Supervising your apprentice or trainee - A guide for workplace supervisors August 2021 - Training Services NSW

Page created by Marc Ryan
Supervising your apprentice or trainee - A guide for workplace supervisors August 2021 - Training Services NSW
| NSW Department of Education

your apprentice
or trainee
A guide for workplace supervisors
August 2021
Supervising your apprentice or trainee - A guide for workplace supervisors August 2021 - Training Services NSW
                                                                                                                       Leading the way                                                              2

                                                                                                                       Apprenticeships and traineeships                                             3

                                                                                                                       Who is involved                                                             4

                                                                                                                       Your learner’s role                                                          6

                                                                                                                       Your role as a supervisor                                                    7

                                                                                                                       Workplace induction                                                         8

                                                                                                                       Duty of care and safety                                                      9

                                                                                                                       Bullying and harassment                                                     10

                                                                                                                       Mental health                                                               11

                                                                                                                       Training Plan                                                               12

                                                                                                                       Six steps to effective coaching                                             13

                                                                                                                       Learning styles                                                             14

                                                                                                                       Cultural diversity                                                          15

                                                                                                                       Understanding Aboriginal learners                                           16

                                                                                                                       Keeping things on track                                                     17



                                                                                                                       How we can help                                                             20


                                                                                                                       TSNSW regional centres                                                      22

We acknowledge the homelands of all Aboriginal people and pay respect to Country.

© State of New South Wales through Department of Education 2021. You may copy, distribute and otherwise freely
deal with this publication for any purpose, provided that you attribute the Department of Education as the owner.

The information contained in this publication is based on knowledge and understanding at the time of writing
(August 2021) and may not be accurate, current or complete. The State of New South Wales (including the NSW
Department of Education), the author and the publisher take no responsibility, and will accept no liability, for the
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decisions related to material contained in this publication.

                                                                                                                                             Supervising your apprentice or trainee – August 2021    1
Supervising your apprentice or trainee - A guide for workplace supervisors August 2021 - Training Services NSW
Leading the way                                                                                   Apprenticeships
Apprentices and trainees                                   And, there’s nothing more
                                                                                                  and traineeships
are our future.                                            rewarding than helping people
                                                           achieve their personal goals           Apprenticeships and
Without expert guidance from                               while working towards your             traineeships offer workers
today's professionals, the next                            business’s goals.                      the opportunity to study,
generation won’t have the                                                                         gain practical skills and
                                                           Your influence as a supervisor
knowledge and skills required                                                                     earn an income while
                                                           can’t be overstated.
to sustain industry and meet
                                                                                                  obtaining a nationally
the demands of the future                                  The more support you can
                                                                                                  recognised qualification.
labour market.                                             provide, the more likely your
                                                           learner will succeed.                  They can be undertaken by
Businesses both large and small
have increased their bottom                                This guide is designed for new         anyone of working age and can
line and enjoyed sustainable                               supervisors or supervisors             be completed full-time, part-time
                                                                                                                                              You can choose from TAFE NSW,
growth by providing training to                            looking to gain additional skills.     or while at school.
                                                                                                                                              an adult or community education
apprentices or trainees.                                                                          Your organisation will sign a               provider, a private provider
                                                           It’s full of practical strategies to
Many employers agree that taking                           help you support your learner          formal Training Contract with               or the learner’s high school.
on an apprentice or trainee goes                           grow in your company, become a         your learner who will work and              In conjunction with the RTO,
beyond coaching your learner                               valuable employee, and ultimately,     learn under your supervision.               you’ll decide whether your
to gain the targeted skills your                           ensure the health and longevity of     Training Services NSW within the            learner’s formal training is
business needs.                                            your business and industry.            NSW Department of Education                 undertaken in your workplace,
                                                                                                  administers these contracts.                in the classroom, online or as a
Your learner will be committed to                                                                                                             combination of all three.
your company and its long-term                                                                    As part of this contract, you
goals because they know you’re                                                                    and your learner will choose a              Your learner will then gain
personally invested in their future.                                                              Registered Training Organisation            knowledge and develop new
                                                                                                  (RTO) to deliver the formal training.       skills through a combination
As your business grows, your                                                                                                                  of hands-on workplace training
learner’s positive attitude and                                                                                                               and formal study.
innovative ideas will invigorate
your workplace, boost worker                                                                                                                  After successfully completing
morale and encourage existing                                                                                                                 their apprenticeship or traineeship,
staff to rethink old ways.                                                                                                                    your learner will be issued with a
                                                           David Collins PSM                                                                  nationally recognised qualification
                                                                                                                                              by the RTO and receive a
                                                           Commissioner for
                                                                                                                                              Certificate of Proficiency from
                                                           Vocational Training
                                                                                                                                              the Department of Education.

2   Supervising your apprentice or trainee – August 2021                                                                                  Supervising your apprentice or trainee – August 2021   3
Supervising your apprentice or trainee - A guide for workplace supervisors August 2021 - Training Services NSW
Who is involved?
                                                                   egistered Training
                                                                  R                               Plan, you’ll organise and record           providers. These include advice
        Employer                                                  Organisation (RTO)              their workplace training, supervise        on industrial matters such as your
                                                                                                  them practising new skills until           responsibility towards your learner
The employer recruits an                                   The RTO delivers your learner’s        they’re competent, ensure their            when it comes to wages, working
apprentice or trainee like                                 formal training so they can gain a     safety, provide feedback and               conditions and safety, mentoring
they would any other staff                                 nationally recognised qualification.   supply assessment evidence to              and counselling services for
member. Next, they contact an                              As part of this process, they          the RTO.                                   your learner, and information
Apprenticeship Network Provider                            develop a Training Plan in                                                        on financial assistance for
to arrange a Training Contract.                            consultation with you and your
                                                                                                         Training Services                  your learner. Ask your ANP or
As part of this contract, the                              learner, provide you with training                                                Training Services NSW for more
employer must provide a safe
                                                           support, monitor progress, and                                                    information.
workplace where quality training,                          assess your learner’s competence.      We’re responsible for managing
practical instruction and learning                         When all competencies have             apprenticeships and traineeships
can occur under relevant award                             been achieved, they issue the          in New South Wales. We approve                        School
wages and conditions.                                      qualification.                         your Training Contract’s application
                                                                                                                                             If you supervise a school-based
                                                                                                  and ensure everyone carries
The employer may also be a                                                                                                                   learner, their apprenticeship or
Group Training Organisation                                        pprenticeship
                                                                  A                               out their responsibilities. We
                                                                                                                                             traineeship will form part of their
(GTO). A GTO recruits learners,                                   Network Provider                also provide free supervisor
                                                                                                                                             HSC. Your learner’s school will
pays their wages and places                                       (ANP)                           training, information about
                                                                                                                                             endorse the Training Contract and
                                                           ANPs suggest training delivery         apprenticeships and traineeships,
them with a host employer who                                                                                                                will help facilitate employment
                                                           options, prepare the Training          advice regarding the Training
conducts their workplace training.                                                                                                           and training as part of the school’s
                                                           Contract, and explain everyone’s       Contract, mediation and dispute
                                                           rights and responsibilities. They      resolution services and referral
        Apprentice or trainee                             will also advise of any incentives     to other support services                  This includes facilitating
                                                           you’re entitled to. (See: www.         and agencies. On successful                communication between all
By signing the Training Contract,                                                                 completion of the apprenticeship           parties, monitoring your learner’s
your learner agrees to carry out                                                                  or traineeship, we issue a                 progress and wellbeing via regular
their obligations as your employee                                                                Certificate of Proficiency to                catch up sessions, and keeping
while receiving workplace                                          orkplace
                                                                                                  your learner.                              track of their attendance at your
training, engaging in formal                                      supervisor
                                                                                                                                             workplace. The school may also
training, completing tests and                             You! Your role is integral to your                                                deliver formal training.
assessments, and obtaining a                               learner’s success. As a coach and             Support Services
nationally recognised qualification.                       mentor, you’ll show your learner
                                                                                                  Professional services are available
                                                           how to do their job safely and
                                                                                                  from a range of government,
                                                           correctly. Following the Training
                                                                                                  not-for-profit and private

4   Supervising your apprentice or trainee – August 2021                                                                                 Supervising your apprentice or trainee – August 2021   5
Supervising your apprentice or trainee - A guide for workplace supervisors August 2021 - Training Services NSW
Your learner’s role                                                                        Your role as a supervisor
Your learner must make                                                                     Effective supervision is                  You should show them how to
every effort to gain                                       Successful apprentices          critical to your learner’s                use equipment safely and offer
the skills and industry                                                                    success.                                  practical hands-on instruction in
                                                           and trainees:
knowledge they need to                                                                                                               all tasks in the Training Plan.
                                                           • Arrive at work alert with     As a workplace supervisor,
successfully complete                                                                                                                Apprentices and trainees are
                                                             their required tools          you’re a role model and coach
their apprenticeship or                                                                    for your learner. They’ll look to
                                                                                                                                     paid training wages because
                                                           • Follow instructions and
traineeship.                                                                               you for guidance, support and
                                                                                                                                     their schedule includes time
                                                             ask questions so they                                                   for formal training and study.
This includes following your                                 can grow their skills         motivation.
                                                                                                                                     You must release your learner
instructions (within the law),                             • Take responsibility           Through daily contact, you can            during paid work hours to attend
following workplace policies and                                                           respond to your learner’s needs,          formal training or for study for a
                                                           • Discuss and resolve
procedures and contributing to a                                                           ensure policies and procedures            minimum of three hours a week.
safe and supportive workplace.                                                             are being followed, teach safe
                                                           • Contribute to creating                                                  Once the apprenticeship or
They also need to undertake the                                                            working practises, address
                                                             a safe and supportive                                                   traineeship is underway, schedule
training and assessment outlined                                                           problems, improve productivity,
                                                             workplace                                                               regular meetings so you can
in their Training Plan.                                                                    and increase workplace
                                                           • Attend formal study                                                     check your learner’s progress
This includes studying for their                             delivered by their RTO                                                  against the Training Plan and
qualification, receiving hands-on                                                          The level of supervision required         ensure they’re getting enough
                                                           • Complete assignments
training in your workplace and                                                             for your learner depends on:              opportunities to practice their
                                                             and assessments
participating in formal training                                                           • The degree of risk involved in          new skills at work.
                                                           • View their apprenticeship
delivered by their RTO.                                                                      doing certain tasks                     You’ll also need to meet regularly
                                                             or traineeship as a career
Over time, they’ll need to show                              instead of ‘a job for now.’   • Your learner’s age, skills,             with your RTO to provide
they can do their job competently                                                            knowledge, and experience               assessment evidence, stay up-to-
and consistently to the standard                                                           • New or recently modified                 date with formal training, sign off
of performance expected in your                                                              technology or machinery                 competencies and schedule any
industry.                                                                                                                            additional workplace training.
                                                                                           • Your learner’s language
                                                                                             difficulties, cultural differences
                                                                                             or physical limitations.
                                                                                           Key to your role is helping your
                                                                                           learner understand how their
                                                                                           formal study translates to the

6   Supervising your apprentice or trainee – August 2021                                                                         Supervising your apprentice or trainee – August 2021   7
Supervising your apprentice or trainee - A guide for workplace supervisors August 2021 - Training Services NSW
Workplace induction                                                                              Duty of care and safety
First impressions count.                                       Outline their terms of           What is a duty of care?                   Make safety part of
                                                                employment including                                                       the conversation
A good workplace induction                                      the Training Contract, pay       Young learners are vulnerable.
communicates what’s expected                                    conditions, leave provisions,    They experience more workplace            Under Australian legislation,
of your learner and what they                                   and hours of work, overtime      injuries than any other age               you are legally obliged to be
can expect from you.                                            and break times                  group. They need additional               aware of the range of hazards
                                                                                                 guidance because they lack                in your workplace and apply
This will help them settle                                     Take them on a workplace         work experience and may not               measures to ensure people are
in quickly, accelerate their                                    tour. Explain who’s who and      know how to protect themselves            not injured or made ill because
proficiency and reduce staff                                    introduce key staff              physically and psychologically            of their work.
turnover. They’re less likely to
                                                               Go through their Training Plan   from injury.
underperform, make mistakes                                                                                                                You must:
and lose interest.                                              Proposal, schedule progress      That is why there are additional
                                                                meetings and set goals                                                     • Ensure work environments,
                                                                                                 duty of care responsibilities and
Your induction checklist:                                                                                                                    systems of work, machinery,
                                                               Provide information about        obligations to workers under the
     Describe your business, its                                                                                                            chemicals, and equipment
                                                                grievance procedures including   age of 18.
      values, and how your learner                                                                                                           are safe and properly used,
                                                                who to go to for support         You must take reasonable care to
      fits into the big picture                                                                                                              stored and maintained
                                                               Schedule Workplace Health        ensure your workplace and the             • Provide required personal
     Discuss your role, explain                                and Safety training              people in it are safe from injury           protective equipment and
      their job description                                                                      and health risks. If you identify
                                                             If possible, get a former                                                       ensure it is used
     Discuss ground rules.                                                                      a likely risk of harm, it is your
                                                             apprentice or trainee to be                                                   • Explain safe work practices,
      These may include mobile                                                                   legal obligation to address it. You
                                                             their 'support buddy.’                                                          safety hazards and emergency
      phone use, workplace dress                                                                 should minimise or eliminate risk
      and behaviour, policies on                                                                 by providing support, instruction,
                                                                                                 training, and on-going adequate           • Provide training, instruction,
      bullying, drugs and alcohol,
                                                                                                 supervision. Your inaction is a             and supervision by a qualified
      and the best way to
                                                                                                 breach of your duty of care.                or experienced worker
      communicate when
      they’re sick or running late                                                                                                         • Ensure supervisors are aware
                                                                                                                                             of their responsibilities
                                                                                                                                             concerning young learners
                                                                                                                                           • Ensure your learner isn’t
                                                                                                                                             exposed to inappropriate
                                                                                                                                             behaviours, sexually explicit
                                                                                                                                             or inappropriate material. See:

8     Supervising your apprentice or trainee – August 2021                                                                             Supervising your apprentice or trainee – August 2021   9
Supervising your apprentice or trainee - A guide for workplace supervisors August 2021 - Training Services NSW
Bullying and harassment                                                                             Mental health
Workplace bullying and                                      Workers who experience bullying         It’s possible you may                 • Quality of work suffering
harassment can happen to                                    can suffer anxiety, post-traumatic      supervise a learner who               • Tardiness
anyone. It involves a more                                  stress disorder, ill health, and even   is experiencing a mental              • Becoming overwhelmed
powerful person or group                                    commit suicide.                         health condition – it’s more            or upset easily
of people oppressing a                                      That’s why workplace bullying and       common than you think.                • Avoiding colleagues.
less powerful person or                                     harassment are against the law.
                                                                                                                                          If your learner agrees that they
                                                                                                    Most people can effectively
group, often because                                        Many victims won’t speak up                                                   are struggling with their mental
                                                                                                    manage their mental health
they’re different.                                          because they think it’s ‘workplace      without it affecting their work.      health, refer them to a GP for
                                                            culture’ and they’ll be called a        But there may be times when           proper diagnosis and care.
Bullying and harassment are
                                                            ‘trouble maker.’                        your learner requires support and     It’s important to understand
unreasonable behaviours that
                                                                                                    reasonable adjustments at work        that you have a legal obligation
cause humiliation, offence,                                 Failure to take action to prevent
                                                                                                    to help them get and stay well.       to support them to remain at or
intimidation or distress, and affect                        or respond to workplace bullying
                                                                                                                                          return to work when they’re ready.
an employee’s ability to work.                              and harassment can result in            An unhealthy work environment
                                                            breaches of equal opportunity,          or incident can also create           More info:
It can occur through verbal or
                                                            Work Health and Safety and anti-        or exacerbate mental health
physical abuse, psychological                                                                                                             •
                                                            discrimination laws.                    conditions.
standover tactics, practical jokes                                                                                                        • Lifeline: 13 11 14
or initiation, put downs, sexual                                                                    Speak to your worker regularly.       •
misconduct, email, texts or on                              See:          You may notice differences in
social media.                                               bullying                                                                      • Headspace: 1800 650 890
                                                                                                    your learner’s behaviour including:
                                                                                                                                          • Mental Health Line: 1800 011 511
                                                                                                    • Appearing restless and tense
                                                                                                                                          • Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636.
                                                                                                    • Having difficulty meeting
     How can you recognise and address workplace bullying?                                            reasonable deadlines

     • Look for changes in your learner’s behaviour
     • If you notice absences, low morale or requests to do jobs with
       different people, encourage your learner to talk
     • Publish a zero tolerance policy
     • Organise ongoing conflict management training
     • Take complaints seriously.

10   Supervising your apprentice or trainee – August 2021                                                                                                                 11
Supervising your apprentice or trainee - A guide for workplace supervisors August 2021 - Training Services NSW
The Training Plan                                                         Six steps to effective
The Training Plan is                The RTO will also identify any
                                                                          supervision and coaching
your learner’s road map             additional learning needs (such
to success.                         as literacy and numeracy) and if             Explain the                                 Practice makes
                                    your learner is able to apply for            'big picture.'                               it perfect
It describes the formal and         recognition of prior learning.
                                                                          People learn best when they              Allow time for your learner
workplace training and
                                    The RTO will ensure you all receive   know why something’s important.          to practice their new skills.
assessment your learner must
                                    a copy of the signed Training Plan.   Explain the task, its purpose and        Spaced repetition of skills will
complete to receive their
                                                                          why it needs to be done in a             build competence. Allow your
qualification and be issued with    The Training Plan in action
                                                                          certain way. Try and use real life       learner to perform the task their
their Certificate of Proficiency.
                                    The Training Plan is a living         examples.                                own way provided the job is
Like building blocks, each unit     document that should be                                                        completed to standard.
in the Training Plan sets out                                                                                      Watch, coach and be patient.
                                    frequently referred to, regularly            Take it step-by-step
practical tasks and structured      discussed and routinely updated
milestones that progressively       to reflect the current status of      Break the task down into chunks                     Feedback
increase your learner’s skills.     training.                             so your learner remembers
                                                                          what to do. Use clear and simple         Ensure your feedback is positive
Developing the Training Plan        Your learner must perform duties      language and assume no prior             first, and constructive second,
                                    that map to the units of study        knowledge. Ask your learner to           then conclude with praise.
You must develop the Training
                                    they’re undertaking in their          repeat the instructions back to          View mistakes as positive as
Plan with your RTO and
                                    formal training.                      confirm understanding.                   they create an opportunity
learner within 12 weeks of the
                                    You’ll need to create opportunities                                            for learning. Remember, what
apprenticeship or traineeship
                                    in your workplace for your learner           Demonstrate                       you say is only part of what’s
being approved.
                                    to master these skills under your                                              communicated. Your body
The RTO will discuss the units of                                         Carefully show your learner              language and tone of voice
competency to be undertaken                                               how to correctly do things.              makes up 90% of your message.
and the sequence in which they’ll   You should discuss progress
be delivered.                       with your RTO at least every six                                                          Advise
                                    months. If there are performance
You can negotiate how, when,                                                                                       Ensure you advise your RTO
                                    issues, this should be scheduled
where, and by whom training and                                                                                    and learner when competency
                                    more regularly.
assessment will be delivered.                                                                                      has been achieved.

12                                                                                                             Supervising your apprentice or trainee – August 2021   13
Supervising your apprentice or trainee - A guide for workplace supervisors August 2021 - Training Services NSW
Learning styles                                                                                   Cultural diversity
As a supervisor, you                                                                              Daily interactions can have               Gesture
need to acknowledge                                                                               subtle cultural distinctions.
                                                                                                                                            Important variations across
that everyone learns                                                                              Knowledge of these can help
                                                                                                                                            cultures include ways of pointing,
differently.                                                                                      you effectively manage learners
                                                                                                                                            shaking hands, making eye
                                                                                                  from diverse backgrounds and
                                                                                                                                            contact or bowing.
Some of us learn through                                                                          avoid misunderstandings.
observation, some through                                                                         Some general points to consider:          In Islam, physical contact
listening, some through                                                                                                                     between men and women
hands-on practice and some                                                                        Religious practices                       isn’t allowed (except for family).
through a blend of all three.                               Auditory learners prefer words,       Some religious practices                  This means Muslims won’t
                                                            sounds and music. They say,           will impact the workplace. For            shake hands with the opposite
There’s no right or wrong
                                                            ‘Tell me’ and ‘Let’s talk it over.’   example, Muslims generally pray           sex – a difference that can be
learning style, just a style
                                                            They best perform a new task          twice during a workday, this can          easily accommodated.
that’s right for your learner.
                                                            after listening to instructions or    easily be accommodated during
Taking time to discover your                                discussing a process.
                                                                                                                                            Yes and No
                                                                                                  meal breaks.
apprentice or trainee’s learning                                                                                                            In Australia, we’re expected
styles can help you understand                              Kinaesthetic learners prefer          Muslims also observe a different
                                                                                                                                            to mean 'yes' or 'no.' In other
their motivators and stressors and                          doing, moving, and hands-on           calendar including events such as
                                                                                                                                            cultures, 'yes' may mean 'I hear
how they differ from your own.                              experiences. They say, ‘Let me        Eid al-Fitr at the end of Ramadan.
                                                                                                                                            what you say.' Some learners nod
                                                            try.’ They best perform a new task    Try and support your learner’s
It will make training easier and                                                                                                            because they’re reluctant to give
                                                            role-playing or trying it out and     leave requests, as holy days will
more effective for you in the                                                                                                               a direct 'no' for fear of offending.
                                                            learning as they go.                  be important to them. If you can’t,
long run.                                                                                         clearly communicate why and try           Discuss with your learner how
                                                            When you’re aware of your own
                                                                                                  for a compromise.                         to best to communicate without
Which of these categories                                   learning style, you can help your
                                                                                                                                            violating their cultural norms.
do you relate to?                                           learner understand theirs and
                                                            adapt your training accordingly.                                                More info:
Visual learners prefer diagrams,                                                                  In various Asian and Middle               legal-obligations/diversity
pictures, demonstrations, and                               To gain more practical tips on
                                                                                                  Eastern countries, being indirect
films. They say, ‘Show me’ and                              becoming a better workplace
                                                                                                  is the norm. These cultures take
‘Let’s have a look at that’. They                           coach, enrol in a free supervisor
                                                                                                  time to lead up to their point.
best perform a new task after                               workshop at Training Services
                                                                                                  Some Asian cultures are reluctant
reading instructions or watching                            NSW. For upcoming events visit:
                                                                                                  to give supervisors bad news.
someone do it while taking notes.                 
                                                                                                  In many cultures, you’re not
                                                                                                  allowed to initiate conversation
                                                                                                  with a superior.

14   Supervising your apprentice or trainee – August 2021                                                                               Supervising your apprentice or trainee – August 2021   15
Understanding                                                                                   Keeping things on track
Aboriginal learners                                                                             You play a key role in                   You can speak to us confidentially
                                                                                                monitoring your learner’s                about your learner’s challenges.
Aboriginal people experience a                              How you can assist:                                                          We may visit your workplace or
diversity of cultures, languages                                                                                                         arrange a meeting away from
                                                            • Flexible work arrangements
and ways of life. Aboriginality is                                                              Issues could include:                    work to help resolve your issue.
individual and personal. Make                               • Special leave, carers leave,
                                                              unpaid leave                      • Poor standard of work                  What if the issue can’t be
sure you talk to your learner to
understand their needs. Some                                • Additional cultural leave.        • Unsatisfactory progress in             resolved?
general points to consider:                                                                       formal training
                                                            Communication                                                                If your learner’s position has
                                                                                                • Disregarding instructions
Kinship and Sorry Business                                  Aboriginal people may                                                        become untenable or they
                                                                                                • Unsafe work practices                  want to leave, you can apply
Aboriginal families extend beyond                           communicate in these ways:
                                                                                                • Poor attendance, punctuality or        for cancellation of the Training
blood and marriage to include                               • Direct eye contact can be           presentation                           Contract.
extended family. This kinship                                 considered rude, disrespectful
                                                                                                • Excessive mobile phone/social          You and your learner must
system defines Aboriginal                                     or aggressive. Avoiding
                                                                                                  media use                              mutually consent to this.
people’s connection to each                                   eye contact doesn’t mean
other, to spirit and to country.                              your Aboriginal learner is        • Personality clashes with
                                                                                                                                         A Training Services NSW officer
The care of family members is                                 disinterested or dishonest          colleagues
                                                                                                                                         can offer each of you confidential
often a shared responsibility.                              • Silence creates space for         • Breaches of workplace                  advice, monitor the issue through
                                                              Aboriginal people to listen,        discipline.                            site visits or phone calls and
‘Sorry Business’ is the grieving
period following death. It’s often                            think, show respect, and          The first thing you should do is         provide mediation and dispute
commemorated with large                                       respond. It shouldn’t be          talk to your learner.                    resolution services until you reach
community gatherings.                                         confused with a lack of                                                    an agreement.
                                                                                                Remain calm and be clear about
                                                              understanding or hearing          what you want. If you have               If an agreement can’t be reached,
Aboriginal people experience
significantly higher death rates                            • Aboriginal people may feel        negative feedback, offer it in a         the matter will be referred to the
than non-Aboriginal people                                    ‘shame’ when they’re singled      constructive way and discuss the         Commissioner for Vocational
across all ages for all major causes                          out. Some feel shame if they’re   improvements you’re looking              Training for resolution.
of death. The impact can be                                   publicly praised. Approach your   for. Give your learner a chance to
overwhelming.                                                 learner individually and ask      respond to criticism.
                                                              them first.
Your learner may ask for time                                                                   If issues can not be resolved,
                                                            We’ve employed Aboriginal           you may need to contact
off at short notice to meet
                                                            staff in all regional centres who   Training Services NSW.
family obligations or attend
                                                            can offer further advice and
Sorry Business.
                                                            tailored cultural support. More

16   Supervising your apprentice or trainee – August 2021                                                                            Supervising your apprentice or trainee – August 2021   17
Assessment                                                                                      Completion
Your RTO carries out assessments                            • Allowing you or your learner to   Apprenticeships and                        What is an employer
by collecting evidence of your                                challenge assessment results.     traineeships are approved                  endorsement of competence?
learner’s skills and knowledge,                                                                 for a nominal term based
                                                            Your assessor may ask you to:                                                  The RTO must obtain your
comparing it to a set of industry-                                                              on how long it should
                                                            • Write a report about your                                                    endorsement of your learner’s
based standards and judging
                                                              learner’s competence
                                                                                                take a learner to gain the                 competence before they issue
whether your learner meets them.
                                                                                                required skills. This is                   the qualification.
                                                            • Supply recorded evidence,
Your RTO assessor may meet with                                                                 detailed in your Training                  You or your manager is required
you and your learner to develop                               including photos and videos,
                                                              showing how your learner has
                                                                                                Contract.                                  to sign off to confirm that:
an assessment plan. Your assessor
will explain:                                                 applied their skills              In order to be awarded their               • Your learner is competent to
                                                            • Provide work records such as      Certificate of Proficiency, your             industry standards
• Evidence required for each unit
                                                              job cards, appointment books      learner must successfully                  • You support the RTO issuing
  of competency
                                                              and procedure manuals.            complete all the units of                    their qualification
• How you can gather this                                                                       competency detailed in the
  evidence                                                  Record keeping checklist:                                                      • You may be obliged to pay your
                                                                                                Training Plan that make up
                                                              Training Plan                                                                 learner a higher award rate after
• When to expect assessment                                                                     their qualification.
                                                                                                                                             the qualification is issued
  and monitoring visits
                                                              Records of your RTO’s visits     Every time you sign off a                  • Your learner can complete their
• How they’ll deem your                                        to your workplace and            competency, you are confirming               apprenticeship or traineeship
  learner 'competent' or                                       activities undertaken            you’ve seen your learner complete            before the nominal completion
  'not yet competent'.                                                                          a task in your workplace over
                                                              Evidence of tasks your                                                        date or continue training up to
Your assessor is responsible for:                                                               a period of time, separated by               the nominal completion date.
                                                               learner has completed
                                                                                                feedback, further learning,
• Considering your learner’s                                   at work (photos, videos)                                                    If you don’t think your learner is
                                                                                                and practice.
  individual needs                                            Results of workplace training                                               performing to industry standards,
                                                                                                You sign off a competency when             do not sign off. Discuss areas for
• Setting written tests,                                       undertaken by your learner
                                                                                                you have complete confidence               improvement with your learner
  assignments or practical tasks,                              with the RTO
                                                                                                in your learner’s ability to work          and contact your RTO to create
  assessing competencies
                                                              You learner’s workbook/          unsupervised to industry                   an action plan. If you can’t resolve
• Scheduling role plays to assess                              record of training supplied      standard in a variety of situations.       this with your RTO, contact
  unusual scenarios                                            by the RTO                                                                  Training Services NSW.
• Observing your learner in your
                                                              The Industrial Award or
                                                               Workplace Agreement
• Requesting your learner
                                                              Record of time worked
  demonstrate specific tasks
                                                               and wages paid

18   Supervising your apprentice or trainee – August 2021                                                                              Supervising your apprentice or trainee – August 2021   19
How we can help                                                                                    Resources
Training Services NSW                                       Supervisors often come to us           Key websites
is the regulator of                                         when the relationship with their
                                                            learner has already broken down.       Training Services NSW: 13 28 11,
apprenticeships and
traineeships in NSW.                                        At this point it can be too late.      School-based apprenticeships and traineeships:
                                                            Get us involved as soon as possible.
Our advice is free and                                                                             Apprenticeship Network Provider:
impartial.                                                  If you’re a new supervisor, we can
                                                            meet with you and your learner         Useful links
Our officers have extensive                                 from the outset and explain
experience advising learners                                everything you can do to set           Get the most out of your learner by gaining practical and effective
and employers and are skilled in                            yourselves up for success.             supervising skills at our free ‘Supervising your Apprentice or Trainee’
mediation and dispute resolution.                                                                  workshops. Find upcoming workshops under the ‘Quick Links’
                                                            Seeking our advice shows your          column at
More often than not, we’ve dealt                            learner how much you value
with the issue you’re facing and                            them and that you’re committed         Explore the Supervising your Apprentice or Trainee video series
have a range of solutions to                                to their learning journey.             to find ways to improve outcomes for your learner, and ultimately,
support you or your learner.                                                                       your business.
We provide:                                                 call 13 28 11 or find your nearest     Information on workplace laws for employers of workers:
• Advice on how to be a                                     Training Services NSW centre 
  better supervisor                                         at the back of this booklet.           Information on national employment standards and modern awards:
• Information about your                                                                 
  legal responsibilities                                                                           Information on safety and risk management: 13 10 50,
• Free supervisor training                                                               
• Site visits or phone calls                                                                       NSW Anti-discrimination board: 1800 670 812 or 02 9268 5544,
  to ensure your learner is                                                              
  making progress
                                                                                                   Smart and Skilled – NSW Government funded training: 13 28 11,
• Dispute resolution
• Advice on the cancellation,
  suspension or transfer of an
  apprenticeship or a traineeship
• Information about professional
  support services.

20   Supervising your apprentice or trainee – August 2021                                                                              Supervising your apprentice or trainee – August 2021   21
Training Services NSW
regional centres
Hunter and Central Coast              Western Sydney and
Ph: (02) 4926 7300                    Blue Mountains           Ph: (02) 9204 7400
Illawarra and South East NSW
Ph: (02) 4240 3700                    Central and Northern Sydney          Ph: (02) 9242 1700
Ph: (02) 6937 7600                    North Coast and Mid North Coast          Ph: (02) 6629 7900
New England
Ph: (02) 6763 3055                    Southern and South Western            Sydney
                                      Ph: (02) 8707 9600
Western NSW
Ph: (02) 6363 9800

We acknowledge the homelands of all Aboriginal people and pay our respect
to Country.

Say hello                             © 2021 NSW Department of Education
                                      GPO Box 33, Sydney NSW 2001,
   @NSWEducation                      T 1300 679 332

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