Page created by Billy Campos
Superman: The Mad Scientist
                   1941-Public Domain

    Translated into Latin by Keith Massey, PhD

Male Voice: Up in the sky, Look!
Sūrsum in caelō! Ecce!

Female Voice: It’s a bird!
Avis est!

Male Voice: It’s a plane!
Āëroplanum est!

It’s Superman!
Supervir est!

Narrator: In the endless reaches of the universe,
in tractibus īnfīnitīs rērum ūniversitātis

there once existed a planet known as Krypton.
ōlim erat planeta dicta Krypton.

A planet that burned like a green star in the distant heavens.
planeta quae fulgēbat velut stella viridis in caelīs remōtīs.

There, civilization was far advanced,
Ibī, cultus valdē prōgressus fuit

and it brought forward a race of supermen,
et prōduxit genus super-humanum
whose mental and physical powers were developed to the absolute peak
of human perfection.
quōrum potestātēs mentis corporisque crētae sunt in apicem absolūtum
perfectiōnis hūmānae.

But there came a day when giant quakes threatened to destroy Krypton
Sed advēnit diēs ubi tremōrēs vehementēs mīnātī sunt exitium Kryptō in

One of the planet’s leading scientists,
Ūnus ē physicīs prīncipibus planetae,

sensing the approach of doom,
praesentiēns appropinquātiōnem exitiī,

placed his infant son in a small rocket ship
fīlium suum īnfantem in rochētā parvā posuit

and sent it hurtling in the direction of the earth just as Krypton exploded.
et eam mīsit volantem ad Tellūrem versus sub fragōrem Kryptī.

The rocket ship sped through star-studded space,
Rochēta fēstīnāvit per ināne stellāns,

landing safely on earth with its precious burden,
expōnēns tūtē in terram cum onere suō pretiōsō,

Krypton’s sole survivor.
sōlus superstes Kryptī.

A passing motorist found the uninjured child
Autoraedārius praetervehēns puerum incolumem invēnit
and took it to an orphanage.
et eum ad orphānōtrōphium tulit.

As the years went by and the child grew to maturity,
Dum transivērunt annī et puer in mātūritātem crēvit,

he found himself possessed of amazing physical powers:
invēnit sē possidēre potestātēs corporis admīrābilēs:

Narrator: Faster than a speeding bullet
Celerior quam glāns plumbea fēstīnāns

More powerful than a locomotive.
Potior quam trāmen

Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.
Salīre super aedificia alta ūnicō saltū potest.

The infant from Krypton is now the man of steel
īnfāns dē Kryptō nunc vir ferrī factus est


To best be in a position to use his amazing powers,
Ut facillimē ūteretur potestātibus suīs admīrābilibus,

in a never-ending battle for truth and justice,
in proeliō perpetuō prō vēritāte iūstitiāque,

Superman has assumed the disguise of Clark Kent,
Supervir persōnam “Clark Kent” adsūmpsit,

mild-mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper.
diurnārius mōrum clēmēns prō magnō diāriō mētropolītānō
Sign: [Managing Editor]
Ēditor Administrāns

Mr. White: Kent, I want to see you;
Kent, tē vidēre volō.

Just received another threatening note.
Modo accēpī aliam epistulam minācem.

Clark: Okay, Mr. White.
Bene, Domine White.

Mr. White: Lois, another note from the mad scientist.
Lois, aliam epistulam ā physicō īnsānō.

Lois: Coming in, Chief.
intrō, Domine.

Mr. White: Now listen to this warning:
Nunc audīte hanc monitiōnem.

He plans to strike tonight.
Intendit impetum facere hāc nocte.

 “Beware, you fools.
“Cavēte, stultī,

My electrothanasia ray strikes tonight at 12.
Radius meus Electrothanasia impetum facit hāc nocte mediā nocte.

Total destruction will come to those who laughed at me and failed to
heed my warnings.
Exitium absolūtum adveniet ad eōs quī mē dērīsērunt et monitiōnēs
meās nōn cūrāvērunt.
Beware, I strike at midnight!”
Cavēte, impetum faciō mediā nocte!

This nut may prove dangerous.
Hic īnsānus exeat ut perīculōsus sit.

Kent, you help Lois follow up her lead.
Kent, adiūvā Lois exsequī indicium suum.

She may have an angle on this thing.
Fortasse habeat cōnspectum dē hāc rē.

Clark: Yes, sir.
Ita vērō, Domine

Lois: But Chief, I’d like the chance to crack the story on my own.
Sed, Domine, velim potestātem reī solvendae sine auxiliō.

Mr. White: Well, now…
Bene, sed...

Lois: Thanks, Chief.
Gratiās tibi agō, Domine.

Clark: But Lois…Chief, don’t you think that’s a dangerous mission?
Sed, Lois... Domine, nōn crēdis illam missiōnem perīculōsam esse?

Mad Scientist: The hour has come.
Advēnit hōra.

Lois: I’m a reporter for the…
Sum diurnāria prō...
Mad Scientist: So, you want a story.
Itaque, nūntium vīs.

I’ll give you the greatest story of destruction the world has ever known.
Tibi dabō māximum nūntium exitiī quod orbis terrārum umquam nōvit.

How is that for a story, Miss Lane?
Quōmodo est illud prō nūntiō, Domina Lane?

Radio Announcer: Flash: true to his threat, the mad scientist,
Ecce! fīrmāns fidem suam, Physicus īnsānus,

whose warnings have held the city in a grip of terror,
cuius monitiōnes urbem terrōre comprehendērunt,

went on his rampage of destruction on the stroke of midnight.
coepit ferōcīre in punctō Mediae Noctis

The deadly impact of his mysterious ray smashed the famous Tower
Īctus exitiōsus radiī eius arcānī Turrem Pontem nōtum cōnfrēgit,

hurling cars and pedestrians into the river below.
coniciēns raedās peditēsque in flūmen īnfrā.

The police have warned everyone to remain in their homes.
Vigilēs omnēs monuērunt ut in vīllīs eōrum manērent.

Clark: This looks like a job for Superman.
Hoc vidētur esse opus Supervirō!

Mad Scientist: It’s Superman!
Supervir est!
I don’t believe it! He isn’t human!
Incrēdibile est mihi! Nōn hūmānus est!

Newspaper: [Superman Captures Mad Scientist]
Supervir Physicum īnsānum capit.

Mr. White: Congratulations, Lois.
Grātulātiōnēs, Lois!

That was a great scoop.
Optimum inventum fuit.

Lois: Yes, thanks to Superman.
Ita vērō, gratiās Supervirō.
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