Best Managed Companies 2021 - Recognising resilience | Empowering growth - Deloitte

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Best Managed Companies 2021 - Recognising resilience | Empowering growth - Deloitte
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Best Managed Companies 2021
Recognising resilience | Empowering growth
Best Managed Companies 2021 - Recognising resilience | Empowering growth - Deloitte
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      Welcome�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1
      About������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2
      Who can apply ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
      The Best Managed Network���������������������������������������������� 7
      What we measure���������������������������������������������������������������� 8
      Responding to COVID-19����������������������������������������������������� 9
      Key dates����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
      How to apply������������������������������������������������������������������������11
      Key benefits������������������������������������������������������������������������ 13
      The Global Network����������������������������������������������������������� 14
      Frequently Asked Questions�������������������������������������������� 16
      Get in touch ������������������������������������������������������������������������ 18
Best Managed Companies 2021 - Recognising resilience | Empowering growth - Deloitte
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                        I am delighted to welcome you to the 13th year of Best Managed
                        Companies (BMC) – Deloitte Private’s flagship programme recognising
                        excellence in privately owned companies across the island of Ireland.

                        The programme rewards the hard work, passion and resilience of private
                        companies and their management teams. These traits have never been
                        more evident in recent times. 2020 has been a challenging year for many   “ I thought entering the programme
                        companies, and through that period we have seen how indigenous
                        businesses have gone the extra mile across a range of sectors to            would be a good test for our people in
Anya Cummins            continue to operate, manufacture and deliver goods and services in          terms of how we articulate our business
Head of
                        a very disruptive operational environment, all the while keeping their      proposition and that it would help
                        people’s safety as their top priority.
Deloitte Private                                                                                    us to see how we compare to other
Partner Lead for Best   Taking into consideration the seismic events of recent months, we are       companies in Ireland. It’s been a great
Managed Companies       looking for a new cohort of ambitiously minded companies to join the        exercise in holding the mirror up to our
                        Best Managed Companies network. Applications are open to companies          business and has certainly helped us to
                        from across the thirty two counties and from every sector. There are
                                                                                                    stop and understand why we do certain
                        clear benefits; most notably independent feedback and benchmarking
                        and the opportunity to network with your BMC peers.                         things.”

                        The application process is a comprehensive assessment of overall             — Frank Salmon, CEO, CMS Distribution
                        business performance and the management team behind it. This year in
                        particular we look forward to recognising teams who have pivoted their
                        businesses through one of the most testing years in memory with strong
                        leadership and resilience.

                        We welcome you to apply at

                        If you need more information, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Best Managed Companies 2021 - Recognising resilience | Empowering growth - Deloitte
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Ireland’s Best Managed
Companies                                                                                 Best Managed Companies
                                                                                          recognises excellence in privately
                                                                                          owned and managed companies.
                                                                                          It is a symbol of organisational
      years running
      on the island
                                                                          by Best
                                                                                          success and achievement.
      of Ireland.                                                         Managed
                                                                          Companies.       Entrants from across the island of Ireland compete for
                                                                                          this mark of excellence in a rigorous and independent
                                                                                          process that evaluates the entire management team,
                                                                                          organisational strategy and benchmarks against best
                                                                                          in class businesses both locally and on a global stage.

                                                                              combined    Companies are coached through the application
                                                                              turnover.   process by consultants from Deloitte and sponsor
                                                                                          Bank of Ireland. Coaching not only helps companies
                                                                                          to formulate their final submission for judges’ review
                                                                                          but ultimately gives teams the opportunity to take a
                                                                                          step back from the day to day and hold a mirror up to
                      winning                                                             their business, their performance and their business
                      in 2020.        countries with                                      plan. This is particularly important in a time of market
                                      Best Managed                                        volatility, disruption and opportunity.

                                                                                          Those who are successfully awarded as a Best
                                                                                          Managed Company are celebrated at the annual
                                                                                          Gala Awards and Symposium and join the elite Best
                                                                                          Managed club.

            from the
                          to apply.
                                                  Best Managed Companies in
                                                  the global network.
Best Managed Companies 2021 - Recognising resilience | Empowering growth - Deloitte
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      Who can apply?
      Eligibility criteria
      • Companies must be Irish/Northern Irish, substantially
        privately owned, managed and controlled companies
        (incorporated in either the Republic of Ireland or
        Northern Ireland)
      • Have a turnover in excess of €10 million / £8million
      • Be established for at least five years
      • Co-operatives engaged in value-adding and trading
        activities are eligible to participate in the programme
      • Private equity backed businesses are also
        eligible where the business is incorporated in
        and the management team is based in Ireland/
        Northern Ireland

      The following companies are ineligible:
      • Public companies
      • Foreign multinationals and their subsidiaries
      • Credit unions / insurance companies / banks
      • Charities, not-for-profit organisations and their
      • Government-owned / public sector agencies
      • Partnerships
Best Managed Companies 2021 - Recognising resilience | Empowering growth - Deloitte
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                                                  The Best Managed
                                                  Successful new entrants to the programme are awarded as
                                                  New Winners at the annual Gala Awards.

                                                  Current winners have the opportunity to requalify as a Best
      “ Internally, it boosts the morale          Managed Company after their initial win, subject to an annual
        of staff – and externally it is           operational and financial review.
        beneficial to have someone
                                                  Requalifying companies retain all of the benefits of being an
        benchmarking our business and             award winner and have the opportunity to work towards the
        management team. It’s excellent           milestone years of Gold Standard & Platinum Club, leading to
        from a networking point of view           increased profile and encouraging continued commitment
                                                  from staff and stakeholders.                                                         Platinum
        for us too.”
      — Denis McCarthy, Chief Executive, Fexco                                                              Gold          winner
                                                                      Best               winner
                                                   Best               requalifer

                                                   Year 1            Year 2 & 3           Year 4            Year 5 & 6     Year 7     Year 8,9,10+
Best Managed Companies 2021 - Recognising resilience | Empowering growth - Deloitte
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What we measure                                                                                             Responding to COVID-19

Best Managed Companies exhibit a number of common attributes                                                Under the four-pillar framework, applicants to the 2021
enabling sustained growth. Companies are evaluated under the                                                programme will be encouraged to share how they have
following four equally-weighted pillars.                                                                    responded to the impact of the pandemic including
                                                                                                            examples of how they have protected their people and
                                                                                                            their communities in this highly challenging and volatile
                                                                                                            economic period.

                                                                                                            We also note that the impact of the pandemic varies
                                                                                                            significantly sector by sector and business by business, and
                                                                                                            that will be taken into consideration by the judging panel.
                                                                                                            We would like to hear your success stories of resilience,
                                                                                                            adaptability and innovation so that we can recognise leading
                                                                                                            indigenous companies who are so important to economic
                                                                                                            recovery and growth.
Strategy                    Culture and                Capability and            Governance
                            Commitment                 Innovation                and Financials
Best Managed                Best Managed               Best Managed              Best Managed
Companies have              companies build a          Companies develop         Companies instil strong
a formal strategy           strong corporate           valuable capabilities     governance structures,
in place and the            culture and legacy,        and resources, are        use KPIs to manage
strategy represents all     actively develop their     highly execution-         their progress, maintain
stakeholders. They          people and leadership      oriented, are focused     a strong balance sheet,
have the right              team, provide a holistic   on productivity and       and apply the financial
capabilities and metrics    compensation system,       innovation, and are       discipline required to
in place to execute         create an inclusive        thoughtful about hiring   drive revenue growth,
their strategy, and         culture and address        the right people to       improve operating
clearly and consistently    continuity issues within   execute their business    margin, and increase
communicate the             the company.               model and strategy.       asset efficiency.
strategy to all levels of
the organisation.
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                                          How to apply
                                          New candidates must complete a two-phase
                                          application process.

                                          Phase I: Companies complete an online form to               Companies who are already part of the programme
                                          determine eligibility. The form is available on deloitte.   will complete an alternative re-application
                                          ie/bestmanaged from 13 January 2021 and will close          corresponding to their level during Phase II.
                                          by 5pm on Friday 26 February. Companies will be
                                          notified shortly thereafter if they have been shortlisted   Judging Panel
                                          for Phase II.                                               The judging panel conduct the application review and
                                                                                                      winners selection process. The panel includes;
                                          Phase II: Companies shortlisted for Phase II are
                                                                                                      • Frank Ryan (Chair)
                                          asked to complete a second, more detailed online
                                          submission. At this point companies will be assigned        • Harry Goddard, CEO, Deloitte Ireland LLP
                                          coaches from Deloitte and Bank of Ireland who will
                                                                                                      • Nikki Canavan, Senior Director, Origination
                                          help them formulate their approach to completing

Key Dates 2021
                                                                                                        and Market Development, Bank of Ireland
                                          their submission.
                                                                                                        Corporate Banking
                                                                                                      • Colm O’Reilly, CEO, The Business Post
                                                                                                      • Kate Malone, HR Director, Irish Management Institute
13 January
Phase I opens                                                                                         • Rose Hynes, Chairperson, Shannon Group &
                                                                                                        Chairperson of Origin Enterprises plc.
26 February
                                                                                                      • Feargal Mooney, Chairman, Erbium Ltd. and former
Phase I closes
                                                                                                        CEO of Hostelworld
15 March
Phase II opens                                                                                        Winners’ Announcement: Winning companies
                                                                                                      will be invited to celebrate their success at the
30 April                                                                                              exclusive Gala Awards and Symposium to be held in
Phase II closes                                                                                       September 2021.

May- June

10 September
Gala Awards and Symposium

Please note dates are subject to change
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       Key Benefits
       Excellent opportunity to take time out of the business
       to review your organisation and your business plan and bring
       your team together for some business planning sessions;
       supported by experienced consultants

       The benefits of applying - that’s right,        The benefits of winning
       you benefit even if you don’t win!
       • Coaching your way to success: One to one      Increase your market visibility and credibility
         coaching from Deloitte and Bank of Ireland    through the exclusive use of the Best
         professionals to fine tune your application   Managed Companies designation and logo
         before it goes to the judging panel.
                                                       Recognise the achievements of the entire
       • Excellent opportunity to take time out of     team and business. Strengthened ability to
         the business to put a mirror up to your       attract and retain talent
         organisation and your business plan
         and bring your team together for some         Receive national media exposure through
         business planning sessions; supported by      the programme’s media campaign with
         experienced consultants.                      media partner, The Business Post, and
       • Shine a light on current best practices and   the exclusive Best Managed Companies
         areas for improvement.                        supplement

                                                       Receive professional development for
                                                       management teams at the Best Managed
                                                       Symposium hosted in partnership with our
                                                       academic partner, the Irish Management
                                                       Institute (IMI)

                                                       Be part of a strong peer network with
                                                       access to year-round networking and
                                                       learning events, including the annual
                                                       Gala Awards and Symposium – one of the
                                                       most important events in the national
                                                       business calendar

                                                       **New** Family businesses will also be
                                                       eligible to win the overall ‘Best Managed
                                                       Family Business Award’ in association with
                                                       the Family Business Network Ireland.
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Best Managed: A global mark
of excellence
The programme is active in 25 countries with more
launches planned. Ireland’s programme launched in
2008 and is the second longest running programme
after Canada where the programme has been running
for the past 28 years.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a programme application fee?                   Is my revenue growth sufficient for qualification?
There is no cost to participate in the programme.       Financial growth is a key attribute, but it is not the sole
                                                        criteria under which you are judged. We also include
Will this take up a lot of my time?                     measures for strategy, commitment and capability in
                                                                                                                      “ The Best Managed programme
We have taken care to streamline the application        awarding successful applicants. In 2021, consideration
                                                        of the impact of the pandemic and business/sector               helped us take a step back and
process. If you progress to Phase II, specified
information is required for evaluation purposes.        specifics will be taken into account.                           analyse our business through a
However your team will be guided through this by                                                                        more strategic lens, which proved
experienced coaches and the return on investment is     What is the privacy policy regarding handling of
                                                        my information?
                                                                                                                        very timely heading into what turned
                                                        More information about how Deloitte will handle your
                                                                                                                        out to be a very difficult set of
Will my company’s financial information                 information is set out in our Privacy Policy, viewable on       market conditions for our industry.
become public?                                                                                 Given these circumstances, we’re
No. The confidentiality of your financial information                                                                   looking forward to the requalification
is vital to the integrity and continued success of      For any other enquiries you can contact the
                                                        programme team at                             process and to learning more as we
the programme. Only programme representatives
including your coaches and judging panel will view                                                                      engage with the programme again.”
sensitive information.

                                                                                                                      — Eamon McCay, Managing Director, Frylite
Get in touch:
Contact the programme team at
Follow and connect with #BestManaged

At Deloitte, we make an impact that matters for our clients, our people, our
profession, and in the wider society by delivering the solutions and insights they
need to address their most complex business challenges. As the largest global
professional services and consulting network, with over 312,000 professionals in
more than 150 countries, we bring world-class capabilities and high-quality services
to our clients. In Ireland, Deloitte has over 3,000 people providing audit, tax,
consulting, and corporate finance services to public and private clients spanning
multiple industries. Our people have the leadership capabilities, experience and
insight to collaborate with clients so they can move forward with confidence.

This publication has been written in general terms and we recommend that
you obtain professional advice before acting or refraining from action on any of
the contents of this publication. Deloitte Ireland LLP accepts no liability for any
loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of any
material in this publication.

Deloitte NI Limited is owned by Deloitte Ireland LLP. Deloitte NI Limited is
registered in Northern Ireland with registered number NI635334 and its registered
office at 19 Bedford Street, Belfast BT2 7EJ, Northern Ireland.

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