Remember, Rediscover, Incarnate and Renew -

Page created by Arthur Norris
Remember, Rediscover, Incarnate and Renew -
Newsletter of the Divine Providence Province

               Remember, Rediscover, Incarnate and Renew
        Pope St. John Paul II says, “Let     about his resurrection. On the other
us remember the past with gratitude,         hand, precisely because she was an                     July 2021
live the present with enthusiasm and         eyewitness to the risen Christ, she was             Volume 14 Number 7
look forward to the future with              also the first one to bear witness to him
confidence.”                                  before the Apostles. She went and
        The month of July becomes a          announced to the disciples 'I have seen
special month that invites us to             the Lord' and she told them that he had
remember our roots & origin and to           said these things to her (Jn 20: 17-18).
remain thankful and to rediscover our        St. Thomas Aquinas, the Angelic
roots in order to incarnate it and to        Doctor used the term to call her
renew it in the present. This month of       “Apostle of the Apostles (Apostolorum
July invites us to be thankful to our        Apostola)”.
forerunners who brought the message                  Secondly, we remain thankful to
of Christ to us, Christians and              St. Thomas, the Apostle who is believed
Guanellians in particular.                   strongly to have brought the faith to our
        When I write Christians in           Indian land, especially to the Southern
general, I invite you first to think of St.   parts of India in 52 AD. The history of
Mary Magdalene whose feast (Pope             Christianity in India is as old as the
Francis elevated her celebration from        history of the universal church. We are
memoria to feast) is celebrated in our       all products of his message of faith. The
Catholic Church on July 22. I                tomb of Thomas is the womb of
mentioned first about St. Mary                Christianity in India' and without St.
Magdalene. It is because it was she who      Thomas, Christianity would not have
was the first messenger and who               come to India so early. The mission of
                                             St. Thomas is endorsed by first Prime                 At the beginning of the Eighties
announced the Lord's resurrection to the
                                             Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in         the Guanellian congregation went
Apostles (Mulieris dignitatem n. 16).
                                             his “An Autobiography” who is of the         through a difficult moment. The process
She is an example of a true and
                                             view that Christianity came to India as      of reviewing the Constitutions required
authentic evangelizer that is an
                                             early as first century after Christ, long     by Council Vatican II was on, and the
evangelist who announces the central
                                             before Europe turned to it and               12th General Chapter had given clear
joyful message of Easter (Collect for
                                             established a fair hold in South India.      indications that the congregation was to
July 22 and the new preface). On the
                                             Nothing is incredible in the feasibility     review all her Works to give them a new
one hand, she has the honor to be the
                                             of the visit of St. Thomas in South India.   (and reduced) dimension. At that point,
first witness (prima testis) of the Lord's
                                             Thirdly, we remain thankful to our           the then General Superior, Fr. Olimpio
resurrection, the first who saw the
                                             forefathers who played vital role in         Giampedraglia suddenly fell sick with
empty tomb and the first to hear the truth
                                             bringing the Guanellian Charism,             cancer and, after some months of a real
                                             Spirituality and Mission to our Indian       calvary of suffering, died at the
                                             land before 35 years such as Don Tito        beginning of December 1980. The 13th
               INSIDE                        Credaro, Don Domenico Saginario              General Chapter was called in July
                                             (who died in Manila on July 11) and Fr.      1981 to elect the new superior and
 Provincial                   01- 03         John Bosco, our first Indian Guanellian       council and to see what to do about the
 India                        04- 06         priest (who passed away in 27th May and      new Constitutions. This was a chapter
 United States                07- 08         whose memorial mass we are going to          of substance and ideas. Few decisions
                                             celebrate on 5th July, 2021). It is good     were taken, but there was an important
 Calendar                         09
                                             that we revisit the pages of our             and deep reflection, and definitions and
                                             Guanellian history in Indian soil.           ideas about the congregation's Charism

  July 2021
Remember, Rediscover, Incarnate and Renew -

and mission were given. The fundamental contributions of         according to the Guanellian style and tradition. The matter
Frs. Beria, Pellegrini, Saginario, Credaro, Minetti produced     was to set up an implantatio: going to a new place and
documents that would become the foundation of the                transplant the Charism, i.e. explain by words, actions, life,
following years' work, until 1984-85 when the Special            to some members of the local population Don Guanella's
Chapter approved the new Constitutions. Before closing           perceptions and intuitions, our style of work and
this chapter of “principles and ideas”, a few practical          organization, the spirit of our personal and community life,
motions were seen, which had been presented by some              so that they could make it their own, take it up and carry it
confreres. Among the approved ones, there was the                on.
following: The Chapter Assembly points out for the General               At a distance of one hundred years of the first house
Government, as an element of its programme, the possibility      at Como, just on the 6th April, 1986 came a telegram for Fr.
to take our Guanellian presence in some other Country            Domenico Saginario from India, specifically from the city
where poverty is joined with vocations fecundity. (Charitas      of Madurai that announced the arrival in Rome of a young
n.190 (1982) p. 22)                                              Indian named Arokiasamy John Bosco, accompanied by
        It was just an impulse to move on, and later it was      Father Stephen Fernando, priest in Tamil Nadu. Divine
used to open the mission in Mexico. Yet, an observation is       providence enabled Fr. Stephen Fernando to meet the first
interesting: in spite of                                                                               young, John Bosco
internal problems such                                                                                 already advanced in his
as the fact of those who                                                                               studies and formation
are in our Institute as                                                                                at the Claretian
in others – were                                                                                       F a t h e r s . Wi t h t h e
abandoning religious                                                                                   permission of his
and priestly life, and the                                                                             superiors, he agreed to
decreasing vocations in                                                                                join our congregation,
Italy, in spite of the                                                                                 and then worked for the
widespread need to                                                                                     foundation of the first
reduce the confreres'                                                                                  home in India. An
workload to allow the                                                                                  important event in the
communities to “stop                                                                                   origins of our mission
and think” about the                                                                                   in India was the
new Constitutions, the Chapter wanted to keep a door open        journey made by Don Tito Credaro in July of that year 1986,
to the Charism expansion. The motion doesn't include any         accompanied Bro. John Bosco himself. They started the
motivation for this directive, which is included “as an          evening of July 2 and arrived the next day in Bombay, July 3,
element of its program”, but only two criteria: poverty and      the feast of St. Thomas, patron saint of India.
possibility of persons managing (local vocations).                       With the sweat of our forefathers, our congregation
        Soul and fire of this expansion movement was Fr.          has been implanted in our country and we are thankful to
Domenico Saginario, “homeland missionary” of our                 them. We, the descendants continue this journey with a
congregation. He spent almost the whole of his priestly life     vision and dream to fulfill the mission and vision of our
in Rome, first as a teacher and then rector of the theological    founder in our province. We learn from St. Mary
seminary, later as provincial superior, general councillor,      Magdalene, St. Thomas and from our forefathers to preach
and again provincial superior. Only towards the end of his       the message of faith to the generations to come. I wish you
life he got permission to go to Manila in the Philippines,       all the best for the month of July with the words of
where he died suddenly at age eighty, almost at the eve of the   Theodore Roosevelt...
Founder's canonization.
        He was the one who gave impulse to the first “long        “The more you know about the past, the better prepared
jump” of the congregation, towards India. A good                               you are for the future.”
theologian, he had a very clear idea of what was the real
meaning of expansion. It was not simply a matter of going                                                  Fr. Ronald J. SdC
for a missio, i.e. going to a new place and start doing good                                                   Provincial Superior

  July 2021
Remember, Rediscover, Incarnate and Renew -

                Precious Blood of Jesus
                                  - Fr. Franklin SdC
          This month is dedicated to the “Precious Blood of
Jesus”: every drop of the blood of Jesus fell on the ground
was seeking to save humanity and make everyone become
the adopted sons and daughters God, the Father. It is inviting
us all to listen and understand the significance of God's love
for all of His creation. The blood of Jesus, given for all of us,
emphatically asserts his proclamation: “I am the way, Truth
and Life.”
          The Precious Blood which we worship is the Blood
which the Savior shed for us on Calvary and reassumed at
His Glorious Resurrection. It is the Blood which courses
through the veins of His risen, glorified, living body at the
right hand of God the Father in heaven. It is the Blood made
present on our altars by the words of Consecration. It is the
Blood which merited sanctifying grace for us and through it
washes and beautifies our soul and inaugurates the
beginning of eternal life in it. It is the Blood that was shed on
the cross and is shed on our altars to purify everything.
Christ's Blood, which saves, purifies, gives life, and makes
everyone become the child of God the father. The shedding
of the blood began with the sons of Adam - Eve (Gen: 4). It
continues to this day.
          The first sacrifice pleasing to God was Abel's slain
lamb. This angered Cain, who spilled Abel's blood. To the
ancient Hebrews, blood was associated with the soul. God
says to Cain: “What have you done? The voice of your
brother's blood is crying to me from the ground.” (Gen 4:10)        and spared the Gospel until his martyrdom. He, too, was
And so, the soul of Cain cries out to God for peace. The            declared a saint by the church.
blood of Jesus delivers the peace for which Abel's blood                     In honor of the Precious Blood, let us receive the
cried. We are the blood-purchased children of God. At               Eucharist with ever more gratitude for the Lamb of God.
Gethsemane and Golgotha, the blood of Christ fell to the            May we find compelling ways, like the storied Pelican, to
ground and answered Abel's cry with a searing beauty                nourish others, giving without limit? The Precious Blood of
beyond imagining. An ancient medieval tradition spoke of            Jesus was shed for each of us, and he did not reserve
“the Pelican-in-Her-Piety,” as a symbol of Christ, and it is        anything for anyone. He gave everything, to the point of
an image prevalent in many a church and cathedral, from             saying that he has no more to give, not even water from his
stained glass windows to floor mosaics. Legend held that             body. This is an excellent teaching; he lived what he taught
when a mother pelican's young were languishing or dying,            and inspired everyone to do the same; martyrs are the best
she would impale her own breast to feed them from her               example. And may we pray to St. Longinus, whose vision
blood, which would revivify them even at the expense of her         was blessed by Calvary's blood, to spread the Gospel in
life. It is a stunning symbol of Christ. Jesus shed even the        whatever ways, be they small or significant, that we can. It
last drop of blood when he was pierced with a lance. Our            may not be possible to shed blood always and for everyone,
mother church believes that the soldier's name was                  but at least we can shed tears and sweat for the welfare of our
Longinus, who pierced Jesus' side with a lance and                  brothers and sisters.
miraculously healed and got complete eyesight. The                           What a faith, what a savior have we, that even a man
tradition tells that Longinus was converted at that moment,         who wounded the side of God may become a saint. Thus,
proclaimed Jesus is truly the Son of God, later left the army       what is our excuse not to try?

  July 2021
Remember, Rediscover, Incarnate and Renew -

       PRIESTHOOD – A GREATER LOVE                           honored with a shawl and bouquet respectively. All our
                                                             grandfathers were happy to receive them and wished them
                                                             to have a fruitful experience.

                                                              Nurture The Nature To Have A Better Future
                                                               Bangalore: On the occasion of the World Environment
                                                               Day, Mr. Ramachandran from Sanjay charitable trust visited
                                                               our Don Guanella Aged Home and distributed saplings to be
                                                               planted in our garden and sweets, face masks, chocolates,
                                                               clothing were distributed to our grandfathers on the
                                                               occasion of the 12 death anniversary of his son Master
        “To fall in love with God is the greatest of romances, Sanjay, who was loved and taken care with affection & care
to seek him the greatest adventure, to find him the greatest by our confreres. May God bless the charitable activities of
human achievement" - St. Augustine. Anniversaries in Sanjay charitable trust.
religious and priestly life mark significant milestones that
certainly need to be celebrated. This year due to the
pandemic situation, unfortunately, our celebrations have
been personal and rather muted. The Provincialate
community was indeed happy to celebrate the 11th year
ordination anniversary of Frs. John Paul, SdC and Rajesh,
SdC. Fr. Rajesh celebrated the thanksgiving Holy Mass and
Fr. John Paul preached the homily. Fr. John Paul thanked all
the confreres who worked hard to form him and his
companions to become a faithful Guanellian priests. The
community prayed to the good Lord to bless them and fill
them up with his power and grace to continue their faithful
service. The community thanked the Lord as they have                Solemnity of The Sacred Heart Of Jesus
created wonderful memories through their service to God. Bangalore:“The Heart of Jesus is the fount of holy love. If
Fr. Provincial Superior wished them that they may have from time to time you talk to Jesus as a friend, you will feel
more years to enjoy the love of God as they continue their your heart brimming with joy. Try it and you will see. He
service as Guanellian priests. As the part of the celebration, will instill peace in your heart, the peace of a child who
gifts were shared, a delicious cake was cut and a sumptuous abandons himself to his father's will” says our founder St.
dinner was provided.                                           Louis Guanella. On 11th of June, celebrating the solemnity
                                                             of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we made the renewal of
              Holiness Will Save The World                   religious vows during the Holy Eucharistic celebration on
Bangalore: Novices                                           11 June 2021.
Rajesh, Stephen and
Rex along with their
N o v i c e M a s t e r F r.
Shantham, accompanied
by our former Novice
Master Fr. Adaikalam,
joined Bangalore
community on 17th June
to experience the school
of holiness. Fr. Kulandaisamy, the superior of the
community gave warm welcome and all one of them were

  July 2021
Remember, Rediscover, Incarnate and Renew -

     Celebration of Ordination Anniversary                     and honored Fr. M. Vincent with shawls. With a Solemn
Cuddalore: Boys Home Community celebrated 10              th   blessing of the new parish priest, the celebration came to an
ordination anniversary of                                      end. May our Lady of Perpetual Succor intercede for the
Fr. A. P. Samy and wished                                      welfare of the parish.
him all the best for his
higher studies. They also                                          Welcoming to the New Superior and the
celebrated 12 Ordination                                                          Director
Anniversary of Frs.
S. Francis, Superior of the
community and
C. Lourdhuraj, Director of
Boys Home.
        A Thanksgiving
Holy Mass was celebrated
in the Sagayamadha Parish.
In the afternoon Rev. Fr.
Ronald, SdC, Provincial
Superior honored them with a shawl. After that, a              Sivakasi: Krishnaperi community welcomed the new
sumptuous lunch was offered as a part of sharing the joy of    superior Fr. Chandra Nevis, and Fr. Antony Samy, the
celebration. With the final blessing of Provincial Superior,    director, to the community on 16 th June 2021. Fr.
the celebration came to end.                                   Kanikkairaj and Fr. X. Vimal welcomed them and the
                                                               following day teachers from the high school and primary
         Installation of New Parish Priest                     school came to the community to welcome the new fathers
                                                               with shawl. At the end Fr. Chandra Nevis, the superior,
                                                               along with the community remembered and thanked Fr. S.P.
                                                               Samy and Fr. Vincent also thanked Fr. Ronald provincial of
                                                               Divine Providence Province for their valuable presence and

                                                                         The Rich Guanellian Tradition
                                                               Vatluru: “I invite you to
                                                               discover the riches that are
                                                               hidden in the Heart of Jesus,
                                                               to learn to love your
                                                               neighbor.” The devotion to
Cuddalore: There was a joyful occasion in our Lady of          the heart of Jesus has Christ
Perpetual Succor Church, Samupilliai Nagar Cuddalore on        is unconditional love at its
June 23. The new Parish Priest Fr. Vincent, SdC was            center, exemplified in the
installed by Rev. Fr. Antony Lourthuraj, VF, in the presence   blood and water which
of Rev. Fr. J. Ronald, SdC the Provincial Superior, Rev. Fr.   poured forth from Christ's heart in his sacrifice on the cross
S. Francis, Superior and Provincial Councilor and some of      says Pope Francis. The solemnity of the great feast of Sacred
our Guanellian confreres. The service began with Holy          Heart of Jesus was celebrated in Guanella Karunalaya in a
Spirit song and V. F. readout the appointment letter of        simple manner due to the pandemic Covid -19. During the
Bishop to the Parishioners. New Parish Priest took Oath        Eucharistic celebration confreres renewed their vows as the
and blessed the Church with Holy water. Then, the              part of our rich Guanellian tradition and also entrusted all
Provincial Superior thanked outgoing Parish Priest and         the members of the congregation to the sacred heart of Jesus
wished incoming Parish Priest. Some of the Parishioners        and entreated for them to give good health to do His ministry
and pious groups participated in the event and welcomed        well.

  July 2021
Remember, Rediscover, Incarnate and Renew -

           11th Ordination Anniversary                         his gratitude to Fr. David and wished him for his new
Vatluru: Pope Francis reminded newly ordained priests of assignment as an Administrator of Don Guanella Special
Rome with the following words. "Be shepherds" like Jesus. School, Chennai.
"Shepherds of the holy, faithful people of God. Shepherds
who go with the people of God -- sometimes ahead of the
flock, sometimes in the midst of it or behind it, but always
there with the people of God." Priesthood is a gift of God. It
is to be cherished and loved, and so, the community
celebrated the 11 ordination anniversary of our superior
Rev. Fr. Assisi, superior of the community and his
companions in a simplest manner due to the pandemic
Covid -19.

                                                                             Welcoming Cuddalore
                                                              Cuddalore: St. Joseph's Minor Seminary cordially
                                                              welcomed Fr. Perianayagam and Fr. Vanathyan the new
                                                              community members on 27th of June. Rev. Fr. Adaikalam,
                                                              Superior of the community welcomed the fathers together
                                                              with neighboring Guanellian Sisters. Fr. Periyanayagam is
          Online Class for Good Children                      appointed as the Vice Rector of the minor Seminary and Fr.
Chennai: Don Guanella Special School initiated the online     Vanathyan  will do his higher studies (MSW) in St. Joseph's
                                  classes on 08th June to the College. We wish them all the best with our prayers.
                                  Special children. This
                                  brings the students and the
                                  staff in connect through
                                  virtual mode. This helps
                                  the students to acquire
                                  knowledge as well as
                                  special teachers to access
                                  the mental health. The
                                  online class were conducted
                                  to ninety special children.
                                  They get aid from the
teacher to improve their knowledge in pandemic. The                             Covid Vaccination
school staff are initializing the new methods of teaching to Thalavadi:The whole world is experiencing a traumatic
make the special children to understand.                      and a disastrous period due to COVID- 19 pandemic.
                                                             Our residents are protected so far with zero cases in
               Welcoming and Thanking                        Nazareth Illam, Home for the Mentally Ill. In addition
Chennai: Fr. Anandhan, Director of Don Guanella Special      to following the protocols both from the government
School welcomed Fr. Achariyam SdC, the Assistant             and our institution and other safety measures, we have
Director and threw farewell to Bro. Arul Pandian, on his     realized the importance of taking vaccines to protect
completion of his regency experience in Don Guanella         ourselves and others from the Corona virus. Covid
Special School . At end of the program Fr. Anandan showed    vaccines are meant to protect us from this deadly
                                                             corona virus. Having understood this fact, our

  July 2021
Remember, Rediscover, Incarnate and Renew -
United States

institution decided to go for vaccination for all the       concluding rite of the Holy Mass, Fr. Leo Joseph laid hands
residents and staff. And so, the first batch of the          on each of the fathers and blessed them with holy water from
residents (above 45 years old) was vaccinated with          Lourdes. After the conclusion of the Holy Mass, Fr. Leo and
Covishield on June 3, 2021. Followed by that, the           Fr. Joseph led the faithful in procession to the statue of St.
second batch of the residents (below 45 years old)          Joseph. Fr. Joseph gave the official blessing and sprinkled
along with the staff was vaccinated with Covaxin on         the statue with holy water. Special balloons were released in
June 12, 2021. This was done with the great initiative of   joyous celebration of the event.
Mr. Srinivas, District Differently Abled Welfare
Officer who had arranged this vaccination programme                    St. Joseph- Guide for Fathers
along with the local health department right after our
request. The community is well assured of our safety
and protection after the vaccination yet we continue to
follow the safety measures as said above.

                                                            Grass Lake - As part of the series of talks about St. Joseph at
                                                            the Pious Union for the Year of St. Joseph, Fr. Tim
                                                            MacDonald of Queen of the Miraculous Medal parish in
                                                            nearby Jackson gave his own testimony of how St. Joseph
                                                            guides him. During his talk, Fr. Tim revealed how his entire
                                                            family was devoted to God and to St. Joseph so much, so
                                                            that three sons have become priests. His message was
                                                            beautiful and inspired those who came to the Shrine for the
                                                            talk and for those who tuned in live on Facebook on Sunday,
                                                            June 20th. The next presentation will be on Sunday, July 18th
                                                            on the topic “St. Joseph, Lover of Poverty” at the Shrine of
                                                            St. Joseph and will be streamed live in the Shrine's
          St. Joseph Welcomes Pilgrims                      Facebook page.
Grass Lake – In honor of the Year of St. Joseph, a new
statue was installed at the entryway to the Shrine of St.                Great Food with Golf &
Joseph in order to welcome                                            Glory Support St. Louis Center
pilgrims. On 20 June, the                                   Chelsea - During the month of June, two events took place
national celebration for fathers                            in Ann Arbor to support the residents of St. Louis Center.
in the United States, Holy Mass                             The first was the annual Paesano's Tribute Dinner on June
was celebrated outdoors at                                  13th honoring Ron Hingst of Howell and the second was the
the Calvary followed by a                                      th
                                                            27 Annual Golf and Glory Outing at UM Golf Course on
procession to the statue for its                            Monday June 21st. Fifty
official dedication. Nearly 150                             people were on hand to
people attended Mass including                              enjoy the annual
many fathers who were invited                               P a e s a n o ' s Tr i b u t e
to lead the entrance procession.                            Dinner and to thank
Carolyn Whitker presented Fr.                               Ron Hingst for his
Joseph Rinaldo with flowers to                               many years of volunteer
adorn the altar. Before the                                 service for the financial

  July 2021
Remember, Rediscover, Incarnate and Renew -
United States

support of SLC. Hingst has been critical to the operation of                       Two Graduations
this outing from the beginning, and became a Co-Chair of     Sacred Heart School had two graduations celebrations this
the event seventeen years ago. Hockey was the theme for the  past June. The 8th Grade Graduation Mass was held on June
evening as several of Ron's longtime team mates came out to  7th. Our Kindergarten Graduation Mass was held on June
pay him homage.                                              9th. The faculty and staff, Fr. Silvio, Fr. Peri, and Fr. Bernad,
                                                             gathered for an end-of-the-
Local Store Employs St. Louis Center Resident year celebration at a local
Chelsea – A local farm supply store recently hired St. Louis restaurant to celebrate the
Center resident,                                             end of the school year.
Stanley, to keep                                             Sacred Heart Church could
the store clean.                                             not  have their usual feast
Stanley was very                                             this year but instead had a
excited to start                                             Feast-to-Go   on June 25-27.
his new job on                                               Everyone enjoyed the
June 16 . Three                                              delicious  food prepared by
job coaches were                                             a group of wonderful volunteers.
on hand the first
day to help him                                                                    Corpus Christi
and make sure                                                Michigan: On Sunday, June 6, 2021, the parish of Our Lady
everything went smoothly. Stanley will be learning about of Fatima, Michigan Center, Michigan, US, celebrated the
the different types of equipment the store sells as well as Feast of Corpus Christi. The feast of Corpus Christi began
help to take care of the chickens.                           with Mass with our Pastor Father Satheesh Alphonse
                                                             presiding. This great feast is to proclaim the truth of
                Heroic Actions Honored                       transubstantiation of bread and wine into the actual body of
                                                             Christ. After the Mass, the congregation led by Fr. Satheesh
                                                             carrying our Blessed Lord in the Monstrance, went in
                                                             procession around the church property. While processing,
                                                             hymns and litanies to the precious Body were sung. The
                                                             assembly stopped at four altars along the route to represent
                                                             the four corners of the world. Prayers were offered for peace
                                                             and healing for the entire world. Corpus Christi processions
                                                             are offered as a public statement that the sacrifice of Christ
                                                             was for the salvation of the entire world. The parishioners of
                                                             Our Lady of Fatima
                                                             proudly proclaimed
                                                             in this public display
                                                             that Jesus is truly
                                                             present in the Most
Chelsea – On June 4 a young St. Louis Center was Blessed Sacrament.

recognized for his heroic actions during a pizza party award The event came to
ceremony. This young man helped to keep a fellow resident e n d            w i t h
safe while outdoors. Social Services Supervisor Sheryl       Benediction     in the
Mohr presented him with a Superhero certificate to church.
commemorate the event.

  July 2021
Remember, Rediscover, Incarnate and Renew -

           July Calendar of Event

03   St. Thomas, Apostle
     Foundation Day - India
04   Anniversary of the First Communication
     of Blessed Clare Bosatta (1869)
16   Our Lady of Mount Carmel
18   St. Camillus de Lellis
22   St. Mary Magadalene
25   St. James, Apostle
26   St. Joachim and Anne
31   St. Ignatius of Loyola

      Best Wishes and Prayers to
01   Fr. C. Lourduraj
08   Fr. Arulraj
10   Fr. Benson, Bro. Arun Kumar A,
     Bro. Jestin Jeromin A.
11   Fr. Vellington
17   Fr. M. Jeyaseelan
18   Fr. Bosco Yesuraj M.                                     Prayer of St. Ignatius
20   Bro. Philomin Raja S.
23   Bro. Arockia Jayaseelan M.                       “Take, Lord, receive all my liberty, my
28   Fr. M. Jeyaseelan                           memory, my understanding, my whole will, all
                                                  that I have and all that I possess. You gave it
30   Fr. M. John Paul                              all to me, Lord; I give it all back to you. Do
                                                    with it as you will, according to your good
                 Feast days                       pleasure. Give me your love and your grace;
                                                        for with this I have all that I need.”
25   Fr. James Stanley Babu                                                                  -Amen
31   Fr. Loyola Diraviam

           Ordination Anniversary

15   Fr. Maria Arokiadass: 21st Ordination Day
22   Fr. Sebastian: 21st Ordination Day
24   Fr. Satheesh: 19th Ordination Day
26   Fr. Chandra Nevis: 19th Ordination Day
29   Fr. John Joseph: 26th Ordination Day

 July 2021
Remember, Rediscover, Incarnate and Renew -
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