Formula 1 2018 Technical review - The Chelsea Magazine Company

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Formula 1 2018 Technical review - The Chelsea Magazine Company
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Formula 1
Technical review

Formula 1 2018 Technical review - The Chelsea Magazine Company
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Formula 1 2018 Technical review - The Chelsea Magazine Company

                                                            ercedes dominated the 2018                    This year also saw the introduction of the
4      Unintended consequences                              Formula 1 season, wrapping up             Halo head protection system, which has changed
       How an attempt to curb aero                          the constructors’ title as well as the    the ethos of the world’s premier single seat
       development has had a dramatic                       drivers’ title for Lewis Hamilton. But,   series. Open cockpits have always been at the
       effect on CFD in Formula 1 in 2018    this was not a walkover by any stretch. The team         heart of open wheel racing, but the Halo has
14     Pressure sensors                      believed, as did many observers, that Ferrari had        fundamentally changed that.
       Simon McBeath and the latest          the better car in the middle of the season, and              The new mounting hardware, and meeting
       advances in scanning technology       was unable to convert that advantage into a title.       some incredible crash testing targets, means
20     Halo protection                           We are now coming to the end of a rule-set           weight. This has led to a technical challenge for
       Gemma Hatton on what makes the        and finally we have the 2019 regulations to              the Formula 1 teams, one that no doubt will be
       Halo such a capable safety device     hand. There have been steps taken to improve             refined in the 2019 racecars.
28     Safety drive                          overtaking, to increase the life of engines, and             Further safety features will come next year, in
       New helmet design for 2019 revealed   to reduce the array of tyre choices that are             the form of new helmet design. Head protection
       as the FIA steps up safety campaign   available for each race, while retaining the spirit      has been a focal point of recent FIA investigations
34     Big wheels keep turning               of competition. But this is not the end of the           and only now are we starting to see the results
       Why Formula 1 has finally taken the   story. As we discovered this year, the regulations       that will benefit drivers in the near future. On a
       plunge and gone for 18-inch wheels    surrounding the computing restrictions need              lighter note, the cars will be fitted with 18-inch
42     Cool runnings                         work, and since we ran the article (see page 4) the      wheels in future, which will have an extraordinary
       Sam Collins uses Caterham’s 2014      FIA has announced a change, but not one that we          impact on suspension and chassis design.
       data to explain F1 cooling tech       expected. While the computing power limitations              One shadow on the horizon is the news
                                             meant a waste of money, the FIA has opened up            that Porsche will not be coming into Formula 1.
Produced by Racecar Engineering team
                                             those restrictions to ensure more data comes             This lack of new blood is worrying; unless new
                                             its way, and therefore it will be in a position to       manufacturers join, Formula 1 must survive
                                             do a more competent job on the next set of               with the power unit suppliers currently in play
                                             regulations, due out in 2021.                            (Renault, Ferrari and Mercedes). This puts them in
                                                 It was a smart move, but the costs are within        a very strong negotiating position, as the loss of
                                             the reach of only the wealthiest of teams. In this       one of them would have far-reaching impact on
                                             supplement, we also look at pressure sensors, and        the remaining manufacturers.
                                             how they can impact the rate of development and          ANDREW COTTON
                                             the lessons learned in testing.                          Editor

                                                                                            FORMULA 1 · WINTER 2018 3
Formula 1 2018 Technical review - The Chelsea Magazine Company

Know your
This year Formula 1’s CFD
restriction regime has been
shaken up big time as the
FIA looks to cut the costs of
aerodynamic development.
But has it worked, and how
has it changed both the
tools and the process?
Racecar investigates

     n January 2018, the FIA introduced the latest evolution
     of aerodynamic testing restrictions for Formula 1, and
     with them came the biggest change in CFD restrictions
     since they were first introduced back in 2009. Racecar
went behind the scenes with HPC specialist, Boston Ltd, to
discover the impact of these changes and how Formula 1
teams have not only benchmarked new solutions, but also
upgraded their CFD supercomputers.
     But to put these latest changes into context we need
to understand the history of the restrictions, both for CFD
and the wind tunnel. In 2008, aerodynamic testing was at
its peak. BMW Sauber, Honda, Williams and Toyota had all
invested huge sums of money in new state of the art full
size wind tunnels, each costing tens of millions of pounds.
All the top teams were operating in two wind tunnels
simultaneously, while Toyota was not only using two wind
tunnels 24/7, but each of these was full size.
     However, the vast majority of this wind tunnel testing
utilised scale models, and over the years the scale of these
models increased from 40 per cent to 50 per cent and then
60 per cent. Operating two wind tunnels full time allowed
these teams to complete around 500 wind tunnel simulations
                                                                UNIFI LTD

per week, with each simulation incorporating approximately
20 different car attitudes. Full size wind tunnel testing was
commonplace, with teams either using their own facility or a                Boston worked together with UniFi and CE to benchmark the performance of new CFD technologies in
customer facility such as Windshear in the USA.                             accordance with the 2018 regulations to see if F1 teams would be forced to upgrade their CFD capability

Formula 1 2018 Technical review - The Chelsea Magazine Company
It quickly became clear that something had to be done to curb the
growth of aerodynamic testing in F1, and its associated costs

                                                  NOVEMBER 2018 5
Formula 1 2018 Technical review - The Chelsea Magazine Company

                  In 2008 teams were already using                           Between 2009 and 2017 the regulations evolved         wind tunnel. For example, let’s assume that CFD
              CFD routinely as part of the aerodynamic                       and generally served to reduce the aerodynamic        capacity allows a maximum of 12.5 TeraFLOPs.
              development process, and as the software                       resources available to the Formula 1 teams,           Using the equation with the 2013 limits results
              and correlation improved while hardware                        particularly in the wind tunnel. This was done        in 41.3 hours of wind on time, as shown by the
              costs reduced, teams began to use it more,                     through introducing a ‘limit line’ which is           green square. In 2015, however, 12.5 TeraFLOPs
              integrating it further into the design cycle.                  defined by the following equation.                    would only give you 12.5 hours in the wind
                  At that time, BMW Sauber was leading                                                                             tunnel (blue square) – that’s 70 per cent less
              the way in CFD hardware with the Albert 3                                                                            than 2013. The exact balance between CFD and
              supercomputer and over 4000 Intel cores, but                                                                         wind tunnel resources varies from team to team,
              other leading teams were not far behind. It                    Where:                                                and sometimes from year to year, depending
              quickly became clear that something had to be                  WT          = Wind on time                            on the strategic approach and technology
              done to curb the growth of aerodynamic testing                 WT_limit    = 25 hours                                advances adopted by each team.
              in Formula 1, and its associated costs.                        CFD         = TeraFLOPs usage                             Of course, every restriction that is
                  The first step came into force in January                  CFD_limit   = 25 TeraFLOPs                            introduced simply triggers the teams to
              2009 as part of the FOTA Resource Restriction                                                                        exploit the loopholes and optimise their
              Agreement (RRA). This controlled the                           Therefore, the amount of time a team chose to         designs and working practices to maximise
              aerodynamic resources the Formula 1 teams                      run its CFD directly dictated how much time it        their performance from the regulations. For
              could deploy via restrictions on the wind tunnel               could utilise the wind tunnel. Equally, if a team     the TFLOPS CFD restrictions, this became
              ‘wind on time’ (WON) and the CFD compute                       could complete its maximum allocation of wind         an arms race as teams pushed to develop
              capacity, measured in TeraFLOPS (TFLOPS).                      tunnel runs using less wind on time then it           their supercomputers to run the most CFD
                  Wind on time was simply a measure of                       would have more capacity for CFD simulations.         simulations per given TFLOP allowance. This led
              the amount of time the fan was turned on in                                                                          teams to operate CFD hardware in ways which
              the wind tunnel with the wind speed in the                     Working area                                          were quite different from the wider industry,
              test section above 15m/s. For CFD, TFLOPS                      Looking at the WT_limit and CFD_limit data            with a clear focus on regulatory efficiency
              was effectively the number of floating point                   from the last few years, Figure 1 can be created.     rather than financial efficiency. For example,
              operations completed within the designated                     Essentially, by plotting the maximum of each of       the TFLOPS calculation naturally includes a chip
              eight week Aerodynamic Testing Period (ATP)                    these limits, you can establish the ‘working area’    clock speed term which is reported either as the
              and was defined by the following equation:                     that the teams could operate in. For example,         maximum turbo clock frequency stated on the
                                                                             in 2013, when the maximum WT_limit was 60             CPU specification (if the turbo mode is used),
                                                                             hours and the maximum CFD_limit was 40                or the base clock frequency if the turbo mode
                                                                             TeraFLOPs, the team could operate anywhere            is not used. Teams quickly established that the
              Where:                                                         within the green shaded area. In 2014, the            turbo mode was not an efficient way to run
              TotFLOPs = Total number of TeraFLOPs used per second           limits were 30 hours WT and 30 CFD TeraFLOPs,         CFD simulations, in terms of the number of CFD
              MFPPC = Peak double precision floating point operations        illustrated by the red shaded area, whilst            simulations completed per TFLOP. This was also
                         per cycle per core of the processing unit           2015 was limited to 25 hours WT and 25 CFD            true for many higher clock speed chips.
              CCF      = Peak processing unit clock frequency in GigaHertz   TeraFLOPs, represented by the blue shaded area,           Effectively, running supercomputers with
              NCU = Number of processing unit cores used for the run         which remained the same until 2018.                   slow clock speed was giving teams more
              NSS      = Number of solver wall clock seconds                      Since 2013, you can see that overall testing     efficiency under the regulations but with the
                         elapsed during the run                              has dramatically reduced, but particularly for the    obvious penalty in terms of CFD simulation

Figure 1: The FIA has restricted aerodynamic testing over recent years for both CFD and the wind tunnel, but particularly the latter. This graph shows the ‘working area’ that the
teams have been able to operate in. Assuming a maximum CFD capacity of 12.5 TeraFLOPS you can see that wind on time has dropped by 70 per cent between 2013 and 2015

Formula 1 2018 Technical review - The Chelsea Magazine Company
Formula 1 2018 Technical review - The Chelsea Magazine Company

           turnaround time. Therefore, teams then had to       regulation, but it was very inefficient financially,    the FIA agreed to consider the rival Intel chips
           balance the speed with which they receive their     with as much as half of the purchased HPC               (Sandybridge and Ivybridge) as four dp flops/
           CFD results against the total number of CFD         compute cores being left idle.                          cycle for the purposes of the regulations rather
           simulations they were able to complete within           The biggest issue came when one of                  than their rated eight dp flops/cycle.
           the regulatory framework. This is quite different   the teams developed the Fangio chip in                      By 2012 AMD had been persuaded by many
           to the wider CFD industry, where the turbo          collaboration with AMD, a chip specifically             teams to produce a second limited run of Fangio
           mode was ‘free’ performance and quicker             designed to optimise the balance between CFD            chips, allowing more of the grid to upgrade
           clock speeds were performance gains if your         case turnaround time and throughput which               their supercomputers to this specification,
           main criteria was financial efficiency, and so      gave that team a huge initial advantage.                with most of the remaining teams running an
           the divide between the two environments was             This exploited the fact that the modern             Intel Ivybridge system. With the FIA unwilling
           underway from 2009 onwards.                         HPC chips were then rated at eight double               to extend the flops/cycle exemption to more
                                                               precision flops/cycle but commercial CFD                modern Intel chips, such as the V3 Haswell
           Cores and effect                                    codes were only capable of delivering                   CPUs which were rated at 16 dp flops/cycle, and
           Core under-population also became                   approximately one dp flop/cycle. The Fangio             AMD not producing any more Fangio chips, the
           commonplace in Formula 1 as it delivered            chip was designed to operate at two dp flops/           teams were now locked into these older systems
           further regulatory efficiency gains for the         cycle giving a big efficiency improvement in            purely by virtue of the regulations. Newer chips
           teams. It was efficient for the FIA TFLOPS          MFPPC. Following lobbying from various teams,           were simply not viable because of their high

                                                                                                          Fully correlated and complex CFD models, such as this by
                                                                                                          Simscale, are becoming an ever-increasing asset to F1 teams,
                                                                                                          with some full car models now exceeding one billion cells

Every restriction simply triggers teams to exploit the loopholes, and
optimise designs and working practices to maximise performance
Formula 1 2018 Technical review - The Chelsea Magazine Company
Formula 1 2018 Technical review - The Chelsea Magazine Company

                                                                                                              A typical HPC cluster from Boston. With each new generation of
                                                                                                              compute chip delivering up to 20 per cent efficiency improvement
                                                                                                              the increased capacity of modern CFD clusters means that teams
                                                                                                              can now have an extra 200 runs, as opposed to 20 back in 2009

             flops/cycle rating. These older systems were              WON was retained and a parallel regulation was       node system based on the Intel Skylake 8176
             coming to the end of their life and were no               introduced with the aim of allowing teams to         Platinum 28 core chip. The group also had
             longer supported by Intel or AMD.                         continue using their old systems if they wished,     access to a smaller four node Intel Ivybridge
                 Clearly the FIA had to do something, and the          without too large a performance penalty – at         HPC which was used to provide a baseline of the
             target was to introduce a new regulation which            least that was the intention.                        performance gains that teams could achieve by
             aligned the Formula 1 aero departments more                   Boston Ltd has been specialising in high         upgrading from their older systems to the new
             closely with the wider CFD industry as well as            performance computing (HPC) in a wide range          hardware. This allowed Boston to benchmark its
             allowing teams to upgrade to more modern,                 of sectors for over 25 years. In 2017 it formed      own internal CFD model across a range of CFD
             supported technology. This resulted in the 2018           a new partnership with Tim Milne of UniFi            codes with a wide variety of hardware set-ups.
             CFD restrictions and a move from TFLOPS to                Engineering Services Ltd (UniFi) and Dr Lee          The systems were all set up with the very latest
             Mega Allocation Unit hours (MAUh) as defined              Axon of Computational Engineering Ltd (CE).          in networking fabric, up to date operating
             by the following equation:                                Milne and Axon have extensive Formula 1              systems and storage solutions, ensuring that
                                                                       experience, most recently at Manor F1 where          the results obtained would be aligned to the
                                                                       they were head of aerodynamics and head of           expectations of the F1 teams.
                                                                       CFD correlation respectively.
                                                                           This group combined Boston’s extensive           Hot chips
                                                                       HPC technical knowledge with UniFi’s and             Following the benchmarking of the older
             Where:                                                    CE’s F1 aerodynamics and CFD experience to           Ivybridge system, a number of options within
             AUh = Allocation unit hour                                provide the F1 teams with a comprehensive            the AMD EPYC range as well as the Skylake
             NCU = Number of processing unit cores                     benchmarking of the new AMD EPYC and Intel           8176 chip were evaluated as single node tests
             NSS = Number of solver wall clock seconds                 Skylake Platforms. They were able to use all the     to gain an initial assessment of the various
                   elapsed during the run                              main F1 CFD codes with models aligned to F1          different chips available in each family, as
             CCF = Peak processing unit clock frequency in GigaHertz   methodologies and HPC hardware set-ups to            well as some insight into the time/iteration
                                                                       extract the maximum possible performance             performance benefits of different options such
             Effectively this a very similar measure to TFLOPS         from the new regulatory environment.                 as the turbo mode. This also ensured that a clear
             but without the reliance on flops per cycle,                                                                   understanding of the raw performance of the
             hence removing the barrier to upgrading to                Node to joy                                          compute chip was gained and that the results
             newer, better supported, technology. The FIA              The project began in August 2017, by which           were not clouded by any networking issues
             commissioned an independent study to be                   time Boston Ltd was one of the first companies       which could be useful later in the process when
             carried out in order to set the regulation limit          worldwide to have invested in its own eight          trying to understand the results on the larger
             with the intention of giving parity between the           node dual socket AMD EPYC system based on            scale multi-node systems. The performance
             old regulations and the new ones. The link to             the EPYC7601 32 core chips and a similar eight       gains over the older Ivybridge system were

 The new method that was introduced at the start of this year is a very
 similar measure to TFLOPS but without the reliance on flops per cycle
 10 FORMULA 1 · WINTER 2018



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          Despite the efforts of the FIA to restrict the costs of CFD work, Formula 1 teams can now complete up to 1500 simulations each week on a typical model of around 200 million cells

          very quickly evident and it soon became
          clear that the teams would all be forced to
                                                                        For example, the CFD case will be repeated
                                                                   on the same HPC system but testing the                   It soon became clear that
          upgrade their HPC systems in order to remain
          competitive, which is the nature of Formula 1.
                                                                   simulation on 48, 96 and 192 cores. It was
                                                                   accepted that the case being run on 96 cores             the teams would all be
                                                                                                                            forced to upgrade their
          But this upgrade was extremely expensive. This           will take slightly longer than half the time of
          is not what the FIA had been aiming for, but             the case on 48 cores and slightly less than

                                                                                                                            HPC systems in order to
          reflects how quickly the HPC industry moves              half the case being run on 192 cores – so
          forward with the Formula 1 environment forced            there is an element of inefficiency by running
          to follow suit to remain competitive.                    on an increasing number of cores. However,
              Once testing migrated onto the full, multi-          it is in the teams’ interest to complete their           remain competitive
          node systems the full optimisation process               CFD simulations quickly in order to allow
          could begin. This involved running the same              their iterative aerodynamic development
          model over a wide range of different set-ups,            programmes to continue as quickly as possible            delivered performance gains which would
          including options for memory bandwidth                   – so it’s a trade off and one which was vitally          enable the F1 teams to run approximately twice
          per core used and process bindings. The key              important for the Boston group to understand.            as many CFD simulations per week in 2018 than
          at this stage was for the group to develop an                                                                     they had been able to in 2017 (for the same
          understanding of the efficiency vs performance           Core values                                              wind tunnel operation). Furthermore, the teams
          of each compute system – ideally each compute            The next step was to understand the impact of            would complete each of these simulations in
          chip in each family from Intel and AMD.                  leaving some of the compute cores dormant,               approximately half the time that was required
              In reality UniFi and CE were able to use their       as previously mentioned. This is an approach             under the 2017 regulations.
          experience in the industry to limit the testing          quite alien to most of the CFD industry (why
          to the most likely candidates for Formula 1              would you buy compute cores and then not                 Formula 1 specific
          operations and Boston used its extensive links           use them?) but something that was already well           Much of this optimisation is not relevant to
          in the HPC industry to gain access to relevant           known to deliver regulatory efficiency in the F1         the wider CFD industry, but is now considered
          systems for benchmark testing. Once a small              environment, if you could afford it.                     basic within the Formula 1 teams. The next step
          range of AMD and Intel compute chips had                     Tests were completed leaving a range                 was for the Boston group to really exploit the
          been selected, the focus was on understanding            of the cores dormant in order to give less               expertise available from the UniFi/CE group.
          how they performed against the Formula 1                 operational cores per memory channel, and                The details of this remain confidential, but it
          regulations. This required repeating the CFD             thus increasingly improving the memory                   enabled the group to develop solutions which
          simulation of their Formula 1 car on a range of          bandwidth available to the CFD simulation.               delivered even more performance for the F1
          different HPC sizes and set-ups.                         The conclusion of this benchmarking study                teams, and a further 20 per cent reduction

          Much of this optimisation is not relevant to the wider CFD industry,
          but it is now considered basic within the Formula 1 teams
          12 FORMULA 1 · WINTER 2018
The FIA focus
                                                                                                                          remains on
                                                                                                                          reducing wind
                                                                                                                          tunnel reliance and
                                                                                                                          delivering greater
                                                                                                                          CFD capacity in
                                                                                                                          exchange, and the
                                                                                                                          current regulations
                                                                                                                          deliver that

The benchmarking study concluded that teams would gain a huge performance advantage if they purchased a new multi-
million pound system because they would have twice the CFD capacity of 2017 – this was not the aim of the regulations

             in solve times was extracted from the same              the huge performance advantage available by          replacing their CFD clusters. In 2018, with the
             CFD set-up, which also increased the CFD                purchasing a new multi-million pound system,         massive increase in capacity, the same 10 to
             throughput by the same 20 per cent.                     which was not the aim of the new regulations.        20 per cent improvement available from each
                  Finally, as the benchmarking study neared              Furthermore, the impact of the increase          evolution of compute chip technology is 100
             its conclusion Boston worked with AMD to                in CFD capacity available to the teams under         to 200 runs – that is the same as the total
             further optimise for the requirements of F1             these new regulations only serves to increase        capacity of the systems in 2009.
             by increasing the memory bandwidth whilst               the financial pressure on the teams and in               Is this a bad thing? Arguably not. HPC
             retaining a relatively low base clock speed.            particular the pressure to increase headcount        systems are much cheaper now than they
                  ‘AMD EPYC delivers exceptional levels              within the aerodynamics departments as the           were back in 2009. The FIA focus remains on
             of performance in a number of workloads,                CFD capacity available increases. Not only           reducing wind tunnel reliance and delivering
             including high performance computing CFD                have they effectively been required to invest        greater CFD capacity in exchange, and the
             applications,’ explains Roger Benson, the senior        in new HPC architecture in order to remain           current regulations deliver that.
             director of the Datacenter Group, EMEA, AMD.            competitive, but the incentive to adopt future           However, does it help to level the playing
             ‘We are excited to be working with Boston on            improvements in chip technology has now only         field between the high budget teams and
             their automotive engineering focused platforms          increased. How so? The benchmarking work             the low budget teams? Does it help to
             and improving the efficiency of aerodynamic             completed by Boston suggests that teams are          encourage new teams into the sport? And
             testing for their customers.’                           now able to complete between 1000 and 1500           does it make the working practices within the
                                                                     CFD simulations per week based on a typical          Formula 1 aero departments more aligned
             The results                                             CFD model of around 200 million cells. Teams         to the wider CFD industry?
             The stated targets of the FIA for this change           may elect to ‘trade’ some of this capacity for           With AMD releasing its second generation
             in regulations was to enable the F1 teams               larger models (some teams run CFD models             of EPYC chip in 2019, the reaction of the
             to upgrade from their Fangio and Ivybridge              approaching one billion cells) or better quality     teams will be interesting. Will they all upgrade
             systems to the latest technology available, but         models (transient simulations rather than steady     immediately? Or will the well-funded teams
             without a clear performance pressure to do              state). But the key point is that the F1 HPC         take the opportunity to get a performance
             so, and with the aim of better aligning the F1          regulations have now given the teams twice as        advantage from the new technology that
             industry with the wider CFD industry.                   much capacity to play with than in 2017.             the smaller teams cannot afford?
                 Firstly, it is clear that all the F1 teams have
             upgraded to a new system, with most teams               Step change                                          Boston, UniFi and CE continue to develop
             having done so ahead of the regulatory change           Typically each generation of compute chip            their partnership with a focus on the F1,
             date of 1 January 2018. So, the first aim has           that is released by AMD/Intel delivers around        motorsport and automotive industries across
             been achieved – the Fangio and Ivybridge                10 to 20 per cent improvement in efficiency.         all CFD codes and working practices. For
             systems that the teams were operating are now           Back in 2009 this would give the teams an extra      more informaition visit the websites at: www.
             obsolete. However, the benchmarking work                10 to 20 CFD runs per week, and therefore  ;;
             completed by Boston clearly demonstrates                would not easily justify the large cost in 

When AMD releases its second generation of EYPC chip in 2019 the
reaction of the Formula 1 teams is going to be very interesting
                                                                                                               FORMULA 1 · WINTER 2018 13

Pressure relief
Thanks to a tiny new device, measuring aerodynamic pressures on
and around cars may have just become a whole lot easier, and in
some areas actually possible for the first time. Racecar investigates

             hotographs of pre-season        themselves, via tiny pressure port       tunnel as well, to accurately monitor      calibration of pressure sensors
             and pre-race testing often      tappings over and under the major        and control flow conditions.               for many years, and have worked
             show top race teams,            downforce-generating surfaces.                But how are these measurements        closely with a concern that might
             especially in F1, measuring     Using these techniques enables           made? And what are the practicalities?     accurately be described as the
aerodynamic pressures around their           aerodynamicists to gather pressure       We visited Evolution Measurement           sector founder, Scanivalve (see
cars. The most obvious manifestation         data around and on the car’s surfaces    Ltd (see sidebar), based in Andover in     sidebar) since 2001. With an intimate
of this is the pressure sensor array, like   that can be used to correlate with       southern England, to learn more about      knowledge of the available products
a two-dimensional rake with pressure         CFD and wind tunnel data, as well as     the challenges involved, and to see an     and, importantly, a firm grasp of
sensors arranged over the area of the        to calculate the real forces acting on   ultra-compact new pressure sensor          the customers’ needs, Evolution
rake, positioned on the raceccar in key      individual components.                   the company has come up with, that         Measurement has come up with the
areas where what might be described              Pressure measurement is an           will open up exciting new possibilities.   EvoScann P Series pressure scanner
as partial plane pressure plots can be       everyday critical part of wind tunnel         Although Evolution Measurement        which, they confidently assert, is
logged and recorded.                         testing too, with the wind tunnel        is itself a new company, managing          the smallest, lightest such pressure
    Less apparent and no less                models equipped with surface             director Paul Crowhurst and export         sensor currently available – no surprise
important is the measurement                 pressure ports, and measurements         sales manager Iain Gordon have             then that it has been generating
of surface pressures on the cars             also being made around the wind          been involved in the distribution and      interest among F1, DTM, LMP and

14 FORMULA 1 · WINTER 2018
Renault RS18 with pressure sensor array. This is highly visible but there might
also be small sensors measuring air pressures that are fitted to the car itself      The EvoScann P Series miniature pressure scanner is so small (36mm x 33m x 8mm)
                                                                                     it can be located in areas of a racecar that have previously been impossible to access

MotoGP teams. This compactness –
the 8-channel launch version is just
                                            applications. Traditionally pressure
                                            sensor array and surface pressure
                                                                                     other controlled environments’. It is
                                                                                     a 16-channel device typically used in         These enable
36mm (1.42in) x 33mm (1.30in) x 8mm
(0.31in) and weighs only 16g (0.56oz) –
                                            measurement has often been done
                                            with one of the Scanivalve multi-
                                                                                     wind tunnels where installation space
                                                                                     is not an issue, overall length being         aerodynamicists
                                                                                                                                   to gather
will enable the sensors to be located in    port scanners such as the ZOC (Zero,     around 200mm (8in).
areas previously difficult or impossible    Operate Calibrate) range of analogue         The newest and most advanced

                                                                                                                                   pressure data
to access, such as within front wing        devices in 32- or 64-channel form, and   Scanivalve product is the MPS
elements or other important small           these measure 105mm (4.1in) x 36mm       (miniature pressure scanner) range,
aerodynamic parts.                          1.4in) x 14mm (0.55in), finding use in   a 64-channel high-end device
                                            wind tunnel models and other space-      measuring roughly 89mm (3.52in)               around and
Pressure change                             limited applications.                    x 40mm (1.56in) x 22mm (0.87in),
To see where and how this new
compact pressure scanner fits into
                                                Another oft-used device is the
                                            popular DSA range, described by
                                                                                     several of which might typically
                                                                                     be seen on a wind tunnel model,
                                                                                                                                   on the car’s
the overall scheme of things, let’s
first take a brief look at some of the
                                            Crowhurst as ‘a good workhorse’ and
                                            by Scanivalve themselves as ‘intended
                                                                                     and which is also used in on-car
                                                                                     applications, too. ‘It’s a fantastic
complimentary products and their            for most laboratory, educational or      product,’ says Crowhurst, ‘and the

                                                                                                        FORMULA 1 · WINTER 2018 15

                                                                       Scanivalve MPS          Scanivalve DSA3217
                                                                       4264 pressure           pressure scanner
                                                                       scanner, with
                                                                       pen for scale

Figure 1: Schematic layout of tube runs in a conventional pressure scanning system

Tubing lengths should be as
short as possible to avoid
frequency response issues                                                               The schematic in Figure 1 might not look so complicated but in reality on a wind tunnel
                                                                                        model (or a racecar) a conventional pressure scanning set-up can look more like this

latest version is a big technical            so forth has therefore inevitably          usual on-vehicle communication                 on accuracy, performance, sensitivity
advance over its predecessor as well as      been highly compromised by the             protocols (CANBus). The scanners               and noise insensitivity was great.’
being the most technically advanced,         long tubing runs that have been            pick up their power supply from the                The P8 launch model offers a
fully digital instrument available.’         intrinsically required.                    communication cable, and feature               choice of pressure ranges; at the low
                                                 However, on the strength of            integral signal conditioning.                  end of the scale +/-20kPa range is
Tube lengths                                 feedback from customers, Evolution                                                        offered with an accuracy of 0.1per
Among the criteria for obtaining             Measurements’ concept for the              Small and light                                cent full scale claimed, providing +/-
accurate and repeatable pressure             EvoScann P Series was to reduce            Gordon says: ‘Our Evoscann P series            20Pa resolution. However, a number
measurements is that tubing lengths          the size (and channel count) of the        is certainly the smallest and lightest         of developments are underway,
should be as short as possible to            scanner so that they could be located      pressure scanner available and it              Crowhurst says: ‘The launch version
avoid frequency response issues, and         much closer to where the pressure          can be fitted [to measure pressures]           was primarily aimed at absolute
should ideally all be of equal length        measurements needed to be taken.           in places that were previously not             surface pressure measurements.
to maintain consistency between              The concept of a ‘distributed system’,     measurable. It’s been interesting              But we will shortly be releasing a
channels. The diagram in Figure 1            shown in Figure 2, was to switch from      that the door has been held open               differential pressure version which
generically illustrates this challenge.      a small number of centrally located        wherever we have introduced it, so             will measure the difference between
With tightly packaged racecars,              multi-channel scanners with complex        it’s clearly meeting an un-met need.           atmospheric pressure and the [local]
available space for pressure scanners,       tubing runs to more scanners with          We have presented it to the F1 teams           surface pressures creating lift or
associated hardware including power          lower channel counts, and to locate        and a few others outside F1 and                downforce. This will have a choice of
supplies and signal conditioners,            the scanners around the car close          many have either bought it or asked            ranges from +/-7kPa upwards.’
not to mention bundles of tubing, is         to areas of interest.                      for customisations, or want to have it             With a similar accuracy to the
clearly at a premium, and options are            This vastly reduces the length         when we reach the next stages in our           launch model this would enable +/-
severely limited within the chassis of a     and complexity of the tubing runs          roadmap development.’                          7Pa resolution, which would be well
racecar and perhaps other areas within       and associated installation, with               Gordon also revealed that                 able to resolve the small variations
the body of a scale wind tunnel model.       just a single cable emerging from          EvoScann sensors were run on three             in surface pressures seen on many
So getting reliable data from ‘outposts’     each scanner to connect with               cars in free practice at the last F1 race      areas of racecars. However, Crowhurst
such as front wings, endplates and           data acquisition systems using the         of 2017, and reported that ‘feedback           added that ‘sensitivity and resolution

16 FORMULA 1 · WINTER 2018

will also improve, we will likely
increase resolution by a factor of
10.’ Further variants with more
channels will also be available; a
16-channel version that fits the same
dimensional envelope will come, and
a 32-channel version that will only be
slightly longer will follow that.

Embedded device
One of the advantages of this slim
pressure scanner is that in some
instances it can be inset into the
surface of the device it is intended
to measure. For example, one F1                  Figure 2: A distributed pressure sensor system vastly reduces the length and complexity of the tubing and installation. It puts local
client wanted to attach one to a                 scanners at the point of measurement, with the tubing installation then connecting via a single CANBus cable to the nearest node
bargeboard. The slender dimensions
of the EvoScann would enable it to               scanner inside the small chord front           ‘We can even supply the EvoScann                and mount the sensor nearby where it
be embedded in the surface of the                wing flap elements on an F1 car. And           without its carbon composite casing,            can be accommodated.’
bargeboard itself and cause negligible           in some instances wind tunnel teams            which reduces the thickness to just                One F1 insider who is familiar
interference with the flows and                  have used additive manufacturing               4.5mm (0.18in) if the customer wanted           with these new sensors says: ‘The test
pressures it was there to measure.               methods (3D printing) to provide not           an even more compact installation,’             teams are interested in mapping ever
     Clearly, the small size of the device       only a snug location for the pressure          Gordon says. ‘But if there really is an         more areas of the car with these small
will enable it to be mounted inside              scanner within the test part but also          inaccessible location that is too tight         sensors. Getting a feel for downforce,
many aerodynamic components                      to print the tubing runs that connect          even for the EvoScann P8 then it is             especially at low speed, is better done
to allow the collection and local                to the surface pressure tapping ports.         possible to run the tubing through it           with pressure mapping than with the
conversion of pressure data into                                                                                                                four [suspension] pushrod load cells.
electronic signals to be communicated
to the data acquisition system                        Its slender dimensions would                                                              The pushrods have to measure car
                                                                                                                                                weight and take impacts, whereas

                                                     enable it to be embedded in the
through just a single cable, rather than                                                                                                        pressure sensors can be scaled for the
through many metres of delicate and                                                                                                             pressures they have to measure.’

                                                     surface of the bargeboard itself
vulnerable small bore plastic tubing.                                                                                                              A further interesting feature is
It is even feasible to fit the P Series                                                                                                         that because the EvoScann P Series

 Pressure scanners

           imply put, a pressure scanner is       data points could be obtained. Nobody          Corporation in 1955, and the products           including connections, small bore
           a device that converts data from       else was doing this at the time and it         were quickly adopted by the wind                tubing, steel tubulations and so
           pressure tappings, for example         became a huge advantage.                       tunnel industry. The company                    forth. Subsequently the company
  over a car’s surfaces or from a sensor              Pemberton subsequently left                developed a large line of products              had to adapt to – and exploit – some
  array, into electrical signals that can be      Boeing and founded Scanivalve                  to support the use of the scanners,             world-changing technological
  logged by a data acquisition system.
       The concept was devised by one JC
  Pemberton, who worked at Boeing In
  Seattle, Washington, in the 1950s and
  was endeavouring to measure pressures
  over aircraft surfaces using lots of liquid-
  filled U-tube manometers.

  Scanning valve
  Not surprisingly it was incredibly
  difficult to zero and stabilise all these
  devices and to obtain synchronous
  data. So Pemberton invented and
  developed a motorised, mechanical
  scanning valve that multiplexed many
  pressure signals into one transducer.
  The device was called a scanning valve
  because, in essence, the motor drove
  the transducer to sequentially scan the
  48 ports connected to the valve. It did
  this in about 90 seconds, which vastly          The original Scanivalve
  improved the rate at which pressure

18 FORMULA 1 · WINTER 2018
than most people need’. Pressure
                                                                                                                                        ranges from +/-20kPa to +/-120kPa
                                                                                                                                        (200-1200mbar or 2.9-17.4psig) are
                                                                                                                                        currently available, with lower ranges
                                                                                                                                        set to become available.

                                                                                                                                        As this article was being written
                                                                                                                                        Evolution Measurement was notified
                                                                                                                                        that EvoScann had been homologated
                                                                                                                                        for use with the FIA standard ECU. This
                                                                                                                                        process included, among other things,
                                                                                                                                        being able to demonstrate that, as a
                                                                                                                                        microprocessor-equipped sensor, it
                                                                                                                                        was not possible to re-programme
                                                                                                                                        the device for ‘alternative purposes’,
                                                                                                                                        something it is demonstrably not
                                                                                                                                        possible to do with the single CANbus
Figure 3: Screenshot of EvoScann GUI. Device has an onboard integral microprocessor so the output is in engineering units of pressure   communication cable that provides
                                                                                                                                        the power to and data from the
devices have an onboard integral              fits most known requirements’ Gordon          environmental conditions to be              sensor. So prospective customers
microprocessor, the output is directly        says. ‘Our aim is to not only fit the         handled, although for applications          now have the added confidence
in engineering units of pressure, as          niche applications where the standard         that don’t need it the outer casing can     that this compact, innovative new
Figure 3 illustrates. Here the pressure       device is most suited but also, where         be omitted. The size of the internal        pressure sensor has FIA homologation
scale is in mbar but this is configurable     required, to customise for bespoke            printed circuit board is a key factor       for use on their racecars.
via the GUI to the units of choice.           requirements. And, for example, the           in the dimensions of the sensor;                This also means that it will be
    The design of the EvoScann                price per channel is comparable to the        however there is the capability to          permissible in FIA-sanctioned events
incorporates temperature correction           Scanivalve MPS scanner [mentioned             reduce the size and thickness still         to run the sensors during qualifying
for each pressure channel. It can be          earlier] so it’s a good fit in terms of the   further. The in-plane alignment of the      and in the races, and not just in test
configured to measure differential            applications it can satisfy.’                 output tubulations helps to maintain        sessions or free practice. Before such
pressures by setting one channel                   The carbon fibre outer casing,           a compact installation. Scanning rates      a compact sensor was available,
to measure static pressure. And it            combined with the resin potting               up to 1kHz per channel are possible,        though, this probably wasn’t even
corrects for ambient pressure too. ‘It        process enable a wide range of                which Crowhurst says ‘is typically faster   considered by the race teams.

                                                                                            Evolution Measurement

advances. During the 1970s Scanivalve            In 1982 Pemberton sold the                          volution Measurement                   The company offers sales of the
developed a combination of valving and       company to his sons Addison and                         was founded in July 2016           devices including spares supply,
calibration that was applied to miniature    Jim, and around this time PCs started                   and is located in Andover,         consultancy, support, installation,
silicon sensors and used computer            landing on all our desks, so the                Hampshire, UK. It is staffed by a team     service, calibration, repair and
correction of temperature errors. And        company developed PC-based data                 of engineers highly experienced            bespoke solutions, as well as now
measurement of individual sensors was        acquisition systems which allowed               in measurement, instrumentation            designing and manufacturing its
now multiplexed electronically, enabling     ever faster data sampling rates.                and calibration. The team has              own new products.
much faster sampling rates.                                                                  actually been in its current premises,         Managing director Crowhurst
                                             Digital age                                     in a previous guise, since 2006            says: ‘we work in various sectors,
                                             In the 1990s Ethernet-based                     and is now fully focussed on the           niche areas especially where, as
                                             communications boosted things, and              high-end fluid temperature and             a small, responsive company we
                                             in the early 2000s UBS connectivity             pressure measurement market. The           can provide turn-key solutions for
                                             speeded everything up further, and              relationship with Scanivalve in fact       multiple applications in building
                                             all the while miniaturisation was               goes back to 2001, via the companies       design, wind engineering, aircraft
                                             continuing. Originally signal outputs           that the current staff used to work at.    design, automotive, wind tunnel
                                             were analogue so the voltage signals                                                       assessment and models, and of
                                             required conditioning, but now                  Highly evolved                             course in motorsport.’ The latter
                                             everything is digital and processed             Evolution Measurement now handles          includes MotoGP, from where interest
                                             to output in pressure units, and                northern Europe-wide factory-              is emerging in what is an increasingly
                                             it is possible to take thousands of             level calibration, repair and service      aerodynamics savvy sport.
                                             readings per second per channel from            support for Scanivalve while special           There are applications in cycling,
                                             increasingly compact devices.                   relationships also exist with Guildline    too. And the company is also working
                                                   Such has been the impact of               (as its exclusive UK distributor for       on a package for Formula Student.
                                             Scanivalve Corporation that it has              precision measurement solutions)           Please form an orderly queue …
                                             become the Hoover of the pressure               as well as with Meggitt (as its UK         Contact: Evolution Measurement Ltd
                                             scanning industry, the generic name             application-specific distributors for      Tel +44 (0)1264 316470, web:
An advert for the first Scanivalve device    most folk reach for when a need arises.         dynamic pressure sensors).       

                                                                                                               FORMULA 1 · WINTER 2018 19

The reigning champion Mercedes team has taken
a conservative approach to Halo, where design and
implementation regulations allow some freedom

20 FORMULA 1 · WINTER 2018
The Halo effect
Formula 1 2018 hit the ground running in Barcelona with all new Pirelli
compounds, aero and the controversial head protection Halo system

F                                                                                                              ‘In testing we will
          ormula 1 has ushered in a host of          is confirmed we’re confident that the parts we’ll
          changes for the 2018 season. The new       bring to the car will sort out those losses.’
          head protection system, known as
          Halo, is the most obvious from a visual
                                                          It is something being worked on right
                                                     up and down the pitlane with lots of airflow              make sure we understand
point of view, and has already attracted a lot of
negative feedback from the teams. It has also
                                                     sensors fitted to cars around the Halo structure
                                                     and downstream of it. ‘Aerodynamically                    that the losses coming
                                                                                                               off Halo are where we
had a significant effect on the rest of the car,     speaking, Halo is certainly not penalty free
in terms of weight and design thanks to a late       and I think there is a challenge there to either
introduction of the regulation leading in some       cope with it in the first instance, let’s call
cases to an all-new chassis design. With new         it damage limitation, and thereafter think                think they are’
tyres from Pirelli, offering teams a new challenge   about opportunity and exploitation,’ Peter
of working them at different circuits, and longer    Prodromou, McLaren’s Chief Technical Officer              ‘It has effects on the cockpit because it is local
life power units for this season, teams have had     for aerodynamics adds. ‘It does open up some              to that opening. You have got the driver in
anything but an easy preparation for the season.     avenues which are possibly interesting to look            there and so you’ve got to make sure you don’t
     The Additional Frontal Protection-Halo (AFP-    at. I am sure there will be a variety of different        have the negative effects there,’ Toro Rosso
Halo, or just Halo) is without doubt the biggest     solutions out there but the scope is quite                Technical Director James Key adds. ‘You’ve
visual change between the 2018 Grand Prix cars       limited to the allowance around the basic                 got effects on the engine air intake and effects
and those used in 2017. In design terms the          shape, but there is opportunity.’                         after that towards the back, so there are a
Halo is governed by its own specific appendix to                                                               number of different things you have to think
the FIA technical regulations. Everything from       Aesthetic gain                                            about. None of them are massive effects but
the shape and dimensions of the device to the        The rules allow a 20mm area of freedom around             they all require some level of attention.’
material it is made from (titanium alloy Ti6Al4V     the titanium structure, introduced partly for                  Fitting the Halo is no easy challenge either;
Grade 5) is defined. However there is still scope    aesthetic reasons but predictably these fairings          not only does the Halo have to be homologated
for different manufacturers to supply their          are being used for aerodynamic gain, as some              independently, it also has to pass crash tests as
own products into the category, though each          teams have added winglets and in one case                 part of the chassis homologation procedure.
must be homologated independently at the             airliner style vortex generators to their Halos.          This has proved to be a major issue for teams.
Cranfield Impact Centre. At the time of writing
three companies had homologated Halos; CP
Autosport of Germany, SS Tube Technology in
England and a third company, V System, from
which each team must purchase their Halos.

Airflow impact
As can be imagined for such a visually obvious
addition to the car, the aerodynamic impact
of Halo is noteworthy, and the teams are
doing what they can to deal with its impact,
particularly on the airflow over the whole car.
    ‘It has a significant downstream effect,
especially round the rear wing area,’ highlights
Andy Green, Technical Director of the team
known as Force India at time of writing (the
team name is likely to change by the first race
in Australia in March). ‘It is not designed to be
an aerodynamic device, so it doesn’t do us any
favours in that department and it requires a lot
of work to mitigate the issues that it causes. In
testing we will make sure we understand that
the losses coming off the halo are where we
think they are from our modelling tools. If that     Toro Rosso is one of several teams to try to increase aero efficiency with its Halo design, one of many to choose this option

                                                                                                             FORMULA 1 · WINTER 2018 21

The 20mm area at the top of the Halo has been exploited
differently by the teams. The Haas team has adopted this
toothy solution while others have mounted a wing

                                                                                                                      everything that moves around – which it is
                                                                                                                      designed to do – it is a bit scary.’
                                                                                                                          During the chassis homologation tests the
                                                                                                                      Halo has to withstand various loads without it or
                                                                                                                      the monocoque failing. The biggest load applied
                                                                                                                      to the structure is 116kN from above, which has
                                                                                                                      to be endured for five seconds. Longitudinal
                                                                                                                      forces of 46kN and 83kN are applied from the
                                                                                                                      front as well as a lateral load of 93kN from the
                                                                                                                      side. For comparison, the roll structure on top
                                                                                                                      of the car has to withstand 50kN laterally, 60kN
                                                                                                                      longitudinally and 90kN from above.

                                                                                                                      Weighty issue
                                                                                                                      To survive these severe loads, the Halo itself has
                                                                                                                      become quite a substantial structure, weighing
                                                                                                                      by regulation 7kg (+0.05kg, -0.15kg). In addition,
                                                                                                                      the monocoque has also had to increase in
                                                                                                                      strength significantly to cope with these tests.
                                                                                                                      This has further increased the weight of the
New rubber from Pirelli is designed to help drivers and teams at         ‘We always knew it was going to be a         chassis by approximately 12-13kg. Whereas, the
particular tracks. Pressure sensors were all the rage in Barcelona   challenge so have invested time and money        2018 technical regulations have only allowed
as teams completed their aero maps during pre-season testing         up front to do a lot of test pieces,’ McLaren    a minimum weight increase of 5kg to 733kg,
                                                                     Chief Technical Officer Matt Morris admits.      forcing teams to save weight in other areas of

‘It takes the weight of a                                            ‘Obviously, you don’t want to build a complete
                                                                     chassis but we built a few test pieces with
                                                                                                                      the car. Interestingly, now at the start of a race a
                                                                                                                      2018 Formula 1 car will weigh roughly the same

London bus and when                                                  dummy Halos and parts of Halos to test how
                                                                     the interfaces would behave and we found
                                                                                                                      as a non-hybrid LMP1 in qualifying trim.
                                                                                                                          ‘From a design perspective, weight is a big

you see that test going                                              some issues. It was close, we didn’t breeze
                                                                     through and there were some heart-stopping
                                                                                                                      part of it. The weight limit did go up, but not by
                                                                                                                      nearly as much as the installation weight of the

with that amount of load,
                                                                     moments with particular static tests coming      halo so it put additional stress on all the other
                                                                     in from an oblique angle. It takes the weight    parts of the car,’ Green continues. ‘We had to try

it is a bit scary’
                                                                     of a London bus and when you see that            to optimise the weight in those areas to try and
                                                                     test going on with that amount of load and       keep the weight limit below the minimum so

22 FORMULA 1 · WINTER 2018
Short sidepod concept

    n 2017 Ferrari introduced a new short sidepod concept,
    relocating the upper side impact structure (a single
    specification design shared by all teams) and moving
 the main cooling aperture rearward. A set of box shape
 aerodynamic elements forward of the duct ensure rules
 compliance. Ferrari took this approach for aerodynamic
 reasons rather than those of cooling. In 2018, half the grid
 featured the same solution, but not all teams agree that it
 is the right route, with Mercedes, Renault, Force India and
 others all opting against adopting the concept.

 Conservative approach                                                   Sidepod design seems to be led by Ferrari, with impact structure relocation for efficient aerodynamic effect
  ‘Everything you do in aerodynamics has an opportunity
 cost; there is much more opportunity to make the car worse
 than better,’ claims Mercedes Technical Director, James
 Allison. ‘If you want to pursue a new and different concept,
 you will expect to find a fair amount of loss before you
 get back into positive territory. We looked at that concept
 and felt it would spend too much time being in negative
 territory before it would perhaps offer any gain at all. If you
 are a [team] that is a long way down the grid the situation is
 different it is worth taking that gamble, as you have less to
 lose and you know that the path you are on is not right.’
      It is likely that the relocation of the side impact structure
 would require a substantial change to the monocoque
 design, while getting adequate airflow into the cooling
 system with such a complex arrangement of aerodynamic
 elements around the leading edge of the sidepod duct is
 also likely to be a major challenge.                                    Mercedes has not adopted this same approach, believing that too much time would be lost in development

that we can run ballast because the other area
that we have to bear in mind is we have to hit
a weight distribution target as well.’
    Although it was originally introduced as
a temporary measure to help Pirelli develop
tyres when it became the sole tyre supplier in
2011, the technical regulations still limit every
car in terms of weight distribution, with just a
7kg window of freedom. This means that while
some teams may be able to build a car under
the minimum weight, they cannot get it fully
within the distribution window.

Halo kitty
‘You only have a very small window of weight
distribution so the actual architecture of the
car needs to be correct to start with, otherwise
you’re adding ballast to a car that doesn’t
need ballast just to get the weight distribution
right,’ Green says. ‘We would have loved to
have added a huge safety margin to the whole               The loss of the T-wing is not total; some teams are trying to recover some of the effect with lower mounted winglets
design so that we would happily sail through
the crash and load tests without any issues but
that wasn’t possible because the weight limit of
                                                           rear end of its car as a result, abandoning its
                                                           cast titanium gearbox casing (something it               ‘You have a small window
the car didn’t go up enough. We couldn’t afford
to increase the base weight of the car more
                                                           has evolved over many seasons) in favour of
                                                           a composite transmission.                                of weight distribution so
                                                                                                                    the architecture of the car
than a few kg because we knew we only had a                    While the price of the Halo itself is relatively
few kg that wecould take out of the car. It was,           modest, the cost of developing a chassis to fit it

                                                                                                                    needs to be correct’
structurally, incredibly challenging.’                     is higher than some of the smaller teams would
    This weight challenge has seen at least                like. This cost was worsened by the late decision
one team, Renault, substantially rework the                to adopt the Halo as the 2018 AFP solution, with

                                                                                                                   FORMULA 1 · WINTER 2018 23

With only a 7kg weight distribution, teams have struggled to get the weight down and remain in the window; Renault adopted a composite gearbox casing to reduce weight

             teams only informed of this final decision in           as it is much lighter than Halo with lower                   The significant aerodynamic changes of
             September, 2017 after a long discussion process.        requirements on the chassis structure.                  the 2017 regulations resulted in an increase in
                 ‘Expense-wise it’s huge because we had to               The weight increase as a result of the Halo         loads of over 20%, demanding the tyres to be
             do a new chassis. We wouldn’t have anticipated          also places an additional demand on the four            extremely robust, leading Pirelli to ramp up the
             doing a new chassis this year given the number          power unit suppliers, which have also had to            stiffness of their entire compound range. Pirelli
             of changes we made last year. For a team like           increase the life of their power units. Teams can       also had to develop tyres with little knowledge
             us we would look to try and get two years out           now only use three combustion engines (ICE),            of the potential performance that the teams
             of the chassis if possible. So in that respect          three MGU-H’s and three turbochargers (TC)              could achieve in 2017. Despite 12,000km of
             it cost us a huge amount to redevelop and               during the season, compared to four last year.          testing, the 2014 adapted ‘mule’ cars that Pirelli
             redesign the new chassis. It is in the hundreds         That’s 2,100km of racing mileage not including          used to develop the 2017 compounds only
             of thousands, if not million dollar mark, to put        practice sessions or qualifying. Whereas the            achieved a 10% increase in downforce and
             the Halo on the car for us,’ says Green.                energy stores (ES), control electronics (CE) and        therefore the results were unrepresentative
                                                                     MGU-K’s are all limited to two per season, or           and inconclusive. To cope with this, Pirelli went
             Screening process                                       3,150km of racing. This demand for increased            for a conservative approach last year, and
             The Halo has had a largely negative reception           reliability will no doubt have forced the               having tried and tested their designs for an
             from drivers, teams, the media and fans. This           suppliers to manufacture more robust units, yet         entire season, the 2018 range is a slightly more
             has lead to work continuing on alternative              they have had to minimise weight to help teams          aggressive evolution of 2017.
             additional frontal protection systems. In               comply with the minimum weight regulations
             2017 a brief test run was conducted with                which have been challenging to achieve with             Compounding issues
             a clear windscreen fitted to a Ferrari, but             the consequences of Halo. It remains to be seen         ‘The 2018 compounds are from the same family
             while this solution solved the frontal impact           how successful they have been.                          of compounds as 2017,’ explains Mario Isola,
             requirements, the driver complained of                                                                          Sporting Director of Pirelli. ‘The reason why
             visual distortion. However, Indycar is now              Tyre dilemma                                            degradation was so low last year was because
             experimenting with a similar aeroscreen                 The other major changes for this year come              these compounds have less surface overheating
             solution (see p16). Teams prefer the windscreen         from the tyres. To encourage overtaking and pit         and in general behave in a different way. In
             option not only for aesthetic reasons but also          stops, Pirelli have added two more colours, and         particular we used the 2017 Soft as a baseline
                                                                     therefore compounds, to their tyre compound             [for 2018] because last year the Soft had a

‘We used the 2017 Soft as                                            rainbow, the Superhard and the Hypersoft, as
                                                                     well as making the entire range a step softer,
                                                                                                                             wider working range compared to the other
                                                                                                                             compounds. Last year’s Soft is now the Medium.’

a baseline because last                                              and introducing new allocation rules. The
                                                                     Superhard is now the hardest compound,
                                                                                                                                 From there, the 2017 Soft ‘baseline’ was
                                                                                                                             then developed and used to create this year’s

year the Soft had a wider
                                                                     adopting the conventional orange colour of              softer compounds (Soft, Supersoft, Ultrasoft
                                                                     the Hard, which has now become the light                and Hypersoft), each decreasing in stiffness in
                                                                     blue, and the Hypersoft is the softest compound         relatively consecutive steps. Although Pirelli,
working range compared                                               and is light pink in colour. However, to gain a         along with some drivers, have commented
                                                                     full understanding of these additional                  that the softer compounds of the 2018 range,
with the other compounds’                                            compounds we need to reflect on 2017.                   tested at Abu Dhabi last year were ‘much closer

24 FORMULA 1 · WINTER 2018
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