Show: Sunday 6th October 2019 - South of England Agricultural ...

Page created by Erin Wolf
Show: Sunday 6th October 2019 - South of England Agricultural ...
Arun Valley Poultry Fanciers Society

   Sale: Saturday 5th to Sunday 6th October 2019
          Show: Sunday 6th October 2019
                                  Held under PCGB Rules
               By kind permission of the South of England Agricultural Society
              South of England Showground, Ardingly, West Sussex, RH17 6TL

            All Entries & fees to be sent to the show secretary (details below)
          Entry fee £1.50 per poultry class, 50p per egg class. £2.00 per sale pen

Exhibitors entering more than £6 worth of entries will be entitled to one free pass. Children
                                   under 16 are free.

                  Any late entries may not be accepted and processed.
Entry for the event will be closed early if pens are filled due to limited space at the venue.

               Please make cheques payable to AVFPS and return entries to;
             Jan Pannell, 116 Findon Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN14 0AT
                Any entries received without penning fee may be rejected.
Show: Sunday 6th October 2019 - South of England Agricultural ...
Show: Sunday 6th October 2019 - South of England Agricultural ...
Autumn Show and Sale
This is an open show for members and non‐members of AVPFS. The show is to be held under
poultry club rules. Please read show rules and regulations and Bio‐security information at the end
of the booklet.
You do not need to be a member of a breed club to enter their show.

Entry Fees are:
£1.50 Poultry Class (including Trios, Geese & Turkeys)
50p Egg Class
£2.00 Sale Pen

Useful dates & times:
Tuesday 1st October 2019:
Entries close. Any entries received after this date may be rejected. If in doubt, please contact us on
the information at the front or rear of schedule.

Friday 4th October:
Show setup – We will be building the show & sale if you are able to help please let us know for
further details.
Sale birds will be accepted between 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Saturday 5th October:
Sale birds will be accepted from 7:00am
All vehicles must be off showground by 8:30am
Sale birds MUST be penned by 9:00am
Sale opens at approx. 10:00am once birds have been visually inspected again in cages.

Sunday 6th October:
Sale & Show birds will be accepted from 7:00am
All vehicles must be off showground by 8:30am
ALL birds MUST be penned by 9:00am
Judging will commence between 9:00am and 10:00am.
Juvenile Classes see boards for time.
Prize giving see boards for time.
Show: Sunday 6th October 2019 - South of England Agricultural ...
Championship Row
      Show Champion                         Best L/F Soft Feather                       Best Non‐Standard
  Reserve Show Champion                   Best Bantam Soft Feather                        Best Juvenile
   Best L/F Hard Feather                     Best True Bantam                                Best Trio
 Best Bantam Hard Feather                      Best Rare Breed                               Best Eggs
                                               Best Waterfowl

                                     Prizes / Specials
  1st Place rosettes will be given to classes exceeding 3 entries. Prize cards will be given to 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
                      Poultry Club Specials will be awarded in addition to the following;

       Poultry Club Rep                              Judges                             Welfare Officer
       Displayed on day                      Rob Wittington (tbc)                        Jan Pannell
                                              Shaun Matthews

                       Autumn Show and Game Fair
Besides coming to see the poultry, there are plenty of things to see at the Autumn show:
      Jonathan Marshall’s world famous equine and falconry display
      Warrenby Gun Dogs with demonstrations and advice on training
      Huxley’s stunning Birds of Prey displays
      The Cornish Countryman wildfowler Chris Green
      The Cavalcade of Hounds with your chance to meet the hounds
      Harvest Festival Service Sunday 6th October 10am
      The Animal Barn with farmyard favourites
      Rare breed Gun dog & Terrier displays and demonstrations
      Brighton Kite Flyers
      Kent smallholders and their cheese making demonstration
      Craft activity with the Young Farmer’s Club
      Shooting Simulator
      Fly Fishing casting tutorials
      Blacksmith displays
      Pumpkin Activity Trail for children around the show
Show: Sunday 6th October 2019 - South of England Agricultural ...
Schedule of Classes
                                         Held Under PCGB Rules
Classes will be combined if insufficient entries. Classes may also be split if sufficient entries so please
provide as much detail as possible when entering.

Hard Feather                                             31.   OEG Black / Blue Furnace – Male
                                                         32.   OEG Black / Blue Furnace – Female
Large Fowl                                               33.   OEG AOC – Male
1.  Carlisle Old English Game – Male                     34.   OEG AOC – Female
2.  Carlisle Old English Game – Female                   35.   Oxford OEG – Male
3.  Oxford OEG Black Red/Pile/Duckwing –                 36.   Oxford OEG – Female
    Male                                                 37.   Modern Game Black Red – M
4. Oxford OEG Partridge / Wheaton / Pile /               38.   Modern Game Partridge / Wheaton – F
    Duckwing – Female                                    39.   Modern Game Duckwing – Male
5. Oxford OEG Ginger – Male                              40.   Modern Game Duckwing – Female
6. Oxford OEG Ginger – Female                            41.   Modern Game Birchen / Brown Red – M
7. Oxford OEG Grey – Male                                42.   Modern Game Birchen / Brown Red – F
8. Oxford OEG Grey – Female                              43.   Modern Game Pile – Male
9. Oxford OEG AOC – Male                                 44.   Modern Game Pile – Female
10. Oxford OEG AOC – Female                              45.   Modern Game AOC – Male
11. AOV Large H/F – Male                                 46.   Modern Game AOC – Female
12. AOV Large H/F – Female                               47.   AOV Bantam H/F – Male
Asian Large Fowl                                         48.   AOV Bantam H/F – Female
13.   Asil Black Red – Male                              Asian Bantams
14.   Asil Partridge / Wheaton – Female                  49.   Ko Shamo Black Red – Male
15.   Asil AOC – Male                                    50.   Ko Shamo Wheaton / Partridge – Female
16.   Asil AOC – Female                                  51.   Ko Shamo Crele / Cuckoo – Male
17.   Malay – Male                                       52.   Ko Shamo Crele / Cuckoo – Female
18.   Malay – Female                                     53.   Ko Shamo Ginger – Male
19.   Shamo – Male                                       54.   Ko Shamo Ginger – Female
20.   Shamo – Female                                     55.   Ko Shamo Duckwing – Male
21.   AOV Asian Large H/F – Male                         56.   Ko Shamo Duckwing / Silver Wheaton – F
22.   AOV Asian Large H/F – Female                       57.   Ko Shamo AOC – Male
Hard Feather Bantam                                      58.   Ko Shamo AOC – Female
                                                         59.   Asil – Male
23.   OEG Black Red / Dark Red – Male                    60.   Asil – Female
24.   OEG Partridge / Wheaton – Female                   61.   AOV Asian Bantam H/F – Male
25.   OEG Duckwing – Male                                62.   AOV Asian Bantam H/F – Female
26.   OEG Duckwing – Female
27.   OEG Pile – Male
28.   OEG Pile – Female
29.   OEG Black / Blue – Male
30.   OEG Black / Blue – Female
Show: Sunday 6th October 2019 - South of England Agricultural ...
Soft Feather Large Fowl                    Soft   feather bantam heavy continued…
                                           102.   Orpington AOC
Soft Feather Heavy Large Fowl              103.   Plymouth Rock
63.    Australorp                          104.   Rhode Island Red
64.    Barnevelder                         105.   Russian Orloff AC Male
65.    Brahma                              106.   Russian Orloff AC Female
66.    Cochin                              107.   Sussex Light
67.    Croad Langshan                      108.   Sussex AOC
68.    Faverolle                           109.   Wyandotte
69.    Frizzle                             110.   AOV Bantam Soft Feather Heavy
70.    Maran
71.    Orpington Black                     Soft Feather Bantam Light
72.    Orpington Buff                      111.   Ancona
73.    Orpington AOC                       112.   Appenzeller
74.    Plymouth Rock                       113.   Araucana
75.    Rhode Island Red                    114.   Hamburgh
76.    Russian Orloff AC Male              115.   Leghorn
77.    Russian Orloff AC Female            116.   Poland
78.    Sussex Light                        117.   Silkie
79.    Sussex AOC                          118.   Welsummer
80.    Wyandotte                           119.   AOV Bantam Soft Feather Light
81.    AOV Large Fowl Soft Feather Heavy   True Bantams
Soft Feather Light Large Fowl              120.   Belgian d'Anvers Quail
82.    Ancona                              121.   Belgian d’Anvers AC
83.    Appenzeller                         122.   Belgian Barbu d’Uccle
84.    Araucana                            123.   Belgian Barbu De Watermael
85.    Hamburgh                            124.   Gold Dutch
86.    Leghorn                             125.   Silver Dutch
87.    Poland                              126.   Dutch AOC
88.    Silkie                              127.   Japanese
89.    Welsummer                           128.   Pekin Black – Male
90.    AOV Large Fowl Soft Feather Light   129.   Pekin Black – Female
Utility Large                              130.   Pekin White – Male
91. Utility – Purebred for Meat            131.   Pekin White – Female
92. Utility – Purebred for Eggs            132.   Pekin AOC – Male
                                           133.   Pekin AOC – Female
Soft Feather Bantam                        134.   Rosecomb
Soft Feather Bantam Heavy                  135.   Sebright Gold
93.    Australorp                          136.   Sebright Silver
94.    Barnevelder                         137.   Serama Straight Feathered ‐ Male
95.    Brahma                              138.   Serama Straight Feathered – Female
96.    Croad Langshan                      139.   Serama Silkie
97.    Faverolle                           140.   AOV True Bantam
98.    Frizzle
99.    Maran
100.   Orpington Black
101.   Orpington Buff
Show: Sunday 6th October 2019 - South of England Agricultural ...
Rare Breeds                                 Waterfowl Utility
                                            174. Utility – Purebred Waterfowl
Large Fowl
141.   Sulmtaler                            Goose
142.   Transylvanian Naked Neck             175. Any Variety Goose
143.   Thuringian                           Non‐Standard Breeds
144.   Yokohama
145.   AOV Rare Breed Large Soft Feather    176.   Large Hard Feather Non‐Standard
146.   AOV Rare Breed Large Hard Feather    177.   Bantam Hard Feather Non‐Standard
                                            178.   Large Soft feather Non‐Standard
Bantams                                     179.   Bantam Soft Feather Non‐standard
147.   Sulmtaler                            180.   True Bantam Non‐Standard
148.   Thuringian                           181.   Waterfowl Non‐Standard
149.   Transylvanian Naked Neck             182.   Turkey Non‐Standard
150.   Yokohama
151.   AOV Rare Breed Bantam Soft Feather   Juvenile
152.   AOV Rare Breed Bantam Hard Feather
                                            Juvenile Handler
Turkey                                      183. Juvenile Handler Large Fowl
                                            184. Juvenile Handler Bantam
153. Any Variety Turkey
                                            185. Juvenile Waterfowl
Waterfowl                                   Juvenile Exhibitor (Non‐handling)
Heavy Ducks                                 186.   Juvenile Any Large Fowl
154.   Aylsebury                            187.   Juvenile Any Bantam
155.   Cayuga                               188.   Juvenile Any Waterfowl
156.   Muscovy                              189.   Juvenile Any Other (Turkey/Goose)
157.   Pekin                                Trios
158.   Rouen
159.   Silver Appleyard                     190. Trio Large Fowl
160.   AOV Heavy Waterfowl                  191. Trio Bantam
                                            192. Trio Waterfowl
Light Ducks
161.   Campbell
162.   Indian Runner Self Colour – Male
163.   Indian Runner Self Colour – Female
164.   Indian Runner AOC – Male
165.   Indian Runner AOC – Female
166.   AOV Light Waterfowl
Bantam Ducks
167. Black East Indian
168. Silver Appleyard
169. AOV Bantam Waterfowl
Call Ducks
170. Call Duck White
171. Call Duck Grey/Mallard
172. Call Duck AOC
All other Waterfowl
173. AOV Rare Breed Waterfowl
Show: Sunday 6th October 2019 - South of England Agricultural ...
Eggs                                                  Waterfowl Eggs
                                                      225. Six Waterfowl Any Colour
Large Eggs                                            226. Three Any Colour Waterfowl Eggs
193.   Twelve Any Colour L/F Eggs                     227. One Any Colour Waterfowl Egg
194.   Six Any Colour L/F Eggs
195.   Three Dark Brown L/F Eggs                      Other Eggs
196.   Three Light Brown L/F Eggs                     228.   6 Turkey Eggs
197.   Three Mottled L/F Eggs                         229.   3 Turkey Eggs
198.   Three Cream L/F Eggs                           230.   1 Turkey Egg
199.   Three White L/F Eggs                           231.   6 Goose Eggs
200.   Three AOC L/F Eggs                             232.   3 Goose Eggs
201.   Three Distinct Colour L/F Eggs                 233.   1 Goose Egg
202.   Three Distinct Shades L/F Eggs                 Content Eggs
203.   One Dark Brown L/F Egg                         234.   Large Fowl Contents
204.   One Light Brown L/F Egg                        235.   Bantam Egg Contents
205.   One Mottled L/F Egg                            236.   Waterfowl Egg Contents
206.   One Cream L/F Egg                              237.   Large Fowl Int/Ext
207.   One White L/F Egg                              238.   Bantam Egg Int/Ext
208.   One AOC L/F Egg                                239.   Waterfowl Egg Int/Ext
Bantam Eggs                                           Decorated /Displayed Eggs
209.   Twelve Any Colour Bantam Eggs                  Entries must not exceed 30x30cm
210.   Six Any Colour Bantam Eggs                     240. 6 Displayed eggs
211.   Three Dark Brown Bantam Eggs                   241. 4 Adult decorated egg
212.   Three Light Brown Bantam Eggs                  242. 1 Adult decorated egg
213.   Three Mottled Bantam Eggs                      243. 4 Juvenile decorated eggs (5‐16 yrs)
214.   Three Cream Bantam Eggs                        244. 1 Juvenile decorated egg (5‐16 yrs)
215.   Three White Bantam Eggs                        245. 4 Adult painted eggs
216.   Three AOC Bantam Eggs                          246. 1 Adult painted egg
217.   Three Distinct Colour Bantam Eggs              247. 4 Juvenile painted eggs (5‐16 yrs)
218.   Three Distinct Shades Bantam Eggs              248. 1 Juvenile painted egg (5 – 16 yrs)
219.   One Dark Brown Bantam Egg
220.   One Light Brown Bantam Egg                     Novelty Eggs
221.   One Mottled Bantam Egg                         249. Unusual shaped egg (Any size)
222.   One Cream Bantam Egg                           250. Biggest Chicken Egg
223.   One White Bantam Egg                           251. Smallest Chicken Egg
224.   One AOC Bantam Egg                             Photography
                                                      Entries to be A5 size approx.
                                                      252. Adult photo/Print
                                                      253. Juvenile Photo/Print

AC:     Any colour                 F:      Female                     OEG: Old English Game
AOC:    Any other colour           H/F:    Hard feather               S/F: Soft feather
AOV:    Any other variety          L/F:    Large fowl
AV:     Any variety                M:      Male
Show: Sunday 6th October 2019 - South of England Agricultural ...
Bio Security for Poultry Gatherings Participants
                                Specific biosecurity advice for participants

Participants must familiarise themselves with the symptoms of Avian Influenza, Newcastle Disease and other notifiable
diseases and should take all reasonable steps to minimise the risk of spread of such diseases through adopting pro‐
active biosecurity measures including, but not limited to:

   Minimise the movement of birds between enclosures, and between sites
   Ensure clean footwear before and after visits, and between sites
   Take steps to deter wild birds, particularly waterfowl
   Feed and water birds under cover and remove any spillages
   Execute an effective programme of vermin control
   Maintain good cleanliness and hygiene, regularly disinfect hard areas
   Secure poultry enclosures with appropriate fencing to deter wild birds
   Use of disinfectant mats or foot dips between buildings
Before you leave your premises to attend a poultry gathering
 If your premises are within an area of the UK which is under restrictions relating to notifiable avian disease
  (including Protection and Surveillance Zones), you are not permitted to attend gatherings.
 All participants must inspect the health of all birds at the place of origin before departure. Do not move birds if
  there are any signs, or suspicion of any disease.
 All participants must prepare clean solid‐bottom and sided carriers to transport birds.
 All participants must use clean bedding material at the start of the journey, on the date of departure, which must
  be contained within the carrier at all times.
Further details will be included with entry passes, as well as declaration forms.

Useful contacts for bird gatherings;
Defra Rural Services Helpline:                            03000 200 301
Wales:                                                    0300 303 8268
For a full copy of the Biosecurity information visit, or visit the PCGB Facebook page and
locate it within their file section.

                                              Show Rules
AVPFS Shows are held under PCGB Rules and exhibitors making entries agree to be bound by such rules. This applies to
PCGB and non‐PCGB members (copies available on their website here)
In addition to PCGB rules the following rules also apply;

 Shows will be held under any DEFRA Regulations in place at the time of event.
 All exhibits must be penned/displayed by the times stated in the schedule and no exhibitors removed prior to the
  stated time.
 No Exhibitor may engage in conversation with the any Judges or Judges Stewards on the day of the show prior to
  the completion of all judging. Exhibitors caught ignoring this may be subject to disqualification.
 Where there is a class for male and female of the same breed, we (AVPFS) reserve the rights to amalgamate if
  insufficient numbers.
 Duplicated entries will not be accepted.
 Rosettes will only be awarded if 3 or more exhibits are entered in a class.
 All birds must have been bona fide property of the exhibitor for at least 28 days prior to the show.
 All birds must comply with any DEFRA regulations in force at the time of the show and be transported in line with
  current welfare regulations. We reserve the right to remove or exclude any birds considered unhealthy.
 Pen numbers will be given on day of show.
 Any bird can only be entered one class, and not multiple (ie. Juvenile Exhibitor & Handler)
 All persons making entries will be deemed to have read these rules and agreed to be bound by them
Show: Sunday 6th October 2019 - South of England Agricultural ...
Sale Rules
   Sale will be held under and DEFRA Regulations in place at the time of event.
   All birds must have been the bonafida property of the vendor for at least 28 days prior to the date of the sale.
    Please note we are an outlet for members of the fancy to sell their surplus stock that is unsuitable or not required
    for their breeding purposes. We actively discourage the sale of any birds bought at local auctions purely for the
    purpose of resale at our event.
   All stock must come with a clean un‐used carrier to be sold in or it will not be accepted for sale and birds must be
    fit for sale to comply with poultry club welfare guidelines which include the following:
     o All sale birds should be clean, and their legs and feet should be washed before coming to the sale. They should
          also be free from all external parasites, i.e. lice, mites and scaly leg mite.
     o All birds sold should be provided with appropriately sized clean boxes for the number of birds and clearly
          marked with breed, number of birds and the name of the owner
     o Clothes and vehicles to be disinfected before and after attending a sale
   All sale birds must be penned by the time stated in the schedule, and earlier arrival would be appreciated. No
    vehicular access will be granted after if not prior this time as per Showgrounds vehicles rules. Any late stock will
    have to be carried on foot.
   Please note it is the responsibility of the vendor/transporter to comply with any animal transport regulations and
    provide the necessary paperwork if required.
   Once penned stock must only be handled and removed by the club stewards. No alterations to sales details unless
    via sales table.
   No poultry aged below twelve weeks of age or appearing to be so will be accepted for sale. No waterfowl below 8
    weeks of age or appearing to be so will be accepted for sale.
   Any birds with diseases, parasites or appearing unwell will be removed from sale during inspection and the vendor
    asked to take them home. The steward’s decision is final on diseased and overcrowded birds.
   We reserve the right to refuse to sell any bird. The committee’s decision is final.
   Whilst all care will be taken of exhibits and equipment, all entries are made at vendor’s own risk and neither the
    sale organisers or any person employed or appointed by them shall be held liable for the loss of or for any damage
    sustained by any bird while they are in their possession whether or exhibition, inspection, during boxing or any
    other purpose whatsoever.
   There will be a non‐returnable penning fee which is per pen. This covers the cost of filling the pen ONCE ONLY.
   Commission will be charged on birds sold at a rate of 15% for members of AVPFS who are fully paid up at the time
    of entry and 20% for non‐members. Payment will be by cheque forwarded after the show.
   All pens be sold as a whole lot. If they are to be sold separately, they must of same sex and breed otherwise be
    penned individually. Splitting lots will NOT be accepted in any instance.
   All stock must be collected by 5.00 pm on the last day of the sale otherwise the AVPFS reserves the right to dispose
    of it as it sees fit and charge the vendor accordingly.
   Exhibitors entering sale pens may enter a maximum of 4 single cockerels.
   Where AVPFS feel a description given by the vendor is inaccurate, they reserve the right to amend accordingly so as
    not to mislead any potential purchaser.
   Vendors wishing to remove their unsold birds before and at the end of the show must first withdraw them via the
    sales table. This is very important as some sold birds are taken home inadvertently or removed during inspection
   If the available pens are filled prior to the closing date, AVPFS reserves the right to return entries with full
   Only purebred stock will be accepted. Strictly no crossbreeds.
   Wild game birds cannot be accepted for sale due to the level of stress experienced by them.
   Ornamental waterfowl cannot be accepted. If you are in doubt, please contact us prior to entering birds for sale.
    Failure to do so will result in birds not being accepted.
   A Maximum of 2 Larger breed birds per large pen, for larger breed trios please book 2 pens & bantam trios require
    a large pen.
Dates for Diary
              Autumn Poultry Show & Sale
              Sale: 5th & 6th October 2019
              Show: 6th October 2019
              Our Autumn event is held at the Autumn Show & Game Fair at the South of
              England Showground. Last year attracting 14,000 people despite the autumn

              Winter Poultry Show
              Show: 12th January 2020
              After such a wonderful turnout for our first show we will be re‐holding our
              stand‐alone winter show at the showground

              Spring Poultry Show & Sale –
              Sale: Saturday 2nd & Sunday 3rd May 2020
              Show: Sunday 6th May 2019
              The Spring show & sale is held at the Spring Live! Show (formerly Spring
              Garden & Leisure Show) at the South of England Showground, Ardingly.

              Summer Poultry Show & Sale
              Sale: Thursday 11th, Friday 12th, Saturday 13th June 2020
              Show: Saturday 13th June 2020
              Our Summer Show is the main show at the South of England Showground
              attracting over 40,000 people across 3 days. With visits from various Royal
              Family members & celebrities it is a great family day out with lots to see.

                    Any late entries may not be accepted and processed.
  Entry for the event will be closed early if pens are filled due to limited space at the venue.

     Please make cheques payable to AVFPS and return entries to;
   Jan Pannell, 116 Findon Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN14 0AT
      Any entries received without penning fee may be rejected.

   Any questions please contact us on facebook or email or

                                      AVPFS Secretary:
                                          Jan Pannell
                   Mobile: 07796 438571 (preferred after 3:30pm)
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