"Survival" EVENT DESCRIPTIONS - Boy Scouts of America Ventura County Council Ronald Reagan District Camporee 2018 - Morning Games

Page created by Jane Turner
"Survival" EVENT DESCRIPTIONS - Boy Scouts of America Ventura County Council Ronald Reagan District Camporee 2018 - Morning Games

         Boy Scouts of America
        Ventura County Council
    Ronald Reagan District Camporee

          Morning Games

                                 Final February 25, 2018
2018 VCC Ronald Reagan District Camporee
                              April 20-22, 2018

                          1. Fahrenheit 212°
Patrols will be given the materials to build a fire, no taller than 12” in
height to boil the water in a cup suspended by a wire hanger 18” above
the ground. They will be timed on how long it takes them to boil the

  • Fire must be built no higher than 12”.
  • No additional tinder may be added once the fire is lit.
  • Fires must be built on the ground.
  • Each patrol starts with 2 matches.

  • The event will be scored based on time using a stopwatch.
  • 20 seconds will be added for each additional match after 2 used to
     light the fire.

    • A stopwatch/timer.
    • Wood.
    • Tinder.
    • Kindling.
    • Matches.
    • Hatchet and wood chopping area.
    • Small Dixie cups.
    • Water.
    • Metal rods and wire hangers to hold water cup.

2018 VCC Ronald Reagan District Camporee
                               April 20-22, 2018

                         2.    Feeding Sasquatch
Patrols are shown a list of plant pictures, names, and whether they are safe to
eat or not while in line, then they enter the game and are to come up with one of
two answers to a riddle (rhyme) about a plant. The rhyme will imply something
about a unique characteristic of a plant. For example: “Leaves of three, let it
be,” is used to describe poison oak. The patrol will be presented a clear printed
picture of poison oak and another of a different plant. The patrol will then pick
which of the two it describes and decide whether it is healthy or not for
sasquatch to eat. They will then feed him the plant they think is healthy for him
to “eat”. If they choose correctly, sasquatch’s appetite will be sated. If they
choose wrong, he will get sick. This will continue until all 5 riddles have been

   • Patrols do not get to see which plants are going to be shown before
     entering the game, and they do not get to see the reference list after
     entering the game.
   • Patrols get 5 or 10 seconds to decide which plant to feed sasquatch.

   • Patrols are scored on how many they get right during the time period.
   • +1 if they feed sasquatch the right plant.
   • Maximum: 5 points.

   •   A stopwatch/timer.
   •   A list of common plants with pictures and descriptions.
   •   Pictures of the plants, healthy and unhealthy.
   •   A tent or shade tarp to do the game without being able to see out.
   •   Either a “cage” or a corner will be needed for sasquatch to stay.

2018 VCC Ronald Reagan District Camporee
                                April 20-22, 2018

                           3.    Shelter Building.
Patrols are given an assortment of supplies to build a one-person shelter.
They are given 3 minutes to build the shelter, then the judge uses a leaf
blower to test the shelter’s stability.

   • They have to use only the given supplies, and they do not have to use
     all of the supplies.
   • They only have 3 minutes to finish building.
   • They do not get to hold the shelter up during the test, it has to hold
     itself up.

   • It is scored on build quality and teamwork.
   • Build quality includes:
         o 1 point for being able to stand on its own.
         o 1 point for being able to hold a person.
         o 1 point for the person being able to get in and out without
             disturbing the shelter.
         o 1 point for surviving a leaf blower.
   • Teamwork is scored out of 5, the better they work together, the more
     points they get.
   • They can get a bonus of 1 point for every 30 seconds early they finish.

       •   A stopwatch/timer.
       •   3 wooden stakes.
       •   2 wooden spars.
       •   2 ropes for lashing.
       •   A tarp.
       •   A stake already put into the ground for lean-tos if patrols decide on

2018 VCC Ronald Reagan District Camporee
                             April 20-22, 2018

                        4.    Filtering Water.
Patrols are given roughly 5 minutes to design a water filter out of the
materials given. They will then be given 1 minute to filter as much water
from a “dirty” (pieces of leaves or dirt) bucket of water into a “clean”
bucket 30 feet away.

  • Every member of the patrol must be involved in some way.
  • The buckets cannot be moved.
  • Patrols will be given fresh materials, with the exception of the Solo
     cups and the buckets.

  • The patrol will be scored on how much water is in the “clean”
     bucket at the end of the event.
  • Water level measured with a ruler in the bucket, score is in inches.

 • A stopwatch/timer.
 • Empty water bottle.
 • Coffee filter.
 • Rubber band.
 • 2 Solo cups (reusable).
 • 2 5-gallon buckets.
 • Ruler (that can get wet).
 • Funnel (if necessary).
 • Duct tape (if necessary).

2018 VCC Ronald Reagan District Camporee
                              April 20-22, 2018

                  5.    Moving an Injured Person
Patrols build a stretcher out of poles and a blanket, then carry a person to
another location 50 feet away and back with a few obstacles they have to
run around. The injured person carries a cup of water on their chest, and
the patrols get points for how much water they have left.

  • Patrols have to build a stretcher to carry their injured person in the
     stretcher they make.
  • The injured person cannot cover the top of the cup.
  • If they drop the person in the stretcher, they have to rebuild the
     stretcher and keep going.

  • Patrols are scored on how much water they have left in their cup.

 • Two spars.
 • A blanket.
 • A cup.
 • Something to make obstacles.
 • A measuring device for scoring.

2018 VCC Ronald Reagan District Camporee
                                 April 20-22, 2018

                6.     Crossing the River (BSA Twister)
Bigfoot is chasing the scouts, and they come across a river they have to cross. The
“river” is between two markers, and has to be crossed using pieces of plywood or “lily
pads”. They have to step across using the plywood squares, and cannot step into the
river, or they have to go back to the beginning.

  •   The scouts each have injuries from their run, one scout cannot see and has a
      blindfold, one cannot walk, and all of them are unable to talk except one. The
      person who can’t walk may not also be the one who is blind.
  •   If one person puts both feet on the same piece of plywood, then it sinks and they
      fall into the river, so they lose the piece of plywood and go back to the beginning.
      Different scouts can each have one foot on the plywood, as long as one does not
      have two feet on it.
  •   If there are no scouts with one foot on the plywood piece, then it floats away and
      they lose it.
  •   If a scout steps or falls off the plywood pieces, he has to go back to the beginning.
  •   They lose when there are no pieces of plywood left for them to cross, and they win
      when all of the scouts are across the river.

  •   If all scouts make it across, they are scored on time it took to cross.
  •   If they do not all make it across, they are given a score as a fraction of how many
      made it over the number of scouts in the patrol. All time scores are better than the
      fraction scores.

  •   A stopwatch/timer.
  •   Two pieces of rope to designate the banks of the river.
          o River banks should be at least 15 feet apart.
          o Include something to hold the ropes in place (blocks, stakes, etc.).
  •   4 -6 pieces of plywood as “lily pads”, each 2 ft. x 2 ft.
          o Use at least 4 “lily pads” for patrol Hawk & Bear rated patrols.
          o Use additional “lily pads” for patrol Fox & Coyote rated patrols.
  •   1 blindfold

2018 VCC Ronald Reagan District Camporee
                             April 20-22, 2018

                  7. Blind Compass Relay Race
Patrols will be given a compass and a paper bag and must cross certain
distances using only their skill in orienteering to guide them to the next

 • Scouts may not give hints to the blind scout.
 • An instructor (with the stopwatch) will follow the blind scouts, and
    give them a new direction if they miss the other scout by more than
    a few feet.
 • If the scout is within about 5 feet of their intended destination, they
    can be stopped and pass on the compass and bag.

 • Scouts will be scored on their overall time divided by the number
    of members in their patrol.

 • Compass.
 • Meter stick or measuring tape.
      o Mark off a 50-ft. distance and instruct the scouts on how to
         find their pace.
 • One staff person is required to time and score.
 • One staff person is required to follow the navigating scout to keep
   them safe and to give them new bearings if they fall too far off
 • The troop running this event will need to layout positions for at
   least 8 scouts before starting this event.

2018 VCC Ronald Reagan District Camporee
                             April 20-22, 2018

                    8. Building a Survival Kit
Patrols have a pile of items to build a survival kit in a backpack in 1
minute. The items are covered with a tarp before the start of the event.
They can put as many items in the backpack as they want, as long as the
backpack can easily close. They should try to include items that will be
useful for camping, and will be scored on the ten essentials list from the
scout book, but are not told before or after that that is the scoring guide.

 • They have one minute to make the kit.
 • They can only use items that they are given in the event.
 • They cannot see the items before starting.
 • They have to have the backpack closed and ready for judging by
    the end.

 • They get 1 point for each ten-essential item they get.
 • There will be a two-point penalty if they do not have the bag
    closed and ready by the end of time, and they only get to bring
    items in the backpack when time runs out.
 • The flashlight will not have batteries in it (will not be counted
    without batteries).

 • A stopwatch/timer.
 • A backpack.
 • The scout ten essentials (Compass, brimmed hat, jacket, flashlight,
   batteries, small first aid kit, matches, granola bar, water Nalgene,
   space blanket).
 • A lot of other unnecessary items.
 • A tarp to cover the items.
2018 VCC Ronald Reagan District Camporee
                             April 20-22, 2018

                         9. Knot Tying Relay
Scouts are given the description of the uses for knots and have to tie the
knots. Scouts will cycle through tying the knots until all 7 knots are

 • Square knot.
 • Two half hitches.
 • Taut line hitch.
 • Clove hitch.
 • Bowline.
 • Sheet bend.
 • Timber hitch.

 • Patrol members have to cycle through until the knots have all been
 • If a scout takes more than one minute to tie the knot he can switch
    out with another scout.
 • All scouts must be behind a line before the next scout can approach
    the knots.

 • Score is the time it takes for all seven knots to be completed.

 • A bar for the knots to be tied to (can be made of spars and stakes or
   other materials).
 • Pieces of rope to tie the knots.
 • A stopwatch/timer.
 • A list of knots with common uses for each knot.
2018 VCC Ronald Reagan District Camporee
                            April 20-22, 2018

                   10. Rescue Obstacle Course
Scouts will have an obstacle course to get through, with obstacles
themed around camping or rescue situations. At the end, there will be a
staff member who will be carried the last 50 feet of the course with four
handed seat or two handed seat.

 • Make it through the course without cheating.
 • Patrol has to work together and communicate, not just run through
    it as fast as possible.

 • Time that it takes to make it through the course.
 • Can add penalties or bonuses for obstacles.
 • Stopwatch/timer.
 • Materials needed to make an obstacle course with rescue themed

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