The easyWeb Solution Portfolio - On track for success in e-business

Page created by Justin Watkins
The easyWeb Solution Portfolio - On track for success in e-business
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                                                The easyWeb
                                                Solution Portfolio
                                                On track for success in
The easyWeb Solution Portfolio - On track for success in e-business
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          On track for success in
          You know the value to be derived from a compelling Web
          presence. It’s a virtual storefront where you can promote
          what you sell on a global basis. It’s an engine for doing
          business faster and with greater flexibility, and for running
          your own business more efficiently. It’s an opportunity to
          build communities with your customers, your suppliers and
          your partners. And it’s the place where you can build your
          brand and deliver higher levels of service. So you become
          more competitive.

          For the best results, you’re managing a balance of intranets for
          your employees to drive your business, extranets to build
          relationships with partners and suppliers, and even a portal on the
          Web where your customers will return time and time again.

          In practice though, you may have hit obstacles. Not enough             The easyWeb Portfolio combines the expert skills of Lotus
          expertise. Not enough time. Not enough investment. You know            Professional Services (LPS) and the technology that has made Lotus
          what you can do, but you just don’t know how to get there.             and IBM the leaders in delivering collaborative Web solutions. With
          You know you need to keep your I-net presence alive and current        the easyWeb Portfolio you gain not just the tools, but the guidance,
          to make it work, but you don’t have the time to make that happen.      the support and the training to put your plans into action.
          Lotus’ easyWeb Portfolio eases you down the path to becoming           Whatever your IT infrastructure, the easyWeb Portfolio puts you
          an effective e-business. With easyWeb you can ensure the face          firmly on track to e-business success.
          you present to the world is consistent across intranets, extranets
          and your Web site. And it provides the basis for building portals
          to encourage “stickiness” amongst Web surfers, bringing them
          repeatedly back to your site. easyWeb provides the foundation                                         The Business Solutions Framework
          platform for Collaborative Commerce.
                                                                                 Organisational Complexity

                                                                                                                              Cross                  Electronic
                                                                                                                                                                         Value Chain
          The easyWeb Portfolio provides a structured environment and                                                       Enterprise              Community
                                                                                                                          Communication            Development
          solves your Web publishing dilemmas. While structure access and
          security remain controlled by the IT department, content is created,
          published and managed by the business users – the people who

                                                                                                                            Enterprise-             Enterprise            Enterprise
          actually own the information that needs to be on the Web. And all                                                   Wide                  Knowledge              Process
                                                                                                                          Communication            Management            Innovation
          content displays your chosen look and feel consistently throughout
          the site, whoever actually publishes it. No more bottlenecks in the
          Web Master’s office. No more out-of-date information on the Web.
                                                                                                             Work Group

          No more disjointed feeling to your site.                                                                         Work group               Work group
                                                                                                                                                                        Work group
                                                                                                                          Communication            Collaboration

                                                                                                                             Information             Knowledge            WorkFlows
                                                                                                                          (Inform and Inquire)   (Disperse and Decide) (Conduct and Control)

                                                                                                                             work complexity
The easyWeb Solution Portfolio - On track for success in e-business
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                 easyWeb at work
        (easyWeb Internet)                                     DaimlerChrysler SA
                 A group of three large publishing companies in Spain wanted         (easyWeb extranet)
                 to create a digital city guide able to host information from over   Employees and customers of DaimlerChrysler SA are using a
                 50 cities but achieve a consistent look and feel.                   Web browser solution based on Lotus and IBM software to cut
                                                                                     distribution costs and reduce stockpiles. Using the B2B solution,
                                                                                     called DC Online, 100 dealers can order a vehicle that matches
                                                                                     specific customer requirements, have orders submitted
                                                                                     electronically and tracked, and see vehicles delivered efficiently
                                                                                     by DaimlerChrysler. The solution based on easyWeb was developed
                                                                                     by Lotus Professional Services using Lotus Domino, IBM’s DB2
                                                                                     Universal Database and Lotus LearningSpace e-learning software.
                                                                                     Dealers order and manage more than 100 vehicles daily,
                                                                                     worth about $3.5 million in revenue. The solution significantly
                                                                                     reduces automobile stockpiles at dealerships, cuts distribution
                                                                                     costs and eliminates inefficiencies. At the same time,
                                                                                     DaimlerChrysler SA’s implementation of electronic publishing and
                                                                                     information sharing is estimated to save approximately half a
                                                                                     million dollars in faxes and paper. DaimlerChrysler says that DC
                 By implementing easyWeb, the individual offices can quickly         Online has helped it to move to a whole new distribution strategy
                 update events, dates and weather forecasts, for example, while      that focuses on the customer and completely changes how it
                 also managing their own advertising and even Web cams.              conducts business and sells and distributes automobiles.
                 Because easyWeb is highly scalable, it can easily be deployed
                 to new cities quickly.
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                     TXU Europe (easyWeb intranet)
                     A major player in the UK energy market, TXU Europe has worked
                     very closely with LPS to develop a knowledge-led intranet that has
                     changed the way the company views and shares its information.
                     Key to the success of the intranet has been the compilation of staff
                     profiles, allowing members of the rapidly growing global
                     organisation to pinpoint people with the skills, experience and
                     interests needed to contribute to discussions and projects. The
                     Members Profile also gives each employee the opportunity to
                     select what news, discussions and documents they want presented
                     in their own personal pages. The intranet has fostered greater
                     employee involvement in corporate decision-making, with staff
                     joining communities to share experiences and knowledge and
                     discuss company issues. This change in culture away from
                     departmental silos of information to sharing across the business
                     has been achieved using a variety of initiatives, including online
                     help, roadshows and demonstrations. In addition, TXU Europe has
                     benefited from LPS’ technical skills and its wealth of knowledge
                     and project management experience, using workshops, continuous
                     development and testing to complete the project in just ten weeks.

                     Solutions for all
                     Are you…                                                               The Lotus easyWeb Portfolio can help you to…
                     in Marketing, Sales, Channel/Distribution or Procurement?              •   Quickly and easily publish information to your intranet or
                                                                                                Web site with a consistent look and feel
                     Would you like to be able to…
                                                                                            •   Create, manage and personalise online content across your
                     •   Expand communication throughout your business network?
                                                                                                intranet or Web site
                     •   Improve relationships across your customer or partner
                                                                                            •   Easily extend Web content production to new products,
                                                                                                services and departments
                     The Lotus easyWeb Portfolio can help you to…
                     •   Keep vital information, such as pricing and stock information,
                                                                                            Are you…
                         up-to-date on the site
                                                                                            The IT Manager, or Web Master?
                     •   Transform your Web presence in a relationship-building tool,
                         by providing a personalised and interactive experience for         Would you like to be able to…
                         your Web community                                                 •   Provide a secure Web management solution for users that
                     •   Accelerate your business responsiveness by the involvement of          doesn’t tie up valuable IT resources?
                         your company through your Internet strategy.
                                                                                            The Lotus easyWeb Portfolio can help you to…
                     •   Modify all pages easily if corporate look-and-feel changes
                                                                                            •   Deliver content management to user departments, solving
                     •   Integrate wireless services to deliver content to mobile devices
                                                                                                Web Master bottleneck issues
                                                                                            •   Effortlessly manage security and infrastructure issues within
                     Are you…                                                                   the IT department

                     in Human Resources or Internal Communications?                         •   Deliver a scalable solution that can easily be rolled out across
                                                                                                your organisation
                     Would you like to be able to…
                                                                                            •   Integrate back-end ERP solutions with your Web site
                     •   Share information with colleagues across the business?
                                                                                            •   Provide content for wireless devices
                     •   Use the corporate Web site or intranet to deliver fast and
                         up-to-date information of real value?
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                                                        “DCSA is able to accurately meet customer demand,
                                                               saving DaimlerChrysler millions of dollars in
                                                                value chain costs, and providing our dealers
                                                             with unprecedented access to the information
                                                                           they need to be more productive
                                                                                    and to improve service.”
                                                                                                                        David Burke
                                                                                                             CIO, DaimlerChrysler SA

                                                                 Lotus easyWeb Portfolio
                                                                 The first phase of the easyWeb Portfolio solution comprises of
                                                                 two workshops:
                                                                 • a look at the benefits of e-business and collaborative
                                                                     commerce, and consideration of how your site should be
                                                                     structured and where information is housed
                                                                 •   a detailed graphical design workshop which focuses on look
                                                                     and feel, taking into account ease of use and corporate design
                                                                     and branding standards
                                                                 The results of both workshops are then analysed by LPS to produce
                                                                 a delivery plan. The solution is delivered within ten weeks.
                                                                 The easyWeb core functionality offers:
                                                                 • Profile Management – the capability of the document author
                                                                     to personalise published content
                                                                 •   Content Management – developing, editing, approving and
      “Lotus are one of the few suppliers                            securely publishing content on the Web
                                                                 •   Taxonomy – the facility of an organisation to group, categorise
        who really work in collaboration                             and classify content sensibly and intuitively
                         with the client.”                       •   Navigation – allowing content to be browsed using the
                                                                     taxonomy as a navigation structure
                                           Helen Hunt
                        Intranet Project Manager, TXU            •   Graphical design and structure – providing Web site corporate
                                                                     branding and interface design
                                                                 The solution provides distributed content management for Line-of-
                                                                 Business Managers, Authors, Editors and Approvers wherever they
                                                                 are based in the world. Published content can be personalised
     “DC Online helped us move forward                           and added to the appropriate area within the Web site. Users can
       a whole new distribution strategy                         either intuitively navigate to content or retrieve it using easyWeb’s
                                                                 advanced search facilities. easyWeb also provides a platform
       that focuses on the customer and                          from which you can offer a variety of e-business services, such as
                                                                 Wireless access, Discussion Forums, User Registration, Press
            completely changes how we
                                                                 Release Management, Subscription Newsletter, Voting System,
          conduct business and sell and                          Tracking, Frequently Asked Questions and Contact Us programs.

                distribute automobiles.”                         Once easyWeb is in place, you can then add even greater value to
                                         David Burke             your site by working with LPS to integrate back-end systems, such
                              CIO, DaimlerChrysler SA            as ordering and stock checks.
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                         Accelerating value through Lotus technology
                         Against a background of increased competition, your customers are demanding ever higher levels
                         of service at lower prices. They want ready access to information and services round the clock, and if
                         they don’t get it, they’ll find someone else somewhere in the world who can deliver.

                         If new technologies are going to help you meet, retain and satisfy those customers, then you need to
                         understand the value of those technologies, and implement them cost-effectively. But keeping
                         abreast of continuing developments and learning how to utilise them for business advantage is a
                         challenge in itself.

                         The Lotus’ Professional Services (LPS) organisation is committed to accelerating the value customers
                         derive from their use of Lotus technology. LPS has created a range of Solution Portfolios that give
                         you all the tools and help you need to understand key issues and achieve best value from the latest
                         technology. With focus on vital areas such as the Wireless intranet, Migration, e-business,
                         Collaborative Commerce, and Knowledge Management, the LPS solutions provide technology and
                         products, consulting, education and support, allowing you to choose the options you need.

                         From basic introduction right through to post-implementation field support, LPS can provide the
                         skills and technology you need to be successful in the e-business and Collaborative Commerce era.

                                                         © 2000 Lotus Development International Corporation, Lotus Park, The Causeway, Staines, Middlesex, TW18 3AG Lotus
                                                         and Lotus Notes are registered trademarks and Notes, Domino, LearningSpace, Domino.Doc and Super Human Software
                                                         are trademarks of Lotus Development Corporation. cc:Mail is a registered trademark of cc:Mail, Inc., a wholly owned
                                                         subsidiary of Lotus Development Corporation. IBM is a registered trademark and the e-business logo is a trademark of
                                                         International Business Machines Corporation. All other trademarks are owned by their respective companies.
                                                         All rights reserved.                                                                                       PF0048P 8/2000
The easyWeb Solution Portfolio - On track for success in e-business
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