for activ-                            regulatory requirements faced by the
ities that can be profitably carried out remotely.                            company were complex, continually
                                                                              changing and protracted. In this sce-
                                                                              nario, the severity index stood at 0.54
                                                                              and the frequency index was 8.8711.
Cogne and leisure time
                                                                              The reduction in the severity and fre-
The Company is constantly striving to offer its em-                           quency indices by 8% and 30% respec-
ployees a wide range of discounts and dedicated                               tively compared to 2019 show that even
offers on a wide range of products and services                               in a complicated year like 2020, the
to complement its corporate welfare programme.                                company’s commitment to ensuring
                                                                              the health and safety of all remained
                                                                              constant, as also proven by the grad-
                                                                              ual but steady reduction in the indices
                                                                              over the period from 2018 to 2020.

  18                                                                                                                      0,6
  16                                                                                                                      0,59
  14                                                                                                                      0,58
  12                                                                                                                      0,57
  10                                                                                                                      0,56
    8                                                                                                                     0,55
    6                                                                                                                     0,54
    4                                                                                                                     0,53
    2                                                                                                                     0,52
    0                                                                                                                     0,51
                       2018                                 2019                                 2020
                                       Indice di Gravità               Indice di Frequenza
    IF                                                                                                                     IG

1 The accident indices were calculated as follows:
  - Accident frequency index: (number of accidents/hours worked) x1,000,000. Only accidents that caused more than three days of
    absence were considered, while accidents that occurred going to and returning from work were counted.
  - Severity index: (number of days lost through injury/hours worked) x1,000. Only absences of more than three days involving
    accidents have been taken into account. Accidents occurring while going to and from work are excluded and the absent days are
    calendar days.

     our roots and our future

     Of particular note is the figure for near   It was developed internally by the Prevention and
     miss reports, which more than tripled       Protection Department in collaboration with the
     between 2018 and 2020; this figure is       Information Systems Department. Reports can in
     not an indicator of the                     fact be made from any computer on the company
                                                 network, including those available for general use
     dangerousness in work but the in-
                                                 (reports can be made anonymously from depart-
     creased awareness of operators and the
                                                 mental workstations that can be accessed with an
     impact that health and safety training
                                                 area rather than a personal ID). The development
     and information activities are having.
                                                 of the SOP-SGSSL initially concerned the proce-
     The increase in the number of reports
                                                 dures for managing the reports issued, later also
     enables identification of potential caus-
                                                 covering the implementation of the types of re-
     es of accidents, allowing for prompt in-
                                                 ports that can be managed through the system.
     tervention. It should also be noted that
                                                 In addition to hazard reports, ‘boxes’ have been
     during the last three years the compa-
                                                 added concerning all types of events related
     ny has not received any occupational
                                                 to occupational health and safety aspects; i.e.:
     health and safety orders from the rele-
                                                 missed accident reports, accident reports, missed
     vant control bodies.
                                                 injury reports, injury reports.

     Occupational health and safety              With the further expansion of the activities man-
     management system.                          ageable through the SOP-SGSSL (audits), we have

     Complex and constantly updated legis-       included two other categories of event reporting:
     lation, improved human resource man-        internal audit non-conformities and external audit
     agement and other measures must be          non-conformities. There are two types of audits
     used to promote occupational health         currently manageable through the SOP.SGSSL
     and safety protection. With this objec-     and they are the most important:
     tive in mind, in 2020 Cogne embarked        1. Internal audit - related to ISO 45001;
     on a path to develop and certify a sys-
     tem for the management of occupa-           2. Internal safety audit - covering specific topics
     tional health and safety.                      included under Legislative Decree 81/08.

     The Occupational Health and Safety          In the operational system of the occupational
     Management System software (SOP-            health and safety management system, the im-
     SGS SL) was created to provide all          provement plan has evolved from a classic Excel
     Cogne workers with the possibility of       tool into a dynamic document that can be shared
     reporting hazards, even anonymously.        by all stakeholders. The design of the SOP.SGSSL

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