Page created by Jessie Cummings
S U M M E R   W O R K S H O P S


                The Bodecker Foundation is pleased to announce our

       Summer 2021 schedule of FREE Virtual and (new!) Hybrid
       Creative Workshops for Portland-area High School Students.
            Led by professional artists, writers, musicians, and educators, Bodecker workshops are designed to empower creative
            youth to imagine and achieve their artistic, educational, and professional dreams. Our workshop disciplines include
            songwriting, creative writing, film/video, fashion design, portfolio development, printmaking, spoken word, and zine
            making, among others. Threaded throughout is a career exploration and applied arts approach that uniquely centers
            collaboration, inclusivity, and positive affirmation of student identities.

            Open to rising 9th graders thru graduating seniors (classes of 2021 thru 2025), summer workshops include a mix of
            online activities and offline individual and/or collaborative project work. Class size is generally limited to 12 students.

            Online registration is now open
                                                                                                       T H E DE T A I L S

                                                                                                       4 Week Class / Meets via HYBRID
                                                                                                       Mon &Weds 11:00am – 12:30pm
                                                                                                       June 28, 30, July 7, 9, 12, 14, 19, 21
                                                                                                       *no class Monday July 5; meets Fri July 9 instead
    Immersive Sound Walks with Chris Funk                                                              Class Size: 12

                                                                      Register Here

                                                                      In this four-week hybrid workshop, students will collaborate to create an original audio
                                                                      sound walk that focuses on Portland’s vibrant street art scene. We will use digital
                                                                      recorders to capture in-the-field audio and original narration as we explore four
                                                                      different mural locations, selected in partnership with Portland Street Art Alliance
                                                                      (PSAA). Students will also have the opportunity to meet PSAA mural artists and practice
                                                                      their interview skills at the Bodecker Foundation’s Halfling Studio and will hone their
                                                                      editing skills during week four. The final sound walks will be available to the public to
                                                                      download, stream and enjoy.
                                                                      No previous audio recording experience is necessary.

                                                                      Note: this workshop will require participation and assignments outside of class time, in
                                                                      particular for field recordings and in-studio artist interviews on July 7, 9, 12 and 14 and

Mural by Francisco Morales courtesy of PSAA
                                                                      editing during week four.

            Chris Funk is best known as the multi-instrumentalist and a founding member of indie rock band The Decemberists. He is a three-time GRAMMY
            nominated artist who has also found much success as a music producer, composer, and studio musician lending his musical acumen to such bands as
            The Shins, Portugal. The Man, Laura Veirs, and more. Chris has also produced records for Stephen Malkmus, Red Fang, Ben Miller, Langhorne Slim, Sallie
            Ford, Rhett Miller, Kyle Craft, The Builders and The Butchers, and Y La Bamba.
         Tell Your Story
                                                                                                                                     BODECKER FOUNDATION

                                                                                       3 Week Class | Meets via HYBRID
                                                                                       Mon & Weds 11am – 12:30pm
                                                                                       June 28, 30, July 7, 9, 12, 14
                                                                                       *no class Monday July 5; meets Fri July 9 instead
  Printing and Zine Making with Kate Bingaman Burt & Leland Vaughan                    Class Size: 15

Register Here

This workshop will focus on risograph printing and zine making, with an emphasis on using printmaking and books as vessels for
your ideas and creative experiments. We’ll explore mark making, drawing, not-drawing, storytelling, collage, and more all through
the lens of printing and zines! Zero drawing experience is needed—all are welcome! We kick perfectionism to the curb as we explore
different materials, styles and concepts and make a collaborative riso-printed zine together. This workshop takes place primarily
via Zoom with with field trips to Bodecker and Oulet planned for July 9 and 14. Transportation stipends are available.

                           Kate Bingaman-Burt (she/her) mostly                                               Leland Vaughan (they/them) is a printmaker,
                           draws, letters, documents, and collects, but                                      designer, and illustrator living on the unceded lands
                           she also does a lot of other things that                                          of the Clackamas, Multnomah, Cowlitz and
                           involve energy, conversation, and                                                 Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde known as
                           exchange. Kate is a full-time educator and                                        Portland, OR. They love the intersection of empathy
                           makes illustrations for all sorts of clients all                                  and design practice and are super passionate about
                           around the world. She is a Professor of                                           social justice, intersectionality, accessibility, and the
                           Graphic Design at Portland State University                                       ways creative and educational spaces can offset
                           and also shares her knowledge and                                                 oppression, process trauma, and elevate
                           enthusiasm for drawing, making,                                                   marginalized voices. They currently work as the studio
                           documenting via talks, workshops and                                              manager of Outlet where they get to print and nerd
                           online classes. Kate owns Outlet, a                                               out about risograph printing to anyone who will listen.
                           risograph print studio and community                                              They believe print is a great equalizer in terms of
                           space that hosts workshops, pop-up events                                         accessibility to information and mutual aid and work
                           and is home to a small gift shop full of                                          to make those services available through Outlet. They
                           printed goodies and a big zine library.                                           also help maintain the space, organize events and
                                                                                                             workshops, and print as much as they possibly can.

                                                                      T H E DE T A I L S

                                                                                           6 Week Class / Meets via HYBRID

                                                                                           Tues & Thurs 10:00am – 11:30am
                                                                                           June 29, July 1, 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22, 27, 29, August 3, 5
                                                                                           Tuesday: Group Class; Thursday: One on Three Group Crits
           with Mark Smith                                                                 Class Size: 12

                             Register Here

                             This six-week workshop is for rising juniors and seniors who are beginning to think about college and
                             career options in visual and graphic arts, product and packaging, or environments and experience
                             design. Through weekly meetings – including hybrid get togethers July 13 and 20 - and a combination
                             of group and individual projects, you will learn how to express your unique “voice” as an artist, how to
                             present your work, and how to respectfully give and receive feedback while elevating your creative
                             output. You’ll learn to move your talent forward and how to prepare for portfolio development when
                             considering further education and employment opportunities.

                             This workshop is ideal for students who may be applying to art/design school, 2 and 4-year college
                             programs, and for those who would like to enter the design workforce following graduation. Please
                             include 3 work samples with your application to let us know how you express your creativity. (Jpgs, pdfs,
                             and cell phone pics work fine.) Transportation stipends are available for in person dates.

                             Mark Smith has spent 30+ years working with athletes, entertainers, brands, non-profit organizations, and schools
                             focused on innovation product, graphics, and storytelling, at Nike and Jordan Brand, among others. His creative
                             approach bridges his various disciplines as an artist, sculptor, and musician and his professional experience in product
                             and communication design. Humor and wordplay are at the core of his collaboration style.

  Songwriting with Lizzy Ellison and Chris Funk
                                                                            THE DE T A I L S   4 Week Class | Meets via HYBRID
                                                                                               Tues & Thurs 2:00pm – 3:30pm
                                                                                               June 29, July 1, 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22
                                                                                               Class Size: 12

Register Here

This songwriting class is for experienced songwriters looking to create a cohesive body of work. Participants will share songs and
concepts for new material – either pre-recorded or performed in class- to workshop with their peers. Group critiques will help
develop your songs and inspire new ideas. We will focus on intention setting, organizing ideas, and developing an original
songwriting style. Includes in-workshop writing assignments, visits from guest songwriters, and a field trip to Halfling Studio, our
professional recording studio at the Bodecker Foundation. Transportation stipends are available for in person dates.

                                                                                                                          Chris Funk is best known as the multi-
                                                                                                                          instrumentalist and a founding member of
                              Lizzy Ellison has been a recording /touring
                                                                                                                          indie rock band The Decemberists. He is a
                              musician since 2000. She has put out 7
                                                                                                                          three-time GRAMMY nominated artist who has
                              records, 3 under her moniker, Cardioid, and
                                                                                                                          also found much success as a music producer,
                              the previous 4 with Radiation City (PDX).
                                                                                                                          composer, and studio musician lending his
                              Because touring came to a halt this past
                                                                                                                          musical acumen to such bands as The Shins,
                              year, she began teaching workshops as a
                                                                                                                          Portugal. The Man, Laura Veirs, and more. Chris
                              means to share her experiences from the
                                                                                                                          has also produced records for Stephen
                              music industry and build new relationships
                                                                                                                          Malkmus, Red Fang, Ben Miller, Langhorne Slim,
                              with folks interested in learning about
                                                                                                                          Sallie Ford, Rhett Miller, Kyle Craft, The Builders
                              songwriting, but mostly to get the human
                                                                                                                          and The Butchers, and Y La Bamba.
                              connection we all need.

        Truth & Dare
                                                                                                         T H E DE T A I L S

                                                                                                        3 Week Class / Meets via HYBRID
                                                                                                        Mon and Weds 11:00am – 12:30pm
                                                                                                        July 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 28
        Volume 5: Experiments in Art & Writing with Laura Moulton                                       Class Size: 12

                                                           Register Here

                                                           Truth & Dare is a creative workshop and community favorite that offers
                                                           one truth (in the form of a writing prompt) and one dare (an art-inspired
                                                           challenge to make/do) each week. Taking inspiration from
                                                           contemporary artists and writers, we’ll generate our own work on the
                                                           page and out in the world with optional hybrid adventures that may
                                                           include graffiti harvesting, documenting public art, and writing letters.
                                                           Most important, we’ll share our work in the supportive environment we
                                                           create together.

                                                           Whether you’ve attended previous Truth & Dare workshops or are joining
                                                           us for the first time, all are welcome. Transportation stipends are
                                                           available in person gatherings.

        Laura Moulton is a writer and educator whose work has taken her into public schools, prisons, shelters and out onto the
        streets. She is an adjunct professor at Marylhurst University and Lewis & Clark College and leads writing and art
        residencies in Portland high schools for Writers in the Schools. In 2011 Moulton founded Street Books, a bicycle powered
        mobile library, serving people who live outside.
                                                                                                                                 BODECKER FOUNDATION

Illustration and
                                                                                              T H E DE T A I L S   2 Week Class / Meets via Zoom
                                                                                                                   Tues & Thurs 11:00am – 12:30pm
                                                                                                                   July 13, 15, 20, 22

                                                                                                                   Class Size: 12

  with Alexa Stark
                           Register Here

                     Are you interested in fashion design but
                     don’t know where to begin?
                            In this two-week workshop, you’ll learn to illustrate the traditional fashion figure, the first step in bringing
                            your design ideas to life as you develop your own personal illustration style. From there we will discuss the
                            ins and outs of how to design and illustrate a mini collection: putting together a mood board, discussing
                            the appropriate number of styles, and collecting fabrics.

                             Suggested materials: sketch book, tracing paper, pencil, colored pencils.
                     Alexa Stark is an internationally celebrated designer. Her clothing is a reflection of the complex age we live in, creatively
                     balancing the practical and the spectacle in clothing design. A graduate of Parsons in New York City, Alexa’s designs have
                     been shown and sold in New York, LA, Paris, Tokyo, Seoul, and Portland. Alexa has taught workshops locally at Portland
                     Garment Factory and Oregon College of Art and Craft, and in Italy through The New York Times Student Journeys program.
                     Alexa now lives in Maine and is working on a 100-piece collection using clothing and fabrics passed down from family
                     members. This fall she will be moving to New York City.
                                                                                                       BODECKER FOUNDATION

Fashion Projects
                                                                    T H E DE T A I L S   2 Week Class / Meets via Zoom
                                                                                         Tues & Thurs 2:00 – 3:30pm
                                                                                         July 13, 15, 20, 22

and Techniques
                                                                                         Class Size: 12

                                                with Alexa Stark

         Register Here

         Are you curious about clothing design, conceptualization, and decorative
         construction? In this two-week workshop, you’ll learn hand sewing techniques
         that will then be used to rework and decorate the most commonly worn garment:
         the button-down shirt. Through this project, you will learn how to design,
         customize, and make new, unique pieces all using materials found at home.

         Suggested supplies: a pair of your old jeans (with holes if you have ‘em!),
         a button-down shirt two sizes too big, scissors and needle/thread.

            Alexa Stark is an internationally celebrated designer. Her clothing is a reflection of the complex age we live in,
            creatively balancing the practical and the spectacle in clothing design. A graduate of Parsons in New York City,
            Alexa’s designs have been shown and sold in New York, LA, Paris, Tokyo, Seoul, and Portland. Alexa has taught
            workshops locally at Portland Garment Factory and Oregon College of Art and Craft, and in Italy through The
            New York Times Student Journeys program. Alexa now lives in Maine and is working on a 100-piece collection
            using clothing and fabrics passed down from family members. This fall she will be moving to New York City.
Voices of the Elders &
                                                                                                                   BODECKER FOUNDATION
                                                                              T H E DE T A I L S
                                                                              3 Week Class | Meets via Zoom

Modern Mythology
                                                                              Tues & Thurs 11am-12:30pm
                                                                              July, 27, 29, August 3, 5, 9, 11
                                                                              Class Size: 12

            with Mic Crenshaw + Quincy Davis of Rebel Wise
                                                                    Mic Crenshaw is an independent hip hop artist, respected MC, poet,
Register Here                                                       educator, and activist. He is Lead U.S. Organizer for the Afrikan HipHop
                                                                    Caravan which uses cultural activism as a means to develop international
In this three-week workshop students will be introduced to the      solidarity related to human rights and justice. Mic is also co-founder of
                                                                    GlobalFam, a computer resource and job training center in Burundi, Central
teachings of Indigenous elders and Wisdomkeepers from Africa
                                                                    Africa. Named Portland’s best Hip Hop artist in 2016, Mic has toured and
and Turtle-Island (First-Nation North America). They’ll             collaborated with Dead Prez, Immortal Technique, Rakim and other legends.
                                                                    Since 2012, he has traveled to Cuba, Russia, Germany, Zimbabwe, Tanzania,
participate in conversations and talking circles that explore
                                                                    South Africa, Kenya and other countries where he facilitates hip hop cultural
themes of positive transformation through struggle with identity,   exchange opportunities for youth. Mic is currently a Teaching Artist in
                                                                    Residence at multiple schools and a co-producer of the It Did Happen Here
addiction, violence, and finding a spiritual path rooted in
                                                                    podcast and the Rose City Rising City Wide Youth Hip Hop Compilation.
creativity and practical application of ancient principles.

Facilitators Mic Crenshaw and Quincy Davis will introduce
                                                                    Quincy Davis has made an impact as a gifted and dedicated lyricist,
students to hip hop artists from around the world, especially       recording artist and music producer based in Portland, USA with his
                                                                    unique brand of mystic urban soul music. He has been involved in youth
those with Indigenous and cultural lineages. They’ll also offer     education work since 2011, visiting high schools, treatment centers and
their guidance and expertise as students write and refine their     lock down facilities as a speaker, workshop leader and part-time teacher.
                                                                    Quincy founded the sovereign media channel 7Vision in the midst of the
own raps lyrics, poetic verse, or spoken word pieces in a           COVID-19 pandemic, intended to serve our community by weaving
creatively supportive and collaborative environment. Students       modern music videos with elder teachings and engaging curriculum for
                                                                    a dynamic virtual education experience. Quincy intends to inspire the
will record and share their verses at a community showcase on       next generation of visionaries as we stand at the threshold of global
the final day of class.                                             transformation.

     Hot Off the Press

                                                                                                                             T H E D ETA ILS
                                                                                                                                               3 Week Class / Meets via HYBRID
                                                                                                                                               Mon & Wed 11:00am – 12:30pm
                                                                                                                                               July 26, 28, August 2, 4, 9, 11
                                                                                                                                               Class Size: 12
Traditional Printing and Food Connections with Daniela del Mar/Letra Chueca Press

                   What do kitchens and print shops have in common?
                                                         Register Here

                                                         In this dynamic workshop, students will use the vehicle of letterpress printing to explore
                                                         personal connections to food and food traditions. We will learn the fundamentals of analog
                                                         design and the importance of book arts in a digital age, then print our own designs
                                                         incorporating pressroom materials - lead type, wood type and ornaments- with personal
                                                         experiences. This workshop will include some short readings, regular group discussions, and
                                                         creative lab time in a COVID-adapted letterpress print shop located in the Cully Neighborhood.
                                                         By the end of this series, students will have learned traditional methods of putting ink on paper
                                                         and created a collective edition of vibrant letterpress prints that reflect their food traditions.
                                                         Transportation stipends are available for in person print shop dates.

 Daniela Del Mar is a multidisciplinary artist, activist, and educator whose work blends traditional print processes with bilingual poetry + social practice. They center queer and
 marginal spaces to facilitate connection beyond borders in text-based work, collaborative practices, and book arts. Raised in a mixed, multi-gen immigrant family in
 Nashville, their letterpress printed work hangs on the edges of cultural, poetic, and concrete type forms. In 2013, they co-founded Letra Chueca press and the Poetry Salon
 Broadside Project at Reed College, in Portland, Oregon. Their prints have been shown at The Poetry Foundation in Chicago, El Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Parque Forestal
 en Santiago de Chile, and throughout the Portland Metro Area. Daniela is the recipient of Golden Spot Award at Caldera Arts (2018), funding for gotxs :: antojos sureños (an
 exhibition of South American graphic art + food traditions) through RACC in 2019, as well as of their 2020 Support Beam initiative.
                                                                                                                                       BODECKER FOUNDATION

                                                                                                    T H E DE T A I L S

a Skate
  a Skate
                                                                                          3 Week Class / Meets via HYBRID
                                                                                          Tues & Thurs 2:00 - 3:30pm
                                                                                          July 27, 29, August 3, 5, 10, 12
                                                                                          Class Size: 12
                                                          with Sebo Walker

                                              Register Here

                                              In this workshop, we are going to learn the process of making your own skate video. We will
                                              dive into some of the history of skateboarding, learn about the evolution of its documentation,
                                              and watch classic videos. You will have the creative freedom to film with friends, collect tricks,
                                              and over a couple weeks build your own video part. We will learn different filming styles and
                                              once you have a timeline of tricks, will go over all the different styles of editing and options for
                                              putting your masterpiece together. Includes optional group skate sessions at PSU Courts on
                                              Thursdays July 29 and August 5.

                                              *Parent or guardian skate release required.

                                              Transportation stipends are available for in person skate dates.

  Sebo Walker is a professional skateboarder from Salem, Oregon who also enjoys painting, teaching skate lessons, and
  shooting photos. As a workshop leader, Sebo aspires to share what he’s learned from his journeys traveling the world
  and chasing his dream, and to encourage others to have fun, stay positive & patient, and always keep creating.

                                                                                                                   3 Week Class / Meets via Zoom

                                                                                                                   Mon & Wed 2 – 3:30pm
                                                                                           T H E DE T A I L S      July 26, 28, August 2, 4, 9, 11
                                                                                                                   Class Size: 12

   a continuum
   of Black Art
       with Spencer Garland/BRENDA ARTS

                                          Register Here

                                          Black art isn't made in a vacuum. References, aesthetics, and history echo through the works
                                          of Black artists as diverse as Jean Michel Basquiat and Kara Walker. In Echolocations we’ll
                                          explore these intersections to illuminate how you and your artistic voice mirror those of great
                                          Black artists from around the world. We’ll learn about Black artists from The Harlem
                                          Renaissance to contemporary Afrofuturism, have conversations about history, art, and
                                          politics, then use this discourse to create our own original works of art.

                                          Spencer Garland’s style has been described as Afrofutrominimalist. He aims to create
                                          new Black narratives, pulling aesthetics from the cultural zeitgeist combining everything
                                          from Michel Gondry-esque tactile props, to African American iconography and Japanese
                                          street fashion. Spencer Garland is the founder of BRENDA ARTS, a film program geared for
                                          BIPOC youth that involves film history, media literacy, and production.
                                                                                                             BODECKER FOUNDATION
                        TH E D E TA ILS

Film, TV &
                        2 Week Class / Meets via Zoom
                        Mon & Wed 1 – 2:30pm
                        August 2, 4, 9, 11

                        Class Size: 25

                                          Register Here
      with Chris Funk
                                          Join us for a series of discussions with leaders from Portland’s thriving motion
                                          picture industry. Each session will focus on a different theme: Script and Screen
                                          Writing, Animation, On-Set, and Post-Production. You’ll hear from directors,
                                          animators, editors, screenwriters, cinematographers, gaffers, grips and more, who
                                          will share their experiences working on productions like Shrill, Portlandia, The
                                          Librarians, Grimm, BoJack Horseman, and even The Simpsons. Bring your curiosity
                                          and your questions!

                                                Chris Funk is best known as the multi-instrumentalist and a founding member of
                                                indie rock band The Decemberists. He is a three-time GRAMMY nominated artist who
                                                has also found much success as a music producer, composer, and studio musician
                                                lending his musical acumen to such bands as The Shins, Portugal. The Man, Laura
                                                Veirs, and more. Chris has also produced records for Stephen Malkmus, Red Fang,
                                                Ben Miller, Langhorne Slim, Sallie Ford, Rhett Miller, Kyle Craft, The Builders and The
                                                Butchers, and Y La Bamba.

Calendar of Bodecker workshops offered this Summer
     •   Podcasting                              •   Truth & Dare Volume 5                 •   Voices of the Elders &        •   Echolocations
     •   Risograph                               •   Fashion Illustration &                    Modern Mythology              •   Portland Film, TV &
     •   Portfolio Development                       Collection Conception                 •   Hot Off the Press                 Animation Industry Panel
     •   Possibilities : Songwriting             •   Handsewn Fashion Projects             •   Let’s Make A Skate Video
                                                     & Techniques

  June                                                                                               July
                  Mon                             Tue                              Wed                             Thu                   Fri

   28                              29                                30                              1                       2
         •   Podcasting                 •   Portfolio Dev                 •   Podcasting                 •   Portfolio Dev
         •   Risograph                                                    •   Risograph
                                        •   Songwriting                                                  •   Songwriting

Bodecker July Workshops
                Mon                          Tue                             Wed                         Thu                            Fri

                                                                                           1    •   Portfolio Dev          2
                                                                                                •   Songwriting

 5                            6    •   Portfolio Dev          7    •   Podcasting          8    •   Portfolio Dev          9    •   Podcasting
                                                                   •   Risograph                                                •   Risograph
                                   •   Songwriting                                              •   Songwriting

 12   •   Podcasting          13   •   Portfolio Dev          14   •   Podcasting          15   •   Portfolio Dev          16
      •   Risograph                                                •   Risograph
                                   •   Songwriting                                              •   Songwriting
      •   Truth & Dare             •   Fashion Illustration        •   Truth & Dare             •   Fashion Illustration
      •   Handsewn Fashion                                         •   Handsewn Fashion

 19   •   Podcasting          20   •   Portfolio Dev          21   •   Podcasting          22   •   Portfolio Dev          23
      •   Truth & Dare             •   Songwriting                 •   Truth & Dare             •   Songwriting
      •   Handsewn Fashion         •   Fashion Illustration        •   Handsewn Fashion         •   Fashion Illustration

 26   •   Hot off the Press   27   •   Portfolio Dev          28   •   Hot off the Press   29   •   Portfolio Dev          30
                                   •   Voices of the Elders                                     •   Voices of the Elders
      •   Truth & Dare                                             •   Truth & Dare
      •   Handsewn Fashion         •   Skate Video                 •   Handsewn Fashion         •   Skate Video
      •   Echolocations                                                                         •   Echolocations

Bodecker August Workshops
               Mon                             Tue                             Wed                            Thu                      Fri

 2                               3                               4                               5                               6
      •   Hot off the Press           •   Portfolio Dev               •   Hot off the Press           •   Portfolio Dev
                                      •   Voices of the Elders                                        •   Voices of the Elders
      •   Echolocations                                               •   Echolocations
      •   Film, TV & Animation        •   Skate Video                 •   Film, TV & Animation        •   Skate Video

 9    •   Hot off the Press
                                 10   •   Skate Video
                                                                 11   •   Hot off the Press
                                                                                                 12   •   Skate Video
      •   Voices of the Elders                                        •   Voices of the Elders
      •   Echolocations                                               •   Echolocations
      •   Film, TV & Animation                                        •   Film, TV & Animation

 16                              17                              18                              19                              20

 23                              24                              25                              26                              27

 30                              31
We look forward to creating with you!




              B O D E C K E R   F O U N D A T I O N
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