Supply Chain awardS Excellent supply chain management solutions have their prize. Win it - Exchainge

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Supply Chain awardS Excellent supply chain management solutions have their prize. Win it - Exchainge
Supply Chain
Excellent supply chain management
     solutions have their prize.
               Win it.
Supply Chain awardS Excellent supply chain management solutions have their prize. Win it - Exchainge
8th International Supply Chain Summit
November 10–11, 2020
Frankfurt    am Main
   Fachmesse und Konferenzserie

    20. – 22. 11. 2017, Frankfurt am Main

                                              The Sup
                                              Commuply Chainers

     Interactive workshops on the                                                                                                                                      WANTED:
 themes of ecosystems & networks,                                                                        Concrete solutions
        innovation & collaboration,
    “new work” culture & mindsets,
                                                                                                         from managers and                                   THE BEST SUPPLY CHAINS 2020!
                                                                                                         decision-makers with
    sustainable business practices,                                                                      real-world approaches
  and targeted digital technologies                                                                                                                     Superior supply chain management has long since become an important success factor for global           Sponsor
                                                                                                                                                        companies. By awarding the Supply Chain Management Award for the 15th time, we honor companies

                                                                        Become part                                                                     with outstanding value chains – companies that have optimized their supply chains in a consistent
                                                                                                                                                        or extraordinary manner. The award winners of previous years, which are listed separately on pages
     Space and time
        for an open
                                                                           of the                                                                       6 to 7, demonstrate the diverse and creative ways in which companies organize their supply chains.

                                                                                                                                                        In times, in which process platforms, highly efficient algorithms, and powerful big data applications
       exchange of
                                                                        EXCHAiNGE                                                                       are becoming more and more important also for the supply chain, we will – next to the established
                                                                                                                                                        Supply Chain Management Award for the best solution in design and implementation – also present
                                                                        community                                                                       the Smart Solution Award for particularly innovative, future-oriented supply chain solutions.

                                                                                                                                                        Every year we receive many excellent and prize-worthy applications. Choosing this year’s winners
                                                                                                                                                        will once again be no easy task for the members of the high-caliber jury.

                                                                                                                                                        The awards will be presented at the international trade conference EXCHAiNGE – The Supply
                                            EXCHAiNGE Award Night
                                                                                                                                                        Chainers Community, which will take place at Hypermotion in Frankfurt am Main on November
                                                     Presentation of
                                                                                                                                                        10 and 11, 2020. The two-day event offers not only the award winners and applicants, but all partici-
                                                   the Supply Chain
                                                                                                                                                        pants an excellent platform for intensive exchange within the supply chain community.
                                             Management Award and
                                               Smart Solution Award                                                                                                                         Apply by 1 July 2020.
                                                                                                                                                               We are looking forward to your application and your participation at the EXCHAiNGE!

                                                                       Meetup for experts,
                                                                       innovators, enablers, and
                                                                       movers & shakers from the
                                                                       business and academic
                                                                       communities                                                                               Harald Geimer                                   Dr. Petra Seebauer
                                                                                                                                                                    Partner                                  Publisher LOGISTIK HEUTE &
                                                                                                      Pitches from award                                   PwC Management Consulting                        Managing Director EUROEXPO
                                                                                                      finalists with live                                                                                   Messe- und Kongress-GmbH
                                                 in an intimate                                       voting

                                                                                                     Register now!
                                                                                                           Stand: February 2020                                                                              
Supply Chain awardS Excellent supply chain management solutions have their prize. Win it - Exchainge
The Supply Chain Management Award                                                                                                     THE APPLICATION PROCESS
                                  Hallmark of excellent supply chains                                                                                                Who can apply?

 The performance and efficiency of your supply chain are exemplary for your industry? Have you been able to           Applications are open to corporations from all industries. We also welcome partnership applications from
 achieve a significant competitive advantage through successful globalization and/or digitalization of your supply    companies linked by a first-class network or from companies that have developed exemplary cross-company
 chain? You have developed an innovative solution that will fundamentally change your industry?                       supply chain solutions.

                       Then apply now for the Supply Chain Award 2020!
                                                                                                                                                   What criteria are used for the evaluation?

                                                                                                                      The jury evaluates all applications submitted on the basis of the same three dimensions:

                                           Supply Chain Management Award                                              • Overall concept of the supply chain solution
                                For the 15th time, the Supply Chain Management Award honors companies                 • Organizational anchoring and realization of changes and results
                                with outstanding value chains – companies that have optimized their supply            • Innovative capability
                                chain in a consistent or unusual way. The award is given to solutions that help
                                to improve competitiveness and are groundbreaking for other companies.                For the Supply Chain Management Award, the jury focuses on how far the developed solutions are anchored
                                                                                                                      within the company, to what extent proven results and improvements are realized, as well as on the disruptive
                                                                                                                      character for the respective industry.
                                                                                                                      For the Smart Solution Award the jury considers the coordination of the solution and the overarching vision
                                                                                                                      of the company, the proven value added for the end user, as well as the disruptive effect.
                        Smart Solution Award
   The Smart Solution Award, first presented in 2018, honors particularly innovative                                                                 How does the selection process work?
   concepts that are still in the early stages of implementation. This prize is awarded
   to solutions that have the potential to fundamentally change traditional supply
                                                                                                                      The selection process consists of several stages:
   chains in the future.
                                                                                                                      • I n the first application round, companies initially introduce their supply chain solutions in writing with appro-
                                                                                                                         priate documents, regardless of whether a solution qualifies for the Supply Chain Management Award or the
                                                                                                                         Smart Solution Award.

 The Supply Chain Awards are presented by the trade magazine LOGISTIK HEUTE from the Munich-based                                                   Deadline for applications is 1 July 2020.
 HUSS-VERLAG as well as by Strategy& and PwC.

                                                                                                                      • T he best candidates for the two prizes are selected from these applications and, in the second round, they
                                Even if there can only be one winner,                                                    are personally visited on site under the leadership of Strategy& and PwC supply chain experts. Candidates
                              everyone benefits from the competition.                                                    are given the opportunity to present their achievements in depth during a workshop.

 • Draw valuable conclusions for the further development of your own supply chain from the application process.      • T he most convincing candidates from this round advance to the final round and are invited to present their
                                                                                                                         concepts live to the audience and the jury at the international supply chain summit EXCHAiNGE, taking place
 • Take the opportunity to be a finalist and present your solution to a professional audience.
                                                                                                                         at the HYPERMOTION in Frankfurt am Main on 10 November 2020.
 • A
    s a winner of the Supply Chain Awards, you will benefit from a high level of attention within the professional
   circle.                                                                                                            • T he solutions are then intensely discussed by the members of the jury. Based on the available information
                                                                                                                         and the impressions from the pitches, the independent jury of experts selects the award winners.
 • Give your supply chain projects a higher priority within your company.
 • B
    enefit from of the numerous positive effects in interactions with customers and suppliers as well as in your     • Award winners will be officially recognized at the EXCHAiNGE Award Night on 11 November 2020.
   function as an employer.

Supply Chain awardS Excellent supply chain management solutions have their prize. Win it - Exchainge
A top-class jury of experts made up of representatives from industry, science,
        consulting and specialist media will select the award winners.

Jürgen Braunstetter                                                 Isabel Hochgesand
Senior Vice President Supply Chain ­                                Chief Procurement Officer
Management Automotive                                               Beiersdorf AG
Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG

Armin Breitner                                                      Michael Kadow
Group Logistics                                                     Managing Director
Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG                                           House of Logistics & Mobility
                                                                    (HOLM) GmbH
                                                                                                           THE AWARD CEREMONY
Ralf Busche                                                         Dr. Thomas Lindemann
Senior Vice President                                               Vice President Customer Logistics      Industry meeting point for networking and
European Site Logistics Operations                                  Europe & Asia | Warehouse Management   exchanging information
BASF SE                                                             QVC eDistribution LLC & Co. KG
                                                                                                           The award ceremony will take place on 11 November 2020 at the
                                                                                                           Award Night of the international conference EXCHAiNGE –
Harald Geimer                                                       Dr. Petra Seebauer                     The Supply Chainers Community in Frankfurt am Main. This
Partner                                                             Publisher LOGISTIK HEUTE,              interactive format offers workshops on Ecosystems & Networks,
PwC Management Consulting                                           Managing Director EUROEXPO             Innovation & Collaboration, New Work – Culture & Mindsets,
                                                                    Messe- und Kongress-GmbH               Sustainable Business and goal-oriented digital technologies for
                                                                                                           experts, innovators, designers and decision makers. As an estab-
                                                                                                           lished networking platform, EXCHAiNGE stands for personal exchange
Johannes Giloth                                                     Achim Sinn                             about current trends and practical methods in a familiar atmosphere.
Chief Operating Officer                                             Senior Vice President Supply Chain
GEA Group                                                           HARTMANN GROUP                         Award winners will be officially recognized at the Award Night. Last
                                                                                                           year, the evening event with exciting keynote speeches, eulogies and
                                                                                                           an attractive supporting programme was one of the highlights of the
                                                                                                           two-day conference taking place as
Kerstin Gliniorz                                                    Dr. Patric Spethmann                   part of the Hypermotion. At the same
Director Supply Chain Strategy EMEAI                                Chairman/COO                           time, the get-together taking place
ADM Europe GmbH & Co. KG                                            Marc O‘Polo AG                         subsequently to the EXCHAiNGE
                                                                                                           Award Night is an important meeting
                                                                                                                         place for networking and
                                                                                                                         exchanging information
Prof. Dr. Michael Henke                                                                                                  within the supply chain
Director                                                                                                                 community.
Fraunhofer-Institut für Materialfluss und
Logistik (IML)

                                       Patron of the Supply Chain Awards
                                       Steffen Bilger MdB
                                       P arliamentary State Secretary at the
                                        Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure                                                                
Supply Chain awardS Excellent supply chain management solutions have their prize. Win it - Exchainge
AWARD-WINNING SOLUTIONS                                                                                                      Other recipients of the Supply Chain Management Award
                                                                                                                          2018 CEMEX Deutschland AG
                                                                                                                          	awarded with the Supply Chain Management Award for an integrated solution for the
As different as the award-winning solutions are, they have one thing in common:                                             Purchase-to-Pay (P2P) process
 They are exemplary for other companies and help to improve competitiveness.
                                                                                                                          2017 GRIES Deco (DEPOT)
                                                                                                                          	Gries Deco was honored for a cloud-based supply chain solution that combines automation and
In making its decision, the jury is specifically interested in the market-leading stimulus provided by the submitted
                                                                                                                            material flow transparency to achieve end-to-end efficiency
solution. In the case of the Supply Chain Management Award, the documented improvement to which the
solution has contributed is also important.                                                                               2016 PERI GmbH
                                                                                                                          	PERI was honored for developing a global planning process, including a software tool, to enhance
                                                                                                                            material flow transparency in the “Closed Loop Supply Chain” project.
           Winner of the Supply Chain Management Award 2019
                                                                                                                          2015 Nokia Networks
                                                                                                                           Nokia Networks was honored for a sustainable turnaround brought about by a holistic supply chain
                                                                                                                           solution focusing on growth, agility, cost management, flexibility and productivity in manufacturing
                                                                                                                           and delivery performance
  Continental convinced the jury with its supply chain vision „Fast Forward
                                                                                                                          2014 GF Piping Systems
  2030“ for the automotive group. The aim is to make the complex supply
                                                                                                                          	GF Piping Systems was recognized for an innovative end-to-end supply chain solution that has given
  chain with more than 100 production sites, 5,700 suppliers and 157 billion
                                                                                                                            the company a strategic competitive advantage
  product components even faster and more transparent by developing
  capabilities in the Industry 4.0 area. Initial cost savings have already been                                           2013 ADVA Optical Networking SE
  achieved at the two pilot locations for smart factories in Regensburg and                                               	The specialist for fiber-optic trans­mission technology received the award for a highly flexible
  Zvolen in Slovakia.                                                                                                       end-to-end supply chain solution based on a global supply chain strategy
  „We are very proud to receive the Supply Chain Management Award 2019, as                                                2012 Infineon Technologies AG
  the entire environment of our supply chain is currently changing, with major                                            	Infineon Technologies received the award for an end-to-end supply chain solution which has given
  implications for our plants, suppliers and customers. The way we deal with these changes and                              the company a strategic advantage in the highly sophisticated logistics of semiconductors
  how we handle Industry 4.0 will strengthen our competitiveness and open up many new growth
  opportunities. Our interdisciplinary team is already working intensively on the conversion from a                       2011 BASF SE
  classic supply chain to an autonomous supply network.“                                                                  	BASF was recognized for a cross-divisional and cross-functional transformation project which
                                                                                                                            reorganized core business processes and radically renewed and harmonized operational structures
  Jan Axt, Head of Automotive Supply Chain Management Strategie & Innovation,
  Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG                                                                                          2010 BMW Group, Geschäftsbereich Motorrad
                                                                                                                           BMW received the award for the ­development of a supplier risk management system as part of an
                                                                                                                           integrated and collaborative supplier management strategy
                    Winner of the Smart Solution Award 2019
                                                                                                                          2009 Henkel, Unternehmensbereich Wasch- und Reinigungsmittel
                                                                                                                          	Henkel was honored for the successful global reorganization of their supply chain as part of a holistic
                                                                                                                            approach to complexity management
                                                                                                                          2008 Uncoated Fine Paper, Mondi Europe & International
                           The improvement of the customer experience in the post-checkout process was the
                                                                                                                          	Mondi received the award for implementing a holistic and transparent end-to-end supply chain
                           focus of parcelLab‘s application for the Smart Solution Award. Through real-time
                           monitoring of every single order, parcelLab enables a personal, individual and
                           emotional shipping communication supported by machine learning. The solution,                  2007 Gerätewerk Erlangen, Siemens AG Industry Sector
                           offered as a white label, enables online retailer to structure the customer relati-            	“Gerätewerk Erlangen” was honored for a comprehensive, powerful, yet very customer-oriented
                           onship according to individual wishes and needs even after check-out.                            supply chain reorganizationn
              „We at parcelLab are very proud and happy that we won this year‘s Smart Solution Award and were             2006 Siemens AG, Geschäftsbereich Electronic Assembly Systems
                able to convince the logistics experts of our idea. We hope that by participating in the Smart Solution   	Assembly Systems received the award for a fundamental global transformation of processes, organi-
                Award we were able to highlight the relevance of personalized post-purchase communication and               zational structures and working time models while ensuring high quality and delivery performance
                that personalization in online retailing will continue to advance in the future - from checkout to
               shipping and returns.“
                                                                                                                                                 Other recipients of the Smart Solution Award
             Tobias Buxhoidt, Founder & CEO, parcelLab GmbH
                                                                                                                          2018 InstaFreight
                                                                                                                          	awarded with the Smart Solution Award for the outstanding implementation of a supply chain
                                                                                                                            solution, which brings the entire customer interaction – from order to delivery up to payment –
                                                                                                                            onto one platform

Supply Chain awardS Excellent supply chain management solutions have their prize. Win it - Exchainge

                             February 2020         1        Start of the application phase
Companies that have optimized their supply chain in a consistent or innovative way can apply for the Supply
Chain Awards. Request your application documents at www.!

                                 1 July 2020       2        Deadline for applications
 We look forward to receiving your application in German or English. The manuscript must be unpublished
                  and in particular must not have been used for any other competition.

                             3 August 2020                  Announcement of the shortlist
         All submitted applications will be evaluated according to defined criteria by 3 August 2020.
                    The best concepts are defined and provided for the company audits.
                                                                                                                             Let’s build excellent
               21 July – 24 August 2020            4        Company audits
In the next step, the companies with the best concepts are visited by experienced supply chain experts from                  supply chains
              Strategy& and PwC. The supply chain solutions presented will be discussed on site.

                        1 September 2020           5        Announcement of the finalists
 The finalists have been determined and will be published. They are invited to present their concepts at the
                               EXCHAiNGE conference on 10 November 2020.

                       10 November 2020            6        Finalist Pitches
 The finalists present their solutions to the audience in the presence of the jury. All participants can vote for
    their favourites live via a voting tool. The jury meets directly afterwards and identifies the winners.

                       11 November 2020            7        Ceremonial presentation of the awards
        The most convincing concepts have been determined. During the EXCHAiNGE Award Night,
                    the Supply Chain Awards 2020 will be presented and celebrated.

              Detailed information and application documents at
    Please send any questions regarding the application process by e-mail to                           Strategy& is PwC’s global strategy
                                                                                                                             house. We help you transform your
                        Please send your application in digital form to:                                                     business by developing actionable
Stefanie Schröder                           Karsten Spiekermann                                Dr. Petra Seebauer            strategies that deliver results.
Senior Manager Strategy&                    Manager PwC Management                             Publisher LOGISTIK HEUTE      Strategy, made real.
Tel. +49 151 742 036 55                     Consulting                                         Managing Director EUROEXPO
stefanie.schroeder@                         Tel. +49 171 332 96 45                             Tel. +49 89 323 91 213                          
We are once again looking forward to an exciting competition and are looking forward to your participation
                            as an applicant for the Supply Chain Awards 2020!

                                                                                              © 2019 PwC. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms,
                                                                                                                             each of which is a separate legal entity. Please see for further details.
Supply Chain awardS Excellent supply chain management solutions have their prize. Win it - Exchainge
Supply Chain awardS Excellent supply chain management solutions have their prize. Win it - Exchainge
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