MASTER'S IN MANAGEMENT (MSc) - Business Analytics Finance and Investments Entrepreneurship and Innovation Global and Digital Strategy ...

Page created by Eduardo Dominguez
MASTER'S IN MANAGEMENT (MSc) - Business Analytics Finance and Investments Entrepreneurship and Innovation Global and Digital Strategy ...

· Business Analytics
· Finance and Investments
· Entrepreneurship and Innovation
· Global and Digital Strategy
MASTER'S IN MANAGEMENT (MSc) - Business Analytics Finance and Investments Entrepreneurship and Innovation Global and Digital Strategy ...
KE Y FACTS                                                                                                   THE 2019 CLASS PROFILE

    FULL-TIME                24 MONTHS                   ENGLISH                2 TRACKS               6 TO 10 MONTHS
                                                                                                                                    112                     82%                      23                                              38%                     6
                                                                            4 SPECIALIZATIONS           PROJECT AND            STUDENTS              INTERNATIONAL              AVERAGE AGE                                       WOMEN                  MONTHS
                                                                                                      WORK EXPERIENCE                                                                                                                                 AVERAGE WORK

                                           PROGRAM STRENGTHS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ALGERIAN         HONDURAN        PANAMANIAN
Two tracks – tailored to your skills                            Career Development                                                                                                                                      AMERICAN         INDIAN          PERUVIAN
An innovative, pre-experience program with two tracks.          In the first year, you gain up to six months of professional                         Asia 33%                                                           AUSTRIAN         INDONESIAN      POLISH
One designed for creative and strategic thinkers, and one       experience in a German or international company. In your                                                                                                BANGL ADESHI     IRISH           PORTUGUESE

                                                                                                                                                                                          4 0 N AT I O N A LI T I E S
                                                                                                                                                           Europe 24%
designed for quantitative decision analysts. You select         second year, you will work on a team based Social Impact                                                Germany)                                        BRA ZILIAN       ISRAELI         RUSSIAN

your track during the application process. Depending on         Project with a selected NGO or social venture.                                                                                                          CAMEROONIAN      ITALIAN         SERBIAN
                                                                                                                                                             Germany 18%                                                CANADIAN         KENYAN          TAIWANESE
the track, you choose one of four speciali­zations: Business
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        CHINESE          LEBANESE        THAI
Analytics, Finance & Investments, Entrepreneurship &            Soft skills                                                                                  Americas 15%                                               COLOMBIAN        ME XICAN        TURKISH
Inno­va­tion or Global & Digital Strategy in the second year.   Seminars focusing on building high-performance teams,                                                                                                   CROATIAN         MOROCCAN        UKRAINIAN
                                                                presentation skills, consulting skills, verbal and written                                 Middle East 5%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        DUTCH            NICARAGUAN      UZBEKISTANI
Portfolio Management Program (PMP)                              busi­
                                                                    ness communication skills and stakeholder                                        Africa 5%                                                          E THIOPIAN       NIGERIAN        VENEZUEL AN
You have the option to work in groups and manage a real-        management help you develop the personal skills                                                                                                         GERMAN           NORWEGIAN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        GREEK            PAKISTANI
money portfolio of 3 million euros, while being coached         necessary to succeed throughout your career.
by expe­ rienced asset managers and faculty. You are
trained as a financial analyst in the first year and as a       Languages
portfolio manager in the second year, and take over the         You will complete language classes either in German or
responsibility of further developing a strategy to allocate     another strategic language to navigate global business          4% | 4% | 2%
and manage the funds.                                           rela­tionships. Students receive a free account on “Babbel”:
                                                                an e-learning language platform.
           Founders and benefactors of ESMT                                                                                                          32%              Business/Management                                              Accounting/Finance
                                                                                                                               7%                                     Engineering                                                      Social Sciences
                                                                                                                                                                      Economics                                                        Computer Science/IT
                                                                                                                                                                      Humanities/Arts                                                  Law
                                                                                                                                                                      Mathematics/Natural Sciences
· Business economics                                                                  MIM CURRICULUM TIMELINE                                                                            Thesis may be an academic                               INTERNSHIP
· Financial accounting                                                                                                                                                                   project with independent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The MIM includes significant in-company experience through an
· Financial management and corporate finance                  You will complete an                                                                          Work on a group               study and research or
· Organizational behavior                                    internship of up to six                                                                       assignment in an NGO,         applied work in a company       internship with global corporations, mid-sized companies or start­
· Competitive and corporate strategy                         months with a company.                                                                        nonprofit, or a social         in conjunction with             ups. The Career Services team works with you to find the right
· Advanced statistics                                        Internships may be based       · Marketing management                                         impact project in a           academic research related       opportunity and guide you through the application process.
· Judgment and decision-making                               in Germany or abroad.          · MARGA business simulation                                    for-profit company.            to the work you are doing.

   CORE COURSES I                     TRACK                         INTERNSHIP                 CORE COURSES II                 SPECIALIZATION
                                                                                                                                                              SOCIAL IMPACT
                                                                                                                                                                                              MASTER’S THESIS                RECENT MIM STUDENT INTERNSHIPS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         AMAZON – working in business intelligence and data science
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         BOSCH – working in product management
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         DAIMLER FINANCIAL SERVICES – working in risk management
     SEPTEMBER                      JANUARY                            APRIL            JUNE       OCTOBER                        NOVEMBER                           APRIL                          MAY      SEPTEMBER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         DELOITTE DIGITAL VENTURES – working in consulting
         2020                         2021                                                                                                                           2022
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         PROCTER & GAMBLE – working in supply chain and logistics
                                                                             GLOBAL NETWORK WEEK
                                                                                    (optional)                                                                                                                           SIEMENS AG – working in finance and commercial governance
                                                                                                                                                                                         SONY – working in research & development
                                                                                                                                                             · The human factor of innovation
                                                                                                                            ENTREPRENEURSHIP                 · Startup challenge                                         WAYFAIR – working in product marketing
                                                                                                                             AND INNOVATION                  · Design thinking
                                                                                                                                                             · Entrepreneurial finance
                                                            · Economics of innovation
                                  INNOVATIVE                                                           Choose
                                                              and new technology                                                                             · Matchmakers in digital economy                                         SOCIAL IMPACT PROJECT
                                                              + two track electives
                                                                                                                                                             · Strategic international management
                                                                                                                            GLOBAL AND DIGITAL               · Digital business transformation                           The five-week, applied fieldwork, Social Impact Project is a
                                                            · Entrepreneurship                                                                               · Digital marketing
                                                                                                                                STRATEGY                                                                                 highlight of the MIM program. It offers you the opportunity to
                                                            · Global economy                                                                                 · Digital innovation and entrepreneurship
                                                            · Operations and supply chain                                                                                                                                apply the business tools you acquire during the program to working

                                    Track electives *       · Valuation                                                                                                                                                  for an organization with specific social objectives, such as a non-
                                                            · Leading & managing                                                                             · Data science for analytics                                profit organization, a CSR department, a social entrepreneurship
                                                              people with agility                                                                            · Risk modeling with spreadsheets                           venture, or a for-profit organization.
                                                            · Negotiation                                                   BUSINESS ANALYTICS               · Advanced decision making tools
                                                                                                                                                             · Value chain analytics
                                                                                                                                                             · Machine learning & causality
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               RECENT SOCIAL IMPACT PROJECTS
                                 QUANTITATIVE               · Econometrics                             Choose
                                   BUSINESS                   + two track electives                                                                          · Predictive analytics
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         CRYPTO DEVELOPMENT FUND, MUNICH
                                                                                                                                                             · Investments (Portfolio theory and asset pricing)
                                                                                                                                FINANCE AND                                                                              Create a market entry approach and a sales strategy for potential
                                                                                                                                                             · International finance and risk management
                                                                                                                                INVESTMENTS                                                                              social impact investors.
                                                                                                                                                             · Entrepreneurial finance and fintech
                                                                                                                                                             · Alternative investments
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         DHL CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP, INDIA
              PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (optional)                                                                                                                                                                    Identifying potential opportunities as well as obstacles for a
              Foreign language for international business                                                                                                                                                                collaboration with SOS Children Villages in India
              Soft skills workshops: · Building high performance teams · Personal effectiveness in business presentations · Intercultural business communication · Consulting skills · Project management
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         GROWTHAFRICA, ETHIOPIA
                                                                                                                * Certain track electives may be               Curriculum is subject to change. For up-to-date           Contribute to scaling up the operations, network, and funds of an
  Required courses            Innovative management track                Quantitative business track
                                                                                                                  prerequisites for some specializations       information, visit our website    accelerator supporting African entrepreneurs
EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS AND CAREER SERVICES                                                                                                            APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS

                                                                            Middle East     3% Central America
Career management is an integral part of the MIM program                                                                             ✓✓ A first degree in any subject                          ✓✓ TOEFL score (95 points minimum) or equivalent proof
with regular seminars and workshops built in. From day                       Asia                                                                                                                 of English fluency
                                                                                                                                     ✓✓ Ideally no more than 18 months of postgraduate work
one you will start working to improve your CV and                                          5%                                           experience                                             ✓✓ Online application including one reference and essays
interview skills. You will take part in company presentations
                                                                                                                                     ✓✓ Strong quantitative skills for applicants to the       ✓✓ Individual interview in person or online
and visits, as well as the annual ESMT Career Fair.             other EU
                                                                countries       16%                              Average salary:        Business Analytics and Finance & Investments
                                                                                           ACCEPTED              € 54.522               specializations (GMAT or GRE is recommended and
By the end of the MIM program, you will better understand
                                                                                            JOBS IN              (including bonus)      may be requested)
how to plan your job search strategy, navigate your own
career path, build and activate your own networks and                               70%

negotiate your desired salary. In addition, every student         Germany
receives a premium account on LinkedIn.
                                                                                                                                               PROGRAM FEES AND                                                    FINANCING
                                                                                                                                             APPLICATION DEADLINES                                                  OPTIONS
GRADUATES ACCEPTED POSITIONS                                                   EX AMPLES OF
 IN THE FOLLOWING INDUSTRIES                                                GRADUATE POSITIONS                                       The Master’s in Management program begins in late Sep­    Scholarships
                                                                                                                                     tember. Graduates earn a Master of Science in Manage­     ESMT offers partial tuition scholarships based on
                                                                ADIDAS – Assistant Manager Digital Analytics (Nurnberg)
Consulting                                             23 %                                                                          ment degree (120 ECTS credits).                           academic merit and diversity to support highly qualified
Retail                                     15 %                 AUDI – Procurement Officer (Ingolstadt)                                                                                        candidates.
Technology                                13 %                  BASF – Reporting Specialist (Berlin)                                 ESMT MIM Admissions operates on a rolling basis. You
Other                                   11 %                    DELOITTE – Consultant (Zurich)                                       can submit your application at any time prior to the      Lending opportunities
Automotive                             10 %                                                                                          final deadline. Decisions are generally announced every   ESMT offers access to loans through Prodigy Finance.
                                                                GOOGLE – Account Strategist (Dublin)
Financial Services                     10 %                                                                                          two weeks. Earlier applications are given priority        Candidates from over 150 coun­tries can acquire loans for
Manufacturing                        8%                         MERCEDES-BENZ BANK – Risk Manager (Stuttgart)                        consideration for admission and scholarships.             MIM tuition and living expenses.
Consumer Packaged Goods             5%                          REMITLY – Go-to-market Lead (Berlin, startup)
Transportation & Logistics          5%                          UBER – Operations Manager (Berlin)                                   Application milestones:                                   Brain Capital offers students from the EU, Canada and
                                                                                                                                     Early-Bird Deadline: March 31*                            the USA the ability to cover tuition fees and living
                                                                                                                                     Final Deadline: July 31                                   expenses through an innovative funding scheme.

                                        INTERNATIONAL OPTIONS
                                                                                                                                     Visit to start your application.        Title IV and GI Bill loans are available to US citizens who
DOUBLE DEGREE                                                   E XCHANGE                                                                                                                      study at ESMT.
Spend your first year at ESMT Berlin and your second at         ESMT has partnered with Imperial College Business                    MIM tuition: €29,500 (paid in three installments over
Yale School of Management, before submitting your               School in the UK, Singapore Management University, IE in             two academic years)                                       Special funding options are also available for nationals
dissertation at ESMT. Applications for the Yale program         Spain, and the Smith School of Business at Queen’s                                                                             of other countries. For more information, visit our website.
will only be accepted after enrollment at ESMT and              University in Canada to offer you an enhanced global                 The MIM tuition covers all seminars, selected teaching
admission is not guaranteed. Successful candidates will         study experience. These semester exchange options are                mate­rials, orientation, and career support.
earn a MIM from ESMT and a Master of Management                 offered after the core mod­ule in the first year of the MIM
Studies in Global Business and Society from Yale.               or in the second year, depending on the institution.                 *Admitted applicants who submit their completed MIM
                                                                                                                                      application by the March 31 deadline will benefit from
Please check for the latest                                                                                   a €2,000 tuition reduction.
updates on international options.
ESMT                                                ESMT Berlin was founded by 25 leading global
European School of Management and Technology GmbH   companies and institutions. The international business
                                                    school offers an executive MBA, a full-time MBA, a part-
ESMT Berlin                                         time MBA in Business Innovation in blended format, a
Schlossplatz 1                                      master’s in management, open enrollment and custom­
10178 Berlin                                        ized executive education programs and has the right to
Germany                                             grant PhDs. ESMT focuses on three main topics:
                                                    leadership, innovation, and analytics.
Senior Admissions Manager:
Boban Sulic                                         ESMT faculty publishes in top academic journals.
                                                    Additionally, the business school provides an inter­
+ 49 30 21231–1400                                  disciplinary platform for discourse between politics,                         business, and academia. ESMT is a private business
                                                    school based in Berlin, Germany, with a branch office in                         Shanghai, China.

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