AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK - 2018 Edition "Growing Great New Zealanders through Gymnastics" - Northcross ...

Page created by Paul Cunningham
AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK - 2018 Edition "Growing Great New Zealanders through Gymnastics" - Northcross ...
     2018 Edition

        “Growing Great New Zealanders through
AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK - 2018 Edition "Growing Great New Zealanders through Gymnastics" - Northcross ...
This programme is protected and remains the property of Gymnastics New Zealand (GNZ). No parts of this
may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, manual,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Gymnastics New

Assistance / Contacts
Local Gymnastics Clubs may be able to provide schools with assistance to prepare for AIMS GAMES. The
contact for Gymnastics NZ member clubs can be found on the Gymnastics NZ website.

2                          AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK 2018
AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK - 2018 Edition "Growing Great New Zealanders through Gymnastics" - Northcross ...
AIMS Games is a national tournament for Year 7 and 8 students from New Zealand and
international schools. The tournaments offers a variety of sports with over 10,000 participants.
The Gymnastics Competition from 2018 includes all of the gymnastics codes;
    Women’s Artistic Gymnastics
    Men’s Artistic Gymnastics
    Trampoline (including Double Mini)
    Tumbling (NEW in 2018)
    Rhythmic Gymnastics
    Aerobics Gymnastics (Individual NEW in 2018)

The AIMS Games sporting competitions are looking for the best athlete in each sport and therefore not all
divisions that are offered in the School GymSports Festival are offered at AIMS Games. In addition, there is no
distinction between novice and competition athletes and therefore in Flyers and Twisters divisions there may also
be low level competitive gymnasts.
How to choose what Grade/Level?
While there is no qualifying requirements for AIMS Games, schools need to be mindful of ensuring participants
are entered in a division they can safely perform. Please choose the grade to enter your students in based on
their gymnastic ability. Novice students may repeat a grade several times as they do not need to go up until they
are capable of the next level.

Retired competitive gymnasts;
     Compete in the competitive levels that they last competed in until they have been retired for longer than 2
        seasons (24 months) from retirement of which they can then compete in twisters divisions or unless
        otherwise stated.
     The date for retirement is taken from the last season they competed (training not included) eg retired during
        or end of 2014 season is considered 2 seasons retired at the beginning of 2017.

Open Grades - Please note that if you do not have your club coach with you then for safety reasons we recommend
you only perform elements that you do not require spotting for or a warm up spot for i.e. you are proficient in
performing the skill.

General Requirements
       The competition technical requirements are included in this publication.
       Music CDs must be clearly labeled with the gymnasts’/groups’ name, school and division. In the
          case of Rhythmic, the apparatus also.
       All gymnasts are required to compete in uniform. With the exception of one small stud earring in
          each ear, no jewelry may be worn. Long hair must be securely tied up to ensure it does not create a
          safety hazard.
       Each team must be accompanied by an adult.

Acceptable Clothing
        School PE Uniform
        Cycle shorts and Tee shirt (Female)
        Shorts and Tee shirt (Male)
        Leotard
        Socks for Trampoline
        No Baggy shorts
        White socks and white sport shoes/aerobic shoes for Aerobics

3                           AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK 2018
AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK - 2018 Edition "Growing Great New Zealanders through Gymnastics" - Northcross ...

*Routines and requirements as outlined in this manual. Other routine requirements not detailed in
this manual will refer to the relevant Gymnastics NZ Technical Handbook that will be available
on the Gymnastics NZ website.

          Code                     Division                 Pre-requisites             Categories
                          Flyers                  *Novice and                      Individual Male
                                                  GNZ MAG Level 1 &2               Team
                          Twisters                *Novice and                      Individual Male
                                                  GNZ MAG Level 3                  Team
       Men’s Artistic     Open Junior             GNZ MAG Level 4-5                Individual Male
        Gymnastics                                                                 Team
         (MAG)            Open Junior Advanced    GNZ MAG Level 6-7                Individual Male
                          Open Senior             GNZ MAG Level 8+                 Individual Male

                          Flyers                  *Novice and                      Individual Female
                                                  GNZ WAG STEPS 1 & 2              Team

                          Twisters                *Novice and                      Individual Female
                                                  GNZ WAG Level 3                  Team
     Women’s Artistic
      Gymnastics          Open Junior             GNZ WAG STEP 4-5                 Individual Female
        (WAG)                                                                      Team
                          Open Junior Advanced    GNZ WAG STEP 6-7                 Individual Female
                          Open Senior             GNZ WAG STEP                     Individual Female

                          Flyers                  *Novice                          Individual
                          Twisters                *Novice and                      Individual
                                                  RG Level 1, 2 and 3              Team
                          Open Junior             GNZ RG Level 4 - 6               Individual
    Rhythmic Gymnastics
                          Open Junior Advanced    GNZ RG Stages 2-4                Individual
                          Open Senior             GNZ RG Level 7 + and             Individual
                                                  Junior International             Team

                          Flyers                  *Novice                          Individual Female
                                                                                   Individual Male
                          Twisters                *Novice                          Individual Female
                                                                                   Individual Male
       Trampoline &       Open Junior             *Novice                          Individual Female
        Double-Mini                                                                Individual Male
          (TRA)                                                                    Team
                          Open Junior Advanced    *GNZ National Age Groups         Individual Female
                                                  (11-12 yrs and 13-14 years)      Individual Male
                          Open Senior             GNZ International Youth and      Individual Female
                                                  Sub-Junior                       Individual Male
4                           AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK 2018
AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK - 2018 Edition "Growing Great New Zealanders through Gymnastics" - Northcross ...
Flyers                   *Novice and                      Individual Female
                                                  National Levels Programme 2      Individual Male
                         Twisters                 *Novice and                      Individual Female
                                                  National Levels Programme 3      Individual Male
                         Junior                   National Levels Programme 4 &    Individual Female
        Tumbling                                  5                                Individual Male
         (TUM)                                                                     Team
                         Junior Advanced          National Levels Programme 6+     Individual Female
                                                  and                              Individual Male
                                                  Competitive Age Groups 11-12     Team
                                                  and 13-14 years
                         Senior                   GNZ Youth and Sub Junior         Individual Female
                                                  International                    Individual Male
                         Flyers                   *Novice and                      Individual Female
                                                  Aeroschools Level 3              Individual Male

                         Twisters                 *Novice and                      Individual Female
                                                  Aeroschools Level 4              Individual Male
    Aerobic Gymnastics
          (AER)          Open Junior              GNZ Competition divisions;       Individual Female
                                                  Open Level 2, Open Level 3 and   Individual Male
                                                  Aeroschools 5
                         Junior Advanced          GNZ Competition divisions;       Individual Female
                                                  ADP 2, ADP 3, National           Individual Male
                                                  Development and
                                                  International Age Group 1

Please note:- Tumbling and Individual Aerobics are Gymnastic Sports introduced to AIMS for
2018. The Flyers and Twister routines are designed to encourage participation in these sports and
as with the other sports modifications to how they are normally competed are required for AIMS
games. Those participating in a Gymnastics are encourage to participate in more than one code.

5                          AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK 2018
AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK - 2018 Edition "Growing Great New Zealanders through Gymnastics" - Northcross ...

MENS ARTISTIC                            Novice / MAG Level 1 & 2                Perform:- Floor, Vault, Mat
WOMEN’S ARTISTIC                         Novice / WAG STEP 1 & 2                 Perform:- Floor, Vault, Beam


                  Skill 1                                     Skill 2                                       Skill 3
    From Stand execute a cartwheel                 Backward roll to straddle             Place hands on the floor and jump feet
                                                   stand (hold 2 sec.)                   to front support, take one hand off and
                                                                                         roll over to rear support

                     Skill 4                                  Skill 5                                 Skill 6
    Sit, then stretch arms overhead and            Rock backwards to shoulder            Show momentary handstand, step down
    down to feet (hold 2 sec.)                     stand, rock forwards to squat         to finish.
                                                   and immediate straight jump
                                                   to land.


        Run, hurdle 2 feet take off to a straight jump onto a 60cm mat. Arms stretched above head in flight and parallel to floor on

6                                 AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK 2018
AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK - 2018 Edition "Growing Great New Zealanders through Gymnastics" - Northcross ...

             Skill 1                     Skill 2                              Skill 3                    Skill 4
    Squat Mount, with two      Scale balance (hold 2 sec.)    Step, cat leap, swinging arms          Pivot ½ turn
    legs or one leg, ¼ turn                                   forward and up.                        on two feet,
    to stand stretched.                                                                              on high toes.

           Skill 5                    Skill 6                        Skill 7                       Skill 8
    Pose                   Perform grapevine step (side,     Perform 2 stretch jumps.    Walk to the end of the beam
    (hold for 2 sec.)      behind, side, in front).                                      and jump ½ turn dismount.


                        Skill 1                                                         Skill 2
    Arm swings bending at knees and hips – 2 times.          Handstand step down, then forward roll to straddle stand
                                                             (hold straddle stand for 2 sec.)

                                  Skill 3                                                    Skill 4
    Perform 2 single leg circles, ending in front support.                Spring feet forward to squat and stand.

7                              AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK 2018
AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK - 2018 Edition "Growing Great New Zealanders through Gymnastics" - Northcross ...

MEN’S ARTISTIC                        Novice / MAG Level 3            Perform:- Floor, Vault, Mat
WOMEN’S ARTISTIC                      Novice / WAG STEP 3             Perform:- Floor, Vault, Beam


             Skill 1                        Skill 2                  Skill 3                      Skill 4
    From Stand, cartwheel                                     Jump ½ turn to land.     Step onto one leg, move
                                   Backward roll to squat.
    with a 90º inward turn to                                                          through lunge position to
    stand with feet together                                                           scale balance (hold 2 sec.)

                 Skill 5                                 Skill 6                               Skill 7
    Roll forward to Pike sit and          Roll backwards to shoulder stand, then Lifting arms and one leg, kick to
    immediately lower to stretch          rock forwards to squat and immediate momentary handstand, forward roll
    position.                             jump ½ turn.                           to squat, immediate straight jump
                                                                                 to land.


Run, hurdle 2 feet take off to dive roll down sloping soft mat.

8                               AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK 2018
AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK - 2018 Edition "Growing Great New Zealanders through Gymnastics" - Northcross ...

                  Skill 1                         Skill 2                        Skill 3                  Skill 4
    Mount beam with scissor kick to      Scale balance              Step, cat leap, swinging arms     Pivot ½ turn
    squat position, then stand tall OR   (hold 2 sec.)              forward and up.                   on two feet, on
    Scissor kick over beam to sit on                                                                  high toes.
    beam with legs hanging. Climb
    up to squat. The change from sit
    to squat will not be judged.

           Skill 5                     Skill 6                         Skill 7                        Skill 8
    Pose                   Perform grapevine step (side,     Perform 2 stretch jumps.        Round off dismount, off
    (hold for 2 sec.)      behind, side, in front).                                          the end of the beam.


                           Skill 1                                                      Skill 2
    Arm swings bending at knees and hips – 2 times.             Cartwheel ¼ turn out.

                       Skill 3                                       Skill 4                           Skill 5
    Handstand forward roll to straddle stand         Perform 2 leg circles ending in front     Spring feet forward to
    (hold straddle stand for 2 sec.)                 support.                                 squat and stand.

9                              AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK 2018
AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK - 2018 Edition "Growing Great New Zealanders through Gymnastics" - Northcross ...
(STEPs 4 and 5)
Participants must be competing in the NZ WAG Steps Programme at Steps 4 and 5 or are a retired gymnast within 2
seasons of competing in these grades. Refer to the WAG Handbook 2018 for specific requirements.

Perform:-         Floor, Vault, Bar and Beam

    OPEN JUNIOR| WAG ARTISTIC | FLOOR Minimum requirements of the Women’s Artistic STEPS
     Programme, Step 4 Floor routine with the following options;
     Backward Roll to Handstand OR Backward Roll to front support with straight arms.
     Gymnasts in this grade may add elements in part or full or part of the Step 5 routine.
     A time limit of 90 sec.

    OPEN JUNIOR | WAG | VAULT Handspring to flat back onto mats or vaulting table (minimum 1 metre
     height). The athlete may chose mats or vault table.

    OPEN JUNIOR | WAG | BAR Minimum requirements of the Women’s Artistic STEPS Programme, Step 4
     Bar routine with the following option;
     Glide Kip OR Jump to Glide Swing to stand, circle over to front support.
     Gymnasts in this grade may add elements in part or full of the Step 5 routine so long as the minimum
     requirement of Step 4 beam (with options) are met.

    OPEN JUNIOR | WAG | BEAM Minimum requirements of the Women’s Artistic STEPS Programme, Step 4
     Beam routine with the following options;
     Cartwheel to optional finish position OR Forward Roll to Backward Roll – finish to feet on beam.
     Gymnasts in this grade may add elements in part or full of their own routines so long as the minimum
     requirement of the Step 4 beam (with options) are met. A time limit of 90 sec.

ADVANCED (STEPs 6 and 7)
Participants must be competing in the NZ WAG Steps Programme at Steps 6 and 7 or are a retired gymnast within 2
seasons of last competing in these grades. Refer to the GNZ WAG Handbook 2018 for specific requirements.

Perform:-         Floor, Vault, Bar and Beam

    OPEN JUNIOR ADV | WAG | FLOOR Minimum requirements of the Women’s Artistic STEPS Programme,
     Step 6 Floor routine. Gymnasts in this grade may add elements in part or full of the Step 7 routine requirements.
     A time limit of 90 sec.

    OPEN JUNIOR ADV | WAG | VAULT Handspring over vaulting table (minimum 115cm OR 120cm

    OPEN JUNIOR ADV | WAG | BAR Minimum requirements of the Women’s Artistic STEPS Programme,
     Step 6 Bar routine. Gymnasts in this grade may add elements in part or full of the Step 7 routine requirements.

10                           AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK 2018
    OPEN JUNIOR ADV | WAG | BEAM Minimum requirements of the Women’s Artistic STEPS Programme,
     Step 6 Beam routine. Gymnasts in this grade may add elements in part or full of the Step 7 routine requirements.
     A time limit of 90 sec.

(STEPs 8, 9, 10)
Participants must be competing in the NZ WAG Steps Programme at Steps 8 - 10 or are a retired gymnast within 2
seasons of last competing in these grades. Refer to the WAG Handbook 2018 for specific requirements.

Perform:-         Floor, Vault, Bar and Beam

    OPEN SENIOR| WAG | FLOOR Minimum requirements of the Women’s Artistic STEPS Programme, Step 7
     Floor routine. Gymnasts in this grade may add elements in part or full or part of their own routines so long as the
     minimum requirement of Step 7 is met. A time limit of 90 sec.

    OPEN SENIOR | WAG | VAULT Minimum requirements of the Women’s Artistic STEPS Programme, Step 7

    OPEN SENIOR | WAG | BAR Minimum requirements of the Women’s Artistic STEPS Programme, Step 7
     Bar routine. Gymnasts in this grade may add elements in part or full or part of their own routines so long as the
     minimum requirement of Step 7 is met.

    OPEN SENIOR | WAG | BEAM Minimum requirements of the Women’s Artistic STEPS Programme, Step 7
     Beam routine. Gymnasts in this grade may add elements in part or full of their own routines so long as the
     minimum requirement of the Step 7 beam are met. A time limit of 90 sec.

Participants must be competing in the NZ MAG Levels Programme at Level 4 and 5 or are a retired gymnast within 2
seasons of last competing in these grades. Refer to the GNZ MAG Handbook 2018 for specific requirements

Perform:-         Floor, Vault, Pommel, Parallel Bar

The floor routine must include the following in this order:
   - A Handspring skill – Run to Handspring rebound OR Handspring Front Tuck
   - Forward Roll – Forward roll through pike to Handstand Endo Roll (no feet on ground), jump ½ turn
   - Backward Roll – Backward roll to front support (squat or pike sit into straight arm, straight leg backward
        roll to front support. May pass through momentary Handstand.
   - Stretch Series – Splits OR 1 x double leg circle
   - Handstand Skill – From stand press to momentary handstand OR straddle press to handstand
   - Front Salto – Run punch tuck front Salto – immediate rebound OR dive roll optional
   - Flic Flac Skill – Hurdle round-off Flic Flac. Rebound optional.

The routine time limit is 90 sec.
11                           AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK 2018

                    Skill 1                            Skill 2                                Skill 3
    From Stand, jump to support with       Lift legs to straddle sit.      Raise legs off the bars towards V support
    straight body, then lift legs to L                                     and swing backward at least to horizontal,
    sit. (hold 2 sec.)                                                     then swing forward.

                    Skill 4                                Skill 5                                  Skill 6
    Swing backward at least to 15º above       Swing backward at least to 15º         Swing backwards to 60º above
    horizontal and swing forward              above horizontal and swing              horizontal and dismount over
                                              forward.                                one bar to stand.

(A 3-layer box may be used)

                          Skill 1                                                       Skill 2
    Jump to front support. Swing to the left and to        Swing both legs to the left and swing left leg in over the
    the right with legs apart.                             left handle. Swing in stride support to the right and back to
                                                           the left, bringing left leg out over the left handle.

12                             AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK 2018
Skill 3                                  Skill 4                             Skill 5
    Swing through front support to the right,       Swing through front support         Swing to the right in stride
    bringing right leg in over right handle.        to the left bringing left leg in   support. Swing right leg in over
    Swing through stride support to the left and    over the left handle.              the right handle and dismount
    back to the right. Swing right leg over right                                      with a 90º turn to the left.

Front layout to 30cm mat OR Handspring vault (using vaulting table)

(Level 6 and 7)
Participants must be competing in the NZ MAG Levels Programme at Level 6 and 7 or are a retired gymnast within 2
season of last competing in these grades. Refer to the GNZ MAG Handbook 2018 for specific requirements.

Perform:-           Floor, Vault, Pommel, Parallel Bar

     OPEN JUNIOR ADV | MAG | FLOOR Minimum requirements of the Men’s Artistic Levels Programme,
      Level 6 Floor routine. Gymnasts in this grade may add elements in part or full of the Level 7 routine

     OPEN JUNIOR ADV | MAG | VAULT Handspring OR Round-off over vaulting table (120cm or 130cm
      height only).

     OPEN JUNIOR ADV | MAG | PARALLEL BAR Minimum requirements of the Men’s Artistic Levels
      Programme, Level 6 Parallel Bar routine. Gymnasts in this grade may add elements in part or full of the Level 7
      routine requirements.

     OPEN JUNIOR ADV | MAG | POMMEL Minimum requirements of the Men’s Artistic Levels Programme,
      Level 6 Pommel routine. Gymnasts in this grade may add elements in part or full of the Level 7 routine

13                             AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK 2018
Participants must be competing in the NZ MAG Steps Programme at Level 8 - 10 or are a retired gymnast within 2
season of last competing in these grades. Refer to the MAG Handbook 2018 for specific requirements.

Perform:-         Floor, Vault, Pommel, Parallel Bar

    OPEN SENIOR| MAG | FLOOR Minimum requirements of the Men’s Artistic Levels Programme, Level 7
     Floor routine. Gymnasts in this grade may add elements in part or full or part of their own routines so long as the
     minimum requirement of Level 7 is met.

    OPEN SENIOR | MAG | VAULT Minimum requirements of the Men’s Artistic Levels Programme, Level 7

    OPEN SENIOR | MAG | PARALLEL BAR Minimum requirements of the Men’s Artistic Levels
     Programme, Level 7 Parallel Bar routine. Gymnasts in this grade may add elements in part or full or part of their
     own routines so long as the minimum requirement of Level 7 is met.

    OPEN SENIOR | MAG | POMMEL Minimum requirements of the Men’s Artistic Levels Programme, Level
     7 Pommel routine. Gymnasts in this grade may add elements in part or full of their own routines so long as the
     minimum requirement of the Level 7 Pommell are met.

14                           AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK 2018
Grade:           Novice   Individual Male AND Individual Female
                 Chose 2 Options from Ribbon, Hand-ball or Foot-Ball

        FLYERS | RHYTHMIC | RIBBON       Music is optional – time limit of 90 sec.

                                             Four skips forward – snaking ribbon overhead, then run
                                             backwards snaking ribbon on the floor, in front of the body.

                                             Passé balance with snakes up and down.

                                             Swing the ribbon side to side in lunge positions.

                                             Run over snake patterns on the floor.

                                             Cat leap forward while swinging ribbon backwards in a large

                                             Arabesque balance while performing vertical snakes.

                                             Perform four figure 8 circles next to the body.

                                             Swing the ribbon overhead, then drop and trap the ribbon stick
                                             with a foot.

15                         AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK 2018
        FLYERS | RHYTHMIC | HAND-BALL      Music is optional – time limit of 90 sec.

                                         Bounce the ball four times, from side to side, in lunge positions.

                                         Rotate the ball over hands four times while turning around on
                                         the spot.

                                         Throw and catch the ball in one hand.


                                         Hold a front balance and bounce the ball.

                                         Walk up on toes, rolling the ball up and down on both arms.


                                         Roll the ball from side to side four times, in lunge positions.

                                         Bounce the ball and perform a scissor leap.

                                         Roll forward with the ball held between the stomach and thighs.

16                       AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK 2018
    FLYERS | RHYTHMIC | FOOT-BALL SKILLS                 Music is optional – time limit of 90 sec.

Zig Zag Dribble    Dribble the ball zig-zagging around 6 cones

Toe Taps           Trap the ball at the end of the cones and lightly tap the top of the ball 6 times using the
                   front sole of the foot, alternating taps with the other foot.

Drag back          Alternating feet and using a skipping type step, pull the ball backwards with light

Tic Toc            On the spot, using the inside front edges of the feet, knock the ball back and forth
                   between the feet, 6 times, so that the ball is in constant motion.

Pull back          Place the sole of the foot on top of the ball. Pull/roll the ball behind. Then quickly turn
                   and trap the ball.

17                    AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK 2018
Grade:           Novice      Individual Male AND Individual Female
                 Choose 2 options from Ribbon, Rope and Foot-Ball

        TWISTERS | RHYTHMIC | ROPE      Music is optional – time limit of 90 sec.

                                             Eight skips forward through the rope.

                                             Take doubled rope in both hands and Stag Leap through the
     2                                       open rope.

                                             Walk forward swinging the rope in a figure 8 to both sides, four

                                             Large swing of the rope in lunge. Repeat to the other side.

                                             Swing double-folded rope backwards, drop one end of the rope,
                                             pull through to the front and catch.

                                             Cross skip forwards four times.

                                             Hold a front balance while swinging the rope overhead.


                                             Skip three times through the rope, on the spot.


                                             Swing the rope down and wrap around an extended arm.

18                        AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK 2018
        TWISTERS | RHYTHMIC | RIBBON    Music is optional – time limit of 90 sec.

                                         Arabesque balance while snaking ribbon up and down.


                                         Perform figure 8 while lunging from side to side.

                                         Turn while passing the ribbon behind back.

                                         Small toss of the ribbon while stretched on toes.


                                         Perform three circles of the ribbon, on the floor.

                                         Chassé to a stride leap, circling the ribbon overhead.

                                         Perform four large circles of the ribbon, to one side, stepping
                                         over the ribbon each time.

                                         Catch the ribbon in the hand and finish in a lunge position.


19                       AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK 2018
    TWISTERS | RHYTHMIC | FOOT-BALL SKILLS Music is optional – time limit of 90 sec.

Zig Zag Dribble       Dribble the ball zig-zagging around 6 cones

Toe Taps              Trap the ball at the end of the cones and lightly tap the top of the ball 6 times using the
                      front sole of the foot, alternating taps with the other foot.

Drag back             Alternating feet and using a skipping type step, pull the ball backwards with light
                      touches. Perform this for the length of the cones.

Tic Toc               On the spot, using the inside front edges of the feet, knock the ball back and forth
                      between the feet, 6 times, so that the ball is in constant motion.

Pull back             Place the sole of the foot on top of the ball. Pull/roll the ball behind. Then quickly turn
                      and trap the ball.

Dribble               Dribble the ball around all of the cones, in a circle.

Push forward          Alternating feet and using a skipping type step, push the ball forward with light touches,
                      along the length of the cones.

Grade:         GNZ Rhythmic Level 4-6         Individual Male AND Individual Female

Choose 3 Optional Apparatus from Ball, Rope, Hoop, Clubs, Ribbon and Free As per the Rhythmic Level 4
National Programme Requirements.

Grade:         GNZ Rhythmic Stages 2, 3 and 4             Individual Male AND Individual Female

Choose 3 Optional Apparatus from Ball, Rope, Hoop, Clubs, Ribbon and Free As per the Rhythmic Stages 2,
3 and 4 Programme Requirements.

Grade:         GNZ Rhythmic Level 7, National and Junior International.
               Individual Male AND Individual Female

Choose 3 Optional Apparatus from Ball, Rope, Hoop, Clubs, Ribbon and Free As per the Rhythmic Level 7
National and Junior International Programme Requirements.

20                       AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK 2018
TRAMPOLINE note: Trampoline routines to be competed twice; Double Mini competed one each jump

Grade:                  Novice                   Individual Male AND Individual Female


        Skill 1              Skill 2               Skill 3           Skill 4               Skill 5
    ½ Turn to Seat       ½ Turn to Feet       Straddle Jump      ½ Turn Jump          Pike Jump


                                  Jump 1                                                             Jump 2
    ½ Turn Jump                                                            Pike Jump

Grade:                  Novice               Individual Male AND Individual Female

      Skill 1        Skill 2       Skill 3        Skill 4       Skill 5     Skill 6        Skill 7
    ½ Turn to       ½ Turn to    Straddle       ½ Turn        Pike Jump   Front           To Feet
    Seat Drop       Feet         Jump           Jump                      Drop


                                  Jump 1                                                             Jump 2
    Straddle Jump                                                          Full Turn Jump

21                                   AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK 2018

Grade:         Novice and club recreational Trampolinists or those that have been retired for more than 24
               months or more are eligible to compete in this division.
               Individual Male AND Individual Female


      1    Half turn to seat drop
      2    Half twist to feet (from seat drop)
      3    Straddle Jump
      4    Half Twist Jump
      5    Pike Jump
      6    Front Drop
      7    To feet (from front drop)
      8    Tuck Jump
      9    Back Drop
      10   To feet (from back drop)


   1. Tuck Jump, Full Turn Jump
   2. Straddle Jump, Half Turn Jump

Grade:         Competitive 11-12 and 13-14 years age group. Only those competing in the national programme
               or have been retired for less than 24 months are eligible to compete in this division.
               Individual Male AND Individual Female


      1     Back somersault (Tucked)
      2     Straddle Jump
      3     Front Drop
      4     To feet (from front drop)
      5     Tuck Jump
      6     Back Drop
      7     Half turn to feet (from back drop)
      8     Pike Jump
      9     Half Turn jump
      10    Front Somersault (Tucked)

22                        AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK 2018

       1. Tuck Jump, Front Somersault Tuck
       2. Tuck Jump, Barani Tuck


Division:       Competitive International Levels (Youth International and Sub Junior International).
                Only those competing in the national programme or have been retired for less than 24 months are
                eligible to compete in this division.
                Individual Male AND Individual Female

Youth or Sun Junior Competitive Criteria (whichever is the relevant level). Please see the GSNZ Trampoline
Manual for Criteria


   1. Tuck Jump, Barani Straight
   2. ½ Turn Jump, Back Somersault Tuck

23                         AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK 2018
Grade:             Novice and GNZ National Tumbling Levels 2 (club) competitors
                   Individual Male AND Individual Female

Perform:- 2 compulsory 5 skill passes as follows;

 1st Pass                              2nd Pass
      1.    Cartwheel                       1.    Cartwheel
      2.    Chasse                          2.    Cartwheel
      3.    Cartwheel                       3.    Cartwheel
      4.    Chasse                          4.    Round off
      5.    Cartwheel step in               5.    Stretch jump to land

Grade:             Novice and GNZ National Tumbling Levels 3 (club) competitors
                   Individual Male AND Individual Female

Perform:- 2 compulsory 5 skill passes as follows;

 1st Pass                              2nd Pass
      1.    Round off                       1.    From a run, Dive roll
      2.    Jump ½ turn to step out         2.    Stretch jump step out
      3.    Cartwheel                       3.    Cartwheel
      4.    Round off                       4.    Round off
      5.    Stretch jump to land            5.    Jump ½ turn

Grade:             GNZ National Tumbling Levels Tumbling Levels 4 and 5 (club) competitors only
                   Individual Male AND Individual Female

Perform:- 2 compulsory 5 skill passes.
Please refer to the GNZ Tumbling Guide for National Levels Programme (club based programme).

24                              AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK 2018
Grade:          GNZ National Tumbling Levels 6+ (club) competitors and
                GNZ National Age Group Competitors (11-12 yrs and 13-14 yrs)
                Individual Male AND Individual Female

    1 compulsory 5 skill passes (min. difficulty 1.0) and
    1 voluntary 5 skill passes (min. difficulty 1.0)

Refer to the GNZ Trampoline Gymnastics Technical Handbook 2018 for routines requirements.

Grade:          GNZ National International Competitors (Youth and Sub-Junior)
                Individual Male AND Individual Female

    2 voluntary 8 skill passes (min. difficulty 2.6 combined total)

Refer to the GNZ Trampoline Gymnastics Technical Handbook 2018 for routines requirements.

25                        AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK 2018
Grade:          Aeroschools Level 3 – Novice and GNZ Competitive Aerobics pathway.
                Individual Male AND Individual Female

Perform:- 1 Aerobics Routine        Choose from either Aeroschools Level 3 2015, 2016, 2017 or 2018 or the
following routine provided below.
Note:- The routine should be performed using the whole 7m x 7m square with the gymnast moving forwards,
backwards and sideways as well as in straight lines, circles and diagonals. You may choose whatever directions
you choose for the below choreography however the four compulsory push-ups and 4 compulsory leg kicks
must be performed side on to the judges and the 4 compulsory jacks must be performed facing the judges.
Bold: difficulty elements

                                            2018 – Flyers - Good Times
 Counts     Legs and direction                                Arms and other notes
 1-8        Optional choreography to suit routine or hold     This may be aerobic steps or transitions only - no
            the start pose for 8 counts                       skills are permitted. The only acrobatic skill allowed
                                                              is a cartwheel.
 1-8        2 x Step knee, step together                      2 x One arm reaches up to diagonal (to the side of
                                                              your body) in star and comes back to fist at shoulder.
                                                              Other arm on hip in fist.
 1-2        Squat                                             Hands on knees
 3-4        Bring one leg behind to lunge to the side         Circle one arm, other arm in low diagonal. Hands in
 5-8        Side roll to splits                               blades (blade hands are when the hands are straight
                                                              and fingers are together)

 1-8        Splits (or half splits)                             Hold in splits
 1-4        Bring legs together into support position (bring
            legs together for L (pike) or apart for straddle)   Push up on the hands and hold the L or Straddle
 5-6        L (pike) or straddle press                          position
 1-4        L (pike) or straddle press                          Hold for 2 seconds. Heels remain on the floor.
 5-6        Roll to push up                                     One arm bent and placed next to face. Hand in star,
 7-8        Lunge to stand up                                   palm forward (fingers are splayed open)
 1-8        2x Mambo chasse (cross one foot in front of the     2x One arm on hip in fist or behind back in star with
            other, return back to normal standing position      other hand crossed over chest with latin hands, then
            then side gallop, repeat the same process on the    both arms come to a low diagonal with hands in stars
            other side)                                         and ‘shimmy’
 1-2        Step together                                       Hands on hips
 3-4        Straight jump
 5-6        Jumping jack
 7-8        2x hip swivels with feet together                   Hands clasped together and bring them beside head
                                                                on first hip twist then swap sides for second hip twist
 1-8        8x jogs                                             2x single arm reach up in fist, 2x double arm reach
                                                                up in fists
 1-4        Scissor kick or split leap
 5-6        Slide                                               Arms reach in front of body. Hands in latin
 7-8        Jump feet together                                  Hand on hips in fists
 1-8        COMPLUSORY JUMPING JACKS X 4                        Hands on hips in fists
 1-8        Knee lifts x4                                       2x hands under knee, 2x double arm reach up in fists
 1-8        Side flick kicks x4                                 4x hands in stars at chest and then hands out to side
                                                                in star
 1-8        Flick kicks x4                                      4x hands by side and then reach hands forward in
                                                                fists to horizontal in front of body
 1-2        Preparation for pivot
 3-4        ½ turn pivot
 5-6        Step together                                       Arms reach out in front with hands in blades, bring
                                                                back in front of face with hands in stars

26                           AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK 2018
7-8    Jumping jack                                      Fists on hips
 1-2    Jump knees to chest
 3-4    Land on one leg and slide other leg behind to
 5-8    floor
        Bring legs together and roll over to push up
 1-16   COMPLUSORY PUSH UPS X 4 (can be
        performed full or on kness)
 1-4    Roll over to push up position
 5-6    Jump feet out to the sides and back together in
 7-8    push up position                                  Heel to touch bottom
        In push up position kick one foot to bottom
 1-4    Push up
 5-8    Lunge to stand up                                 One arm straight along body. Hand in blade.
 1-4    Grapevine then a knee                             Arms bent in to chest, reach up, out to the side and
 5-8    4x high knees                                     down in blades
                                                          Same arm as leg by side, other arm bent with hand in
                                                          front of shoulder in fist. Swap on each knee (can also
                                                          be same arm as bent leg)
 1-4    Easy walk (choice of steps or jogs on counts      2 x single arm diagonal reach up, bring both arms in
        3,4)                                              to chest, arms reach down by side. Hands in stars.
 5-8                                                      Arms reach in front to horizontal then one arm comes
        Jumping jack, fly (to side with one leg out)      to stomach and other reaches to out to the side up to
                                                          ear in star, finishing with arm at the side
 1-2    Step together
 3-4    Tuck jump
 5-6    Jumping jack                                      Hands on hips
 7-8    2x hip swivels with feet together                 Hands clasped together and bring them next to
                                                          shoulder on first hip twist then swap sides on second
                                                          hip twist
 1-4    4x Jogs                                           Arms reach up and down in stars
 5-6    Jumping jack                                      One arm bent with hand at shoulder and elbow to
                                                          side and other arm straight out to side at horizontal,
 7-8    Jumping jack                                      then swap. Hands in fist.
                                                          Arms in low diagonal
 1-8    COMPULSORY HIGH LEG KICKS X 4                     Arms to the side of body and hands in blades
                                                          Minimum level of kicks heel of foot to hip height.
 1-4    Grape vine                                        Arms bent to chest, reach up, out to the side and
 5-8    4x hip swivels                                    down in blades
                                                          Arms stretch up to one side and then swap, repeat
                                                          with arms stretched down. Hands in fists
 1      End pose                                          Optional arms

27                       AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK 2018
Grade:          Aeroschools Level 4 – Novice and GNZ Competitive Aerobics pathway
                Individual Male AND Individual Female

Perform:- 1 Aerobics Routine Choose from either Aeroschools Level 4 2015, 2016, 2017 or 2018 or the
following routine provided below.
Note:- The routine should be performed using the whole 7m x 7m square with the gymnast moving forwards,
backwards and sideways as well as in straight lines, circles and diagonals. You may choose whatever directions
you choose for the below choreography however the four compulsory push-ups and 4 compulsory leg kicks
must be performed side on to the judges and the 4 compulsory jacks must be performed facing the judges.

Bold – Difficulty elements

                                               2018 Twisters – Beautiful
 Counts     Legs and direction                                    Arms and other notes
 1-4        Hold start pose
 5-6        Hip swivel to each side                               Arms up swing to each side
 7          Squat in (jump in feet together knees slightly        Forearms together in front of head
 8          bent)                                                 One arm up on hip
            Jump out on toes with hip out (one toe/leg slight
            turned to the side to accommodate the hip jutting
 1-4        Side leg flicks x 2 (bend knee out to the side with   Hands clasped together, in and out on each fly
            pointed toe behind knee of opposite leg and kick
 5-6        out to the side, then swap legs)                      Arm up in latin hands, arms down in stop hands
 7-8                                                              Arms crossed in front of chest, one arm up in point
            Knee x2                                               the other on hip
            Step, knee hop
 1-2        Chasse (side gallop)                                  Swing arms in to cross at chest
 3-4        Turning cat leap                                      Star hands down by side
 5-8        Jog x4                                                Arms reach up and down, on last two jogs cross
                                                                  hands to side in fist then to other side in stars (stars
                                                                  = hands are open with the fingers splayed)
 1-2        Jumping jack                                          Hands on hips
 3-4        Jump knees to chest pushing back leg out              Swing arms overhead
 5-6        Lunge on floor
 7-8        Roll to desired press position (legs together for L
            (pike) or apart for straddle)
 1-6        Straddle press or L (pike) press                      Hold for 2 seconds. May have heels on the ground.
 7-8        Roll to push up position
 1-4        Tricep push up (your hands are placed either
            side of your chest. When you lower your chest to
            the floor keep your arms parallel to your side and
 5-8        your elbows point straight back – can be done on
            the knees)
            Bring legs in then jump to a standing crossed
            position (one foot/leg in front of the other slightly
 1-6        Vertical split (also known as a ‘needle’)             Place hands on the floor either side of foot and
 7-8        Lunge together                                        perform standing splits.
 1-4        Flick kick x2                                         Fist hands swinging in front
 5          Ball change                                           Clap hands
 6-8        Jog x3                                                Star hands in front of head one behind, swap arms,
                                                                  clasp hands infront of chest
 1-8        Spilt leap or Scissor Kick
 1          Lunge                                                 Blade hands down by side (hands are straight with
 2-3        Kick x2                                               fingers closed) Cross arms in front of chest, keep

28                           AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK 2018
one arm bent in latin hands and the other up in latin
 4      Knee                                                 hand
 5-6    Chasse                                               Star hands on top of each other on hip
 7-8    Double hop                                           Scissor arms, first fists then to stars
                                                             Double clap above head
 1-2    Flick kick                                           Hands clasped together in and out
 3      Ball change                                          Keeping hands together, move in circular motion to
                                                             the side with one elbow out swing arms up to L
 4-6    Step knee hop                                        position with latin hands
 7-8    Jumping jack                                         Hands on hip
                                                             Hands on hip
 1-6    Full turn (360)
 7-8    Lunge together                                       Hands on hip
 1-8    COMPLUSORY HIGH LEG KICKS X 4                        Arms to the side with blade hands
                                                             Minimum level - heels to hip height
 1-2    Slide together                                       Swing arms up above your head in star hands
 3-4    Up and out on toes (stand shoulder width apart up    Arms up in latin hands
 5-8    on the balls of your feet)
        Twist around to floor and roll to push up position
 1-16   COMPLUSORY PUSHUPS X 4 (can be
        performed on knees)
 1-6    Splits or stag sit (half splits)
 7-8    Swing leg around to seated L (pike) position
 1-2    Knees in kneeling
 3      Lunge
 4      Knee                                                 Clasp hands together infront of chest
 5-6    Flick kick                                           Down by side in blade hands, up one arm extended
                                                             in front and the other bent with elbows touching
 7-8    Knee together                                        and Latin hands
                                                             Arms up palms twisted together, then down by side
 1-24   24 count of optional choreography                    This must be made up of all aerobic steps with no
                                                             skills and the gymnast must not touch the ground in
                                                             this phase.
 1-4    Jog x 2                                              Arms clasped together at chest, star hands slide up
 5-6    Chasse (side gallop)                                 torso
 7-8    Side leg flick (bend knee out to the side with       Shimmy
        pointed toe behind knee of opposite leg and kick     Arms crossed in front of chest, then out in latin
        out to the side)                                     hands
 1-6    Tuck ½ turn
 7-8    Jumping jack
 1-4    Double hop                                           Arms up, arms down
 5-6    Forward chasse                                       One hand on hip the other swing around
 7-8    Jog x2                                               Punch down x2 (hands in fists)
 1-4    Flick kick x2                                        Counts 1 - Hands clasped behind head 2
                                                             horizontally out in blades 3 clasped in front of chest
 5-6    Knee together                                        in and 4 punch out
 7-8    Squat                                                Arms down by sides in blade
                                                             Body roll
 1      End pose

29                      AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK 2018
The following supporting information for Flyers and Twisters routines can be found on the Gymnastics New
Zealand Schools page. For access please contact your local gymnastics club.

     -   Routine videos
     -   Routine music
     -   Routine elements explained (video)
     -   Links to ideas for running your school Aerobics session
     -   Order form for Aeroschools Routines 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 resource (if required). State name of
         your school where it is asking for club name.
     -   Where there is a discrepancy between the written choreography and the routine videos the routine video
         will be the correct version.

Schools Festival - Primary and Intermediate - GymnasticsNZ

Grade:           Open to Gymnastics NZ affiliated competitive members or athletes who have been affiliated to
                 Gymnastics NZ in one of the corresponding GNZ levels in 2017 or 2018;
                 Open Level 2, Open Level 3, Aeroschools Level 5
                 Individual Male; Individual Female

Perform:- 1 Aerobics Routine As per the Gymnastics NZ Aerobic Handbook for the above levels which can
be found at AER 2018 Handbook - GymnasticsNZ

Open Level 2, Open Level 3 or Aeroschools Level 5 Except for the following modifications:
 Open Level 2 will gain a 0.3 difficulty bonus if they achieve all their difficulty skills (minimum of 1 from
   each group) and compulsory skills giving them a maximum difficulty of 2.2
 Open Level 3 can compete their difficulty as per the 2018 GNZ Aerobics Handbook but will only have
   difficulty skills and compulsory skills counted to a maximum difficulty of 2.2
 Aeroschools Level 5 can compete their difficulty as per the 2018 GNZ Aerobics Handbook but will only
   have difficulty skills and compulsory skills counted to a maximum difficulty of 2.2

Grade:           Only open to Gymnastics NZ affiliated competitive members or athletes who have been
                 affiliated to Gymnastics NZ in one of the corresponding GNZ levels in 2017 or 2018;
                 ADP 2, ADP 3, National Development, International Age Group 1
                 Individual Male AND Individual Female

Perform:- 1 Aerobics Routine As per the Gymnastics NZ Aerobic Handbook for the above levels which can
be found at: AER 2018 Handbook - GymnasticsNZ

ADP 2, ADP 3, National Development, International Age Group 1 Except for the following modifications:
 ADP 2 will gain a 0.5 difficulty bonus if they achieve all their difficulty skills (minimum of 1 from each
   group) giving them a maximum difficulty of 2.4
 ADP 3 can compete their difficulty as per the 2018 GNZ Aerobics Handbook but will only have difficulty
   skills counted to a maximum difficulty of 2.4.
 ND can compete their difficulty as per the 2018 GNZ Aerobics Handbook but will only have difficulty
   skills counted to a maximum difficulty of 2.4.
30                         AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK 2018
    AG1 can compete their difficulty as per the 2018 GNZ Aerobics Handbook but will only have difficulty
     skills counted to a maximum difficulty of 2.4. They will still receive deductions as per the FIG Aerobic
     Code of Points for compulsory skills not achieved.

   AIMS Games is not a qualifying event for 2018 NZ Gymnastics Championships.
   There will be a modified panel of judges consisting of 1 chair/difficulty judge, 1 artistic judge and 1
      execution judge. Where practicable the judges will be qualified to the necessary level. Judging will be
      as per the judging guidelines in the GNZ 2018 Aerobic Handbook.
   Difficulty sheets will need to be filled out for Open Junior and Junior Advanced – these can be found
        Music will be provided for Flyers and Twisters levels – once entries are finalised schools will be asked
         for music track details. All music for Open Junior and Junior Advanced will be requested by the code
         coordinator for aerobics once all entries are final.

31                          AIMS GAMES GYMNASTICS HANDBOOK 2018
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