Playing Against the Clock: Global Sport, the Climate Emergency and the Case For Rapid Change - Rapid Transition Alliance

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Playing Against the Clock: Global Sport, the Climate Emergency and the Case For Rapid Change - Rapid Transition Alliance
Against the Clock:
Global Sport, the Climate
Emergency and the Case
For Rapid Change
David Goldblatt
         Global Sport, the Climate Emergency and the Case For Rapid Change   1
Playing Against the Clock: Global Sport, the Climate Emergency and the Case For Rapid Change - Rapid Transition Alliance
  Introduction: Playing            2            3. Playing catch up: Global sporting      14
  against the clock                                federations and environmental policy
  1. The stadium is on fire!       4            4. Conclusions: No normal sport           20
     The impact of climate                         in an abnormal world
     change on global sport
                                                Appendices                                23
  2. Putting up a big score:      10
                                                Endnotes                                  38
     Sport’s contribution to
     climate change                             Acknowledgements                          41

Playing against the clock
Like every other industry and cultural sector, global sport has
been brought to a shuddering halt by the coronavirus pandemic;
leagues and competitions have been in suspended animation,
mega events from the Tokyo Olympics to Euro 2020 have been
postponed, the suspension of ticket sales and broadcasting deals
have placed many institutions and their staff in penury.

Although some professional leagues are              Coronavirus is not climate change, but
returning to empty stadia, the longer               there are a number of clear lessons
term fate of mass sporting crowds is                from the current crisis: take the science
opaque. Yet devastating as this has been,           seriously and assume the worst-case
something even more problematic is                  scenario can happen, act now not later,
waiting in the wings for the sporting circus.       and act radically. The international
                                                    community in the form of the Paris Climate
Climate change is touching every aspect             agreements, is committed to limiting
of human life and global sport is no                global heating to 2°C with the ambition of
exception: in 2019, the Rugby World Cup             going further to keep temperatures below
was disrupted by unprecedented pacific              1.5°C, and achieving carbon neutrality by
typhoons; in early 2020, the Australian             2050. However, the IPCC, whose job it is to
Tennis Open was disrupted by the smoke              advise governments, argues that if we are
blowing in from the country’s devastating           to mitigate the worst aspects of climate
bush fires. The Tokyo 2020 Olympics were            change then we need to aim for the
forced to move long distance running                1.5°C limit, and make most of our carbon
events north of the capital as the city’s           reduction in the next decade. In 2018,
sweltering summer weather now makes                 they concluded that this meant ‘rapid, far-
them impossible to run.                             reaching and unprecedented changes in

                                                             Playing Against the Clock         2
Playing Against the Clock: Global Sport, the Climate Emergency and the Case For Rapid Change - Rapid Transition Alliance
all aspects of society.’ If sport moved on    is correct, make sport the equivalent of
this agenda, what kind of changes would       nations as large and populous as Angola
it make?                                      or Tunisia, and that is at the low end of
In Section 1, The Stadium’s on Fire! I
review the many ways in which climate         The sports world, to its credit, has not
change is already taking its toll on          been entirely oblivious to environmental
global sport, and the scale of the risks      issues over the last quarter of a century.
and difficulties ahead. Needless to say,      The IOC, FIFA, and the more innovative
it’s not looking good: climatological and     global and national federations, leagues
economic demise for winter sports             and clubs, have begun to take notice and
awaits; heatwaves and heat strokes for        even, on occasion, act. The UN has now
players and public alike, extreme weather     included sport in its global climate action
that floods stadiums and grassroots           framework and is aiming for carbon
playing fields; sea level rises that will     neutrality for sport by 2050. However,
inundate football grounds and sweep           as even our cursory survey in Section 3,
away golf links.                              Playing Catch Up, shows, the state of
                                              sport’s environmental commitment and
Sport is not just a victim of change,         governance is woefully inadequate. Only
however, but an important contributor too.    a tiny fraction of the world’s thousands of
The IOC has a carbon footprint close to       sporting bodies, federations, tournaments,
that of Barbados, global football’s is even   leagues and clubs have signed up to the
larger. Sporting events are responsible for   UN Sport for Climate Action Framework,
massive levels of aviation, carbon heavy      even fewer have actual carbon
stadium construction, and mountains           targets and plans to deliver on these
of unrecycled garbage, all making a           commitments. At the same time, the petro-
significant contribution to the catastrophe   chemical and aviation industries have
now engulfing us.                             a huge foothold in sport through their
                                              multiple global sponsorships.
If the sports world is to make its own
contribution to climate change action,        We are in extra time already. The Paris
then it needs to acknowledge its own role     Agreements and the UN Sport for Climate
in creating the problem and radically         Action Framework think we still have 30
reduce its carbon footprint, and thus it      years on the clock and we can just leave
needs to know how much carbon it is           the team to sort it out by 2050, but as the
actually producing. No one currently          IPCC has argued, we really only have
knows, and the research that has been         a decade or so to pull this game out
done on different sporting events and         of the hat. So the time is now and the
institutions is very patchy. In Section 2:    world of sport needs to begin massive
Putting up a Big Score, I work with what      and immediate carbon reductions. In
is available and offer my best estimates      the Conclusion: No Normal Sport in
of global sport’s carbon emissions, which,    an Abnormal World, I outline some
if the order of magnitude I had calculated    suggestions for beginning this process.

      Global Sport, the Climate Emergency and the Case For Rapid Change                 3
Playing Against the Clock: Global Sport, the Climate Emergency and the Case For Rapid Change - Rapid Transition Alliance
Doing so is a matter of money, politics,        becoming the common sense of every day
and elite administration, of course, but        action, and without a shot of hope that we
it is also a matter of mass mobilisation,       are not too late in starting. Sport’s social
behavioural change and emotional                reach could help catalyse the former,
commitment. We are not going to come            its emotional currencies could inform
anywhere near our global carbon                 the later. As the great New York Yankee
reduction targets without a transformation      catcher Yogi Berra said, “It ain’t over till
in our everyday habits of production and        it’s over.”
consumption, without decarbonisation

1. The Stadium is on fire! The
impact of climate change on
global sport
In the bid document for the Tokyo 2020          things like this.” Since then the organising
Olympics, the organisers blithely claimed       committee, apparently dissatisfied with the
that the city had “many days of mild and        towel solution, has toyed with starting the
sunny weather,” during the proposed             events in the middle of the night, spraying
games’ timetable in late July and early         the entire course with water, asking
August. This would provide, they wrote,         businesses on the route to turn on their air
“an ideal climate for athletes to perform       conditioning and open their doors, before
at their best.”1 Maybe that was true back       finally and thankfully abandoning the
in 1964, when the city last hosted the          charade and shifting the marathon and
games, but that Olympics took place in          the distance walking events to Sapporo,
October and there has been nearly half a        over a 1,000 kilometres north.2
century of rising temperatures since. Thus,
in July 2018, as the city sweltered in record   Tokyo 2020 is, of course, not the only
levels of humidity and heat, at its peak        sporting organisation that has tried to
touching 41°C, and experienced dozens           remain oblivious to the threats of climate
of deaths from heat stroke, the plan to run     change, and to prevaricate when faced
the marathon and distance walking events        by them. Nor will it be the last to have
at a similar time of year were sharply          to bow to reality and shift its schedules.
questioned. Yuriko Koike, Mayor of Tokyo,       To paraphrase Greta Thunberg, “The
when quizzed on the matter responded            stadium is on fire!”, and no amount of
by pointing to the wet towel wrapped            air conditioning and wet towels is going
around her neck, “This will make you feel       to deal with it. Rising temperatures,
cooler if you wear it. I would like to use      prolonged periods of drought, forest fires,

                                                         Playing Against the Clock        4
new patterns of precipitation, extreme         made by researchers at the University of
storms and rising seas levels are all,         Waterloo, it is just one of many former
already making their presence felt in sport,   hosts that are unlikely, for climatological
and there will a lot more of this to come.     reasons, to be able to do so. Of nineteen
Doing something about it requires that we      prior locations, only ten will still be reliable
stare these threats in the eye, right now.     winter sports hosts in 2050, and just six
                                               in 2080.6

Rising temperatures and
winter sports                                  Heat waves, athlete
                                               health and sporting
Climate change is, of course, not uniform,     performance
but one almost universal consequence
of our current course is that average
                                               In January 2018, England cricket Captain
temperatures will rise everywhere, and in
                                               Joe Root was hospitalised at the end
mountainous regions, home to most winter
                                               of the fourth day of play in that year’s
sports, that will mean less snow, falling
                                               fourth Ashes test match. He was unable to
less often, and melting more quickly. The
                                               continue batting the next day and was laid
organisers of the 2010 Vancouver winter
                                               low by a combination of gastroenteritis
games wrote that, “the warmest weather on
                                               and searing 40 degree temperatures.
record… challenged our ability to prepare
                                               There is more of this on the way. The
fields of play for athletes in the venues
                                               heatwave that swept across the northern
at Cypress Mountains.”3 Sochi 2014 was
                                               hemisphere in summer 2019 saw the
warmer still. Many competitors complained
                                               cancellation of the New York Triathlon,
about the lack of snow, and the slow, wet,
                                               other running events, and many horse
heavy snow that was available was difficult
                                               races in New York, Maryland, Pennsylvania
to manoeuvre on. These poor course
                                               and Kentucky, as temperatures threatened
conditions meant that most medal winners
                                               human and equine health alike. At both
came from amongst the first ten athletes
                                               the Women’s World Cup in France, and the
to start in each competition, who had the
                                               African Cup of Nations in Egypt, additional
huge advantage of racing on drier snow
                                               water breaks during matches were
that was quickly degraded for those that
                                               introduced in sweltering conditions.7
followed them. In Alpine skiing, freestyle
skiing and snowboarding events there
was, compared to the 2010 games, a five        The physiology of overheating is complex,
per cent drop in athletes actually finishing   but once you start hitting 33 to 35
their event, and a nine per cent increase in   centigrade and you are playing sport,
competitor injuries.4 The Sochi Paralympics    it’s all bad news, and there are going
saw a six fold increase in injury rates        to be a lot more days like that in the
compared to Vancouver.5                        global sporting calendar in the next few
                                               decades. Memory, eye hand coordination,
                                               and concentration all start suffering,
Sochi is unlikely to hold another winter
                                               then there are the heat cramps, the heat
games. Indeed, according to predictions
                                               exhaustion, and the heat stroke. When

       Global Sport, the Climate Emergency and the Case For Rapid Change                     5
you combine these kinds of temperatures        that allowed for play to continue if
     with increasing humidity, which will be an     humidity was sufficiently low prevailed.
     increasing reality for much of the world       The organisers were happy with this,
     the impact on sport and public health is       the players less so. Frank Dancevic
     going to be devastating.8                      actually began hallucinating on court
                                                    before vomiting and departing, one of
     The Australian cricket authorities are         a record nine players that retired during
     one of the few sports organisations to         the first round of play. One of them, Ivan
     be sufficiently worried about future heat      Dodig, recalled that on court he was
     waves that they have commissioned              thinking “I could maybe even die.” Daniel
     research on the subject. Looking at            Gimeno-Traver carried off a ball boy who
     grassroots cricket, the Red Cliffs Cricket     collapsed in the heat, Caroline Wozniacki
     Association in the Mildura region has,         saw her plastic water bottles melt, as
     over the last forty years, experienced an      did Wilfred Tsonga’s sneakers. Number
     average temperature increase of 2.7°C          13 seed, John Isner, thought the wind on
     during its matches and, can now expect         court was like, “when I open the oven and
     at the height of the season five and half      the potatoes are done.” During the whole
     more days during which temperatures            tournament over 1,000 fans were treated
     will exceed 38°C compared to 1980.             for heat exhaustion.10
     This kind of weather is already forcing
ns   the foreshortening of games and even           Things were even hotter at the 2018
     requiring match cancellations. At the very     US Open where temperatures on court
     pinnacle of the game, the traditional          peaked at 49°C. Officials mandated the
     Melbourne Boxing Day Test has got some         first use of the tournament’s extreme heat
     fearsome days ahead of it. In the coming       policy, allowing more and longer breaks
     decades, the city is likely to experience an   during matches. Nonetheless, five players
     average of 26 days that exceed 35°C with       retired from matches for heat-related
     high summer maximums of 50°C. Other            reasons. One of those, Richard Berankis,
     test match hosts, like Adelaide and Perth,     remarked, “They should have cancelled
     will see a 60 per cent increase in 40°C        the matches. It was not healthy… We are
     plus days by 2030. Calls have already          fit, but this was too much. It is dangerous
     gone out to shift the Boxing Day Test to       out there. The ATP doesn’t have a heat
     November or March.9                            rule but they should stop the matches.
                                                    They will not make a change until
     The Australian and US Tennis Opens have        someone dies.”11
     given us a very clear sense of what sport
     in these kinds of temperatures is going
     to look like. The 2014 Australian Open
     was played in the middle of a harsh heat
     wave that saw four consecutive days of         One inevitable consequence of more hot
     temperatures above 41°C. Under old             weather is less rain, and in many parts of
     hot weather rules the tournament would         the world that means more droughts. So
     have been stopped, but recent changes          far, cricket has been amongst the worst

                                                             Playing Against the Clock        6
effected sports. In 2016, for example,         court, while a violent coughing fit forced
thirteen 13 IPL games were moved from          Dalalia Jakupovic to retire from the
Maharashtra due to the worst drought           qualifying competition. New South Wales
for 100 years. More recently, as water         spinner Steve O’Keefe, playing in Sydney
shortages continued, the Mumbai high           at the time, described breathing the air
court forbade the Maharashtra Cricket          while playing cricket, “like smoking 80
Association from receiving water from the      cigarettes a day.”15 Even without forest
Pavana dam for its matches in Pune.12          fires, breathing the air while playing
The prolonged drought in Cape Town in
                                               sport can be a real problem. During a
2018 saw water use at sports grounds,
                                               peak air pollution episode in Delhi in
professional and amateur, severely
                                               2017 cricketers playing in the India v Sri
restricted. The visiting Indian cricket team
                                               Lanka game were vomiting on the pitch,
was told to shower for no more than 90
                                               necessitating repeated breaks in play
seconds while club and school cricket
was cancelled half way through season          and the installation of oxygen cylinders
across the whole Western Cape.13 Reports       in their dressing rooms. England may not
of pitches cracking were widespread.14         boast pollution levels quite on the scale
Droughts also effect rivers’ rates of flow.    of India’s mega cities, but it remains the
Lower water flow will have an impact           case that ten county cricket grounds have
on multiple riverine sports (canoeing          pollution levels that exceed World Health
for example) both in terms of sporting         Organisation (WHO) recommendations.
performance and the cleanliness of water.      Increasing temperatures also lead to
                                               higher levels of ozone at ground level
                                               which has a serious impact on pulmonary
Fires and air pollution                        functioning. Air pollution researchers have
                                               found that high exposures diminish the
Another joker in the climate change            athletic ability of football players, and the
pack is fire. Many habitats, like the          quality of baseball official’s judgements.16
Australian bush, need periodic fires to
clear dead wood, germinate seeds and
return nutrients to the soil. However, these   Storms, rains and event
ecological systems are being turned into
unstoppable conflagrations overwhelmed
by longer periods of drought, hotter and
longer summers, and large scale and            Extreme weather is not confined to hot
inappropriate human developments. The          and dry seasons. On the contrary, the last
scale of the fires produced in the last few    thirty years have seen a steady increase in
years has begun to impact on the world of      the numbers of hurricanes and storms, and
sport.                                         an increase in their average severity, while
                                               many parts of the world are experiencing
The 2020 Australian Tennis Open was            greater levels of precipitation, and new
played with air quality so poor that           geographical and seasonal patterns of
players were struggling to breathe on          rainfall.

      Global Sport, the Climate Emergency and the Case For Rapid Change                        7
Caribbean cricket has, perhaps, been the        play has been lost in five of the last ten
sport most severely impacted by these           years.19 Even English football, a game
shifts. In 2017 James Ronald Webster            not unused to rainy playing conditions,
Park in Anguilla was seriously damaged          saw more than twenty football league
by Hurricane Irma, and just two weeks           fixtures cancelled in the 2015/16 season.20
later Windsor Park cricket stadium in           This kind of weather doesn’t only affect
Dominica was devastated by the category         professional sport, but amateur and
5 Hurricane Maria.17 In 2019, Typhoon           grassroots sport as well. In England in
Hagabis came ashore in Japan with such          2014, the average grassroots pitch lost
torrential rain and winds that three games      five weeks per season to bad weather,
at the Rugby World Cup were cancelled.          and a third of these pitches lost between
Less apocalyptic in scale but even more         two and three months in a season.21
disruptive was Storm Ciara in 2020 which
saw the cancellation, in England, of one
Premier League game, six Women’s                Sea level rises, land
Super League matches and widespread             erosion and flooding
postponements in Dutch football and the
top two levels of Belgian football.18
                                                Beaches are amongst our most important
                                                natural sports fields. Sea level rises and
Less spectacular than hurricane and             the inevitable land erosion that goes
storms, normal wind patterns will also          with them threaten professional and
be subject to change, with implications         recreational sport alike. For example, the
for sailing and windsurfing that are            islands and archipelagos of the south
already being registered. Simultaneously,       Pacific are amongst the landscapes
a general increase in the level of              most threatened by sea level rises, and
precipitation is playing havoc with             their rich rugby cultures, nurtured on
sporting schedules. In English cricket,         their beaches, are equally imperilled.22
for example, 27 per cent of England’s           California’s beaches and their surfing
home One Day Internationals since 2000          culture are also looking insecure. One
were played with reduced overs because          recent study predicted that 18 per cent
of rain disruptions, and the number             of the state’s most popular breaks will be
of rain affected matches has doubled            lost by 2050, another 16 per cent will be in
since 2011; 5 per cent of matches have          decline, and that two thirds of all beaches
been abandoned altogether over the              in the southern half of California will be
last decade. Glamorgan County Cricket           gone by the of end century.23
Club, always the wettest outpost of the
game, has experienced even greater
                                                In more immediate danger from sea level
precipitation in the last twenty years. 1,300
                                                rises and coastal erosion are seaside
hours of play, were lost to rain between
                                                golf links. The R&A reports that one in
2000 and 2016, which is equivalent to
                                                six of the British Open championship
217 days in total and more than a dozen
                                                courses, including St Andrews, Troon and
a season. In addition, the club’s grounds
                                                Carnoustie, are unlikely to last out the
have been flooded six times. Across the
                                                century. Scotland’s Montrose golf course,
whole county championship, 175 days

                                                         Playing Against the Clock          8
one of the five oldest in the world where     Of the 92 league teams in England, 23,
records of the game date back to 1592,        almost one in four, can expect partial or
has been forced to sacrifice its third tee,   total annual flooding of their stadiums
to provide sufficient rock defences for the   by 2050. The four under threat in the
even more threatened first and second         current Premier League are Southampton’s
holes. It expects to lose more in the near    St Marys, Norwich’s Carrow Road,
future. The Royal North Devon golf club,      Chelsea’s Stamford Bridge and West
entirely flooded by Storm Deirdre in 2018,    Ham’s Olympic Stadium. Seven are at
has seen the eighth hole disappear into       risk in the Championship including Hull
the shingle beach. The golf courses of even   City and Cardiff City’s grounds which will
Donald Trump – the climate denier in chief    both be entirely under water by 2050.
– are taking action, like Doonsberg in the    Middlesborough’s Riverside, which will
Republic of Ireland where the organisation    itself avoid flooding, will nonetheless
has sought planning permissions to build      require a flotilla of boats to get fans
a huge rock barrier to protect three of its   to the ground across the wide-flooded
holes from sea level rises.24                 plains of the city. Doncaster, one of five
                                              clubs at risk in League One, will suffer
In 2015, English football got a glimpse       the same fate. League Two will also see
of the future when the torrential rain        five clubs flooded out, including Grimsby
accompanying Storm Desmond saw                Town’s Blundell Park which will sit beneath
Carlisle United’s Brunton Park flooded        the new North Sea. Things will be wet
and the club forced out of the stadium for    in Netherlands too where the stadiums
seven weeks, at considerable financial        of Alkmaar Den Haag, Groningen,
cost.25 There really is going to be more of   Heerenveen and Utrecht can look forward
this in sport. Using mapping technology       to total annual flooding with partial floods
and mainstream climate change and sea         for Ajax and Feyenoord.
level models, we can see that Bordeaux’s
Matmut Atlantiq stadium will, by 2050, be
completely flooded on an annual basis,
while Werder Bremen’s Weserstadion
can expect annual partial floods. In
the United States the NFL’s Jacksonville
Jaguars and their TIAA Bank Field, and
the NBA’s Miami Heat and their American
Airlines Arena, can expect the same. The
New York Giants & New York Jets’ MetLife
Stadium and the New York Mets’ Citi
Arena will be completely flooded every
year. In Canada, the Edmonton Oilers’
Rogers Place and Toronto FC’s BMO Field
will be part flooded on an annual basis.
However, this is as nothing to the fate
awaiting the football stadiums of England
and the Netherlands.26

      Global Sport, the Climate Emergency and the Case For Rapid Change                 9
2. Putting up a big score: Sport’s
contribution to climate change

Given how obsessed the world of sport          process and suggest a figure for sport’s
is with counting and statistics, it is         carbon emissions that is at least the right
remarkable how little counting of carbon       order of magnitude.
has been conducted. The only reasonably
thorough and rigorous studies have
been commissioned by the IOC, FIFA             Estimating the emissions
and UEFA in relation to the Olympics, the      of the Olympic games,
World Cup and the European Football
championships, alongside a small body          World Cups and the
of work on individual football clubs, the      global sporting circuit
lower leagues of English football and
North America’s National Hockey League.
                                               Consider this:
However, the carbon emissions of most
sports in most countries, and most events
and leagues, let alone grassroots sports,      Estimates of the carbon emissions from
are a mystery.                                 the Summer Games – including both the
                                               Olympics and the Paralympics – since
                                               2008 have been:27
In addition two important ancillary
components of the global sports circuit, the
broadcasting industry and the sportswear       Beijing 2008                        1.2 MT
industry, both of which have a substantial
                                               London 2012                         3.4 MT
carbon footprint are absent for these
calculations. Neither is simple to calculate   Rio 2016                            3.6 MT
as the sportswear industry is rather coy
about its carbon emissions, and we have        (MT = Million tonnes CO2e)
only just been to calculate the carbon
costs of different kinds of digital sports
                                               Beijing’s emissions were calculated
consumption (on TV/tablets/ phones etc).
                                               without including spectator travel and
Their absence means that the round figure
                                               accommodation and are, therefore,
for sport’s carbon footprint generated in
                                               significantly lower than its successors. All
this paper is a significant understatement.
                                               the estimates include venue construction,
                                               but London and Rio added the carbon
Generating a figure, then, for the carbon      emissions associated with at least
footprint of global sport is going to          some of the transport and other urban
require a lot of assumptions, guesses and      infrastructure built alongside the games
estimates, but there is, I would argue, just   and are thus, our best guides.28
enough information for us to begin that

                                                         Playing Against the Clock          10
Estimates for the Winter Games since 2010       sporting world championships which
have been:                                      occur themselves on a biannual or
                                                annual basis. Given events on the global
Vancouver 2010                   0.25 MT        sports circuit have less infrastructure
                                                costs than an Olympic games, and fewer
Sochi 2014                       0.52 MT        international spectators, and therefore
                                                smaller carbon footprints, we could add in
Pyeongchang 2018                 1.59 MT        the continental competitions, international
                                                circuits/tours, youth games, that most
                                                sports put on beyond their singular world
Vancouver did not include the
                                                championships. A similar proxy could
emissions associated with new
                                                perhaps be suggested for the World Cup
transport infrastructure, which were very
                                                and the world of international football
considerable, while Sochi’s estimates in
                                                (qualifiers and continental tournaments,
this regard were considered very low.
                                                continental club competitions, youth world
                                                cups, women’s World Cups). So, each year
Estimates for the FIFA World Cup (which         global sports produce the same carbon
includes the Confederations Cup held            emissions as a hypothetical year in which
the year prior to the World Cup as well         both Olympics and the World Cup take
as associated events, like draws and            place.
banquets) since 2010 are:
                                                Taking a rough average of the estimates
South Africa 2010                2.75 MT        above, that is around 7-8 million tonnes
                                                for the Olympics and the World Cup
Brazil 2014                      2.27 MT        and then, if we add in the other major
                                                international sporting circuits – F1, cricket,
Russia 2018                      2.16 MT
                                                tennis, golf, rugby league etc – a ball park
                                                figure might be 10 million tonnes a year
The Brazilian and Russian estimates did         for global sport.
not include stadium construction carbon
and are thus on the low side. Athlete and       Another way of coming at this is to look
spectator travel accounted for 67 per cent      at the research in Sportcal’s 2017 Global
of South African emissions, 83 per cent         Sporting Impact report which, over a four
in Brazil and 74 per cent in Russia, which      year cycle 2013-2106, compiled a list of
offers a useful rule of thumb for calculating   the leading 317 global sporting events.30
spectator carbon emissions at other             They found that there were 54 million
international events.29                         spectators at them, of which the World
                                                Cup and the winter and summer Olympics
I wonder, in the case of the summer and         accounted for 10 million. So that’s about
winter Olympics, if we could allow the          a fifth of the total spectatorship, but given
games to stand proxy for the carbon             their greater carbon intensity, at least a
footprint of world sport over the four          quarter of emissions, which would give us
year cycle during which they take place?        a similar figure to the first estimate.
After all, they are, in effect, multiple

     Global Sport, the Climate Emergency and the Case For Rapid Change                     11
Professional sports                           This would mean an average for each
                                              club of about 10,000 tonnes a year, which
leagues                                       squares very well with one of the few
                                              other carbon footprint calculations – for Vfl
The data here is a lot less satisfactory.     Wolfsburg in the Bundesliga.32
The single best study of carbon emissions
for a football club is for Fluminense, from   Coming at it another way we can look at
Rio, in 2014. This calculated that the        the work done on the lower tiers of English
club’s activities (all teams, aviation and    football which calculates that spectator
spectator travel included) emitted 2,500      transport produces, in a season, 55,000
tonnes. If this were the average for the      tonnes of carbon from around 11 million
Brazilian top division teams (many have       spectators. The EPL has 14.5 million
bigger crowds than Fluminense, so it may      spectators, a simple ratio here suggests
be an underestimate) then the league as       that EPL spectators are emitting at least
whole would be emitting 50,000 tonnes         72,500 tonnes a year from transport
a season.31                                   alone.33 A second study on carbon
                                              emissions from food, drinks and waste at
Translating this into emissions for other     lower league football in England gives
other leagues, in richer countries which      an annual total of around 30,000 tonnes.
generally emit more carbon, generate          Applying the same logic as above that
more waste etc, we can adjust be looking      is around 40,000 tonnes a year from the
at the ratio of per capita emissions          EPL.34 From a third study we can add on
between Brazil and another country. In the    another 1000 for the carbon emitted by
case of the English Premier League (EPL),     EPL squads transport arrangements
the ratio would be 2.37/5.59. So we can       and that gives estimate of around 103–
assume that an EPL club produces approx       104,000 tonnes.35
2.35 times as much carbon as a Brazilian
club. So that gives a figure for the EPL of   The first two numbers are both likely to
110,793 tonnes a year.                        be underestimates as Premier League
                                              clubs attract spectators from a much great
However, the EPL has a lot more               geographical area than the lower leagues
spectators than the Brazilian                 (including international travellers) and
championship, and spectators are the          consume more food and more energy
biggest carbon emitters in this situation.    while going to the game. If one made
So, again, a ratio needs to be calculated:    a 50 per cent increase on waste and
                                              spectator emissions that gives us a figure
                                              or around 150,000 tonnes. Note there is no
Brazilian Championship
                                              calculation here for the emissions created
Spectators                    8.5 million
                                              by other stadium operations, construction,
EPL Spectators               14.5 million     training, women’s teams, youth teams
                                              etc. Looking at the kinds of contributions
                                              these make in Brazil, an increase of 10-
This makes an estimated carbon total for      20,000 tonnes a year gives us an estimate
the EPL of 110,793 x 1.7 = 200,117 tonnes.    of 170,000 tonnes for the EPL which is

                                                      Playing Against the Clock         12
of the same order of magnitude as our          Similar back of the envelope calculations
first estimate of 200,000 tonnes a year.       give us figures of around 140,000 tonnes
An average of the two would be 185,000         a year for La Liga and Serie A, 570,000
tonnes of carbon a year.                       tonnes for Japanese baseball, and a total
                                               for the top 17 professional leagues of
If the EPL, on these calculations, were        7.9 million tonnes of carbon per annum
a yardstick for professional sport in the      on a total attendance of 280 million. The
global north, we can hazard a guess at         next 20 or so leagues are responsible for
the footprint of other leagues by taking       around two million tonnes of carbon. The
a ratio of EPL spectators to their own         total global attendance at national sport
attendance figures and then allowing for       events is hard to calculate but it seems to
the different carbon footprints of different   be that these big leagues in big countries
countries with a ratio of per capita carbon    probably account of about half of the
outputs.                                       world’s sports attendance. So that gives
                                               a ball park figure of around 20 million
                                               tonnes and a total for global sport of
So a calculation for American baseball’s       around 30 million tonnes – approximately
MLB would be:                                  the same as the whole of Denmark or
                                               twice that of Ethiopia.
MLB/EPL Spectators
68.5 million/14.5 million = 4.72               Large as these figures may seem, they
                                               are almost certainly a considerable
US/UK emissions:
                                               underestimate. Consider this. The size
16.1/5.6 = 2.875
                                               of the global sports industry has been
MLB Emissions: 		                              calculated at around $500 billion a year.37
4.72 x 2.875 x 185,000 = 2.5 million            Global GDP is $85 trillion which means
                                               that sport is about 0.6% of the global
                                               economy which is responsible for 50 to
This would give a figure of 2.5 million        60 billion tonnes of CO2e. Sport may be
tonnes for MLB and approximately 0.75          less carbon intensive than some economic
million tonnes for NHL, NBA and the NFL.       sectors – like concrete production – but it
The NHL has calculated it 2016 stadium         also very heavy on aviation, so its 0.6 per
carbon footprint at 182,355 tonnes,            cent of global GDP is probably something
and that does not include spectator or         close to generating 0.6 per cent of global
team travel, and for international and         emissions, which makes it responsible for
domestic events this makes up 65–80 per        300–350 million tonnes; that means sport
cent of carbon emissions. So, a figure of      is not the equivalent of Bolivia or Angola,
around three quarters of million a year,       but of Spain or Poland. Either way, or
calculated by our estimates, is not entirely   somewhere in the middle, at this perilous
implausible.36                                 moment in our climate and planetary
                                               history, this is too much.

     Global Sport, the Climate Emergency and the Case For Rapid Change                 13
3. Playing catch up: Global
sporting federations and
environmental policy
Sport and                                       Then IOC President Samaranch first spoke
                                                on the matter at Davos in 1991, but the
environmental policy                            main energies pushing the IOC came
                                                from outside. In the realm of international
The longest standing, and perhaps most          politics the UNEP conference in Rio in
important trigger for the sports world’s        1992 set a new, baseline environmental
engagement with the environment has             agenda for every international and
been the Winter Olympics. Since their           national organisation, in every sector
inception in 1924 the games have                of economy and society. Beyond the
invariably served as an opportunity to          games the 1990s saw an outburst of anti-
advertise winter sports facilities in fragile   golf protest, particularly in fragile rural
mountain ecosystems, as well as build           ecosystems in China and South East Asia
the transport and tourism infrastructure        where local farmers were dispossessed
that delivers the paying public. As early       by developments.38 In the realm of
as 1932, the proposed bobsleigh run for         international sport the local organisers
the Lake Placid games, which required           of the Lillehammer winter games of 1994
the cutting down of numerous trees, was         and the Sydney summer games of 2000s,
successfully opposed by local residents.        pressured by their local environmental
The 1968 Grenoble games were notorious          movements set new standards for
for sports facilities that were unsuited        environmental engagement at mega-
to or degraded their surroundings. The          events in terms of venue design, energy
ski jump was too exposed to the wind,           and water use and recycling.
disrupting training. The downhill ski runs
were at an altitude too low for snow            After Lillehammer, the IOC and UNEP
cover to be guaranteed. The luge run was        convened a sport and environment
too low to guarantee ice. All were later        commission, and in 1999 the principles of
abandoned, a fact noted by a coalition of       environmental sustainability were written
environmentalists and low tax republicans       into the Olympic charter. The following
who forced and won a referendum                 year the IOC developed its first set of
opposing Denver holding the 1976 games.         environmental protocols for bidding
                                                and staging Olympic events, requiring
Nonetheless, it took till the early 1990s,      prospective and actual hosts to closely
and more environmental controversy              monitor their environmental impact. They
around the 1992 Albertville games, for          have been recently updated in the IOCs
the IOC to really take the issue seriously.     Agenda 2020 strategy document and, the
                                                organisation has now announced that

                                                        Playing Against the Clock        14
from 2030 the games will not be merely         some offsets in relation to the emissions
carbon neutral, but carbon negative.           from the 2010 and 2014 World Cups,
However, the IOC’s power to influence          and incorporated environmental criteria
local organisers once a bid has been           into the bidding rounds for the 2018
allocated has proved very limited, and         and 2022 World Cups. Qatar 2022 will,
nothing in its current practice suggests       according to the organisers, be a carbon
this is likely to change.39 Athens failed to   neutral World Cup, though quite how this
meet almost every single environmental         accounts for the hydrocarbon soaked
objective it set itself, as well as leaving    wealth that has made the show possible
the largest legacy of empty and unusable       is unspoken. UEFA had planned to foot
stadiums. Beijing’s air pollution was worse    the entire offsetting bill for spectator
at the end of its Olympic programme than       aviation emissions generated by the now
when it began. London promised to offset       postponed Euro 2020 European Football
its carbon emissions, and then failed to do    Championships.
so.40 Amongst the winter games Vancouver,
Sochi and Pyeongchang, environmental
degradation took many forms: building          The trouble with
on sacred Native American land in              offsetting
Canada, tearing up a national park in
Russia, and felling ancient and spiritually
                                               Offsetting is not in itself a panacea.
revered forest in South Korea.41 As we
                                               Some schemes have been shown to be
know from decades of environmental
                                               worse than useless, either not working or
and climate policy implementation any
                                               even increasing emissions. Other offsets
credible governance system needs serious
                                               schemes may fund projects which are
compliance and sanctioning mechanisms.
                                               in themselves good, and might absorb
This is what happens in their absence.
                                               carbon, but not in a like-for-like way. Fossil
                                               fuels are a stable long term way to store
That said, a least the IOC has been            carbon, but if you plant trees to offset
engaged. Very few sports organisations,        the use of oil for example, a tree might
greenwash aside, have had any kind             live for only a few years or decades, not
of serious environmental programme,            store carbon for millions of years. So, first
beyond installing recycling bins at events,    and foremost, sport needs to reduce its
and certainly not in the field of climate      absolute emissions by minimising its use of
change. The only real exception has            fossil fuel energy, switching to renewable
been international football and it has         energy where possible and cutting out
hardly begun. The game’s engagement            unnecessary travel and choosing lower
with climate change was initiated by           carbon transport options. Then, when it
the German organisers of the 2006              hits the wall of cuts that can be made in
men’s World Cup, who, together with            these ways, it should alongside investing
the German government, invested half a         in carbon capture, choose to compensate
million euros in energy and water saving       rather than just offset for its remaining
technologies and offsetting 100,000 tonnes     emissions, including making payments
of emissions from spectator aviation (likely   communities who are most vulnerable to
a massive underestimate). FIFA paid for        the climate emergency.

     Global Sport, the Climate Emergency and the Case For Rapid Change                    15
While all of these initiatives have been       environmental slogans in the sports
a useful start they remain a fragmented        world since, but there has been precious
and very incomplete package. In an             little action, especially amongst the
effort to bring some systematic thinking       governing bodies of sport and the leading
and political urgency to the problem, the      professional and commercial leagues.
UNFCCC and some of the leading world
sports organisations launched, in 2016, the    In 2018, Arnout Geeraert and Play the
UN Sport for Climate Action Framework          Game published a remarkably detailed
and invited the sporting world to sign up.42   survey of global and national sporting
                                               institutions, in which environmental
The framework requires organisations           issues were one of 52 minutely
to take systematic measures to reduce          detailed and researched dimensions
their carbon emissions and reach climate       of governance.43 Geeraert examined,
neutrality by 2050. Along the way they are     inter alia, whether organisations had a
asked to educate their athletes, clubs and     published environmental policy and a
spectators on climate change issues, and       staff member centrally concerned with the
advocate for sustainable solutions. There      issue; whether their bidding process for
are, however, no targets in the framework,     tournaments and the staging of games
and no mechanisms of control, and, above       had environmental targets; whether they
all, an inadequate sense of urgency.           encouraged their national and local
The climate science is increasingly clear:     affiliates to engage with the issue; and
the “limit temperature rises to 2°C by         whether they cooperated with other
2050” model will be pretty catastrophic        organisations on environmental policies?
in its own right, and that we have to do       Hardly the most rigorous or demanding
the vast majority of our decarbonisation       of tests? Yet, despite such a low bar, he
in the next decade. If the past two            found that only one of the five global
decades of environmental policy in sports      organisations he examined – FIFA – was
organisations is anything to go by then        up to this minimal mark, while FINA
saying to global sport that 2050 is the        (Aquatic sports), the IHF (Hockey) and the
target is a sure fire guarantee of nothing     ITF (Tennis) couldn’t manage even twenty
being done for another generation.             percent of these minuscule requirements.
                                               The results for national sports associations
                                               in Europe was dismal, with the average
The state of play: Sports                      national body in athletics, swimming,
federations, leagues                           tennis and handball just as bad, and
                                               only as high as it was because of the
and the environment                            exceptional records of Danish and
                                               Norwegian associations. In a follow up
It is now almost twenty-five years since the   survey conducted in 2019 on six additional
IOC made environmental sustainability          world sports federations, only two – FEI
a pillar of the Olympic movement, and          (Equestrianism) and FIS) (Skiing) had all
two decades since the Sydney Olympics          the environmental governance measures
claimed to be “the greenest games              in place, but the FIVB (Volleyball), and IIHF
ever.” There has been no shortage of           (Ice Hockey) have almost none, and the

                                                       Playing Against the Clock         16
FIG (Gymnastics) and IBU (Biathlon) were           Bringing up the tail there is a miscellany
a long way short of a minimum standard             of marathons, organising committees,
of environmental good governance.44                reasonably esoteric sports bodies – Bowls
                                                   Australia and the International Rafting
Our own quick survey of global sporting            Federation, for example – the Mets and
and bodies and national leagues (the               the Yankees, three clubs from MLS, Vfl
details of which are in the appendix)              Wolfsburg and Forest Green Rovers.
suggests that things haven’t moved on              A merry band, perhaps, but hardly a
very much. Given the really very minimal           comprehensive squad.
commitments entailed in signing up to the
UN Sports and Climate Action Framework             Of course signing up to the UN Framework
it is remarkable just how few have taken           is no guarantee that a sports federation
the plunge.45 The IOC, FIFA, UEFA and the          or club will have environmental policies
IPC (Paralympics) were early signatories           and plans consummate with their newly
and have been joined by World Athletics,           acquired commitments. There have
World Rugby, the UCI (Cycling) and the             been, as we shall see in more detail
global bodies for taekwondo, wrestling             below, many one-off environmental, low
and sailing. But this leaves the majority          carbon initiatives in global sport, and in
of sports federations represented at the           the fields of stadium design and waste
Olympics outside the framework. From               management some developments.
amongst winter sports, only the world ice          However, tackling climate change clearly
hockey and skiing federations have joined,         requires more than one-off ventures and
which makes one wonder what the people             well-meaning guidelines. At the very
in charge of luge and bobsleigh think they         least organisations require a written,
are going to be sliding on in the future.          strategic, long term plan that looks to
                                                   make their sport carbon neutral by 2030.
The four major tournaments of the world            Currently, among sports federations, only
tennis circuit are all signatories, yet cricket,   the IOC and World Athletics have such
which is equally, if not more, at risk from        a document, while amongst professional
extreme heat is barely present. Two clubs          leagues and events only Formula 1 and
from Melbourne are there but no sign of            the NHL have made serious carbon
the ICC or the big national cricket boards.        commitments. FIFA are planning carbon
Golf, the US Golf Association aside, is            neutral World Cups and UEFA plans a
conspicuous by its absence. Amongst the            carbon neutral European Championship,
biggest professional commercial leagues            but this leaves great swathes of their
there are major gaps. In North America             activities unaccounted for. The rest,
the NFL, the NBA and MLS have signed               even those that have signed up to the
but not NHL or MLB. In Europe, from the            framework, have either strategies that fall
five biggest football nations, the DFB             short of this or none at all.
and the English FA are in, but neither the
Bundesliga nor the Premier League are. In          Perhaps more telling than the presence
Spain La Liga has joined, but not Spain’s          or absence of any document or policy
football federation, and neither federation        framework, is the very real presence
or league from France or Italy is present.         of petrochemical companies, airlines

     Global Sport, the Climate Emergency and the Case For Rapid Change                      17
and vehicle manufactures as sponsors
                                               First steps: Sport and
and advertisers in the global sport.
Gazprom are top tier sponsors of               carbon emissions
FIFA, UEFA and world bobsleigh; Total
sponsors badminton, triathlon and the          UEFA
Confederation of African Football; Esso        Perhaps the biggest challenge for
pairs with the International Ice Hockey        global sport is dealing with the carbon
Federation, the Azerbaijani state oil          emissions from spectator attendance,
company, SOCAR, is another UEFA                especially at international events, which
sponsor, while its Italian equivalent, ENI,    generate huge amounts of air traffic.
sponsors Serie A. Airlines are equally         UEFA experimented at the 2016 European
enmeshed in global sport with their own        Football Championships with a campaign
portfolios of promotion: Qatar Airlines        and app that would allow fans to
(FIFA); Lufthansa (the DFB, Modern             offset their own carbon emissions when
Pentathlon); Air Canada (Ice Hockey); and      attending the tournament; but the take
                                               up was lamentably low. Consequently,
Emirates (Asian Football Confederation,
                                               UEFA decided to absorb the entire costs
the English Football Association).
                                               of offsetting the aviation emissions for
                                               EURO 2020 themselves. If global sport is
Both these hydrocarbon sectors                 to continue in anything close to its current
are present in the top leagues of              form this has, at the minimum and taking
European football, where petrochemical         account of the weaknesses of offsetting,
sponsorships include: Total at RB Leipzig      to be the default model for every single
and Union Berlin, Gazprom at Schalke           international sporting event.47
04, Suncor at Liverpool, Ineos at Nice,
and AVAV Energeisa at Eibar in Spain.          World athletics
Airline sponsorships include: Emirates         In 2019 World Athletics unveiled its
(Arsenal, AC Milan, Real Madrid), Etihad       environmental strategy and it is the first
(Manchester City), Qatar Airlines (Roma,       really serious attempt to go carbon neutral
PSG) and smaller carriers at Verona,           amongst sports federations.48 It does
Reims, Real Valladolid, Newcastle United,      not, as yet, commit to dealing with the
West Ham United and Norwich City.              emissions generated by spectators, but it
                                               does commit to transforming the emissions
This is not to suggest that some sports        of the organisation itself, the hosts of
organisations aren’t beginning to make         the global events it is involved with, and
real changes, and below I list some            all the sponsors it works with. All are
of the more innovative and important           expected to be carbon neutral by 2030
                                               based on a ten per cent reduction per
developments, but they are, as yet, too
                                               year, year on year, over the next decade.
limited in their scope, and too few in their
                                               This is the bare minimum that every other
number and we are getting very close to
                                               sports organisation needs to devise for
the final whistle.46

                                                       Playing Against the Clock         18
World sailing                                   to build the first new wooden stadium
World Sailing’s Sustainability Report           in Britain for over a century, and the first
2030, is one of the few other documents         carbon zero stadium ever.51 More recently
from amongst Olympic sports federations         Forest Green have been joined by Real
that commits to a carbon reduction target,      Betis from Sevillia in their commitment to
with a plan to cut emissions at events by       carbon neutrality
50 per cent by 2024, as well introducing
higher environmental standards for boats
                                                German football
themselves: for example, to participate in
                                                The Bundesliga itself has not signed
the 2028 Olympic Games, 90 per cent of a
                                                up to the UN Sports for Climate Action
boat must be recyclable, and waste from
                                                Framework, but many of its member
the production process must be halved
                                                clubs have been taking action. Both
compared to 2018.49
                                                Mainz FC and SC Freiburg have almost
                                                a decade of environmental work behind
Formula 1
                                                them, pioneering recycling, green waste
Hitherto the world’s number one advert
                                                management and the use of renewable
for burning carbon and unsustainable
                                                energy in football. Werder Bremen has
lifestyles, Formula 1, has undergone
                                                built one of the largest solar panel arrays
something of a Damascene conversion
                                                in football, introduced ferry services to
and pledged, spectator travel aside, to
                                                the stadium to cut down on car use, and
be carbon zero by 2030. Racing the cars
                                                has actually banned car parking around
themselves is a minuscule 0.7 per cent of
the quarter of a million tonnes of carbon       the stadium on match days. All three
the events and the teams emit each year.        of these clubs encouraged their staff
The real issues, as usual, are the transport    to attend the Friday for Future climate
costs of moving teams, cars, sponsors and       strikes. TSG Hoffenheim, has been
spectators around the world, primarily          investing in African forestry, sustainable
by air, which F1 plans to offset, but with      textile and environmental education
all the attendant issues outlined above,        projects. Augsburg FC invested heavily
by investing in carbon capture and              in a geothermal energy system to make
reforestation.50                                their new stadium carbon neutral while
                                                VfL Wolfsburg has signed up to the UN
Forest Green Rovers                             Framework, and, almost uniquely in
Forest Green Rovers, in Nailsworth in the       the world game, calculated its carbon
west of England, play in League Two,            footprint. Given this kind work, and
the fourth level of English professional        widespread support for these issues
football, but they are the first UN certified   amongst German fans, the Bundesliga
carbon zero football club in the world. The     has the opportunity to create a framework
club uses 100 per cent renewable energy,        that would make the Bundesliga the first
has switched to vegan food for staff            carbon zero league in the world.52 The
and fans, installed extensive rainwater         French authorities have recently launched
recycling, a solar powered lawn mower           their own collective effort – the NGO
and plenty of electric vehicle charging         Football Ecologie France, to make
points. It now has planning permission          French football carbon zero.53

     Global Sport, the Climate Emergency and the Case For Rapid Change                    19
4. Conclusions: No Normal Sport
in an Abnormal World
The rallying cry of the anti-apartheid          and though we may find our way through
sports movement of the late twentieth           the pandemic, this will still be threatened
century calls to us now. Then, there could,     by climate change. It is no surprise that
morally and politically, be no normal sport     sport did not predict and prepare for
if one played with the representatives of       coronavirus, but with climate change
a violent and authoritarian regime where        there is no excuse; we have had the pre-
race determined who you could play with         match brief, the dossier, the video play
and how. Racism and exclusion in sports         back and all the data. What time is it?
has not gone away, but now it is joined         It’s game time.
by a new abnormality – the risks, dangers
and disruptions posed by climate change
                                                • All global sporting federations and
to playing sport, to playing safely and
                                                  their national members, and all
happily on this planet. It’s worth adding
                                                  professional sports leagues and tours
that the climate emergency places a
                                                  need to sign the UN Sport for Climate
disproportionate burden on people wtih
                                                  Action Framework.
low incomes in the global South, and
black and minority ethnic communities in        • Of course, the framework needs to be
the global North. The sports world needs          tougher. At a minimum, all signatories
to make some fundamental changes, now.            must commit, within one year of
                                                  signing, to draw up and publish a
In 2020 the world has been given                  comprehensive ten year plan that will
a master class in the dynamics of                 ensure that their own operations and
catastrophe. The impact of the coronavirus        that of their sport, including spectator
pandemic on sport has demonstrated the            travel, are carbon zero by 2030.
fragility of our institutions, but also the     • These documents need to be drawn
possibility of radical, rapid change. Our         up to a standard of at least the detail
rationed exercise and limited access to           of World Athletics, setting very clear
open space reminds us of the inequalities         annual targets and steps to achieve
of access to sport facilities and activities,     them. Presidents and CEOs need to
but also of our profound and universal
                                                  take personal responsibility for their
need to move and play. The eerie silence
of football games played behind closed
door games has spoken to our loneliness         • This requires an entirely new level of
and separation, and, in its absence, to           monitoring and reporting from sports
the power and the joy of human crowds.            bodies which must be externally
These insights are worth preserving.              reviewed by an independent body
Above all the idea that our need to play is       created and funded by the global
an essential component of the good life,          sports industry.

                                                        Playing Against the Clock        20
• After 2030, any global sports events or        Fewer tournaments and competitions,
  tours that are not carbon zero should          held less often, might be part of the
  be cancelled or postponed until they           solution. Either way, the sports world
  are. Sports federations that are not           must commit to the very highest
  carbon zero should be excluded from            standards of carbon offset programme
  the Olympics. National federations             for their own and their spectators
  that had not made sufficient progress          emissions.
  could be excluded from international
                                              • Government and other public bodies,
  competition by their sports federations.
                                                from sports ministries to the European
• The leading professional and                  Union, that fund sporting organisations
  commercial tours and leagues should           must make carbon zero plans a
  do the same, and membership of                precondition of any future monies.
  that tour or that league, for clubs and
                                              • All sports federations, global and
  franchises, should become dependent
                                                national, need to survey the impact of
  on them doing the same as well.
                                                climate change on grassroots sport,
  Progress on carbon reduction could
                                                and establish funding mechanisms
  be part of the annual audit that clubs
                                                to support its response to these
  undergo and a precondition of their
                                                problems. Perhaps most important of
  participation. Host venues for tours like
                                                all, the global sports industry needs to
  the European Golf Tour or the ICC’s
                                                reprioritise grassroots and local sport
  test matches and ODI competitions,
                                                (low carbon) over professional and
  for example, should make similar
                                                global sport (high carbon).
  demands on their hosts and events.
                                              Achieving this will involve a monumentally
• The same strictures should be applied
                                              complex and demanding set of tasks.
  to any company that wants to be
                                              It is well beyond the reach of this
  a sponsor or broadcaster of any
                                              paper to outline all the ways which
  signatory to the framework. They
                                              sporting organisations and events could
  need to sign up, have a carbon zero
                                              decarbonise, but they would certainly
  commitment, and show how their
                                              include: new stadiums and other facilities
  business, including all the activation
                                              adopting entirely new building standards
  events and advertising conducted
                                              and zero carbon materials, served
  around sports, is reducing and
                                              overwhelmingly by walking, cycling and
  compensating for its emissions.
                                              public transport; every event needs
• It goes without saying that global sport    to minimise its energy consumption,
  needs to wean itself of petro-chemical      transform its food and waste cultures,
  and aviation sponsorship as soon as         cut out plastic, recycle everything,
  possible.                                   decarbonise its use of transport, including
                                              athletes, spectators and officials, and
• Nonetheless, across the board, there
                                              offset or compensate for what they must.
  needs to be a recognition that if
  international sport is going to continue
  in anything close to its current form,      In truth, these kinds of changes need to
  it will be using a lot of aviation.         happen in every economic and social

     Global Sport, the Climate Emergency and the Case For Rapid Change                   21
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