Growing with purpose Sustainability Report 2018 - Kelly Services

Page created by Danielle Mullins
Growing with purpose Sustainability Report 2018 - Kelly Services
with purpose
Sustainability Report 2018
Growing with purpose Sustainability Report 2018 - Kelly Services
Contents / 2

 3 / Introduction                                           13 / Our Corporate Sustainability Strategy           47 / Materiality
 4 / Message from our President and CEO                     14 / 2018 Corporate Sustainability milestones        48 / Materiality process
 5 / Q&A on our new Corporate Sustainability Strategy       16 / Corporate Sustainability policy
                                                                                                                 50 / Stakeholder engagement
 6 / Our business: products and services                    17 / Ethics and business conduct
                                                                                                                 51 / Stakeholder engagement matrix
 7 / Mission, vision, and values                            19 / Employees and people
 8 / Global representation and value chain                  24 / Diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunity     54 / UN Global Compact Commitment
10 / By the numbers                                         29 / Nondiscrimination and compensation philosophy
                                                                                                                 57 / About this report
11 / Mergers, acquisitions, investments, and divestitures   30 / Engagement
12 / Recognition                                            33 / Occupational health & safety and environment    59 / GRI Index
                                                            41 / Supply chain and customer relations
                                                            43 / Supplier Code of Conduct
                                                            45 / Diverse supplier strategy
Growing with purpose Sustainability Report 2018 - Kelly Services
Contents / 3

Message from our President and CEO
Q&A on our new Corporate Sustainability Strategy
Our business: products and services
Mission, vision, and values
Global representation and value chain
By the numbers
Mergers, acquisitions, investments, and divestitures

Growing with purpose Sustainability Report 2018 - Kelly Services
Introduction / Message from our President and CEO                                                                                                                      Contents / 4

Message from our President and CEO
Welcome to Growing with Purpose,                       transparent and competitive. To achieve these         Sustainable Development Goals. While there is
Kelly’s Corporate Sustainability Report                goals, we have produced the Growing with              much more to do in this area, Kelly’s new strategy
Kelly Services® was built upon a heritage of strong    Purpose sustainability report that follows, based     puts us on the path to doing it. Kelly’s sustainability
ethical standards and a commitment to excellence.      on six strategic pillars:                             strategy has the potential to change business as
Integrity, treating every person with respect, and     • Ethics and Business Conduct                         usual, creating shared value for all our stakeholders.
always doing the right thing have been the guiding
                                                       • Employees and People                                We look forward to reporting to you regularly
principles that have sustained our business for more
                                                       • Engagement                                          on the sustainable future we are creating as we
than 70 years. It is these principles that have led
                                                                                                             continue to grow with purpose.
to the success Kelly’s enjoyed for almost three-       • Occupational Health & Safety and Environment
quarters of a century.
                                                       • Supply Chain and Customer Relations
In recent years, corporate sustainability strategies   • Communications, Evaluation, and Reporting
have continued to evolve and grow in their level
of sophistication. Many strategies now include         We believe our approach to sustainability will
new focus areas and technology that our guiding        enable us to do business in a socially responsible
principles need to address. Businesses like ours       manner as part of an ethical environment. For us,     George Corona
have come to realize that a formal corporate           sustainability is a value that can be embedded        President and CEO
sustainability strategy will produce guidelines        in our everyday work practices. As of 2019, we
that create greater accountability, increase long-                                                           Kelly Services
                                                       started supporting the UN Global Compact and
term stakeholder value, as well as make us more        we are committed to aligning our initiatives to its
Growing with purpose Sustainability Report 2018 - Kelly Services
Introduction / Q&A on our new Corporate Sustainability Strategy                                                                                                                                              Contents / 5

Q&A on our new Corporate Sustainability Strategy

                           —Tim Dupree, Vice President and Managing Director, Global Service                                              —Belen Benitez, Corporate Sustainability Lead

Q1.                                                    Q2.                                                     Q3.                                                    Q4.
Why did Kelly® decide to move from Corporate           What were the Corporate Sustainability                  What are the biggest challenges you face when          What outcomes are expected after
Social Responsibility initiatives toward a             achievements you were most proud of in 2018?            implementing the Sustainability Strategy?              the Corporate Sustainability Strategy
Corporate Sustainability Strategy? What was the                                                                                                                       implementation, short and long term?
case for change?                                       I am most proud of the level of commitment that         There are several challenges involved when
                                                       we have been able to achieve across all levels          implementing a Corporate Sustainability Strategy.      We truly believe that connecting people to work in
It was based on the need to ensure that the            of the company in response to the Corporate             Our industry has a huge opportunity to make a          ways that enrich their lives is Kelly’s purpose. To do
investments we are making as a company are             Sustainability changes we introduced in 2018.           social impact and that is our main focus, while        so, we need to be coherent and socially responsible
aligned to our long-term strategy. Sustainability is   We have established a Sustainability Governance         still addressing environmental improvement             in all ways possible. Therefore, our short-term goals
intended to create long-term value across multiple     team who is actively engaged in aligning our            opportunities. There is a learning curve involved in   involve making sure Kelly is not only compliant,
dimensions—social, economic, environmental,            policies to our strategy, as well as making business    this process: business units need to understand how    but also a leader in good, sustainable practices
and cultural. We want to ensure that the business      decisions that integrate sustainability as a company    their job connects to our sustainable performance      internally. In the long term, we aim to be a reference
decisions we make every day are proactively            value. Our initiatives reflect our commitment           and also the importance of collaborative work with     point in our industry for sustainable performance—
aligned to our noble purpose and business              and are coherent with our sustainable proposal.         other areas of the organization. We are part of the    addressing environmental, social, and economic
strategy. As a result of our more proactive and        For example, we have introduced Engage—our              supply chain of 20,000+ companies worldwide, so        challenges in the most responsible manner, while
disciplined approach, we will be able to clearly       new volunteer program where our employees               we need to create shared value for our customers       creating a positive impact for society and the planet.
focus on ensuring compliance to our sustainability     can take paid personal time to volunteer in             in ways that are also aligned to their own business
commitments with transparency to our clients,          their communities—which shares know-how in              strategies. Therefore, we must be proactive
shareholders, and employees.                           alignment with our company’s strategic pillars, while   and demonstrate that Kelly is, by all means, a
                                                       addressing community needs.                             sustainable business partner.
Growing with purpose Sustainability Report 2018 - Kelly Services
Introduction / Our business: products and services                                                                                                                     Contents / 6

Our business: products and services
As the founder of the staffing industry, Kelly         workforce solutions leader—delivering expertise           In addition, we provide comprehensive workforce
has been connecting great people and great             in a number of specialty services across education,       management solutions globally to help many of
companies for the past seven decades. Small            engineering, IT, finance, science, and beyond.            the world’s largest companies plan, attract, and
and large businesses alike trust our expertise in      These specialty services complement our expertise         manage their workforce through our outsourcing
providing solutions that span the entire spectrum of   in staffing for administrative/office clerical, contact   and consulting group KellyOCG®—including
staffing, outsourcing, and consulting. We’re always    center, and light industrial and electronic assembly.     customized contingent, recruitment, and business
thinking about and defining what’s next in the         Kelly supports a wide spectrum of industries;             process outsourcing solutions. Additional
evolving world of work, and we help people ditch       however, our main focus is on energy, life sciences,      innovative solutions extend from talent advisory to
the script on old ways of thinking and embrace the     consumer brands, industrial/manufacturing, and            career transition services.
value of all workstyles in the workplace.              financial services/insurance. We support both public
                                                       and private companies; local, state, provincial,
Over the past several decades, we have progressed      territory, and federal government; school districts;
from a United States-based company concentrating       and organizations of all sizes—from Fortune 100
primarily on traditional office staffing into a        companies to small, local businesses.
Growing with purpose Sustainability Report 2018 - Kelly Services
Introduction / Mission, vision, and values                                                                                                                                                              Contents / 7

Mission, vision, and values
Our business is focused on improving the lives          Our vision                                             Our values
of our employees, our clients, our suppliers’
                                                        To provide the world’s best workforce solutions.       Collectively and individually, we are judged by     OUR REVITALIZED BRAND
employees, their families, and the communities                                                                 the return we provide to our shareholders and       Late in 2018, Kelly introduced our revitalized
where we live and work. After all, the future of work   Our character                                          stakeholders. We wish to include the following      brand identity with the tagline: What’s Next. This
is really about the future of humankind.                We are the authentic founders of the industry. We      values as part of that return:                      identity signals that we will boldly approach the
                                                        believe in relationships, not transactions. We value                                                       future of work, while championing nontraditional/
                                                                                                               • We are personally responsible for our actions,
                                                        teamwork, realizing that we are stronger together                                                          independent workers and workstyles and their
                                                                                                                 outcomes, and reputation.
                                                        than as individuals. We take the promises we                                                               value in the modern workplace.
                                                        make seriously. We are passionate, dedicated,          • We build strong relationships and create Kelly
                                                        and driven to excel. With us it has never been           advocates for life.
                                                        about being the biggest. It has always been            • We own and resolve customer and candidate
                                                        about being the best and doing the right thing.          issues with urgency.
                                                        At our core, we are a community. Each day we
                                                                                                               • We treat every customer, employee, and supplier
                                                        welcome into our community the varied talents
                                                                                                                 with respect and integrity.
                                                        of all people who embrace our culture of service,
                                                        teamwork, and integrity. We offer the opportunity      • We continuously seek opportunities to innovate
                                                        to work with the best companies in the world, and        and improve the Kelly experience.
                                                        to make a difference in the communities in which
                                                        we live and work.
Growing with purpose Sustainability Report 2018 - Kelly Services
Introduction / Global representation and value chain                                                                                                                Contents / 8

Global representation investments, and value chain
Our operations are divided into three principal       Group segments into a single delivery organization,   meet customer needs across the entire spectrum
business segments: Americas Staffing, Global          triggering a change in our operating structure. We    of talent categories. Using talent supply chain
Talent Solutions (GTS), and International Staffing.   now provide staffing through our branch networks      discipline, GTS helps customers design, execute,
In July 2016, we expanded our joint venture with      in our Americas and International operations, with    and manage workforce programs that enable them
Persol Holdings (formerly Temp Holdings) to form      commercial and specialized professional/technical     to connect with talent across all workstyles (full-
PersolKelly Asia Pacific (the JV) and moved our       staffing businesses in each region.                   time, contract, temporary, etc.), gaining access to a
APAC staffing operations into the JV.                                                                       vast network of service providers—achieving their
                                                      We also provide a suite of innovative talent          business goals on time and on budget.
In early 2017, we restructured components of our      fulfillment and outcome-based solutions through
previous Americas Commercial, Americas Professional   our Global Talent Solutions (GTS) segment, which
and Technical, and Outsourcing and Consulting         delivers integrated talent management solutions to
Growing with purpose Sustainability Report 2018 - Kelly Services
Introduction / Global representation and value chain                                                                                   Contents / 9

Kelly global footprint
AMERICAS                            EMEA                                      APAC*
                                                                                              Temporary Staffing
Argentina                           Angola             Libya                  Australia
                                                                                              Business and Professional Services
Brazil                              Armenia            Luxembourg             China           Managed Service Provider
Canada                              Austria            Netherlands            Hong Kong       Recruitment Process Outsourcing

Colombia                            Belgium            Norway                 India
Costa Rica                          Croatia            Oman                   Indonesia     * Temporary staffing serviced through
                                                                                              PERSOLKELLY, Joint Venture with PERSOL
Mexico                              Czech Republic     Poland                 Japan           Group, or strategic partners
Puerto Rico                         Denmark            Portugal               Malaysia
Trinidad and Tobago                 France             Russia                 New Zealand
United States                       Georgia            Saudi Arabia           Philippines
                                    Germany            Spain                  Singapore
                                    Hungary            Sweden                 South Korea
                                    Iraq               Switzerland            Taiwan
                                    Ireland            Turkey                 Thailand
                                    Israel             United Arab Emirates   Vietnam
                                    Italy              United Kingdom
                                    Kazakhstan         Ukraine
Growing with purpose Sustainability Report 2018 - Kelly Services
Introduction / By the numbers                                                                                                                                        Contents / 10

By the numbers

Kelly has approximately 1,200 employees at its   We have a worldwide presence in 55 countries.      We occupy a leading position in the K-12   Gross profit: 17.6%
corporate headquarters in Troy, Michigan, and                                                       educational staffing market in the U.S.
approximately 7,900 employees throughout our
global network.

Kelly provided employment to more than           We rank as one of the world’s largest scientific   2018 revenue: $5.58 billion
500,000 in 2018.                                 staffing providers in markets where we operate.
Introduction / Mergers, acquisitions, investments, and divestitures                                                                                             Contents / 11

Mergers, acquisitions, investments, and divestitures
Acquisitions 2017                                      Acquisitions 2018                                    Divestitures
Teachers On Call                                       NEXTGEN                                              In April 2018, we sold Kelly Healthcare Resources
A provider of substitute teacher staffing services     A leading provider of telecommunications,            to InGenesis®. In December 2018, Kelly Legal
for K – 12 public, private, and charter schools, and   wireless, and connected technology staffing          Managed Services was sold to Trustpoint One.
early child care centers. The acquisition further      solutions to Fortune 500® companies, that would      Resources from the sale supported investment in
expands Kelly’s leadership position in the K – 12      support the meeting of challenges in the ever-       other areas in which Kelly specializes.
market, where Kelly Educational Staffing® (KES®) is    changing tech landscape for our clients across the
the largest provider of substitute staff across the    U.S. and selected global markets.                    Investments
U.S., filling more than 2.8 million classrooms in                                                           In June 2018, the Kelly Innovation Fund invested
the last school year and servicing more than 7,000     GTA                                                  in Kenzie Academy, a tech apprenticeship program
schools across 35 states.                              A leading provider of engineering, technology,       that develops modern tech workers. In August
                                                       business consulting, and software solutions and      2018, Kelly invested in Business Talent Group,
                                                       services for the telecommunication industry.         a U.S.-based marketplace that connects highly
                                                                                                            skilled independent talent to some of the world’s
                                                                                                            largest companies.
Introduction / Recognition                                                                                                                                        Contents / 12

• KellyOCG was recognized as best of the                • Human Resources vendor of the year 2018.             • Kelly is named among Forbes’ list of America’s
  best by IAOP®. IAOP’s The Best of The Global            KellyOCG in Malaysia and in Singapore both             best recruiting firms for 2018.
  Outsourcing 100® list recognizes the world’s            received the Gold level award in the category of
  best outsourcing service providers, with this           Best Recruitment Process Outsourcing Partner as      • Intel® Supplier Continuous Quality
  year’s list a culmination of the very best from the     a Human Resources Vendor of the Year for 2018.         Improvement awards. KellyOCG received the
  last ten years.                                         This is the third year in a row for KellyOCG in        Intel SCQI award for Supplier Achievement.
                                                          Malaysia to place at the Gold level, and the first
• America’s top corporations for women’s                                                                       • Women’s Business Enterprises National
                                                          year for KellyOCG in Singapore.
  business enterprises (WBES) awards,                                                                            Council (WBENC) named Kelly to its 18th annual
  recognizing corporations that have                    • Michigan Minority Supplier Diversity Council           list of America’s top corporations for Women’s
  demonstrated a sustained commitment to the              (MMSDC) Ace Awards. Kelly was recognized by            Business Enterprises (WBES).
  inclusion of female-owned businesses in their           the Michigan Minority Supplier Diversity Council
  supply chain.                                           as a 2018 ACE Awards recipient in two categories:
                                                          “Corporation of the Year” Professional Services,
• Kelly was named to Flexjobs® 2018. For the              the ninth time in 10 years; and our Principal for
  sixth year in a row, we have been named as a top        Global Diversity Solutions, Brenda Marshall, was
  100 company for remote work, earning the #8             awarded National “Corporate Advocate” of the
  spot on the list.                                       Year for the second consecutive year.
Contents / 13

2018 Corporate Sustainability milestones
Corporate Sustainability policy
Ethics and business conduct
Employees and people
Diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunity
Nondiscrimination and compensation philosophy
Occupational health & safety and environment
Supply chain and customer relations
Supplier Code of Conduct
Diverse supplier strategy

Our Corporate
Our Corporate Sustainability Strategy / 2018 Corporate Sustainability milestones                                                                                  Contents / 14

2018 Corporate Sustainability milestones

            Transition from Corporate Social                Materiality assessment with               We hired 8,094 veterans.               700+ employees participating in our
            Responsibility responsive program               participation of 238 internal and                                                corporate volunteering program.
            toward a Corporate Sustainability               external stakeholders across                                                     This represents 5,000+ hours of
            Strategy.                                       10+ countries where the                                                          service to their local community.
                                                            company operates.
                                                                                                      KellyConnect® has engaged
                                                                                                      approximately 400 individuals with
            Corporate Sustainability                                                                  disabilities for work opportunities.   $142,000 contributed to
            Strategy aligned to the Global                  We conducted our first formal                                                    social causes.
            Sustainable Goals.                              stakeholder engagement to validate
                                                            our material topics, understand
                                                            their main concerns, and align our
                                                                                                      Our Leadership in Action program
                                                            Corporate Sustainability initiatives                                             100 tons of material recycled.
                                                                                                      reached approximately 800
            100% of suppliers committed to our              to respond more effective to their
                                                                                                      participants—designed to develop
            Code of Business Conduct.                       issues and concerns.
                                                                                                      and build our internal talent

                                                            Diverse supplier programs generated
                                                            $1+ billion in investments that
                                                            help them contribute to economic
                                                            sustainability in minority communities.
Our Corporate Sustainability Strategy / 2018 Corporate Sustainability milestones                                                                                                                                                        Contents / 15

Kelly has always embodied the true spirit of
corporate social responsibility, and we are
                                                         for implementing internal actions toward these
                                                         ends. These guidelines provide procedures and
                                                                                                                     Transition from Corporate Social
committed to the highest standards of corporate          tools to ensure the applicability of the strategy on a      Responsibility responsive programs toward
citizenship. Our culture and values are rooted in
service, integrity, and taking personal responsibility
                                                         worldwide basis—guaranteeing the same standards,
                                                         metrics, and objectives for all our operations.
                                                                                                                     a Corporate Sustainability Strategy
for our actions, outcomes, and reputation.
                                                         This strategy has been developed with
Since 2017, we embarked on a transformation              consideration given to the perceptions of our                       January                   Feb. – May                July                       January                  February
from historically reactive Corporate Social              stakeholders, as well as its impact on business                     2018                      2018                      2018                       2019                     2019
Responsibility initiatives, toward a long-term           operations. In early 2018, we conducted a
Corporate Sustainability Strategy aligned to our         material assessment that helped us define
business core which contributes to the Sustainable       the policies and guidelines of our Corporate                        Materiality               Corporate                 Corporate                  Engage                   Kelly Services, Inc.
Development Goals.                                       Responsibility Strategy. This helped us identify                    assessment                Sustainability            Sustainability             program                  joins the United
                                                         the main concerns and actions on which we need                                                Strategy design           Strategy                   launch                   Nations Global
This new sustainability approach, rather than being                                                                                                    and planning              implementation                                      Compact
                                                         to focus: namely, to support the Triple Bottom
philanthropic, is strategic to our business values.      Line* of our business model, and to respond more
It is based on the concept of social investment,         effectively to stakeholders.
which, instead of aiding on isolated occasions,
ensures the creation of future development               Permanent monitoring of this strategy will be
capacities. We aim to guide all our subsidiaries and     conducted on an annual basis by means of an
collaborators in the planning, management, and           interdisciplinary perspective assessment involving
implementation of sustainable strategic approaches       cross-functional areas within the company. Progress in
that create measured and impactful shared value to       our Corporate Sustainability Strategy will be reported
all our stakeholders.                                    on an annual basis through the Global Reporting
                                                         Initiative Standard (GRI), and Communications of
Our Corporate Sustainability Strategy is defined         Progress (following the UN Global Compact), which
as an initial two-year, integrated decision-making       was signed in February 2019.
strategy that provides comprehensive guidelines
                                                                                                                  *The Triple Bottom Line (TBL) is a concept that includes social and environmental considerations to the business model in addition
                                                                                                                  to the financial ones. It measures a company’s degree of social responsibility, its economic value, and its environmental impact.
Our Corporate Sustainability Strategy / Corporate Sustainability policy                                                              Contents / 16

Corporate Sustainability policy
We consider sustainability to be a guiding
principle in strengthening the relationship with our
                                                        Corporate Sustainability Strategy
global workforce, suppliers, and customers. As a        Kelly’s corporate sustainability commitments are built around six pillars:
leading provider of global workforce solutions, we
connect people with employment opportunities
and make a difference in the communities in                                   Ethics and business
which we live and work. Through our programs                                        conduct
and initiatives, we seek to contribute to improving
                                                               or n, a n,

                                                                                                           Em pe
                                                                 tin nd
                                                           rep atio catio

the quality of life of our employees, their families,

                                                                                                             plo op
as well as the communities in which we operate.
                                                            alu ni

                                                                                                                ye le
Given the worldwide span of our workers, clients,
                                                          ev mmu

suppliers, and partners, we recognize the global


reach of both our business practices and our

public accountability.
                                                           Su tom
                                                             pp er


                                                                ly rel
                                                                  ch at

                                                                    ain ion

                                                                       an s

                                                                                   OH&S and
Our Corporate Sustainability Strategy / Ethics and business conduct                                                                                                        Contents / 17

Ethics and business conduct
Kelly is committed to doing the right thing,               monitoring and communicating environmentally           Employees must comply with the Code and
conducting ourselves in a legal, ethical, and              and socially relevant topics, and for creating         conduct themselves in a legal and ethical manner.
trustworthy manner, strictly upholding our                 strategies to address them timely and appropriately.   They are also responsible for ensuring that our
regulatory obligations in every country in which                                                                  suppliers, agents, and representatives are aware
we operate, and complying with both the letter             Kelly complies with the listing standards of the       of their obligations to do the same. The Code of
and spirit of our business policies and values.            Nasdaq® Global Market pertaining to controlled         Conduct is reviewed and benchmarked annually
Our commitment is to remain accountable for our            companies. Our Board of Directors, management,         to adjust it against best-in-class performers and
actions and to our goals.                                  and the Kelly company are judged by the return         business requirements.
                                                           provided to shareholders.
Governance                                                                                                        We do not tolerate any form of unethical behavior.
Our Board of Directors is responsible for leading          Diversity and inclusion are important to us and we     We have implemented a reporting system, allowing
effective governance over the affairs of the company,      expect to lead operations throughout our business      employees at all levels, as well as suppliers, to
for the benefit of all our stakeholders. They are          based on these principles. Diverse representation in   report any wrongdoing anonymously and conduct
committed to acting in good faith, on an informed          our board is important to ensure a better decision-    investigations when required. This reporting system
basis, maintaining an honest belief that their decisions   making process. Kelly has nine directors: three        is administered by an independent third party.
are made in the best interest of the company.              of which are female, and six are male. Two of our
                                                           directors are ethnically diverse.                      Kelly places great value in our partnerships; we
Our principles of corporate governance provide                                                                    expect and require ethical behavior from our partners.
a framework of responsibilities and procedures             Code of Business Conduct and Ethics                    We have spent considerable effort developing a vast
that guide the management of the Board. These              The Board of Directors has adopted a Code of           global network of partnering suppliers that work
principles, which are reviewed regularly, relate to        Business Conduct and Ethics, applicable to all         on a daily basis to support their client programs
the qualifications of our director, the criteria for       employees at all levels, and at all locations of       worldwide. This supplier network is one of our
independent directors, the size of our board, tenure,      employment. The Code is intended to help all           company’s strongest competitive advantages as well
planning for succession, compensation, and more.           employees and collaborators identify and resolve       as one of our greatest responsibilities.
                                                           ethical issues, deter wrongdoing, and to provide
The Sustainability Governance team is responsible          mechanisms to report dishonest or unethical
for structuring and overseeing the Corporate               conduct, as well as fostering a culture of honesty
Sustainability Strategy. This team is responsible for      and accountability.
Our Corporate Sustainability Strategy / Ethics and business conduct                                                                                                       Contents / 18

Suppliers that work with us trust us to treat them       • Anti-bribery/anti-corruption: All Kelly employees       • Confidential and customer data privacy:
fairly and help them grow their businesses, and in         are subject to anti-bribery/anti-corruption policies      With each form of new technology, there is an
return we have developed a set of ethical conduct          and have an obligation to comply with the U.S.            increasing awareness of the need to ensure how
and business standards that we encourage all our           Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) as well as to        confidentiality and personal data are managed and
partners and suppliers around the globe to meet.           all other country-specific anti-bribery and anti-         protected. This is especially true for companies
These standards are stated in our Supplier Code of         corruption laws. Employees may not give, promise,         such as Kelly, which have access to large volumes
Conduct, covering topics related to ethical business       or offer anything—no matter how small in value—to         of personal data from our employees, customers,
conduct, employees and people, human rights, and           any customer, government employee, or other               suppliers, and other stakeholders. In 2018, we
environmental sustainability. It is mandatory that all     person for the purpose of improperly influencing          implemented a standardized procedure order to
suppliers adhere to the Supplier Code of Conduct,          a decision, securing an advantage, avoiding a             comply with General Data Protection Regulation
and to recommit to it prior to taking on a new             disadvantage, or obtaining or retaining business.         standards (GDPR). We communicated those
assigned task.                                             Each employee is required to annually certify             procedures through obligatory trainings to all
                                                           compliance with the principles outlined in the code       our employees and have amended the Supplier
Kelly Code of Business Conduct addresses areas             as well as participate in FCPA and anti-bribery/anti-     Code of Conduct with a statement regarding the
such as:                                                   corruption training each year.                            GDPR Data Privacy Agreement. This document is
• Conflicts of interest: Occur when a Kelly                                                                          mandatory to all our workforce solution suppliers.
  employee’s individual private interest interferes
  with, or appears to interfere in any way, with
  the interests of the company. Employees are
  responsible for avoiding such conflicts and to
  communicate any such situation in a timely manner.
Our Corporate Sustainability Strategy / Employees and people                                                                                                                Contents / 19

Employees and people
We take seriously our responsibilities to protect,
support, and prepare workers for successful careers
                                                       their lives—whether it is building upon their
                                                       existing expertise, learning new skills, or getting
                                                                                                              New employee hires in 2018 (U.S.)
and to advocate on their behalf. Our efforts are       a new opportunity with an admired company.             Full-time internal employees / Total hires: 1,179
focused on providing career opportunities and          Our commitment to people, in turn, drives our
resources to the global workforce, and to lead         obligation to social responsibility.                   BY AGE              Under 30      30 – 50   Over 50
by example in areas such as workplace safety,
                                                       Kelly maintains a number of initiatives that ensure                                    34%                         53%       13%
health, wellness, diversity, inclusion, and training
and development. We believe in opportunity for         our working conditions and promote our principles
all and are steadfast in our commitment to equal       of good corporate citizenship in all our operations
employment opportunity, the protection of human        worldwide.                                             BY GENDER           Male       Female

rights, and the prevention of human trafficking.                                                                                          32%                                       68%
                                                       Working/labor conditions
At Kelly—by the very nature of what we do—             Our workforce is the most important asset of
talent is truly our business. No matter which          our business. We have implemented worldwide
industry or client we are serving, our business        standards to guarantee fair business practices along
hinges on delivering the best talent and skills.       our supply chain, and we have the responsibility
Since many companies allocate nearly 60 percent        to provide our workers with benefits and resources     Employee turnover rate in 2018 (U.S.)
of their expense to talent, our partnerships with      they need to grow. We are proudly ranked in the        Total employees: 1,192
customers offer a critical resource through ongoing    top five percent of the supplier’s assessment by
consultation and real-time workforce strategies.       EcoVadis regarding fair business practices.                                Under 30      30 – 50   Over 50
                                                                                                              BY AGE
Kelly provides employment opportunities to                                                                                 20.5%                                    58%           21.5%
more than 500,000 individuals around the
globe. Our goal with these workers is to enrich
                                                                                                              BY GENDER           Male       Female

                                                                                                                                             33%                                    67%
Our Corporate Sustainability Strategy / Employees and people                                                                      Contents / 20

Number of employees in 2018, globally                                            Employment in 2018, in Americas
Employed by contract, including permanent and temporary
                                                                                 BY GENDER   Male   Female
BY REGION          Americas    EMEA     APAC





Permanent employees: 7,729       Temporary employees: 556,000

                                 NOTE: Excludes employees of the
                                 PERSOLKELLY joint venture
                                                                                                      Full-time employees
BY GENDER, in the U.S.         Male     Female
Full-time internal employees                                       Total 4,693

                        30%                                             70%
Our Corporate Sustainability Strategy / Employees and people                                                                                                                                   Contents / 21

Standard benefits                                     Parental leave                                                                        Return to work and retention rates
We provide additional standard benefits for all
our full-time employees, including: life insurance;   In 2018, our employees benefited from our paid parental leave program in the U.S.
                                                                                                                                            BY GENDER              Male   Female
retirement plans; paid holiday, time off and sick
days; paid parental leave; disability income: basic   BY GENDER          Male     Female
and supplemental; group term life and accidental
death and dismemberment; business travel
                                                        10%                                                                     90%
accident plan; health savings account; health care
spending; dependent care spending; transportation     Participated in parental leave program: 60 employees                                       83%                                  93%
spending; vacation purchase; voluntary legal
plan; educational assistance; employee assistance
program; bereavement; paid volunteer day;
employee discount program; and group home and                                                                                             Returned to work after              Returned to work after
auto program.                                                                                                                              taking parental leave               taking parental leave

                                                                                   Kelly’s leadership
                                                                                       ranks are                                                67%                                   63%
                                                                                    53% female.

                                                                                                                                              Retention rate                        Retention rate
                                                                                                                                             (still employed)                      (still employed)
Our Corporate Sustainability Strategy / Employees and people                                                                                                                                                     Contents / 22

Human rights                                             with our partners and suppliers to guarantee our         compliance with all applicable child labor laws—          bargaining and social dialogue. All employees
Kelly has a global commitment to protect its             labor practices and working standards which are          including those relating to minimum age limits,           shall be free to join, or to refrain from joining,
employees and candidates against any type of             attached to our Supplier Code of Conduct.                limitations of working hours, and prohibition             trade unions or similar external representative
trafficking and will not partner with any organization                                                            against certain types of work—are mandatory.              organizations. However, Kelly has not identified a
                                                         Human trafficking and slavery                            Kelly understands that opportunities may arise            unionist workers’ association within the company,
that condones or has practiced any type of human
trafficking. We have stated our commitment to            Kelly does not and will not permit its employees,        for the placement of minors under the age of 18           nor in the industry.
addressing this issue through our Human Trafficking      subcontractors, vendors, suppliers, or other entities    and has therefore implemented a policy to ensure
                                                         doing business with Kelly to engage in any form          its compliance with federal labor law and OSHA            Kelly respects the rights of all employees to engage
Policy Statement, Code of Business Conduct and
                                                         of human trafficking or modern slavery. We have          regulations. This policy is extended to all countries     in protected activities, including those of freedom
Ethics, and the UK Modern Slavery Transparency
                                                         communicated specific guidelines on actions that         of operation and respects all internationally             of association and collective bargaining. Employees
Act statement. Kelly also conducts annual quality
                                                         may be considered as human trafficking and slavery       proclaimed human rights.                                  may engage in activities without fear of intimidation
audits to confirm and reinforce our regulatory and
                                                         that we do not accept under any circumstance.                                                                      or reprisal, in accordance with applicable law.
corporate policy obligations related to compliance
                                                                                                                  In the U.S., Kelly complies with laws in all 50 states,   Kelly believes in its policies and procedures, which
with the principles of human rights.
                                                         Kelly prohibits retaliation against anyone who files     including the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico,       encourage employees to work with their Kelly
Forced or compulsory labor                               a complaint or reports a suspected violation of this     as well as federal laws regarding the employment          representative to problem-solve potential disputes.
                                                         policy. Any employee or other party who violates         of minors. Kelly thoroughly vets its placement of
Kelly has a zero-tolerance policy against any form or
                                                         this policy will be subject to appropriate discipline    minors and does not permit them to be placed in
human trafficking or related activities, including any
                                                         by Kelly, including, but not limited to, disclosure of   certain high-risk jobs, including manufacturing and
form of unlawful employee harassment, retaliation,
                                                         the violation to government officials, when required     warehouse positions.
forced or compulsory labor, sex trafficking, child
                                                         by law or contract, and immediate termination.
labor, or any type of debt peonage.                                                                               Freedom of association and
                                                         Child labor                                              collective bargaining
Kelly employs approximately 7,900 employees with
whom it has an “at-will” employment relationship.        Our Code of Business Conduct and the Supplier            Kelly states that partners and suppliers should
Our talent supply chain spans 55 countries across        Code of Conduct state that in our business               recognize the need to guarantee the right to
six continents, in which we have worked together         practices, as well as in our partners and suppliers,     freedom of association and to promote collective
Our Corporate Sustainability Strategy / Employees and people                                                                                                        Contents / 23

Career development opportunities                         • Some of the available training opportunities in    • Currently, KLC also offers a “My Career” program,
and training                                               KLC are:                                             which provides management tools to help design
As a global employer, we play a major role in              - SHRM Certification Program for selected            business and career goals, as well as offering a
building future talent and shaping a diverse                 Partnered Staffing employees                       framework for the exchange of feedback. The
workforce that effectively responds to workforce                                                                program, as well as its objectives, is evaluated
                                                           - PMP Certification training in the learning         annually by managers and their team members.
trends and opportunities in all industries where we
                                                             management system and a study session led          However, for 2019, in conjunction with updated
operate. We are committed to providing today’s
                                                             by Kelly project management professionals          competencies, we expect to improve our
talent with the resources and support tools necessary
to advance their careers and work opportunities.           - Six Sigma Certification training curricula         platform and intend to track and measure regular
                                                             (Yellow, Green, and Black Belt)                    performance and career development reviews
The Kelly Learning Center (KLC) provides a                                                                      using a more formal and homogeneous process.
                                                           - AGILE training is offered
learning platform that offers employees the ability
to enroll in virtual instructor-led courses, web-based     - Leadership Development program, offering
training, and videos/seminars to enable employees            training on how to become a leader and
to learn and grow. This online learning community is         enhance leadership skills, offers experiential
available for free to all employees, which consists of       training, and learning from the framework of
a range of topics in which we constantly encourage           others
employees to participate. The participation of our         - Leadership Learning Circles, focusing on
employees in the KLC is as follows:                          specific leader skills, such as inclusion
• Approximately 19 hours of training per employee.         - For promoted employees and new hires in the
                                                             first 90 days: new leader training program
                                                           - Transition assistance programs provided to
                                                             facilitate continued employability as well as
                                                             the management of career terminations due
                                                             to retirement or other causes
Our Corporate Sustainability Strategy / Diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunity                                                                                                                       Contents / 24

Diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunity
Our diversity and inclusion (D&I) approach is a
multidimensional strategy across emerging and
                                                        2018 diverse impact summary
mature markets to maximize business results
and create opportunities in underrepresented            $1+ billion                                          81%
workforces. This strategy covers supplier diversity,
workforce diversity, and workplace diversity.           Diverse supplier programs generated $1+ billion in   Diverse spend in STEM, operating in business
                                                        investments that help them contribute to economic    professional categories (science, technology,
Today, we have a diverse workforce of more than         sustainability in minority communities               engineering, and mathematics), yields a greater ROI
half a million employees globally. It is important to
us that our workforce reflects the diverse regions,
industries, and customers that we serve.                27,000+ hires from                                   500 diverse suppliers
Kelly’s investment in D&I began in 1979 and
                                                        diverse suppliers                                    An inclusive sourcing strategy ensures business
has evolved to become a key component of our            The economic impact of diversity goes beyond         opportunities where diverse suppliers can compete
business strategy with the formation of the D&I         spend and extends to job creation in the             on a level playing field
Executive Council in 2003 (formerly SDAC).              community
                                                                                                                                                                   Left to Right: Duane M. Green, Director, Diversity &
                                                                                                                                                                   Inclusion; Hannah Lim-Johnson, Chief Legal Counsel; and
                                                                                                                                                                   Brenda Marshall, Principal, Global Diversity Solutions.
Our Corporate Sustainability Strategy / Diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunity                                                                                                     Contents / 25

We offer a variety of specialized programs to         day, 600 per month, and 7,200 per year. In 2018,          program, which matches those who have served in
promote talent and address the unique needs
and capabilities of the disabled, minority groups,
                                                      Kelly hired 8,094 veterans.                               the National Guard and any of the Reserves to jobs
                                                                                                                and careers.
                                                                                                                                                                        In 2018, Kelly hired
women entrepreneurs, military members and their
families, young people, and the semi-retired.
                                                      Kelly Veteran Employment and Transition Services
                                                      (KVETS): our in-house recruiting program that aligns      Kelly is committed to complying with the U.S.           8,094 veterans.
                                                      the military experience and skills of veterans to         Americans with Disabilities Act and similar
Support for military veterans. While many learned     customer-defined requirements.                            regulations around the world. We value having
skills and tools for success are industry-specific,                                                             a diverse population of employees, which
some highly valued traits are universally sought      Government solutions team: made up primarily              includes employing and accommodating those
across a variety of industries and occupations.       of veterans, this team seeks to match veterans with       with disabilities and creating opportunities for
Our clients seek universally accepted attributes      open positions. Ninety-five percent of the team’s         everyone to contribute their unique skills to our
such as leadership, adaptability, problem-solving,    time is dedicated to recruiting service members,          company for the benefit of our customers. We also
dependability, and persistence. These are often key   veterans, and military spouses—both with and              maintain relationships with vocational rehabilitation
attributes of current and former members of the       without security clearance.                               organizations, professional networking associations
armed services.                                                                                                 that support the disabilities community, as well as
                                                      U.S. Military Pipeline: a cloud-based solution
                                                                                                                partnerships with government or publicly funded
To match those traits with job opportunities, we      enabling veterans to locate jobs after fulfilling their
                                                                                                                disability resource programs.
have created multiple initiatives to engage with      military duties, allowing them to create candidate
U.S. veterans, current reservists, and military       profiles that can be matched with employment
spouses. On average, Kelly hires 20 veterans per      opportunities within our customer base. The U.S.
                                                      Military Pipeline also feeds into the Hero2Hired
Our Corporate Sustainability Strategy / Diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunity                                                                                                                            Contents / 26

Women in Leadership: Kelly was founded in 1946,            including recognition on the Michigan Women’s         better equipped to deliver strong results. Through
at a time when women were beginning to enter the           Leadership Index (a biennial snapshot on the status   all of our initiatives, LIA strives to execute Kelly’s   LIA’S EVENTS, 2018:
workforce in large numbers. The introduction of            of women at the highest levels of governance in       business strategy while exhibiting the company’s
                                                                                                                                                                          • June 22, 2018
the “Kelly Girl” was the first true recognition of the     Michigan’s largest 100 publicly traded companies).    vision, values, and character.
                                                                                                                                                                            Getting to Know InForum
free-agent principle. Husbands and sons had left
                                                           LIA: Our commitment to leadership development         Currently, LIA has 798 participants (499 females and       247 participants
to fight a war, leaving women to make ends meet
financially. We recognized this trend, providing           is further exemplified in our Leadership in Action    299 males). In 2018, LIA has initiated a relationship
                                                                                                                                                                          • June 27, 2018
opportunities for women to earn an income                  (LIA) business resource group. LIA was originally     between Kelly and Best Buddies; solidified an
                                                                                                                                                                            Connecting People to Work in Ways that Enrich
and balance their commitments outside of the               formed over 10 years ago with a goal of helping       already existing relationship between InForum® and
                                                                                                                                                                            their Lives
workplace—a commitment that continues today.               to support the advancement of women into higher       Kelly; was one of strategic sponsors for the HAVEN
                                                                                                                                                                            301 participants
                                                           levels of leadership. In the last few years, LIA’s    clothing drive; and initiated the internal Inclusive
In 2016, more than 50 percent of our temporary             purpose has evolved into fostering an environment     Leader training, as well as Learning Circles, Mentor     • October 9, 2018
employee base in North America was made up                 that is inclusive of all employees, where leaders     programs, and intimate professional development            Corporate Sustainability: how Kelly is creating
of women, many of whom look to Kelly to help               can thrive and achieve personal growth, while         sessions for Council members; a book club                  shared value in a sustainable business model
advance their careers. Our operations also reflect         positively impacting Kelly’s business results. At     session facilitated by highest-ranking Kelly female        296 participants
the growing role of women in the workforce:                LIA, we are committed to creating an environment      executive, Teresa Carroll, “How Women Rise”; and
women hold more than 40 percent of leadership              where leaders can achieve success by following our    a professional development session “Unconscious          • Annual LIA planning session
positions at the global senior vice president level        purpose of Leaders Lifting Leaders.                   Bias,” facilitated by Naticia Montgomery, director of
and above. Additionally, 30 percent of our board                                                                 organizational effectiveness.                            • Quarterly LIA Steering Committee meetings
of directors is female. In fact, our efforts to recruit,   LIA’s mission: We are dedicated to helping prepare
retain, and promote women leaders have resulted            and develop Kelly’s current and future men and                                                                 • Monthly LIA board meetings
in being recognized with a variety of honors,              women leaders, knowing that strong leaders are
Our Corporate Sustainability Strategy / Diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunity                        Contents / 27

Diversity and inclusion affiliations

                                                                                          COUNCIL OF
                                                                                      SUPPLIER DIVERSITY
Our Corporate Sustainability Strategy / Diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunity            Contents / 28

2018 diversity and inclusion awards and recognition
• Nissan® – Supplier Diversity                      • Women’s Enterprise USA Top 100 Leaders
                                                      in Supplier Diversity
• Baxter – Supplier Diversity
                                                      2014 – 2018

• Michigan Minority Supplier Development Council    • Minority Business News USA Best of
  – Corporation of the Year Professional Services     the Decade
  2000, 2003, 2009 – 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018
                                                    • “100%” Corporate Equality Index
• Women Business Enterprise National Council –        2018
  Top Corporation
  2009 – 2018                                       • “Bronze” Military Friendly® Employer
                                                      from GI Jobs
• Great Lakes Women Business Council –                2017 – 2018
  Excellence in Supplier Diversity
                                                    • Intel Supplier Diversity Award
Our Corporate Sustainability Strategy / Nondiscrimination and compensation philosophy                                                                                              Contents / 29

Nondiscrimination and compensation philosophy
Kelly has implemented formal internal policies to
guarantee its commitment to nondiscriminatory
                                                           compensation practices. It’s the foundation for all
                                                           Kelly total rewards programs and it illustrates our
                                                                                                                   Kelly’s total rewards framework
practices and an equal employment opportunity              ongoing commitment to pay equity and a Pay for          Composed of five key components:
workplace. Our business practices ensure equal             Performance culture.
employment in recruitment, selection, training,
compensation, promotion, job transfer, and                 It is applied using internal guidelines based on
assignments.                                               factors such as: roles and responsibilities; employee
                                                           performance, skills, experience, and qualifications;
These opportunities, as well as other conditions,          external benchmarking; internal equity; and                                       Base salary
are communicated in our affirmative action policy,         geographical location.
which states that all qualified applicants and
employees enjoy the same right to employment               Kelly’s total rewards framework is designed to
and advancement opportunities, irrespective of             attract and retain talent; provide differentiated
                                                                                                                     Relational          Skills       Knowledge
race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, sexual   rewards to recognize key talent; provide market-                                                           Short-term
                                                                                                                   rewards and
                                                           competitive and equitable compensation; align                                                              incentives
orientation, disability, veteran status, or any other                                                               recognition
category under applicable laws.                            with the budget and financial performance of the
                                                           company and business segments; and apply fair
Our Global Compensation Philosophy sets internal           and equitable pay practices.
policies to guarantee equitable compensation
to all our employees. The philosophy formalizes            This is an important step in our ongoing effort to
and enhances the transparency of our current               advocate for our employees and create programs
                                                           and tools that reinforce our value as a destination
                                                           for top talent.

                                                                                                                   Benefits and                                     Long-term
                                                                                                                                    Performance       Experience
                                                                                                                    employee                                        incentives
                                                                                                                    well-being                                     equity/stock
Our Corporate Sustainability Strategy / Engagement                                                                                                                   Contents / 30

Kelly understands that it takes all of us working      • HAVEN: Kelly partnered with HAVEN to provide          of people with developmental disabilities do
together to truly make an impact in the                  career preparation support and mentoring to           not have a paid job in the community. Having
communities where we live and work. We partner           HAVEN clients through our trained volunteers.         a more robust inclusion program for those with
with local organizations to improve lives and            HAVEN is the only comprehensive program for           disabilities will enable them to become financially
society as a whole by engaging in activities such as     victims of domestic violence and sexual assault       independent through their own efforts and will
community service, social investment, and support        in Oakland County, Michigan. The organization         remove the need for government reliance or
for small or disadvantaged businesses, as well as        provides shelter, counseling, advocacy, and           parental support.
minorities and women.                                    educational programming to nearly 20,000
                                                         people each year. Kelly’s goal is to enable           COMPASS will be launched in the Detroit
We also seek to engage with workforce suppliers          HAVEN’s survivors to boost their confidence and       Territory and Troy, Michigan, as a pilot that aims
who operate under socially responsible business          achieve financial independence. We want them          to benefit people with IDD in early 2019. Later in
practices, adhering to the professional code             to walk away with actionable skills they can use to   2019, this strategy will deploy a U.S. nationwide
of conduct outlined by the World Employment              conduct a job search, participate in an interview,    outreach and share best practices to support our
Confederation.                                           etc., as these are important next steps in the        efforts in delivering a more inclusive workforce
                                                         journey to financial independence.                    and enable people with this condition to become
Community outreach                                                                                             financially independent. To date, KellyConnect
Our engagement pillar supports our stakeholders’       • COMPASS: This partnership between Kelly               has approximately 400 individuals with disabilities
main needs and interests in their community and          and Best Buddies was established to create a          working on their programs. Questions about the
contributes to a stronger sense of commitment to         sustainable employment model for individuals          program can be sent to Jennifer Dollar:
our core business values by our employees. Our           with Intellectual Development Disabilities (IDD),
purpose is to create a significant shared value          while fortifying Kelly’s commitment to social
through sustainable investment in our communities        inclusion and development. Through Kelly’s
and our society. Kelly also supports several large-      constant evaluation and research processes, we
scale, national organizations.                           have determined that approximately 80 percent
Our Corporate Sustainability Strategy / Engagement                                                                                                                    Contents / 31

• Future Scientists Program and Scholarship:         • March of Dimes: March of Dimes is a U.S.                 owner-occupied homes, and mobilizing 10,000
  This program matches hundreds of college             nonprofit organization that works to improve the         volunteers to beautify 300 city blocks in six days.
  students each year with science internships in       health of mothers and babies. Through several            Every phase is about people transformation,
  companies within chemical, pharmaceutical,           fundraising activities such as jeans days, VIP           those served, and those who are serving. In 2018,
  and biotechnology industries. We awarded             parking spots, 50/50 raffle tickets, auctions, and a     more than 120 Kelly employees from HQ and the
  three scholarships in 2018 to the interns who        walk, we raised approximately $52,000.                   Detroit Territory volunteered nearly 1,000 hours.
  wrote the strongest essays on contemporary
  science topics. Since the program’s inception      • United Way: Kelly has a 40-year relationship with      ENGAGE: our corporate volunteering program
  in 2000, we have awarded 81 scholarships and         United Way, an organization engaged in nearly          Our employees actively participate in multiple
  placed more than 7,200 interns on projects in        1,800 communities across more than 40 countries        volunteer activities that support their commitment
  biomanufacturing, quality control field research     and territories worldwide. They are focused on         in initiatives, focusing on three main areas:
  studies, biology, and biochemistry.                  creating community-based and community-led             • Diversity and inclusion
                                                       solutions that strengthen the cornerstones for a
• Future Engineers Program and Scholarship:            good quality of life through education, financial      • Talent, skills, and training for labor
  We support and reward the enthusiasm and             stability, and health.                                 • Vulnerable communities and workforce reinsertion
  dedication of thousands of engineering students
  in the U.S. and Canada by providing a $5,000       • LIFE REMODELED: Life Remodeled exists                  Kelly has implemented the philosophy of the
  scholarship annually to a second- or third-year      to bridge people across divides in order to            Engage program to provide guidelines and
  college engineering student. The award is            help transform each other’s lives—investing            responsibilities to employees who participate in
  provided based on a written essay, outstanding       approximately $5 million in resources into one         volunteer initiatives in their communities. We also
  academic performance, and demonstrated               Detroit neighborhood each year. Projects are           offer our employees up to eight paid hours for their
  potential for a career in engineering.               determined by the community’s needs and                participation in volunteer efforts to encourage all
                                                       vision. Life Remodeled partners assist in three        employees to give back to their local communities.
                                                       areas: remodeling a community asset, repairing
Our Corporate Sustainability Strategy / Engagement                                                                                                                    Contents / 32

Disaster recovery                                       experiencing any type of disruption. Key                 We have also developed the Kelly Relief Fund—a
Kelly has developed a risk management program           components of the programs include:                      nonprofit 501(c)3 organization, established after
in order to be prepared to respond as quickly           • Global incident monitoring: Kelly invests in           Hurricane Katrina—which provides short-term
and effectively as possible to situations such as         state-of-the-art technology solutions that enable      financial assistance to Kelly’s regular staff and
natural disasters, safety and security concerns, and      us to globally track and monitor crisis events that    temporary employees who have been severely
changing business conditions. These situations may        may affect our employees and assets.                   impacted by natural and manmade disasters such
be critical to the health and safety of our employees                                                            as floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes,
                                                        • Communications: We use a variety of methods            and fires. This Fund is sustained through generous
and their families, the interests of our shareholders
                                                          to maintain communications with employees,             donations from Kelly employees. In 2018, our
and customers, and the viability of our company.
                                                          customers, and vendors/suppliers before, during,       disaster recovery program:
This program supports our operations and                  and after a crisis event.
                                                                                                                 • Planned and prepared for Hurricane Olivia. None
evaluates our readiness to respond to accidental        • Emergency management team: We have a team                of our employees were impacted.
or natural disaster situations that may impact our        approach to decision-making in response to critical
customers, vendors, and employees. Advanced                                                                      • Planned, prepared, and provided assistance from
                                                          events that affect our employees and facilities.
planning and quick action after the danger has                                                                     our Kelly Relief Fund for employees affected by
                                                        • Continuity of operations: Based on the reach             Hurricanes Florence and Michael.
passed have enabled Kelly to resume service to our
                                                          of our branch network as well as our integrated
customers and employees significantly faster than                                                                • Disaster recovery program contributed $34,500
                                                          information systems, Kelly has the ability to
would be possible otherwise.                                                                                       through the Kelly Relief Fund.
                                                          quickly re-establish business operations at an
Kelly utilizes a variety of scalable solutions            alternative site if necessary.
and strategies to both ensure employee and              • Emergency Operations Resource Plan: Our
their families health and safety, and to enable           Emergency Operations Resource (EOR) Plan is
us to continue critical business functions after          available to support field operations in the case of
                                                          major events, whether natural or manmade, which
                                                          significantly impact our ability to serve employees
                                                          and customers.
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