Investa Inside Office Market Outlook - April 2021

Page created by Laura Sanders
Investa Inside Office Market Outlook - April 2021
Office Market Outlook

April 2021
Investa Inside Office Market Outlook - April 2021
1 │ Investa Inside Office Market Outlook April 2021

                                                          Key messages
                                                             A solid rebound in business conditions        Reflecting weak growth in business
                                                              and business confidence in recent              operating costs, including office rent
                                                              months bodes well for the outlook for          relief, white collar business profits
                                                              white-collar employment and cyclical           increased sharply through 2020,
——                                                            demand for office space across
                                                              Australia’s major capital city markets.
                                                                                                             creating an office rental affordability
                                                                                                             boost. We think this will strengthen the
Australia’s economic recovery and white-collar               We explain how an acceleration in              capacity for businesses to ‘upgrade’
                                                              structural office work trends are              their office.
employment growth are expected to support office
                                                              expected to soften future net                 Broader financial market activity and
market net absorption over the coming year.                   absorption by ~5-10% in comparison             investor sentiment indicates positive
However, office vacancy rates in Australia’s major            to pre-COVID net absorption                    underlying capital demand and liquidity
                                                              assumptions.                                   for Australian office assets. We expect
CBD markets will remain elevated as the office                                                               a return to more open capital market
                                                             COVID-19 has not significantly
development pipeline will continue to provide a steady        impacted office construction activity          activity will maintain downward
                                                                                                             pressure on Australian prime office cap
stream of new office completions across Australia’s           across Australia’s capital city markets.
                                                              Despite some easing in office
major CBD markets in 2021 and 2022.                           development approvals, the current
                                                              supply pipeline will a produce a
The disruption of COVID-19 has accelerated a number           steady stream of new office
of existing trends to the way office work is conducted.       completions across Australia’s major
                                                              CBD markets in the coming years.
These include the availability of workplace flexibility
and the office workplace playing a greater role in
driving collaboration and team-based office work.
These trends, and other shifts in tenant preferences
from COVID-19, are expected to strengthen a ‘flight
to quality’ in tenant leasing activity and drive
outperformance in Australia’s higher quality office
Investa Inside Office Market Outlook - April 2021
2 │ Investa Inside Office Market Outlook April 2021

Economic Outlook
——                                                          ——                                                           ——
Sound base for economic recovery                            Conditions to support office demand                          Market & industry variation
Australia’s economic conditions were severely impacted      As the Australian economy, and its major capital cities,     State-based policy responses have driven varied operating
by COVID-19 through 2020. However, despite being            have increasingly implemented COVID-normal business          conditions across Australia’s office markets, with
hampered by restrictions on business and social activity,   operations, both business conditions and business            Melbourne’s recovery and office occupancy in particular
the Australian economy expanded by a solid 6.6%             confidence have rebounded strongly. A solid recovery in      lagging Australia’s other markets due to the extended
through the second half of 2020. This growth effectively    leading business indicators bodes well for the outlook for   COVID-19 lockdown from July to September 2020. More
accounted for the COVID-related decline in GDP through      white-collar employment and cyclical demand for office       recently, measures and government policy designed to
the first half of 2020, with GDP running at 99% of pre-     space across Australia’s major capital city markets.         support a ‘return to the CBD’ have driven convergence in
COVID levels by the end of 2020.                                                                                         Australian CBD market office occupancy rates.
                                                            However, Australia’s growth potential, and the pace of
In recent months, a positive read on business activity      economic recovery, is being held back by the headwind        In addition, the range of Australia’s office-occupying
indicators reflects an Australian economy that is           of restricted international cross-border movement. A         businesses are also experiencing varied operating
recovering soundly in 2021. In particular, the Australian   successful rollout of the COVID-19 vaccination program is    conditions. Across Australia’s white-collar industries,
business sector has been comparatively resilient through    expected to moderate the strength of this headwind over      specialist business services and public administration have
COVID-19 and is well placed as it faces a further wind      the coming 12-24 months.                                     together added more than 80,000 jobs in the year to
back of the highly effective furlough measures and                                                                       February 2021. In contrast, business administration
                                                            We expect a cautious reopening to international travel
continues to ‘open up’ towards a post COVID-normal                                                                       services (ie. office administration and employment
                                                            and migration will provide a measured return to pre-
setting.                                                                                                                 services) have cut around 50,000 jobs in the past year.
                                                            COVID rates of net overseas migration, and a gradual
                                                            support to Australia’s future economic growth.
Chart 1: Australian Business Insolvencies                   Chart 2: Business Conditions & Office Employment             Chart 3: Office Occupancy, Australian CBD Markets

Sources: ASIC & Investa Research                            Sources: ABS, NAB & Investa Research                         Sources: Property Council of Australia & Investa Research
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Office Leasing Market Outlook: Demand
                                                                                                      Chart 4: White-Collar Employment & CBD Office Net Absorption
Office-based employment and net                       Two common workplace trends that were
                                                      prevalent before COVID-19, and are being
absorption                                            prioritised as businesses take the disruption
                                                      of COVID to reassess their operations and
While Australian labour market                        business policies, are flexible working
conditions, and the outlook for the                   (including ‘working from home’) and the role
white-collar business economy is                      of the office workplace. More specifically,
                                                      increased workplace flexibility and remote
positive, the lagged flow-through to                  work is expected to soften underlying
Australian CBD office net absorption                  demand for office space, while a shift
foreshadows some continued                            towards greater utilisation of the office
challenges to underlying leasing                      workplace for collaboration, team-based
demand for another 6 to 12 months.                    work, meetings and innovation is expected
                                                      to increase office demand through upward
However, allowing for this lag, demand for            pressure on workspace ratios (ie. office
Australian CBD office space is strongly               space required per employee).
correlated with economic conditions and white-                                                        Sources: ABS, JLL Research & Investa Research
collar employment. Historically, annual growth        While there is still some uncertainty about
in private sector (ie. excluding government)          the likely scale impact of these factors on
white-collar employment greater than 2% has           future demand for office space and net
been sufficient to drive positive net absorption      absorption (in fact a significant share of
across Australia’s major CBD office markets.          businesses are still unsure how, or if their
                                                      workplace and operations will change), we
In addition to the impact of economic                 estimate that the net impact of these two
conditions and employment, the disruptive             trends alone will create a moderate long-
influence of COVID-19 on the operation of the         term reduction in future net absorption of
white-collar economy has fuelled debate about         ~5-10% in comparison to pre-COVID net
the future role of the office market and the          absorption assumptions (for more detail see
impact of new ways of working on future office        page 7: New Ways of Working and Office
demand and net absorption.                            Demand).
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4 │ Investa Inside Office Market Outlook April 2021

Office Leasing Market Outlook: Supply
                                                                                                       Chart 5: Approved Office Development
Development activity supports                         Consequently, we anticipate Australia’s
                                                      major capital city markets will experience
office supply outlook                                 variable conditions across precincts and
                                                      grades, with higher vacancy and weaker
Australia’s office supply outlook has not             market conditions concentrated in the lower
been significantly impacted by                        grade and backfill assets. Partly offsetting
COVID-19. Office construction activity                the solid office development outlook, we
                                                      expect a steady pipeline of office
and supply chains have been largely                   withdrawals in Sydney and Melbourne will
maintained and 12 major office                        constrain the availability of office stock, as
development projects were completed                   backfill assets are either repurposed or
across Australia’s CBD markets in 2020.               refurbished and repositioned to compete
                                                      with the new supply.
While office development approvals eased in
2020, and expected completion dates of some
longer-term uncommitted office development
projects have been delayed, the near-term                                                              Sources: ABS & Investa Research
pipeline will continue to provide a steady
stream of new office completions across
Australia’s major CBD markets in 2021 and
A steady supply pipeline in the coming years
will somewhat counter a cyclical rebound in
demand and draw out the recovery in market
conditions compared to previous cyclical
recoveries. However, solid pre-commitment to
new office development projects (~60% for the
current under construction pipeline across
Australia’s CBD markets) reflects the strength
of demand for high quality office space.
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5 │ Investa Inside Office Market Outlook April 2021

Office Leasing Market Outlook: Rent
                                                      Chart 6: Prime Office Rent Growth vs White-collar Business Profit Growth
Office rent relief & affordability                                         30                                                                                                                       15
                                                                           25                                                                                                                       12
A range of COVID-19 furlough measures

                                                        12m/12m % change

                                                                                                                                                                                                         y/y % change
and policies, including the national code of                                                                                                                                                        9
conduct for commercial leases, dampened                                    10
office occupying business operating costs.                                  5
This drove an unexpected increase in                                        0                                                                                                                       0
white-collar business profit growth and                                    -5                                                                                                                       -3
supported office rental affordability.                                          2010   2011        2012       2013        2014       2015   2016      2017      2018       2019     2020     2021
                                                                                       White collar business profit: Australia (LHS)                    Face rent growth: Sydney CBD (RHS)
In response to government-regulated rent relief                                        Face rent growth: Melbourne CBD (RHS)
policy and softer market conditions, rent growth      Sources: ABS, JLL Research & Investa Research
across Australia’s major office markets effectively
stalled in 2020. In comparison, white-collar
business income remained somewhat resilient,
resulting in a surprisingly sharply increase in       Chart 6.1: Sydney CBD Office Rental Affordability                                      Chart 6.2: Melbourne CBD Office Rental Affordability
business profit growth.
In contrast to the tight CBD office market
conditions in recent years, and corresponding solid
rental growth, current market conditions present a
unique rental affordability window. In addition,
elevated incentives further support the easing in
rental affordability on an effective basis.
We expect favourable rental affordability
conditions, combined with both elevated market
vacancy and a strong tenant preference for
centrally located, high quality and flexible office
space will support a ‘flight to quality’ trend and    Sources: ABS, JLL Research & Investa Research                                          Sources: ABS, JLL Research & Investa Research
drive future rental growth outperformance in
Australia’s CBD prime office markets through the
cyclical recovery.
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6 │ Investa Inside Office Market Outlook April 2021

Office Capital Markets                                                                                      Chart 7.1: Foreign Capital Transactions & Australian Cap Rates

                                                                                                                                              80                                                       8.5

                                                                                                              Share of total Australian CBD
                                                                                                                                              70                                                       8.0

                                                                                                                (% of total value, trend)
——                                                                                                                                            60                                                       7.5

                                                                                                                                              50                                                       7.0
Pent up capital demand                                          Consequently, we expect low policy                                            40                                                       6.5

                                                                rates to maintain downward pressure
                                                                                                                                              30                                                       6.0
Office capital market activity has                              on interest rates and global liquidity to
                                                                support the depth of capital.                                                 20                                                       5.5
slowed sharply during COVID-19.                                                                                                               10                                                       5.0
This provides a smaller base of                                 Evidenced by the experience of 2020,
                                                                where capital values have effectively                                         0                                                        4.5
transaction evidence to influence                                                                                                              1998   2001     2004 2007 2010 2013 2016 2019
                                                                held firm with modest easing in some
future capital market                                           assets, Australian office markets are
                                                                                                                                                             Foreign buyer office transactions (LHS)
                                                                                                                                                             Australian office cap rate (RHS)
expectations. However, when                                     expected to continue to provide stable
combined with broader financial                                 and attractive returns. In particular,
                                                                                                            Sources: Property Council-IPD, JLL Research & Investa Research
market activity and investor                                    prime assets in Australia’s major CBD
                                                                markets are expected to attract strong
sentiment, this supports a
                                                                capital demand and outperform.              Chart 7.2: Bond Rates & Australian CBD Prime Office Yields
positive underlying outlook for
capital demand and liquidity for                                However, a return to more open capital
                                                                market activity, and a resumption of
Australian office assets.                                       firm downward pressure on Australian
Global central banks, including the                             prime office cap rates, is dependent on
Reserve Bank of Australia, have                                 international business travel and cross-
committed to maintaining                                        border movement of capital.
accommodative policy settings until                             Since the mid-2000’s foreign buyer
economic and financial market                                   activity has been critical in driving
conditions return to normal. This                               office capital market transactions and
includes sustained economic growth                              office market capital growth. We
and underlying inflation, which the RBA                         expect the COVID-19 pause in
“does not expect to be met until 2024                           international travel, and the ability to
at the earliest”1.                                              conduct in-person due diligence, will
                                                                unwind with the application of the
                                                                COVID-19 vaccination program.
                                                                                                            Source: JLL Research, RBA & Investa Research

    Statement by Philip Lowe, Governor: Monetary Policy Decision, RBA, 6 April 2021.
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New Ways of                                                                                    Chart B1.1: Australian CBD Office Workspace Ratios


Working & Office

                                                                                                    Workspace ratio index
                                                                                                     (March 1994=100)


Demand                                                                                                                                    90


——                                                                                                                                        75
The disruption of COVID-19 has accelerated existing trends to                                                                             70
the way office work is conducted. Applying basic assumptions                                                                                1994   1998      2002      2006   2010      2014    2018    2022       2026
related to the shift towards increased flexible work and greater                                                                          Work space ratio: Australian CBDs combined           Work space ratio: trend

use of the office for collaboration-style work, we estimate the                                Sources: Property Council of Australia & Investa Research

net long-term impact on net absorption will create a modest
5-10% drag.                                                                                    Chart B1.2: Contributors to Sydney CBD Office Net Absorption
Flexible Work & Office Utilisation             Office Net Absorption Contributors

                                                                                                Contribution to annual net absorption:
Workplace flexibility relates to offering a    In addition to the net impact of accelerated
suitable range of workplace options,           adoption of flexible work practices and a                                                  80
including, but not limited to the office and   shift in workplace utilisation trends, office

                                                                                                       Sydney CBD ('000 sqm)
home-based work. Assuming the net impact       net absorption is also impacted by tenant-
of greater workplace flexibility decreases     specific factors, such as changes to                                                       40
forecast absorption by 20% (equivalent to a    location or building preferences. Assuming                                                 20
net increase on average of 1 day per week      a stronger post-COVID tenant preference
working from home) – this would decrease       for centrally located offices, we expect that
potential annual absorption in Sydney CBD      annual Sydney CBD office absorption from                                                  -20
by ~15-20,000sqm.                              this factor will increase by a modest                                                     -40
On the other side of the ledger, we assume                                                                                               -60
workplace utilisation trends, and a greater    However, the economic cycle and                                                                     20-year historical average          Annual average: 2021-2023
emphasis on collaboration and team-based       white-collar employment remains the most
                                                                                                                                           Office employment growth               Work space ratio
office work, will drive some moderate near-    significant factor impacting Australian                                                     Flexible work (incl. work from home)   Other (incl. tenant relocation)
term upward pressure on workspace ratios,      capital city office absorption. Job creation                                                Total net absorption
reversing the long-term downward trend,        and business expansion is expected to
                                                                                               Sources: ABS, Property Council of Australia & Investa Research
and adding ~10-12,000sqm to Sydney CBD         continue to account for approximately
annual absorption. In the longer-term, we      60-65% of Australian CBD gross
expect this will revert to more stable         absorption.
declines in market workspace ratios.
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8 │ Investa Inside Office Market Outlook April 2021

——                                                                                                                                 ——                                         ——
Research team                                                                                                                      About Investa Research                     About Investa
                                                                                                                                   Investa Research focuses on
                                                                                                                                                                              Investa is a leading Australian real estate
                                                                                                                                   understanding the drivers and analysing
                                                                                                                                                                              company managing more than A$12
                                                                                                                                   the movements and trends within the
                                                                                                                                                                              billion of quality office real estate. As a
                                                                                                                                   Australian commercial office market. The
                                                                                                                                                                              specialist office manager of commercial
                                                                                                                                   research function is fundamental in
                                                                                                                                                                              office buildings Investa manages 21
                                                                                                                                   guiding group investment strategy and
                                                                                                                                                                              assets in the key Australian CBD markets
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                                                                                                                                                                              on behalf of ICPF, Oxford Investa
                                                                                                                                   competitive advantage through insightful
                                                                                                                                                                              Property Partners (OIPP) and private
                                                                                                                                   analyses and forecasting.
David Cannington                                        Jack van Aanholt                                                           The research team publishes regular
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                                                                                                                                                                              incorporates funds, asset, property and
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                                                                                                                                                                              valued working places be the first choice
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Investa Inside Office Market Outlook - April 2021
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